宋代五大名窑和青花瓷 英语
tongs 钳子burnish 抛光crawling 缩釉slab roller 擀泥棍salt glaze 盐釉sculpture 雕塑crackle glaze 裂纹釉ash glaze 灰釉tiles 瓷片extruder 挤泥机pugmill 炼泥机clay mixer 搅泥机silica 硅frit 熔块PVA glue 白乳胶plaster 石膏separators 垫饼seive 筛子scales 称scoop 勺sponge 海绵bamboo 竹mosaic 马赛克rbber kidney 橡胶刮片throwing stick 拉坯检验尺potters ribs 抛光刮片fettling knife 立坯刀gold leaf 金叶digital thermometer 数字温度计banding wheel 转盘airbrush 喷笔compressor 空压机kick wheel 脚踢式拉坯机spray booth 吹釉处studio 工作室factory 工厂bottle kiln 瓶状窑aesthetic 审美ceramic decals 陶瓷花纸陶瓷英语翻译词汇admin 信息来源:陶吧网点击数:1797 更新时间:2021-2-24 17:50:39陶瓷原料Ceramic Material 白云土dolomite 长石feldspar 钡长石celsian瓷泥petunse, petuntse, petuntze 瓷漆enamel paint, enamel 封泥lute高岭土kaolin, china clay 硅石,二氧化硅silica, SiO2 堇青石cordierite莫来石,红柱石andalusite 泥果,坯体clay body 泥釉slip 石灰,生石灰,氧化钙lime, calcium oxide, CaO氧化锡tin oxide 釉glaze 原材料raw material 云母mica 皂石,块滑石steatite陶瓷类型Types of Pottery 碧玉细炻器jasper 薄胎瓷thin china 彩陶器,釉陶faience 陈设瓷,摆设瓷display china 瓷porcelain, china (China ‘中国’来自’Chin’’秦’,在英文中’中国’和’瓷’同一单词)赤陶terracotta, terracotta, red earthenware 代尔夫精陶delft 德化陶瓷Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery高温陶瓷refractory china 工业陶瓷industrial ceramics 官瓷mandarin porcelain 光瓷lusterware工艺瓷,美术瓷,艺术瓷art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery, artistic china 骨瓷bone china黑色陶器basalt 裂变瓷crackled porcelain 裂纹瓷crazed china 米色陶器creamware青瓷celadon 青花瓷bule and white porcelain 轻质瓷、轻瓷light china 日用瓷household china, table ware软瓷soft porcelain 杀菌陶瓷antiseptic pottery 绳纹陶器Jomon pottery 施釉陶器slipware炻瓷stoneware 素彩瓷plain porcelain 陶earthenware 陶瓷pottery 锡釉陶majolica无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯biscuit, unglazed ware 细瓷fine china 硬瓷hard porcelain 赭色粘土陶器terra sigillata紫砂purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 工艺技术Technology 凹雕intaglio 标记marking玻璃化vitrify 车削turning 成型forming 冲压,冲压花repousse 瓷土加工clay processing 雕刻carving浮雕relief 隔焰窑muffle 工艺技术technology 硅氧键silicon-oxygen bond 技艺technique, craft连续窑intermittent kiln 浇铸casting 拉毛sgraffito 连续窑continuous kiln 镂雕、镂空piercing辘轳车jigger 泥釉彩饰法trailing 碾磨grinding 抛光burnishing, polishing 破裂chip 性能property嵌入inlay 切刻incising 筛子sieve 烧制firing 陶瓷科技ceramics 陶轮potter’s wheel 细裂纹craze贴花、嵌花appliqué, decal 凸雕,底切,拉底,底部掏槽undercut 压印impressing 窑kiln印花stamping 釉上彩overglazed color figure 釉下彩underglazed color figure 装饰décor, decoration预加工pre-processing 粘性,粘滞性viscosity, stiffness 转模片jiggered piece 转印transfer print其它Others 斑点speck 半透明translucence, translucency, translucent 不浸透的nonporous 不透明的opaque茶叶罐caddy 单色的monochrome 镀金gild 多色的polychrome 高白high white, Gaobai工艺品artware 鬼工,鬼爷神工demon’s work, kuei kung 建白材料construction/building material景德镇Jingdezhen, Ching-te-chen 景泰蓝cloisonné绝缘子insulator 考古学archaeology可塑的plastic 流变学rheology 琉璃瓦glazed tile 模型、模特model 模子mould 耐热heat-proof配方formula 盆栽bonsai 漆器lacquer work 器皿ware 青铜器bronze work 手印,指印finger mark秦始皇陵兵马俑life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in Chin tomb 人类学antropology 浸透的porous首饰盒jewel case 丝网印刷silk screen printing 四面体tetrahedral 搪瓷,珐琅enamel 陶瓷的ceramic陶瓷专家,陶瓷艺术家ceramist 陶工potter 瓦tile 碗bowl 卫生洁具sanitary ware 温度temperature硬度hardness 釉工glazier 圆块,雕球,瘤knob 砖brick 爱比克泰德Epicteus 〔活动于520-500 BC〕古希腊陶工兼画家何朝宗He Chaozhong〔1522-1620〕Chinese ceramist in Ming Dynasty,中国明代陶瓷艺术家韦奇伍德Wedgwood〔1730-1795〕英国著名陶瓷工匠和制造商希腊古瓮颂’Ode on a Crecian Urn’英国诗人济慈Keats〔1795-1821〕的名诗,惊叹古希腊陶器彩绘之精巧matt:哑光transparent:透明釉opaque: 不透明釉pigmented:色釉crackled:裂纹釉pearlized :珍珠釉under glazed:釉下彩on-glazed:釉上彩浮雕:relief, emboss bisque firing:素烧glost firing:釉烧gild :镀金decal:贴花trinket box:首饰盒silk screen printing :丝网印素彩瓷plain porcelain 高温陶瓷refractory china 窑:kiln陶吧网声明:网站信息来源陶吧网的版权归陶吧网,转载请注明出处,本站信息来源是其他媒体消息系转载自网络媒体,陶吧网登载此文出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描绘。
中国瓷器介绍 英文版
![中国瓷器介绍 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9a9165f7172ded630b1cb676.png)
The Development of Porcelain
Around the 16th century BC in Shang Dynasty, the early Chinese porcelain appeared. As it was still rough on the firing process, it can be only called protoporcelain(原始瓷).
Han Dynasty
After long-term improvements, in 2 century the end of the Han Dynasty, the mature celadon was created, in the history of our country's pottery it was an important milestone.
青花瓷创烧于元代,是以色料在坯胎上描绘纹样, 施釉后经高温烧成,釉色晶莹、雅致。青料溶于胎釉 之间,发色青翠,虽色相单一,但感觉丰富。青花瓷 经久耐用,瓷不碎,色不褪。 Blue and white porcelain was first appeared in the Yuan Dynasty. It was formed by using pigment to depict patterns on the green body and firing at high temperature after glazing. The glazing color is glittering and elegant. The green pigment dissolve in green body, showing a verdant color. Although it has single hue, it still gives people rich feeling. Blue and white porcelain is durable。it will not fade until broken
骨质瓷英文名称“Bone China最早是由英国研制的,已有300多年,历史上是宫庭专用品和贵族收藏之珍品,是权力和地位的象征,受到不少买家的青睐,号称“瓷器之王”,是目前唯一世界上公认的高档瓷。
12%;高白瓷片白度94.17%,骨灰瓷片白度93.51%普通高白瓷Normal High Whiteness Porcelain镁质瓷,氧化镁瓷 magnesia porcelain--------------------陶瓷质地和类型 Qualities & Types of PotteryWhite Body 白胎碧玉细炻器 jasper薄胎瓷 thin china / egg-shell porcelain彩陶器,釉陶 faience陈设瓷,摆设瓷 display china / ornamental porcelain瓷 porcelain, china (China ‘中国’来自’Chin’’秦’,在英文中’中国’和’瓷’同一单词)赤陶 terracotta, terracotta, red earthenware代尔夫精陶 delft德化陶瓷 Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery高温陶瓷 refractory china强化瓷: durable porcelain低温陶瓷low-fired porcelain工业陶瓷 industrial ceramics工艺瓷,美术瓷,艺术瓷 art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery, artistic china骨瓷 bone china古瓷ancient porcelain官瓷 mandarin porcelain光瓷 lusterware黑色陶器 basalt裂变瓷 crackled porcelain裂纹瓷 crazed china米色陶器 creamware青瓷 celadon青花瓷 blue and white porcelain轻质瓷、轻瓷 light china日用瓷 household china, table ware软瓷 soft porcelain杀菌陶瓷 antiseptic pottery绳纹陶器 Rope figure pottery施釉陶器 slipware粗瓷 stoneware素彩瓷 plain porcelain陶 earthenware陶瓷 pottery无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯 biscuit, unglazed ware锡釉陶 majolica细瓷 fine china硬瓷 hard porcelain赭色粘土陶器 terra sigillata紫砂 purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 长石瓷feldspar porcelain瓷牙;牙科用瓷dental porcelain瓷质纱网装饰瓷器lace work porcelain电瓷electrical porcelain雕塑瓷;象牙色帕利安瓷statuary porcelain高铝瓷high-alumina porcelain锆质瓷zircon porcelain滑石瓷 steatite porcelain化学瓷chemical porcelain尖晶石瓷spinel porcelain堇青石瓷cordierite porcelain镁橄榄石瓷forsterite porcelain镁质瓷;氧化镁瓷 magnesia porcelain 莫来石瓷mullite porcelain耐热瓷器refractory porcelain缥瓷faint coloured porcelain青白瓷greenish white porcelain熔块瓷fritted porcelain三成分瓷器triaxial porcelain钛质瓷titania porcelain天然原料制成的瓷器natural porcelain 透辉石瓷diapside porcelain卫生瓷器sanitary porcelain鸭蛋青瓷duck-egg porcelain氧化铝瓷alumina porcelain原始瓷proto-porcelain皂石瓷soapstone porcelain中火度瓷intermediate porcelain IC管瓷IC packages白云石瓷dolomitic保温耐火砖insulating firebrick。
骨质瓷英文名称“Bone China最早是由英国研制的,已有300多年,历史上是宫庭专用品和贵族收藏之珍品,是权力和地位的象征,受到不少买家的青睐,号称“瓷器之王”,是目前唯一世界上公认的高档瓷。
12%;高白瓷片白度94.17%,骨灰瓷片白度93.51%普通高白瓷Normal High Whiteness Porcelain镁质瓷,氧化镁瓷 magnesia porcelain--------------------陶瓷质地和类型 Qualities & Types of PotteryWhite Body 白胎碧玉细炻器 jasper薄胎瓷 thin china / egg-shell porcelain彩陶器,釉陶 faience陈设瓷,摆设瓷 display china / ornamental porcelain瓷 porcelain, china (China ‘中国’来自’Chin’’秦’,在英文中’中国’和’瓷’同一单词)赤陶 terracotta, terracotta, red earthenware代尔夫精陶 delft德化陶瓷 Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery高温陶瓷 refractory china强化瓷: durable porcelain低温陶瓷low-fired porcelain工业陶瓷 industrial ceramics工艺瓷,美术瓷,艺术瓷 art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery, artistic china骨瓷 bone china古瓷ancient porcelain官瓷 mandarin porcelain光瓷 lusterware黑色陶器 basalt裂变瓷 crackled porcelain裂纹瓷 crazed china米色陶器 creamware青瓷 celadon青花瓷 blue and white porcelain轻质瓷、轻瓷 light china日用瓷 household china, table ware软瓷 soft porcelain杀菌陶瓷 antiseptic pottery绳纹陶器 Rope figure pottery施釉陶器 slipware粗瓷 stoneware素彩瓷 plain porcelain陶 earthenware陶瓷 pottery无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯 biscuit, unglazed ware锡釉陶 majolica细瓷 fine china硬瓷 hard porcelain赭色粘土陶器 terra sigillata紫砂 purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 长石瓷feldspar porcelain瓷牙;牙科用瓷dental porcelain瓷质纱网装饰瓷器lace work porcelain电瓷electrical porcelain雕塑瓷;象牙色帕利安瓷statuary porcelain高铝瓷high-alumina porcelain锆质瓷zircon porcelain滑石瓷 steatite porcelain化学瓷chemical porcelain尖晶石瓷spinel porcelain堇青石瓷cordierite porcelain镁橄榄石瓷forsterite porcelain镁质瓷;氧化镁瓷 magnesia porcelain 莫来石瓷mullite porcelain耐热瓷器refractory porcelain缥瓷faint coloured porcelain青白瓷greenish white porcelain熔块瓷fritted porcelain三成分瓷器triaxial porcelain钛质瓷titania porcelain天然原料制成的瓷器natural porcelain 透辉石瓷diapside porcelain卫生瓷器sanitary porcelain鸭蛋青瓷duck-egg porcelain氧化铝瓷alumina porcelain原始瓷proto-porcelain皂石瓷soapstone porcelain中火度瓷intermediate porcelain IC管瓷IC packages白云石瓷dolomitic保温耐火砖insulating firebrick。
(完整版)中国瓷器介绍 英文版
![(完整版)中国瓷器介绍 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/47cfd37231126edb6e1a1002.png)
From Ru kiln
From Guan kiln
From Ding kiln
From Jun kiln
Song Dynasty is the highest aesthetic(美学的) era of porcelain.
Yuan Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty is Chinese porcelain production turning period, innovation and development in many
porcelain .
Black porcelain
White porcelain
Song Dynasty
To the Song Dynasty, porcelain kilns have been over half of Chinese, is the most
prosperous period for porcelain. Then Jun kiln, Ge kiln,Ru kiln,Guan kiln and the Ding kiln and known as the five famous kilns.
Blue and white porcelain(青花瓷) Color glaze porcelain(颜色釉瓷) Famille Rose Porcelain(粉彩瓷) Glowing porcelain(玲珑瓷)
Blue and white porcelain
Blue and white porcelain is elegant, noble, and pure,
such as the Millennium basket, with its strong vitality and ceramic art,
中国瓷器介绍 英文版
![中国瓷器介绍 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c42d39c49e3143323968938b.png)
Western Zhou Dynasty, the Warring States to the Eastern Han Dynasty, through the 1600 years’ change and development, porcelain firing technology had
appeared, which calwhite porcelain(青花瓷) Color glaze porcelain(颜色釉瓷) Famille Rose Porcelain(粉彩瓷) Glowing porcelain(玲珑瓷)
Blue and white porcelain
Ming Dynasty
Successfully firing the exquisite(精致的) white glaze porcelain and the single-glaze porcelain with copper(铜) as the coloring
agent(色剂), made the Ming Dynasty porcelain colorful. The porcelain technology
Yuan Dynasty is Chinese porcelain production turning period, innovation and development in many ways. The blue and white porcelain became the mainstream of Jingdezhen porcelain production.
been improved gradually.
卣wine container匜gourd-shaped ladle罍 ampulla斝 wine cup鼎 tripod尊 wine container觚 wine vessel盉 ancient utensil其实这些专属的单词,除了用于考古学之类的专业性文章以外, 几乎根据他的中文白话文意思简化为 vessel,container,utensil这些单词,因为就算你能拿出这些翻译,一般老外也不会懂.Ge kiln 哥窑Royal Kiln官窑celadon 青瓷porcelain plate 瓷盘celadon-glazed dish 青瓷釉口盘the celadon plate with a mouth in the shape of mallow petals青釉葵瓣口盘collection 藏品shoddy substitute赝品collector 收藏家artifact手工艺品grade-one cultural relic 一级文物preservation of cultural relics文物保护ceramic 陶瓷制品Palace Museum 故宫博物院Ministry of Culture文化部State Administration of Cultural Heritage国家文物局Forbidden City紫禁城antique 古董、古玩antiquity文物;古物;古董;古迹repristination恢复原状archaeologist考古学家anthropologist 人类学家preservationist(对自然环境、文物古迹的)保护主义者World Monuments Fund世界文化遗产基金会in ruins 成为废墟、遭到严重破坏historical site历史遗迹、遗址human elements 人为因素;人文要素priceless 无价的、极贵重的masterpiece 杰作human error 人为误差dereliction of duty失职;疏忽职守internal investigation内部调查testing equipment测试设备operational error 操作失误the intangible cultural heritage非物质文化遗产Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage保护非物质文化遗产公约World Heritage Convention世界遗产大会词汇对大部分英语学习者来说是一个难以轻松把握的问题,而各学科专业英语的词汇学习难度更大,问题更多。
Blue and White Porcelain, also known as Qinghua Porcelain, is a type of ceramic ware that originated in China. It is renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship, elegant blue patterns, and timeless beauty. With a history spanning over a thousand years, Blue and White Porcelain holds a significant place in Chinese culture and has gained international recognition for its artistic and historical value.Blue and White Porcelain is characterized by its white porcelain body decorated with intricate blue patterns. The patterns are created by painting cobalt oxide mixed with water onto the surface of the porcelain. After firing at high temperatures, the cobalt oxide undergoes a chemical reaction, resulting in the distinct blue color that is synonymous with Blue and White Porcelain.The themes depicted on Blue and White Porcelain vary widely, ranging from nature scenes such as flowers, birds, and landscapes to historical events, myths, and literary works. These decorative patterns not only showcase the skill and creativity of the artisans but also serve as a reflection of Chinese culture, beliefs, and aesthetics throughout different dynasties.Blue and White Porcelain has a rich history that dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). However, it was during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368 AD) and Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) that Blue and White Porcelain reached its peak in terms of craftsmanship and popularity. The fine quality and exquisite designs of Ming Dynasty Blue and White Porcelain, in particular, have made it highly sought after by collectors and connoisseurs around the world.The production process of Blue and White Porcelain involves several intricate steps. It begins with the preparation of the porcelain clay, which is refined and shaped into the desired form, such as vases, bowls, plates, or teapots. The painted blue patterns are meticulously applied by skilled artists using a brush or by using techniques like stenciling or stamping. The porcelain is then fired in a kiln at high temperatures,typically around 1,200 to 1,400 degrees Celsius, which ensures the durability and longevity of the finished pieces.Blue and White Porcelain not only serves as a decorative art form but also holds practical uses. Its functional designs make it suitable for everyday use as tableware or as ornamental pieces to enhance the ambiance of a space. The durability of the porcelain and the timeless appeal of the blue and white patterns have contributed to its enduring popularity across generations.Today, Blue and White Porcelain continues to be produced and cherished worldwide. Its influence can be seen in various art forms and design styles around the globe. Many museums and private collections house exceptional examples of Blue and White Porcelain, showcasing its artistic significance and cultural heritage.In conclusion, Blue and White Porcelain is a treasured symbol of Chinese artistry and craftsmanship. Its delicate beauty, intricate patterns, and historical significance have captivated people's hearts for centuries. As a timeless art form, Blue and White Porcelain represents the rich cultural heritage of China and continues to be admired and appreciated by people from all walks of life.。
历代陶瓷器名称中英对照表藏友原创历代陶瓷器名称中英对照表明代五彩镂空云凤纹瓷瓶 polychrome openwork vase with design of phoenixes and clouds黄釉红彩瓷葫芦瓶 gourd-shaped vase with lotus design and yellow glaze红釉莲瓣瓷洗 red-glazed washer in the shape of lotus petal 青花枇杷带纹瓷盘blue-and-white palte with design of bird, lotuat branch and scrolls釉里红瓷瓶 underglaze red porcelain jar五彩盆 polychrome basin??青花象耳瓶 blue and white vase with elephant-shaped bandle 斗彩葡萄杯porcelain cup with grape design painted in contending colours斗彩八卦炉porcelain burner with the eight trigrams ni contending colours洪武九龙琉璃照壁 nine-dragon glazed screen wall, product of the reign of Hong Wu洪武外酱釉里霁青暗云龙纹高足碗underglaze sky-clearieg blue bowl(hign stemmed) with veiled cloud and dragon design, product of Long Wu's reign洪武青花缠枝花卉大碗 blue and white big bowl wign design showing interlocking branches of flowers product of the reign of Hong Wu永乐青花缠枝花卉纹碗blue and white bowl with design of interlocking branches of flowers, product of the reign of Yong Le 永乐青花蕃莲鱼篓尊Blue and white jar(zun) with design of lotus and in shape of fishing basket, product of Yong Le's reign 永乐青花无挡尊blue and white jar without lid and bottom,product of the reign of Yong Le宣德青花竹石芭蕉瓷瓶blue and white percelain vase with design of bamboo, stone and palm, sproduct of Xuan De's reign 宣德青花扁瓶 blue and white flat bottle, made in the reign of Xuan De宣德青花五彩莲池鸳鸯纹碗blue and white bowl with polychrome lotus pond and mandarin ducks, product of Xuan De's reign永乐红釉僧帽壶 red glaze pot in shape of monk's cap, product of Yong Le's reign宣德青花红彩高足碗 celadon hign stem bowl with decration in red, product of Xuan De's reign宣德釉里红三鱼碗 underglaze red bowl with design of three fish, product of Xuan De's reign宣德青花花卉水注blue and white water dropper with floral design, product of Xuan De's reign宣德青花云龙纹大罐blue and white big jar with cloud and dragon pattern, product of Xuan De's reign宣德青花红彩碗blue and white bowl with red decoration, product of Xuan De's reign宣德青花鸟食罐blue and white jar used to store bird feed, product of Xuan De's reign宣德青花花草纹盖豆blue and white covered hemispheerical bowl with high stem and spreading foot, used for offering fruits with design of flower and glass, product of Xuan De's reign 青花梵文莲瓣洗blue and white laver in shape of lotus and with inscription in Sanskrit宣德青花夔龙纹罐 blue and white jar with kuidragon design, product of Xuan De's reign成化斗彩盖罐 Lidded jar with strong contrasing colors, ChengHua's reign正统青花孔雀牡丹纹罐blue and white jar with design of peacock and peony, product of Zheng Tong's reign景泰青花龙纹梅瓶blue and white prunus vase with dragon design, product of Jing Tai's reign天顺青花莲花莲塘大碗 blue and white big bowl wign design of lotus in lotus pond, product of Tian Shun's reign天顺青花回文筒炉 blue and white incence burner in the shape of tube and with meander pattern product of Tian Shun's reign 天顺青花鸳鸯荷莲梅瓶 blue and white prunus vase with design of mandarin ducks, lotrs flowers and lotus seeds, product of Tian Shun's reign天顺青花人物梅瓶 blue and white prunus vase with portraiture design, product of Tian Shun's reign成化青花人物梅瓶 blue and white prunus vase with portraiture design, product of Cheng Hua's reign成化青花缠枝莲龙纹盘blue and white dish with interlocking branches of lotus and dragon design, product of Cheng Hua's reign弘治青花缠枝莲双兽耳瓶 blue and white vase with two handles in shape of animal, product of Hong Zhi's reign正德青花八仙葫芦瓶 blue and white gourd-shaped vase with design showing eight Taoist immortals, product of Zheng De's reign正德青花狮绣球墩blue and white garden seat with design showing lion sporting with ball, product of Zheng De's reign 正德青花缠枝莲花觚 blue and white goblet with interlocking branches of lotus flowers, product of Zheng De's reign 正德青花五彩八仙香筒blue and white joss stick holder with eight Taoist immortals in five colors, product of Zheng De's reign嘉靖青花云龙纹罐 blue and white jar with cloud and dragon design, product of Jia Jing's reign正德青花婴戏碗blue and white bowl with child at play, product of Zheng De's reign隆庆青花人物双层碗blue and white double-layer bowl with portraiture design, product of Log Qing's riegn嘉靖五彩鱼藻纹盖罐polychrome covered jar with fish and water weed decration, made in Jia Jing's reign德化窑白瓷观音white porcelain Goddess of Mercy(Avalokitesvara), product of De Hua kiln紫砂提梁壶 boccaro pot withswing handle万历五彩云凤纹葫芦瓶 polychrome gourd-shaped bottle with design of cloud and phoenix, made in the reign of wan Li 法花花鸟罐 enameled jar with design of flower and bird万历青花婴戏纹盒 blue and white case with design showing child at play, product of Wan Li's reign青花云龙纹扁瓶 blue and white flask with cloud and dragon design万历五彩鸳鸯莲池蒜头瓶polychrome vase in shape of garlic head with showing mandarin ducks in lotus pond, product of Wan Li's reign天启青花山水人物盘 blue and white dish with landscape and portraiture design, product of Tian Qi's reign天启青花罗汉炉 blue and white porcelain censeer with design of Luohan or Arhat, product of Tian Qi's reign崇祯青花净水碗 blue and white holy water bowl, product of Chong Zhen's reign崇祯青花花鸟纹缸 blue and white jar with of flower and bird design, product of Chong Zhen's reign朱红彩八宝纹炉 censer with design of eight Chinese treasurespainted in vermilion黑花四系白瓷瓶 white porcelain vase with four loop handles and black flower design刻花白瓷罐 white porcelain pot with incised flower design白釉黑彩诗文枕 white glaze pillow with black decoration and inscription of poem绿釉缠枝牡丹纹枕green glaze pillow with design of interlocking branches of peony白釉黑花蜻蜓点水瓷枕white glaze porcelain pillow with design in black showing dragonfly skimming surface of water 白釉黑花孩儿蹴球瓷枕white glaze porcelain pillow with design in black showing child playing ball白釉黑花童子垂钓瓷枕white glaze porcelain pillow with design of child fishing with hook and black decoration 白釉黑花缠枝牡丹纹碗white glaze vase with interlocking branches of peony design in black鸡冠壶 cock's comb-shaped jug刻花白瓷水注white porcelain water dropper with incised decoration三彩印花盘 three-colour tray with impressed floral design三彩印花碟 three-colour dish with impressed flowal design 绿釉划花凤首瓶 green glazed phoenix-head vase with incised flower design白瓷童子壶 white porcelain pot in the shape of a boy辽三彩印花海棠式长盘three-colord long dish shaped like abegonia flower with impressed floral design绿釉贴花鸡冠壶 green glaze pot in chicken head shape and with applique floral design蓝釉白龙纹瓷盘 blue glazed plate with white drago design龙泉窑瓷壶 celadon ewer, Longquan ware青花红釉花卉纹瓷盖罐covered jar with floral design in red-glazed blue龙泉窑加彩小碗 coloured bowl of the Long Quan ware乐舞陶俑 pottery figurines of a piper and a dancer杂技陶俑 pottery figurine of an acrobat影青观音 Ying qing misty blue porcelain Goddess of Mercy 镂孔三彩玻璃炉 three-colour glazed fret-work burner白釉黑花鱼藻盆 white glazed dish with black flower, fish and water-weed decoration青花云龙罐 blue and white pot with cloud and dragon design 宝石兰釉金彩酒杯ssappire blue glazed wine cup with gold flower design青花八棱壶 blue and white octagonal ewer青花釉里红盖罐 blue and white covered jar with underglaze red青花八棱云龙瓶 blue and white octagonal bottle with dragon and cloud design青花花卉大盖罐 blue and white large covered jar with floral design元代杂技俑terracotta figurines of Yuan Dynasty actors and dancers青花双鱼莲花池纹碟blue and white dish with two fishswimming in lotus pond青花八棱龙纹瓶 blue and white octagonal ar with sea serpent design钧窑香炉 incense burner, Jun ware白釉黑花花乌盆残片fragment of tray with black flower and bird design, white galze黑釉提梁水注 black glazed water dropper with swing handle 黄釉刻花盘 yellow glazed tray with incised ornamentation??白釉黑花褐彩水殿枕残片 fragment of a pillow with design of pond and pavilion in black and brown, white glazed白釉黑花盘 white glazed tray with black floral design白釉黑花褐彩花卉盖 white glazed cover with floral design in black and brown白釉黑花凤纹罐large jar with black phoenix design, white glaze白釉黑花四耳瓶four-handled vase with black design, white glazed白釉黑花鱼纹碗 bowl with black fish design, white glaze影青广寒宫瓷枕Ying qing(misty blue) porcelain pillow with design of moon palace青花釉里红镂塑盖罐 blue and white lidded jar with underglaze red and openwork蓝釉金彩梅花瓶blue glaze prunus bowl with decoration in gold钓窑双耳炉 incense burner with two handles, product of Jun kiln影青釉里红鸳鸯花纹罐underglaze red Ying qing(misty blue) jar with mandarin ducks and lotus pateern??青花凤首扁壶 blue and white flask with phoenix head design 青花莲池鸳鸯纹八棱罐 blue and white porcilain octagonal jarwith design showing mandarin ducks in lotus pond青花双鱼盘 blue and white double-fish dish青花莲池鸳鸯纹盘 blue and white porcelain dish with design showing mandarin ducks in lotus pond青花牡丹纹梅瓶blue and white prunus vase with peony design青花凤穿花执壶blue and white ewer with phoenix amidst flowers枢府窑印花龙纹白瓷碗white porcelain bowl with impressed design of dragon, Shu Fu kiln ware影青观音Ying qing(mists blue) Goddess of Mercy(Avalokitesvara)影青人物梅瓶blue and white prunus vase with portraiture design釉里红龙纹罐 underglaze red jar with dragon design青花釉里红松竹梅盖瓶blue and white covered vase with underglaze red desing of pone-bamboo-prunus釉里红缠枝玉壶春瓶underglaze red pear-shaped vase with flared lip and design of interlocking branches of chrysanthemum 釉里红松竹梅罐underglaze red pine-bamboo-prunus designed jar青花龙纹罐 blue and white jar with dragon design青花人物玉壶春瓶blue and white pear-shaped vase with flared lip and portraiture design青花觚 blue and white gu(goblet with broad lip, long narrow stem and flared base)釉里红军持 underglaze red kendi (a sort of sacrificial vessel) 青花带托盏 blue and white zhan (small cup) with saucer??龙泉青瓷高足碗 celadon bowl with hign stem Long Quan kiln ware龙泉青瓷荷叶形碗celadon bowl with hign stem Long Quan kiln ware龙泉青瓷菊花荷莲盘celadon dish with chryssnthemum and lotus seeds design, Long Quan kiln龙泉青瓷缠枝牡丹纹碗celadon vase with design of interlocking branches of peony, Long Quan kiln白釉黑花龙凤纹罐 withe glazed jar with dragon and phoenix design inblack釉里红牡丹纹碗 underglaze red bowl with peony design白釉黑花开光龙凤纹大罐white glaze big jar with paneld dragon and phoenix design in black龙泉青瓷八角刻花十六子双鱼碗celadon octagonal bowl with carved design showing sixteen children and double fish, Long Quan kiln青瓷骑狮俑 celadon figurine of man riding on lion青瓷膺首壶 celadon pot with eagle-head design陶对书俑 pottery figurines of scribes青瓷狮子水壶 celadon lion-shaped water dropper青瓷香熏 celadon incense burner青瓷辟邪水注 celadon water dropper in the shape of fabulous animal青瓷对坐俑 celadon figurines sitting oppsite each other陶女坐俑 pottery figure of a squatting woman彩绘骑马陶俑 painted pottery equestrian figurines彩绘乐舞杂技陶俑 painted pottery figurines of musicians and acrobats西汉早期青瓷俑 celadon budumpy, bowl shaped vessel with circular foot of the Western Han dynasty布纹青瓷双系罐 celadon jar with textile impressions and two loop handles绿釉陶水罐 green glaze pottery water pavilion彩绘陶盆 painted pottery basin青瓷鼎 celadon ding or tripod彩绘乐舞杂技陶俑群painted pottery figurines of musicians and acrobats“汉并天下”瓦当tile-end with four characters,meaning unification of China under the Han dynasty加彩跪坐女陶俑 pottery figurine of woman on bended knees, with additional paints“延年益寿”瓦当 tile end with chareters meaning longevity “朱雀”瓦当 tile-end with characters meaning scarlet bird 彩绘陶茧形壶 painted pottery silk worm shaped jar青瓷井 celadon model of well陶庖鱼俑 pottery figurine cleaning fish陶熏器 pottery censer青瓷卧羊 celadon ram青瓷熊灯 celadon lamp in the shape of a bear青瓷谷仓罐 celadon granary jar赤乌14年铭青瓷虎子celadon hu zi(burial object inscribed with the words)in the 14th year of Chi Wu青瓷羊形器 celadon ram-shaped object青釉凤头龙柄瓷壶celadon pot phoenix-head cover anddragon handle白瓷莲座烛台 white porcelain candlestick with lotus-seat釉下彩龙纹执瓷underglaze porcelain ewer with dragon design鲁山窑黑釉斑点纹瓷拍鼓black glazed drum with mottled decoration三彩陶骆驼 three-coloured pottery camel三彩骆驼载乐俑 three-colour glazed camel carrying musicians 三彩啸马、黄釉俯首马three-colour glazed neighing horse and yellow glazed horse with head down三彩山地 three-colour glazed model of a garden with a pool and rockeries三彩女俑 three-colour glazed female figurine三彩女坐俑 three-colour sitting female figurine三彩女侍俑 thi-colour figuer of a maid三彩陶马和牵马俑 three-colour pottery horse and groom酱釉划花瓶 brown glazed vase with incised flower pattern三彩三足盖碗 three-colour tripod covered jar黄绿釉鹦鹉壶 green and yellow glazed parrot-shaped pot黄釉人物狮子扁壶green glazed flask with human and lion design白瓷贴花高足缽 white glazed tall stem bowl with applique越窑青瓷水注 celadon water dropper, Yue Yao ware唐三彩壶 three-colored pot铜官窑黄釉褐蓝彩执壶 yellow glazed ewer with brownish blue splash, produet of Yong Guan Kiln黑釉彩斑执壶 black glazed ewer with painted spots唐三彩黑马俑 three-colored black horse唐三彩鸳鸯踩莲枕 three-colored pillow with maudarin ducks amidst lotus唐三彩鸳鸯形壶 three colored pot in the shape of mandarin duck白瓷灯 white porcelain lamp唐三彩鸭形杯 duck-shaped cup in three colors唐三彩长颈鹿 log necked vase in three colors白瓷长颈瓶 white pcreelain vase with long neck唐三彩飞鸟云纹三足盘 three colored dish with three legs and decorated with bird and cloud铜官窑黄釉褐蓝彩双系罐yellow glaze pot with two loop handles and dark blue decoration, product of Tong Guan Kiln 邛窑省油灯 oil saving lamp, product of Qiong kiln绿釉水注 green glaze water dropper邛窑带彩蟠螭把小壶small pot with handle like a coiled and hornless dragon plus painted decoration, product of Qiong kiln 双龙柄白瓷盘口壶white porcelain pot with dish-shaped mouth and double dragon handle唐三彩束腰盘 three-colored dish that has a tightened belly 唐三彩五足盆式炉basin-shaped incense burner in three colors, resting on five legs绿釉贴花凤首瓶green glaze vase in applique shaped like a phoenix head铜官窑题诗执壶 ewer with a poem inscribed on it, product of Tong Guan kiln彩绘陶乐俑 painted pottery figures of musicians白瓷围棋盘 white porcelain weiqi board青瓷棋盘 celadon chessboard白瓷盖罐 white porcelain covered jar青瓷象首八系壶celadon pot with elephanthead spout andeight loop handles白瓷侍史俑 white porcelain figures of attendants青瓷凤首尊 celadon phoenix-head jar持瓶灯壶、水壶、香炉或枕陶女俑pottery figures of women carrying vase, lamp, jar, water vessel, incense burner or pillow 白瓷黑彩侍俑white porcelain figure of a court official, decoration in black青瓷仓 celadon model granary白瓷双螭双联瓶 white porcelain twin vase decorated with two hydras青瓷鸡首龙柄盘口壶 celadon chicken-head pot with dragon-shaped handle and dish-shaped mouth青瓷莲花尊 celadon zun in the shapo of a lotus青瓷仰覆莲花瓷尊 celadon vase representing a lotus topped by a another inverted lotus黄釉绿彩莲瓣四系陶壶 yellow-glazed jar with green splasshes, lotus-petal design and four rings青瓷罐 celadon jar青瓷褐斑四耳罐 four-handled celadon jar with brown spots 青瓷褐斑香炉 celadon incense burner with brown spots青瓷唾壶 celadon spittoon青瓷羊形水注 celadon ram-shaped water dropper陶凭几(臂搁) pottery arm rest青釉鸡首三足魁 green glaze chicken-head soup spoon resting on three legs北齐黄釉印花扁壶yellow glaze flask with impressed floral design, Northern Qi dynasty北齐淡黄釉绿釉陶罐 light yellow glazed jar with green patternNorthern Qi dynasty钧窑鼓钉洗 drum-nail-designed laver, Jun Yao kiln ware定窑白瓷刻花净瓶white porcelain holy-water vase with incised ornamentation, Ding ware定窑孩儿瓷枕pillow in the form of a boy, white porcelain, Ding ware青白瓷刻花瓶 bluish-white vve with incised decoration登封窑双虎纹瓷瓶vase with incised design of two tigers, Dengfeng ware汝窑瓷尊 wine jar, Ju ware钧窑瓷花盆 flower pot, Jun kiln ware官窑弦纹瓷瓶 vase with concentric rings in relief, Guan ware 官窑双耳炉 incence burner of the official kiln decorated with two handles定窑印花云龙盘plate of the Ding kiln, decorated with moulded designs of a dragon in clouds哥窑贯耳瓶vase of the Ge kiln, decorated with two tubular loops钧窑海棠式盆basin of the Jun kiln, in the form of a pyrus flower龙泉窑刻花五管盖罐covered vase of the Longquan kiln, decorated with carved designs and five tubes景德镇窑影青瓷像 porcelain figure of a shadowy-blue glaze of the Jingde kiln磁州-刻花黑雁大罐big pot of the Cizhou kiln, with carved designs of blackwild greese当阳峪窑剔刻蕃莲枕 porcelain pillow of the DangYangYu kiln,with designs varved in relief of passion flowers德州窑三彩冠帔女像 tri-coloured figure of a woman wearing a headdress and a robe of the Dezhou kiln吉州窑酱色梅枝盏bowl of the Jizhou kiln, with pattern of brown colouredplum trees白釉刻花瓶 white glazed vase with carved flower design影青酒壶 Ying qing(misty blue) porcelain wine pot影青莲瓣温酒碗 Ying qing lotus-petal warming bowl定窑白瓷五足熏炉 white porcelain five-legged incense burner, Ding kiln定窑白瓷刻花水注 white porcelain water dropper with incised flower design, Ding kiln耀窑刻花青釉三足带盖罐 celadon covered tripod with incised flower design, Ding ware耀窑刻花三足瓷炉 porcelain three-legged burner with incised flower design, Yao ware耀窑刻花葫芦形执壶gourd-shaped porcelain ware with incised flower design, Yao ware磁州窑白地黑花瓷瓶 white porcelain jar with back floral design, Cizhou ware影青缠枝卷叶纹瓷瓶Ying Qing porcelain vase with interlocking branch and leaf design龙泉窑雕龙瓷罐porcelain vase with dragon design in relief, Longquan kiln龙泉窑舟形水注 boat-shaped water dropper, Longquan ware 定窑铜扣双鱼纹盘 white porcelain dish with double-fish and brass button design, Ding kiln ware哥窑青瓷轮花盘 cealdon dish with design showing wheel and flower, Ge kiln ware哥窑青瓷贯耳八方瓶octagonal celadon vase with lugs onshoudlder through which tape can pass for carrying, Ge Yao kiln ware耀州窑青瓷刻花梅瓶celadon prunus vase with incised floral design, Yaozhou kiln ware耀州窑青瓷刻花碗celadon bowl with incised floral design, Yaozhou kiln ware临汝窑胆式瓶 gall-bladder vase Lin Ru kiln龙泉窑青瓷堆塑蟠龙莲瓣盖瓶 covered celadon vase with lotus petal and coiled dragon in relief, Long Quan kiln ware 龙泉青瓷双凤耳瓶 celadon vase with double-phoenix handles, Long Quan kiln ware龙泉青瓷鼓钉洗celadon laver with drum-nail design, Long Quan kiln ware龙泉青瓷刻蕉叶纹碗celadon bowl carves with palm leaf pattern, Long Quan kiln ware龙泉青瓷琮式瓶celadon vase in the shape of a jade zong, Long Quan kiln ware龙泉青瓷葫芦瓶 gourd-shaped celadon vase, Long Quan kiln ware磁州窑钓鱼枕porcelain pillow with fishing design Cizhou ware定窑白龙刻花龙首净瓶white porcelain holy-water vase with dragon-head spout and incised ornamentation, Ding ware 黄釉鹦鹉形水注 yellow glazed parrot-shaped water dropper 绿釉净瓶 green glazed holy-water vades定窑白瓷暗花瓶white porcelain vase with veiled ornamentation, Ding ware定窑白瓷刻花长颈瓶white porcelain tall-necked vase with sculpted ornamentation, Ding ware定窑白瓷桃形纽盖罐 white porcelain covered jar with peath-shaped knob, Ding ware兔毫碗 bowl with hare's streak青白瓷印花把壶celadon and blancede chine vessel with handle and impressed decoration永和窑三凤纹碗(剪纸贴花) bowl with three phoenix pattern(papercut applied to surface of bowl), product of Yong He kiln临汝窑青瓷刻花碗 celadon bowl with incised pattern, Lin Ru kiln ware三彩刻花花口瓶 three-colored bowl with carved flower design and ornamented mouth青瓷鱼形水丞 celadon fish-shaped water dropper钧窑瓷罐 porcelain jar, aproduct of Jun kiln白彩刻花婴儿戏莲瓷枕white glaze porcelain pillow carved with design of child playing lotus flower白釉黑花花口瓶 white glaze vase with flower-like mouth and black floral design白彩剔花水注white glaze water dropper, carved with floral design褐釉瓜稜瓷罐 brown glaze porcelain jar in melon shape白彩黑花瓶 white glaze vase with black floral decoration吉州窑彩绘莲纹炉 painted incense burner with lotus design, Jizhou kiln ware吉州窑黑釉树叶纹碗 black glaze bowl with leaf design, Jizhou kiln ware褐釉刻花瓷瓶 brown glaze porcelain vase with earved flowers黄釉瓷尊 yellow glazed porcelain Zun白陶壶 white pottery jar白陶双系尊 white pottery zun(jar) with two loop handles印纹硬陶罍hardpottery lei(jar with wide shoulders and narrowing foot) with impressed design白陶豆 white pottery dou, hemispherical bowl with high stem and spreading foot, used for offering fruits原始青瓷龙首尊pottery celadon zun(cup) with bow string design青釉瓷鱼篓尊green-glazed vase in the shape of a bamboo fish basket珊瑚釉粉彩牡丹纹瓷瓶 coral-glazed vase in soft colours with birds and peonies各色釉彩大瓷瓶 large vase with multicoloured glaze珐琅彩婴戏纹双连瓷瓶enamelled twin vases with design of children at play五彩花鸟纹瓷瓶 polychromez ase with birdflower design青花鹤鹿纹凤尾尊 blue and white phoenix tail jar with crane and deer design青花缠枝花纹盌 blue and white bowl with interlocking sprays 花鸟纹花盆 flower pot with flower and bird design描金云龙纹直颈瓶 staight-necked vase with cloud and dragon design in gold tracery青花桃竹纹瓶blue and white vase with peach and bamboo design青花松竹梅纹盖罐blue and white covered jar with pine-bamboo-prunus design胭脂红釉盘 rouge-red glazed tray青花鹊纹橄榄式瓶blue and white olive-shaped vase with magpie design粉彩鹌鹑猎纹天球瓶globular vase with fammile rose quali huning scene蓝地珐琅彩缠枝花纹瓶vase decorated with interlocking sprays in cloisonne enamel over a blue ground康熙五彩花鸟纹瓶polychrome vase with flower and bird design, product of Kang Xi's reign康熙豇豆红印泥盒kidney bean red case used to hold vermilion paste, product of Kang Xi's reign雍正斗彩花卉尊 zun with floral design in constrasting colors, product of Yong Zheng 's reign乾隆青瓷鸡熏celadon brazier in the shape of a chicken, product of Qian Long's reign斗彩瓷盘 porcelaindish in contrasting colors雍正窑变瓶 flambe vase, product of Yong Zheng's reign雍正粉彩花鸟碗 bowl with famille rose decration of flower and bird, product of Yong Zheng's reign雍正粉彩人物笔筒 brushholder with famille rose decoration of portraiture, product of Yong Zheng's reign乾隆珐琅彩人物瓶cloisonne enamel vase with portraiture design, product of Qian Long's reign康熙黄地珐琅彩花卉碗bowl with flowal design in cloisonne enamel over a yellow ground, product of Kang Xi's reign 雍正珐琅彩墨竹碗cloisonne enamel bowl with bamboo design painted in black, product of Yong Zheng's reign 乾隆珐琅彩婴戏纹双体瓶cloisonne enamel twin vase with child at play, product of Qian Long's reign乾隆粉彩百花觚 goblet with famille rose decoration of flowers, product of Qian Long's reign乾隆珐琅彩花鸟纹瓶cloisonne enamel vase with flower and bird design, product of Qian Long's reign龙纹空心砖 hollow brick with dragon鸟兽纹瓦当 tila end with bird and animal design云纹瓦当 tile end with cloud design陶女坐俑 pottery figure of a squatting woman陶射手俑 pottery figure of a bowman陶武士俑 pottery figure of a warrior陶量(刻有秦始皇26年统一度量衡的诏书) pottery capacity measure inscribed秦始皇陵侧的武士、陶俑战马terracotta figures of warriors and horses from Qinshihuang's mausoleum秦俑坑军阵队列 pottery troops in battle array in a pit next to the mausoleum of Qinshihuang鞍马俑 horse with saddle鹿纹瓦当 tile end with design of deer秦将军陶俑pottery figurine of a general in the army of Qinshihuang(the first imperor of Qinshihuang)青釉瓷谷仓 celadon storehouse青瓷双系双纽盖罐 aeldon coverced jar with two loop-handles and two knobs白釉双鱼壶 wite glazed double-fish pottle白瓷葫芦壶 white porcelain gourd-shaped ewer青瓷莲花瓶 celadon vase with lotus pattern青瓷莲花托碗 celadon bowl on a stand with lotus pattern越窑青瓷海棠杯 celadon begonia flower-shaped cup,Yue ware 越窑青瓷带托茶杯 celadon tea cup with saucer, Yue ware长沙窑釉下彩鹿纹执壶 ewer with handle decorated with deer in underglaze enamel, Changsha ware越窑青瓷执熏 celadon ewer, Yue ware“官”字款白瓷盘white porcelain plate marked with "Guan"("official")白瓷鸡冠扁壶white porcelain flask decorated with a cookscomb越窑青瓷莲花形盅celadn lootus-shapedjar, product of Yue kiln越窑青瓷瓜体盖罐celadon jar with cover in the shape of a melon, product of Yue kiln越窑青瓷莲形罐 celadon jar in lotus shape, Yue kiln ware黑釉四系盘口壶 black glaze pot with dishlike mouth and four loop handles青瓷鸡首壶 placedon ot with chicken-head spout青瓷盂 celadon pot青瓷盆 celadon basin青瓷盖碗 celadon bowl with cover黑釉鸡头瓷壶 black-glazed celadon pot ornamented with the head of a cock青瓷加彩蛙形双系罐celadon frog-shaped jar with two loop handles and paints added击鼓说书俑 figurine of story teller beating drum绿釉六博陶俑pottery figurines of backgammon players, green glaze绿釉陶仓 pottery storehouse, green glaze绿釉陶楼 pottery towered pavilion, green glaze绿釉三层陶望楼pottery three-storied watchtower, green glaze绿釉陶水榭 pottery water pavilioon, green galze青瓷四系罐 celadon jar with four loop handles歌舞杂技画像砖brick with portrait of musician dancer and acrobat舂米画像砖 brick showingrice husking scence。
❖ 陶瓷业至宋代(公元960——1279年)得到了蓬 勃发展,并开始对欧洲及南洋诸国大量输出。以钧 、汝、官、哥、定为代表的众多有各自特色的名窑 在全国各地兴起,产品在色品种日趋丰富。由于东 北的(辽)契丹族和(金)女真族的入侵,宋的统 治者被迫南迁,再后则被蒙古族所灭。公元1280 年,元朝建立,枢府窑出现,景德镇开始成为中国 陶瓷产业中心,其名声远扬世界各地。景德镇生产 的白瓷与釉下蓝色纹饰形成鲜明对比,青花瓷自此 起兴文化在以后的各个历史时期也一直深受人们的 喜爱。
10 "china" China not only mean, ceramics
❖ 早在欧洲人掌握瓷器制造技术一千多年前,中国人 就已经制造出很精美的陶瓷器。中国是世界上最 早应用陶器的国家之一,而中国瓷器因其极高的实 用性和艺术性而备受世人的推崇。
❖over 1000 years Before the Europeans have porcelain manufacturing technology ,Chinese people have created a very fine ceramics. China is the world's first application of one of the countries pottery, and porcelain from China for its high artistic quality and relevance of the world have
Art piece and application of daily life
The history of porcelain
Red glaze porcelain
Red glaze porcelain is beauty gorgeous (华丽的) .
Blue glaze porcelain
Blue glaze porcelain is fresh and elegant(高雅的)
的.我们的祖先在长期的生产实践斗争中,积累了丰富 的制瓷经验, 唐代
The kind of color glaze porcelain
Yellow glaze porcelain
Price RMB :67, 760,000
Qing Emperor Guangxu 粉彩九桃玉壶春
Price RMB : 60,000~90,000
Qing Emperor Qianlong 蓝地粉彩开光花卉壁瓶
Price RMB : 44,800
Qing Emperor Qianlong 粉地粉彩宝相花三孔瓶(一对)
Price RMB :3, 500,000~5,500, 000
Qing Emperor Jiaqing 黄地粉彩花卉高足盘
Price RMB : 224,000
Qing Emperor Qianlong 白地粉彩八宝纹炉
Price RMB : 224,000
Qing Emperor Daoguang 黄地粉elain
Jingdezhen's colorful glaze is famous for all over the world. It contains a long tradition ,and is gradually concluded by our ancestors during the long-time producing and experimenting. Our ancestors has accumulated rich experience in the long-time producing and struggling, and has already created tri-colored glaze mingled(混合) with .yellow, red and blue in Tang dynasty..
中国瓷器介绍 英文版
![中国瓷器介绍 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c42d39c49e3143323968938b.png)
as the Millennium basket, with its
strong vitality and ceramic art, become
the perfect combination of modern
continued to improve.
Qing Dynasty
Qing Dynasty is the most prosperous period China porcelain production, the quantity
and quality of porcelain production reached a peak. A new kind of porcelain had
In English, china
means porcelain(瓷 器).
History of development
Primitive-celadon appeared in the Shang Dynasty, then from the
Western Zhou Dynasty, the Warring States to the Eastern Han Dynasty, through the 1600 years’ change and development, porcelain firing technology had
art auction record. 2005年7月12日,在伦敦佳士德拍卖会上, 元代“鬼谷子下山图”青花瓷罐以1400万 英镑拍出,折合人民币约2.3亿元,创下 了中国艺术品在世界上的最高拍卖纪录。
骨质瓷英文名称“Bone China最早是由英国研制的,已有300多年,历史上是宫庭专用品和贵族收藏之珍品,是权力和地位的象征,受到不少买家的青睐,号称“瓷器之王”,是目前唯一世界上公认的高档瓷。
12%;高白瓷片白度94.17%,骨灰瓷片白度93.51%普通高白瓷Normal High Whiteness Porcelain镁质瓷,氧化镁瓷magnesia porcelain--------------------陶瓷质地和类型Qualities & Types of PotteryWhite Body白胎xx细炻器jasper薄胎瓷thin china / egg-shell porcelain彩陶器,釉陶faience陈设瓷,摆设瓷display china / ornamental porcelain瓷porcelain, china (China‘中国’来自’Chin’’秦’,在英文中’中国’和’瓷’同一单词) 赤陶terracotta, terracotta, red earthenwarexx精陶delft德化陶瓷Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery高温陶瓷refractory china强化瓷:durable porcelain低温陶瓷low-fired porcelain工业陶瓷industrial ceramics工艺瓷,美术瓷,艺术瓷art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery,artistic china骨瓷bone china古瓷ancient porcelain官瓷mandarin porcelain光瓷lusterware黑色陶器basalt裂变瓷crackled porcelain裂纹瓷crazed china米色陶器creamware青瓷celadon青花瓷blue and white porcelain轻质瓷、轻瓷light china日用瓷household china, table ware软瓷soft porcelain杀菌陶瓷antiseptic pottery绳纹陶器Rope figure potteryxx陶器slipware粗瓷stoneware素彩瓷plain porcelainxxearthenware陶瓷pottery无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯biscuit, unglazed warexx釉陶majolica细瓷fine china硬瓷hard porcelain赭色粘土陶器terra sigillata紫砂purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 长石瓷feldspar porcelain瓷牙;牙科用瓷dental porcelain瓷质纱网装饰瓷器lace work porcelain电瓷electrical porcelain雕塑瓷;象牙色帕利安瓷statuary porcelain 高铝瓷high-alumina porcelain锆质瓷zircon porcelain滑石瓷steatite porcelain化学瓷chemical porcelain尖晶石瓷spinel porcelain堇青石瓷cordierite porcelain镁橄榄石瓷forsterite porcelain镁质瓷;氧化镁瓷magnesia porcelain 莫来石瓷mullite porcelain耐热瓷器refractory porcelain缥瓷faint coloured porcelain青白瓷greenish white porcelain熔块瓷fritted porcelain三成分瓷器triaxial porcelain钛质瓷titania porcelain天然原料制成的瓷器natural porcelain 透辉石瓷diapside porcelain卫生瓷器sanitary porcelain鸭蛋青瓷duck-egg porcelain氧化铝瓷alumina porcelain原始瓷proto-porcelain皂石瓷soapstone porcelain中火度瓷intermediate porcelainIC管瓷IC packagesxx瓷dolomitic保温耐火砖insulating firebrick。
陶瓷英语词汇陶瓷专业术语长石feldspar瓷泥petunse, petuntse, petuntze瓷漆enamel paint, enamel封泥lute高岭土kaolin, china clay硅石,二氧化硅silica, SiO2堇青石cordierite莫来石,红柱石andalusite泥果,坯体clay body 泥釉slip石灰,生石灰,氧化钙lime, calcium oxide, CaO氧化锡tin oxide釉glaze原材料raw material云母mica皂石,块滑石steatitedolomite:白云土terracotta:红土construction/building material :建白材料陶瓷质地和类型Qualities & Types of PotteryWhite Body 白胎碧玉细炻器jasper薄胎瓷thin china / egg-shell porcelain彩陶器,釉陶faience陈设瓷,摆设瓷display china / ornamental porcelain瓷porcelain, china (China …中国?来自?Chin??秦?,在英文中?中国?和?瓷?同一单词)赤陶terracotta, terracotta, red earthenware代尔夫精陶delft德化陶瓷Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery高温陶瓷refractory china低温陶瓷low-fired porcelain工业陶瓷industrial ceramics工艺瓷,美术瓷,艺术瓷art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery, artistic china 骨瓷bone china古瓷ancient porcelain官瓷mandarin porcelain光瓷lusterware黑色陶器basalt裂变瓷crackled porcelain裂纹瓷crazed china米色陶器creamware青瓷celadon青花瓷blue and white porcelain轻质瓷、轻瓷light china日用瓷household china, table ware软瓷soft porcelain杀菌陶瓷antiseptic pottery绳纹陶器Rope figure pottery施釉陶器slipware粗瓷stoneware素彩瓷plain porcelain陶earthenware陶瓷pottery无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯biscuit, unglazed ware锡釉陶majolica细瓷fine china硬瓷hard porcelain赭色粘土陶器terra sigillata紫砂purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 长石瓷feldspar porcelain瓷牙;牙科用瓷dental porcelain瓷质纱网装饰瓷器lace work porcelain电瓷electrical porcelain雕塑瓷;象牙色帕利安瓷statuary porcelain高铝瓷high-alumina porcelain锆质瓷zircon porcelain滑石瓷steatite porcelain化学瓷chemical porcelain尖晶石瓷spinel porcelain堇青石瓷cordierite porcelain镁橄榄石瓷forsterite porcelain镁质瓷;氧化镁瓷magnesia porcelain莫来石瓷mullite porcelain耐热瓷器refractory porcelain缥瓷faint coloured porcelain青白瓷greenish white porcelain熔块瓷fritted porcelain三成分瓷器triaxial porcelain钛质瓷titania porcelain天然原料制成的瓷器natural porcelain透辉石瓷diapside porcelain卫生瓷器sanitary porcelain鸭蛋青瓷duck-egg porcelain氧化铝瓷alumina porcelain原始瓷proto-porcelain皂石瓷soapstone porcelain中火度瓷intermediate porcelainIC管瓷IC packages白云石瓷dolomitic保温耐火砖insulating firebrick釉面transparent:透明釉的opaque: 不透明釉的pigmented:色釉的crackled:裂纹釉的pearlized :珍珠釉的Color Glaze 花釉White Glaze 白釉Red Glaze 红釉Pearl Glaze 珍珠釉翡翠釉;翠绿釉Kingfisher blue glaze分相釉phase separation glaze粉青釉lavender grey glaze复合釉;混合铀composite glaze钙釉.石灰釉calcareous glaze盖底釉cladding glaze高硅质釉;硅酸质釉siliceous glaze高温釉hard glaze瓜皮绿釉cucumber green glaze光泽釉bright glaze光泽釉glossy glaze孩儿脸(铜红釉)crushed strawberry red 孩儿脸釉strawberry red glaze海参釉trepang glaze海棠红釉begonia red glaze虹彩釉luster glaze弧坑釉crater glaze虎斑釉tiger-skin glaze琥珀釉amber glaze花釉;复色釉fancy glaze滑石釉talc glaze灰釉ash glaze挥发釉vapour glaze火焰红釉flamboyant red glaze鸡皮釉fowl-skin glaze基础釉parent glaze祭红altar red祭红釉sacrificial red glaze祭蓝altar blue祭蓝釉sacrificial blue glaze荠红釉shiny red glaze荞蓝釉deep blue glaze贾丁尼尔釉Jardiniere glaze碱石灰釉alkaline-calcareous碱釉alkaline glaze豇豆红釉cowpea red glaze豇豆红釉haricot red glaze酱釉;棕釉brown glaze结晶釉crystalline glaze金丝黄釉gold filament yellow glaze金星绿釉aventurine green glaze金星釉;砂金釉aventurine glaze金属釉metallic glaze桔皮釉orange-peel glaze钧釉chun glaze可鲁宾釉(红蓝混合釉)Columbine glaze 可帕尔塔釉(盖面透明釉)coperta glaze可溶性釉soluble glaze孔雀蓝釉peacock blue glaze孔雀绿釉peacock green glaze辣椒红釉chilli red glaze郎窑红釉Lang yao red glaze郎窑绿釉Lang yao green glaze梨皮釉pear peel glaze锂辉石釉spodumene glaze流纹釉flowing glaze龙皮釉dragon-skin glaze卵青釉egg and spinach glaze罗宾蛋壳釉(乳白青绿色)robin\\\'s-egg glaze 罗金厄姆釉(紫褐色铅釉)Rockingham glaze 麻点釉sesame pot glaze 梅子青釉plum green glaze美人醉釉beauty\\\'s flush glaze米黄色釉;奶油色釉cream glaze面釉cover glaze墨地三彩tricolour with china-ink南京黄釉(金黄-棕色)Nankin yellow glaze泥浆釉;易熔粘土釉slip glaze凝固釉(釉浆与明胶的混合物)solidified glaze牛血红釉ox-blood glaze牛血红釉sang-de-boeuf (法语)硼釉boracic glaze葡萄紫釉grap purple glaze铅硼釉lead borate glaze铅釉lead glaze茄皮紫釉aubergine glaze青瓷釉celadon glaze日本风格的铁系花釉;天目釉的日本译名tessha glaze 熔块釉fritted glaze乳白釉opaline glaze乳光釉opalescence glaze乳鼠皮釉mousie skin glaze砂金釉;金星釉gold stone glaze鲨皮釉(有皱纹特征)[日本]shark-shin glaze 鳝皮绿釉green eel-skin glaze鳝皮釉eel-skin glaze鳝鱼黄釉eel yellow鳝鱼青釉eel bluish green glaze蛇皮绿釉green snake-skin glaze蛇皮釉snake-skin glaze生料釉raw glaze生铅釉raw lead glaze失透釉devitrification glaze石灰釉lime glazeCrack Glaze 纹片釉Color Glaze with gold 色釉金彩工艺技术Technology凹雕intaglio标记marking玻璃化vitrify车削turning成型forming冲压,冲压花repousse瓷土加工clay processing雕刻carving浮雕relief隔焰窑muffle工艺技术technology硅氧键silicon-oxygen bond技艺technique, craft间断窑intermittent kiln浇铸casting拉毛sgraffito连续窑continuous kiln镂雕、镂空piercing辘轳车jigger泥釉彩饰法trailing碾磨grinding抛光burnishing, polishing破裂chip嵌入inlay切刻incising筛子sieve烧制firing陶瓷科技ceramics陶轮pot ter?s wheel贴花、嵌花appliqué, decal凸雕,底切,拉底,底部掏槽undercut细裂纹craze性能property压印impressing窑kiln印花stamping釉上彩overglazed color figure釉下彩underglazed color figure预加工pre-processing 粘性,粘滞性viscosity, stiffness 转模片jiggered piece转印transfer print装饰décor, decorationCut edge切割边缘Scalloped扇形边的陶瓷成品杯mugMeat Plate, Round-edge 荷口汤盘Soup Plate 汤盘Tea cup 茶杯Tea Saucer 茶杯碟Creamer 奶壶Bowl ( Rice pot , Fan-zong) 饭碗Coffee cup / Saucer 咖啡杯碟Tea cup/Saucer茶杯/碟Milk pot 奶壶Salad Bowl 沙拉碗Shaker 筛Tureen 汤窝Duck bowl 鸭碗Rice Bowl 饭碗Rice bowl Flaring 反口碗Rice bowl rope 反口碗Saucer, thick body 厚碟Bowl with cover 盖碗Cylindrical Decor 直身杯碟Tea Pot, Persimmon Shape No. 2 2号筛壶Plate with handle/ heat plate, thick带把手的厚碟4.5” R ice Bowl Flaring 4.5`反口碗Platter 大浅盘Vase 花瓶Fish Bowl 鱼缸Fruit Plate 水果盘Deep Plate深盘Pepper Jar 胡椒瓶pepper cellarSalt Jar 盐瓶Salt sellarSeasoning Dish 格碟Food Mixing Bowl 斗碗Table wares Set 餐具Teacup with saucer 茶杯碟Christmas Toys 小丑Goddess of Mercy 观音Eight Immortals of ancient Figures 八仙God of longevity with lad 寿星God of wealth/Treasure/Longevity 财神Porcelain figuring 人物Mask 面具Oval plate 鱼盘Meat Plate 拼盘Flat Plate 平盘Soup Plate 汤盘Porcelain for daily use 日用陶瓷Porcelain for artistic 工艺陶瓷Porcelain for display 陈列陶瓷the imitation of antique porcelain 仿古陶瓷labels for porcelain 花纸Gold-embossed porcelain 刷金vats 盆Corrugated cardboard boxes 皱硬纸板箱Fleur bouquet 花篮13pec Chinese Tea Pot6pec Decorated Mug setCow mobile 6/s 动态牛Single unicorn独角兽(麒麟)Spoon RestCandle holder 烛座Vase open-work 通花瓶flower pot 花瓶Pair of horse, brown 棕色对马15pes “chaozhou” tea service 15头潮州茶具Sugar pot 糖罐inner box bubble 气泡袋Polly foam polybag 胶袋Lamp stand 灯台Foamed Plastic 泡莫塑料Lampshade 灯罩Candlestick 烛台其它Others斑点speck半透明translucence, translucency, translucent 不渗透的nonporous不透明的opaque茶叶罐caddy单色的monochrome多色的polychrome高白high white, Gaobai工艺品artware鬼工,鬼爷神工demon?s work, kuei kung景德镇Jingdexhen, Ching-te-chen景泰蓝cloisonné绝缘子insulator考古学archaeology可塑的plastic流变学rheology琉璃瓦glazed tile 模型、模特model模子mould耐热heat-proof配方formula盆栽bonsai漆器lacquer work器皿ware秦始皇陵兵马俑life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in Chin tomb青铜器bronze work人类学antropology渗透的porous手印,指印finger mark丝网印刷silk screen printing四面体tetrahedral搪瓷,珐琅enamel陶瓷的ceramic陶瓷专家,陶瓷艺术家ceramist陶工potter瓦tile 碗bowl卫生洁具sanitary ware温度temperature硬度hardness釉工glazier圆块,雕球,瘤knob砖brick爱比克泰德Epicteus(活动于520-500 BC)古希腊陶工兼画家何朝宗He Chaozhong(1522-1620)Chinese ceramist in Ming Dynasty,中国明代陶瓷艺术家韦奇伍德Wedgwood(1730-1795)英国著名陶瓷工匠和制造商希腊古瓮颂?Ode on a Crecian Urn?英国诗人济慈Keats(1795-1821)的名诗,惊叹古希腊陶器彩绘之精美。
China, and calligraphy and painting Pottery and porcelain art has a lot in common with ancient Chinese painting in terms of artistic essence, characteristics, and expressive ways. Both art forms require the artists to delve deep into life and reflect it in an artistic way.
Classic Work of Painted Pottery
The classic one is Human Face and Fish Body Design Colored Pottery Basin, which was made in the Neolithic age (5000 to 10000 years ago) and unearthed in the 1950s in Banpo Village in Xi'an of Shaanxi Province.
Black Pottery
Following the color-glazed pottery, the black pottery were made in Chinese Neolithic Age (about 10000 to 5000 years ago).
Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery
The life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in Chin tomb 秦始皇陵兵马俑
The courageous, strict, and serious generals; the cavaliers awaiting their orders; the infantry wearing their armors and holding their weapons. It is reflect the people's philosophy at that time, and vividly record the history in a unique way.
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fodryanatismtye bbyecthaeusCeouthrte, ecsopuerctialilklyeutnhdeerpthlaeinHobnlguweucaonlodrYaonndgleanEmplpeenrtoyrso. fBlue
Characterized by a thicker body than Ding or Ru ware, Jun is covered with a turquoise and purple glaze, so thick and viscous looking that it almost seems to be melting off its substantial golden-brown body. Not only are Jun vessels more thickly potted, their shape is much more robust than the fine Jun pieces.
Ge kiln
Ge ware literally means 'big-brother' ware, because legend has it that of two brothers working in Longquan, one made the typical celadon style ceramics, but the elder made Ge ware, produced in his private kiln.
Ru ware was produced in Ruzhou Henan province for imperial use and is the most famous ware in the five kilns.
however came again developed from
back to prominence that time on.(青花首推宣德)
blue and porcelain
with the advent of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, blue and white ware was shunned for a time by the Court, especially under the Hongwu and Yongle Emperors.
blue and white porcelain
blue and white porcelain
It is believed that underglaze blue and white porcelain was first made in the Tang Dynasty.
Ru wares range in color—from nearly white to a deep robin's egg—and often are covered with reddish-brown crackles. The crackles are caused when the glaze cools and contracts faster than the body, thus having to stretch and ultimately to split. Song dynasty was the first period that viewed crazing as a merit rather than a defect.
It was during this period that walls become so thin and glaze so thick that the latter superseded the former in breadth. As the clay in the foothills around Lin'an was a brownish color and the glaze so viscus.
2012年 香港拍卖会,北宋汝窑天青釉葵花洗拍卖2亿港元,刷新宋瓷世界拍卖纪录
Jun kiln 世上朱砂非所拟,西方宝石致难同。——乾隆
Jun ware was a third style of porcelain used at the Northern Song court and was produced in Yuzhou Henan province
Its paste is white, generally covered with an almost transparent glaze that dripped and collected in “tears“(蜡泪痕).
Due to the way the dishes were stacked in the kiln, the edged remained unglazed, and had to be rimmed in metal such as gold or silver when used as tableware.
Blue and white porcelain however came back to prominence with the Xuande Emperor, and again developed from that time on.
blue and white porcelain
Blue and white porcelain made at Jingdezhen probably reached the height of its technical excellence during the reign of the Kangxi emperor of the Qing Dynasty
Five famous kilns in Song Dynasty
blue and white porcelain
Group 5 Li hao
Chinese ceramics of the Song Dynasty constitute the foremost expression of ceramic art. During the Song period, a unity of the essential components fundamental to the art: vessel shape, potting techniques, glaze, decoration, firing processes, and aesthetic theory were all combined in a high standard of excellence. which led to a variety of classic wares, usually associated with a specific region of China. These included the court-patronized five famous kilns: Ru (汝), Guan (官), Ge (哥), Jun (钧), Ding (定) wares;
Thank you for your patience
Ding kiln
Ding ware was produced in Ding Xian, Hebei Province. when the Song emperors came to power in 940, Ding ware was the finest porcelain produced in northern China at the time, and was the first to enter the palace for official imperial use.
Ge ware basically comprise two types—one with a ‘warm rice-yellow glaze and two sets of crackles, a more prominent set of darker color interspersed with a finer set of reddish lines (金丝铁线). The other Ge ware is much like Guan ware, with grayish glaze and one set of crackles.
Guan kiln
Guan ware, literally means "official" ware; so certain Ru, Jun, and even Ding could be considered Guan in the broad sense of being produced for the court.
blue and white wares are glazed using a transparent porcelain glaze. The blue decoration is painted onto the body of the porcelain before glazing, using very finely ground cobalt oxide mixed with water.
Strictly speaking, however, the term only applies to that produced by an official imperially run kiln, which did not start until the Southern Song fled the advancing Jin and settled at Lin'an.