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Unit 1 Living Well (Module 7)

Period 1 Reading: Marty ’s Story

Class : Name : __________ Group : No :______

Learning Procedures:

I. 【Pre-class homework 】

A. Scanning: match the main idea with each paragraph.

Para.1: A.How his life has become easier.

Para.2: B. How his disease developed.

Para.3: C. An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease.

Para.4: D. The advantages of his disease.

Para.5: E. Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.

B. choose the best answers.

1.The main idea of this passage is about _________.

A. Marty ’s unusual disease

B. what Marty has suffered

C. Marty ’s disease and his attitude to life

D. Marty ’s ambition.

2. The type of writing of the passage is ________

A. an explanation

B. a narration

C. an argument

D. beliefs of people

C. Answer the following questions.

1. What kind of person do you think Marty Fielding is ?


2. What trouble does the writer have?


3. How should we treat disabled people according to the writer of the passage?


II. 【While-class 】 Step1. Lead-in

Step2. Group discussion

Ss discuss their pre-class homework in group

Step3. Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the best answer ;

1.When Marty says “I’m one in a million ”, he really means _________.

A. he is unique

B. he has a rare disease

C. he has a muscle disease

D. he lives a hard but happy life

2. The disease has made Marty _________

A. selfish and cold-hearted

B. helpful and lovely


C. outgoing and independent

D. strong and annoyed

3. His disability has helped him grow stronger psychologically. Which of the following has

the same meaning as the underlined word?

A. physically

B. intellectually

C. Mentally

D. Automatically

4. We can infer from the passage that ____________.

A .Marty thinks his hard work is not that worthy

B. Marty thinks being disabled means a dissatisfying life

C. Marty begs for healthy children’s sympathy on him

D. Marty longs for other’s recognition and support

B. Tell the statements “T” or “F”

1. Marty lived a normal life before he was 10, just like his fellows.( )

2. Marty dreamed of becoming a footballer in the national football team. ( )

3. From the second paragraph we know that Marty held a ray of hope for his future. ( )

4. Marty always felt breathless after running or climbing stairs, which led to his fellows’teasing because he looked like normal people. ( )

5. Due to the disease Marty only suffered mentally because the fellows made fun of him. ( )

C. Fill in the blanks according to the text.

My name is Marty Fielding. Unfortunately, I had a muscle disease when I was ten years old, 1.__________ I can’t run or climb as quickly as others. Sometimes I was too weak to go to school and every time I returned after an 2.___________ (absent), I felt stupid. But I have learned to adapt 3._________ it.

My life becomes easier at high school 4.___________ my fellow students have accepted me. The few who can’t understand me do not make me 5.__________ ( annoy). I am happy to have found many things I can do.

In many ways my 6.____________ (disable) has helped me grow stronger psychologically.

I suggest not 7.___________ (make) fun of the 8.____________ (disable), and giving them

9.____________(encourage ) to live as rich and full a life 10.____________ you do.


Ss present their group job


Ss talk about what they have learned in the lesson


I. Pre-class homework (课堂前置性作业)

Para.1: How his life has become easier.

Para.2: How his disease developed.

Para.3: An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease.

Para.4: The advantages of his disease.

Para.5: Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.


C. 1. Independent 2. Muscle disease 3. We should encourage them to live a normal life. II. While-class (课堂教学流程)

