



航空常用英语空乘常用英语乘客与飞机工作人员anretniﻫat io nal pa ssenger 国际旅客客domes tic pass enge r国内旅客conn ecting passeng er 转机旅客transitpass enge r过境旅客 -dnatsﻫ -byy候补旅客no- -ssho w误机者unacpani ed pass enger 无人陪伴儿童cidnahﻫcappeddpa sseng er 残疾旅客pedﻫpart ing passe ng er 出港旅客arri vi ng pa sse nger 进港旅客fligh t c rew 机组人员capta in机长tolipﻫt飞行员c opilot 副驾驶员fﻫflighten gineer 飞行机械师 wetsﻫaard ess/ cabin attenda nt /air h oste ss 女乘务员/空中小姐steward男乘务员rupﻫrser/chiefatte nd ant 乘务长cﻫchief purse r主任乘务长iaﻫircrew空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员orgﻫround ser vice st af f地地面服务人员navigtor 领航员caF niaMﻫcilities in the A irp ort机ﻫ机场主要设备aaer odrom e/a irport 飞机场etlaﻫernate ai rfield备用机场台塔制管 rewot lortnocﻫ管制塔台hangar机库ufﻫuelfarm 油库eme rgency se rvice 急救站localizerr航向信标台/定位信标ewﻫea the r off ice 气象站awnurﻫnway 跑道wi_atﻫway 滑行道pﻫpa rking bba y停车位置mai ntenanc e a re a维修区rapedlanimretﻫpartur ebbuil ding 机场大厦/ 候机楼lanoitanretniﻫl de parttuure buil ding 国际航班出港大厦sseeing-o ffdec k送客台utrapedcitsemodﻫture lobbby 国内线出港候机厅focﻫoffe e shop咖啡室specialwait ingr oomm特别休息室rauqﻫuaranntinee检疫Cus to ms海关emig rat io n co ntr ol出境检查sna ckbar快餐部otuaﻫoma tic doo r自动出入门aarrival lo unge 到达大厅departurelou nge离港大厅nartﻫans it loun ge 过过站大厅hpeletﻫhone /telegram/fa_ ro om电话/ 电报/ 传真间间atsﻫand-by ti cket counter 补票处lfﻫligh t in FOR Mat io n board 航班显示板hcﻫhe ck-in count er 办理登机手续柜台t ransferc orresponden ce 中转柜台acﻫcarous el旋转行李传送带p ubl ic address广播室dispa tc h o ffic e签派室oecilopﻫoffi ce机场公安局(警察局)b oby t empe rature scanner 体温检测仪medi cal centre 医疗中心e sc alat or自动扶梯leﻫlev at or (升降式) 电梯moving/auto mati cwal kway 自动步道aﻫai rb riddgge登机廊桥aairport f ireservi ce机场消防队cate ri ng depart ment配餐供应部门-ytudﻫy-fr ee shoop 免税商店letriaﻫl/airpo rt hote l机场宾馆VIP room 贵宾室mma in lobby主厅erfﻫeig ht b uilding/ car gocenntre 货运大厦/ 货运中心sﻫsec uri ty centre 保安中心pohs stropmiﻫp进口商品店en tr ance 入口p as sen ger r ou te 旅客通道boardi ng gate No 、18第第 18 号登机桥gnidrsobﻫgate besid es N o、166第第 1 6号以外登机桥i nF ORMati on c ounter/offic e问询处lﻫla va tory 卫卫生间niﻫnt ernati onal arr ival build ing 国际航班到达大厦nats i_atﻫtand 出租汽车站edﻫdemestic conneectionco un ter 国内线联运柜台ee_ it 出口tohﻫote l an dl imo usine se rvic e旅旅馆及机场交通服务处lli mousi ne stand机场交通车站nitiawﻫing ro om 休休息室ee_ch ang e and ta_ paym ent兑换及付税ep smotsuCﻫers onnel海关人员CCusto ms inspec tioncount er 海关检查柜台b ag gageclai mareaa行李认领区i mmigrati on c ontr ol 入境检查plan tquar antine 植物检疫aminaﻫal qua rantiine动物检疫nocﻫnne cti on cou nte r联运柜台irraﻫvval lob by 入境旅客休息室s ec urity cou nter安检柜台s ecu rity ch eck st ation 安全检查站ap Aﻫasse nger doesn “tt ake th eseat assigned h im)、):SﻫS:E_ _ccuse me,,si r、MayIsee yourb oardi ng pass ?ﻫPP1:Accord ing to myse at number 、I t hink maybbe I ou ghtto b eseatedin t he middl e o fthe cabin、But s inceI got up this morning, I”;ve ggot a sli ghthead ach e,an dmy s toma chfee ls ali ttle upse t、So Iwant t o ta kea seattnea r thelava tory、、W ou ld it b e p ossibl e fo rmme tosithe re ?:Sﻫ:Iappre ci at ey our problem、Bu tyo ushou ld b e se ated in theas signe d s ea t,i norde r toensure properweight and b al ance for the ai rcraft w he nitta ke s off 、Wouldyou plea sego b ack to your as signed seattffo rthe time b eing ?After it t akes of,f,y ou may return to th isseat 、:1pﻫ:OK ,I see、、、、ﻫ、、、p2 :E_cuse me,Miss 、Do you mi nd if I ask youaquue stio n?:SﻫS:Go ahea d、PP2 :T hem ano ver the re isa fri en dofmmi ne、Iwonde r ifI co uldsi tne_t to h im、W:Sﻫ:We ll、Let me try to talk with th egirl beside hi m to change the seat w ithhyyou、、Followme ,please、、MMay I tr ouble y ou,,M iss? The mannover the rewou le li keto sittogeth er with th e passenger hhere 、Wo uld youbek ind enough tochenge tto another seat?KO:3PﻫK,nopro bl em 、S :Th ank you ,Miss 、T:2pﻫ:Than ks alo t、S :You “re *_ 、、1Wﻫﻫ1、Would yo ul iketoreaadthese new s pape rs or magazine?s?些这瞧想您ﻫ您想瞧这些报纸或杂志吗?2 、W ould y ouli ke a nything to d rink fi rs t?您想先喝点什么?、3Hﻫ、Hereis tod ay ”;“s menu .wha twou ld you liket oha ve ?这就是今天得菜单, 您想吃些什么? 、4ﻫ、T hank you fo r waaiting sir .Her eyouare 。



一、课程基本情况课程名称(中文):民航乘务英语(综合)课程名称(英文):English for Cabin attendants (Integratedcourse)总学时:128 (分两学期)理论学时:128 (分两学期)实验学时:课外学时:课程性质:专业基础课程适用专业:空中乘务专业适用对象:高职先修课程:考核方式:考试、平时成绩30% ,期终考试70%教学环境:多媒体教室开课学院:高职学院二、课程简介(任务与目的)(300字左右)本课程是一门为民航服务与管理专业学生在提高英语能力的同时学习空乘知识和技能的课程,具有系统性和实用性的特点。








本教材内容详实,所涉及内容有:乘务员素质,机上设备,航前准备,航后工作,机上娱乐,餐饮服务,危险品的处置,海关检疫,机场设施,紧急情况下如何控制乘客等每个单元还包括:1. 空乘专业术语:该单元主题的主要专业术语2. 主题文章:系统展示空乘服务所需要的专业知识,专业技能和相关的英语语言知识3. 本单元生词:方便学生阅读和理解4. 注释:对本单元的相关内容进行解释和补充5. 单元练习:强化主要民航知识点和英语语言实际应用能力的锻炼;加深对民航实际服务场景的理解和掌握四、教学课时安排《新世纪民航乘务英语中级综合教程》杨爱荣主编南开大学出版社 2003《新世纪民航乘务英语中级综合教程学习指南》杨爱荣天津教育出版社 2005六、撰写人朱海宁七、审核人朱海宁八、学院(部)审核(盖章)。

民航乘务英语1 At the Airport

民航乘务英语1 At the Airport

hand-held metal detectors
Departure lounge
Departure lounge
The departure lounge is where passengers can go to sit and relax while they wait to board the plane. There are a number of different areas within the departure lounge where passengers may also enjoy last minute shopping in the duty-free shops before flying off to their destination. Here they can buy perfumes,
required to show to the immigration official his passport, health certificate, the certificate of inoculation and customs declaration forms.
Baggage reclaim
︳— Boarding card
Passport control
— security

Departure lounge, duty-free shop

Boarding aircraft
Part I reading
At the airport
When a passenger is traveling by air, to or from a destination, the first point of entry is the terminal building. This is mainly divided into two areas – the Arrivals,



《民航乘务英语(综合)》课程教课纲领一、课程基本状况课程名称(中文):民航乘务英语(综合)课程名称(英文): English for Cabin attendants (Integratedcourse)总学时:128 ( 分两学期 )理论学时: 128 ( 分两学期 )实验学时:课外学时:课程性质:专业基础课程合用专业:空中乘务专业合用对象:高职先修课程:查核方式:考试、平常成绩 30% ,期终考试 70%教课环境:多媒体教室开课学院:高职学院二、课程简介(任务与目的)(300 字左右)本课程是一门为民航服务与管理专业学生在提升英语能力的同时学习空乘知识和技术的课程,拥有系统性和适用性的特色。








本教材内容详确,所波及内容有:乘务员素质,机上设备,航前准备,航后工作,机上娱乐,餐饮服务,危险品的处理,海关检疫,机场设备,紧迫情况下怎样控制乘客等每个单元还包含:1.空乘专业术语:该单元主题的主要专业术语2.主题文章:系统展现空乘服务所需要的专业知识,专业技术和有关的英语语言知识3.本单元生词:方便学生阅读和理解4.说明:对本单元的有关内容进行解说和增补5.单元练习:加强主要民航知识点和英语语言实质应用能力的锻炼;加深对民航实质服务场景的理解和掌握四、教课课时安排序号内容讲解练习总学时1第 1单元 cabin attendant’ s325 qualifications2第 2 单元 language skill325 3第 3 单元 announcement325 4第 4 单元 boarding passengers325 5第 5单元 preflight preparation325 6第 6单元 departure and arrival325 7第 7 单元 beverage and meflowal325 8第 8单元 medical-first aid325 9第 9单元 duty free service32510第 10 单元 communication and entertainment325system11第 11 单元 passenger and baggage32512第 12 单元 carge shipping and delivery325 information13第 13 单元 complaints and cmpensation224 14第 14 单元 custom regulation at airports325 15第 15 单元 a brief introduction to ICQ325 16第 16 单元 weather325 17第 17 单元 the safety of passenger325 18第 18 单元 the safty of flight325 19第 19 单元 hijacking325 20第 20 单元 crowd control in an emergency325 21第 21 单元 tourism325 22第 22单元 emergency and survival325equipment23第 23 单元 dangerous goods325 24第 24单元 passenger airport facilities325 25第 25单元 history of passenger flight325 26第 26 单元 Airbus 340-500224五、教材与参照资料《新世纪民航乘务英语中级综合教程》杨爱荣主编南开大学第一版社2003《新世纪民航乘务英语中级综合教程学习指南》杨爱荣天津教育第一版社2005六、撰写人朱海宁七、审查人朱海宁八、学院(部)审查(盖印)。

重大社2024教学课件-民航乘务英语-Mission 9

重大社2024教学课件-民航乘务英语-Mission 9

FA1:Don’t be afraid, madam. There is a minor fire in the lavatory. We are dealing with that.
PA1:Oh, my god. Are you sure that will be okay?
FA1:All our flight attendants are ( 3)
FA2:Don’t worry, sir. It was caused by ( 4)
. You can
relieve the earache by swallowing. It will not last for long. PA2:But after a while it will happen again.
FA1:Sorry, Ma’am . Cabin service will be suspended during turbulence. We will resume all the
services after the turbulence. Please listen to the announcement
and follow the instructions.
PA1:OK, I will.
FA1:Thank you for you cooperation and remember to keep your seat belt fastened all the time.
Missio 9 Handling Other Emergencies
Missio 9 Handling Other Emergencies
Scenario 3
(The plane suddenly experienced decompression because of the technical problems in two hours into the flight. The oxygen has just dropped from the overhead compartment.)

重大社2024教学课件-民航乘务英语-Mission 7

重大社2024教学课件-民航乘务英语-Mission 7

Mission7 Prevention and Control of Pandemic
II. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.
C:Captain P:Purser FA:Flight attendants PA:Passengers GS:Ground staff B:Bob
Mission7 Prevention and Control of Pandemic Scenario 1
GS:Good morning, purser. I’m Tom from Shanghai airport, working in pandemic quarantine service.
foods while individual package drinks will be supplied.
Mission7 Prevention and Control of Pandemic
Scenario 3
FA:OK, we’ve got it. And how about the first and business class?
immediately after we arrive at the destination.
C:Thank you for your detailed description. We should also protect ourselves during the cabin service.
This is the priority for everyone. Do remember to put your mask over your nose and mouth tightly.



空乘常用英语乘客与飞机工作人员international passenger 国际旅客domestic passenger 国内旅客connecting passenger 转机旅客transit passenger 过境旅客stand-by 候补旅客no-show 误机者unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童handicapped passenger 残疾旅客departing passenger 出港旅客arriving passenger 进港旅客flight crew 机组人员captain 机长pilot 飞行员copilot 副驾驶员flight engineer 飞行机械师stewardess/cabin attendant/air hostess 女乘务员/空中小姐steward 男乘务员purser/chief attendant 乘务长chief purser 主任乘务长air crew 空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员ground service staff 地面服务人员navigtor 领航员Main Facilities in the Airport机场主要设备aerodrome/airport 飞机场alternate airfield 备用机场control tower 管制塔台hangar 机库fuel farm 油库emergency service 急救站localizer 航向信标台/定位信标weather office 气象站runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道parking bay 停车位置maintenance area 维修区terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦seeing-off deck 送客台domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅coffee shop 咖啡室special waiting room 特别休息室quarantine 检疫Customs 海关emigration control 出境检查snack bar 快餐部automatic door 自动出入门arrival lounge 到达大厅departure lounge 离港大厅transit lounge 过站大厅telephone/telegram/fax room 电话/电报/传真间stand-by ticket counter 补票处flight inFORMation board 航班显示板check-in counter 办理登机手续柜台transfer correspondence 中转柜台carousel 旋转行李传送带public address 广播室dispatch office 签派室police office 机场公安局(警察局)boby temperature scanner 体温检测仪medical centre 医疗中心escalator 自动扶梯elevator (升降式)电梯moving/automatic walkway 自动步道air bridge 登机廊桥airport fire service 机场消防队catering department 配餐供应部门duty-free shop 免税商店airtel/airport hotel 机场宾馆VIP room 贵宾室main lobby 主厅freight building/cargo centre 货运大厦/货运中心security centre 保安中心imports shop 进口商品店entrance 入口passenger route 旅客通道boarding gate No.18 第18号登机桥bosrding gate besides No.16 第16号以外登机桥inFORMation counter/office 问询处lavatory 卫生间international arrival building 国际航班到达大厦taxi stand 出租汽车站demestic connection counter 国内线联运柜台exit 出口hotel and limousine service 旅馆及机场交通服务处limousine stand 机场交通车站waiting room 休息室exchange and tax payment 兑换及付税Customs personnel 海关人员Customs inspection counter 海关检查柜台baggage claim area 行李认领区immigration control 入境检查plant quarantine 植物检疫animal quarantine 动物检疫connection counter 联运柜台arrival lobby 入境旅客休息室security counter 安检柜台security check station 安全检查站A passenger doesn“t take the seat assigned him.)S:Excuse me,sir.May I see your boarding pass?P1:According to my seat number.I think maybe I ought to be seated in the middle of the cabin.But since I got up this morning,I“ve got a slight headache,and my stomach feels a little upset.So I want to take a seat near thelavatory.Would it be possible for me to sit here?S:I appreciate your problem.But you should be seated in the assigned seat,in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft when it takes off.Would you please go back to your assigned seat for the time being?After it takes off,you may return to this seat.p1:OK,I see....p2:Excuse me,Miss.Do you mind if I ask you a question? S:Go ahead.P2:The man over there is a friend of mine.I wonder if I could sit next to him.S:Well.Let me try to talk with the girl beside him to change the seat with you.Follow me ,please.May I trouble you,Miss?The man over there woule like to sit together with the passenger here.Would you be kind enough to chenge to another seat?P3:OK,no problem.S:Thank you,Miss.p2:Thanks a lot.S:You“re **.1、Would you like to read these news papers or magazines?您想看这些报纸或杂志吗?2、Would you like anything to drink first?您想先喝点什么?3、Here is today““s menu.what would you like to have? 这是今天的菜单,你想吃些什么?4、Thank you for waiting sir.Here you are.Anything more? 谢谢,让您久等了。



空乘常用英语:乘客与飞机工作人员international passenger 国际旅客domestic passenger 国旅客connecting passenger 转机旅客transit passenger 过境旅客stand-by 候补旅客no-show 误机者unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童handicapped passenger 残疾旅客departing passenger 出港旅客arriving passenger 进港旅客flight crew 机组人员captain 机长pilot 飞行员copilot 副驾驶员flight engineer 飞行机械师stewardesscabin attendantair hostess 女乘务员空中小姐steward 男乘务员purserchief attendant 乘务长chief purser 主任乘务长air crew 空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员ground service staff 地面服务人员navigtor 领航员Main Facilities in the Airport机场主要设备aerodromeairport 飞机场alternate airfield 备用机场control tower 管制塔台hangar 机库fuel farm 油库emergency service 急救站localizer 航向信标台定位信标weather office 气象站runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道parking bay 停车位置maintenance area 维修区terminal departure building 机场大厦候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦seeing-off deck 送客台domestic departure lobby 国线出港候机厅coffee shop 咖啡室special waiting room 特别休息室quarantine 检疫Customs 海关emigration control 出境检查snack bar 快餐部automatic door 自动出入门arrival lounge 到达大厅departure lounge 离港大厅transit lounge 过站大厅telephonetelegramfax room 电报传真间stand-by ticket counter 补票处flight inFORMation board 航班显示板check-in counter 办理登机手续柜台transfer correspondence 中转柜台carousel 旋转行传送带public address 广播室dispatch office 签派室police office 机场公安局(警察局)boby temperature scanner 体温检测仪medical centre 医疗中心escalator 自动扶梯elevator (升降式)电梯movingautomatic walkway 自动步道air bridge 登机廊桥airport fire service 机场消防队catering department 配餐供应部门duty-free shop 免税商店airtelairport hotel 机场宾馆VIP room 贵宾室main lobby 主厅freight buildingcargo centre 货运大厦货运中心security centre 保安中心imports shop 进口商品店entrance 入口passenger route 旅客通道boarding gate No.18 第18号登机桥bosrding gate besides No.16 第16号以外登机桥inFORMation counteroffice 问询处lavatory 卫生间international arrival building 国际航班到达大厦taxi stand 出租汽车站demestic connection counter 国线联运柜台hotel and limousine service 旅馆及机场交通服务处limousine stand 机场交通车站waiting room 休息室exchange and tax payment 兑换及付税Customs personnel 海关人员Customs inspection counter 海关检查柜台baggage claim area 行认领区immigration control 入境检查plant quarantine 植物检疫animal quarantine 动物检疫connection counter 联运柜台arrival lobby 入境旅客休息室security check station 安全检查站A passenger doesn“t take the seat assigned him.)SExcuse me,sir.May I see your boarding passP1According to my seat number.I think maybe I ought to be seated in the middle of the cabin.But since I got up this morning,I“ve got a slight headache,and my stomach feels a little upset.So I want to take a seat near the lavatory.Would it be possible for me to sit hereSI appreciate your problem.But you should be seated in the assigned seat,in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft when it takes off.Would you please go back to your assigned seat for the time beingAfter it takes off,you may return to this seat.p1OK,I see....p2Excuse me,Miss.Do you mind if I ask you a questionSGo ahead.P2The man over there is a friend of mine.I wonder if I could sit next to him.SWell.Let me try to talk with the girl beside him to change the seat with you.Follow me ,please. May I trouble you,MissThe man over there woule like to sit together with the passenger here.Would you be kind enough to chenge to another seatP3OK,no problem.SThank you,Miss.p2Thanks a lot.SYou“re welcome.1、Would you like to read these news papers or magazines您想看这些报纸或杂志吗2、Would you like anything to drink first您想先喝点什么3、Here is today““s menu.what would you like to have这是今天的菜单,你想吃些什么4、Thank you for waiting sir.Here you are.Anything more,让您久等了。



民航乘务英语U N I T1教案教案首页Period 1-2ⅠSelf-introduction:ⅡImportance and Definition of Cabin EnglishCompared with the train and bus, plane is the fastest and safest way of transportation. Approximately 3 million passengers are carried on commercial aircrafts every day and delivered safely to their final destination, so it is very important for us to get some knowledge of Cabin English. It includes what passengers should do at the airport; who are airline personnel(航空工作人员);what CA’s should do before, in and after flight; how to deal with some difficult situations, etc.Ⅲ Lead–in 10’1 Ask the students to answer my questions: “Did you travel by air? Can you describe the experience?”2 I’ll introduce my experiences when I travelled by air twice.Ten years ago I travelled to Guizhou province with my friends. Because the train would last two days, we couldn’t bear it, so we chose to go there by air. Because it was the first time for me to travel by air, I was much interested in the flight, and everything was new to me. When the plane took off, I felt weight loss /weightlessness. Everything on the ground became smaller and dimmer gradually; at last what we could see was clouds. Clouds were flying in the sky like angels /fairies. How free they were! How clean they were! The food in the plane was delicious; the air stewardesses were rather pretty. Everything was perfect. Suddenly I felt dumpy, “What happened? Is there anything wrong with our aircraft? Will our plane crash?” I was frightened very much. After a while I was told that that was a little turbulence. Wow, only a false alarm! I released. After 45- minutes- flight, we arrived at Guiyang airport safely. That’s my first experience by air. It’s unforgettable!During this Winter Holiday, I travelled to Hainan province by air. We arrived and left there at midnight, so I saw nothing but some flashing lights on the wings.Those were my two experiences by air. I believe you will have your own experiences in the future.General Ideas about Unit 1:Ⅳ Aims:1 to get some procedures of how to check in, how to pass through the security control, how to board an aircraft, etc.(了解如何办理登机手续、通过安全检查、登机等流程);2、to learn the key words and expressions.Ⅴ Teaching’s important points and difficulties(教学重点与难点):1 some key words and expressions:adept, approximately, overhead compartment,considerably, destination, detect,embarkation, emit, exceed,exile, expire, expiry date,practice, portable, quarantine,reject, suspect, turbulent,valid, air stairs, aisle seat,baggage allowance, baggage reclaim, baggage tag,conveyor belt, hand luggage, excess baggage,boarding bridge, boarding car /pass, boarding gate,Bureau de Change, business class, economic class,check in, customs control, passport control,declaration form, immigration form, departure lounge,duty-free allowance, go through customs, flight number,ground crew, health certificate, the certificate of inoculation,terminal building, traveller’s cheque, etc.;2 to get some ideas of how to check in, how to pass through the security control, how to board the plane, etc. and more importantly, you can demonstrate the procedures by yourselves.(更重要的是能将从办理登机手续到登机的工作流程表演出来。



航空英语1.常用名词术语:乘务员 Flight Attendant (复数:Flight Attendants) 空姐 Air Hostess (复数:Air Hostesses)空乘 Stewardess (复数:Stewardesses)空中乘务员Cabin CrewCabin Attendant乘务长Purser / Chief Attendant主任乘务长 chief purser乘乘- 乘务员的昵称CC - 乘乘Cabin Crew 的缩写机长 captain飞行员 pilot副驾驶员copilotflight crew 机组人员air crew 空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员ground service staff 地面效劳人员passenger 旅客international passenger 国际旅客domestic passenger 国内旅客connecting passenger 转机旅客transit passenger 过境旅客stand-by 候补旅客no-show 误机者unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童handicapped passenger 残疾旅客departing passenger 出港旅客arriving passenger 进港旅客Boeing 波音, Airbus 空中客车airliner 班机passenger plane 客机turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机jet, supersonic plane 喷气机passenger aircraft 客机medium-haul aircraft 中程飞机long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷气飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机aerodrome, airport 飞机场alternate airfield 备用机场control tower 管制塔台terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅2.常用表达:Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪里?Here you are, sir. 这是您的座位。



航空英语1.常用名词术语:乘务员Flight Attendant (复数:Flight Attendants)空姐Air Hostess (复数:Air Hostesses)空乘Stewardess (复数:Stewardesses)空中乘务员 Cabin CrewCabin Attendant乘务长 Purser / Chief Attendant主任乘务长chief purser乘乘 - 乘务员的昵称CC - 乘乘 Cabin Crew 的缩写机长captain飞行员pilot副驾驶员copilotflight crew 机组人员air crew 空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员ground service staff 地面服务人员passenger 旅客international passenger 国际旅客domestic passenger 国内旅客connecting passenger 转机旅客transit passenger 过境旅客stand-by 候补旅客no-show 误机者unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童handicapped passenger 残疾旅客departing passenger 出港旅客arriving passenger 进港旅客Boeing 波音 , Airbus 空中客车airliner 班机passenger plane 客机turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机jet, supersonic plane 喷气机passenger aircraft 客机medium-haul aircraft 中程飞机long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷气飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机aerodrome, airport 飞机场alternate airfield 备用机场control tower 管制塔台terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅2.常用表达:Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪里?Here you are, sir. 这是您的座位。



湖南外国语职业学院教案首页Period 1-2ⅠLead-inReview1 Translate the words, phrases and sentences below:1) 航站楼2) 有效护照3) 分配位子4) 问讯处5) 乘机手续台6) 护照检查处7) 安检处8) 行李认领9) 健康证明、接种证明和海关申请表10) 被隔离11) 外币兑换处12) 地勤人员13) 称行李14) 超重行李15) 候机室16) 头等舱/商务舱/经济舱17) 行李箱18) 登机19) 当班地勤人员20) 国内航线21) 排队22) 插队25) 告诉某人做某事26) 监视屏幕27) 检查可疑物品28) 假设某位旅客携带有金属制品,金属监测仪就会叫。

29) 任何旅客都享有免税商品限额。

30) 约在起飞前一小时,旅客到达登机口。

2 Fill in the forms:1 Check ______Check-in desk ①_______2 Weigh luggage ②_______③_______3 ____________2 if they ____ the metal detector ____ to use hand- held metal_______ .1 _________Departure lounge 2 _________3 _________1 one hour before departure, ______ .Boarding 2 show _______ .3 _______ before boarding the aircraft.1 Luggage reclaim①______Arrival ②______2 Immigration and customs ③______④______⑤______3 ______________.ⅡGeneral Ideas about Unit 2:Aims:1 to get some ideas of the categories of airli ne personnel and each class’s responsibilities, etc.〔了解航空工作人员的分类及每类人员的工作职责;〕2 to learn the key words and expressions.Teaching’s important points and difficulties(教学重点与难点):1 some key words and expressions:accelerate加速, arm使…处于可用状态, altitude海拔,pre-flight briefing起飞前会议, flight deck / cockpit驾驶舱,co-pilot / second officer副驾驶, chute滑道, ditching水上迫降, domestic国内的, elevator升降舵, eligible符合条件的,evacuation疏散, exit使离开, fasten系紧,fuselage机身, galley机上厨房, hydraulics液压的,inflate使膨胀, initiative首要的判断力, instruct发出指令,lavatory机上卫生间, prohibit禁止, purser乘务长,release释放, roar吼叫, rudder方向舵,steer控制…的方向, steward男乘务员, stewardess女乘务员,stow装载, taxi滑行, undercarriage起落架aerodrome controller机场管制, air traffic controller空管, air tug拖车, area controller地区管制, charter flight包机, control column操纵杆,cross check交叉检查, emergency equipment急救装置, first officer大副, flight engineer机上机械员, flight schedule飞行计划, flight service director主任乘务长, food and beverage supplies餐饮供给, fuel transfer换油,gear up收起落架, jump seat乘务员座椅, life vest救生衣,long haul长途〔旅行/ 运输〕short haul短途〔旅行/ 运输〕,main landing gear/ undercarriage主起落架, nose landing gear前起落架,on board在飞机上, parking stand停机坪, personality traits个性特征,pick up增加, public address system广播系统, pull up收起,put… full on把…全部加上, safety demonstration安全演示,seat- configuration座椅规格, seat- pitch座位间距, steering control方向控制, stretch out伸展, take off, touch down落地, wing flap翼襟2 Main roles of cabin attendants3 Long Sentences1) Airline Personnel is a generic term for people who work with aircraft in one capacity or another, whether they fly the aircraft, serve passengers or maintain an aircraft. 航空工作人员通常指的是以一种或另一种身份与航空工作有关系的工作人员,无论是飞机驾驶员,空乘服务人员,还是维修人员,都统称为航空工作人员。



“空姐”才不是airwaitress,说错太尴尬了!(音频版)flight attendant 空乘人员attendant 是公共场合的服务人员,飞机是公共交通工具,空姐和空少都要为飞机上的旅客提供服务,所以空乘人员统称为flight attendant.air host 空少hostess 有女主人的含义,正如主人有招待客人的义务,空姐也有照料旅客的责任,所以空姐的英文就是air hostess ,空少也就是air host 了。

例句:Gina used to be an air hostess,butshe works as a secretary.吉娜过去是个空姐,但现在她在做秘书。

steward [ˈstuːərd] 空少;男乘务员stewardess [ˈstuːərdəs] 空姐;女乘务员除了 air hostess,空姐也可以说 stewardess,stewardess 既是飞机上的乘务员,还是火车、轮船等交通工具的乘务员。

船长和机长都可以用captain 表示,电影《中国机长》的英文名就是 the captain.例句:Ladies and gentlemen, this is thecaptain speaking.女士们,先生们,我是本次航班的机长。

空乘是air attendant,那么公交车上的售票员也可以说bus attendant 吗?答案是否定的。

conductor [kənˈdʌktər] 售票员;列车员attendant 来自于 attend,attend 的含义是照顾接待,因为空乘的主要职责就是照顾客机上的旅客,把空乘人员翻译为flight attendant 完全没问题。

售票员和列车员的主要职责不是照顾旅客,而是售票、查验车票和开关车门等,所以 attendant 不表示售票员和列车员,正确的说法是 conductor.例句:Excuse me, what time does it leave?打扰了,你知道几点钟发车吗?It beats me, why not ask the busconductor ?我不知道,不如问问公交车售票员?查票员;验票员(英国火车、汽车上的)inspector 的意思是检查员,但在英国,还有查票员的意思。






空乘常用英语乘客与飞机工作人员international passenger 国际旅客domestic passenger 国内旅客connecting passenger 转机旅客transit passenger 过境旅客stand-by 候补旅客no—show 误机者unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童handicapped passenger 残疾旅客departing passenger 出港旅客arriving passenger 进港旅客flight crew 机组人员captain 机长pilot 飞行员copilot 副驾驶员flight engineer 飞行机械师stewardess/cabin attendant/air hostess 女乘务员/空中小姐steward 男乘务员purser/chief attendant 乘务长chief purser 主任乘务长air crew 空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员ground service staff 地面服务人员navigtor 领航员Main Facilities in the Airport机场主要设备aerodrome/airport 飞机场alternate airfield 备用机场control tower 管制塔台hangar 机库fuel farm 油库emergency service 急救站localizer 航向信标台/定位信标weather office 气象站runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道parking bay 停车位置maintenance area 维修区terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦seeing-off deck 送客台domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅coffee shop 咖啡室special waiting room 特别休息室quarantine 检疫Customs 海关emigration control 出境检查snack bar 快餐部automatic door 自动出入门arrival lounge 到达大厅departure lounge 离港大厅transit lounge 过站大厅telephone/telegram/fax room 电话/电报/传真间stand—by ticket counter 补票处flight inFORMation board 航班显示板check—in counter 办理登机手续柜台transfer correspondence 中转柜台carousel 旋转行李传送带public address 广播室dispatch office 签派室police office 机场公安局(警察局)boby temperature scanner 体温检测仪medical centre 医疗中心escalator 自动扶梯elevator (升降式)电梯moving/automatic walkway 自动步道air bridge 登机廊桥airport fire service 机场消防队catering department 配餐供应部门duty-free shop 免税商店airtel/airport hotel 机场宾馆VIP room 贵宾室main lobby 主厅freight building/cargo centre 货运大厦/货运中心security centre 保安中心imports shop 进口商品店entrance 入口passenger route 旅客通道boarding gate No.18 第18号登机桥bosrding gate besides No。













空乘常用英语乘客与飞机工作人员international passenger 国际旅客domestic passenger 国内旅客connecting passenger 转机旅客transit passenger 过境旅客stand-by 候补旅客no-show 误机者unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童handicapped passenger 残疾旅客departing passenger 出港旅客arriving passenger 进港旅客flight crew 机组人员captain 机长pilot 飞行员copilot 副驾驶员flight engineer 飞行机械师stewardess/cabin attendant/air hostess 女乘务员/空中小姐steward 男乘务员purser/chief attendant 乘务长chief purser 主任乘务长air crew 空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员ground service staff 地面服务人员navigtor 领航员Main Facilities in the Airport机场主要设备aerodrome/airport 飞机场alternate airfield 备用机场control tower 管制塔台hangar 机库fuel farm 油库emergency service 急救站localizer 航向信标台/定位信标weather office 气象站runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道parking bay 停车位置maintenance area 维修区terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦seeing-off deck 送客台domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅coffee shop 咖啡室special waiting room 特别休息室quarantine 检疫Customs 海关emigration control 出境检查snack bar 快餐部automatic door 自动出入门arrival lounge 到达大厅departure lounge 离港大厅transit lounge 过站大厅telephone/telegram/fax room 电话/电报/传真间stand-by ticket counter 补票处flight inFORMation board 航班显示板check-in counter 办理登机手续柜台transfer correspondence 中转柜台carousel 旋转行李传送带public address 广播室dispatch office 签派室police office 机场公安局(警察局)boby temperature scanner 体温检测仪medical centre 医疗中心escalator 自动扶梯elevator (升降式)电梯moving/automatic walkway 自动步道air bridge 登机廊桥airport fire service 机场消防队catering department 配餐供应部门duty-free shop 免税商店airtel/airport hotel 机场宾馆VIP room 贵宾室main lobby 主厅freight building/cargo centre 货运大厦/货运中心security centre 保安中心imports shop 进口商品店entrance 入口passenger route 旅客通道boarding gate No.18 第18号登机桥bosrding gate besides No.16 第16号以外登机桥inFORMation counter/office 问询处lavatory 卫生间international arrival building 国际航班到达大厦taxi stand 出租汽车站demestic connection counter 国内线联运柜台exit 出口hotel and limousine service 旅馆及机场交通服务处limousine stand 机场交通车站waiting room 休息室exchange and tax payment 兑换及付税Customs personnel 海关人员Customs inspection counter 海关检查柜台baggage claim area 行李认领区immigration control 入境检查plant quarantine 植物检疫animal quarantine 动物检疫connection counter 联运柜台arrival lobby 入境旅客休息室security counter 安检柜台security check station 安全检查站A passenger doesn“t take the seat assigned him.)S:Excuse me,sir.May I see your boarding pass?P1:According to my seat number.I think maybe I oughtto be seated in the middle of the cabin.But since I got up this morning,I“ve got a slight headache,and my stomach feels a little upset.So I want to take a seat near the lavatory.Would it be possible for me to sit here?S:I appreciate your problem.But you should be seated in the assigned seat,in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft when it takes off.Would you please go back to your assigned seat for the timebeing?After it takes off,you may return to this seat.p1:OK,I see....p2:Excuse me,Miss.Do you mind if I ask you a question? S:Go ahead.P2:The man over there is a friend of mine.I wonder if I could sit next to him.S:Well.Let me try to talk with the girl beside him to change the seat with you.Follow me ,please.May I trouble you,Miss?The man over there woule liketo sit together with the passenger here.Would you be kind enough to chenge to another seat?P3:OK,no problem.S:Thank you,Miss.p2:Thanks a lot.S:You“re **.1、Would you like to read these news papers or magazines?您想看这些报纸或杂志吗?2、Would you like anything to drink first?您想先喝点什么?3、Here is today““s menu.what would you like to have?这是今天的菜单,你想吃些什么?4、Thank you for waiting sir.Here you are.Anything more?谢谢,让您久等了。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Step 1 In-flight Service
II. Basic Information
Cruise Flight: The cruising altitude of large passenger aircrafts is mostly around 10,000 meters. When reaching this altitude, the captain will turn off the “Fasten Seatbelt” signs, but it is recommended that passengers keep their seatbelt fastened at all times when seated for the hazard of turbulences.
Step 2
New words and useful expressions
Group discussion
Step 1 In-flight Service
I. CA’s duties during flight
➢ Check the special information log and the seating chart for passengers who require special attention.
Step 1 In-flight Service
Personal items forbidden
During takeoff and landing certain items must be switched off so as not to interfere with the plane’s onboard computers and communication systems.
➢ Part 1 Reading
➢ Part 2 Dialogues ➢ Part 3 Role Play ➢ Part 4 Supplementary
Part 1 Reading
Step 1
Basic information about in-flight services
➢ Answer call buttons promptly and courteously.
Step 1 In-flight Service
➢ Responsible for the neatness and cleanliness of the passenger cabin.
➢ Responsible for keeping the passengers up to date on information about the flight.
Step 1 In-flight Service
➢ Identify passengers who have never traveled by air before, and tryjoyable for them.
➢ Identify passengers who have language difficulties and try to provide services for them.
Step 1 In-flight Service
➢ What can cause turbulence?
Changes in atmospheric pressures, jet streams, mountain waves, cold or warm fronts, or thunderstorms.
Step 1 In-flight Service
➢ Learn to be sensitive to the special needs of certain groups of passengers.
➢ Make frequent cabin checks throughout the flight.
➢ How can passengers get injured by in-flight turbulence?
Not wearing seatbelts, moving around the cabin, injured by baggage falling down from overhead compartment when the doors open
Cabin English
付检新 应用外语系旅游英语教研室
Unit Four In-flight
Teaching Objectives
By the end of this unit, Students will: ➢ gain knowledge of in-flight services ➢ cultivate the spirit of cooperation ➢ Grasp useful words and expressions related
Step 1 In-flight Service
II. Basic Information
Turbulence ➢ What is turbulence?
An irregular or disturbed flow of air in the atmosphere that produces bumps and lurches during flight when an aircraft flies through it.
➢ Control the cabin temperature. ➢ Look after the flight crew. ➢ Before the plane arrives at its destination, the
cabin attendants distribute and explain any passenger documentation and entry forms that must be filled out.