高三 定语从句

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but there is something left in my head You're the one who set it up now you're the one to make it stop I'm the one whose feeling lost right now Now you want me to forget every little thing (that) you said but there is something left in my head
I won't forget the way you're kissing The feelings so strong were lasting for so long but I'm not the man (that) your heart is missing That's why you go away I know You were never satisfied no matter how I tried Now you wanna say goodbye to me love is one big illusion (that) I should try to forget but there is something left in my head
_t_h_a__t 。 5.在非限制性定语从句中,引导定语从句用w__h__ic_h_。
as or which?
当整个主句充当先行句时,可用 as 或者 which
。 引导非限制性定语从句,充当从句的_主__语__ 宾语或者 表语,其中,__a_s__引导的定语从句可放在句首,句
Enjoy the English song "That's why" and try to appreciate the lyrics(歌词) with the attributive clauses.
How many attributive clauses are there in the song?
2.先行词被any, some, no, every,all ,the very, the
only, the last 等词修饰时,引导定语从句用_t_h_a__t。 3.先行词既有人又有物时,引导定语从句用 _t_h__a_t_ 。
This cute baby _w__h_o_m__ I really love is my nephew .
1. 先行词:

定 (名词/代词/句子) 物

句 2. 位置:跟在先行词之
三 后(限制性定语从句和非 要 限制性定语从句)百度文库
素 3.关系词: 引导定语从句且在从句充当 句子成分:
Attributive clauses are found everywhere in all kinds of writing , whether it is formal or informal. So mastering them well is really necessary for any English learner. Now let's appreciate some beautiful attributive clauses.
定语: whose
主/宾: which,that
定语: whose 时间状语:when 地点状语:where 原因状语:why 整个句子:as, which
that or which?
在关系词充当主语或宾语的情况下,定语从句该用 that 还是which?
1. 先行词是 all, everything, nothing, anything,something,much,little,none等不定代
(主语,宾语,定语,状语 )
可供选择的关系 词w:ho,whom,whose,
that,which, when,where,why,as
whose, when,where ,why,as
宾语: who,whom,that(
中,句末, 通常译为“正如”。
• 确定定语从句的关系词选择的步骤是:
• 1)先找_先__行___词_____,确定它指人还是
• 2) 分析定语从句的_句__子__结__构_____, 看缺何
• 3)根据_定___语__从__句__的__关__系__词___的基本用
That’s why
Baby won’t you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
love is one big illusion幻觉(that) I should try to forget
Unit 1 Other countries,other cultures
Overview of Attributive Clauses 定语从句复习
First of all, Let't enjoy some photos to relax . And please fill in the blanks with proper words as quickly as possible, OK?
Look at the two girlsw_h__o sit in the front row. What are they discussing ?
In this photo, do you think who is the one t_h_a_t laughs best?
Oh, the boy_w_h_o_s_e_ face is hiding from my camera is_Z_o_u__W__ei_h_a_o_ . How cute!