当看到英语老师用红笔清楚地写着“Very Good”时,心里总是感觉比吃了蜜还甜,这也总是激励着我下次更好地完成作业。
一、初中英语口语教学中存在的问题 1.初中学生对于英语口语的障碍初中英语课本上的内容和难度是符合初中学生的学习能力的,学习中的主要困难源于它的英语特性。
二、初中英语口语教学方法的改进 1.双语教学的改进可以根据学生学习程度的不同,针对不同学生的困难和问题,只用英语组织课堂教学,或者用英语和汉语结合教学,这是英语口语教学成败的关键。
浅谈提高大学生英语口语策略摘要: 学生们学习英语的最终目的是实现可以用英语进行沟通。
本文从培养学习兴趣, 掌握发音规则, 学好英语单词, 了解西方文化, 提高英语意释能力, 巧用英语成语六个方面进行讨论, 旨在提高学生的英语口语表达能力。
关键字: 兴趣; 发音; 单词; 文化; 意释; 成语Abstract: The purpose of students' studying English is they could communicate in English smoothly. We could discuss how to improve spoken English on the following six aspects: to arouse students' interest, to master pronouncing rules, to grasp English vocabulary, to understand western culture, to learn how to paraphrase, to be expert at English idioms.Key words: interest; pronunciation; vocabulary; culture; paraphrase; idioms1 引言21 世纪是一个全新的时代, 是充满机遇和挑战的年代。
在这个全球化的形势下, 英语作为一种国际性的语言, 在国际交流中扮演着重要角色。
伴随着中国的入世, 2008 年的北京奥运会,2010 年的世博会, 英语已成为中国与世界沟通的重要途径。
据调查表明, 目前在国内, 学习英语的人很多, 但是能把英语说好的人却为数不多。
在大学校园里, 许多学生虽然已经通过了大学英语四、六级考试, 然而英语口语水平却普遍低下, 具体表现为表达时词不达意, 单词误用, 发音怪异等等。
想要 真正掌握 一门语 言, 最好 的方法就 是把学 习者置身 于一 个真实的语 言环境 中。但长期以来 , 在传统英语教学中 , 老师是主
动者 , 而学生是被动者 , 传统 的教学 方法注重语 言的输入 , 注 重语
法概 念 的分 析 和训 练 , 整 个课 堂都 是 以教 师 口述 为主 , 学 生缺 乏 独 立 思 考 的 机会 , 更 难 有 开 口的 机 会 。这 种 教 学 模 式 忽 视 了培 养 语 言 交 际 的 能力 , 对 于 学 生 口语 的 提 高 有 很 大 的 负 面 影 响 。教 师 的 发音 一定 程度 上也 影 响 着 学 生 口语 的 发 音 。标 准 的 发音 也是 学 生 认 可 英 语 教 师 口语 的 重 要 条件 , 准 确 的发 音 是 提 高 英 语 口语 的 先
语, 用 汉 语 思 考 要 说 的话 , 翻 译 成 英 语 表 达 出来 。
在这个全球化的时代下 , 英语作为一种 国际语言 , 在 国际交流 中扮演着重要角色 。随着 中国经济不 断发展 , 社会对英 语人 才需 求越来越大 。然而在实际生活 中多数人 英语不是 很好 , 尤其 是英 语 口语 , 因此很 多学 生都希望能够 找到摆脱这种 困境的正确 学习 方法 。为此 , 本文就英语 口语学 习谈 论 了一些 自己的想法 。首先 点出学习英语的重要性 , 然后就 当前大学生 口语的现状 、 口语 能力
浅 谈 英 语 口语学 习策略
姜 峰
( 陕西交通职业技术 学院基础部 外语教研 室
【 摘 要】 在 英语教 学活动 要 加 强 口语 教 学, 努 力培 养 学生 听 、 说、 读、
7 1 0 0 1 8 )
学习策略与学生的学习成绩之间存在着这样的关系:1.使用英语口语学习策略有利于提高学习者的学习成绩; 2.优秀生记忆与情感策略对其学习成绩有明显的积极影响;3.英语成绩不好的学生要想提高学习成绩必须首先加强认知、记忆、情感策略的使用。
关键词:英语口语;学习策略;教学Abstract:The Study Strategy of Spoken EnglishEnglish EducationStudent: Chen Qisheng Tutor: Zhong YongfaThe study strategy of spoken English is one of the most noticeable research problem in current English study and teaching. This paper start with the aim of the study strategy of spoken English, and emphases expatiate how to study spoken English. The relevant survey about the study strategy of spoken English and the academic record of students has thus relation: 1.It could be improve the learner’s result if they use the spoken English study strategy. 2. The distinguished students memory and the emotion strategy has the obviously influence on their academic record;3.The student whose academic record are not so good should raising their cognition, memory and the use of emotion strategy if they want to make their study more well. Thus it can be seen, the study strategy of spoken English has a reality significance to raising the students study. So this disquisition advanced that we should administer enough attention and recognition to the essentiality and influence of study strategy of spokenEnglish.Key words: Spoken English; Study Strategy; Teaching目录前言 (1)1口语概论 (1)1.1口语的概念与作用 (1)1.2学习口语目的 (1)2如何学习好口语 (1)2.1过好口语三关 (3)2.1.1发音关: (3)2.1.2句型关: (3)2.1.3词汇关 (4)2.2英语口语教学中培养学生交际能力的途径 (4)2.2.1加强听力训练,增加语言输入与储备 (4)2.2.2培养用英语思维的习惯,加强英语思维能力训练 (5)2.2.3采用分级教学 (5)3.1学习英语口语的其他窍门 (5)3.2.学习口语应该主注意的问题 (10)结论 (10)参考文献 (12)致谢 (13)口语学习策略前言:无论是在我们的中学教育或大学教育中,英语口语的学习都是不可忽视的,我们学习英语的目的大多都是想与外国人交流,很少是想从事文学翻译之类的,可见,学好英语口语的重要性,虽然我们的目的只是相互交流,但是实际上对我们却很难,因为很多人学习英语口语都没有一套具体、可行的学习方法,这也本文探讨的重点。
提高大学生英语口语能力的策略论文毕业论文(设计)Title The Strategy Of How to Improve CollegeStudents’ Oral English题目提高大学生英语口语能力的策略二级学院:英语学院专业:应用英语班级:08应英11班姓名:洪景媛学号:0303081104指导教师:陈文琴摘要在机遇和挑战并存的21世纪,英语作为一种国际性语言,在国际交流中发挥着举足轻重的作用。
关键词:英语学习;英语口语;学习方法;英语思维;学习兴趣Abstract21st century is a century of opportunities and challenge, English plays an important role in international communication as an international language. With the constant deepening of China's opening up policy and joined the WTO, hosting the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, World Expo 2010, English has become an important way to communicate with the world.Nowadays, for university students, learning English is not just only to pass the CET4 and CET6, it is more important to improve the oral English communication skills. In real life, most students learn "dumb English", and some students’ pronunce English with a strong local accent.English influence our lives widely. How to improve our spoken English to be fluent and native becomes a big problem. To improve this situation, English teachers should give all their efforts to their initiative, striving to improve their English level of dialogue. What is more, the students’ spoken language ability should be the primary task of teaching. At the same time, students must cooperate with the teachers actively, using their brains and mouths more to gain fluent English.Key words: English learning; spoken English; learning methods; English thinking; interestTable of Contents摘要 .......................................................................................................................... Abstract (I)1 Introduction (1)2 The Significance of Oral English (1)2.1 English generally impacts our life (1)2.2 English generally impacts our production (1)3 The Present Situation of College Students’ Oral English Learning.2 3.1 The present situation (2)3.1.1 Lack of a good English environment (2)3.1.2 Lack of diligence (2)3.1.3 Lack of a good way (3)3.2 College students’ problems in oral English learning (3)4 The Ways to Learn Oral English Well (3)4.1 Through English movies (3)4.2 Practice English with friends (4)4.3 Retelling the texts (4)4.4 Expand vocabulary (4)4.5 Learn how to use the idioms (5)4.6 Listening in English classroom (5)5 Conclusion (7)Bibliography (8)1IntroductionWhat is language for? Some people seem to think it is for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words,longer the words the better. That’s wrong. Language is f or the exchange of ideas, for communication.Use all your senses to learn English. You must hear English, read English, touc h English, smell English, and taste English. Feel English with your heart. Immerse y ourself in this language. Begin to think in English.Nowadays, most people know English is very useful. As an international language English is an important tool to communicate with different people in different countries. With developing of the modern society, and the improvement of transportation and communication tools, the world has become a global village in the 21st Century. There is no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign language. People study oral English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words. Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing and reading may make oral English precise and accurate.I have not so many chances to practice my oral English in my class so that I should create the environment of learning English by myself. Sometimes I read a novel, after the read I will make a dialogue, although it is really weird. Certainly, I am not crazy about doing that. It is only at some spare time or boring time that I will practice what I mentioned above. I do not belong to that kind of person who is not taking others' opinion into consideration, so I won't speak out in English when there are many people around me just for practicing.At pressure time, reading wonderful novels and some beautiful expressions, sentences structures, and learn from people’s different views toward life is a good method , sometimes reading some not-so-well-written articles not only because we can try our best to find the mistakes which are made in the article. At the same time, we also can make sure that we won't make the same mistakes in the future, alsobecause we can gain some very particular viewpoints toward the society and diverse experience of people’s life.Color words contain a lot of deep meanings, implies a different ethnic feelings. If we take into account the impact of cultural differences, we will have a better understanding of the implicit meaning of color words. The significance of this thesis is to enable us have a proper way to face with the color words, in order to enhance communication skills and avoid conflict of different cultures.2The Significance of Oral EnglishMaybe people don’t know other languages, but it is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. If you know English, you can travel all around the world. Many people traveling from one country to another use English to talk with others. A lot of ships on the oceans call for help by radio in it. According to the recent report, about 60 percent of the world's radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world's mail use English. At international sports meets, English is the language most commonly used and the most widely used. With the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, speaking is the most practical and useful method which one tends to be the weakest one of the majority of English learners. Because the time is limited, learning English at school, either to the students or to other social groups, the improvement of oral English is close-linked to daily life. Apart from theoretical knowledge, English learners should put emphasis on the oral training under the lead of the system. The social need of English language professionals increase greatly. Therefore, how to improve oral English seems to be a big problem that learners need to address.2.1English generally impacts our lifeWith the developing of society, we can see the English words everywhere. Whenever we go there are a lot of billboards are wrote in English. Foe example, we can see the toilet in public which wrote in English use “WC”. In the street, some clothes’ brands wrote by “Nike” “Adidas” and so on. There also have so many shops’ name like “KFC” “XXX Hotel”. With the launch Expo, more and more foreigners come to China, people learn English so that they can express their friendly. So it is very important for us to lean Oral English well. We can talk with foreigners and introduce Chinese history for them.2.2English generally impacts our productionNowadays, a lot of factories produce the goods to seal to the foreign country. They must ask some people who understand the English to search the people in the foreign country want to import their goods. Just like foreign tread. People not do the business in their own country any more. It is a good way to expand their business. And at the same time they can earn the both win.3The Present Situation of College S tudents’ Oral English LearningAs we all know, there are four skills in English study, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. And they are so closely related to one another. Now most of the students do better in reading and writing English than in listening and speaking. They can read and write, but most of them have some troubles to communicate. They can hardly express themselves with their own words. The purpose of school English teaching is to improve the students with these four skills. Large vocabulary and good grammar are the base of the necessary phonetics. But this is not the final purpose. The final purpose is to let students be able to use the language freely.Chinese students study English from primary school, some even from the kinder-garden. Through middle school to university, teachers and students have paid enormous painstaking care, but English teaching just cultivates the students who are suitable to take the exam and written English. At present, the phenomenon of “deaf English, dumb English” is still serious, there are still many university students whose oral English is poor although they have passed CET-4 or CET-6. Some are poor in sp eaking, some in listening, while some in both. They can’t express themselves fluently and they do not know how to.3.1The present situation3.1.1Lack of a good English environmentFor the impatient learners who would like to build Rome over night. Find a native language environment and live in such surroundings for two or three years and your English will naturally improve. But how can this be possible for the mass of learners who have absolutely no such access? Without any question, English environment is very important for the students to learn foreign language, but most Chinese students lack such good environment. They are learning English in a Chinese environment. At the same time, the English that we have learnt is traditional English, but native English speakers, they say Idiomatic English is in their daily life.3.1.2Lack of diligenceSome students don’t like learn English because some of them are not have a good foundation. So they don’t want to listen to the teacher in the class. A lot of English teachers are no t lively when they talk to their students so that they can’t attract them successfully. Of course, the most important reason is that the students are not work heard enough. Some time, they always pick flaws from their teachers, but never find their own mis takes. When they can’t finish the homework they complain their teacher,, they think the homework is so heard that they can’t finishit. They always complain the English words are so long that they can’t remember them.3.1.3Lack of a good wayStudents learn Eng lish in the class and follow the teachers’ methods to learn. It is not enough. We should find a way that is fit for us. Everyone has his own opinion and others’ are not suitable for you necessarily. There are so many ways to lean English well that you can choose some of them which are fit for you.3.2College students’ problems in oral English learningStudents are afraid of speaking out. Everybody hopes he can speak fluently English. But they are afraid of making mistakes when they speak English and being laughed at by the other people. Therefore they have no courage to speak. We need overcome our fear and speak loudly. Don’t worry about the mistakes. Some students repeat single sentences and cannot be process of leaving oral English. For example, if someone be asked: “How are you?” most of students, even some college students will answer: “Fine. Thank you. And you?” In fact, there are many ways to answer this question, just like: “Terrific”, “Good”, “Not bad” and so on. So try to express one meaning in various ways.As a student who has learned English so many years, we have lost a lot of time to remember the words seriously. We just learn them and use them and then we forget them. It is not that they don't know how to use the word to express but they have no idea about which word should be chosen to make their expressions more profound sometimes. The reason is that so many words we have learned and so many means the worlds have. It is self-evident that the process of picking up the ideal word will take some time and another topic will appear, in the other side and certainly the perfect word you choose has no chance of presenting itself. At this rate, the process of picking up the ideal word will repeat all the time. After one round of conversation, you seldom get the chance to practice oral English.4The Ways to Learn Oral English Well4.1Through English moviesMany famous lingual masters put forward that watching original movies is the best way to learn diomatic English. The master who made a deep study of Chinese-English/ translation and the literature of British and U.S mentioned that in order to strengthen the abilities of speaking and listening, he often stays at home watching original movies. The literature who served as professor of foreign languages at Taiwan University, in his diary he wrote that he got a great deal by watching original movies. Their experiences have showed that watching original movies is the most lively and efficient approach to improve oral English.But how can the masters improve their oral English though movies? The principles of selecting a suitable film for learning are very important. The movie materials’ selection is significant in English learning. There are also many different kinds of films, like comedy, tragedy, science fiction, thriller, documentary, etc. Although there are various kinds of movies, not everyone can be adopted as learning material, and what kind of films is suitable for learning is the key question for learners. Selecting a suitable film is very important for a learner to improve our oral English. However, some modern campus films, love story films, comedy films are good choice, because movies must be quite close to the modern society, so it is the key of choosing movies. When watching this kind of films, you should pay your attention to the films on what, who, where, when, how, why questions on the film.Certainly, there are different levels of students’ proficiency in college. Generally, according to their level of proficiency of English, students can be divided into three groups: elementary, intermediate, advanced. According to their level, students can choose the films that suit for them. They study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, accuracy, and appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.4.2Practice English with friendsRecently I find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place where we may exchange English study experience. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. They will come up with your problems when you make the mistakes. And if you can’t understand it you al so can ask them for help.4.3Retelling the textsRetelling the texts is very helpful for improving oral English. It is also can improve students' ability of oral expression. We can do some reading before we have the class, listen carefully and do some marks at the same time. Then we can have a try to repeat the story after the class. We must remember repeat it clearly, confidence and fluency.4.4Expand vocabularyNowadays quite a lot of students still memorize English vocabulary by combing letters, even by marking Chinese pronunciation, which emphasis on spelling isolated letters. Obviously it is useless, also have endless disadvantages. For example, we will reducing passion, killing enthusiasm, etc. As a result, more and more students begin hating English. That is to say, difficulties in memorizing English vocabulary become the biggest barrier in English learning.According to this, since vocabulary is a symbol of the gift of tongues, it is necessary for English learners to grasp the general procedures of memorizing English vocabulary in order to enlarge our English vocabulary efficiently. Thus, we have to raise our awareness of the importance of memorizing vocabulary.So it is necessary for English learners to grasp the general procedures of memorizing English vocabulary in order to enlarge our English vocabulary efficiently. We have a number of choices for encountering new vocabulary. We may find out new vocabulary, either by way of parenthesis or by design. And after coming across and identifying new vocabulary, we usually do not consciously make efforts to recognize them, we may guess or analyze the meanings of the vocabulary through any morphological elements that we have seen before, and associate or create an image of the new vocabulary from sound or form. However, as human beings, our capacity of memory is limited. What is more, our time to memorize vocabulary is limited as well. That is to say, we cannot memorize all the vocabulary that we come across. As a result, we ought to have a selection before we memorize them. Thus, we can classify vocabulary into three levels, and then memorize them according to different situations and demands.4.5Learn how to use the idiomsThe idiom is not easy to learn, easy to understand the confusion . People can properly use English idioms when we communicate with foreigners, they will immediately feel warm and love to communicate with you. So, maybe you know idioms each word, but put them together, you do not know what the meanings of them are.4.6Listening in English classroomHow to improve listening comprehension in a simulative setting has always been a problem which challenged English teachers. Teaching in target language, of course, is the most direct way. In so many ways teachers become the language model for students to learn from. They have to ensure that in class students are given enough authentic materials and practical chances. There are many factors affecting students’ listening comprehension. Listening comprehension is a complicated processing. “Interest is the best teacher”. First of all, teacher should arouse the students’interest in English listening, create an active atmosphere for students. Of course students’ oral English will improve at the same time when we having listening.5ConclusionAs English becomes more and more important in our daily life, oral English is the key to communicate with people who come from different countries. So it is quite important to learn oral English well .People who live in the earth can go to theplace which they can arrive at. With the development of economic, people between different countries communicate widely. English has became the most populous and useful language. But for different people, they use different ways to learn the English. The present situation is difficult. Some of them can’t improve oral English because of cowardly fear, they worried that they will speak wrong. So give yourself some confidence and don’t be shy, please take it easy. Sometimes we should create a good environment for ourselves. Take the better ways to learn Oral English from our friends. Practice English everywhere. When we speak to people, we also can get some valuable experience from them. If you can stick to use this method and do it by you interest, I believe that not before long, the lever of your spoken English will certainly be improved. Generally speaking, English is much more important than any other language. It has become the global language. As a matter of fact, there are more than ten countries speak English, for example, Canada, Australia, England and so on. They’re all developed countries. They lead the world’s development. It’s the main reason that English can make so great effort. I f we don’t have enough English knowledge, we would fall behind others. So we should spend much time on learning English.Whatever your specific goal in English learning may be, please speak out, persistence is always the ultimate key to reaching success. Conquer your loneliness! Conquer your shyness! Conquer your laziness! If you persist long enough you will win!Bibliography[1] Niu, Daosheng. English And China [M ].北京:中国科学社会出版社,2001.[2] Su, Xiulin. English Movie and English Study [A].福建省外国语文学会2002年会论文集[C ], 2002.[3] Ye, Huajing. English Reading Skills and Practice [M]. 上海:高等教育出版,2002.[4] Zhou,Chan. Comprehensive English Movie Scripts (Book1, Book2)[M].广州:中国广州经济出版社,2001.[5] 包延军. 无障碍大学英语阅读理解[M].北京:国际文化出版社,2002.[6] 邓炎昌,刘润清. 语言与文化[M ]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2004.[7] 杜学增. 学习的英语方法和技能[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1996.[8] 克拉姆契.语言与文化[M ]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000[9]利特尔伍德.外语与第二语言学习[M ].武汉:外语教学与研究出版社,2000.[10]饶成康.谈英语影视教学[J]. 四川:四川教育学院学报, 2003.。
浅谈小学生英语口语能力培养的有效策略论文(摘要)英语口语能力培养是一个漫长的过程 , 对小学生英语口语的训练更应该有耐心,有信心,决不能急功近利。
给他们创设轻松愉悦的环境,给予他们正确的指导,让他们体会到成功的喜悦,学生就一定会爱上说英语,学生的英语表达能力必然会大大提高 .(关键词)小学生英语口语能力培养轻松环境正确指导英语课程走进小学课堂已有数十载,作为一线小学英语教师,我始终有这样的困惑:虽然学生掌握了一定的词汇量,但是讲英语往往都是非常被动的。
英语学习的策略英文作文英文:Learning English is a long and challenging process, but there are many strategies that can help make it easier and more effective. Here are some of the strategies that have worked for me:1. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your English skills. Try to set aside a certain amount of time each day or week to practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English. This could include reading English books or articles, writing in a journal or blog, listening to English podcasts or music, and speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners.2. Focus on your weaknesses: Identify your areas of weakness in English and focus on improving them. For example, if you struggle with grammar, spend more timestudying grammar rules and doing grammar exercises. If you have trouble understanding spoken English, practice listening to English spoken at a slower pace or with subtitles.3. Use a variety of resources: There are many resources available for learning English, including textbooks, online courses, apps, and language exchange programs. Experiment with different resources to find what works best for you.4. Immerse yourself in English: The more you surround yourself with English, the more natural it will become. Try to watch English TV shows and movies, listen to English radio stations or podcasts, and read English books and news articles. If possible, travel to an English-speaking country to fully immerse yourself in the language.5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Making mistakes isa natural part of the learning process. Don't be afraid to speak or write in English, even if you make mistakes. Native speakers will appreciate your effort and will be happy to help you improve.中文:学习英语是一个漫长而具有挑战性的过程,但有许多策略可以帮助使其更容易和更有效。
在活动课上,笔者还组织学生用一句话去描述这个故事,就比方说学生在看了《鲁滨逊漂流记》后,有的学生说:his name is robinson crusoe ,有的学生说:he is a man;还有的学生说:he has no food and no water;这样,学生既了解了故事的梗概,对他们的人生观也是一个触动,无形中帮助他们积累了单词、句子和对话,为口语表达奠定了基础。
学习好英语的策略英文作文Title: Strategies for Improving English Language Proficiency。
Learning English effectively requires dedication, strategy, and consistent practice. Here are some strategies to enhance your English language skills:1. Immerse Yourself in English: Surround yourself with English as much as possible. Watch English movies and TV shows, listen to English music, podcasts, and audiobooks, and read English books, newspapers, and articles. Immersion helps familiarize you with the language's nuances and improves comprehension.2. Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives for learning English. Whether it's passing an exam, traveling abroad, or improving professional skills, having specific goals will keep you motivated and focused on your learning journey.3. Develop a Routine: Consistency is key to language learning. Establish a study routine that fits your schedule and stick to it. Dedicate a set amount of time each day to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English.4. Use Language Learning Apps and Websites: Take advantage of technology to supplement your learning. There are numerous apps and websites available that offer interactive lessons, vocabulary drills, grammar exercises, and language practice with native speakers.5. Practice Speaking Regularly: Speaking is often the most challenging skill for English learners. Find opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners. Join conversation clubs, participate in online forums, or engage in language exchange meetups to improve your speaking confidence.6. Focus on Vocabulary Building: Expand your vocabulary systematically. Learn new words and phrases every day, and use them in context to reinforce your understanding.Flashcards, vocabulary apps, and word games can be helpful tools for memorization.7. Work on Pronunciation: Pay attention topronunciation patterns and practice speaking aloud. Listento native speakers, mimic their intonation and rhythm, and record yourself to identify areas for improvement. Pronunciation practice is essential for clear communication.8. Read Widely and Analytically: Reading is anexcellent way to expose yourself to different writing styles, vocabulary, and grammatical structures. Read a variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, news articles, and academic papers. Analyze the language andtake note of unfamiliar words or phrases.9. Write Regularly and Seek Feedback: Practice writingin English regularly, whether it's journaling, writing essays, or participating in online writing communities.Seek feedback from teachers, peers, or online platforms to identify areas for improvement and refine your writing skills.10. Review and Revise: Regularly review previously learned material and revise grammar rules, vocabulary lists, and language concepts. Repetition is essential for retention, so revisit challenging topics frequently to reinforce your understanding.11. Stay Motivated and Persistent: Learning a language takes time and effort, so stay motivated by celebrating small victories and milestones along the way. Remindyourself of the benefits of becoming proficient in English and stay persistent, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.By incorporating these strategies into your language learning routine, you can improve your English proficiency and achieve your language learning goals. Remember to be patient with yourself and enjoy the process of acquiring a new language.。
一、口语训练策略1. 录下自己的声音录下自己的声音是一种优秀的口语训练策略。
2. 练习发音练习发音是口语训练的前提,英语语音的复杂性导致了学习者发音难度的提高,这需要学员在课外加强练习。
3. 模仿英语母语者的口音和语调模仿英语母语者的口音和语调是区别英语学习者和母语者的关键。
4. 英语演讲练习英语演讲是一种有效的口语训练方式。
2. 激励操作在考虑到学生的心理因素时,老师需要使用激励操作来强化学生对于口语训练策略的发展。
3. 选择适合学生的策略虽然上述口语训练策略都很有效,但不同学生可能会根据自身的特点选择不同的练习方式。
英语学习的策略英语作文英文回答:Learning English effectively requires a solid strategy that incorporates various methods and approaches. Here's my take on some effective strategies for mastering English:1. Immerse Yourself in the Language: Surround yourself with English as much as possible. This could mean watching English movies and TV shows, listening to English music, or even changing the language settings on your devices to English. Immersion helps your brain adapt to the language naturally.2. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to language learning. Set aside time each day to practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. Whether it's through textbooks, online resources, or conversation partners, make sure you're engaging with the language regularly.3. Expand Your Vocabulary: Building a rich vocabularyis essential for effective communication. Make it a habit to learn new words every day and use them in context. Flashcards, vocabulary apps, and reading diverse materials are great ways to expand your vocabulary.4. Focus on Grammar and Syntax: While vocabulary is important, understanding grammar and syntax rules is equally crucial. Take time to study English grammar and practice constructing sentences correctly. Grammar exercises, online tutorials, and language exchange with native speakers can all help improve your grasp of grammar.5. Engage in Conversations: Language is meant to be spoken, so don't shy away from conversations in English. Whether it's with native speakers, language exchange partners, or fellow learners, practicing speaking will enhance your fluency and confidence.6. Use Language Learning Apps: There are numerous apps and online platforms designed specifically for languagelearning. These tools often offer interactive lessons, quizzes, and exercises to help reinforce your Englishskills in a fun and engaging way.7. Set Realistic Goals: Define clear, achievable goals for your English learning journey. Whether it's passing a proficiency exam, traveling to an English-speaking country, or simply having fluent conversations, setting goals will keep you motivated and focused on your progress.8. Learn from Mistakes: Don't be afraid to make mistakes – they're an essential part of the learning process. Embrace your errors as opportunities for growth and strive to learn from them.中文回答:学习英语有效的策略需要一个坚实的计划,结合各种方法和途径。
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英语口语学习策略英语教育专业学生:陈启圣指导教师: 钟永发英语口语学习策略是当前英语学习和教学中引人注目的研究问题。
学习策略与学生的学习成绩之间存在着这样的关系:1. 使用英语口语学习策略有利于提高学习者的学习成绩;2.优秀生记忆与情感策略对其学习成绩有明显的积极影响;3. 英语成绩不好的学生要想提高学习成绩必须首先加强认知、记忆、情感策略的使用。
关键词:英语口语;学习策略;教学Abstract :The Study Strategy of Spoken EnglishEnglish EducationStudent: Chen Qisheng Tutor: Zhong YongfaThe study strategy of spoken English is one of the most noticeable research problem in current English study and teaching. This paper start with the aim of the study strategy of spoken English, and emphases expatiate howto study spoken English. The relevant survey about the study strategy of spoken English and the academic record of students has thus relation: 1. It could be improve the learner 's result if they use thespoken English study strategy. 2. The distinguished students memory and the emotion strategy has the obviously influence on their academic record; 3.The student whose academic record are not so good should raising their cognition, memory and the use of emotion strategy if they want to make their study more well. Thus it can be seen, the study strategy of spoken English has a reality significance to raising the students study. So this disquisition advanced that we should administer enough attention and recognition to the essentiality and influence of study strategy of spoken English.Key words: Spoken English; Study Strategy; Teaching目录前言 (1)1 口语概论 (1)1.1 口语的概念与作用 (1)1.2学习口语目的 (1)2如何学习好口语 (1)2.1过好口语三关 (3)2.1.1发音关: (3)2.1.2句型关: (3)2.1.3词汇关 (4)2.2英语口语教学中培养学生交际能力的途径 (4)2.2.1加强听力训练,增加语言输入与储备 (4)2.2.2培养用英语思维的习惯,加强英语思维能力训练 (5)2.2.3采用分级教学 (5)3.1学习英语口语的其他窍门 (5)3.2.学习口语应该主注意的问题 (10)结论 (10)参考文献 (12)致谢 (13)口语学习策略前言:无论是在我们的中学教育或大学教育中,英语口语的学习都是不可忽视的,我们学习英语的目的大多都是想与外国人交流,很少是想从事文学翻译之类的,可见,学好英语口语的重要性,虽然我们的目的只是相互交流,但是实际上对我们却很难,因为很多人学习英语口语都没有一套具体、可行的学习方法,这也本文探讨的重点。
1 口语概论1.1 口语的概念与作用口语是口头交际使用的语言,是最早被人类普遍应用的语言形式,所有的民族都有口语。
1.2 学习口语目的我们学习口语的基本目的是为了与别人进行交流, 能清楚的表达自己的思想与想法,进而通过口头交际学习、了解更多的东西或学到更多自己想要学习的知识,与此同时我们也能直观的表达自己的期望。
2 如何学习好口语学习英语的重要性已经是不言而喻的了,可实际生活中,由于对口语、听力训练不够,大部分高中毕业生、非英语专业大学本、专科毕业生口语发音不准,说话不流利且听力太差,无法用英语进行交流。
可聊天毕竟是为了学习口语,当然也要注意方法,即科学聊天法,方法实际上也很简单:1)英语口语学习方法:a. 聊天前做好主题准备工作,包括了解话题、查找所涉及的单词、准备能套几十个常用句型备用。
b. 身上装上一本15000 词左右的英汉小词典和一本1 万词条左右的汉英小词典。
c. 聊天过程中不要怕在对方面前查字典。
d. 聊完天后应对从今天聊天中学到的单词、表达法、句型进行登记总结,并背下来。
2)英语口语学习注意事项:a. 复习预习工作一定要做,只有这样每一次聊天才会有较大的收益。
b. 不要怕丢面子。
c. 自我对话与口头作文也是一种很好的口语训练法。
方法如下:a. 在阅读过程中、从书本例句中、从对话中看、听到地道、标准、典型、或优美的句子摘抄下来。
d. 经常回忆所记的句子。
e. 积累到一定量后分类总结设立“自己”的句子库。
注意事项:a. 一定要是“自己”的句子库,现有的这类辞典由于你未背熟所以不是你“自己的”,不过可利用它来对句子进行分类摘抄,以便查找。
b. 一定要对句子达到随口而出的地步。
c. 背诵的诗歌、文章也属“句子库”范畴。
d. 对自己背的句子、文章还可采用复述的方式来锻炼自己的表达能力,这对自己的语法、单词量、反应速度都是很好的考验。
在学汉语时,我们知道“熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟” ,英语学习也是这样,可以这么说,如能熟背英语三百句,口语交流基本没问题。
例如,苏格兰人通常会吞掉一些音节,澳大利亚人常将“ today ”说成“ todie ”;不少新西兰人把“ set ”说成“ sit ”;拉丁语系的人说英语,有r 结尾的单词往往加上小舌颤音;日本人说英语r 与l 分不清;东南亚的人说英语往往夹杂着本国母语的语调,而且t 音常用d 来代,等等。
希望大家能运用好本文介绍的两大法宝,把口语学好2.1 过好口语三关2.1.1 发音关:发音的正确清晰,是口语的第一关。
如th[3 ]是英语的一个特殊发音,许多人把它读作[s],自认为比较接近了,其实是错了。
2.1.2 句型关:句型是在自己脑海中建立外语语境的重要一环。