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be /i/; been /bin/; me /mi/; the /ði/
am /m/; has/z/; have /v/; is / z /
4. 有时,一些常用的弱读形式中省略了一个辅音。
and / ən/; have / əv/; would /əd/; her /ə:/
• 22) the /ðə/ /ði/
• That's the one.
• 23) am /m/
• I'm going now.
• 24) are /ə/

Where are you going?
• 25) is /z/ /s/ • • He's here. My hat is here. • 26) was /wəz/
• 12) you /jə/

What do you think?
• 13) your /jə/ • Take your time. • 14) us /əs/

Let us think it over. • 15) that /ðət/

This is the house that Jack built.
• 34) could /kəd/
Could you do it now?
35) should /∫əd/ How should I know? 36) there /ðə/ There is nothing left. There are not enough. 37) shall /ʃəl, ʃl/
How shall I do like that?
38) when /wən/ Her parents had been dead when she was a child. 39) will /əl, l/ He will go back home tomorrow.
40) would /wəd, əd, d/
He would be happy if he had passed the exam.
1.反复聆听,熟悉弱读。 单词的弱读会导致考生实际听到的发音与 自己熟悉的发音出现偏差,因此在平时复 习时,考生应留意单词在句中的弱读,并 对其进行反复聆听,直至完全熟悉该弱读 现象 2.熟记常见习语中的弱读。 平时记忆听力短文、对话中的常见习语时, 应注意其中是否含有单词的弱读,并将其 与这些习语一并牢记。
形式,不是懂得了道理就 能学会的,也不是一朝一 夕就能掌握的,需要通过
• • 1) to /tə/ but /bət/ I want to come but I can't.

• • • •
2) and /ənd/
He's rich and famous. 3) than /ðən/ /ðn/ Better than that. He's older than she is.
• 大多助动词、系动词、介词、
种发音形式:强读式、弱读 式。
• 这些单词往往都是单音节单 词。
பைடு நூலகம்
1.大多数有弱读形式的单词中,元音都变成了/ ə /; at / ət/ ; as /əz/; had / həd/;must /məst/ 2.有少数几个单词的弱读形式变成了/i /;
Strong Forms& Weak Forms
一个英文单词如果由多个音节构成,那 么其中至少有一个音节是重音;如果,音节 足够多的话,那么可能还有次重音以及一个 以上的重音。 同样的道理,一个句子由多个单词构成, 那么,其中总是有至少一个单词被强读,而
弱读的规则一般是:元音音节弱化成 [ə] 或[i] 。
如下几个单词:at, of, the, to, as, than, and, or, his, a,
an, but, been, for, her, we, be, shall, was, them, 弱读的 频率达到90%,其中a, an, the, than极少用强式。 查字典会发现这些词都至少有两种读音,如for: 重 读时[f‫כ‬:] , 弱读时 [fə];as的强读形式是/ æz/ ,弱 读形式是/əz/。

Was he there?
• 27) were /wə/

We were very pleased.
• 28) have /həv/, /əv/, /v/ • • They've left. Have any been lost?
• 29) had /həd/, /d/

• •
They had better hurry.
• 30) has /əz/ What has he done? He has just arrived. • 31) do /du/, /də/

• • •
Do you think so?
• 32) does /dəz/ When does he leave? • 33) can /kən/, /kn/ Can you hear me?

• • •
4) but /bət/
She wants to sing but she can't. 5) such /sət∫/ We have problems, such as pollution.

6) some /səm/

There are some copies here.
• • 7) any /əni/
• 16) at /ət/
• At least one. • 17) for /fə/ • It's for you.
• 18) from /frəm/ • He comes from England. • 19) of /əv/

I'd love a cup of tea.
• 20) to /tə/ • You ought to go. • 21) an /ən/ • I'd like an apple.
There aren't any more. • • 8) he /hi/
Does he want any? • 9) her /hə/

I've met her mother.

• • •
10) him /im/
Tell him I'd like to.
11) them /ðəm/ /ðm/ I haven't seen them yet.