景威实业有限公司台北市长安东路二段230号2F之2TEL:(02)2771-4138 2740-7226FAX: (02)27318253EMAIL:**************.twWeb site: Exceed中文使用手册目录EXCEED 安装前注意事项 (2)EXCEED 安装WINDOWS 3.1&DOS版本 (3)WINDOWS NT&WINDOWS 95版本 (6)安装方式介绍 (6)单机安装EXCEED 的使用 (8)第一次使用简易流程说明 (8)Xconfig (10)Xstart(启动Xclient) (14)Xsession (15)颜色与字型问题 (16)X client Wizard与Xstart常问问题集 (18)附注一.支援的Network Transport Software (22)Exceed 安装事项A.For Windows 3.1注1 : (1)网络协议及软件: (TCP / IP , DECNET, IPX / SPX ) 详细列表请见20页(2)请确定网络卡及网络安装正确, 以TCP / IP 为例: PC / NFS, PC / TCP, Microsoft TCP/ IP .....请利用Ping , Telnet来确认 TCP / IP 工作正常。
(3). 若没有任何网络软件,可安装Exceed 提供之TCP / IP (Hummingbird TCP / IP) 。
B. For Window 95 & NT(2) 网络设定: 请确认Microsoft TCP / IP 已安装,并且设定正确, 可利用Ping , Telnet 来测试TCP / IP。
(3)PC及Unix Host 的 IP, Hostname, Netmask Gateway, DNS Server.......Exceed 安装步骤(Windows 31):1. 执行CD 中的Setup .exeD:\Exceed\windows\software\setup.exe. 2.选择安装方式 安装方式: 请选择Personal 、Express 安装方式。
Excel 使用指南说明书
Psy201Module 3 – Study and Assignment GuideUsing Excel to Calculate Descriptive and Inferential Statistics What is Excel?Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows one to enter numerical values or data into the rows or columns of a spreadsheet, and to use these numerical entries for such things as calculations, graphs, and statistical analyses.What is a spreadsheet?A spreadsheet is the computer equivalent of a paper ledger sheet. It consists of a grid made fromcolumns and rows. The spreadsheet environment can make number manipulation easy and somewhat painless. The advantage of Excel is that you can experiment with numbers without having to RE-DO all of the calculations. LET THE COMPUTER DO IT FOR YOU!!Spreadsheet Basics Spreadsheets are made up of…1.COLUMNS2.ROWS3.CELLSCOLUMNS:1.Vertical spaces going up & down.2.Letters are used to designate each COLUMN'S location.3.ROWS:1.Horizontal space going across.2.Numbers are used to designate each ROW'S location.3.CELLS:1.Space where row & column intersect.d according to COLUMN letter & ROW number.3.So here cell B6 is highlighted, where B = column and 6 = row.How to use Excel to Calculate Descriptive Statistics Psychologists can use Excel to organize, describe, present, and analyze data.Suppose you conducted an experiment testing the effects of a new memory drug (compared to a placebo) on the ability to remember a list of words, and you collected data and used Excel to organize, describe, and calculate some descriptive statistics. The independent variable (IV) is what the experimenter manipulates. In this case the IV is experimental drug vs. placebo. The dependent variable (DV) is what the experimenter measures as a result of the manipulation of the IV. In this case, the DV is the number of words recalled.You might enter the data into Excel like this:Types of DataIt is important to note that there are 3 basic types of data that can be entered into Excel:bels••In this example, the Labels include the names VariablePlacebo.2.Constants••numerical data (i.e. Dependent Variable -located in the columns beneath the labels.3.Formulas*•calculate a value to display•*ALL formulas MUST begin withan equal sign (=).•In this example, the following formula was entered into Cell B6, = sum(B2:B5).This formula calculates the total of the four memory scores in the Experimental Drug GroupUsing Excel to Calculate Descriptive StatisticsFormulas or FunctionsRemember that when creating formulas or functions, it is important that you BEGIN it with an equals sign (=).Psychology students will find the Statistics functions very useful!Common functions that you will use in Psychology statistics or research methods classesinclude descriptive statistics such as:1.The Sum function2.The Average function3.The Standard Deviation functionA list of formulas or functions is available within Excel under the menu Formula, down toInsert Function.You can also manually insert formulas by typing them directly into the cell where you want the result of the formula to appear.1. The SUM Function (SUM)The SUM FUNCTION takes all of the values in each of the specified cells and totals theirvalues.For example, in order to get the sum of all the words remembered in the Experimental Drug group, we would type in the following formula into cell B6, =SUM(B2:B5)Formulas or Functions, cont’d2. The Average Function (AVG)The AVERAGE is a measure of central tendencyand gives you an idea of the typical score.The AVERAGE FUNCTION finds the average ofthe specified data.For example, in order to get the average of all thewords remembered in the Experimental Drug group,we would type in the following formula into cell B6,=AVG(B2:B5).3. Standard Deviation Function (STDEV)The STANDARD DEVIATION is a measure of the spread of variance of the data and givesyou an idea of how different each score is from the average.The STANDARD DEVIATION FUNCTION finds the standard deviation of the specified data.For example, in order to get the standard deviation of all the words remembered in theExperimental Drug group, we would type in the following formula into cell B6, =STDEV(B2:B5).Making a Chart using Excel 2007 or Newer VersionAnother important feature of Excel that psychologists often utilize is the chart feature. A chart is also called a graph. Excel has a chart program built into its main program.1.First, enter the data to be graphed. Returning to our earlier example, enter the data labels(Experimental Drug and Placebo) and the average memory score for each as shown below:2.3.When labels and averages have been entered and your cursor is immediately below the entereddata, press the F11 key on the top row of your keyboard. A chart will appear.4.To change the Chart Type:a.Select your chartb.Click on the Change Chart Type button on the left to see all of the available chart types,click on Column, then click OK5.On the Chart Tools tab, the third section from the left is named Chart Layoutsa.Near the bottom right portion of that area you will see a small button that will allow you tosee all available layouts.b.Click one time on the button to see the layouts.c.Select the layout that will allow you to add a title to the top of the chart, and label thehorizontal X-axis and the vertical Y-axis.Here is a sample of what the chart should look like:Sample Chart of Example DataUsing Excel 2007 or Newer to Analyze DataLet’s return to our example to make this easier to understand.Suppose that you, the researcher, are interested in the effects of an experimental drug (vs. placebo) on memory for a list of words. You hypothesize that those taking the experimental drug will exhibit better memory after 8 weeks than those taking the placebo. So you randomly assign people to one of two groups:1. Experimental Drug Group: this group of 4 people takes the experimental drug for 8 weeks.****** OR ******2. Placebo Group: this group of four people takes a placebo drug for 8 weeks.At the end of the 8 weeks, you give them a list of words to study and then measure how many words they recall in 90 seconds and enter the data into Excel (as shown below):1. First, determine the Independent Variable and the Dependent Variable:A. The Independent Variable (IV) is the experimental condition (experimental drug vs. placebo).This IV is manipulated between-subjects (or independent samples), because 1 group onlyreceived the experimental drug & the other group only received the placebo.B. The Dependent Variable (DV) is the number of words recalled.2. Determine what statistical test you need to use:When we used Excel to compute the descriptive statistics, we discovered that the experimental drug group recalled more words on average (M = 7.25) than the Placebo Group (M = 3.50).Thus it would appear that our drug was effective at improving memory.BUT WAIT!! You CANNOT just look at the averages and say, “there is a difference between7.25 and 3.50!”Instead, you must conduct a statistical analysis to determine if there is a significantdifference.In psychology, we accept a Significance Level (or p-value) of .05 or less in order to conclude that the means are statistically, significantly different. If the statistical test reveals that thesignificant level (p-value) is less than .05, this means that there is less than a 5% chance that the differences occurred by chance.Because the IV is manipulated between-subjects, you will need to calculate an inferentialstatistic called the independent samples t-test (i.e. two-samples t-test) in order todetermine if the significance level is .05 or less. If the significance level is .05 or less, then we can conclude that there is a significant difference between the experimental drug groupaverage word recall of 7.25 and the placebo group average word recall of 3.50.3. Conduct the analysis:a.Click in a cell where you want the results of the statistical analysis to appear. In thisexample, the cell D7 was chosen.b.Click on the Formula Tab at the top of the Excel window.c.d.ae.In the Functions Arguments Window, enter the data for the first level of the IV (i.e. data forthe Experimental Drug group) located in cells B3, B4, B5, and B6 into the textbox called Array1. Entering “B3:B6” into the Array1 textbox tells Excel to use the constant values found in cells B3, B4, B5, and B6.f.Enter the data for the second level of the IV (i.e. the data for the placebo group) located incells C3, C4, C5, and C6 into the textbox called Array2. Entering “C3:C6” into the Array2 textbox tells Excel to use the constant values found in cells C3, C4, C5, and C6.g.Enter “1” into the textbox called Tails. This tells Excel to conduct a one-tailed test. Youuse a one-tailed test when you have a directional hypothesis. In this case, you have a directional hypothesis because you expect the results to go in a specific direction - that the experimental drug group will remember more words than the placebo.***For future reference: You use a two-tailed test when you have a non-directional hypothesis. If you expect memory differences between the groups, but make no predictions about which group would show enhanced memory performance, then you have a non-directional hypothesis. To conduct a two-tailed test, enter “2” into the textbox called Tails.h.Enter “2” into the textbox called Type. This tells Excel what kind of t-test to conduct. In thiscase we have a between-subjects manipulation of our IV, so we need to conduct anindependent samples (also called two-sample t-test). We are going to assume that we have equal variances.***For future reference: You use a paired samples t-test when you have a within-subjects manipulation of the IV. If you had a group of participants take the placebo for 8 weeks (then test their memory), and then had the same group take the experimental drug for 8 weeks (and then test their memory again), you would have two memory scores perparticipants (one score after taking the placebo and one score after taking the experimental drug). This is a within-subjects manipulation because all of the participants are exposed to all levels of the IV. To conduct a paired samples t-test, enter “1” into the textbox called Type.eghi.The formula result (= .001722369) appears in the window. This is the significant level.j.Click OK.The results of the formula will then appear in the Excel spreadsheet.k.4. Interpret the Result:The one-tailed, two samples t-test revealed a significance level of .0017.Remember the significance cut-off or alpha level that we use in the field of psychology is .05. Because .0017 is less than .05, there is less than a 5% chance that the differences in memory performance that we observed between the two groups occurred by chance.Therefore we can conclude that there is a significant difference between the word recall average bythe experimental group of 7.25 and the word recall average by the placebo group of 3.50.。
第4章 中文Excel 2000基本操作
第4章 中文 章 中文Excel 2000基本操作 基本操作
图4.9 移动工作表
第4章 中文 章 中文Excel 2000基本操作 基本操作
方法2:操作步骤如下: (1) 在工作表标签上选定要移动的工作表。 (2) 打开“编辑”下拉菜单,选择“移动或复制工 作表”命令,出现如图4.10所示的对话框。 (3) 在“工作簿”框中显示当前工作簿名。 (4) 在“下列选定工作表之前”列表框中选择一个 工作表,被移动的工作表将放在该工作表之前。 (5) 单击“确定”按钮,完成工作表的移动。
第4章 中文 章 中文Excel 2000基本操作 基本操作
4.1 Excel 2000概述 概述
4.1.1 Excel 2000的功能简介 Excel 2000 是美国Microsoft公司开发的在Windows 系统下使用的一种电子表格应用软件,它是Office 2000 的主要成员之一。它集文字、数据、图形、图表及其它 多媒体对象于一体,是目前世界上公认的功能最强大、 技术最先进、使用最方便、最受欢迎的电子表格软件。 Excel 2000主要有三方面的功能:电子表格、数据 库管理和制作图表。
第4章 中文 章 中文Excel 2000基本操作 基本操作
图4.5 “新建”对话框中“电子方案表格”标 签
第4章 中文 章 中文Excel 2000基本操作 基本操作
4.2.2 保存、打开和关闭工作簿 1.保存工作簿 当完成对一个工作簿文件的建立、编辑后,需要 将文件保存起来,以便随时取用。 2.打开工作簿 对于已经存盘的工作簿文件,可以使用打开工作 簿文件的操作将其从磁盘调入Excel编辑屏幕上。 3.保存工作簿 当使用多个工作簿时,对于不再使用的工作簿可 以将其关闭,以节省内存空间。
1 认识Excel 2016
1.2 Excel的启动与退出
1.2.1 启动Excel的3种方法1.2.2 退出Excel的4种方法1.2.3 实例1:打开已存在的文件1.2.4 实例2:快速打开最近使用的文件
5 管理与美化工作表
5.5 套用单元格样式
5.5.1 套用单元格文本样式5.5.2 套用单元格背景样式5.5.3 套用单元格标题样式5.5.4 套用单元格数字样式5.5.5 实例1:新建单元格样式5.5.6 实例2:合并样式5.5.7 实例3:美化入会申请表
5 管理与美化工作表
5.6 使用主题
5.6.1 选择工作表主题5.6.2 实例1:自定义主题颜色5.6.3 实例2:自定义主题字体5.6.4 实例3:自定义主题效果
1.6 自定义操作界面
1.6.1 自定义快速访问工具栏1.6.2 最小化功能区1.6.3 自定义功能区1.6.4 自定义状态栏1.6.5 实例:自定义Excel主题和背景
1 认识Excel 2016
1.7 全新的Office助手——Tell Me
1.7.1 快速找到Office功能或命令1.7.2 通过Tell Me获取帮助1.7.3 实例:通过【F1】键获取帮助
8.8 设置出错信息和出警告提示
8.9 检测无效的数据
8.10 实战技巧
8 条件格式和数据验证
8.1 使用条件格式
8.1.1 条件格式综述8.1.2 设置条件格式8.1.3 管理和清除条件格式
1.1 客户信息查询用于查询客户资料,可依据客户属性分不查询客户名单,并可excel导出,同时针对查询出来的客户列表,但单独查询此客户对应的联系人、交往记录和销售记录:1.2 产品信息查询用于查询需求商所提供的产品资料,查询出来的产品均会对应需求商;1.3 需求商信息查询用于查询需求商资料,在查询结果中可直截了当查询此需求商对应所卖的产品信息:1.4 客户信息治理统一维护客户资料,可新建、编辑、删除客户资料,同时也能够查瞧此客户下对应的联系人列表:1.5 联系人治理统一维护客户下的联系人资料,可新建、编辑、删除联系人资料,同时可查询此联系人所对应的客户名称:1.6 交往信息治理用于记录与客户日常沟通的交往情况,可新建、编辑、删除交往信息,并可查瞧到此交往信息所对应的客户和联系人:1.7 产品信息查询统一维护需求商所提供的产品资料,可新建、编辑、删除产品信息,并可查瞧到此产品所对应的需求商:1.8 销售记录治理用于记录与客户产生的销售交易如订单等信息,可新建、编辑、删除销售记录,并可记录此销售记录与客户对应关系:1.9 需求商信息治理统一维护公司所有需求商资料,可新建、编辑需求商信息;1.10 客户转移用于在治理客户过程中,人员变动时同时需要更换治理客户的负责人:2.2.1 网址设置用于用户自行设置区号、邮政编码、列车时刻、公交线路、、英汉等常用的网站地址:2.2 区号查询依据自行设置的区号查询地址,系统自动跳转到该页面,供快速查询区号:2.3 邮政编码查询依据自行设置的邮政编码查询地址,系统自动跳转到该页面,供快速查询邮政编码:2.4 列车时刻查询依据自行设置的列车时刻查询地址,系统自动跳转到该页面,供快速查询列车时刻表:2.5 公交线路查询依据自行设置的公交线路查询地址,系统自动跳转到该页面,供快速查询公交线路表:2.6 查询依据自行设置的查询地址,系统自动跳转到该页面,供快速查询所需要了解的:2.7 英汉查询依据自行设置的英汉查询地址,系统自动跳转到该页面,供用户查询英汉比照:2.8 万年历2.9 世界时刻3.图形报表要紧包含:客户报表、文档相关报表、人事档案报表、流程自定义报表四个方面的统计报表,其中流程报表是依据每个工作流程进行个性化设定展现的。
EXceed WMS用户手册-越库2
2 — Flow ThruOverviewEXceed Crossdock supports the following operations for flow thru orders.• • • • • • • • Confirming Flow Thru Inventory Receiving Flow Thru Inventory Allocating Flow Thru Inventory Moving Flow Thru Inventory Picking Flow Thru Inventory Shipping Flow Thru Inventory Managing Flow Thru Orders Viewing Flow Thru Order InformationConfirming Flow Thru InventoryThe advance shipment notice/receipt tells the distribution center that commodities are scheduled to arrive. When flow thru inventory is linked to an ASN/Receipt, distribution center staff can use the ASN/Receipt number to determine if a specific PO number is connected to a flow thru order. To confirm the arrival of flow thru inventory into your facility, use the ASN/Receipt window.The ASN/Receipt may be imported or manually generated in the system. When manually adding the ASN/Receipt in the system, the “Populate from PO” option can be used to add the necessary detail lines. The purchase order number must be tracked on each detail line in order for the two documents to be considered “linked”.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 1Crossdock Flow Thru Note: Every flow thru shipment order must be assigned to a purchase order. The assignment will be made during the electronic commerce import of the flow thru shipment order.A Purchase Order must therefore exist in the system prior to generating a flow thru shipment order.To confirm flow thru inventory:1 Start the Warehouse Documents applet.2 From the Documents menu, choose ASN/Receipt.- or -Click the Warehouse Documents toolbar and thenclick the ASN/Receipt button.The Maintain ASN/Receipt window appears.3 Enter an ASN number in the ASN Number field,right-click the window and then choose ApplySearch from the menu that appears.The Form tab appears.2 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideCrossdock Flow Thru4 Right-click the header and choose View Items fromthe menu that appears.The Detail List tab appears.5 To confirm a flow thru order, right-click the DetailList and choose Check Allocation from the menuthat appears.The Flow Thru Allocation Management windowappears, displaying the List tab.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 3Crossdock Flow ThruNOTE: The Flow Thru Allocation Management windowdisplays only if the PO assigned to the ASN/Receiptindicates a flow thru order. Otherwise, a message willappear, informing you that Check Allocation is notavailable.Receiving Flow Thru InventoryThe flow thru process begins with receiving. The system provides several options for receiving flow thru inventory.Flow Thru inventory can be received by following the typical receiving procedures for the Maintain ASN/Receipt window (see the EXceed Fulfill4000 v3.6 Users Guide for more information), or by using the RF module. There are twooptions provided for receiving flow thru commodities via RF: •Standard• Pick to BeltStandard RF ReceivingYou can use the standard RF receiving option when you needto receive flow thru commodities that will not be inductedonto a conveyor belt. The standard RF receiving process4 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideCrossdock Flow Thruprovides a simple way to receive and print labels for flow thru commodities.To use the standard RF receiving method:1 Start up the RF terminal and log into EXceed 4000.The EXceed 4000 Main Menu appears.2 From the EXceed 4000 Main Menu, press 1. EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 5Crossdock Flow Thru The Printer ID screen appears.3 Type or scan the printer ID in the PRNT field andpress Enter twice.The Receiving Tasks menu appears.4 Press 1 for Standard.6 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideCrossdock Flow ThruThe Receive screen appears.5 Fill in the appropriate fields by scanning or by typingin the information.When you complete the last field on the screen andpress Enter twice, the unit transmits the data to theEXceed database, updates the received count at thebottom of the screen, and then displays a new screenso you can enter the next commodity.NOTE: If you enter invalid data, the database responds with an error message. Correct the data and then try again.6 Repeat step 5 until you have entered all the data.7 Press Esc to return to the EXceed 4000 Main Menu. Table 2—1: Typical Flow Thru Receiving FieldsOn Screen Full Name DefinitionSTOR Storer Name of the storer of thegoods.ASN AdvanceShipmentNotice/Receipt Number identifying the ASN/Receipt document.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 7Crossdock Flow Thru On ScreenFull Name Definition 8 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide PROD CommodityCodeCommodity code, also known as a SKU, product code, item code or UPC code. PO Purchase OrderNumberPO number typically shown on the Vehicle Manifest. QTY Quantity Amount of goods beingreceived, usually barcoded onthe case or pallet.UOM Unit of Measure Unit of measure for thecommodity (i.e., case, pallet,innerpack, or each).PACK Pack Code Code identifying the set ofUOMs by which the commoditycan be tracked in the facility.ID ID NumberIdentifier for the movable unit,usually barcoded on the caseor pallet. (This field is requiredif users plan to complete movetasks RF Assisted.) HOLDHold Hold status. LottableFields Lot Attributes These fields are not enabled by default. Use PREDITOR to activate them.Crossdock Flow ThruEXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 9••• Pick to Belt RF ReceivingPick to Belt receiving is a more involved method of RFreceiving for flow thru commodities. The Pick to Beltreceiving method should be used when commodities will be inducted onto a belt or powered roller conveyor and moved directly to their final distribution points. This method requires each case to have a scannable label where diverting will be used.There are three types of belt receiving available with EXceed Crossdock:Receipt - Labels will be printed for the specific number of cases that are being received. Commodity - Labels will be printed for all commodities on the receipt. PO - Labels will be printed for the commodities specifiedon the purchase order.Reasons for choosing different label print options may vary from facility to facility. Allocation occurs when labels are printed.To use the Pick to Belt receiving method:1 Start up the RF terminal and log into EXceed 4000.The EXceed 4000 Main Menu appears.Crossdock Flow Thru10 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide2 From the EXceed 4000 Main Menu , press 1.The Printer ID screen appears.3 Type or scan the printer ID in the PRNT field andpress Enter twice.The Receiving Tasks menu appears.4 Press 2 for Pick to Belt.The PTB Receive menu appears.5 Press 1 for Receipt.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 11The Receipt screen appears.6 Fill in the appropriate fields by scanning or typing inthe information.When you complete the last field on the screen andpress Enter twice, the unit transmits the data to theEXceed database and then displays a new screen soyou can enter the next record.NOTE:If you enter invalid data, the database responds with an error message. Correct the data and then try again.7 If you wish to use the Commodity Print option:a When the PTB Receive menu appears, press 2 tochoose Commodity.12 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guideb Fill in the appropriate fields by scanning or typ-ing in the information. SeeWhen you complete the last field on the screenand press Enter twice, the unit transmits the datato the EXceed database and then displays a newscreen so you can enter the next record.8 If you wish to use the PO Print option:a When the PTB Receive menu appears, press 3 tochoose PO Print.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 13b Fill in the appropriate fields by scanning or bytyping in the information.When you complete the last field on the screenand press Enter twice, the unit transmits the datato the EXceed database and then displays a newscreen so you can enter the next record. NOTE: When the receipt is processed, the ordered quantity from the purchase order is used to determine howmany labels will print for the particular commoditybeing received.9 Press Esc to return to the EXceed 4000 Main Menu. Table 2—2: Typical Pick to Belt Receiving FieldsOn Screen Full Name DefinitionRECEIPT This screen appears when you choose option #1 on the Pick to Belt receiving menu.STOR Storer Name of the storer of thegoods.PO Purchase OrderNumber PO number typically shown on the Vehicle Manifest.14 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideASN AdvanceShipmentNotice/Receipt Number identifying the ASN/Receipt document.SKU CommodityIdentifier Commodity code, also known as a SKU, product code, item code or UPC code.QTY Quantity Amount of goods beingreceived, usually barcoded onthe case or pallet.PACK Pack Code Code identifying the set ofUOMs by which the commoditycan be tracked in the facility. UOM Unit of Measure Unit of measure for thecommodity (i.e., case, pallet,innerpack, or each).SKU RECEIVE This screen appears when you choose option #2 on the Pick to Belt receiving menu.STOR Storer Name of the storer of thegoods.PO Purchase OrderNumber PO number, typically shown on the Vehicle Manifest.ASN AdvanceShipmentNotice/Receipt Number identifying the ASN/Receipt document.PROD CommodityIdentifier Commodity code, also known as a SKU, product code, item code or UPC code.PO RECEIVE This screen appears when you choose option #3 on the Pick to Belt receiving menu.PO Purchase OrderNumber PO number typically shown on the Vehicle Manifest.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 15ASN AdvanceShipmentNotice/Receipt Number identifying the ASN/Receipt document.Reversing ReceiptsOn occasion, you may need to make adjustments if excess labels are generated from a receipt. Receipt Reversal is the RF receiving option used in conjunction with flow thru receiving for this purpose. Processing the case ID from each excess label reverses the receipt of commodities linked to the ID and adjusts the inventory files. Since receiving activities automati-cally trigger picking and allocation, you are also unpicking and unallocating commodities whenever you use receipt reversal.To reverse receipts:1 Start up the RF terminal and log into EXceed 4000.The EXceed 4000 Main Menuappears.2 From the EXceed 4000 Main Menu, press 1.16 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide3 Type or scan the printer ID in the PRNT field andpress Enter twice.The Receiving Tasks menu appears.4 Press 4 for Receipt Reversal.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 175 Type or scan the case ID into the Case ID field.When you complete the field on the screen and pressEnter twice, the unit transmits the data to the EX-ceed database and then displays a new screen so youcan enter the next record.NOTE: If you enter invalid data, the database responds with an error message. Correct the data and then try again.6 Repeat step 5 until you have entered all the data.7 Press Esc to return to the EXceed 4000 Main Menu. Table 2—3: Typical Receipt Reversal FieldsOn Screen Full Name DefinitionCaseID Case IDNumber System-generated identifica-tion number for the case.18 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideUsing Label RePrintThe Label RePrint option gives you the ability to manually enter data into three specific label types: Case, PO/ASN, and Loading Assignment. After the data is entered and processed, the printed label is directed to the printer you selected upon entering the RF Receipt option.To use Label RePrint:1 Start up the RF terminal and log into EXceed 4000.The EXceed 4000 Main Menu appears.2 From the EXceed 4000 Main Menu, press 1. EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 19The Printer ID screen appears.3 Type or scan the printer ID in the PRNT field andpress Enter twice.The Receiving Tasks menu appears.4 Press5 for Label RePrint.20 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideThe Label Menu screen appears.5 If you wish to enter data for a Case Label:a When the Label Menu screen appears, press 1for Case Label.The LP Case screen appears.b Fill in the appropriate fields by scanning or bytyping in the information.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 21When you complete the last field on the screenand press Enter twice, the unit transmits the datato the EXceed database and then displays a newscreen so you can enter the next record.6 If you wish to enter data for a PO/ASN Label:a When the Label Menu screen appears, press 2for PO/ASN Label.The LP PO/ASN screen appears.b Fill in the appropriate fields by scanning or bytyping in the information.When you complete the last field on the screenand press Enter twice, the unit transmits the datato the EXceed database and then displays a newscreen so you can enter the next record.7 Press Esc to return to the EXceed 4000 Main Menu. Table 2—4: Typical Label RePrint FieldsOn Screen Full Name DefinitionCase Label This screen appears when you choose option #1 on the Label RePrint menu.22 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideOn ScreenFull Name Definition EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 23CaseIDCase ID System-generated identifica-tion number for the case. SKU CommodityidentifierCommodity code, also known as a product code, item code or UPC code. DESCR CommoditydescriptionDescription of the commodity. PKQTY Pack QuantityPack quantity. SHLANEShipping Lane Designated shipping lane. DATEDate Current date. POPurchase Order Number PO number typically shown on the vehicle manifest. OLANEOutbound Lane Designated outbound lane. ORDEROrder Number Order number. STORERStorer Name of the storer of the goods. DLANEDivert Lane Designated divert lane. PO/ASNLabel This screen appears when you choose option #2 on the Label RePrint menu. POPurchase Order Number PO number typically shown on the Vehicle Manifest. ASN AdvanceShipmentNotice/ReceiptNumber identifying the ASN/Receipt document. DOCKDock Identifier for the dock.Allocating Flow Thru Inventory Allocation of flow thru inventory is executed two different ways. The system may automatically trigger allocation processes as a result of certain receiving or lane assignment conditions. However, if automatic allocation is not triggered, you may trigger allocation manually from the Flow Thru Allocation Management window. See Managing Flow Thru Records, later in this chapter, for more information about this procedure.ReceivingEXceed passes through the following series of checks to determine if allocation will be triggered as a result of receiv-ing:• The PO that the commodity is being received against is used to examine the Crossdock Shipment Order file forflow thru orders.• The system examines the Lane Management file for a Commodity Flow lane assignment when an order appears for the commodity.• The customer(s) from the flow thru order are used to examine the Lane Management file for a Customer laneassignment if no Commodity Flow lane assignment exists. • Allocation is triggered if a Customer lane assignment is identified.Lane AssignmentsAllocation is triggered if a flow thru commodity resides in the Intermediate Drop Zone and either a Customer or Outbound lane assignment is generated for a customer who has a flow thru order for that commodity.24 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideManual AllocationManual allocation must be executed from the Flow Thru Allocation Management window in the following situation:1 A flow thru commodity resides in a Commodity Flowlane.2 A Customer or Outbound lane assignment is gener-ated for a customer who has ordered the commodity. You must manually allocate from the commodity details that contain the customer for which the appropriate lane assign-ment was generated. See Managing Flow Thru Records, later in this chapter, for this procedure.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 25Moving Flow Thru InventoryMoving flow thru commodities is the next step in processing flow thru inventory. In general, flow thru move tasks are generated by the system based on lane assignments. The following rules apply to flow thru moves:• A move is generated to the Commodity Flow lane if a receipt contains a commodity assigned to a CommodityFlow lane.• A move is generated to the Commodity Flow lane if a flow thru commodity located in an Intermediate DropZone is given a Commodity Flow lane assignment• A move is directed to the Intermediate Drop Zone if a receipt contains a commodity that is not assigned to aCommodity Flow lane and the customer(s) ordering thecommodity have no lane assignments.• Pallets located in Divert or Customer Flow lanes will have move tasks directed to an Outbound lane if the cus-tomer wanting those pallets has an Outbound lane as-signment. If the customer requesting those pallets has no Outbound lane assignment, the system will inform youthat there is no Outbound lane assigned. At that time, you must assign the customer to an Outbound lane.Use the RF Assisted Move function to move flow thru commodities within the facility. Moving flow thru inventory does not affect inventory balances.To move flow thru inventory:1 Start up the RF terminal and log into EXceed 4000.26 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideThe EXceed 4000 Main Menu appears.2 From the EXceed 4000 Main Menu, press 4.The Move Tasks menu appears.3 Press 2 for Assisted.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 27The Assisted MV screen appears.4 Type or scan the movable unit ID in the ID field andpress Enter twice.The Assisted MV screen appears with the requestedinformation displayed.5 When you press Enter twice, the unit transmits thedata to the EXceed database and then displays a newscreen so you can complete the next move.28 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideNOTE: If you enter invalid data, the database responds with an error message. Correct the data and then try again.6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have entered all thedata.7 Press Esc to return to the EXceed 4000 Main Menu. Table 2—5: Typical Assisted Move FieldsOn Screen Full Name DefinitionID ID Number Identifier for the movable unit,usually barcoded on the caseor pallet.PROD CommodityCode Commodity code, also known as a Sku, item code or UPC code.FROM From Location Original location of the goodswithin the facility.TO To Location New location of the goodswithin the facility.QTY Quantity Amount of goods beingmoved.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 29Picking Flow Thru InventoryPicking flow thru inventory is an automated process with EXceed Crossdock. The system generates picking tasks when flow thru orders are successfully allocated.To complete flow thru picking tasks manually, you can use the RF Pick/Shipping option. Refer to Chapter 9 - Using RF Terminals in the EXceed 4000 Series User's Guide for more information about this option.You can change the status of flow thru picks by using the Flow Thru Allocation Management, Picks tab. Please note, the status of each pick displayed on the Picks tab should update accordingly if picks are completed using the RF module. See Managing Flow Thru Records, later in this chapter, for more information about this function.Flow Thru Picking ProcessOnce the system determines pick locations following an allocation, the picking process follows a defined set of rules:• • If a full pallet is found that matches the pick needed, the pick is directed to either a Customer Flow lane or an Out-bound lane depending on whether the customer has been assigned an Outbound lane or not.If inventory is found that equals less than a full pallet, and matches the pick needed, the pick is executed with a con-tainer in a Commodity Flow lane and consolidated to a pallet in the Customer Flow lane. Once the picks are complete, the pallet is moved to an Outbound lane, de-pending on whether the customer has been assigned an Outbound lane or not.30 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideShipping Flow Thru InventoryShipping is the final step in the flow thru process. To ship flow thru inventory, use the RF Pack/Load/Ship option from the RF Shipping 1 menu.The RF Pack/Load/Ship option allows you to notify the EXceed 4000 system that you are shipping flow thru inven-tory. When shipping flow thru inventory, you must type or scan the flow thru case ID into the RF unit.Review Chapter 4 - Additional Operations, for instructions on using the RF Pack/Load/Ship function.Managing Flow Thru RecordsEXceed Crossdock gives you the ability to manage your flow thru records through the use of the Flow Thru Allocation Management window.The Flow Thru Allocation Management window maintains all flow thru order information sent from the host. Use this window to unpick flow thru inventory, print pick lists and ship inventory.The Flow Thru Allocation Management window also allows the allocation manager to view and modify allocation values before running the allocation process. See for a description of Flow Thru Allocation Management window fields.To manage flow thru inventory records:1 Start the EXceed 4000 Series Workstation.2 From the EXceed Explorer, double-click the Cross-dock icon.3 Double-click the Management icon, and then clickFlow Thru Allocation.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 31The Flow Thru Allocation Management windowappears.4 Right-click the window and then choose ApplySearch from the menu that appears.The List tab appears.5 Click on a chosen record from the list.32 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideThe Detail List tab appears.6 To modify records, right-click the Detail List andchoose Modify Mode.7 If you wish to modify the sequence of customer or-ders to be allocated:a Click on a customer record in the Detail List.b Right-click the window and choose ModifyMode.c Click in the Sequence field.d Change the number in the Sequence field. (Forexample, if the sequence number is 3, change thenumber to 1 if you want the order to be allocatedbefore all other customer orders associated witha particular PO number.)e Right-click the window and choose Save. EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 33tempt to save with the Sequence field left blank.NOTE: Orders with the same sequence number will beallocated by the system according to sales ordernumber.8 If you wish to change the process quantity number (togreater than or less than the original setting) in orderto adjust allocation due to physical quantity discrep-ancies:a Click on a customer record in the Detail List.b Right-click the window and choose ModifyMode.c Click in the To Process field.d Change the value in the To Process field to ei-ther greater than or less than the original value.e Right-click the window and choose Save. NOTE: The system uses the modified process quantity as an allocation variable to determine picks generated forflow thru orders received through the RF module orthe Maintain ASN/Receipt window.9 If you wish to manually trigger allocation fromcommodity flow lanes:a Right-click the Detail List and choose Allocatefrom the menu that appears.34 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guideb Choose Yes if you wish to allocate the inventory,otherwise, choose No.10 To show picks, right-click a line on the detail list andchoose Show Picks from the menu that appears.The Picks tab appears.11 To unpick flow thru inventory, click on the recordyou wish to unpick, then right-click and choose Un-pick from the menu that appears.12 If you wish to generate a pick list:a Right-click a line on the detail list and chooseGenerate Pick List from the menu that appears. EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 35The Pick List tab appears.b To print the pick list, right-click and choosePrint from the menu that appears.13 To ship inventory, right-click the Picks tab andchoose Ship from the menu that appears.NOTE: Once inventory is in Shipped status, you do not have the ability to unship the inventory.Table 2—6: Flow Thru Allocation Management - Form FieldsField DescriptionPO# System-generated purchase order numberthat corresponds to the shipment order. ASN# System-generated ASN/Receipt number. Storer The owner of the commodity.Commodity Code identifying the commodity. CommodityDescription of the commodity.DescriptionTotal Demand The accumulation of a flow thru shipmentorder quantity for the commodity displayed onthe header.36 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideAvailable The received quantity from the ASN\Receipt. Applicable % Percentage of the total demand quantity fromthe ASN\Receipt. This should not exceed100%.Reserve The inventory not residing in a Flow Lane orIntermediate Drop Zone and assigned to aflow thru shipment order.Detail ListCustomer Ship to customer.SO# System generated number associated tobuyer’s sales order number. This informationis imported via Electronic Commerce. Ordered Number of units ordered.Open Quantity open against the order.Shipped Number of units shipped.Remains Remaining ordered quantity.To Process Quantity to process for the order.Sequence Allocation sequence number. This number ispopulated from the buyer's sales ordernumber, but may be modified when needed. Picks This tab appears when you right-click andchoose Show Picks.Order# System generated order number.Order Line# System generated order line number.Case ID System generated case ID.Lot Specific lot from which to pick the goods. Location Current location of the inventory.Movable Unit Specific case or pallet ID from which to pickthe goods.Quantity Quantity picked for the order line number. Status Status of the inventory.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 37Storer Owner of the commodity.Commodity Code identifying the commodity beingshipped.Carton Group Carton group associated with the commoditybeing picked. The system fills in this fieldautomatically.Carton Type Carton size for the goods being picked. Pack Specified pack code.UOM UOMs that are available for the selectedcommodity.UOM Quantity UOM quantity.Drop Location Location/lane the commodity is moved toafter it arrives and is received into inventory. Pickdetail# Pick detail line number.Drop ID/Tag Drop ID.Cartonized Cartonized status. Options include Yes orNo.Pick List Tab This tab appears when you right-click andchoose Generate Pick List.38 EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users GuideViewing Flow Thru Order Information Distribution center staff can view the results of a flow thru order download by using the Flow Thru Order Maintenance window. The Flow Thru Order Maintenance window is a "view only" window that provides the ability to query flow thru order information for individual customers.To view flow thru order information:1 Start the EXceed 4000 Series Workstation.2 From the EXceed Explorer, double-click the Cross-dock icon.3 Double-click the Management icon, and then clickFlow Thru Order Maintenance.The Maintain Flow Thru Order window appears.4 Right-click the window and then choose ApplySearch from the menu that appears.EXceed Fulfill 4000 v3.6 – Users Guide 39。
景威實業有限公司台北市長安東路二段230號2F之2TEL:(02)2771-4138 2740-7226FAX: (02)27318253EMAIL: info@Web site: Exceed中文使用手冊目錄EXCEED 安裝前注意事項 (2)EXCEED 安裝WINDOWS 3.1&DOS版本 (3)WINDOWS NT&WINDOWS 95版本 (6)安裝方式介紹 (6)單機安裝EXCEED 的使用 (8)第一次使用簡易流程說明 (8)Xconfig (10)Xstart(啟動Xclient) (14)Xsession (15)顏色與字型問題 (16)X client Wizard與Xstart常問問題集 (18)附註一.支援的Network Transport Software (22)Exceed 安裝事項A.For Windows 3.1註1 : (1)網路通訊協定及軟體: (TCP / IP , DECNET, IPX / SPX ) 詳細列表請見20頁(2)請確定網路卡及網路安裝正確, 以TCP / IP 為例: PC / NFS, PC / TCP, Microsoft TCP /IP .....請利用Ping , Telnet來確認TCP / IP 工作正常。
(3). 若沒有任何網路軟體,可安裝Exceed 提供之TCP / IP (Hummingbird TCP / IP) 。
B. For Window 95 & NT(2) 網路設定: 請確認Microsoft TCP / IP 已安裝,並且設定正確, 可利用Ping , Telnet 來測試TCP / IP。
(3)PC及Unix Host的IP, Hostname, Netmask Gateway, DNS Server.......Exceed 安裝步驟(Windows 31):1. 執行CD 中的Setup .exeD:\Exceed\windows\software\setup.exe.選擇安裝方式 安裝方式: 請選擇Personal 、Express 安裝方式。
Microsoft Excel 2010 官方中文产品指南
2.1 分类汇总表:本报价工程(项目)中所有分类的集合。
在“工程信息sheet”下方,如图所示:2.2 屏柜汇总表:本分类所有屏柜、箱体及其他费用的集合。
在“分类sheet”顶部,如图所示:2.3 屏柜分项表:本屏柜所有元件材料及其他费用等的集合。
在“分类sheet”的“屏柜汇总”下方,如图所示:安装1.系统要求(1)硬件:1) CPU:500MHz或更快的处理器;2) 内存:256MB及以上;3) 硬盘空间:1GB及以上(Office安装及程序使用产生数据等需占用,本程序≤120MB);4) 显示器:1024x768 或更高分辨率的显示器;5) 百兆网卡。
(2)操作系统:1) Windows All/(XP,Win7/8,…;Server2003/2008,…);2) Office 2007及以上+ .NET Framework 3.5。
2.安装步骤1.在windows系统电脑中安装.NET Framework3.5、Office2007(或以上版本);2.执行ExWinnerSetup.exe,根据提示按步骤执行,完成安装。
1. 启动双击桌面快捷或直接打开excel界面,选择“ExWinner成套报价软件”模块。
安装主界面文本文本来自文本文本 文 文本
3 2020/3/7
Setup type 选择 Custom 确定exceed-exceed fonts 类型 ,注意:font
中,选择chinese fonts 接下来,就进入了安装程序 键盘选择 us.kbf 密码设置选skip 连续选择 next 后,其中会有1-5分钟的
运行exceed ,系统自动搜索本网段的 UNIX主机,进入CDE登录界面。
6 2020/3/7
Screen Definition 中将windows mode 设 置为 Multiple;
将communication 设置为 passive; 运行xstart,进行设置;
Exceed 图形终端仿真工具 Netterm字符终端仿真工具
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2 2020/3/7
9 2020/3/7
10 2020/3/7
《exceed 中文问题使用说明》
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图形显示性能优化,不要着急 ,之后安 装完成。
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5 2020/3/7
在 Screen Definition 中将windows mode 设置为 single;
EXCEED计量型 (EDIP1x)雷达液位 变送器 说明书
EDIP10:锥形天线EDIP11:波导管天线EDIP1x 系列液位变送器具有如下特征:◆ 非接触式测量,整体式工作,无可移动组件,安全便捷◆ 专利性技术,具有更高可靠性,具有较高的精度(液位跟踪精度0.5mm)◆ 灵活的标准通信接口◆ 强有力的微处理器件进行大量复杂计算,实现实时测量◆ 具有超高的灵敏度和独特的信号处理功能,可以应对难以测量的储罐条件◆ 宽温度、压力环境适用性及温度、压力测量中继处理◆ 发射功率小,符合安全及防爆标准◆ 系列产品的系统兼容扩展性◆ 天线的材料选择范围较广◆ 高级别的防护,使仪器更安全的工作◆ 方便的现场安装。
在现场一般只需将天线法兰同罐体连接即可,极大方便了现场的 操作主要特性 --------------------------- 2技术规格 --------------------------- 9尺寸图 ---------------------------- 16机械安装 -------------------------- 19订购信息 -------------------------- 30认证 ------------------------------ 36用于对储油罐液位的连续测量,提供高精度的数字信号EXCEED 计量型(EDIP1x )雷达液位变送器导言EXCEED计量型---EDIP1x雷达液位变送器,属于智能型连续、无接触式液位测量变送器。
eXceed 使用介绍 - CCF精品技术论坛
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2002-03-01, 23:10
热心会员 资 料: 注册日期: Sep 2001 来自: 梦想开始的地方 帖子: 4,397 精华: 1
OK 这就是最简单的x server的用法 但是,默认情况下,这种配置是无法支持中文的 (第二个假设,你的Linux已经完成了汉化,使用了simsun字体,如果还没有,参考这里和 这里 如果这时候运行gedit,会看到gedit的界面和一堆乱码(可惜我的机器配置好了,这张图是截不到了)
2002-03-01, 22:44
eXceed介绍 热心会员 X Server & XDM 资 料: 注册日期: Sep 2001 来自: 梦想开始的地方 帖子: 4,397 精华: 1 xdm的意思是X显示管理器(X Display Manager)。一个机器上的xdm 可以管理多个X显示器(X Server)。这些X服务器可以在不同的机器上 (不同的ip地址)。在一个Linux机器上可以起动多个X Server,每个 X Server都有自己的标识(ID)。X的标识有以下的格式: 主机域名:X服务器号.荧光屏号 在Linux下面,我们熟悉的XFree86就是XServer的一种。 在windows下面,就是eXceed/xwin32/Extra!X这三个了 而 eXceed是Hummingbird通讯公司生产的X Server软件,是其中功能最复杂,也最完备(网上相关文档最多)的一个。 下载在这里
第5章 电子表格处理软件Excel 2003
4.关闭工作簿 在完成操作后,单击“文件”菜单中的“关闭”命令 可以关闭当前工作簿。若此工作簿还未对其内容进行保存, 则会出现一个对话框,确认是否保存。 5.保护工作簿 按下述操作可以保护工作簿及撤消工作簿的保护状态: ① 执行“工具”→“保护”→“保护工作簿”命令。 ② 在出现如图5.6所示的对话框中选择保护工作簿方式 并输入密码。此对话框中有三个选项:
从上面的叙述中可知,工作簿由工作表组成,而工作 表则由单元格组成。
第5章 电子表格处理软件Excel 2003
5.1.4 管理工作簿
1. 创建新工作簿 启 动 Excel 2003 时 , 系 统 会 自 动 创 建 一 个 新 的 名 为
“Book1”的空白工作簿,Excel按常用工作簿创建的先后顺 序定义默认名为“Book i”,i为顺序号,可在保存时对其 重新命名。还可以通过下面两种方法创建新的工作簿文件: 方法1:单击常用工具栏上的“新建”按钮,可直接创建 一个新的空白工作簿。 方法2:使用菜单命令创建,具体操作如下:
第5章 电子表格处理软件Excel 2003
图5.5 “另存为”对话框
第5章 电子表格处理软件Excel 2003
为了防止在输入数据的过程中碰到意外关机 的情况而丢失数据,Excel 2003提供了定时自动 保存的功能。若要使用该功能,则单击“工具” 菜单上的“选项”命令,然后在出现的对话框中 单击“保存”选项卡,选定“保存自动恢复信息, 每隔”项并在其右侧的输入框内输入自动保存的 间隔时间。
第5章 电子表格处理软件Excel 2003
Excel能识别的序列类型有:等差序列、等比序列、日期序列和自动 填充序列。 • 等差序列:每个数值由前一个数值加上一个固定值得到,这个固定值称 为步长。例如:初始值为2,步长为2,得到等差序列为2,4,6,……。 • 等比序列:每个数值由前一个数值乘以一个固定步长得到。例如:初始 值为1,步长为2,得到等比序列为1,2,4,8…… • 日期序列:每个日期数据由前一个日期加上一个日期单位得到,日期单 位包括日、月、年等。例如:初始值为10/23/00,日期单位为年,则得到 日期序列为10/23/01,10/23/02,10/23/03,10/23/04,……。 • 自动填充序列:根据给定的初始值自动递增形成,特点是文本内容不变, 数字递增。
Excel 2007使用手册目录第一章Excel 2007概述 (8)1.1 Excel 2007的新界面 (8)1.2 Windows XP SP2新功能概览 (8)1.2.1. “文件”菜单 (9)1.2.1 快速访问工具栏 (9)1.2.2. 标题栏 (10)1.2.3. 功能区 (10)1.2.4. 状态栏与显示模式 (10)1.2.5. 其他组件 (10)1.3 Excel 2007基本操作 (10)1.3.1. 运行Excel 2007 (11)1.3.2. 创建Excel工作簿 (11)1.3.3. 保存Excel工作簿 (11)1.3.4. 打开Excel工作簿 (12)1.3.5. 关闭工作簿与退出Excel 2007 (12)第二章管理工作表与工作簿 (12)2.1 插入工作表 (12)2.2 删除工作表 (13)2.3 重命名工作表 (13)2.4 移动或复制工作表 (13)2.4.1. 在工作簿内移动或复制工作表 (13)2.4.2. 在工作簿间移动或复制工作表 (13)2.5 查看工作簿窗口 (14)2.5.1. 工作簿视图 (14)2.5.2. 并排比较工作表 (14)2.5.3. 同时显示多个工作簿 (14)2.5.4. 拆分与冻结窗口 (14)2.6 隐藏或显示工作簿的元素 (15)2.6.1. 拆分与冻结窗口 (15)2.6.2. 隐藏或显示工作表 (15)2.6.3. 隐藏或显示窗口元素 (15)2.6.4. 设置工作表显示的比例 (16)2.7 添加批注 (16)2.7.1. 添加批注 (16)2.7.2. 设置批注格式 (16)2.8 保护工作簿数据 (16)2.8.1. 设置保护工作簿与工作表 (17)2.8.2. 设置允许用户编辑区域 (17)第三章格式化工作表 (17)3.1 设置单元格格式 (17)3.1.1. 设置单元格格式的方法 (18)3.1.2. 设置数字格式 (18)3.1.3. 4设置字体 (18)3.1.4. 设置对齐方式 (18)3.1.5. 设置边框和底纹 (19)3.2 设置单元格格式 (19)3.2.1. 插入行、列和单元格 (19)3.2.2. 删除行、列和单元格 (20)3.3 调整行高和列宽 (20)3.4 使用条件格式 (20)3.5 套用单元格样式 (21)3.5.1. 套用内置单元格样式 (21)3.5.2. 自定义单元格样式 (21)3.5.3. 删除单元格样式 (21)3.6 套用工作表样式 (22)3.7 创建页眉和页脚 (22)3.7.1. 添加页眉和页脚 (22)3.7.2. 在页眉或页脚中插入各种项目 (23)第四章数据计算 (23)4.1 公式的运算符 (23)4.1.1. 运算符的类型 (23)4.1.2. 运算符优先级 (23)4.2 应用公式 (24)4.2.1. 公式的基本操作 (24)4.2.2. 引用公式 (24)4.3 应用函数 (24)4.3.1. 函数的基本操作 (24)4.3.2. 常用函数应用举例 (24)第五章管理表格中的数据 (25)5.1 数据清单 (25)5.2 数据排序 (25)5.1.1. 对数据清单排序 (25)5.1.2. 数据的高级排序 (25)5.3 数据筛选 (26)5.3.1. 自动筛选 (26)5.3.2. 自定义筛选 (26)5.3.3. 数据的高级筛选 (26)5.4 分类汇总 (27)5.4.1. 创建分类汇总 (27)5.4.2. 隐藏或显示分类汇总 (27)5.5 分级显示 (27)5.6 数据合并 (28)第六章统计图表 (28)6.1 图表的应用 (28)6.2 图表的基本组成 (28)6.3 创建图表 (29)6.4 修改图表 (29)6.4.1. 更改图表类型 (29)6.4.2. 移动图表位置 (29)6.4.3. 调整图表大小 (30)6.4.4. 修改图表中文字的格式 (30)6.4.5. 修改图表中文字的格式 (30)6.5 设置图表布局 (31)6.5.1. 设置图表标签 (31)6.5.2. 设置坐标轴 (31)6.5.3. 设置图表背景 (31)6.5.4. 添加趋势线 (32)第七章使用数据透视表 (32)7.1 数据透视表的基本术语 (32)7.2 创建数据透视表 (32)7.3 使用数据透视表分析数据 (33)7.4 设置数据透视表选项 (33)7.4.1. 设置字段 (33)7.4.2. 移动数据透视表 (34)7.4.3. 创建数据透视图 (34)7.4.4. 更改数据源 (34)7.4.5. 调整数据透视表显示选项 (35)7.5 设计数据透视表 (35)7.4.6. 调整数据透视表布局 (35)7.4.7. 设置数据透视表样式 (35)第八章插入与编辑图形 (36)8.1 绘制图形 (36)8.1.1. 绘制基本图形 (36)8.1.2. 缩放图形 (36)8.2 插入对象 (37)8.2.1. 插入剪贴画 (37)8.2.2. 插入图片 (37)8.2.3. 插入SmartArt (38)8.2.4. 插入文本 (38)8.2.5. 插入艺术字 (38)8.3 设置对象格式 (38)8.3.1. 设置文本框与艺术字格式 (39)8.3.2. 设置图片格式 (39)第九章提高办公效率 (39)9.1 使用模板 (39)9.1.1. 创建模板 (39)9.1.2. 应用模板 (40)9.1.3. 下载模板 (40)9.1.4. 修改模板 (41)9.2 使用宏 (41)9.2.1. 录制宏前的准备工作 (41)9.2.2. 录制宏 (41)9.2.3. 执行宏 (42)9.2.4. 编辑宏 (42)9.2.5. 调试宏 (42)第十章与外部对象的协作 (43)10.1 外部对象 (43)10.1.1. 链接对象与嵌入对象 (43)10.1.2. 插入外部对象 (43)10.1.3. 直接插入外部对象文件 (44)10.1.4. 将文件中的一部分插入到工作簿中 (44)10.2 编辑外部对象 (44)10.2.1. 编辑链接对象 (45)10.2.2. 编辑嵌入对象 (45)10.3 与其他Office程序的协作 (45)10.3.1. 与Word的协作 (45)10.3.2. 与PowerPoint的协作 (46)10.3.3. 与Access的协作 (46)第十一章第Excel 2007的网络功能 (46)11.1 共享工作簿 (46)11.1.1. 在局域网中共享工作簿 (46)11.1.2. 在Internet中共享工作簿 (47)11.2 创建超链接 (47)11.2.1. 创建不同类型的超链接 (47)11.2.2. 修改超链接 (47)11.2.3. 复制、移动或取消超链接 (48)11.3 在网络上发布Excel数据 (48)11.3.1. 发布Excel数据 (48)11.3.2. 修改数据 (48)11.4 使用Web查询 (48)第十二章财务计算函数 (49)12.1 投资计算 (49)12.1.1. FV (49)12.1.2. PV (49)12.1.3. NPV (49)12.2 本金和利息 (50)12.2.1. PMT (50)12.2.2. IPMT (50)12.2.3. PPMT (50)12.2.4. CUMIPMT (50)12.2.5. CUMPRINC (51)12.3 折旧计算 (51)12.3.1. DB (51)12.3.2. DDB (51)12.3.4. SLN (52)12.3.5. SYD (52)12.3.6. AMORDEGRC (52)12.4 计算偿还率 (53)12.4.1. RA TE (53)12.4.2. IRR (53)12.4.3. MIRR (53)12.4.4. XIRR (54)12.5 证券计算 (54)12.5.1. ACCRINT (54)12.5.2. ACCRINTM (54)12.5.3. INTRA TE (55)12.5.4. PRICE (55)12.5.5. YIELD (55)12.5.6. DISC (56)12.6 统计函数 (56)12.6.1. A VERAGE (56)12.6.2. TRIMMEAN (56)12.6.3. COUNT (56)12.6.4. COUNTA (57)12.6.5. FREQUENCY (57)12.6.6. MIN (57)12.6.7. MAX (57)12.6.8. MEDIAN (58)12.6.9. MODE (58)12.6.10. RANK (58)12.6.11. PERCENTRANK (58)12.7 统计分析 (59)12.7.1. NORMDIST (59)12.7.2. KURT (59)12.7.3. SKEW (59)12.7.4. BINOMDIST (59)12.7.5. HYPGEOMDST (60)12.7.6. POISSON (60)12.7.7. GAMMADIST (60)12.7.8. EXPONDIST (60)12.7.9. CHIINV (61)12.7.10. FDIST (61)12.7.11. FINV (61)12.7.12. V AR (61)12.7.13. V ARP (61)12.7.14. TDIST (62)12.8 数据库管理函数 (62)12.8.2. DCOUNT (62)12.8.3. DGET (63)12.8.4. DMAX (63)12.8.5. DMIN (63)12.8.6. DPRODUCT (63)12.8.7. DSTDEV (63)12.8.8. DSTDEVP (64)12.8.9. DSUM (64)12.8.10. DV ARP (64)12.9 查询和引用函数 (64)12.9.1. ADDRESS (64)12.9.2. AREAS (65)12.9.3. CHOOSE (65)12.9.4. COLUMN (65)12.9.5. ROW (65)12.9.6. COLUMNS (66)12.9.7. ROWS (66)12.9.8. HLOOKUP (66)12.9.9. HYPERLINK (66)Excel 2007使用手册第一章 Excel 2007概述1.1 Excel 2007的新界面和以前的版本相比,Excel 2007的工作界面颜色更加柔和,更贴近于Windows Vista 操作系统。
Excel常用工具V2.2版使用说明适用版本: Microsoft Office 2000及以上授权方式: 免费功能概述:1、拆分总表:将一张工作表(总表)中的表拆分成若干张格式相同、数据不一的分表,分表可以与总表保存在同一张工作簿中,也可以以工作簿的形式保存在指定的目录下;2、分表合并:拆分总表功能的逆操作。
[编辑 编辑]—[替换 ,打开替换对话框。 替换], 编辑 替换 打开替换对话框。
注意:进行查找、替换操作前, 注意:进行查找、替换操作前,要先选定 搜索区域,可借助于Shift/Ctrl键选 搜索区域,可借助于 键选 取或取消多个工作表。 取或取消多个工作表。
Excel 2000 中文版的使用
5.3.1 工作表数据的输入
日期型的数据可以进行相加、相减运算。 日期型的数据可以进行相加、相减运算。 单元格中数字格式决定其显示方式。 单元格中数字格式决定其显示方式。其默认 格式及字符由[控制面版 控制面版]的 区域设置 决定。 区域设置]决定 格式及字符由 控制面版 的[区域设置 决定。 对于美国的时间系统, 对于美国的时间系统,用斜线 / 或破折号 – 作 为日期分隔符,:号作为时间分隔符; ,:号作为时间分隔符 为日期分隔符,:号作为时间分隔符;上、 下午用a 表示。 下午用 及 p 表示。
5.1.3 Excel 的基本概念
1) 工作簿
用于存储工作数据的文件,可存放255个不同 用于存储工作数据的文件,可存放 个不同 类型的工作表。 类型的工作表。新建的工作簿有默认的名字 (BOOK1.XLS 和三个工作表 Sheet1等)。 BOOK1.XLS)和三个工作表 和三个工作表(Sheet1等 。 2) 工作表 通过工作表完成数据的输入、计算等。 通过工作表完成数据的输入、计算等。
1) 用鼠标拖动,复制时同时使用 用鼠标拖动,复制时同时使用Ctrl键。 键 2) [编辑 编辑]—[移动或复制工作表 ,设置对话框。 移动或复制工作表], 编辑 移动或复制工作表 设置对话框。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
第一次使用之簡易流程說明Sun OS or 無啟動xdm 的unix 作業系統執行Exceed(XDMCP-Broadcast)執行Client Wizard出現選擇登入工作站視窗 選擇欲登入之工作站HP-UX, Solaris,IBM AIX,SGI IRIX, AT&T MP-RAS, SNI SINIX and Digital Unix廣播網路上支援XDM 之工作站 直接執行工作站之x 應用程式Login 視窗輸入username 、password 即可登入工作站依指示步驟設定並存成檔案、製作捷徑 捷徑至程式群組 執行製作之捷徑 出現執行Unix 應用程式視窗Xconfig設定X Config內的X Server的啟動方式—Communication與Screen Definition一、Communication:Passive:若UNIX作業系統若無支援xdm,此選項只啟動PC上的X ServerXDMCP-QUERY:指定某一Unix的xdm來管理 <請見附圖1>XDMCP-BroadCast:在網路上廣播,所有支援xdm及正在執行的Unix會顯示出來,可供使用者選擇要login的UNIX <請見附圖2>註*使用XDMCP時,UNIX本身需支援XDM,UNIX也需執行XDM二、Screen DefinitionMultiple : Windows Manager選擇Native--由MS Windows Manager 管理<請見附圖3>X --由遠端Windows Manager管理Single :由遠端Windows Manager管理(mwm,twm,olwm,4Dwm) <請見附圖4>由Local端的Windows Manager管理(hwm—Windows 95 & NT)SCREEN DEFINITION --WINDOW MODE: SingeCOMMUNICATION不同的設定所顯示的畫面●XDMCP-QUERY:直接以xdm的方式,登入某台機器.執行EXCEED後會出現以下的畫面(依各種工作站的作業系統不同,出現的畫面略有不同). 輸入login name及password之後,會進入CDE的畫面. <附圖1>●XDMCP-BROADCAST:在網路上廣播執行EXCEED後會出現以下的畫面, 選擇任何一台欲登入的機器,按ok會出現歡迎LOGIN的畫面(如同: XDMCP-QUERY) <附圖2>●Passive-單純只啟動PC X server, 需手動執行X程式如: 執行Exceed後,telnet至UNIX端,執行xterm -display &(為執行Exceed 的pc 之ip address)或是用Client Wizard , Xstart設定好欲執行的Unix 程式.爾後直接執行此設定好的檔案即可.SCREEN DEFINITION --不同的WINDOW MODE,所顯示的畫面●WINDOW MODE: Muliple <附圖3>●WINDOW MODE: Single <附圖4>X start啟動工作站之X 應用程式1.輸入相關訊息欄位2.儲存檔案File->save3.建立捷徑Install填入工作站之使用者名稱及密碼指定工作站IP 或及型態 執行指令選擇執行的模式Xstart 的預設設定及host 、應用軟體瀏覽設定 選擇程式群組選擇iconXsession執行多個X client檔案及指定特定之X server啟動方式、window mode或X config 檔案。
1.2.設定完後按Ok回到上一層在user目錄下己建立兩個X start 檔案選擇欲執行的程式Add至下方視窗指定的X server的選項指定X server的組態檔或不指定。
選擇視窗模式選擇X server啟動模式Default為目前Xconfig的設定狀態3.儲存檔案,執行工作列上之File->Save4.建立捷徑,執行工作列Install例: 如欲以XDMCP模式登入特定工作站,在Session Includ programs中保持空白,在options 選項中則設定:Configuration file-空白Window Mode-依需求選擇Startup Mode-XDMCP queryConnect Host-輸入工作站IP Address或hostname儲存並建立捷徑。
顏色對應問題:假如X Client的顏色不正確,請依下列方法解決顏色問題:1.Xconfig Video2.方法(一)將Unix Host 的rgb.txt設定檔傳送至PC,取代原先之rgb.txt即可。
通常在Unix端的rgb.txt檔在/usr/lib/X11目錄之下(sun: /usr/openwin/lib)方法(二) 適用於windows95作業系統將傳回的rgb.txt取代此檔選擇此項將此項打勾字型設定問題找不到所需的字形,可由下列兩種方法來解決:方法一:1.將所須字形,格式為 *.bdf 或 *.pcf(binary),從Unix 傳送至pc 端 2.Xconfig →Font →Compile Fonts 3.將傳送過來的字形檔Copmpile方法二:此方法需Unix 端己啟動Font Server1. Xconfig →Font →Font Database →Add 參考下列例圖:3.輸入完畢後按OK啟動Font Server 的Host Name or IP Font Server 啟動時所指定的port選此項X client Wizard與Xstart常問問題集Q1:欲修改X client Wizard己所設定的程式內容A1:執行Exceed群組內Xstart程式->File open選擇檔案Q2:單獨執行Xstart或X client Wizard所存成的檔案, X server的組態為何?A2:單獨執行時,所設定的Xconfig組態為default之設定,即開啟Xconfig程式目前的設定。
Q3:使用X client Wizard或Xstart在連接工作站,出現錯誤訊息ksh: Syntax error at line 1: ‘;’ is not expected。
A3:,請將下圖之parameter欄位最後的; 字元移除因為有些Unix不認識此字元。
Q4:執行Xstart或X client Wizard存成的檔案,為何應執行的應用程式沒有出現,要如何偵錯?A4:Xstart請依下列步驟:1.執行Xstart->File open->選擇檔案->按OK鍵2.按Settings other按鈕設定後,按OK回到上一層3.執行選單上Run!執行此程式,會有主機回應訊息視窗X client Wizard1.建立程式時,在下圖勾選Display Host Replies 按此鍵將此兩項打勾將此值改為-112按RUNQ5: X client Wizard之預設設定在那由設定?A5: X start程式->Settings others.. 設定(請見下圖)按此鍵Wizard default設定註(一)Hummingbird Exceed X Server 所支援的網路軟體:系統在安裝時已經指定了Local 及Windows Socket API兩種介面,若USER所安裝的網路軟體不屬於Window Socket API, 則需要指定所使用的網路軟體, Exceed 才能正確安裝及使用。
If you need to use a transport interface that corresponds to your transport software, see the table below. Some of these packages may require additional configuration (for information and detailed instructions, start Xconfig and click the Transports Help button in the Transport Settings dialog box.)Supported Network Transport SoftwareManufacturer ProducteXceed for Windows Products3Com Corporation 3+Open TCPBeame and Whiteside Software Ltd. BWNFSDigital Equipment Corporation DECnet for DOSDigital Equipment Corporation PATHWORKS TCP/IP for PCsDigital Equipment Corporation DECnet and PATHWORKS TCP/IPFrontier Technologies Corporation Super-TCP Network Software for DOSFTP Software Inc. PC/TCP Network Software for DOSHewlett Packard HP ARPA Services/MS-DOSIBM Corporation IBM TCP/IP for DOSMicrosoft Corp. Microsoft DOS TCP/IPMicrosoft Corp. Microsoft TCP/IP-32 3.11aNetManage Inc. Chameleon. TCP/IPNovell Inc. LAN WorkPlace TCP/IP for DOSNovell.Inc. NetWare IPX/SPXSun Microsystems PC/NFSUngermann-Bass Inc. Net/One TCP BNS/PCWindows Sockets Transports‘(API Version 1.1 or higher)Wollongong Group PathWay Access for DOSWollongong Group WIN/TCP for DOS1.Or any other TCP/IP that supports Windows Sockets**Winspan, Trumpet, Hummingbird TCP/IP都屬於Windows Socket API。