unit 3词汇

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feature : v. give a prominent part to (sb./sth.) (1)East Asian dramas often feature ethical conflicts, divided loyalty, or concerns about the afterlife. (2)They had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner featuring roast turkey. n.特色,特征;容貌;特写或专题节目

on the latch: closed but not locked拴着 门栓(并未锁着) e.g: (1) let yourself in, the door is on the latch. (2) Do not forget to leave the door on the latch if you go to bed before I come back. off the latch: 虚掩的,半栓的

allege : 1.If you allege that something bad is true, you say it but do not prove it. = claim She alleged that there was rampant drug use among the male members of the group. The accused is alleged to have killed a man. It was alleged that the restaurant discriminated against black customers. 2. An alleged fact has been stated but has not been proved to be true. They have begun a hunger strike in protest at the alleged beating. allegedly : His van allegedly struck the two as they were crossing a street.

barricade oneself against barricade oneself against outside moral decay barricade oneself into barricade oneself into one‟s room e.g. The families in this remote village have practically barricaded themselves into their homes.

barricade : n a barrier of large objects, intended to stop an enemy e.g. Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major streets. Collocation: place/erect/set up/put up barricades 设置路障 remove/demolish/tear down barricades 拆除路 障 v.t. block with a barricade e.g. Workers in Spain barricaded roads and clashed with police.

【辨析】obstacle; impediment; obstruction; hindrance都含“阻碍”“障碍物”的意思。 obstacle指“阻碍前进的东西或状况” e.g. Her father's opposition remained only their obstacle.她父亲的反对是他们唯一的障碍。 impediment 指“妨碍正常活动而使前进受阻的事”, 特指“口吃”, 如: a speech impediment口吃。 obstruction 指“阻碍整个通道的阻塞物” e.g. Your interference is an obstruction of justice.你的 干预阻碍了正义。 hindrance 指“阻碍事物前进的人或物” e.g. It was proved a hindrance to our progress. 已证 明它是我们前进的障碍 barrier暗示有限制或阻止出入的阻碍物

reflection 1) 有损声誉的事 e.g. This is a reflection upon your honor. 这有损你的名誉 2) 思考;反映 e.g. Her achievements are a reflection of her courage. 她的成就是她勇气的显示 Cast/throw reflections on 指责某人 Cast a reflection on 使人们对……产生鄙视或怀疑 On/upon reflection 经再三思考 Without reflection 轻率,不经思

tranquil :calm, quite and undisturbed e.g. He has long been fascinated by the idea of a tranquil rural life after his retirement. 他很久就憧憬着退休后能过上宁静的乡村生活 e.g. Visitors like to stay in this hotel because it is beautiful and located in a tranquil lake area. tranquility: n. state of being tranquil e.g. 尖厉的惊叫声打破了夜晚的宁静。 A sharp cry of surprise disturbed the tranquility of the night.

vulnerable :(1)weak and without protection, with the result that they are easily hurt physically or emotionally. Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society. (2)more likely to get it than other people, animals, or plants. = prone, susceptible People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes... (3)easily harmed or affected by something bad. Their tanks would be vulnerable to attack from the air...

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distrust (v)不信任 mistrust v./n.不信任, 猜疑 1. distrust sb. or sth. you think they are not honest, reliable, or safe. = mistrust I don't have any particular reason to distrust them. 2.(n.) What he saw there left him with a profound distrust of all political authority.

tranquil & calm这两个词都有“安静的、平静的” 之意。 tranquil 指安宁的、平静的。 e.g. We found a tranquil spot on the bank of a river to have a rest. 我们在河岸上找到一块宁静的地方 休息了一下。 e.g. She has a tranquil life in the country, in a outof-way little village.她在乡间一座偏僻的小村子里 过着宁静的生活。 calm表示平静的、镇静的,指一种毫无迷惑与兴 奋的宁静状态。 e.g. He went straight into his room, his face quite calm.他径直走进自己的房间,脸色十分平静。

reinforce:make sth. stronger or more intense A stronger European Parliament (EP)would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries. If something reinforces an idea or point of view, it provides more evidence or support for it. The delegation hopes to reinforce the idea that human rights are not purely internal matters.

barrier : 障碍 e.g. The program serves as a barrier that stops children viewing unhealthy programs on the Internet. 这个程序作为一道屏障,可防止孩子在网上 浏览不健康内容。 trade barrier 贸易壁垒 cultural barrier 文化阻隔 language barrier 语言障碍 geographical barrier 地理阻隔

pry : 1) force open 撬开 e.g. Having lost his key he had no alternative but to pry open the door with a screwdriver (螺丝刀). 2)探查,窥探,打听 e.g. Don‟t pry into the affairs of others. 不要打听别人的私事。 pry sth. open/away 撬开,撬动 pry about 到处窥探 pry into 窥探 打听

rural:农村的,有乡村特点的; urban:城市的,住在城市的; suburban:郊区的,城镇的; Collocation: urban districts 市区 urban areas 市区 the urban population 城市人

【辨析】urban & municipal 都有“都市的、城市的” 之意 urban 指以都市中心为主的行政区 municipal 指与城市、市镇或其政府相关的部门、服 务机构,尤指市政府机构管辖下属于公共的、为公 众服务的设施、事业等 Nowadays, as the population and vehicles increase, urban districts seem to be more crowded. a municipal council 市议会 the municipal government 市政府 a municipal university 市立大学