

权利的游戏 英文介绍

权利的游戏 英文介绍

G ame of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss as showrunners and mainwriters. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels,权力的游戏是一个美国奇幻系列剧创造了HBO的戴维Benioff和丹尼尔·威斯作为策划人和主要作家。

这是一个冰与火之歌改编的,乔治马丁的奇幻小说系列,The series, set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos at the end of a decade-long summer, interweaves several plot lines.该系列,在大陆和艾索斯虚构大陆长达10年的夏天结束,几个情节交织。

The first follows the members of several noble houses in a civil war for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms;第一如下几个贵族家族成员在七个王国的铁王座的内战;the second covers the rising threat of the impending winter and the Southerners' fear of the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North;第二覆盖的威胁即将到来的冬天和南方的北方之神兽、激烈的人民的恐惧;the third chronicles the attempts of the exiled last scion of the realm's deposed ruling dynasty to reclaim the throne.第三志流亡的最后接穗领域废黜执政王朝夺回宝座的尝试。



介绍权力的游戏英语作文英文:"Game of Thrones" is a popular American fantasy drama television series based on the "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels by George R.R. Martin. The show has gained a massive following worldwide due to its complex characters,intricate plotlines, and epic battles for power. As a fan of the show, I have been captivated by the various power struggles and political maneuvering that take place in the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos.One of the most compelling aspects of "Game of Thrones" is the way it portrays the different forms of power and the lengths to which people will go to obtain and maintain it. From the ruthless and cunning tactics of characters like Cersei Lannister to the honorable and noble leadership of characters like Jon Snow, the show presents a wide spectrum of power dynamics. This diversity in power dynamics allows viewers to see the complexities and nuances of humanambition and leadership.The show also delves into the concept of power as a double-edged sword. Characters like Daenerys Targaryen, who initially seeks to liberate the oppressed and bring about positive change, eventually succumb to the corrupting influence of power. This portrayal of power as both a force for good and a source of corruption adds depth and realism to the narrative.Moreover, "Game of Thrones" illustrates the impact of power on interpersonal relationships. The alliances, betrayals, and shifting loyalties among the characters serve as a reflection of the intricate power plays that occur in the real world. The show's portrayal of the complexities of human relationships in the context of power dynamics resonates with audiences and adds a layer of relatability to the story.In conclusion, "Game of Thrones" is a captivating exploration of power in all its forms. The show's portrayal of power dynamics, the corrupting influence of power, andthe impact of power on relationships makes it a thought-provoking and compelling narrative.中文:《权力的游戏》是一部基于乔治·R·R·马丁的小说《冰与火之歌》改编的美国奇幻剧。



The Wall is a huge structure of ice, stone and magic on the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. It is home to the Night's Watch, a brotherhood sworn to protect the realms of men from the threats beyond the Wall.
However, Daenerys' growing love for Drogo and newfound mental strength as the Khaleesi of the tribe mean Viserys' plans go unexpectedly and powerfully awry.
Across the Narrow Sea in the continent of Essos, the exiled, arrogant Viserys Targaryen , son of the former king whose throne was usurped, believes he still has the rightful claim to the throne. He marries off his younger sister, Daenerys Targaryen , in an exchange for an army to return to Westeros and take the throne.
These is Family crest and Family precepts
. .
George R. R. Martin set the Ice and Fire story in an alternative world of Earth or a “secondary world”, such as J. R. R. Tolkien pioneered with Middle-earth .


These people call themselves as free-men,to distinguish the People in the south of the Wall who kneel to the lords and Kings.
Next,let's watch a
video clip.
长 的 时 间 隧 道,袅
A Song of Ice and F ire
Stark Baratheon
The seven Kingdoms and the nine Families: Kingdom of the North of the Rock Kingdom of the Reach Kingdom of Mountain and Vale Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers Kingdom of Dorne Kingdom of the Stormlands
If you already have interest in this ingenious creation,I recommend you makeing time to enjoy it.You'll be fond of it!
进 入 夏 天 ,少 不了一 个热字 当头, 电扇空 调陆续 登场, 每逢此 时,总 会想起 那 一 把 蒲 扇 。蒲扇 ,是记 忆中的 农村, 夏季经 常用的 一件物 品。 记 忆 中 的故 乡 , 每 逢 进 入夏天 ,集市 上最常 见的便 是蒲扇 、凉席 ,不论 男女老 少,个 个手持 一 把 , 忽 闪 忽闪个 不停, 嘴里叨 叨着“ 怎么这 么热” ,于是 三五成 群,聚 在大树 下 , 或 站 着 ,或随 即坐在 石头上 ,手持 那把扇 子,边 唠嗑边 乘凉。 孩子们 却在周 围 跑 跑 跳 跳 ,热得 满头大 汗,不 时听到 “强子 ,别跑 了,快 来我给 你扇扇 ”。孩 子 们 才 不 听 这一套 ,跑个 没完, 直到累 气喘吁 吁,这 才一跑 一踮地 围过了 ,这时 母 亲总是 ,好似 生气的 样子, 边扇边 训,“ 你看热 的,跑 什么? ”此时 这把蒲 扇, 是 那 么 凉 快 ,那么 的温馨 幸福, 有母亲 的味道 ! 蒲 扇 是 中 国传 统工艺 品,在 我 国 已 有 三 千年多 年的历 史。取 材于棕 榈树, 制作简 单,方 便携带 ,且蒲 扇的表 面 光 滑 , 因 而,古 人常会 在上面 作画。 古有棕 扇、葵 扇、蒲 扇、蕉 扇诸名 ,实即 今 日 的 蒲 扇 ,江浙 称之为 芭蕉扇 。六七 十年代 ,人们 最常用 的就是 这种, 似圆非 圆 , 轻 巧 又 便宜的 蒲扇。 蒲 扇 流 传 至今, 我的记 忆中, 它跨越 了半个 世纪, 也 走 过 了 我 们的半 个人生 的轨迹 ,携带 着特有 的念想 ,一年 年,一 天天, 流向长


权力的游戏紧紧围绕《冰与火之歌》系列的故事 情节。故事设置在维斯特洛的七个王国,权力的 游戏主要讲述王国的七个贵族家族争夺铁王座的 权力斗争;在剧集之初,来自维斯特洛北部区域 的冰雪以及狭海以东大陆的威胁逐步加重。
Targaryen (丹尼
Varys: “If it’s swordsmen who rule, why do we pretend kings hold all the power? When Ned Stark lost his head, who was truly responsibly? Joffrey? The executioner? Or something else?”蜘蛛:既然生死取决于士兵,那我们为什 么又假装承认国王的权利至高无上呢?奈德·史塔克人头落地,应该负责 的究竟是谁?乔佛里?刽子手?还是别的什么东西?
Robb Stark( 罗 Catelyn Tully(凯
A lot can happen between now and never.
The climb is all there is.
The lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.
1. Meaningful eye contact can wield more power than actual words .
2. Being underestimated isn't necessarily a bad thing. 被低估不一定是坏事。
Tyrion: “Depends on the sellsword.”小恶魔:那要视那个佣兵而定。 Varys: “Does it? He has neither crown, nor gold, nor favor with the gods.” 蜘蛛:是吗?他既没有王冠,也无金银珠宝,更没有神明的眷顾。 Tyrion: “He has a sword. The power of life and death.”小恶魔:但他有利剑, 有决定生死的力量。



介绍权力的游戏英语作文Title: A Game of Thrones An Epic Saga of Power, Politics, and Intrigue。

Introduction:"A Game of Thrones," based on George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, is an epic tale of power, politics, and intrigue set in the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos. This gripping story captivates audiences worldwide with its complex characters, intricate plotlines, and richly detailed world-building.Characters:At the heart of "A Game of Thrones" are its multifaceted characters, each with their own ambitions, strengths, and flaws. From the honorable Stark family to the cunning Lannisters and the exiled Targaryens, the characters drive the narrative forward through theiralliances, betrayals, and quests for power.House Stark, led by the honorable Eddard Stark, embodies the values of duty and honor. However, their noble ideals often clash with the ruthless politics of the Seven Kingdoms. Meanwhile, House Lannister, epitomized by the calculating Tywin Lannister and his ambitious children, Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion, seeks to maintain its grip on power through any means necessary.The exiled Targaryens, represented by Daenerys Targaryen, strive to reclaim the Iron Throne, theirfamily's ancestral seat, and restore their dynasty to power. Along the way, they navigate a treacherous political landscape, forming alliances and conquering cities as they march towards Westeros.Themes:"A Game of Thrones" explores various themes, including the corrupting influence of power, the consequences of betrayal, and the nature of honor. It depicts a world whereloyalty is a rare commodity, and alliances can shift in an instant.The series also delves into the complexities of morality, with characters often facing difficult choices that blur the lines between right and wrong. Whether it's Ned Stark's unwavering sense of duty or Tyrion Lannister's cunning pragmatism, each character grapples with their own moral compass in a world where survival often depends on compromise.Politics and Intrigue:Central to the narrative of "A Game of Thrones" is its intricate web of political maneuvering and intrigue. The struggle for the Iron Throne drives much of the action as rival houses vie for power and influence.The game of thrones is not just about military might but also about cunning diplomacy and strategic alliances. Characters engage in covert schemes, espionage, and backstabbing to outmaneuver their rivals and gain the upperhand.At the heart of this political intrigue is the concept of power, which is portrayed as both a coveted prize and a dangerous burden. Those who wield power must constantly navigate the treacherous waters of court politics, where one wrong move can lead to downfall.Conclusion:In conclusion, "A Game of Thrones" is a masterpiece of modern fantasy literature, renowned for its rich storytelling, complex characters, and compelling themes. Through its portrayal of power, politics, and intrigue, it offers a reflection of the human condition and the timeless struggle for dominance. As the series unfolds, it continues to captivate audiences with its twists and turns, reminding us that in the game of thrones, you win or you die.。



The history of the kingdoms is also marked by periods of peace and prosperity, as well as periods of political instability and civil unrest.
Kingdom History
Allies who assist the player in their journey. They have unique abilities and personalities that contribute to the story and gameplay.
[Cinematographer's Name]
[Issuing Company's Name]
Company Name
[Issuing Company's Headquarters]
[Issuing Company's Establishment Date]
Family disputes
main plot



权利的游戏介绍英语作文Game of Thrones Introduction。

Game of Thrones is a popular American television series that is based on the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. The show premiered on HBO in 2011 and has since become a global phenomenon, with fans eagerly anticipating each new episode. The series has been praised for its complex characters, intricate plotlines, and stunning visuals.The show is set in the fictional world of Westeros, which is divided into seven kingdoms. The story follows several noble families as they fight for control of the Iron Throne, the seat of the king of the Seven Kingdoms. The series is known for its graphic violence, nudity, and intense political intrigue.The main characters of the show include the Stark family, who rule over the northern kingdom of Winterfell.The patriarch of the family, Lord Eddard Stark, is a noble and honorable man who is drawn into the dangerous world of politics after being appointed as the Hand of the King. Other key characters include the Lannisters, a wealthy and powerful family who are determined to maintain their grip on power, and Daenerys Targaryen, a young woman who is the last surviving member of the deposed Targaryen dynasty.The show has been praised for its production values, with elaborate sets, costumes, and special effects creating a rich and immersive world for viewers to explore. The series has also been noted for its use of music, with composer Ramin Djawadi creating a memorable score that has become synonymous with the show.Despite its popularity, Game of Thrones has also been criticized for its graphic violence and sexual content, with some viewers finding it too disturbing or offensive. However, the show's creators have defended their use of such content, arguing that it is necessary to accurately portray the brutal and unforgiving world of Westeros.Overall, Game of Thrones is a gripping and compelling television series that has captured the imaginations of millions of viewers around the world. With its complex characters, intricate plotlines, and stunning visuals, itis no wonder that the show has become a cultural phenomenon.。


If you already have interest in this ingenious creation,I recommend you makeing time to enjoy it.You'll be fond of it!
a series of epic fantasy novels By George R.R. Martin
The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven kingdoms of westeros. Westeros is about the size of South America continent, has long history can be traced back to 12000 years ago. Every season there usually lasted for years.
Seven kingdoms Nine prominent families
One iron throne
One king
《Game of Thrones》is one of the most expensive drama series.The budget of the first two seasons reach up to 60 million dollars and 69 million dollars.
My presentation is about an American drama
A Song of Ice and F ire
《Game of Thrones》 is an American fantasy drama television


Game of thrones is a TV series,It is based on a novel A song of ice and fire.
The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven
kingdoms of westeros. Westeros is about the size of
However, Daenerys' growing love for Drogo and newfound mental strength as the Khaleesi of the tribe mean Viserys' plans go unexpectedly and powerfully awry.
with Middle-earth .
Most of the story takes place on the continent Westeros, which consists of the Seven Kingdoms (the North, the Iron Islands, Mountain and Vale, the Rock, the Storm Kings, the Reach, Dorne) and an unmapped area to the north, separated by a massive wall of ice and old magic.
sworn to protect the realms of
men from the threats beyond
the Wall.


权利的游戏英语介绍英文演 讲
《Game of Thrones》 is an American fantasy drama television series created by HBO.It is based on a novel《A song of ice and fire》.The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven kingdoms of westeros. Westeros is about the size of South America
continent, has long history can be traced back to 12,000 years ago.
Every season there usually lasted for years.
This is a story in the darkest days of Westeros, the land in the western world, the Sun Setting Place, is changing its dynasty.The Empire once united by seven lands and seven families, known as the kingdom of dragon, now is facing the partition. Dragon had died.King was killed.Five kingdoms are crashing. The immemorial legend and extinct creature, has come back. Who will save the land? The most beautiful scenery, will be open to your eyes.




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Game Of Thrones is an American fantasy television drama created by HB O. It is an adaptation of A Song Of Ice And Fire,George R R Martin’s fantasy novels.The story takes place in a land of overhead,the seven kingdoms of Weste ros. Westeros is about the size of the South America continent, has long history can be traced back to 12000 years ago. There are only two season s, summer and winter,every season usually lasted formany years. The story happen at the end of a decade-long summer, inter weaves three storylines.The first storyline is about the rising threat of the coming winter. And pe ople’s fear of the legendary creatures. The name of this creature is white walker,they have the army of the dead with a population of more than 1 00000. The ancestors build a great wall of ice, stone or old magic separat ed the army of dead and people. The Great Wall locatedin the northern border of the seven kingdoms. The white walker wantto destroy the great wall and want to make all the living people dead. The second storyline is about nine noble houses in a civil war for the iron throne in seven kingdoms.The third storyline is about the attempts of the lastPrince and princess of the previous ruling dynasty to try to take back the iron throne.Through its exploration of the ambitious and morals of its many characters,the series explores issues of social classes, religion, royalty, corruptio n, civil war, crime and punishment. Game of thrones is awonderful story. As a fan, I just can’t find another show that iss as wide in scope, attractive as game of throne. If you are interested in t his ingenious creation,I recommend you to spend time to enjoy it. You wi ll be fond of it.。

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Stark Baratheon
The seven Kingdoms and the nine Families: Kingdom of the North Kingdom of the Rock Kingdom of the Reach Kingdom of Mountain and Vale Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers Kingdom of Dorne Kingdom of the Stormlands
If you already have interest in this ingenious creation,I recommend you makeing time to enjoy it.You'll be fond of it!
Seven kingdoms Nine prominent families
One iron throne
One king
《Game of Thrones》is one of the most expensive drama series.The budget of the first two seasons reach up to 60 million dollars and 69 million dollars.
A Song of Ice and Fire
《Game of Thrones》 is an American fantasy drama television
series created by HBO.It is based on a novel《A song of ice and
House Stark
House Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
The other powersWild man源自White Walkers
Night's watch
White Walkers(异鬼)
According to legend,thr White Walkers appeared for the first time in a winter lasted a century.In the end, they were driven back with Night‘s watch,then the Great Wall was built to resist the White Walkers.
When the White Walkers were defeated,they disappeared from the scene,It gradually became a pure myth which was used to scare children In the south of the Great Wall.
These people call themselves as free-men,to distinguish the People in the south of the Wall who kneel to the lords and Kings.
《Game of Thones》has great special-effects but also wonderful plot. As a fan of the US television series, I just can’t find another show that’s as wide in scope, addictive and tantalizing as 《Game of Thrones》.
a series of epic fantasy novels By George R.R. Martin
The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven kingdoms of westeros. Westeros is about the size of South America continent, has long history can be traced back to 12000 years ago. Every season there usually lasted for years.
wild man
A nationality living outside the Great wall.In the south of the Great Wall, they often called as wild man.
They divided into hundreds of different tribes, clans and villages.Part of them has a certain amount of culture, others are brutal and hostile.