一种基于单片机控制的新型光伏电池 毕业论文外文翻译
附录AMicroprocessor-Controlled New Class of OptimalBattery Chargers for Photovoltaic ApplicationsAbstractA simple, fast and reliable technique for charging batteries by solar arrays is proposed. The operating point of a battery is carefully for cednear the maximum power point of solar cells under all environmental (e.g., insolation, temperature, degradation) conditions. Optimal operation of solar arrays is achieved using the V oltage-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking (VMPPT) technique and the charger operating point is continuously adjusted by changing the charging current. An optimal solar battery charger is designed, simulated and constructed. Experimental and the oretical results are presented and analyzed. The main advantages of the proposed solar battery charger as compared with conventional ones are shorter charge time and lower cost.Index Terms—Charger, microprocessor, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), photovoltaic.I.INTRODUCTIONThe field of photovoltaic systems is quite broad with many stand-alone and grid-connected configurations. Applications of solar energy include water pumping , refrigeration and vaccine storage, air conditioning, light sources, electric vehicles ,PV power plants ,hybrid systems , military and space applications.Reference[8]has divided photovoltaic applications into four categories: large-scale grid connected systems, small remote photovoltaic plants, low power stand-alone systems, and a combination of solar systems with other alternative energy sources. These categories may also be viewed in terms of load characteristics. There are three load types:a DC load, a “dead” AC load, and a “live” AC load(e.g.,a utility system).Most of these applications use batteries as backup energy systems and/or matchingdevices for balancing their energy flow during peak load or poor environmental conditions (e.g., low insolation, high temperature or high degradation).The main drawbacks of PV systems are high fabrication cost, low energy conversion efficiency, and nonlinear characteristics. For increasing conversion efficiency, many Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques have been proposed and implemented. They can be categorized as:A)“Look-up table”methods [12],[13]—The nonlinear and time varying nature of solar cells and their great dependency on radiation and temperature levels as well as degradation(aging,dirt,snow) effects, make it difficult to record and store all possible system conditions.B)“Perturbation and observation(P&O)”methods [14],[15] —Measured cellcharacteristics (current, voltage and power)are employed along with an on-line search algorithm to compute the corresponding maximum power point which is dependent on insolation, temperature or degradation levels. Problems with this approach are undesirable measurement errors(especially for current)which strongly affect tracker accuracy.C)“Computational” methods [2],[16]–[19]—The nonlinear V-I haracteristics of a solar panel are modeled using mathematical equations or numerical approximations, and maximum power points are computed for different load conditions as a function of cell open-circuit voltages or cell short-circuit currents. In the literature, many battery charging techniques are investigated and proposed[20]–[24].These methods use avariety of battery characteristics(voltage and temperature) to achieve a safe and fast charging process. However, two well-known charging methods employing photovoltaic sources are the constant current charging, and the direct connection of solar panel to battery and load(e.g., battery tied solar systems).In this paper, a simple and fast variable-current charging tech-nique, based on “computational” methods, is proposed for photovoltaic applications —where photovoltaic charger and battery are matched with respect to voltage and current. Online measurements of panel open-circuit voltage are used to detect the maximum power point of a solar panel. Battery charge rate is continuously adjusted such that the system operating point is forced near the detected maximum power point of solar panels. The oretical and experimental analyses are used to demonstrate the reliability and validity of the proposed technique.II.MODELING OF PROPOSED FAST SOLARBATTERY CHARGERElectrical models for solar panel, maximum power point tracker, battery and battery charger will be used to simulate the proposed solar charging technique.A.Solar Panel ModelUsing the equivalent circuit of solar cells(Fig.1),the radiation and temperature dependent V-I haracteristics of m parallel strings with n series cells per string is00()sc sa sa s sa I i mI nn V In R i mI mλ-+=- (1) where is the cell short-circuit current(representing in solation level), is the reverse saturation current,is the series cell resistance and is a constant coefficient which depends on the cell material and the temperature T.For the silicon solar panel(,)used for theoretical and experimental analyses of this paper[Table I, manufactured by the Iranian Optical Fiber Fabrication Co.(OFFC)],(1)can be written as at T=250.000051.767()0.00005sc sa sa sa I i V In i -+=- (2) Equations(3a)and(3b)are evaluated for one OFFC panel at T=70 and T=-20, respectively. Computed and measured V-I as well as P-I characteristics for the OFFCpanel are shown in Fig.2 for two insolation levels. This figure illustrates the variations of cell maximum power points (e.g., maxima of P-I curves)with respect to insolation levels.3.0050.000241.69()0.00024sa sa sa i V In i -+=- (3a) 20830.000011.82()0.00001sa sa sa i V In i -+=- (3b) Eqs.(2)and(3)along with Fig.2 depict the strong nonlinear dependency of the Maximum Power Point(MPP)with respect to insolation and temperature levels and justify for any high efficient PV system an accurate MPP tracker.B.V oltage-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking to determine operating points corresponding to maximum power for different insolation and temperature levels,(2)and(3) are commonly used[2],[17]to compute the partial derivative ofpower with respect to cell voltage.Instead of finding the maximum via derivative,[18]and[19]employ numerical methods to show a linear dependency between “cell v oltages corresponding to maximum power ”and“ cell open circuit voltages”MP v OC V M V = (4)This equation characterizes the main idea of the V oltage-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking (VMPPT) technique. Is called the“voltage factor”and is equal to 0.74 for the OFFC silicon cells[18],[19].Equation(4)is plotted in Fig.3 together with the computed(almost linear)dependency of with respect to(shown by “+” signs ). C. Nonlinear Battery Model Most battery models ignore the presence of nonlinear electro chemical characteristics[27],[28].For the theoretical and experimental analyses of this paper, we propose a new nonlinear model for Ni-Cd batteries as shown in Fig.4. Measurements show linear variations of, and nonlinear characteristics of with respect to charge rate: (5)where is the charging current and R , Cs and Co are parameter values at biasing current level. For one cell of the 7 Ah Ni-Cd battery used for theoretical and experimental analyzes of this paper, the constants of(5)are obtained from measured characteristics(Table II)at charge rates of,and C. Computed and measured battery characteristics are compared in Fig.5. D.The Proposed Solar Charger For the optimal solar charger,an appropriate combination of the MPPT algorithm and battery charging technique must be selected. For the tracker, the simple and reliable voltage-based MPPT technique is used requiring very few components for sensing the solar-panel, open-circuit voltage. For the charging technique, variable-current charging is selected. This will allow the tracker to continuously adjust battery-charging rate and force the system operating point near the maximum power point of solar panels. Other tracking 1232123()()()()()()())lin s bat so rs bat o lin s bat so cs bat o lin P bat po cp bat o nonlin p bat p bat p bat p R f I R K I I C f I C K I I C f I C K I I R f I K I K I K ==+-==+-==+-==++techniques could also be used. However, they require more components(for sensing panel short-circuit current and/or simultaneous panel voltage and current measurements)resulting in lower overall efficiency.III.SIMULATION OF PROPOSED SOLARBATTERY CHARGERSimulink software and its facilities are used to model the proposed solar battery charger(Fig.6).We have created a block called“PV Source”to simulate the nonlinear V-I characteristics of one OFFC solar panel(2)employing cell short-circuit current as a measure of insolation level [Fig.6(b)].Saturation and delay functions are introduced to limit the fast response of the “controlled voltage source”and to improve convergence. The output of this block is the panel operating voltage.To simulate voltage-based maximum power point tracking, a block called “VMPPT”is introduced[Fig.6(c)]that usesand to generate desired duty cycles for the charge unit.The panel open-circuit voltage is calculated,thereafter the panel voltage corresponding to maximum power(4)is computed and compared with and the error is amplified through a proper transfer function to generate the desired duty cycle.The charger unit consists of a DC/DC buck converter(chopper and output filter)and a LC input filter. The chopper includes a fast switch and a schottky diode. A block called“B attery Parameter Calculation”computes battery parameters [Fig.4 and(5)]corresponding to the system operating point.IV.CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED SOLARBATTERY CHARGERFig.7 shows the constructed battery charger, which consists of the following parts:Silicon Solar Panel—one OFFC silicon solar panel with maximum output power of about 35 W(Table I)is used togenerate solar energy. Microprocessor—The 8085 Micro Controller Unit(MCU)is used to record and process measured voltage and current waveforms and to compute required signalsfor control and drive circuits. The 1524 IC employed to generate the required PWM command(e.g.,at 50 kHz)and voltage/current signals for the charger unit. Thevoltage-based MPPT for the solar panel is implemented by MCU under different environmental and output operating conditions. Note that the panel open-circuit voltage is continuously measured at a slower rate (e.g., every minute).Fig.8 shows the main functions of the MCU. If multiple solar panels with similar characteristics are used, a reference panel could be relied on to sense the open-circuit voltage. Any shadowing effects caused by dust, snow or clouds will result in power-current characteristics with several maxima. This will complicate MPPT.Charger Unit—A chopper circuit is used to properlyconnect anddisconnect—based on PWM signals—solarpanel from battery and load. Input and output filters are employed to suppress electrical noise at the output of the solar panel and at the input of the battery.Input and output current and voltage sensors are relied on for signal measurements.Battery and Load—Five units of 7 Ah Ni-Cd batteriesare connected in series to store electrical energy. Resistors serve as loads during discharging and charging modes, respectively. In discharge mode, the solar panel is partially or totally inactivated by shadow or eclipse effects.V.ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL ANDTHEORETICAL RESULTSThree charging methods are investigated: the proposed variable-current charging (method 1), direct connection of battery and load to solar panel(method 2),and constant-current charging(method 3). Battery (full) charging state is detected using the approach (e.g., using magnitude and slope of battery voltage as a function of time)of[24].Experiments are performed for the following three operating conditions.Case A:Operation at an Incidence Angle of about Measured and computed time functions for battery current and voltage as well as solar panel power and voltage are shown in Fig.9 for normal operating condition(e.g.,normal insolation and temperature).As expected,fine tracking of solar maximum output power is achieved throughout the charging process when the proposed charging technique is used[Fig.9(c)],method 1).Charging time for the proposed method is only 3 hours which is about 73%and 52%of the required charging times for methods 2 and 3,respectively. In method 1,panel voltage(corresponding to maximum power)which is determined by(4)is slightly higher at 11 A.M.due to lower environmental temperature.In method 2,panel voltage[e.g.,in Fig.9(d)]and its operating point is dominated by battery voltage.This causes panel output power to decrease from 29 W(for method 1)to about 20 W(for method 2).In method 3,panel voltage[about 17 V in Fig.9(d)]is determined by panel current which is proportional to the constant battery current (e.g.,0.2 C).This rate of charge is used to determine panel operating points for the simulation as outlined in Fig.6.The comparison of computed(X)and measured results forsome selected operating points is shown in Fig.9.Case B:Operation at an Incidence Angle of about Similar experiments are performed for a change in angle of incidence(Fig.10).At 12:30 P.M.the solar panel is rotated forward(in the direction of sun)such that the angle of incidence is changed from about to about. During the first 105 minutes, the charging processes of the three methods are normal and results are similar to Fig.9. At the start of changing the angle of incidence from about to about, maximum panel output power is decreased to about 25 W[Fig.10(c),method 1].Our detailed measurements show that under all operating conditions (e.g., before and after changing the angle of incidence),method 1 continues to adjust panel operating point near the maximum power point of the V-I characteristics. The angle of incidence of about increases charge time of method 1 toabout 3.2 h. Methods 2 and 3 are not able to completely charge the battery since their operating points are not optimally selected. Note the inherent small voltage regulation of method 1,caused by the increasing slope of battery voltage. This is not true for methods 2 and 3 where fast voltage drops [e.g., at 12:30 P.M. and 13:45 P.M.in Fig.10(b)]occur. The measured characteristics of method 3 are interesting: constant-current charging continues for some time after changing the angle of incidence from to,this is so because the battery requires about 20 W of power [Fig.9(c),method 3].At 13:45 P.M.,the solar panel is no longer able to produce the required power since its maximum power is decreased to about 20 W. The converter duty cycle is forced to unity, causing direct connection of panel, battery and load. Therefore, measured characteristics of methods 2 and 3 become similar.Case C: Operation with Eclipse This environmental operating condition is essential in satellite and spacecraft applications .Cease of insolation along with considerable temperature drop makes panel V-I characteristics very different before and after eclipse. We have generated this effect(Fig.11)by completely covering solar panel from 12:00 to 12:30 P.M. and decreasing its temperature from 24 C to 12 C As expected, charge time of proposed method is slightly increased to 2.8 h which is about 65%and 63%of the times required for methods 2 and 3,respectively. Note the increased panel maximum output power from 28 W(before eclipse)to 33 W(just after eclipse)due to temperature effects(Fig.11).The temperature drop does not change panel output power in method 2 because the panel operating point is dominated by the constant battery voltage. Similar analysis holds for method 3 where the panel operating point is mainly determined by constant panel current, caused by the constant battery current. Note that the stored energy in the battery[e.g.,] is not exactly equal for the three charging methods(Table III).This is due to different charging currents, which changes battery charging efficiency[29]VI.CONCLUSIONSV oltage-based maximum power point tracking and a nonlinear battery model are used to introduce a new class of microprocessor based optimal solar battery chargers.A photovoltaic system consisting of a silicon solar panel, charger unit,Ni-Cd batteries and a resistive load is constructed and simulated. Based on theoretical and experimental results which are performed for the proposed charging technique(method 1),the direct connection of solar panel to battery and load(method 2),and the constant current charging(method 3),the following conclusions are drawn:Computed results for selected operating points show good agreements with measurements.Under different operating conditions, the solar panel output powers are larger for the proposed charging technique(method 1)as compared to methods 2 and 3(e.g., 20%to 65%).Therefore, the proposed charging technique requires fewer solar panels(e.g., lower cost).The proposed charging technique is faster than methods 2 and 3(e.g.,40%to 75%shorter charging times)under different environmental conditions. Under low insolation condition(e.g., angle of incidence of about),charging time of proposedtechnique is increased by 20%while methods 2 and 3 fail to charge the battery since their operating points on panel V-I characteristics are not optimally selected.The battery stored energy for the proposed charger is less as compared to methods 2 and 3 due to the dependency of charging efficiency on the charge current[29]. The proposed charging technique does not introduce rapid voltage drops and establishes an inherent small voltage regulation, especially under unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, the proposed charging technique is suggested to replace unregulated photovoltaic systems.附录B一种基于单片机控制的新型光伏电池摘要本文提出了一种简单、快速可靠的太阳能电池阵列技术,使光伏电池在各种环境下(例如日照、温度等)都能接近最大功率点,理想的太阳能电池阵列工作点是通过基于最大功率点追踪技术(VMPPT)和控制工作点持续调节对改变的控制流改变来实现的。
毕业论文(设计)文献翻译本翻译源自于:维基百科/wiki/Microcontroller毕业设计名称:基于STC89C52单片机的太阳能智能充电系统外文翻译名称:学生姓名:院 (系):专业班级:指导教师:辅导教师:时间:至微控制器英特尔8742的核心, 片上集成12 MHz的CPU, 128字节的RAM, 2048字节EPROM, 以及I/O设备。
类型为NOR Flash或OTP ROM的存储器也往往包括在芯片上,以及通常少量的RAM。
有些微控制器可使用四位字长,操作频率的时钟速率低至4 kHz来实现低功耗(毫瓦或微瓦)。
历史在1971年第一款单片机4位英特尔4004被发布, 在随后的数年时间里英特尔8008和其它功能更为强大微控制器也开始出现。
史密森尼学会表示Gary Boone 和 Michael Cochran工程师在1971年成功地创造了第一款单片机。
光伏发电系统中蓄电池充电控制研究黄英华;王良玉;韩菲【摘要】在光伏发电系统中,储能蓄电池达不到其使用寿命是制约光伏产业发展的一个重要因素.本文针对太阳能电池——蓄电池充电系统的特点,设计了一种基于PIC16F877A单片机的智能化光伏充电控制系统.该系统采用三段式充电控制策略,在快充阶段采用最大功率点跟踪控制策略,在过充和浮充阶段,采用基于比例积分PI 调节的恒压充电.实验表明该控制策略很好地实现了对光伏电池的三段式充电,缩短了充电时间,具有较好的过充和浮充精度,从而达到延长光伏系统中蓄电池使用寿命的目的.【期刊名称】《华北科技学院学报》【年(卷),期】2013(010)001【总页数】5页(P67-71)【关键词】太阳能电池;光伏充电系统;三段式充电【作者】黄英华;王良玉;韩菲【作者单位】北京化工大学北方学院,河北三河065201【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM9120 引言当前,充分开发利用太阳能光伏发电技术已成为世界各国政府可持续发展的能源战略决策。
根据IncCo nd算法开发的一种新方法。
对于远程、远离电网的地方,它往往是比用输电线路[1] 提供一个独立的电力来源拥有可行性。
在这些电网中,在混合动力系统结合模块的基础上,可再生能源发电以柴油为动力的备用发电机已考虑ERED等效为一个可行的选择[2, 3]。
为了取代柴油备用发电机,独立的混合动力系统经常采用结合可再生能源来源的TARY 型材,如风力和光伏发电,合适的存储设备,如电池。
Design of a Lead-Acid Battery Charging and Protecting IC in Photovoltaic SystemZENG De-you,LING Chao-dong,LI Guo-gang (Yuanshun IC Design R&D Center, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China) Source: Microelectronic Device&Technology,June 20071.IntroductionSolar energy as an inexhaustible, inexhaustible source of energy more and more attention. Solar power has become popular in many countries and regions, solar lighting has also been put into use in many cities in China. As a key part of the solar lighting, battery charging and protection is particularly important. Sealed maintenance-free lead-acid battery has a sealed, leak-free, pollution-free, maintenance-free, low-cost, reliable power supply during the entire life of the battery voltage is stable and no maintenance, the need for uninterrupted for the various types of has wide application in power electronic equipment, and portable instrumentation. Appropriate float voltage, in normal use (to prevent over-discharge, overcharge, over-current), maintenance-free lead-acid battery float life of up to 12 ~ 16 years float voltage deviation of 5% shorten the life of 1/2. Thus, the charge has a major impact on this type of battery life. Photovoltaic, battery does not need regular maintenance, the correct charge and reasonable protection, can effectively extend battery life. Charging and protection IC is the separation of the occupied area and the peripheral circuit complexity. Currently, the market has not yet real, charged with the protection function is integrated on a single chip. For this problem, design a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC is very necessary.2.System design and considerationsThe system mainly includes two parts: the battery charger module and the protection module. Of great significance for the battery as standby power use of the occasion, It can ensure that the external power supply to the battery-powered, but also in the battery overcharge, over-current and an external power supply is disconnected the battery is to put the state to provide protection, the charge and protection rolled into one to make the circuit to simplify and reduce valuable product waste of resources. Figure 1 is a specific application of this Ic in the photovoltaic power generation system, but also the source of this design.湖北科技学院本科毕业论文(设计):外文翻译Figure1 Photovoltaic circuit system block diagramMaintenance -free lead -acid battery life is usually the cycle life and float life factors affecting the life of the battery charge rate, discharge rate, and float voltage. Some manufacturers said that if the overcharge protection circuit, the charging rate can be achieved even more than 2C (C is the rated capacity of the battery), battery manufacturers recommend charging rate of C/20 ~ C/3. Battery voltage and temperature, the temperature is increased by 1 °C, single cell battery voltage drops 4 mV , negative temperature coefficient of -4 mV / ° C means that the battery float voltage. Ordinary charger for the best working condition at 25 °C; charge less than the ambient temperature of 0 °C; at 45 °C may shorten the battery life due to severe overcharge. To make the battery to extend the working life, have a certain understanding and analysis of the working status of the battery, in order to achieve the purpose of protection of the battery. Battery, there are four states: normal state, over -current state over the state of charge, over discharge state. However, due to the impact of the different discharge current over -capacity and lifetime of the battery is not the same, so the battery over discharge current detection should be treated separately. When the battery is charging the state a long time, would severely reduce the capacity of the battery and shorten battery life. When the battery is the time of discharge status exceeds the allotted time, the battery, the battery voltage is too low may not be able to recharge, making the battery life is lower.Based on the above, the charge on the life of maintenance -free lead -acid batteries have a significant impact, while the battery is always in good working condition, battery protection circuit must be able to detect the normal working condition of the battery and make the action the battery can never normal working state back to normal operation, in order to achieve the protection of the battery.3.Units modular design3.1The charging moduleChip, charging module block diagram shown in Figure 2. The circuitry includes current limiting, current sensing comparator, reference voltage source, under -voltage solar batteryarray Charge controller controller Discharge controller DC loadaccumulatordetection circuit, voltage sampling circuit and logic control circuit.Figure2 Charging module block diagramThe module contains a stand -alone limiting amplifier and voltage control circuit, it can control off -chip drive, 20 ~30 mA, provided by the drive output current can directly drive an external series of adjustment tube, so as to adjust the charger output voltage and current . V oltage and current detection comparator detects the battery charge status, and control the state of the input signal of the logic circuit. When the battery voltage or current is too low, the charge to start the comparator control the charging. Appliances into the trickle charge state when the cut -off of the drive, the comparator can output about 20 mA into the trickle charge current. Thus, when the battery short -circuit or reverse, the charger can only charge a small current, to avoid damage to the battery charging current is too large. This module constitutes a charging circuit charging process is divided into two charging status: high -current constant -current charge state, high -voltage charge status and low -voltage constant voltage floating state. The charging process from the constant current charging status, the constant charging current of the charger output in this state. And the charger continuously monitors the voltage across the battery pack, the battery power has been restored to 70% to 90% of the released capacity when the battery voltage reaches the switching voltage to charge conversion voltage Vsam charger moves to the state of charge. In this state, the charger output voltage is increased to overcharge pressure V oc is due to the charger output voltage remains constant, so the charging current is a driverV oltage amplifierV oltage sampling comparatorStart amplifier State level control Charging indicator Logical moduleUndervoltage detection circuitR - powerCurrent sampling comparator Limiting amplifier Power indicator湖北科技学院本科毕业论文(设计):外文翻译continuous decline. Current down to charge and suspend the current Ioct, the battery capacity has reached 100% of rated capacity, the charger output voltage drops to a lower float voltage VF.3.2 Protection ModuleChip block diagram of the internal protection circuit shown in Figure 3. The circuit includes control logic circuit, sampling circuit, overcharge detection circuit, over -discharge detection comparator, overcurrent detection comparator, load short -circuit detection circuit, level -shifting circuit and reference circuit (BGR).Figure3 Block diagram of battery protectionThis module constitutes a protection circuit shown in Figure 4. Under the chip supply voltage within the normal scope of work, and the VM pin voltage at the overcurrent detection voltage, the battery is in normal operation, the charge and discharge control of the chip high power end of the CO and DO are level, when the chip is in normal working mode. Larger when the battery discharge current will cause voltage rise of the VM pin at the VM pin voltage at above the current detection voltage Viov, then the battery is the current status, if this state to maintain the tiov overcurrent delay time, the chip ban on battery discharge, then the charge to control the end of CO is high, the discharge control side DO is low, the chip is in the current mode, general in order to play on the battery safer and more reasonable protection, the chip will battery over -discharge current to take over the discharge current delay time protection. The general rule is that the over -discharge current is larger, over the shorter the discharge current delay time. Above Overcharge detection voltage, the Sampling circuitOver discharge detection comparatorControl logic circuitLevel conversion circuit Overcharge detection comparator Over -current detection comparator2 Over -current detection comparator1Over -current detection circuitLoad short detection circuitchip supply voltage (Vdd> Vcu), the battery is in overcharge state, this state is to maintain the corresponding overcharge delay time tcu chip will be prohibited from charging the battery, then discharge control end DO is high, and charging control terminal CO is low, the chip is in charging mode. When the supply voltage of the chip under the overdischarge detection voltage (Vdd <Vdl,), then the battery is discharged state, this state remains the overdischarge delay time tdl chip will be prohibited to discharge the battery at this time The charge control side CO is high, while the discharge control terminal DO is low, the chip is in discharge mode.ProtectionmoduleFigure4 Protection circuit application schematic diagram4.Circuit DesignTwo charge protection module structure diagram, the circuit can be divided into four parts: the power detection circuit (under-voltage detection circuit), part of the bias circuit (sampling circuit, the reference circuit and bias circuit), the comparator (including the overcharge detection /overdischarge detection comparator, over-current detection and load short-circuit detection circuit) and the logic control part.This paper describes the under-voltage detection circuit (Figure 5), and gives the bandgap reference circuit (Figure 6).湖北科技学院本科毕业论文(设计):外文翻译Figure5 Under -voltage detection circuitFigure6 A reference power supply circuit diagramBattery charging, voltage stability is particularly important, undervoltage, overvoltage protection is essential, therefore integrated overvoltage, undervoltage protection circuit inside the chip, to improve power supply reliability and security. And protection circuit design should be simple, practical, here designed a CMOS process, the undervoltage protection circuit, this simple circuit structure, process and easy to implement and can be used as high -voltage power integrated circuits and other power protection circuit.Undervoltage protection circuit schematic shown in Figure 5, a total of five components: the bias circuit, reference voltage, the voltage divider circuit, differential amplifier, the output circuit. The circuit supply voltage is 10V; the M0, M1, M2, R0 is the offset portion of the circuit to provide bias to the post -stage circuit, the resistance, Ro, determine the circuit's operating point, the M0, M1, M2 form a current mirror; R1 M14 is the feedback loop of the undervoltage signal; the rest of the M3, M4 and M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, composed of four amplification comparator; M15, DO, a reference voltage, the comparator input with the inverting Biasing circuit Reference circuit Bleeder circuit difference amplifier Output circuitAmplifierAmplifierinput is fixed (V+), partial pressure of the resistance R1, R2, R3, the input to the inverting input of the comparator, when the normal working of the power supply voltage, the inverting terminal of the voltage detection is lost to the inverting terminal voltage of the comparator is greater than V+. Comparator output is low, M14 cutoff, feedback circuit does not work; undervoltage occurs, the voltage divider of R1, R2, R3, reaction is more sensitive, lost to the inverting input voltage is less than V when the resistor divider, the comparator the output voltage is high, this signal will be M14 open, the voltage across R into M at both ends of the saturation voltage close to 0V, thereby further driving down the R1> R2, the partial pressure of the output voltage, the formation of the undervoltage positive feedback. Output, undervoltage lockout, and plays a protective role.5. Simulation results and analysisThe design of the circuit in CSMC 0.6 μm in digital CMOS process simulation and analysis of the circuit. In the overall simulation of the circuit, the main observation is that the protection module on the battery charge and discharge process by monitoring Vdd potential and Vm potential leaving chip CO side and DO-side changes accordingly. The simulation waveform diagram shown in Figure 7, the overall protection module with the battery voltage changes from the usual mode conversion into overcharge mode, and then return to normal working mode, and then into the discharge mode, and finally back to normal working mode. As the design in the early stages of the various parameters to be optimized, but to provide a preliminary simulation results.湖北科技学院本科毕业论文(设计):外文翻译Figure7 Overvoltage and under-voltage protection circuit simulation waveform6.ConclusionDesigned a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC. This design not only can reduce the product, they can reduce the peripheral circuit components. The circuit uses the low-power design. This project is underway to design optimization stage, a complete simulation can not meet the requirements, but also need to optimize the design of each module circuit.光伏系统中蓄电池的充电保护IC电路设计曾德友,凌朝东,李国刚(华侨大学元顺集成电路研发中心,福建泉州 362021)来源:微电子器件与技术 2007年第6期1.引言太阳能作为一种取之不尽、用之不竭的能源越来越受到重视。
毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 光伏电力系统 中英文对照
翻译原文 (4)Photovoltaic (PV) Electric Systems (4)The Advantages of Mitsubishi Solar Panels (5)1光伏电力系统光伏电力系统利用太阳能电池吸收太阳光线,并将这种能量转化成电能。
1.1 太阳能电池的类型目前有单晶硅,多晶硅和薄膜三种基本形式的光伏组件。
有关太阳能电池发电的更多的信息,可以查询Cooler Planet’s的《太阳能电池如何工作》。
1.3 太阳能电池板与光伏建筑一体化太阳能电池板是用于捕获太阳光的平面板,他们以阵列的形式安装在建筑物顶部或者柱子上。
一种基于光伏优化器的蓄电池充电系统唐頔;吴春华;朱晓锦;邵勇【期刊名称】《电力电子技术》【年(卷),期】2013(47)10【摘要】蓄电池是电力电源系统中直流供电系统的重要组成部分,在给蓄电池充电时,目前普遍采用了传统的集中式系统,该系统在光伏阵列受到局部阴影遮挡时,将导致整个系统效率急剧下降.针对这种不足,提出一种基于光伏优化器的蓄电池充电系统.光伏优化器采用非反相的Buck-Boost电路结构,可工作在Buck,Boost和Buck-Boost三种模式,对光伏组件进行最大功率点跟踪(MPPT),有效提高了光伏组件的工作效率.通过光伏优化器,可实现对每一个光伏组件进行独立的MPPT,实现分布式的连接方式,这种分布式充电系统可以避免集中式充电系统的缺陷,提高对蓄电池充电的效率.【总页数】3页(P30-32)【作者】唐頔;吴春华;朱晓锦;邵勇【作者单位】上海大学,机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072;上海大学,机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072;上海大学,机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072;上海大学,机电工程与自动化学院,上海200072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN86【相关文献】1.基于PIC单片机的光伏蓄电池充电系统电量计设计 [J], 昊透明;姚国兴2.一种基于UC3909控制器的蓄电池充电系统设计与实现 [J], 丁肖宇;宋文祥;束满堂3.一种基于MSP430单片机的蓄电池充电系统 [J], 程琦;王克崇4.基于优化器与Non-MPPT算法遮阴的光伏系统低电压穿越控制策略研究 [J], 周宏文;梅华;薛少华;李宁;康健;张建民;金鑫;郑伟5.一种基于卷积神经网络和长短期记忆网络的光伏系统故障辨识方法 [J], 涂彦昭;高伟;杨耿杰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1 导言完整的表征光伏阵列和逆变器,尤其是在不同操作条件下,采用光伏系统是一个非常重要的方面。
对于光伏阵列,实验室中使用不同的设备,以获取他们的I - V特性曲线。
另一方面,一个分析在不同的现实条件下实现最大功率点跟踪(最大功率跟踪)技术的文献提出一个仿真器复制这些实时的I - V特性曲线是可行的。
关键词:太阳能;蓄电池;充电控制;AT89S52;ADC0809ABSTRACTAgainst the background of energy shortage and its pollution, solar energy as a new kind of energy has a lot of advantages such as large reserves, economic, cleanliness and so on. So, people begin to pay more attention to the use of solar energy. The paper designs a feasible solar energy charging controller and storage batteries are charged to meet the needs of low-power users.This article focuses on the use of single-chip realization of solar charge control technology. 100-watt solar panels to 12-volt solar battery charge controller hardware system is detailed, including system hardware circuit design, the various parts of the circuit functions, working principles and models of selected electronic components. Hardware system is composed of four parts, which are DC regulated power supply circuit, A / D to achieve on the battery terminal voltage of the dynamic monitoring and conversion, AT89S52 relay control and output switching circuit. And finish the entire solar charge controller circuit schematic design and production. PROTEUS simulation with circuit simulation software was accomplished, and a corresponding circuit board was produced. However, due to time constraints, failed to complete the kind of experimental test.In this paper, also the structure of the principle of solar cells, solar panels of the Volta metric characteristics of lead-acid batteries commonly used in the work of principle was detailed, and the basis of methods commonly used on rechargeable batteries was introduced.Key words: solar; battery; charge control; AT89S52; ADC0809目录摘要 (i)ABSTRACT (ii)1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题研究背景 (1)1.1.1 当前面临的能源和环境问题 (1)1.1.2 太阳能的开发和利用 (2)1.1.3 光伏发电的特点 (3)1.2 蓄电池充电系统 (3)1.2.1充电器的发展及其简单的类型 (3)1.2.2 太阳能充电器 (4)1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 (5)2 太阳能电池的研究和分析 (6)2.1 太阳能电池的原理 (6)2.2 太阳能电池的分类 (6)2.3 太阳能电池的等效电路 (7)2.4 太阳能电池板的输出特性及影响因素 (8)2.4.1光伏电池的主要参数 (8)2.4.2太阳的光照强度对光伏电池转换效率的影响 (10)2.4.3 温度对光伏电池输出特性的影响 (10)2.4.4 本系统所采用的光伏电池 (11)2.5 本章小结 (12)3 蓄电池 (13)3.1 蓄电池的概念及其一般特性 (13)3.1.1 电池的定义 (13)3.1.2 主要参数指标 (13)3.1.3 充放电特性 (15)3.2 铅酸蓄电池 (16)3.2.1 铅酸蓄电池的电极反应 (17)3.2.2 铅酸蓄电池的充放电特性 (18)3.3 太阳能----蓄电池充电技术研究 (20)3.3.1 恒流充电 (20)3.3.2 恒压充电 (21)3.3.3 恒压限流充电 (22)3.3.4 两阶段、三阶段充电 (22)3.3.5 快速充电 (22)3.3.6 智能充电 (23)3.4 本章小结 (23)4 太阳能充电控制器的研究及设计 (24)4.1太阳能充电器原理 (24)4.1.1 主控芯片的设计 (24)4.1.2 模数转换模块ADC0809简介 (28)4.1.3 电源模块的设计 (30)4.1.4 分频器的设计 (30)4.1.5 外围电路的设计 (30)4.1.6ADC0809与AT89S52接口 (32)4.1.7 74LS00 (33)4.2 单片机的防干扰技术 (35)4.2.1干扰分析 (35)4.2.2硬件抗干扰方法 (36)4.3 系统的软件设计概述 (37)4.4 本章小结 (39)5 结论 (40)5.1 全文工作总结 (40)5.2 进一步工作设想 (40)致谢 (42)参考文献 (43)翻译部分 (45)中文译文 (45)英文原文 (53)1 绪论1.1 课题研究背景1.1.1 当前面临的能源和环境问题[1,2,3,4]能源犹如人体的血液。
外文原文:Batteries一.1Application of products1.Power Station, Substation;2.Telecommunication & Communication;3.Uninterruptible Power Supply;4.Emergency Power Supply;5.Solar Power Energy Storage System;6.Nuclear Power Station, Hydroelectric Power Station;7.Wind Power Discharge Energy Storage;8.Microwave Relay Station;9.Railway Passenger Coach Illumination;10.Electric Automobile and Electric Bicycle ;11.Boat Electricity Powered Yacht and Electric Ship;12.Street Lamps and urban Road Lighting Project;13.Navigation market, Signal lamp;14.Navigation market, Signal lamp ;15.Safety and Explosion Protection in Underground collie ries;16.Battery Cars and Forklift;17.Starting and Illumination of Automobiles;18.Fire Prevention, Alarm and Safety System ;19.Portable Power Source;20.Portable Electric Instrument;21.All DC Power Supply System;22.All AC Inverter System .二、Introduce of products1.Valve-Regulated Sealed Stationary Lead-Acid Batteries1.1 Life performance:Utilizing of floating charge(2.23±0.05 v/cell·25℃), Life battery: than 20years (Figure 1 )Utilizing of cycling(discharge depth of 80%),Life of battery:more than of 1,500 times. (Figure2)Charging and Discharge Curves of Cells Figure(Figure3、4)1.2 CheckinsChecking can be carried out if batteries are in conformity with following conditions when they are delivered to customers:(1)No physical damage in battery case, top cap and terminal.(2)No leakage of acid.(3)Capacity of batteries can reach 100% of its rated capacity when they are fully charged.(4)Open Circuit voltage △∪≤0.035V/cell.(5)Adoption of 2.23V/cell·25℃(constant voltage)Floating charge voltage △∪≤±0.05V/cell within 6 months of float charging.(6)No heating and leakage of acid when batteries are in float charging.1.3 Installation(1)Batteries of GFM series can be installed either upright or horizontally.(2)Beware of short circuit during processes of transporting and installing since batteries are usually charged when they are manufactured.(3)Please specify the pack number when several battery packs are installed.(4)In case of electric shock, insulation Instrument is recommended when installation, utilization or maintenance is under way.(5)Electric instrument shall reach ±1% of voltage regulation precision when range of variation of the negative is between 0~100%.(6)pole terminals shall take on an expression of metallic luster when they are brushed with filament steel before batteries are connected.(7)Jumper cables shall be as short as possible in order not to produce too much pressure drop.(8)Before terminals and battery system are conducted, please check the total voltage of the battery system and both positive and negative polarity so as to guarantee a right installation.1.4 Maintenance(1)When floating charge voltage outnumbers 2.23±0.05V/cell, please adjust it, or it will affect life of batteries.(2)Please check and keep a record of floating charge voltage of each battery once a month. After 6 months running, if floating charge voltage outnumbers 2.23±0.05V/cell, please contact the manufacturer. Technicians will be sent to deal with it.(3) The joining part shall be inspectel every year to see whether there are loose parts, when there does exist looseness,deal with it in time.(4)Longer life perfoimance can be maintained when the optimum environment temperature is between 15℃and 25℃(batteries of GFM series can function well under the temperature of -50℃ and +60℃).(5)Avoid overdischarge (discharge voltage is less than final voltage) and overcharge (charging voltage is above floating charge voltage for a long time, or charging voltage is 1.5times more than total amount of discharge),batteries shall be charged as soon as possible after their discharge, or the life of batteries will be affected.(6)Take a record of time, voltage, current and temperature of batteries each time they are discharged.(7)Please contact the manufacturer in advance if customers want to have a parallel connection of two or more batteries.(8)Use soapy rather than organic solvent to clean batteries;don't use dry cloth, for it can easily generate static electricity when batteries are mopped with it.(9)Batteries shall be kept in cool, dry and ventilated environment, with joining parts of batteries and charging equipment being disconnected.2.2 Valve-Regulated Sealed Stationary BatteriesTechnical Features2.1 Valve-regulated and sealed construction:(1)Valve-regulated and sealed cons truction, using unique recombin ation technology and no water topping is required during the whole process of operation.(2)The electrolyte of sulphuric acid is fixed by silica gel without flooded electrolyte, the batteries can be installed either in vertical or in horizontal po-sition.(3)Voltage uniformity across a series strmg of battevies is better than that of AGM type.(4)Tubular positive plates with high-pressure die-cast spines of antimony-free alloy, and excellent corrosion-resistant performance, pasted negative plates.(5)Using imported sealing compound from Germany.(6)No electrolyte stratification, no equalizing charge is required.2.2 Long lifeExpected service life of 20-25 years during float charge peration(25℃).2.3 Containers and covers(1)Imported batteres containers and covers from ltaly.They are made of opaque ABS plastics.(2)No gas permeation from containors and covers and the gasre-combination efficiency exceeds 99%.2.4 Execll(1)Imported Amer-Sil separators from Luxemburg. Which are characterized by high quality, high porosity, low resistance and corrosion protection. (2)Excellenthigh-rate discharge performance.2.5 SeparatorsImported valves from Germany to prevent cell container bulge, crack and electrolyte dry-out.2.6 Safety terminals and Poles(1)The battery fitted with the terminals with specially treated copper inserts.(2)Voltage dropacross battery is ≤10mV.(3)HAGEN PATENTPOL TERMINALS.2.7 Float charge voltage2.23V/cell at 20℃.2.8 High-performance(1)The battery have excellent discharge performance by comparision to normal stationary batteries.(2)The battery have high performance at discharge rates for short period by comparision to GFD type.(3)The rate of self-discharge is extremely low, it is less than 30% of the rated capacity when put the battery in storage for two years at 10℃.(4)The battery have excellent deep discharge recovery and can be recharged to 100% capacity within 12 hours.(5)Installation space and requirement of ventilation can be minimised and no washing equipment is needed.2.9 Charge voltageGFMD batteries must only be charged with regulated chargers usually used for sealed lead batteries. At 20℃ the floatcharge voltage is 2.23V/battey. If the mean ambient temperature differs substantially from 20℃ for long periods, the set float voltage should be adjusted in accordance with the graph in Figure 5.2.10 Charge currentThe maximum charge current at 20℃ is 2.5I10A up to a cell voltage of 2.4 volts. The recharging time of the battery depends upon the charger voltage and the current limit, see Figure 6.2.11 Deep discharge protectionGFMD batteries have excellnt deep discharge recovery. The batteries can be recharged to 100% capacity in 12 hours, even following 30 days connected toa load in the discharged state.2.12 Low self-dischargeThe rate of self-discharge by the GFMD batteries is extremely low by omparision to normal lead batteries. Figure 7 indicates the available capacity and storage times atvarious temperatures.中文译文:蓄电池一、产品应用1.发电厂、变电所;2.电信、通讯;3.UPS不间断电源;4.EPS不间断电源;5;太阳能蓄能系统;6;核电站、水电站;7;风力发电蓄能;8微波中继站;9铁路客车照明;10电动汽车、电动自行车;11船舶、电动游艇、电动船12路灯及城市亮化工程;13航标灯、信号灯;14应急照明;15煤矿井下安全防爆;16电瓶车、叉车;17汽车起动、照明;18防火、警报、安全系统;19手提式电源;20可携式电动器具;21所有直流电源系统;22所有交直流电源系统。
图2 Boost电路及等效模型 图3 控制系统 (a)框图 (b)MPPT指令
其中,A = q/(γkTNcell) , Ncell为串联单元的数量。
光伏发电系统具有非线性的特征。其P-V特性 I-V特性如图1所示。光伏系统(以下称PV)的输出电压和输出电流的乘积的最大功率点称其为“MPP”。为了达到最大的利用率,PV平板必然要在其最大功率点处工作运行。然而,PV系统由于其光照辐射度、单元温度以及负荷的变换的影响,其运行点会偏离MPP。此时为了在PV系统和负荷之间插入最大功率工作点跟踪系统(即MPPT),它可以调节系统使其在任何的环境下,都可以工作在MPP处,并且提高了系统的利用率[1]。在现代工程中,许多MPPT的调节器使用微控制器和计算机以实现复杂的算法,而且还有部分使用人工神经网络。这些系统都有着十分良好的性能。然而它们过于昂贵并且这些方法均需要得到一套独立的、稳定的电能供给来维持其运行;因此它们只在高能量场合适合应用。另外一种算法基于利用公式 以搜索功作点,既由“ ”产生的信号作为MPPT的搜索的方向。这就使得在电压和电流为连续信号的情况,决定最大功率点成为了可能。在最近几年,很多基于这种控制算法的MPPT得用应用和证明。在参考文献[9]和[10]中,推荐了一种类似的MPPT控制系统,其中同样含有boost电路以使得 的值为零,其中Iout为直直转换
传统的充电和保护IC 是分立的,占用而积大并且外围电路复杂。
电池的电压与温度有关,温度每升高1℃,单格电池电压下降4 mV,也就是说电池的浮充电压有负的温度系数-4 mV/℃。
英文1300单词,7000英文字符,中文2150汉字出处:Khatib T T N, Mohamed A, Amin N. A new controller scheme for photovoltaics power generation systems[J]. European Journal of Scientific Research, 2009, 33(3): 515-524.外文文献:A New Controller Scheme for Photovoltaics PowerGeneration SystemsKhatib T T N, Mohamed A, Amin NAbstractThis paper presents a new controller scheme for photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems. The proposed PV controller scheme controls both the boost converter and the battery charger by using a microcontroller in order to extract maximum power from the PV array and control the charging process of the battery. The objective of the paper is to present a cost effective boost converter design and an improved maximum power point tracking algorithm for the PV system. A MATLAB based simulation model of the proposed standalone PV system has been developed to evaluate the feasibility of the system in ensuring maximum power point operation.1.IntroductionRecently, the installation of PV generation systems is rapidly growing due to concerns related to environment, global warming, energy security, technology improvements and decreasing costs. PV generation system is considered as a clean and environmentally-friendly source of energy. The main applications of PV systems are in either standalone or grid connected configurations. Standalone PV generation systems are attractive as indispensable electricity source for remote areas. However, PV generation systems have two major problems which are related to low conversion efficiency of about 9 to 12 % especially in low irradiation conditions and the amount of electric power generated by PV arrays varies continuously with weather conditions. Therefore, many research works are done to increase the efficiency of the energy produced from the PV arrays.The solar cell V-I characteristics is nonlinear and varies with irradiation and temperature. But there is a unique point on the V-I and P-V curves, called as the maximum power point (MPP), at which at this point the PV system is said to operate with maximum efficiency and produces its maximum power output. The location of the MPP is not known but can be traced by either through calculation models or search algorithms. Thus, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques are needed to maintain the PV array’s operating point at its MPP. Many MPPT techniques have been proposed in the literature in which the techniques vary in many aspects, including simplicity, convergence speed, hardware implementation and range of effectiveness. However, the most widely used MPPT technique is the perturbation and observation (P&O) method. This paper presents a simple MPPT algorithm which can be easily implemented and adopted for low cost PV applications. The objective of this paper is to design a novel PV controller scheme with improved MPPT method.The proposed standalone PV controller implementation takes into account mathematical model of each component as well as actual component specification. The dc–dc or boost converter is the front-end component connected between the PV array and the load. The conventional boost converter may cause serious reverse recovery problem and increase the rating of all devices. As a result, the conversion efficiency is degraded and the electromagnetic interference problem becomes severe under this situation. To increase the conversion efficiency, many modified step-up converter topologies have been investigated by several researchers. V oltage clamped techniques have been incorporated in the converter design to overcome the severe reverse-recovery problem of the output diodes. In this paper, focus is also given in the boost converter design. Another important component in the standalone PV systems is the charge controller which is used to save the battery from possible damage due to over-charging and over-discharging. Studies showed that the life time of a battery can be degraded without using a charge controller.The proposed new controller scheme for the standalone PV system controls both the boost converter and the charge controller in two control steps. The first step is to control the boost converter so as to extract the maximum power point of the PVmodules. Here, a high step-up converter is considered for the purpose of stepping up the PV voltage and consequently reducing the number of series-connected PV modules and to maintain a constant dc bus voltage. A microcontroller is used for data acquisition that gets PV module operating current and voltage and is also used to program the MPPT algorithm. The controller adopts the pulse width modulation (PWM) technique to increase the duty cycle of the generated pulses as the PV voltage decreases so as to obtain a stable output voltage and current close to the maximum power point. The second control step is to control the charge controller for the purpose of protecting the batteries. By controlling the charging current using the PWM technique and controlling the battery voltage during charging, voltages higher than the gassing voltage can be avoided.2. Design of the Proposed Photovoltaic SystemMost of the standalone PV systems operate in one mode only such that the PV system charges the battery which in turns supply power to the load. In this mode of operation, the life cycle time of the battery may be reduced due to continuous charging and discharging of the battery. The proposed standalone PV system as shown in terms of a block diagram in Figure 1 is designed to operate in two modes: PV system supplies power directly to loads and when the radiation goes down and the produced energy is not enough, the PV system will charge the battery which in turns supply power to the load. To manage these modes of operation, a controller is connected to the boost converter by observing the PV output power.3. MethodologyFor the purpose of estimating the mathematical models developed for the proposed standalone PV system, simulations were carried in terms of the MATLAB codes. Each PV module considered in the simulation has a rating of 80 Watt at 1000 W/m2, 21.2 V open circuit voltage, 5A short circuit current. The PV module is connected to a block of batteries with of sizing 60 Ah, 48 V.4. Results and DiscussionThe simulation results of the standalone PV system using a simple MPPT algorithm and an improved boost converter design are described in this section. Simulations were carried out for the PV system operating above 30o C ambient temperature and under different values of irradiation. Figure 2 shows the PV array I-V characteristic curve at various irradiation values. From the figure, it is observed that the PV current increase linearly as the irradiation value is increased. However, the PV voltage increases in logarithmic pattern as the irradiation increases. Figure 3 shows the PV array I-V characteristic curve at various temperature values. It is noted from the figure that, the PV voltage decreases as the ambient temperature is increased.Figure 4 compares the PV array P-V characteristics obtained from using the proposed MPPT algorithm and the classical MPPT P&O algorithm. From this figure, it can be seen that by using the proposed MPPT algorithm, the operating point of PV array is much closer to the MPP compared to the using the classical P&O algorithm.In addition, the proposed boost converter is able to give a stable output voltage as shown in Figure 5. In terms of PV array current, it can be seen from Figure 6 that the PV current is closer to the MPP current when using the improved MPPT algorithm. Thus, the track operating point is improved by using the proposed MPPT algorithm. In terms of efficiency of the standalone PV system which is calculated by dividing the load power with the maximum power of PV array, it is noted that the efficiency of the system is better with the proposed MPPT algorithm as compared to using the classical P&O algorithm as shown in Figure 7.5. ConclusionThis paper has presented an efficient standalone PV controller by incorporating an improved boost converter design and a new controller scheme which incorporates both a simple MPPT algorithm and a battery charging algorithm. The simulation results show that the PV controller using the simple MPPT algorithm has provided more power and better efficiency (91%) than the classical P&O algorithm. In addition, the proposed boost converter design gives a better converter efficiency of about 93%. Such a PV controller design can provide efficient and stable power supply for remote mobile applications.中文译文:光伏发电系统的新型控制方案摘要:本文提出了一种用于光伏(PV)发电系统的新新型控制方案。
外文翻译--。太阳能发电技术—— 光伏发电系统控制器
to ensure their optimal performance。
it is XXX.1.2 XXXOne of the important XXX-discharging of the battery。
Without proper n。
the load of the photovoltaic system can XXX over-discharging。
These measures include: (1) disconnecting the load when the preset charging level is reached。
Photovoltaic System Design1 IntroductionAfter PV workers unremitting efforts, solar cell production technology constantly improve, and increasingly widely used in various fields. Posts and telecommunications in particular, the telecommunications industry in recent years because of the rapid development of communication power requirements have become more sophisticated, so stable and reliable power Solar energy is widely used in communications. And how the various regions of solar radiation conditions, to the design of both economic and reliable photovoltaic power system, which is one of the many experts and scholars study the long-standing issue, but there are many excellent research results, for the development of China's photovoltaic laid a solid foundation. The author of the study at the design methodology of experts found that the design has only considered the self-maintenance of battery time (that is, the longest consecutive rainy days), without taking into account the loss of electric batteries as soon as possible after the recovery time (ie, two sets of the longest continuous rain days, the shortest interval between the days). This problem particularly in the southern China region should pay great attention to the southern region because of our rainy day is long too, and for the convenience of independent photovoltaic power system, because there is no other emergency backup power protection, so this problem should be included in the design considered together.In this paper, an integrated design method of the previous advantages, combined with the author over the years actually engaged in the design of photovoltaic power systems experience, the introduction of two sets of the longest consecutive rainy days, the shortest interval between the number of days as the basis for the design of one, and comprehensive consideration of the the impact of solar radiation conditions of the factors that made solar cells, the formula for calculating battery capacity, and related design methods.2 Many factors affect the designSun solar cells on the ground square on the radiation of light spectrum, light intensity by the thickness of the atmosphere (ie air quality), geographic location, the location of the climate and weather, terrain and surface features such as the impact of its energy in one day, January and a year of great change, or even years between the total annual amount of radiation There were also large differences.Square solar photoelectric conversion efficiency, by the battery itself,temperature, sunlight intensity and battery voltage fluctuations, which is three in one day will change, so square photovoltaic solar cell conversion efficiency is also variable.Battery is charging in the float state, with the square of its voltage output and load power consumption changes. Batteries to provide energy is also affected by environmental temperature.Solar energy battery charge and discharge controller made by the electronic components manufacturer, it is also necessary energy, while the use of components of performance, quality, etc. is also related to the size of energy consumption, thus affecting the efficiency of charge.Load of electricity, but also as determined by uses, such as communications relay stations, unmanned weather stations and so on, have a fixed power equipment. Some equipment such as a lighthouse, beacon lights, civilian power consumption such as lighting and equipment power consumption are often changing.Therefore, the solar power system design, the need to consider many factors and complex. Characteristics are: the data used in most previous statistical data, the statistical data measurement and data selection are important.Designers of the mission are: In the solar cell matrix under the conditions of the environment (that is, the scene of the geographical location, solar radiation, climate, weather, terrain and surface features, etc.), the design of solar cell and battery power system matrix is We should pay attention to economic efficiency, but also to ensure system reliability.Location of a particular energy of solar radiation data to meteorological information provided the basis for the design of solar cells used phalanx. These meteorological data required to check the accumulation of several years or even decades on average.Various regions on the Earth by sunlight and radiation changes in the cycle for the day, 24h. In a square area of solar cells also have the power output 24h of the cyclical changes in its laws and sun radiation in the region, the changes of the same. However, changes in weather will affect the square of the generating capacity. If you have a few days consecutive rain days, almost square on the power generation should not rely on batteries to power, and battery depth of discharge and then need to be added as soon as possible good. Most designers in order to weather the sun to provide a daily total of radiation energy or the annual average sunshine hours as the design ofthe main data. Each year because of a regional data is not the same as for the sake of reliability should be taken within the last decade of the minimum data. Under the load of electricity consumption, in sunshine and no sunshine when battery power is required. Weather provided by solar power or the total amount of radiation the total sunshine hours on the battery capacity of the size of the decision is indispensable data.Phalanx of the solar cell, the load should include all power system devices (except for use but also have a battery and electrical circuits, controllers, etc.) consumption. Matrix components of the output power and the number of series-parallel, and series are required in order to obtain the operating voltage, in parallel are necessary in order to obtain the current work, an appropriate number of components through which the composition of series-parallel connection of solar cells required phalanx.3 Designed capacity of batteriesSolar cell power supply system is the battery energy storage devices. And solar cell batteries are usually square matching job at Floating state, with the square of its voltage output and load power consumption changes. Its load capacity than the power required is much greater. Batteries to provide energy is also affected by environmental temperature. And solar cells in order to match the job requirements of long life battery and easy maintenance.(1)Battery SelectionAnd be able to support the use of solar cells, many different types of batteries, widely used at present have lead-acid maintenance-free batteries, ordinary lead-acid batteries and alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries of three. Domestic use are mainly maintenance-free lead-acid batteries, because of its inherent "free"maintenance of properties and less polluting to the environment characteristics, it is suitable for the performance of reliable power systems solar power, especially in unattended workstations. Ordinary lead-acid batteries require regular maintenance because of its larger environmental pollution, so the main suitable for the maintenance of the ability or have the use of low-grade occasions. Although alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries have better low-temperature, over-charge, take-off performance, but because of their higher prices, only applies to more special occasions.(2)Calculation of battery capacityBattery capacity to ensure continuous power supply is very important. At one year,the month of matrix generation has very different. Phalanx at the generating capacity can not meet the electricity needs of the month, to rely on battery power give supplement; electricity required in more than month, are relying on batteries to store excess energy.Phalanx so inadequate generating capacity and surplus value, is to determine the basis for one of the battery capacity. Similarly, the continuous overcast and rainy days during the load of electricity must also be obtained from the battery. Therefore, the power consumption during this period to determine the battery capacity is also one of the factors.光伏系统设计1引言经过光伏工作者们坚持不懈的努力,太阳能电池的生产技术不断得到提高,并且日益广泛地应用于各个领域。
IntroductionOur country is very rich in solar energy resources and the utilization of solar energy heat is one of the technologies that are of the highest commercial degree and the most universal application in new and renewable energy resources. Under the initiative of building saving society, the solar energy electro—optic illumination is our country's realistic choice under the existing national condition and it reduces the expenditures of municipal administration on street lamp to a certain extent. Especially in the newly-built urban road section and remote border district that has difficulty in using electricity, it is of the strongest promotion and is taken seriously by Finance department;it is honored as the 21st century's green project。
经过整流滤波后电压最大值为373V,最大初级电流为3.5A 考虑实际工作情况选择FQA24N50,整流二极管要承受的最大反相电压为100V,电流为10A,考虑实际工作情况,我们选用MUR3060(600V/30A)全桥电路图:整流滤波输出电路:驱动电路:PWM信号通过光耦隔离,经过反相器进入半桥驱动芯片IR2110 ,如图所示的Q1、Q2半桥驱动电路,Q3、Q4驱动电路与此电路相同。
目录摘要 (1)一.太阳能应用的形势与本课题的任务 (3)§1.1人类所面临的能源问题 (3)§1.2太阳能的特点与优势 (3)§1.3国内外太阳能应用的现状 (4)二、太阳能光伏发电系统 (5)§2.1概叙 (5)§2.2太阳能电池 (5)2.2.1太阳能电池的种类 (6)2.2.2太阳琵电池的电气特性与参数 (7)2.2.3太阳能电池的保护 (8)§2.3储能装置 (8)2.3.1独立光伏系统用的储能装置 (8)2.3.2铅酸蓄电池的主要参数 (9)2.3.3铅酸蓄电池常用的充电方法 (9)2.3.4影响铅酸蓄电池寿命的因素及充放电保护 (10)2.3.5铅酸蓄电池放电控制策略 (10)2.3.6铅酸蓄电池充电控制策略 (11)§2.4光伏系统的系统配置与计算 (15)三、独立运行光伏发电系统控制器的研究与设计 (16)§3.1光伏系统控制器应具有的功能 (16)§3.2对蓄电池充放电的控制 (16)§3.3对太阳方位和高度的跟踪 (18)§3.4对太阳能电池最大功率点的跟踪 (20)四、独立光伏发电系统中蓄电池充放电控制器的设计 (22)§4.1一种检测蓄电池在线电压的控制器 (22)§4.2一种检测蓄电池开路电压的控制器 (25)五、本课题的结论、意义及展望 (28)参考文献 (28)摘要本文首先介绍了光伏发电产业的现状,接着介绍了光伏系统的基本组成,基本原理,其中对太阳能电池的特性,蓄电池的特性,及光伏系统的配置分别进行了讨论。
芯片采用CSMC 0.6μm CMOS工艺实现,用Cadence公司的Spectre工具进行电路的设计和仿真。
1.通信机房阀控铅酸蓄电池充电保护器的设计 [J], 李振泉
2.大功率多充电模式航空铅酸蓄电池充电器设计 [J], 张建芳;刘连生
3.铅酸蓄电池的过充电保护与温度补偿 [J], 吴嘉荣
4.铅酸蓄电池充电与保护集成电路的设计 [J], 凌朝东;曾德友;李国刚;王加贤
5.光伏系统中蓄电池的充电保护IC电路设计 [J], 曾德友;凌朝东;李国刚
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外文翻译---光伏系统中蓄电池的充电保护IC电路设计电子与信息工程学院本科毕业论文(设计)外文文献翻译译文题目:Design of a Lead-Acid Battery Charging andProtecting IC in Photovoltaic System学生姓名:黄祖勋专业:电气工程及其自动化指导教师:邓方雄2012年12月Design of a Lead-Acid Battery Charging and Protecting IC in Photovoltaic SystemZENG De-you,LING Chao-dong,LI Guo-gang (Yuanshun IC Design R&D Center, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021,China)Source: Microelectronic Device&Technology,June 20071.IntroductionSolar energy as an inexhaustible, inexhaustible source of energy more and more attention. Solar power has become popular in many countries and regions, solar lighting has also been put into use in many cities in China. As a key part of the solar lighting, battery charging and protection is particularly important. Sealed maintenance-free lead-acid battery has a sealed, leak-free, pollution-free, maintenance-free, low-cost, reliable power supply during the entire life of the battery voltage is stable and no maintenance, the need for uninterrupted for the various types of has wide application in power electronic equipment, and portable instrumentation. Appropriate float voltage, in normal use (to prevent over-discharge, overcharge, over-current), maintenance-free lead-acid battery float life of up to 12 ~ 16 years float voltage deviation of 5% shorten the life of 1/2. Thus, the charge has a major impact on this type of battery life. Photovoltaic, battery does not need regular maintenance, the correct charge and reasonable protection, can effectively extend battery life. Charging and protection IC is the separation of the occupied area and the peripheral circuit complexity. Currently, the market has not yet real, charged with the protection function is integrated on a single chip. For this problem, design a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC is very necessary.2.System design and considerationsThe system mainly includes two parts: the battery charger module and the protection module. Of great significance for the battery as standby power use of the occasion, It can ensure that the external power supply to the battery-powered, but also in the battery overcharge, over-current and an external power supply is disconnected the battery is to put the state to provide protection, the charge and protection rolled into one to make the circuit to simplify and reduce valuable product waste of resources. Figure 1 is a specific application of this Ic in thephotovoltaic power generation system, but also the source of this design.Figure1 Photovoltaic circuit system blockdiagramMaintenance-free lead-acid battery life is usually the cycle life and float life factors affecting the life of the battery charge rate, discharge rate, and float voltage. Some manufacturers said that if the overcharge protection circuit, the charging rate can be achieved even more than 2C (C is the rated capacity of the battery), battery manufacturers recommend charging rate of C/20 ~ C/3. Battery voltage and temperature, the temperature is increased by 1 °C, single cell battery voltage drops 4 mV , negative temperature coefficient of -4 mV / ° C means that the battery float voltage. Ordinary charger for the best working condition at 25 °C; charge less than the ambient temperature of 0 °C; at 45 °C may shorten the battery life due to severe overcharge. To make the battery to extend the working life, have a certain understanding and analysis of the working status of the battery, in order to achieve the purpose of protection of the battery. Battery, there are four states: normal state, over-current state over the state of charge, over discharge state. However, due to the impact of the different discharge current over-capacity and lifetime of the battery is not the same, so the battery over discharge current detection should be treated separately. When the battery is charging the state a long time, would severely reduce the capacity of the battery and shorten battery life. When the battery is the time of discharge status exceeds the allotted time, the battery, the battery voltage is too low may not be able to recharge, making the battery life is lower.Based on the above, the charge on the life of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries have a significant impact, while the battery is always in good working condition, battery protection circuit must be able to detect the normal working condition of the battery and make the action the battery can never normal working state back to normal operation, in order to achieve the protection of the battery.solar battery array Charge controlle r controllerDischargeDC load accumulator3.Units modular design3.1The charging moduleChip, charging module block diagram shown in Figure 2. The circuitry includes current limiting, current sensing comparator, reference voltage source, under-voltage detection circuit, voltage sampling circuit and logic control circuit.Figure2 Charging module block diagram The module contains a stand-alone limiting amplifier and voltage control circuit, it can control off-chip drive, 20 ~30 mA, provided by the drive output current can directly drive an external series of adjustment tube, so as to adjust the charger output voltage and current . Voltage and current detection comparator detects the battery charge status, and control the state of the input signal of the logic circuit. When the battery voltage or current is too low, the charge to start the comparator control the charging. Appliances into the trickle charge state when the cut-off of the drive, the comparator can output about 20 mA into the trickle charge current. Thus, when the battery short-circuit or reverse, the charger can only charge a small current, to avoid damage to the battery charging current is too large. This module constitutes a charging circuit charging process is divided into two charging status: high-current constant-current charge state, high-voltage charge status and low-voltage driverVoltage amplifier Voltage sampling Start amplifier State level Charging indicator Logicalmodule Undervoltagedetectioncircuit R- powerCurrentsamplingcomparator Limitingamplifier Powerindicatorconstant voltage floating state. The charging process from the constant current charging status, the constant charging current of the charger output in this state. And the charger continuously monitors the voltage across the battery pack, the battery power has been restored to 70% to 90% of the released capacity when the battery voltage reaches the switching voltage to charge conversion voltage Vsam charger moves to the state of charge. In this state, the charger output voltage is increased to overcharge pressure Voc is due to the charger output voltage remains constant, so the charging current is a continuous decline. Current down to charge and suspend the current Ioct, the battery capacity has reached 100% of rated capacity, the charger output voltage drops to a lower float voltage VF.3.2 Protection ModuleChip block diagram of the internal protection circuit shown in Figure 3. The circuit includes control logic circuit, sampling circuit, overcharge detection circuit, over-discharge detection comparator, overcurrent detection comparator, load short-circuit detection circuit, level-shifting circuit and reference circuit (BGR).Figure3 Block diagram of battery protection This module constitutes a protection circuit shown in Figure 4. Under the chip supply voltage within the normal scope of work, and the VM pin voltage at the overcurrent detection voltage, the battery is in normal operation, the charge Sampling circuitOver discharge detection comparator Control logiccircuitLevel conversion circuit Overcharge detection comparatorOver-current detection comparator2Over-current detection comparator1Over-current detection circuit Load short detectionand discharge control of the chip high power end of the CO and DO are level, when the chip is in normal working mode. Larger when the battery discharge current will cause voltage rise of the VM pin at the VM pin voltage at above the current detection voltage Viov, then the battery is the current status, if this state to maintain the tiov overcurrent delay time, the chip ban on battery discharge, then the charge to control the end of CO is high, the discharge control side DO is low, the chip is in the current mode, general in order to play on the battery safer and more reasonable protection, the chip will battery over-discharge current to take over the discharge current delay time protection. The general rule is that the over-discharge current is larger, over the shorter the discharge current delay time. Above Overcharge detection voltage, the chip supply voltage (Vdd> Vcu), the battery is in overcharge state, this state is to maintain the corresponding overcharge delay time tcu chip will be prohibited from charging the battery, then discharge control end DO is high, and charging control terminal CO is low, the chip is in charging mode. When the supply voltage of the chip under the overdischarge detection voltage (Vdd <Vdl,), then the battery is discharged state, this state remains the overdischarge delay time tdl chip will be prohibited to discharge the battery at this time The charge control side CO is high, while the discharge control terminal DO is low, the chip is in discharge mode.ProtectionmoduleFigure4 Protection circuit application schematicdiagram4.Circuit DesignTwo charge protection module structure diagram, the circuit can be divided into four parts: the power detection circuit (under-voltage detection circuit), partof the bias circuit (sampling circuit, the reference circuit and bias circuit), the comparator (including the overcharge detection /overdischarge detection comparator, over-current detection and load short-circuit detection circuit) and the logic control part.This paper describes the under-voltage detection circuit (Figure 5), and gives the bandgap reference circuit (Figure 6).Figure5 Under-voltage detection circuitFigure6 A reference power supply circuit diagramBattery charging, voltage stability is particularly important, undervoltage, overvoltage protection is essential, therefore integrated overvoltage, undervoltage protection circuit inside the chip, to improve power supply reliability and security. And protection circuit design should be simple, practical, here designed a CMOS process, the undervoltage protection circuit, this simple circuit structure, process and easy to implement and can be used as high-voltageBiasing Referenc e circuit Bleeder circuit difference amplifier Output circuit AmplifierAmplifierpower integrated circuits and other power protection circuit.Undervoltage protection circuit schematic shown in Figure 5, a total of five components: the bias circuit, reference voltage, the voltage divider circuit, differential amplifier, the output circuit. The circuit supply voltage is 10V; the M0, M1, M2, R0 is the offset portion of the circuit to provide bias to the post-stage circuit, the resistance, Ro, determine the circuit's operating point, the M0, M1, M2 form a current mirror; R1 M14 is the feedback loop of the undervoltage signal; the rest of the M3, M4 and M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, composed of four amplification comparator; M15, DO, a reference voltage, the comparator input with the inverting input is fixed (V+), partial pressure of the resistance R1, R2, R3, the input to the inverting input of the comparator, when the normal working of the power supply voltage, the inverting terminal of the voltage detection is lost to the inverting terminal voltage of the comparator is greater than V+. Comparator output is low, M14 cutoff, feedback circuit does not work; undervoltage occurs, the voltage divider of R1, R2, R3, reaction is more sensitive, lost to the inverting input voltage is less than V when the resistor divider, the comparator the output voltage is high, this signal will be M14 open, the voltage across R into M at both ends of the saturation voltage close to 0V, thereby further driving down the R1> R2, the partial pressure of the output voltage, the formation of the undervoltage positive feedback. Output, undervoltage lockout, and plays a protective role.5. Simulation results and analysisThe design of the circuit in CSMC 0.6 μm in digital CMOS process simulation and analysis of the circuit. In the overall simulation of the circuit, the main observation is that the protection module on the battery charge and discharge process by monitoring Vdd potential and Vm potential leaving chip CO side and DO-side changes accordingly. The simulation waveform diagram shown in Figure 7, the overall protection module with the battery voltage changes from the usual mode conversion into overcharge mode, and then return to normal working mode, and then into the discharge mode, and finally back to normal working mode. As the design in the early stages of the various parameters to be optimized, but to provide a preliminary simulation results.Figure7 Overvoltage and under-voltageprotection circuit simulation waveform6.ConclusionDesigned a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC. This design not only can reduce the product, they can reduce the peripheral circuit components. The circuit uses the low-power design. This project is underway to design optimization stage, a complete simulation can not meet the requirements, but also need to optimize the design of each module circuit.光伏系统中蓄电池的充电保护IC电路设计曾德友,凌朝东,李国刚(华侨大学元顺集成电路研发中心,福建泉州 362021)来源:微电子器件与技术 2007年第6期1.引言太阳能作为一种取之不尽、用之不竭的能源越来越受到重视。