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4. 变深;使加深
vt./vi. _d_e_e_p_e_n___
5. 在第三年的最后一天
6. 他们的爱已成为回忆。
_T_h_e_i_r_l_o_v_e_h_a_s__b_e_c_o_m_e__m__e_m_o_r_i_e_s._ _/_T_h_e_ir__lo_v_e__h_a_s_b_e_c_o_m__e_a__p_a_s_t_.___
twhheechreu(rc地h点):the chGuordch
lwovheat(事件):enjoyirneggtrhete sunrisbeecatmheesunset
tchoensbcuiottuesrnfelyss tearsfly love
hbueattretr-fsltyricksewneet heart-stricken
Legend of butterfly lovers
Selfless love
1. 所续写短文的词数应为180左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键 词语;
Group A(paragraph 1) 1. 目睹;见证 (vt) 2. 他说过的最甜蜜的话(提示词sweet) 3. 蝴蝶难过得情不自禁地哭了。(tears) 4. 变深;使加深(v) 5. 第三年的最后一天 6. 他们的爱已成为回忆。
Group B(paragraph 2) 1. 被打动的;受感动的 (adj.) 2. 揭露真相 3.对于我为他所做的事我从来没有后悔过。
“I can help you…for three years…” “Yes, I do! i won’t regret doing that!” God also felt sad … “Do you regret for what you have done?”
the title
the given story
logic the two given
the underlined words
Paragraph1: The butterfly knew that all these should have belonged
to her, but now they belonged to another woman. She could do nothing but rest on the man’s shoulder off and on.
Paragraphy1: The butterfly knew that all these should have belonged
to her, but now they belonged to another woman. She could do nothing but rest on the man’s shoulder off and on. _I_t_w__a_s_h_e_a_r_t_b_ro_k_e_n__t_o_s_e_e_t_h_e_i_r_lo_v_e__d_e_e_p_e_n_d__a_y_b_y__d_a_y_. _T_im__e w__e_n_t_b_y_q_u_i_c_k_ly_._O__n_t_h_e__la_s_t_d_a_y__o_f_t_h_e_t_h_i_rd__y_e_a_r_w__h_e_n_t_h_e___ d_e_a_l_b_e_t_w__e_e_n_G_o_d__a_n_d__th__e_b_u_t_t_e_rf_l_y_w_a__s_a_l_m_o_s_t_o_v_e_r_,_t_h_e_m__a_n p_r_o_p_o_s_e_d_t_o__h_is__g_ir_lf_r_ie_n_d__. _H_e_t_o_o_k__o_u_t_a_b_e_a__u_ti_f_u_l _ri_n_g_a__n_d___ s_w_o__re__th__e_s_w_e_e_t_e_s_t_w__o_rd_s__h_e_h_a_s__e_v_e_r_s_a_id_._H__e_a_r_in_g__th__is_,_t_h_e_ b_u_t_t_e_rf_l_y_c_o_u_l_d_n_’t__b_re_a_t_h_e_._H__e_r_d_a_r_k_e_n_e_y_e_s__w_e_r_e_f_u_l_l _o_f _te_a__rs_. _sh__e_f_le_w__a_w__a_y_s_i_le_n_t_l_y._A__t_t_h_a_t_m__o_m_e_n_t_,_s_h_e__re_a_l_i_ze_d__t_h_a_t_h_e_ w__o_u_ld_n_’_t_k_n_o_w__h_e_r_s_a_c_r_i_fi_c_e_s_a_n_d__t_h_e_ir__lo_v_e__h_a_s_b_e_c_o_m__e_a__p_a_st. ____________________________________________________
a. The man and the doctor married, and the woman left.
b. The man and the doctor married, and the woman remained to be a butterfly.
c. The man proposed to the doctor, but God uncovered the truth to the man and gave the separated lovers a happy reunion.
Single is simple,double is trouble, triangle is terrible.
How to deal with the woman doctor?
the underlined words
The two lead you,help you,and control you to go in the right direction.
• There was once a placid 平静的;温和的 ;沉着的and beautiful town in which there were a couple of lovers who would often stay together on the top of the mountain enjoying the sunrise and by the sea appreciating the sunset. Everyone who knew them could not help envying them and praying for their happy love.
logic the two given
the underlined words
They are the clues to help you create your writing logically
ewnhjooyi(n人g物t)he:sGuondrisethethbeutstuenrsfelyt consciousness
(提示词regret, 用倒装句式)
4. 唤醒 (vt.)
5. 遭受许多挫折 6. 男人震惊了, 越发觉得后悔和内疚 (提示词the feeling of regrets/guilt)
1. 目睹;见证
vt. s_e_e_/_w_i_tn__e_ss
2. 他说过的最甜蜜的话 (提示词sweet)
When to get married ?
Paragraph2: God also felt sad and sighed to the butterfly,
“Do you regret for what you have done?” __________ ______________________________________________
d. The man proposed to the doctor, but God uncovered the truth to the man which involved him in a dilemma. Finally, the man left.
the two given sentences
Endings of our students
白猫掉到河里,黑猫奋尽全力救 它上岸,上岸后,白猫对黑猫说了什么?
Continue thຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu story
You should find the clues in the story.
the given story
the title
3. 蝴蝶难过得情不自禁地哭了。 (提示词tears)
T_h_e_b_u__tt_e_r_f_ly__c_o_u_ld_n__’t_h_e_l_p__b_u_rs_t_i_n_g_i_n_to tears sadly. _/T_h_e__b_u_t_t_e_rf_l_y_c_o_u_l_d_n__o_l_o_n_g_e_r_h_o_l_d_b_a_ck the tears.
appeared between them. C. The man and the woman had an enviable love.
Development Beginning
Endings of our students
Endings of our students
3. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的 关键词语。
4. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你 写好;
Who: What:
a couple of lovers, God, the woman doctor
__A__ couple of lovers led an _e_n_v_ia__b_le_ (envy) life in a town.U_n_f_o_r_t_u_n_a_t_e_ly(fortunate), the man had an accident and was severely _in_j_u_re_d (injure). The woman _a_t_te_n_d__e_d_t_o_ (attend) him day and night. ___B_u__t ___ her lover was still sleeping, _h_o__p_e_le_s_s_ly(hope), she made a deal _w__it_h__God: to be a butterfly for three years in exchange for the man’s _r_e_co_v_e_r_y_ (recover), w__h_ic_h_ was a hard choice but easy to make to a willing heart.
The plot (情节) of the story
A. The man was badly injured and showed no signs of recovery. B. The woman dealt with God to save her lover but another girl