assignment 1
assignment词根词缀(原创实用版)目录1.assignment 的词根和词缀含义2.assignment 的词源和演变3.assignment 在英语中的用法和含义4.assignment 的翻译和应用场景正文一、assignment 的词根和词缀含义"assignment"是一个英语单词,它的词根是"assign",意为“分配”或“指定”。
二、assignment 的词源和演变"assignment"的词源可以追溯到拉丁语的"assignare",意为“分配”。
三、assignment 在英语中的用法和含义在英语中,"assignment"通常表示教师或上级分配给学生或下属的一项任务或工作。
四、assignment 的翻译和应用场景在中文中,"assignment"可以翻译为“作业”或“任务”。
Construction and presentation of critique (cont’d)
✓ Place a copy of the chosen paper in the appendix
✓ Place a copy of the critiquing tool in the appendix
Assignment 2: Essay
Assignment 2: Essay Title
Critically analyse the ways in which researchers can minimise
harm to vulnerable patients participating in healthcare
recommendations and application to practice
Presentation and Stylistic dimensions: writing style,
organization and presentation of material.
Conclusion: Offer a conclusion drawing upon the main
Avoid summarising the paper
Do not rewrite the paper describing aspects of the research
Critically analyse the paper with the aid of the critiquing tool and the research text
Reference Translation (RT) of Assignment 1
Reference Translation (RT) of Assignment 1:Grading policy:One sentence accounts for 1 point, therefore 10 points totally for Assignment 1.For each sentence,-basic meaning of the whole sentence: 0.5-translation of the key word: 0.51.You are welcome to send for our free catalogue.RT: 欢迎您来函索取我们的免费目录。
Key word: send: cause sth to be taken without going oneselfPurpose: correct understanding of “send”2.The set of equipment is quite late arrivals for doctors to use.RT: 这是供医生使用的一套新型设备。
Key word: late: (esp. attribute) recent 最新的; 最近的Purpose: meaning selection of “late”3.I questioned the wisdom of her going there with Tim.RT: 我怀疑她和Tim去那儿是否明智/是否是明智的举动。
Key word: wisdom: (智慧/明智具体翻译为)明智的举动Purpose: concretion of “wisdom”4.She is being polite.RT: 她只是一时客套一下。
)Key word: being:这里强调只是现下,隐含”她平时不这样”。
Purpose: translation of inflected form “being”5.He had a sound feeling that idioms were the backbone of language and he was allfor the racy phrases.RT: 他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,他的想法是很有道理的。
assignment词根词缀摘要:1.assignment 的词根和词缀含义2.assignment 的词源和演变3.assignment 在英语中的用法和含义4.assignment 的翻译和应用场景正文:【词根词缀】"assignment"是一个英语单词,由"assign"和"ment"两个词缀组成。
【词源和演变】"assignment"最早可以追溯到15 世纪的英国,最初的含义是指派或分配的任务或职责。
1. 表示学术作业a. I have a history assignment due next week.我下周有一篇历史作业要交。
b. She assigned a five-page essay on the topic.她布置了一篇五页长的文章。
c. Our professor always gives us a lot of challenging assignments.我们的教授总是给我们很多有挑战性的任务。
d. I spent all night working on that math assignment.我为那个数学作业熬了整晚。
2. 表示工作分配a. Tim is away, so I've been assigned to manage the project.蒂姆不在,我被分配去管理这个项目。
b. She has been assigned to a new task force.她被分配到一个新的工作小组。
c. The company assigned the task of redesigning the website to their top designer.公司将网站重新设计的任务交给了他们的顶级设计师。
d. I was assigned to write the sales report for the quarter.我被分配写本季度的销售报告。
3. 表示指派任务a. The teacher assigned each student a partner for the group project.老师为每个学生安排了一个组项目的伙伴。
assignment 1_译析
第一讲练习试将下列句子译成汉语:1.The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。
2. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.他有一种令人难堪的习惯:一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。
3.This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall, with Mr. Strong in the chair.这是一次精心组织起来的会议。
4.Power can be transmitted over a great distance withpractically negligible loss if it is carried by an electric current.电流可以把动力传送到很远的地方,其消耗几乎可以忽略不计。
5.The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.当前,车辆横冲直闯,严重地威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。
6.Change of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book.本节内容如有更改,均见本书末附录。
7.She said, with perfect truth, that “it must be delightful to have a brother,”and easily got the pity of tender-hearted Amelia, for being alone in the world, an orphan without friends or kindred.她说道,“有个哥哥该多好啊,”这话说得入情入理。
In the tutorial classes we constructed, using Excel, a simple linear regression model of the demand for beef. The model was of the form: ������������ = ������ + ������������������ Where QB was defined as the quantity (volume, 2001=100) of beef(all beef); PB was defined as the average price ($/lb) of beef (all beef) and Y was defined as disposable personal income. Using the Livestock Marketing Information Centre and the US Bureau of Economic Analysis websites collect data for January 2004 to December 2007so that you can estimate the regression model ������������ = ������ + ������������������ Where: QC is the quantity (volume, 2001=100) of chicken(all chicken) PC is the average price of chicken(all chicken) ($/lb) 1. Explain the difference between arc and point elasticity of demand. Why do economists calculate elasticity? Assume that the price of chicken is $1.50/lb currently. Using your regression model calculate the arc and point elasticity of demand if the price of chicken rises by 20% Using your estimated regression model obtain the equations for total and marginal revenue. Assuming that the total cost of producing chicken is $0.48 per pound (lb) produced, calculate the quantity and price a monopolist would set to maximise profit.
AK/ADMS 4503 3.0 Derivative SecuritiesFall 2008Assignment #1 SolutionsInstructions:(1) This assignment is to be done individually . You must sign and submit the standard cover page supplied as the last page of this assignment.(2) This assignment is due on October 19, 2008.(3) The work can be typed or handwritten. If it is handwritten and too difficultto read due to messiness and poor handwriting, it will receive zero credit.(4) You must show your work to receive full credit.(5) This assignment contains 5 questions and carries a total of 30 points .Question 1 (6 marks)The NASDAQ-100 futures trade at the CME, and each contract is on $100 times the index. The NASDAQ-100 spot is 1,670 points, and is expected to pay a dividend yield of 1% per annum continuously compounded. The risk-free rate is 2% per annum continuously compounded.(a) What is the theoretical 1-year futures price? (2 marks)(b) The 1-year futures price is 1,701 points. Show that there is an arbitrage and show how to benefit from it? Show all details. (4 marks)Solution(a) The theoretical 1-year futures price given by:()()78.686,11%)1%2(exp 670,1)(exp 0=×−×=×−×=T T F T q r S F(b) Since the market overprices the contract, there is an arbitrage that consists in shorting the 1-year futures contract, borrow the money at the risk-free rate to buy the index today. By doing this, you lock in a net profit of $1,421.62. Here are the details:Today, you must: - Short one 1-year contract to sell the index at 1,701 in 1 year - Borrow exactly exp(-1%) x 1,670 = 1,653.38 , at the risk-free rate 2% for1 year (to buy 0.99005 units of the index)In 1 year:- The dividend yield paid on your holdings will make you having exactly 1unit of index- You deliver the index for 1,701 according to your short contract- You pay back your loan at 1,653.38 x exp(2%) = 1,686.78 - Your profit is then (1,701 – 1,686.78) = 14.2162Your net dollar profit is $100 x 14.2162 = $1,421.62Question 2 (6 marks)Consider a coupon-bearing bond selling at $950 and paying coupons in 5 months and 11 months from today. The risk-free interest is 2% per annum continuously compounded. The face value of the bond is $1,000.(a) If the 1-year forward contract on this bond is selling at a fair price of $949.05, what is the coupon rate? (2 marks)(b) What is the theoretical 6-month forward price? (1 mark)(c) The 6-month forward contract is selling at $955 in the market. Is there any arbitrage opportunity? If yes, show how to benefit from it. Show all details.(3 marks)Solution(a) We know that %)2exp()950($05.949$×−=I where:())12/11%2exp()12/5%2exp(×−+×−×=Coupon ISolving for the coupon, we find that the coupon is $10, which means that the coupon rate 2% APR semi-annually compounded.(b) Given that the coupon is $10, the theoretical price for the 6-month contract must be:()[]53.949$)5.0%2exp(12/5%2exp 10$950$0=×××−−=F(c) Since the contract is overpriced by the market, an arbitrageur can lock in a profit by borrowing/buying the bond and taking a short 6-month forward.Here are the details of the strategy:Today- Borrow a total amount of $950 to buy the bond:o Borrow $9.92 at 2% today to be reimbursed at $10 in 5 months (thisis exactly the coupon that you would receive in 5 months)o Borrow ($950 - $9.92 = $940.08) at 2% today to be reimbursed at$949.53 in 6 months-Short one forward contract today to sell the bond at $955 in 6 monthsIn 5 months-Receive the coupon of $10 and pay back the small part of the loanIn 6 months-Deliver the bond at $955-Pay back the large part of the loan at $949.53-The net profit is $5.47Question 3 (6 marks)Consider a Canadian company that is planning to buy some equipment from aBritish manufacturer in Oct 1, 2009 (that is in one year). The cost of this machinery is GBP 10 million. You have been asked to analyze the consequencesof entering into a futures contract to reduce the company’s exposure to foreign exchange risk. The current quotes are available from the market:Spot CAD/GBP 1.90Canadian TBill Rate 2%UK TBill Rate 3%(a) What is the theoretical 1-year (October 2009 contract) forward CAD/GBP?(2 marks)(b) Based on the following scenarios for the spot exchange rate one year fromnow, CAD/GBP = 1.7 or 2.1, explain why the company should hedge itscurrency risk exposure. Explain which strategy may be appropriate for thecompany and what will be the total cost (for the equipment) in CAD in oneyear. (2 marks)(c) Assume now that you enter into the strategy proposed in (b) and that aftersix months, i.e. April 1, 2009, the management of the company decides tobuy immediately the equipment from the British manufacturer and to closeout the forward position. Assume that on April 1, 2009, the spot CAD/GBP= 1.95, the forward (with six months remaining to the maturity) rateCAD/GBP = 1.93, what is the effective total cost in CAD for theequipment? (2 marks)Solution(a) The 1-year forward contract is given by:()()8811.11%)3%2(exp 90.1)(exp 000=×−×=×−×=F T r r S F f(b) CAD/GBP 1.70 2.10Cost CAD 17 million CAD 21 millionThis shows that the company has a considerable exchange rate risk exposure. If the exchange rate moves from 1.9 to 1.95 over one year, the company makes a loss of CAD 500,000! The company will face a loss if the exchange rate CAD/GBP increases dramatically since it will have to buy GBP 10 million.To hedge against any dramatic increase, the firm must take a long position in the 1-year forward to buy GBP at CAD 1.8811. The total cost will be CAD 18.811 million (= GBP 10 million x 1.8811) whatever the spot exchange rate will be in one year.(c) The company decides to buy the machinery after six months for GBP 10 million at CAD/GBP = 1.95, that is a cost of CAD 19.5 million. On the other hand, the company makes a net profit of CAD 0.4841 million on the forward position, (1.93 – 1.8811) x exp(-2% x 0.5) x 10 = 0.4841. Therefore, the effective total cost is 19.5 – 0.4841 = CAD 19.0159 million, or equivalently a CAD/GBP of 1.9016.Question 4 (6 marks)The Aluminum sells at $1.20 per pound and it has a convenience yield y = 2%, and a storage cost of 1% (per annum continuously compounded). The risk-free interest rate is 4% per annum continuously compounded. An investor takes a short position in a 1-year futures contract on Aluminum today. Assume that each contract is on 44,000 pounds.(a) What is the 1-year futures price per pound? (2 marks)(b) Suppose that the investor closes out her position 9 months from now and makes a total profit of $2,200. What is the spot price of Aluminum 9 months from now if there is no arbitrage? (4 marks)Solution(a) The theoretical 1-year futures price is $1.20 x exp(4% + 1% - 2%) = $1.2365(b) If the investor makes a $2,200 total profit on her short position in 9 months, or a $0.05 (= 2,200 / 44,000) profit per pound, this means that the futures price 9 months from now is $1.1865 and that the contract has 3 months remaining. The spot price in 9 months is then given by:S = 1.1865 x exp(-3% x 0.25) = $1.1777Question 5 (6 marks)A portfolio manager has sold short a portfolio of stocks worth $100 million for three months. The beta of the portfolio is 2. The manager would like to use the CME futures contract on the S&P 500 index to hedge the portfolio over the next three months. The index is currently 1,200 points, and each contract is on $250 times the index. The S&P 500 dividend yield is 1% and the risk-free rate is 2%.(a) How many long or short positions should the manager take? (4 marks)(b) What would be the net gain/loss in three months in the following scenarios? (2 marks)Scenario Portfolio value In 3 months S&P 500 Futures In 3 months 1 $110 million 12602 $90 million 1140Solution(a) First, we need to calculate the theoretical S&P 500 futures price today:1200 x exp[(2%-1%) x .25] = 1203.Since the manager is short selling the portfolio, any rise in the stock market would cause big losses. The manager should then take long S&P 500 futures contracts, exactly 665 contracts:6651203250$000,000,100$2*=××==F P N β(b) The net gain/loss for each scenario is given by the gain/loss on the shortposition on the portfolio added to the gain/loss on the futures position.Scenario 1: (100 – 110) million + 665 x 250 x (1260 – 1203) = –$523,750 Scenario 2: (100 – 90) million + 665 x 250 x (1140 – 1203) = –$473,750Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional StudiesYORK UNIVERSITYToronto, OntarioADMS 4503 3.0Derivative SecuritiesTahaniProfessor NabilSections A and BAssignment #1Due Date: October 19, 2008Personal Work StatementI, the undersigned:•warrant that the work submitted herein is my work and not the work of others •acknowledge that I have read and understood the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty•acknowledge that it is a breach of the University Regulations to give and receive unauthorized assistance on a graded piece of workName (typed or printed) York Student # Signature。
一、解:设第k月的需求量为Nk(k=1,2,3,4)状态变量Xk:第k月初的库存量,X1=X5=0,0≤Xk≤Nk+…+N4决策变量Uk:第k月的生产量,max{0,Nk-Xk}≤Uk≤min{6,Nk+…+N4 - Xk}状态转移方程:X k+1 = Uk + Xk – Nk第k月的成本Vk = 0.5*(Xk - Nk) Uk=03 + Uk + 0.5*(Uk + Xk - Nk) Uk≠0设F k(Xk)是由第k月初的库存量Xk开始到第4月份结束这段时间的最优成本则F k(Xk) = min{Vk + F k+1(X k+1)} 1≤k≤4= min{ 3 + Uk + 0.5*(Uk + Xk - Nk) + F k+1(Uk + Xk - Nk) } Uk≠0min{ 0.5*(Xk - Nk) + F k+1(Xk - Nk) } Uk=0 F5(X5)=0四个月内的最优成本为F1(X1)=F1(0)详细计算步骤如下:(1)k=4时4(2)k=3时(3)k=2时(4)k=1时由以上计算可得,4个月的总最优成本为F1(0) = 20.5(千元)二、解:1、变量设定阶段k:已遍历过k个结点,k=1,2…6,7。
状态转移方程:X k+1 = T(Xk,Uk) = (j,Sk-{j})第k阶段的指标函数Vk = D[i,j]。
最优指标函数Fk(Xk) = Fk(i,Sk):已遍历k个结点,当前从i结点出发,访问Sk中的结点一次且仅一次,最后返回起点V1的最短距离。
则Fk(i,Sk) = min{ D[i,j] + F k+1(j,Sk-{j}) } 1≤k≤6F7(X7) = F7(1,Φ) = 02、分析:(1)k=6时,F6(i,Φ) = min{D[i,1] + F7(X7)} = D[i,1] i=2,3,4,5,63、伪代码和时间复杂度为方便计算,结点编号改为0到5.(1)用一张二维表格F[][]表示F(i,Sk),行数是n,列数是2n-1。
Consider the following small data set:
xy 13 -1 -2 24
• Solve for the value of θ1 that minimizes the cost function by substituting the values from the training set into the cost function, setting the derivative equal to zero, and solving for θ1. Show your work.
some θ0, θ1 such that J(θ0, θ1) = 0. Which of the statements below must then be true? (Check all that apply.)
A: This is not possible: By the definition of J(θ0, θ1), it is not possible for there to exist θ0 and θ1 so that J(θu,
∂ ∂v
∂ ∂u
∂ ∂v
Partial Derivative Intuition Consider the contour plot of a function f (u, v) in Figure 1. For each of the following partial derivatives, state whether it is positive, negative, or equal to zero. Briefly explain. These questions can be answered from the contour plot without knowing the formula for the function.
Assignment: (做成PPT周三下午5点前发到老师邮箱,4人一组)1.上海无线电二厂上海无线电二厂是全国著名企业之一,专门生产收音机、收录机、通讯机、无线扩音机和音响设备。
地址:中国上海市宜昌路九十六号电话:583500Shanghai No.2 Radio FactoryAs with you know, our Shanghai No.2 Radio Factory is one of the most famous enterprises in China. We specialized in the productions of radio sets, radio recorders, communication equipments, radio amplifiers and some other audio systems. Equipped with a complete range of functions and attractions of novel design, these famous brands of audio systems named “Red Lantern “and “Feile”, will certainly bring you the stunning sound. Moreover, the brands now are popular both home and abroad. And I’m sure that it will be the best choice for you and your family to have happiness.Address: No.96, Yi Chang Rode, Shanghai, ChinaTel: 5835002.西苑饭店西苑饭店是一座具有国际四星级水准的大型涉外饭店,位于北京三里河路,与进出口谈判大楼、北京图书馆、首都体育馆等相毗邻,环境优美,交通便利。
CSC415/CI6226 2011 P rogramming A ssignment 1 (100 p oints) Objectives: I n t his a ssignment, y ou w ill•Build a s pelling c orrection e ngine•Build a t ext s earch e ngine w ith L ucene, a nd•Integrate y our s pelling c orrector i nto t he t ext s earch e ngineDue: M arch 10, 2011 (Thursday) 11:59pm. L ate s ubmissions a re a llowed b ut w ill b e p enalized a t a r ate of 10% p er d ay.Teams: Y ou a re a llowed (but n ot r equired) t o w ork i n p airs f or t his a ssignment. T eams o f t wo s hould only s ubmit o ne c opy o f t heir w ork. Y ou m ay (and a re e ncouraged t o) d iscuss w ith o ther t eams, b ut should N OT t ake a ny d etailed n otes f rom t he d iscussions t hat w ill a ppear v erbatim i n y our s ource c odes and r eports.Implementation: W e s trongly r ecommend t hat y ou w rite y our p rogram i n J ava, t hough y ou m ay u se other p rogramming l anguages (e.g. C, C++, P ython) w ithout o fficial s upport (e.g. L ucene). Delivery: Y ou s hould s ubmit t he f ollowings v ia e mail t o j•A z ip f ile t hat c ontains t he c odes y ou w rote (Do N OT i nclude d ata f iles a nd c ompiled l ibraries) •A t ext f ile w ith p rogram o utput•A d ocument i n r eadable E nglish s entences w ith f igures o r t ables a s n eeded. T he d ocument should N OT h ave m ore t han 4 p ages (excluding f igures a nd t ables). I t s hould c ontain o The n ames o f t eam m emberso Descriptions o f w hat y ou h ave d one f or e ach p art, r epresentative o utput f rom y our program, a ny n otable d esign d ecisions m ade o r t rade-‐offs c onsidered (withjustifications), a nd a n e rror a nalysis o f w hen y our s ystem f ailso Detailed i nstructions o n h ow t o c ompile a nd r un t he c odes f or e ach p art, i ncluding where t o p lace d ata f iles a nd l ibraries u sed. I f y ou u se a ny o ther r esource f iles e xceptthose p rovided b y u s, p lease p lace t hem i n a W eb s ite (e.g. N TU M ySite) a nd d escribehow t o d ownload t hem s o t hat w e c an d ownload a nd t est t hem. P lease m ake s ure t heinstructions w ork o n o ther m achines e xcept y ours b efore s ubmission. Y ou w ill l osepoints i f y our c odes f ail t o c ompile o r r un o n t he e valuator’s m achine.If y our e mail s ubmission i s r eturned b ack t o y ou a s a s pam d ue t o t he c odes b y t he N TU e mail s ystem, you s hould s ubmit t he p rogram o utput a nd t he d ocument b y e mail b y t he d eadline a forementioned a nd bring a U SB m emory d evice w ith t he c odes t o t he o ffice (N4-‐02c-‐111) d uring o ffice h ours o n M arch 11. Honor c ode: Y ou s hould n ot l ook f or p roblem a nswers e lsewhere. B ut, i f m aterial i s t aken f rom elsewhere, t hen y ou s hould a cknowledge i t. Y ou a re n ot p ermitted t o g et p rogramming h elp f rom people o ther t han y our p artner. I n g eneral, w e w ill e xpect y ou t o a ct o n y our h onor.Part 1: S pelling C orrection (40 p oints)In t his p art y ou w ill b uild a n n-‐gram b ased s pelling c orrector. I n l ecture 3 (tolerant r etrieval), w e s aw that o ne w ay t o o ffer s pelling s uggestions w as t o c ount t he p roportion o f c haracter n-‐grams t hat o verlap between t he q uery w ord a nd k nown w ords f rom a c orpus. D oing s o w ill r equire a n i nverted i ndex t hat maps n-‐grams t o d ictionary w ords a nd a s coring f unction t hat c ounts n-‐gram o verlaps b etween candidate w ords. Y ou a re o n y our o wn f or b uilding t he i nverted i ndex -‐ y ou s hould n ot u se a ny e xisting libraries o r c ode s nippets t o d o t his f or y ou. Y ou s hould i mplement t he J accard s core o f n-‐gram o verlap as d escribed i n c lass a s t he s coring f unction f or c andidate r eplacements.Take a l ook a t t he s i nterface:package;import java.util.List;/*** Basic interface for the spelling corrector.** @author dramage (revised by kim)*/public interface SpellingCorrector {/*** Returns a list of top-scoring spelling corrections for a given* (possibly misspelled) word. The list is expected to include* the best corrected spelling. The maximum length of the* returned list will be specified, while the actual length of* the list may be smaller than it.** @param word A single word whose spelling is to be checked.* @param max The maximum number of corrections in the* returned list. Should be greater than 0.* @return A list of top-scoring corrections, with better corrections* ordered first.*/public List<String> corrections(String word, int max);}Your n-‐gram b ased s pelling c orrector w ill i mplement t his i nterface t o r eturn a l ist o f m ost l ikely candidate s pelling c orrections f or a g iven (possibly m isspelled) w ord.Your s pelling c orrector s hould r ead a ll t he w ords f rom a l arge f ile o f E nglish t ext. Y ou m ay u se t he t ext file (‘big.txt’) t hat c omes f rom P eter N orvig's p age o n H ow t o W rite a S pelling C orrector, w hich t akes a n alternative a pproach t o b uilding a s pell c hecker. [From N orvig's s ite: "The f ile i s a c oncatenation o f several p ublic d omain b ooks f rom P roject G utenberg a nd l ists o f m ost f requent w ords f rom W iktionary and t he B ritish N ational C orpus."]You m ust c omplete t he f ollowing s ub-‐problems:1.1. I mplement a n n-‐gram s pelling c orrector (named s b asedon t he w ords i n t he f ile b ig.txt. B riefly d escribe y our i mplementation a nd p rovide s ome e xample mis-‐spelled w ords a long w ith t he p ossible c orrections y our a lgorithm p rovides. W hat i s t he o utput of s c lass (see b elow) w hen r un w ith a rguments s hown b elow (a-‐d)?What a re t he s ources o f e rrors? 1 ‘path t o s pelltest1.txt’ 1 ‘path t o s pelltest2.txt’ 10 ‘path t o s pelltest1.txt’ 10 ‘path t o s pelltest2.txt’1.2. I n c lass, i t i s m entioned t hat a n n-‐gram b ased c orrector c ould b e u sed i n c oncert w ith a n e ditdistance f unction. W rite a n i mplementation o f L evenshtein e dit d istance a nd a n ew i mplementation of S pellingCorrector, c alled N GramWithEditDistanceSpellingCorrector, t hat w raps t he u nderlying spelling c orrector a nd r e-‐scores i ts o utput u sing t he w eighted e dit d istance f unction. I n p articular, use y our n-‐gram s pelling c orrector t o g et s ome n umber o f c losest c andidates i n t he d ictionary, score e ach w ith t he E dit d istance f unction a nd t hen s uggest t he c orrections w ith l owest e ditdistance. P rovide o utput, e xamples, a nd e rror a nalysis a s y ou d id f or s ub-‐problem 1.1, w hilereplacing ‘NGramSpellingCorrector' w ith ‘NGramWithEditDistanceSpellingCorrector' i n t hearguments.1.3. W rite a w eighted e dit d istance f unction a nd u se i t f or a n ew i mplementation o f S pellingCorrector,called N GramWithWeightedEditDistanceSpellingCorrector. Y ou s hould d efine y our o wn w eighting scheme, f or e xample, a llowing d ifferent w eights f or d ifferent k inds o f e dit o perations a nd d ifferent weights f or d ifferent c haracter r eplacements. H ow d id y ou f ind t he w eighting s cheme a nd w hy?What i s t he i mpact o f a ny c hanges o n t he s cheme? P rovide o utput, e xamples, a nd e rror a nalysis a s you d id f or s ub-‐problem 1.1, w hile r eplacing ‘NGramSpellingCorrector' w ith‘NGramWithWeightedEditDistanceSpellingCorrector' i n t he a rguments.Using S pellingScorer a nd A utomatic Q uantitative G radingThe i ncluded c lass s p rovides a w ay t o t est t he r esults o f y our SpellingCorrector i mplementations a cross a c ollection o f s pelling e rrors (see t he N orvig's s ite). T o r un the S pellingScorer, y ou s hould p rovide t he f ollowing t hree a rguments:1.Java c lass o f t he s pelling c orrector t o b e t ested2.The m aximum n umber o f c orrections f or e ach m is-‐spelling t o b e t ested.3.Path t o t he d ata f ile t o b e t ested (e.g. s pelltest1.txt, s pelltest2.txt).(You m ay r evise t he r eleased v ersion o f S pellingScorer f or y our p rogram i f n ecessary. F or e xample, i t does n ot a llow w hite s paces i n t he f ile p ath, a nd y ou c an r evise t o f ix t he p roblem.)For e xample, y ou m ay r un i t a s f ollows:$ j ava -‐cp b in/ s s 1data/spelltest1.txtThe S pellingScorer c hecks, f or e ach m is-‐spelling i n t he d ata f ile, i f t he l ist o f c orrections r eturned b y t he given S pellingCorrector i ncludes t he e xpected c orrected s pelling. S pellingScorer w ill r eport t he performance o f t he S pellingCorrector b ased o n t he d ata f ile.You m ust i nclude t he o utput o f t his p rogram i n y our s ubmission. W e a lso m ay u se t he S pellingScorer o n a d ifferent s et o f w ords t o e valuate t he q uality o f y our i mplementation.Part 2: L ucene (50 p oints)In t his p art y ou b uild u p a s earch e ngine f or t he c ollection o f 30,000+ T DT3 n ews a rticles (i.e. ‘’) by u sing L ucene, a t ext s earch e ngine l ibrary w ritten i n J ava. T he c ollection c onsists o f t ext f iles, w here each f ile c ontains a n ews a rticle. A n e xample f ile i s s hown b elow.File: tdt3/19981001/CNN19981001_1600_1059.txt<DOC><DOCNO> CNN19981001.1600.1059 </DOCNO><DOCTYPE> NEWS </DOCTYPE><TXTTYPE> CAPTION </TXTTYPE><TEXT>General Motors is taking another step in its effort to lure customersback after strikes shut down most of its plants this summer. G.M.says it will install a safety and security system on many of its trucksand cars for free. The system is worth about $1,300. G.M. saw itsmarket share shrink from 31% in June to less than 21% in July as thestrike was taking place.</TEXT></DOC>Your t ask i s t o c reate a L ucene i ndex f or t he c ollection, w rite a p rogram t hat t akes i n a q uery f rom t he user (i.e. S a nd r eturns a l ist o f t op 20 d ocuments, a nd i ntegrate s pelling c orrectors w ith t he program. T he i ndex s hould h ave t he f ollowing t hree f ields: d ocno (called I Ds), d ate (inferrable f rom t he sub-‐directory n ames, e.g., 19981001), a nd t ext.2.1 I mplement s ome q ueries i n t he p rogram t o f ind t he I Ds (e.g. C NN19981001.1600.1059) o f t he documents t hat m eet t he f ollowing c onditions:a)Documents t hat c ontain b oth “New Y ork” a nd “San F rancisco”b)Documents w here t he w ords ‘helicopter’ a nd ‘hurricane’ a ppear w ithin 5 w ords o f e ach o therc)Documents w hich c ontain t he n ame “Dan R onan” a nd w as p ublished i n N ovember 19982.2 A ssume t hat w e a re i nterested i n n ews a rticles a bout s tock m arket m ore t han o thers. W rite a program t o a utomatically c ollect t erms r elated t o s tock m arket (e.g. s tock, s hare, f und), f or e xample, from t he W ikipedia p age o n s tock m arket (/wiki/Stock_market). C ount t heir frequencies i n t he T DT3 a rticles a nd a ssign q uery-‐independent w eights b etween 0 a nd 1 t o t he a rticles (cf. S ection 7.1.4 o f t he t extbook). R evise t he p rogram f rom 2.1 t o r erank t he r esults f rom t he L ucene index b y u sing t he q uery-‐independent w eights: F or e xample, c onsidering a q uery q, o ne o f i ts r esultant articles d, a nd t he o riginal s core o f d g iven b y L ucene, s core(q,d), y ou m ay a dd t he q uery-‐independent weight o f d, g(d), t o s core(d) t o o btain t he n ew s core o f d, s core’(q,d), a s f ollows:score’(q,d) = s core(q,d) + g(d)Find e xample q ueries w hose t op 20 d ocuments a re a ffected b y t he r eranking a nd t hose n ot a ffected. Discuss i f t he r eranking h elps u s a chieve t he g oal o f f ocusing o n s tock m arket a nd h ow t o i mprove i t.2.3 W rite a p rogram t hat t akes i n a m isspelled q uery, r uns t he b est s pell c orrector y ou w rote i n p art 1 o n this q uery t o s uggest a lternative s pellings, a nd q ueries t he L ucene i ndex u sing t he s uggested s pellings, printing o ut t he I Ds o f t op 20 d ocuments. S how o utput o f y our s ystem w here t he s pell c orrection d oes well a nd w here i t d oes p oorly. L ucene a lso h as a s pell c hecker. W rite a nother p rogram t hat u ses t he Lucene S pellChecker. C ompare t he r esults w ith t hose o f t he b est s pell c orrector f rom p art 1. W hich i s better a nd w hy? H ow c an y our e ngine b e i mproved?Credit f or a dvanced (10 p oints):Implement s ome o f y our s uggestions f or i mprovement f rom 2.2 a nd 2.3. T he q uality o f y our i dea, implementation, a nd w riteup w ill a ll b e c onsidered.References:•Lucene: h ttp:///java/docs/index.html•Information R etrieval a nd W eb S earch c ourse a t S tanford U niversity (source o f t his a ssignment): /class/cs276/•Topic D etection a nd T racking (TDT) P hase 3 (source o f t he T DT3 c orpus):/TDT3/Resource f iles p rovided a t t he c ourse s ite:•, S A s m entioned a bove•big.txt: A c ollection o f d ocuments f rom w hich y ou m ay c ollect d ictionary w ords•spelltest1.txt, s pelltest2.txto Test d ata f iles f or s pelling c orrection, w here e ach l ine f ollows t he f ormat “a d ictionary word : a l ist o f i ncorrectly s pelled w ords”• A n ews a rticle c ollection。
Assignment 1
Certificate in language teachingAssignment 1Student’s background:His name is Nick and he is a 16-year-old boy who is currently studying in a selective high school in Parramatta. He was born in Australia to a Chinese family that was originally from a city of Southern China named Guangzhou (the city was called Canton till early 1950s and Cantonese, basically a dialect of Chinese spoken language system like Mandarin, is the spoken language of the city). As his parents speak Cantonese,he speaks Cantonese to them as well as his grandparents who are still living in Guangzhou, via telephone or Internet video calls. His father works as an engineer and his mother is a bookkeeper. He also has a 7-year-old younger sister who, was also born in Australia, mainly speaks English to him.Language learning and use:As Nick was born to a Cantonese-speaking family, naturally he speaks Cantonese to the parents as well as friends of theirs. On top of that, he receives education in Australia and it is no wonder he uses English when talking to people outside his family. Though Cantonese is a major spoken language widely spoken within Chinese (especially among early immigrants to countries like Australia or USA) communities overseas as well as several populous provinces and districts in China such as HongKong or Macau, Mandarin is the official spoken language of China with more than 1.3 billion users. Nick’s parents send him to our school in the hope that he can embark on a path to masteringspeaking Mandarin and if possible he can then even manage to read Chinese characters. There’re some Chinese students in Nick’s school and Nick can always try to talk to them in Mandarin he newly learned, mixed with English words. He also mentioned that he feels proud for himself for using Mandarin to order food in restaurants. For example, he knows how to greet the waiter in Mandarin such as ‘wanshang hao’ (good evening), ‘I want to order a serve of kao ya’ (I want to order a serve of roast duck).Students language strengths and needs:Born to a family with Chinese background gives Nick a bit edge over other students who are mainly from other Asian countries like Indonesia in my class. Unlike other students of the class, Nick can manage to grasp the four tones of Mandarin and his Mandarin pronunciation is more of standard. He wish one day he could visit China and talk to Chinese people with what he has learned from the community language school. Therefore, he is interested in learning some rather profound than basic stuff in the class. Students attitudes to the community language and school: Despite the fact that Nick was sent to the community language school by his parents, he quite enjoys learning new things in the community language school.Overall perceptions and assessment:All in all, learning a second language in a country where English dominates has always been a challenging task for learners. Environment is not as that prefect for learners to practice what have been learned. And the lack of practice on what Nick has learned fromthe language school hinders his progress.。
英国文学史assignment 1
Assignment 11.Who were the earliest settlers of Britton/England? What do you know about them (home,language, belief, life style)?The earliest settlers of Britain/England were Britons.They were ancient Celtic people from the island of Great Britain . They lived a tribal life ,spoke Celtic language, and had no belief. The Britons (sometimes Brythons or British) were the Celtic people culturally dominating Great Britain from the Iron Age through the Early Middle Ages. They spoke the Insular Celtic language known as British or Brythonic. They lived throughout Britain south of about the Firth of Forth; after the 5th century Britons also migrated to continental Europe, where they established the settlements of Brittany in France and the obscure Britonia in what is now Galicia, Spain. Their relationship to the Picts north of the Forth has been the subject of much discussion, though most scholars accept that the Pictish language during this time was a Brythonic language related to, but perhaps distinct from, British.2.What are the 3 conquests? What effects they had upon the nation?The first is the Roman Conquest. Romans brought Christianity to England. And one of the worst results of the Roman conquest was the growth of the slave system, private land ownership.The Romans made the part of island under their control a province of their huge empire, called Britannia, ruled by Roman governors. The Romans also built walls and forts across northern England to protect the province from the war like tribes of Scotland .The most famous of the walls was Hadrian's Wall, named after the Emperor Hadrian. During the Roman period, Christianity came to England. A number of things with Christian symbols on them that date from the 4th century AD have been found in various places in England.The second is the Anglo-Saxon Conquest. In 449 A.D., Britain was invaded by three Germanic tribes from the Northeast of Europe: Angles, Saxons and Jutes, who had reached the later stages of tribal society. At first they established some small kingdoms in Britain which by the 7th century were combined into a united kingdom called England (the land of Angles). Its people was called the English. The three dialects spoken by them naturally grew into a single language called Anglo-Saxon or Old English. Angles, Saxons and Jutes usually known as Anglo-Saxons are the first Englishmen. Language spoken by them is called the Old English, which is the foundation of English language and literature. With the Anglo-Saxon settlement in Britain, the history of English literature began.The third is Norman Conquest. Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England. The conquest also greatly influenced the English language.3.Ideologically what is the most significant change in people’s spiritual life?The acceptation of Christianity is the most significant change in people’s spiritual life.4. How was the nation developed politically or what changes were there in the form of the social structure?After the Roman Conquest, the form of social was changed from slave society to feudal society. based on the ownership of land.5. In terms of literature, what influence had the French upon England?Due to the Norman influence, English passed from Old to Middle English. The French influence affected the English vocabulary, grammar, spelling and pronunciation and brought the romance style to England6. How many languages were spoken during the French reign? How do you understand modern English as a language?Two, they are French and Old English.Modern English as we know it has existed since about 1500, and Shakespeare's plays were written between 1592 and 1610 -- exact dates are not known. Shakespeare was using the same "English" that we use today, but as languages tend to do, the meanings of words and some words in their entirety have changed.。
Assignment 1各种信函
6. 合同的正文范例
Buyers: Peter Company Limited Sellers: John Hayde, Inc. Ltd. This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: Name of Commodity: Printed Cotton Sheeting Specifications: No.137 35.36 inch in width Quality: as per sample submitted by the buyers on March 9 Quantity: 40,000 yards Price: USD 6.6 per yard CIF London Amount: USD 264,000
We refer to contract 235 for 3000 photocopiers. The contract was made on a C&F basis, whereas basis, your L/C states CIF. To avoid any further delay in shipping, we suggest that we arrange the necessary insurance coverage. The premium will coverage. cost US$ 2500 and we could deduct it from the commission payable to you. The consignment is being shipped, leaving Liverpool for Taiwan on 15th June. We will send you bill of lading and other shipping documents as soon as we receive them and meanwhile enclose a invoice showing prices at which the goods should be offered for sale.
assignment 1 分析
3. 我存在,我曾经存在。 I am,I was. 电影“Artificial Intelligence”,I am, I was. I think, so I am. (Decarte) 改译: I am here, I was here. ??? I exist, I ever existed. ???
4. 有想做的事,有值得爱的人,有美丽的梦。 I want something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.
语义问题: Someone to love指有一个人去爱,但原文中是“有值得 爱的人”,与原文不符。Something to hope for指“有事情去期待” 的意思,与原文中“有美丽的梦”仍不吻合。 改译:
17.生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,后会有期。 Life is full of encounters and separations. See you some day.
语义问题:separation: n. a period of time that people spend apart from each other. 一般指长时间离别。所以在该句中用parting: n. the act or occasion of leaving a person or place”一词比较好,与原文 中所表达的意思相近。
2. 我希望活得有意义,活得深刻,汲取生命所有的精髓。 I wanted to live deliberately,live deep and suck out all the marrow of the life. (Walden) 语法问题:原文中的动词wanted用了过去式,过去式指的是在过去的时间内所发生的 事情,从原文中了解到这种渴望和希望应该经常存在,故用一般现在时want比较合适。 语义问题:deliberately有两个意思,分别是“done in a way that was planned, not by chance”和 “slowly and carefully”, deliberately 并不符合有意义的意思。deep可以指物理意 义上的深,情感上的深厚,知识的渊博,人性格深沉,这里指生活态度不恰当。尽管 deep也有做副词的时候,但多用于deep inside,deep into这种情况,在这里用deeply才 是正确的。而且此处用profoundly更好,语气更强,更能体现出活得深刻的意味。 文体问题:“汲取”在文中具有象征意义,指的是“学习”生命的意义。suck out指的 是吮吸,只是单纯的动作。marrow象征的是生命中的智慧,而marrow是生物上骨髓的 意思。 改译: I wanted to lead a meaningful and profound life, from which I receive all the wisdom of life.
COMP 7390Assignment 1 SolutionDue: 6:30pm, Oct 22, 2014Submit to your instructor at the beginning of class.Please submit handwritten version, except for Problem 5.You must show all equations that you have used.1a. An insurance company needs to payout $5 million 5 years from now. If the company can invest money at an annual rate of 5% compounded semiannually, how much money should the company invest now?Ans: Let $A be the amount the company invests now. ThenAA∗�1+0.052�(2∗5)=5∗106Hence AA=3.90599∗106.1b. An insurance company needs to payout $10 million 10 years from now. If the company can invest money at an annual rate of 5% compounded semiannually in the first 5 years, and at an annual rate of 6% compounded semiannually in the second 5 years, how much money should the company invest now?Ans: Let $A be the amount the company invests now. ThenAA∗�1+0.052�(2∗5)∗�1+0.062�(2∗5)=10∗106Hence AA=5.81285∗106.2. You invest $100,000 in fixed deposit at a bank on Jan 1, 2010. In the next 10 years, youinvest $10,000 at the end of every June and $20,000 at the end of every December in fixed deposit also. Assume that throughout the period, the annual interest rate is 8%, payablesemiannually. If all interest payments are reinvested at the same rate, what is the futurevalue of your account at the beginning of Jan 1, 2020?Ans: FFFF=$100,000∗�1+0.082�(2∗10)+$10,000∗�1+0.082�19+$20,000∗�1+0.082�18+ +$10,000∗�1+0.082�17+$20,000∗�1+0.082�16+⋯+$10,000∗�1+0.082�+ $20,000=$100,000∗�1+0.082�(2∗10)+$10,000∗�1+0.082�∗��1+0.082�18+�1+0.082�16+⋯+1�+$20,000∗��1+0.082�18+�1+0.082�16+⋯+1�=$100,000∗�1+0.082�(2∗10)+�$10,000∗�1+0.082�+$20,000�∗��1+0.082�18+�1+0.082�16+⋯+1�=$100,000∗�1+0.082�(2∗10)+�$10,000∗�1+0.082�+$20,000�∗(1−�1+0.082�20)(1−�1+0.082�2) =$662,8643. You put down $100,000 in an amortized investment on Jan 1, 2010. (Recall: amortizationis a method of repaying a loan through regular payments of interest and principal.) The investment pays you $C at the end of every June and $2C at the end of every December for10 years, and the annual yield to maturity is 8%, compounded semiannually. What is thevalue of $C?Ans: We solve$100,000=CC (1+0.082 )−1+2CC (1+0.082 )−2+CC (1+0.082 )−3+2CC (1+0.082 )−4+⋯+ CC (1+0.082 )−19+2CC (1+0.082 )−20=CC(1+0.082 )−1�1+�1+0.082�−2+⋯+�1+0.082�−18�+2CC(1+0.082 )−2�1+�1+0.082�−2+⋯+�1+0.082�−18�=CC[�1+0.082�−1+2�1+0.082�−2]�1+�1+0.082�−2+⋯+�1+0.082�−18�=CC[�1+0.082�−1+2�1+0.082�−2][1−�1+0.082�−20][1−�1+0.08�−2]Hence CC=$4,937.72.4. Three banks quote consumer loans at the following rates:(a) Bank 1: 10%, quarterly compounding,(b) Bank 2: 9.95%, monthly compounding,(c) Bank 3: 9.9%, continuous compounding.Which bank’s interest rate is highest?Ans: It is important that we compare the 3 loans on equal compounding scheme. We mayconvert each case to continuous compounding. The equivalent continuous compounding rate for each bank is:(a) Bank 1: solving (1+0.14)4=ee rr 1, we get rr 1=9.87705%.(b) Bank 2:solving (1+0.099512)12=ee rr 2, we get rr 2=9.90898%.(c) Bank 3: already given to be 9.9%.Hence Bank 2’s interest rate is highest. 5. (a) A home buyer takes out a 15-year $1,000,000 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). Theinitial interest rate is 6%. What is the initial monthly payment?Using Excel or any programming language, print out the first 12 months of the payment schedule.(b) Suppose that after 6 months, the interest rate is changed to 5.75%. What is the newmonthly payment?Print out another 12 months of the new payment schedule, starting from the 7th month.Ans: (a) Let the monthly payment be C. The bank may consider the payments as a generalordinary annuity with n=15, m=12, r = 0.06. The PV of this annuity must be equal to the loan amount, which is $1,000,000. ThereforePPFF =$1,000,000=CC ∗�1−�1+rr mm �−nn∗mm��rr �=CC ∗[1−(1+0.0612 )−15∗12](0.0612)s o that CC =$8,438.5683.(b) Let the new monthly payment be C2. The bank may consider the payments as a newgeneral ordinary annuity with 180−6=174 payments. The PV of this annuity mustbe equal to the remaining principal, which is $979,108.972. ThereforePPFF=$979,108.972=CC2∗[1−(1+0.057512 )−174 ](0.057512)s o that CC2=$8,307.814.6. The Wall Street Journal prints the following quotation for a T-Bill:MATURITY DAYS TO MAT BID ASKEDNov 12 09 29 0.055 0.048(a) What is the asked price of such a T-Bill with a face value of $10,000?(b) For how much can you sell this T-Bill with a face value of $10,000?(c) What is the actual yield as related to the asked price?Show all your derivations.Ans: (a) Asked yield = 0.048%; a dealer was willing to sell the bill at a discount from par value of:0.048%×29360=0.00386667%A bill with $10,000 par value could be purchased for$10,000×1(1+0.0000386667)=$9,999.61(b) Bid yield = 0.055%; a dealer would be willing to purchase the bill for$10,000×1(1+0.00055×29)=$9,999.56(c) Actual yield as related to asked price:Solving $10,000=$9,999.61×(1+29365yy), yy=0.049%.7a. A company issues a 10-year bond with par value $10,000 and a coupon rate of 8%, payable semiannually. The bond is callable at a price of $11,200, $11,000, …, $10,200 after year 4, 5, …, 9, respectively. Find the price that guarantees a yield of 10.5% compoundedsemiannually for the investor, regardless of how many years the bond is held. Ans: The coupon interest is $10,000∗0.082=$400.If the bond is called after 4 years, the PV that guarantees a return of 10.5% is$400∗[1−(1+0.1052)−2∗4](0.105) + $11,200[1+�0.105�]2∗4=$9,997.1If the bond is called after 5 years, the PV that guarantees a return of 10.5% is$400∗[1−(1+0.1052)−2∗5]�0.1052� + $11,000�1+�0.105��2∗5=$9,645.88Similarly, if the bond is called after 6, 7, …, 9 years, the PV’s that guarantee a return of10.5% are, respectively,$9,340.49, $9,075.33, $8,845.47, $8,646.55Lastly, if the bond is held to maturity, the PV that guarantees a return of 10.5% is$400∗[1−(1+0.1052)−2∗10](0.105) + $10,000[1+�0.105�]2∗10=$8,474.72If one pays more than $8,474.72, and if the bond is held to maturity, then the yield is less than 10.5% compounded semiannually.7b. A 20-year bond with par value $10,000 and annual coupon rate 6% (paid quarterly) sells for $11,200 and is callable in 10 years at a call price of $11,800. What are the bond’s yield to maturity and yield to call?Ans: From the following Excel file, yield to maturity = 5.04%, yield to call = 5.76%.8. Suppose you buy a 20-year, 8% (semiannual payment) coupon bond with face value$10,000 for $11,000 and intend to hold it for 5 years. You forecast that the bond’s yield to maturity will be 9% when the bond is sold, and that the annual reinvestment rate on the coupons will be 7.5% (compounded semiannually). What is the estimated annualizedcompound return on your investment?Ans: At the end of the holding period, the bond will have 15 years remaining until maturity. The forecasted sales price (using yield to maturity=9%) will be, using CC=$10,000×8%2= $400,yy=9%,nn=15,mm=2,FF=$10,000,PPFF=CC[ 1−�1+yy mm�−(nn∗mm)](yy)+FF(1+yy)(nn∗mm)=$9,185.56The 10 coupon payments will grow with compound interest to, with CC=$400,rr= 0.075,mm=2,nn=5,FFFF=CC(1+rr mm)nn∗mm−1+CC(1+rr mm)nn∗mm−2+⋯+CC=CC��1+rr mm�nn∗mm−1rr�=$4,747.14Hence the $11,000 initial investment will grow to $9,185.56+$4,747.14=$13,932.7 in5 years.The estimated annualized compound return rr cc is calculated by$11,000×(1+rr cc2)5×2=$13,932.7, giving rr cc=4.78%.----- THE END -----。
Assignment 1 – Write each word 3 times each
Assignment 1– Write each word 3 times each.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________10._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________ Assignment 2– List your words in alphabetical order.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________17._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________ Assignment 3– Use each of your words in a completesentence.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________10._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________17._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________Spelling PracticeSpelling Websites– Use the following sites to study your spelling words in fun ways. You can type in the list of words, then play games and complete other activities./SpellingTest/FreeSpellingTest.htmlOther ways to practice words …∙Write your words in shaving cream∙Use magnet letters and cookie sheets∙Write your words on a dry erase board∙Write your words outside with chalk∙Use a Q-tip and water to paint on a chalkboard∙Use a tape recorder to record yourself spelling the words ∙Practice your words out loud with a parent or sibling ∙Type your words on a typewriter or a computer∙Paint your words∙Use toothpicks or pipe cleaners to form your wordsName __________________ Date ____________ Lesson _____ Spelling Homework Checklist1._____ Complete the spelling rule sheet.2._____ Write your spelling words 3 times each.3._____ List your words in alphabetical order.4._____ Use each of your words in a complete sentence.5._____ Study for your test. Use the list of suggestions on thelast page.6._____ Check off all assignments. The entire packet should beturned in by Friday.----------------------------------------------GradingSpelling Rule Page - _____ out of 53 Times Each - _____ out of 5Alphabetical Order - _____ out of 5Sentences - _____ out of 5Total Weekly Homework Grade - _____ out of 20。
u 2 v2
H (u, v) Ae 2 Show that the corresponding filter in the spatial domain has the form 2 2 2 2 h( x, y) A 2 e2 ( x y ) (Note: Treat the variables as continuous to simplify the manipulation)
P1(r )
r 1 4. 1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
On median filter. a) Describe the operation of median filter, assuming neighborhood of operation is
n× n. b) Apply the median filter to the following image (represented by matrix A) with n=3, and ignoring the boundary of the image. Based on your results, discuss briefly the advantages of median filtering. 1 1 9 9 9 1 1 9 9 9 A {a(m, n)} 1 1 9 28 9 1 30 9 9 9 1 1 9 9 9 c) Is the median filter is a linear system? Justify your answer. 5. Describe the main processing steps involved in the frequency domain filtering with the aid of flowchart (流程框图). 6. A Gaussian lowpass filter in the frequency domain has the transfer function
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III. Hypnosis is used to help students improve their academic performance.
A. Hypnosis enables people to use their minds more effectively. 1. The conscious mind uses about 10 percent of a person’s mental ability. 2. Hypnosis allows people to tap more of their mental power.
Pattern 5:
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the athletic achievements of Babe Didrikson. Central idea: Babe Didrikson was a world-class athlete in track and field, basketball, and golf. Main points: I. As a track-and-field athlete, Didrikson set two world records in the Olympic Games. II. As a basketball player, Didrikson was twice named to the women’s All-America team. III. As a professional golfer, Didrikson set a record that still stands by winning 17 tournaments in a row.
II. Hypnosis is used to help people stop smoking.
B. Hypnosis does not work for all smokers. 1. A person must want to stop smoking for hypnosis to work. 2. A person must also be responsive to hypnotic suggestion.
2. What organizational method (or methods) might
you use to arrange main points for speeches wห้องสมุดไป่ตู้th the following specific purpose statements?
1) To inform my audience about the major events in the development of the civil rights movement from 1955 to 1970. 2) To inform my audience of the causes and effects of the erosion of America’s seacoasts. 3) To inform my audience about the nonviolent philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi.
Pattern 4:
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that legislation is needed to control the abuses of fraudulent charity fund-raisers. Central idea: Fraudulent fund-raising for charities is a serious problem that requires action by government and individuals alike. Main points: I. Fraudulent charity fund-raising has become a widespread national problem. II. The problem can be solved by combination of government initiative and individual awareness.
Exercises for critical thinking
There are five basic patterns or organization used most often by public speakers. • Topical order • Chronological order • Spatial order • Causal order • Problem-solution order
I. B. Hypnosis is most useful in cases when the patient is known to have problems with general anesthesia.
1. 2. 3. Quotation from Dr. Harold Wain of Walter Reed Army Hospital. Story of Linda Kuay. Statistics for Psychology Today.
Pattern 2:
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the design of the Eiffel Tower. Central idea: The Eiffel Tower is divided into three sections. Main points: I. The lowest section of the tower contains the entrance, a gift shop, and a restaurant. II. The middle section of the tower consists of stairs and elevators that lead to the top. III. The top section of the tower includes an observation deck with a spectacular view of Paris.
I. Hypnosis is used in surgery as an adjunct to chemical anesthesia. A. Hypnosis reduces both the physical and psychological aspects of pain. 1. Hypnosis can double a person’s pain threshold. 2. It also reduces the fear that intensifies physical pain.
II. Hypnosis is used to help people stop smoking.
A. Many therapists utilize hypnosis to help people break their addiction to cigarettes. 1. The U. S. department of Health and Human Services considers hypnosis a safe and effective means of stopping smoking. 2. Success rates are as high as 70 percent. a. Story of Alex Hamilton. b. Quotation from New York psychiatrist Dr. Herbert Spiegel.
3. The following is an outline of main points and
supporting materials for the speech about hypnosis. Create appropriate transition, internal preview, internal summaries, and signposts for the speech.
Pattern 3:
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the widespread use of Ritalin to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a serious problem. Central idea: Widely prescribed for children who suffer from ADHD, Ritalin has a number extremely serious side effects. Main points: I. Ritalin is widely prescribed for children who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. II. Ritalin has been linked with a number of serious side effects, including liver damage, heart disease, depression, stunted growth, and Tourette’s syndrome.
2. What organizational method (or methods) might
you use to arrange main points for speeches with the following specific purpose statements?