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英语写作教程 English Writing Course Lecture 4. Narration





Lecture 4 Narration (1)

Prewriting: Free Writing (1)

Activity: Freewriting about a memorable event or experience in your life (2)

Part I. Organisation: Narration – Time Order (4)

Time order words and phrases (5)

Writing Practice One. Time Order Words (6)

Writing Practice Two. Time Order Paragraph (8)

Part II. Grammar and Mechanics – Simple Present Tense and Adverbs of Frequency (9)

Simple Present Tenses (11)

Position of Adverbs of Frequency (11)

Practice 1: Simple Present Tense and Adverb Frequency (12)

Comma Rules (15)

Practice 2: Punctuation – comma rules (16)

Writing Task 1: A Traditional Wedding (17)

Part III. Sentence Structure: Compound Sentences (18)

Questions on the model (19)

Compound Sentences (19)

Practice 3. Compound Sentences: with, and, or, but, so (20)

Writing Task 2. Sentence Combining (22)

Part IV The Writing Portfolio (24)

STEP 1. Prewrite to get ideas (24)

STEP 2. Organize the ideas (24)

STEP 3. Write the Rough Draft. (24)

STEP 4. Edit the Rough Draft (25)

STEP 5. Write the Second Draft (26)

STEP 6. Write the Final Draft. (26)

Part V. Vocabulary to Enhance your Writing (26)

Lecture 4 Narration

In this lecture, you will concentrate on writing narration, a kind of writing in which you report events. In the first part of the lecture, you will write about an event or experience that happened to you in the past. In the second part, you will write about the traditional events of a wedding.

Prewriting: Free Writing

Freewriting is a way first to get and then to develop ideas. When you freewrite, you write “freely” – without stopping – on a topic for a specific amount of time. You just write down sentences as you think of them without worrying about whether your sentences are correct or not. Y ou also don’t have to punctuate sentences or capitalize words. Y ou can even write incomplete sentences or phrases. The main goal in freewriting is to keep your pencil moving across the paper.

Now look at this student’s example of freewriting on the topic “A Memorable Even in my life”

The student freewrote until he found a good topic: the earthquake. If he had wanted to, he could have done further freewriting about his earthquake experience to develop this topic.

Activity: Freewriting about a memorable event or experience in your


Now you try it. Freewrite about a memorable event or experience in your life. This might be a happy day, a sad event, an embarrassing moment, an interesting trip, or a frightening experience. Write for about ten minutes without stopping. If you find a topic during your freewriting, continue freewriting on that topic. If you already have a topic in mind before you start, freewrite on that topic for ten minutes to develop your ideas about it.

Save your freewriting. You will use it later to write a paragraph in Part IV.
