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a. 尽职调查:due diligence

b. 包销:firm commitment

c. 尽力推销:best efforts

d. 余额包销:standby commitment

e. 首次公开发行:initial public offering

f. 二次发行:secondary offering

g. 招股说明书:prospectus

h. 路演:road show

i. 承销辛迪加:underwriting syndicate

j. 做市商:market maker

k. 交易商:dealer

l. 经纪商:broker

m. 管理费:manager’s fee

n. 承销费:underwriting allowance

o. 销售费:selling concession

p. 墓碑广告:tombstone

q. 反向收购:averse merger

r. 美国存托凭证:American Depository Receipt s. 全球存托凭证:Global Depository Receipt 2.名词翻译

a. 柜台市场:over the counter

b. 做市商交易:dealer trading

c. 竞价交易:auction trading

d. 现金帐户:cash account

e. 保证金账户:margin account

f. 市场委托指令:market order

g. 现价委托指令:limit order

h. 止损指令:stop order

i. 定价全额即时委托指令:fill or kill

j. 定价即时交易委托指令:immediate or cancel k. 开市和收市委托指令:market at open or close l. 套利:arbitrage

m. 投机:speculation

n. 纳斯达克:NASDAQ

o. 特许交易商:specialist


a. 开放式基金:open-end fund

b. 封闭式基金:closed-end fund

c. 契约型基金:contract fund

d. 公司型基金:corporate fund

e. 货币市场基金:money market fund

f. 认股权证基金:warrant fund

g. 国际基金:global fund

h. 离岸基金:off-shore

i. 国内基金:domestic fund

j. 国家基金:country fund

k. 对冲基金:hedge fund

l. 托管人:trustee


a. 风险投资基金:venture capital fund

b. 私募股权投资基金:private equity investment fund

c. 天使投资:angel

d. 商业计划书:business plan

e. 筛选:screening

f. 附带权益:carried interest

g. 分隔收益率:hurdle rate

h. 超额损失:excess losses

i. 交易结构:deal structuring

j. 优先股:preferred stock

k. 可转债:convertible debt

l. 附加股权债:debt with warrants

m. 重组:restructuring

n. 大甩卖:fire sale

o. 私有化认股权证基金:voucher fund


a. 项目融资:project financing

b. 债务人:debtor

c. 债权人:loaner

d. 合伙制:partnership

e. 普通合伙人:general partner

f. 有限合伙人:limited partner

g. 合资企业:joint venture

h. 公司型合资结构:incorporated joint venture

i. 非公司型合资结构:unincorporated joint venture j. 设施使用协议:tolling agreement

k. 杠杆:leverage

l. 租赁购买:hire and purchase

m. BOT:build-operate-transfer

n. 特许权:concession

o. 自有资金:unquoted equity

p. 公募股权基金:quoted equity

q. 从属性债务:subordinated debt

r. 无担保贷款:unsecured loan

s. 可转债:convertible debt / convertible note

t. 零息债券:zero coupon bond

u. 担保存款:secured deposit

v. 备用信用证:standby letter of credit

w. 欧洲债券:European bond

x. 扬基债券:Yankee bond

y. 武士债券:Samurai bond

z. 商业票据:commercial paper

aa. 抵押:mortgage

bb. 担保:charge

cc. 直接担保:direct guarantee

dd. 间接担保:indirect guarantee

ee. 或有担保:contingent guarantee


a. 企业重组:reorganization

b. 扩张:expansion

c. 兼并:merger

d. 合并:consolidation

e. 收购:acquisition

f. 收缩:contraction

g. 分立:spin-offs

h. 子股换母股:split-offs

i. 完全析产分股:split-ups

j. 剥离:divestiture

k. 回购:repurchases

l. 杠杆收购:leveraged buy-out

m. 赔偿条款:indemnification

n. 整合:integration

o. 保证条款:covenants

p. 锡保护伞:tin parachute


a. 住宅抵押贷款证券化:mortgage-backed securitization

b. 资产支持证券化:asset-backed securitization

c. 特殊目的载体:special purpose vehicle
