专八听力 mini lecture 技巧讲解

• 技巧1:抓主题,记实词 • 讲座文章通常采用总-分-总的结构,因此显得中
心突出,结构清晰,层次分明。此外,开头主题 、分论点或结论句中出现的关键性名词、动词、 形容词等,或对某一事物特点的描述以及分述各 点时的细节描述性词汇都是表达信息的主要载体 。 • 技巧2:表示顺序或层次的词句后是要点 • 这类表达有:first of all, …/the second point, …/thirdly,…/Now, let’s take a look at the first point,…等等。
• 技巧5:逻辑关系词(转折、因果、对照、补充等)后是 要点
• 常见的表示逻辑关系的结构有:what’s more, but, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, not only…but also…, therefore, so, as a result, consequently, hence, on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, besides, as well, in addition, furthermore等。
• 技巧4:表示强调、重申的词句后是要点
• 用来表示强调、重申的结构或表达有:what is the most important is, indeed, really, absolutely, of course, in other words, to put it another way, that is, in similar terms, to reiterate(重申)等。
• 技巧6:表达观点的词句后是要点
• 常见的表达观点的结构有:believe, maintain, consider, in my point of view, in my opinion, as I see it, in the eyes of…, as for me, as far as I’m concerned, according to等。

讲座一般为独白或演讲稿,具有口语性较强的特 点。
一般在句式上会采用比较简单的结构,不会出现非常 复杂或冗长的句式。
在一句中,尤其是主语或关键点之后会出现一些解释 性或表示态度、感受等的插入语以利于听者的理解。
In reading literary works, we are concerned with the “meaning” of one literary piece or another. However, finding out what something really means is a difficult issue.
专八听力命题规律透析 (一)
根据最新《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的 要求,学生的听力水平需: 1.听懂真实交际场合中的各种英语会话; 2.听懂英语国家广播电台以及电视台(如cnn) 有关政治,经济,文化,教育,科技等方面的专 题报道以及与此类题材相关的演讲和演讲后的回 答; 3.听懂电视时事报道和电视短剧中的对话; 4.语速为每分钟150-180个单词,理解准确率以 60%为合格。
Now, the third approach to meaning, that is meaning is created by the reader. ...
The essential point of this lecture is that meaning in literature is...
讲座的开始就明确指出主题是讲述文学作品的含义所 在,并且指明将从理解文学作品的三种途径进行分述; 中间部分将三种途径一一进行阐述;在结尾部分进行 了总结。

专八听力minilecture常 见问题解答
平时多听英语新闻、播客、电影、电 视剧等,提高对英语语音的敏感度和 熟悉度,以便在考试中更快地理解听 力内容。
保持冷静和专注,避免因紧张而影 响听力效果,可以通过深呼吸等方 式来放松自己。
在开始时集中注意力捕捉minilecture的主 题和结构,有助于理解整个内容的大纲。
注意听清并记录下关键的时间、数字、人 物、事件等信息,这些往往是答案的关键 。
在进行模拟题练习时,建议考生选择与真题难度相当的模拟题,以确保练习效果 。同时,要注重答题技巧的掌握,学会如何快速助考生了解minilecture的出题规律和趋 势,加深对题目的理解。通过对历年真题的解析,考生可以 掌握minilecture的解题思路和方法,提高答题的准确性和速 度。
听力考试涉及的词汇量较大,考 生应注重词汇的积累,尤其是学
听力考试中长难句较多,考生应 加强语法知识的学习,提高对复
听力考试涉及的学科知识较为广 泛,考生应注重相关学科知识的 积累,了解背景知识和专业术语。
minilecture是专八听力考试中分值 最大的一部分,占总分的30%。
考生在minilecture部分的得分情况, 对于整个听力部分的成绩有着决定性 的影响。

• 1.选材准确 实际上,“听”和“说”不分家的原则也体现在 TEM8考试中。考试听力材料均选自一般口 语性较强、反映现代生活的英语资料。因 此,我们可以集中精力多听一些大众媒介 英语,进行实战演习。
• 2.练习方法
• 练习听力时,大家可采取“精听”和“泛听”两 种方式相结合来训练。前者的重点在于深 度,后者则注重广度。
• 听力理解部分共分三节: Section A、 Section B和Section C, 共20 题。
• Section A: Mini lecture • 本部分由一个约900个单词的讲座和一项填空任务组成。要
求学生先边听边做笔记,然后完成填空任务。答题时间10 分钟。本部分共10题。 • Section B: Conversation or Interview • 本部分由一个约800个单词的会话组成。会话后有5道选择 题。 • Section C: News Broadcast在若干段新闻报道后有5道选择 题。 • Sections B and C的每道选择题后有10秒的间隙。要求学生从 所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 • 听力理解部分的录音语速为每分钟约150个单词,念一遍。
• 如何衡量自己是否听懂呢?平时一个行之 有效的方法就是“复述”。我们在听完一个片 段后,可将所听内容重复一遍,如果具有 较高的准确度,则说明真正听懂了;否则 需再听一遍。
• 与此同时,我们还应通过“读”帮助“听”,特别是在听新闻方 面。与其他听力题材相比,新闻具有其鲜明特点。新闻的 内容特别广泛,几乎覆盖我们生活的各个方面。听英语新 闻的最大一个障碍是对新闻词汇的生疏。因此,在学习听 新闻的初级阶段,我们可以阅读一些大众媒体文献,如报 纸、刊物,从中积累一些新闻用语以及一些政府部门名称, 如UNESCO(联合国教科文组织),NATO(北大西洋公约组 织),Security Council(安理会);单词如escalation(升 级),surveillance(监控),allegation(指控),smuggle (走私),quell(平息);词组如comply with(与……一 致),Pentium processor(奔腾处理器)等等。

▪ (2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 ▪ Giving examples 举例
• For example, • For instance, • You only have to think of • Remember, • Say, • Take something for example,
▪ (2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 ▪ Emphasizing 强调
❖2. 题型分析 ▪ 2.1 关键信息题型*
• 一级要点:讲座提纲的主要节点/大标题 • 二级要点:讲座提纲的次要节点/小标题
▪ 2.2 推理判断题型**
• 根据听到的内容和记录的笔记推理而出,一般会 有多种正确答案
▪ 2.3 概括总结题型***
• 在理解讲座原话的基础上进行概括、总结,有一 定难度
❖2.1 关键信息题型
▪ 一级要点:讲座提纲的主要节点/大标题 II. Reasons for the popular use of English
1) (3) 2) Economic reasons; 3) (6) in international travel; 4) Information exchange; 5) Popular culture; 2008
• I want to stress • I’d like to put emphasis on • It’s important to remember that • We should bear in mind that • Don’t forget that • The essential point is
▪ (2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 ▪ Giving background information 交代背景
TEM8 Mini-lecture的技巧(上)(2)

2008年专业八级考试听力部分Mini-lecture录音文稿Good morning, everyone. Today’s lecture is about the popularity of English. As we all know,English is widely used in the world. Although English is NOT the language with t he largest number of native or “first” language speakers, it has really become a lingua franca.Then, what is a lingua franca? The term refers to a language which is widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native language s are different from each other’s, and where one or both speakers are using it as a “second” language. For example, when an Indian talks to a Singaporean using English, then English is the lingua franca.Then, actually how many pe ople speak English as either a “first” or a “second”language? Some researchers suggested a few years ago that between 320-380 million people spoke English as a first language, and anywhere between 250 - 350 million as a second language.And of course, if we include people who are learning English as a foreign language all over the world, that number may increase dramatically.Then, we may ask a question: how did English get there? That is, how did English gain the present status of popularity? There are, in fact, a number of interlocking reasons for the popularity of English as a lingua franca. Many of the reasons are historical, but they also include economic and cultural factors that have influenced and sustained the spread of the language. Let’s go through the reasons one by one.First is the historical reason. This is related to the colonial history. As we know, when the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Massachusetts coast in 1620, after their journey from England, they brought with them not just a set of religious beliefs, a pioneering spirit or a desire for colonization, but also their language. Although many years later the Americans broke away from their colonial master, the language of English remained, and still does.It was the same in Australia, too. When Commander Philip planted the British flag in Sydney Cove on 26th Jan. 1788, it was not just a bunch of British convicts and their guardians, but also a language.In other parts of the former British Empire, English rapidly became a unifying or dominating means of control. For example, it became a lingua franca in India, where a variety of indigenous languages made the use of any one of them as a whole-country system/problematic. So, the imposition of English as the one language of administration helped maintain the colonizer's control and power.Thus, English traveled around many parts of the world in those days, and long after that colonial power has faded away, it is still widely used as a main or at least an institutional language in countries as far apart as Jamaica and Pakistan, Uganda, and New Zealand.That is the first factor. Now, the second major factor in the spread of English has been the spread of commerce throughout the world: the spread of international commerce has taken English along with it. This is the 20th-century phenomenon of “globalization”. Therefore, one of the first sights many travelers see when arriving incountries as diverse as Brazil, China, for example, is the yellow twin-arched sign of a McDonald’s fast food restaurant, or some other famous brands’ outlets. And without doubt, English is used as the language of communication in the international business community.And the third factor related to the popular use of English is the boom in international travel. And you will find that much travel and tourism is carried on, around the world, in English. Of course, this is NOT always the case, as the mutilingualism of many tourism workers in different countries demonstrate. But, a visit to most airports on the globe will show signs not only in the language of that country, but also in English, just as many airline announcements are broadcast in English, too, whatever the language of the country the airport is situated in.So far,English is also the preferred language of air traffic control in many countries and is used widely in sea travel communication.Another factor has something to do with information exchange around the world. As we all know, a great deal of academic discourse around the world takes place in English. It is often a lingua franca of conferences, for example, and many journal articles in fields as diverse as astronomy, child psychology and zoology have English as a kind of default language.The last factor I cite here concerns popular culture. In the western world, at least, English is a dominating language in popular culture. Pop music in English can be heard on many radios. Thus many people who are not English speakers can sing words from their favourite English medium songs. And many people who are regular cinemagoers or (TV viewers) can frequently hear English in subtitled films coming out of the USA.Now, to sum up, in today's lecture, we have reviewed some of the reasons or factors that lie behind the popular use of English as the number one world language. Before we finish, I would like to leave a few questions for you to think about: Is the status of English as the number-one world language assured in the future? Will it split into varieties that become less mutually intelligible? OR will some other language or languages take the place of English as world language in future? These questions are not easy to answer, I know, but they are definitely worth pondering over after the lecture.OK, this brings us to the end of today’s lecture. Thank you for your attention.Now, you have 2 minutes to check your notes, and then please complete the gap-filling task on Answer Sheet One in ten minutes.。

还有就是速记符号的使用,这个东西因人而异,所以不必拘泥于一种速记符号,只要自己能明白就好,举例来说,information--info,但是大家千万不要陷入到这样一个误区,就是光想着速记,而忘了你使用这些符号的目的,为的就是得分嘛,所以在听的时候要有个模糊的general idea,通过大约一个月左右的训练,基本上可以达到四五个的正确率了。
2. Conversation。
大家也许会问,在以前的英语考试中,老师只让我们读题干啊,说不用读题的选项阿?那么我告诉你,这是八级考试,不是大英四六级,所以每个选项都要看,看的时候要标记每个选项的主题词,当然还包括题干的反正意(即到底这句话是肯定的?还是否定的?),尤其要注意提干中的NOT,EXCEPT,INCORRECT,WHY,HOW 等词,这样的词在每年的考试中都几乎出现2-3个,具体可以参看历年试题。

听懂主题 理清逻辑顺序,有选择的记笔记,而不 是什么都记。 注意讲座的开头,一般讲座都会开门见 山指出主题和分几点做出分析。 决定如何利用草稿纸
提高长时间记忆力 a. 目的性记忆 b. 复述记忆 c. 关键词句记忆
Hale Waihona Puke h25提高记笔记能力
a. 把握讲座的结构: 垂直或阶梯式,要留 空间。
+ : many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc. ++(+2) more +3 most
- : little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc.
× :wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious ,negative, etc.
Commonly reduced sounds
There are a lot of commonly reduced sounds in American accent. While you’re listening to the following parts of the recording and repeat. To/at/it/for/from/in/an/and/or/are/your/one /the/a/of/can/had/would/was/what/some Most of the vowels like/æ /,/a:/,etc. would be reduced into /ə/
b. 了解出题意图:一般细节题会占5分左 右;但要注意词性的转换、思维角度的 转换

B. Small Mammals
External temperature regulation
Mammals do have the ability to regulate their Internal body temperature. In other words, mammals’ temperature temperature can be regulated ④_____ regulation Example: When you walk outside on a hot day, your body cools itself down by ⑤_____ Problem: what squirrel face is that their size sweating will make them lose too much moisture. It means they’ll ⑥_____. On the other hand, many small mammals could fit in the very tiny spaces because of their small ⑦_____. C. Reptile Reptiles are ⑧_____ animals who can’t control their own body temperature. Therefore, it’s a ⑨______act for reptiles to use burrows to cool down. Example: The level of ⑩______ is critical to the snake when they search out a place under rocks of a specific thickness. D. Microscopic Organism And even, microclimate also plays an important role in microscopic organism. The warm soil which is warmed by decomposing leaves in turn affects the growth and the conditions of organisms there.
95introduction to TEM8 英语专八介绍PPT课件

Interview 约800个单词的会话组成,之后,有5道多选题。
Section C:NewsBroadcast 若干新闻报道后,会有5道多
选题。注意:Section B&C的每一道题目后面有10秒的间
Ⅱ.阅读理解 (Part II: Reading Comprehension)
3、一般只有在大二报考专四,大四报考专八各一次机会; 如果没有通过,第二年可以补考一次,只此一次,必须是 在第二年考,不能推迟。例如2008年上大四的时候考专八 没过,2009年可以回毕业学校再补考一次,如果又没过, 以后都不能报考了,如果2009年没有参加补考,表示放弃 补考机会,以后也不能报考了。
项目:SectionA,SectionBቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱSectionC,共20题。
SectionA:Mini-lecture 由 900个单词的讲座和一项填空人
间10分钟。本部分共10题。 Section B:Conversation &
I.听力理解(Part I:Listening
测试要求:(a)能听懂交际场合中各种英语会话和讲话。(b) 能听懂VOA或BBC、CNN等国外传媒的节目中有关政治、 经济、文化教育、科技等方面的专题报道。(c)能听懂有关
政治、经济、历史、文化教育、语言文学、科普方面的一 般讲座及讲座后的答问。(d)时间25分钟。
Correction) V.翻译 (Part V:Translation) VI.写作 (Part VI:Writing)

l)作文中的论点未展开。这主要表现为没有按照要求在第一部分中阐 明观点,而是东拉西扯,写了与题目有关或无关的细节或现象。比如在以 IN SUPPORT OF DORMITORY POLICIES为题的作文中,一些学生不 是开门见山地点明主题思想,而是列举了一些寝室里的情况或评论一些不
• 归纳起来有以下几点:
1)不熟悉TEM-8写作的设计特点,以为只看标题 即可 着手写作。这常常导致在文章内容上出现严重偏 差。
2)对情景观点部分的理解一知半解,未经仔细斟 酌就提笔写作文。这往往会造成学生采用错误的语篇模 式。
3)忽略写作项目中对作文修辞框架的提示。这容 易使得作文思路或结构混乱或失衡。
A. B. 差的作文中从句和连词出现的频率大大低于好的作文; C. D. 差的作文中关键词和同义/近义词出现的频率低于好的作 文。 以上的部分简单地讨论了TEM-8写作项目的要求、预期达到 的标准以及学生作文中反映出来的一些带有共性的问题。在结
2、就TEM-8写作项目而言,要提高驾驭文章整体思路的能 力就要加强逻辑思维训练,通过各类写作手法的操练来提高这 方面的能力。此外,要提高语言的准确性,学会使用各种语篇 纽带,如 LOGICAL、GRAMMATICAL、SEMANTIC CONNECTORS,使作文思路清晰,论点鲜明,例证充分,语 言得体,真正达到写作的要求。
• (一)选择恰当的词来源: 说话行文都得注意用词。说话时或在写作的初期阶段,我们对词的选
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
❖2.1 关键信息题型
▪ 一级要点:讲座提纲的主要节点/大标题 II. Reasons for the popular use of English
1) (3) 2) Economic reasons; 3) (6) in international travel; 4) Information exchange; 5) Popular culture; 2008
❖2. 题型分析 ▪ 2.1 关键信息题型*
• 一级要点:讲座提纲的主要节点/大标题 • 二级要点:讲座提纲的次要节点/小标题
▪ 2.2 推理判断题型**
• 根据听到的内容和记录的笔记推理而出,一般会 有多种正确答案
▪ 2.3 概括总结题型***
• 在理解讲座原话的基础上进行概括、总结,有一 定难度
❖3. 应试技巧 ▪ 3.1 准备:熟悉讲座的结构和标记话语 ▪ 3.2 听前:轻装上阵 ▪ 3.3 听中:找中心、抓要点、理脉络、顾整 体、不遗漏 ▪ 3.4 听后:依据笔记填空、注意词性和大小 写 ▪ 3.5 功夫:速记——好记性不如烂笔头
▪ 2008原文线索(续前页) ▪ Before we finish, I would like to leave a few
questions for you to think about. Is the status of English as the NO. 1 world language assured in the future? Will it split into varieties that become less mutually intelligible? Or some other language or languages take the place of English as the world language in future ( Q10 ).
▪ 要点排列有序,此类题目一般笔记不遗漏要点就 能准确回答
❖2.1 关键信息题型
▪ 二级要点:讲座提纲的次要节点/小标题
II. Types of Information A. Information in history is (2)_______
--- facts, but no opinion B. Information in art history is subjective
▪ 通过分析推理,可以概括出三种答案:India, colonies, British colonies.
▪ 2008原文线索(续前页) ▪ “For example, it became a lingua franca in
India, where a variety of indigenous languages made the use of any one of them as a wholecountry system/problematic. So, the imposition of English as the one language of administration helped maintain the colonizer's control and power.”
❖1. 考试介绍
▪ 文体特点:
• 讲座文体正式(但话语标记有时正式有时非正 式),语言规范,逻辑严密,脉络清晰;
• 含有专业名词或术语(e.g. lingua franca );
▪ 时间分配(以2009为例):
• 8分钟讲座(边听边记录,发空白记录纸) • 2分钟检查笔记 (同时发答题卡1,网站有样张) • 10分钟填写答题卡1
❖1. 考试介绍 ▪ 选材特点:自2004新大纲后以“英语专业 知识和通识课程”为选题内容
2005 Writing a Research Paper (科研) 2006 Meaning in Literature (文学) 2007 What Can We Learn from Art? (艺术) 2008 The Popularity of English (语言) 2009 Writing Experimental Reports (科研)
❖2.3 概括总结题型
▪ 在理解讲座原话的基础上进行概括、总结;对逻辑 思维能力和通篇理解力是一种考验
▪ III. Questions to think about
A. status of English in the future B. (10) ______ of distinct varieties of English
— the Pilgrim Fathers brought the language to America; — British settlers brought the language to Australia; — English was used as a means of control in (4)
❖ 第一部分:考试介绍 ▪ 介绍该部分的题型要求、题型设计、选材 特点、文体特点、时间分配等
❖ 第二部分:题型分析 ▪ 结合近年真题来分析这部分的题型设置
❖第三部分:应试技巧 (重点) ▪ 结合Mini-lecture的篇章、结构特点对Minilecture的应试策略和技巧进行归纳
❖1. 考试介绍 ▪ 由来:Mini-lecture题型于2005年新考试大 纲颁布后实施;主要变化:选材更贴近本 专业、提纲更明晰 ▪ 要求:“能听懂有关政治、经济、历史、 文化、教育、语言文学、科普方面的演讲 及演讲后的问答” ▪ 设计:一篇900字长度的讲座,要求考生边 听边做笔记,然后完成10题填空;填空以 提纲形式出现
--- (3)_______ and opinion
▪ 二级要点在一级要点之下,一般是列举、阐述、 解释、分类等细节信息;题目很直观,解题有赖 于认真仔细的记录和准确记忆
❖2.2 推理判断题型
▪ 根据听到的内容和记录的笔记推理而出,听到的 答案一般不能直接照搬
II. Reasons for the popular use of English 1) (3)