American History 美国历史(1600-1900)




Pre-colonial period
Indians: The “first Americans”

America Indian
• In ancient times ,the Bering Strait was tied together ,it was possible for the Indians to walk from Asia to Alaska about 12,000 years ago.
• In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands. • Columbus believed that he had reached India and called the native people Indians. • Amerigo Vespucci discovered the continent of South America, the continent was named after him.
The Founding of the 13 Colonies
• After the British founded the first colony in America in 1607 • The Pilgrims ,in 1620, sailed by a ship called Mayflower and arrived at Plymouth Massachusetts. • Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North America.
Five chapters 1 Foreword 2 Preface 3 Accused King George III 4 Denounce British 5 Conclusion

American History

American History

美国全称美利坚合众国(英语:United States of America),原为英国殖民地,后因种种因素逐渐兴起而成为一个强大的国家。





















美国历史总结(时间线)美国历史总结(时间线)1:美洲原住民时代- 公元前15,000年至公元前1,000年左右,美洲原住民在北美大陆定居和发展。

- 不同部落在经济、社会和宗教方面有各自的特点,如印第安人、伊努伊特人和马雅人等。

2:殖民地时代 (1607-1776)a:英国殖民地的建立- 1607年,弗吉尼亚公司在维吉尼亚建立了詹姆斯敦殖民地,成为第一个英国殖民地。

- 随后,其他英国殖民地纷纷建立,如马萨诸塞、宾夕法尼亚和纽约等。

b:七年战争- 1754-1763年,七年战争(法印战争)爆发,法国在北美地区的殖民地失去了大片土地,英国殖民地扩张。

c:独立革命 (1775-1783)- 1775年,美国殖民地爆发独立革命,推翻英国统治。

- 1776年,美国独立宣言签署,确立了独立的地位。

- 1783年,在巴黎和谈中,英国承认美国独立。

3:建国时期 (1783-1800)a:建立联邦- 1787年,美国宪法起草并获得批准,建立了联邦。

- 1789年,美国第一届总统乔治·华盛顿就职。

b:路易斯安那购地和扩张- 1803年,美国通过路易斯安那购地扩大领土,从法国购得大片土地。

4:内战时期 (1861-1865)a:南北战争- 1861年,南部十一个州宣布脱离联邦,导致南北战争爆发。

- 1865年,北方胜利,废除奴隶制度,确保联邦统一。

5:工业化和西部拓荒时期 (1865-1900)a:工业化进程- 19世纪末,美国工业化迅速发展,铁路建设、钢铁和石油工业蓬勃发展,工业资本主义兴起。

b:西部拓荒和印第安人问题- 1862年通过土地法案,鼓励移民西部定居,导致与印第安人的冲突。

- 1890年,印第安人战争结束,西部拓荒达到顶峰。

6:两次世界大战和后冷战时期 (1900-2000)a:两次世界大战- 1917年,美国参加第一次世界大战,结束后成为世界大国。

- 1941年,美国在珍珠港遭到袭击,加入第二次世界大战。



American HistoryAmerica Between 1600-19001)Pre-Columbian Period前哥伦比亚时期美国最早的居民是通过白令陆桥到达阿拉斯加的,之后他们迁移到美洲各个地方。

2)Columbian Period(late 15th-18th century)殖民地时期美国第一个殖民地建立于弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦Jamestown,在1607年到1733年之间,英国共建立了13个殖民地,最后一个是乔治亚Georgia。


3)Formation of the United States of America(1776-1789)美国的形成13个英国殖民地于1776年宣布独立,同年,托马斯·杰斐逊Tomas Jefferson起草《独立宣言》,并于1776年7月4日的第二次大陆会议通过。


1789年,联邦政府成立,华盛顿Washington成为第一任美国总统,约翰·亚当斯John Adams 为第一任副总统。

4)The Civil War(1861-1865)美国内战在林肯继任美国总统以后,南方的11个州脱离政府,成立了美利坚联合国。


1861年反对黑奴的共和党人亚伯拉罕·林肯Abraham Lincoln当选总统,1862年宣布了Emancipation Proclamation《解放奴隶宣言》。



America After 19001)US and WWI (1914-1918)一战始于1914年7月28日,于1918年11月11日结束,历时大约四年。

American History美国历史

American History美国历史

II. The War of Independence
The start of the war: Lexington shot, 1775 The two parties: UK and the 13 colonies The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 The turning point of the war: Saratory victory, 1777 The result: America won, 1781 The end: Treaty of Paris announced the final victory of the Americans
E Superpower
XIII. The Cold War

• •
A. American foreign policy after 1945—anti-communist
B. NATO and Warsaw Pact C. Involvement in Korean War and Vietnam War
The Battle of Y来自rktown• Date: October 1781
• Place: Virginia
• Combatants:
• Americans and French Vs. • the British
III The Civil War
Time duration: 1861-1865 Combatants: the Confederate States in the south VS the Union States in the north Conficts: slavery; economic policy Result: the Union Army won

美国文学Chapter 16American History

美国文学Chapter 16American History
6.the New Deal(罗斯福新政)
it was put forward by American President Roosevelt who wanted to do something to deal with the Great Depression at that time. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up some efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to “save American democracy” and to overcome the most serious economic crisis of the capitalist system up to that time.
5.the Ku Klux Klan(KKK)三K党
The KKK was first organized in 1866 and then reformed in 1867 after the Civil War in the South and by 1924 it claimed a membership of four to five million. It was a violent society which terrorized and attacked on not only blacks ,but also progressives, Communist and socialist party members, etc.
10. American diplomacy in WWII was largely diplomacy towards Britain and the Soviet Union.There were two guiding principles behind all diplomatic activities:1>to win the war;2>to establish t postwar political structure in accord with American interests and to prevent the Soviet Union from over-expansion.二战期间,美国的外交政策大体上是针对英国的前苏联的,所有外交政策的两个主导原则是:羸得战争,按美国利益建立战后政治格局并阻止苏联的过度扩张。


People who lived in the Middle and Southern colonies went to more familiar-looking churches. The meetinghouse
What people believed
The New England colonists were largely Puritans(清教徒) The New England colonists were largely Puritans, including Quakers (贵格会)Catholics(天主教徒) Lutherans(路德会教 友)Jews(犹太教徒) and others The Southern colonists had a mixture of religions as well, including Baptists (浸信会)and Anglicans(圣公会)
2 3
4 5
hunting fishing forestry
grazing in woods and farms
four major animals:
planting in plantations
four major crops:
fishing in rivers and Atlantic coast
American history and culture (1600-1763)
Time Line
The agriculture of colonial era
Time: early 18th century History:

American History

American History

America after 1900
US and WWI 1914-1918
The result of the Paris Conference was the emergence of the Versailles Treaty System《凡尔赛体系》 in Europe and later it was supplemented by the Washington System in Asia
In 1789, the Federal Government was set up and Washington became the 1st American president.
America between 1600-1900
The civil war 1861-1865
America after 1900
(1) The Paris Conference on January 18th, 1919 which was actually a conference of division of colonies of the defeated counties was dominated by the following countries EXCEPT
(3)The American ___ policy was the official policy towards the Soviet Union until 1989.
(A) Peaceful co-existence (B) containment (C) Mutual support (C) political infiltration
America between 1600-1900



Chapter Two American History (1600-1900)1) The “discovery”of the New World发现新大陆①The “first Americans”were the Indians 最早的美国人是印第安人②In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, supported by the Spanish queen, he led his men to sail across the vast ocean in 1492 and reached some small islands in the now west Indies.He thought he had reached Asia and didn’t know he had disvovered a New Continent.15世纪后期,意大利航海家克里斯多弗.哥伦布,在西班牙女王的支持下,于1492年率领船队穿越浩瀚的大西洋,抵达了现在西印度群岛的一些小岛。


③Ameriga Vespucci proved that the land was a new continent.Therefore, the land was named America after him.阿美利歌。


2) Causes of the colonization of the New WorldOpportunity was a magic word.①The new Would drew English nobles (who dreamed of getting more land and establishing great new estates.). ②Drew other people who could not find jobs in England. ③Most of all , it drew the poor and the homeless from the farmlands and villages of Europe. ④Many settlers came to the English colonies in search of religious freedom because they had been persecuted in England.机遇是一个神气的词。

American History 美国历史 (Since 1900)

American History 美国历史 (Since 1900)

The Progressive Era
• social, political, and economic reform in the early years of the 20th century. Among the topics covered are trust busting, regulation of big business, child labor, urban poverty, the struggle for women’s suffrage, and measures to root out political corruption.
The Progressive Movement: a movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions. It was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals. Rather, it was a number of diverse efforts at political, social, and economical reforms.
The Muckrakers: a group of reform-minded journalists, made investigations and exposed various dark sides of the seemingly prosperous society.
In the social area, the demands were improved living conditions for பைடு நூலகம்he poor in the cities, the banning of child labor, work hour limit for women workers, and industrial accident insurance.

American History1(1600-1900)

American History1(1600-1900)

American History了解美国从1600年至1900年的历史,其中包括对美洲大陆的“发现”、殖民时期、独立战争、新国家的形成、1812年第二次反英战争、领土扩张和西进、南北战争以及南北战争后资本主义的发展。

1.The “discovery”of the New World2.Causes for the colonization of the New World3.The original 13 colonies4.The American War of Independence and its significance5.The establishment of a federal form of government6.The War of 1812 and its impact on the development of the U.S.7.The consequences of territorial expansion and westward movement8.The American Civil War and its impact on the development of the U.S.9.Rapid growth of capitalism after the Civil WarDiscovery of the New WorldThe “first Americans”The “first Americans” were theIndians,who, according to the scientists, crossed from Asia on land that once connected Siberia [sai'biəriə] and Alaska and first arrived in what is now the United States about 30,000 or 40,000 years ago.The Indians made a living on the land by hunting, gathering,fishing and farming.Christopher Columbus andAmerigo Vespucci亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇In1492,ChristopherColumbus, an Italian navigator, sailed across the vast ocean and discovered an unknown new continent, but he mistook it for India.From 1405to 1433 Zhenghe in Chinese Ming Dynasty sailed westward for 7 times ;the farthest places he reached were Red Sea and some African countries.The Colonial PeriodThe original 13 coloniesThe first English colony in theContinent was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.From 1607 to 1733 the Britishestablished 13 colonies along the east coast of North America. They were Virginia, Delaware, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia.Causes for the Colonization of the New WorldOpportunity in the New World was appealing to people from all walksof life, which offered them a chance to live a better life than they could hope for in the Old World.To get religious freedom was the other reason for many settlers.They went to the New Continent to avoid religious persecution and get the right to worship God in their own way in their ownchurches.The Pilgrims and the Puritans: the earliestEngland colonizers of the ContinentTo escape religious persecution, the Pilgrims leftEngland and went to live in Leyden, Holland at first.Thereafter in 1620, 201 of them sailed to the New Worldin a ship called Mayflower and arrived at Plymouth.The Puritans were dissatisfied with the political corruption inEngland and threatened with religious persecution, the Puritans wished to establish what they considered the one true church. From 1630 to 1643, some 200 ships transported over 20,000 Englishmen to the Massachusetts Bay.Features of the new coloniesThe colonists built a new way of life in the New World, which wouldplay a role in forming the American character.The features were: representative form of government, rule of law,respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise事业心,进取心.The War of Independence1775-1783Causes of the War: conflicts between the British government and the American peopleQuestion: State the War of IndependenceThe British government wanted tobring the development of the colonies under control and to collect more taxes. It practiced unfair price policies and put into effect many taxes for example the Stamp Tax.(印花税)在1756-1763年的“七年战争”(Seven Year's War)中,为争夺对北美殖民地的控制,英国与法国进行了长期的战争。



《英语国家概况》各章节概要知识点——美国部分1. Population, Race and Ethnic Groups 人口与民族世界第三人口大国,20世纪90年代人口增长更加迅速,将来60年还将迅猛增加。












Characteristics of the American population 美国人口的特征流动性。






Black people and the Civil Rights Movement 黑人与民权运动黑人是美国人口最多的少数民族。









James Madison, fourth president of the United States, is often regarded as the "Father of the Constitution." (The American History)
Ⅵ.Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement (开拓疆土和西进运动)
Chapter 15 American History (I) (1600-1900)
I. II. III. IV. V. VI.
Discovery of the New World The Colonial Period The War of Independence A New Form of Government The War of 1812 Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement VII. The Civil War VIII. Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil War
I. Discovery of the New World
Think about the following questions. 1. Who are the original American people? 2. Do you know where the name “America” came from?
3. Struggle during ratification ①Between: a. Federalists –Federalist Paper b. Anti-federalists, concerned the absence of Bill of Rights in the Constitution. ②Final: Bill of Rights.

american history美国历史简介(总结自托福词以类记)

american history美国历史简介(总结自托福词以类记)

美国历史American History -1Stage 1. Discovery of North America 北美的发现西班牙国王资助Columbus的远征(expedition),发现了美洲大陆。

很多人错误地认为哥伦布是西班牙人(Spanish),其实他是意大利人(Italian),这位仁兄最终发现了美洲,却以为自己到了印度(India),于是称美洲土著(Native Americans)为印第安人(Indians),(可怜的北美土著英文冠名权就这样被剥夺了。


美国历史American History -2Stage 2. English Settlement 英国后裔的定居Early colonization was under individual control. Two historical events:1.1607年一个英国商业性公司(company) 在Massachusetts 建立了第一个成功的殖民定居地Jamestown,可以推断此前建立的定居地均以失败告终;2.1620年五月花(May Flower)号载着一船被排挤的清教徒(Puritans)来到美洲大陆,他们算是美国人的祖先(ancestors/ predecessors),正是这些人当年的境遇使得后来的美国以追求“自由、民主、平等”为己任。

美国历史American History -3Stage 3. Colonial Era 殖民地时期当时的美洲大陆无异于一块肥肉,西班牙、法国都曾为了瓜分这片土地与大英帝国展开激励的竞争,其中最著名的就是英法百年战争,最终英国获得了对北美大陆的控制权。


美国历史American History -4Stage4.American Revolution美国革命(1775~1783)美国革命就是美国独立战争(War of Independence/ Independence War),战争的导火索是中国学生熟知的Boston Tea Event,随着Lexington 的枪声打响,战争宣告开始。

美国历史简介 american history

美国历史简介 american history
– both built up their military power – spied on each other – provided money and support to groups in Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, etc
America as a Superpower
Native Americans

Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes.
By 1865, only 300,000 remained.
– forced off their land – many died from diseases brought by the colonists

Willing to take risks and try new things
– immigration to the “New World” – travelling West to start a new life
In 1788, 13 colonies become the United States of America.
American History
(A few points)
Put these events in order:

World War I
War of Independence

Great Depression
American Civil War

The start of expansion to the West
1843: One thousand people travel to Oregon

3American History(1600—1900)

3American History(1600—1900)

3.2 The “Boston Tea Party”
Where there’s oppression, there’s revolution.
In 1773, when ships of tea reached Boston to be distributed, several dozen Boston residents boarded the ship at night and threw $75,000 worth of tea into the harbor. This came to be known as the “Boston Tea Party”.
II. The American War of Independence
3.4 Declaration of Independence 3.4.1 3 weeks after the battle of Lexington, the 2nd Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia. The Congress founded a Continental Army under the command of George Washington. 3.4.2 On July 4, 1776, the Congress formally declared the independence
Chapter 3 American History
I. The Discovery of the New World II. The American War of Independence III. Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement IV. A New Form of Government V. The War of 1812 VI. The American Civil War

Chapter15, American History (I) (1600-1900)

Chapter15, American History (I) (1600-1900)

III. The War of Independence
3 weeks later the battles of Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia. The delegates agreed to support the war. The Congress founded a Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington, a Virginian militia commander. Thomas Jefferson of Virginia drafted the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776, the Congress adopted the declaration.
III. The War of Independence
In September, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed. British recognized the independence of the United States. The American War of Independence shows that, in a just war, a weak nation can defeat a strong one. It had great international influence. For instance, the colonies in Spanish America rose up one after another to overthrow Spanish colonial rule.
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American History(I)(1600--1900)
I. Discovery of the New World
II. The Colonial Period
III. The War of Independence
IV. The War of 1812
V. Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement
4. both sides realize that their disputes should be solved through negotiation
பைடு நூலகம்
Manifest Destiny: 1. the inevitability of the founding of the U.S.
2. The legitimacy of the expansion of American Territory
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
A political theory from John Locke (British philosopher)
6.Treaty of Paris (In Sep. 1783 )
It was a historic event: by smashing the fetters of British colonial rule, the American people gained independence, which gave capitalism a chance for freer development. It had great international influence.
Causes: Trade tensions Impressments Territory expansion
1. the war made people realize the importance of a strong national government 2. Strengthened the feeling of national unity and patriotism 3. The Americans turned their attention to the development of the western part
3. the spread of American democracy being the task of American people who were chosen to do the lord’s work
1.Forced England to give up the Old Northwest (present day Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin) 2. Forced Spain to open the Mississippi River 3, the Louisiana purchase 4. Forced Spain to cede Florida and the Gulf coast 5. Texas Annexation in 1845 6. Got California and New Mexico (Now the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming) by war in 1846 7. The Gadsden Purchase in 1853 8. Alaska Purchase from the Russian Empire for $7,200,000 in 1867. 9. Hawaii, annexed 1898
The Pilgrims
The Puritans: wealthy, well-educated, a respect for learning The American character: representative form of government, rule of law, respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and strong spirit of individual enterprise
1,. A stable political environment 2. Enough labor supply
3 development of science and technology
4. National policy 5. Rich natural resources
1. Who were the first Americans? How did they come to America? 2. Who were the Puritans? What were the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American development? 3. What were the causes of the war of Independence? 4. What does the Declaration of Independence tell us? 5. What were the causes and consequences of the war of 1812? 6. What are the implication of “Manifest Destiny”? 7. Why did the U.S see a golden development after the Civil War?
VI. Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil War
American Indians
1492 Christopher Columbus
Amerigo Vespucci
Reasons: opportunity in search of religious freedom