实用英语3 期末考试复习大纲

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1. 复习范围以课本第1--6单元passage A, B课文中的某些句子(已用页码和行数标示)和课后习题为主。但不同程度地对原文原题进行了加工处理。不可机械照搬照写。

2. 与书本有关的分值多达55分。

3. 题型有听力15分,词汇与结构40分,阅读理解20分,英汉互译25分,没有作文。

4. 翻译试题除了选自课后翻译题外,还包括课文中的句子。均进行了编辑合成处理,要灵活答题。

11-12-1 10级实用英语期末考试复习大纲


Part 1 vocabulary & structure

abuse: child abuse drug abuse

impose: The government is going to impose heavier taxes on the rich.

dispose:He was forced to dispose of his art treasures oppose: We opposed the plan

suppose: We are supposed to have a meeting at 8 o’clock. expose: Don’t expose yourself to the sun too much in summer. be exposed to…

relieve/relief: This medicine can help relieve the pain. sufficient=enough

defend one’s title/honor: try to win again:

She’s going to defend her Wimbledon title later this month.

accessible: Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children

succeed in doing sth. succeed sb/sth.=replace sb./sth.

approve /disapprove of: My parents disapproved of my marriage.

withdraw interview

considerable: They have given the plan considerable attention


profound : I give you my profound thanks for saving my life.

He has a profound knowledge of mathematics. deserve humble:

He deserves all the praises that people give him, but he is still very humble.

quit: stop doing





encourage sb. to do… discourage sb. from doing sth…drop out dropout

from a … standpoint/point of view/viewpoint

have a…impact/influence on…

due to=owing to


be scheduled: Our meeting is scheduled at 8 o’clock. postpone=delay cancel


survive (in)


I am concerned about you.

I will give a talk concerning air pollution miserable origin

inherit: He intended that his son should inherit his business survey: Half of those surveyed said that they supported the Labour Party.

in any case—in case;

Traffic may be bad, but in any case we will be there in time for the dinner.

Take an umbrella in case it rains.


sustain: We don’t have enough money to sustain our campaign for long.

retain: We shall retain our right.

obtain=get, acquire

by accident= by chance


coincidence—collision in collision with dangle urge—emerge—usher obstacles to

accuse sb of

have prejudice against: He has prejudice against women.

in case—so that—now that

extinguish: Water extinguished the fire.

distinguish: Can you distinguish the twins apart?

Let’s welcome our distinguished guest.

extinct; Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. distinct; totally different

be bound for



attribute: He attributed his success to working hard. suggest/require/propose等动词后的宾语从句中运用虚拟语气的格式

but for=without: I would not have succeeded but for your help.

due to=thanks to = owing to…


P 76 课文line4-5 P77 line 44-45
