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• • • • • • • • 厨神:爆炒牛肉,尝尝看Stir-fried beef, Try it! 丫头:嗯,好吃。简单啊,我也能做Delicious! I can do it 厨神:那你试试OK, please 丫头:谁怕谁!一模一样吧 Who cared? 厨神:肉煮老了The meat is tough 丫头:(尝了一口ing),唔。。。Wu….. 厨神:这次到你牙齿不好了吧 Your bad teeth at this time 益达 YiDa

厨神:Malt aroma麦芽的香气 丫头:Expert, try it行家啊,试试? 厨神:OK。好啊! From at least the two generation of Jiangsu and Zhejiang have passed this restaurant. Who are you? 这家餐厅,传的起码是两代的江浙厨子。你是? 丫头:The third generation, you are luck in having food , giving a whirl to pan fried noodles that is my original creation 。 第三代,有口福啦,尝尝我自己创的拔丝煎面 厨神: look nice 看起来不错 丫头:Eating is better 吃起来更不错 厨神:Honey, too sweet, Teeth are falling fast.小丫头,甜到牙齿 快掉了 丫头: you bad teeth. nuo ,yida.大叔,是你牙齿不好吧,来,益达! 厨神:I know, after a meal, chew two extra.我知道,饭后来两粒! 厨神:You have in mind, follow me.你很有想法,跟我学做饭吧! 丫头:Who are you? 你谁啊,大叔!
益达的经典广告词“关爱牙齿,更关 心 你”传递给消费者最主要的信息是 “关爱与关心”,其他的口香糖品牌 只是入了消费者的眼,而益达是进入 了消费者的心。这无疑是一个巨大的 差异点。
Analysis of YiDa advertising
Three, positioning theory
The highlights of Yida positioning point is "sugar free" ,which is significant for nursing teeth,and for diabetic patients.This product positioning is easily to be acceptable to consumers.
Analysis of YiDa advertising
One, application of USP theory.
Advertising convey a clear product concept: Yida is caring for teeth, how to care for, chewing Yida after eating ang drinking. Simple and easy, make teeth keep away from sub -health. This concept is undoubtedly unique.
厨神:想当一个好的厨神,没那么容易It is not easy to be a good cook 丫头:(挫败ing) 父亲:认输了? Throw in the towel? 丫头:老爹,你怎么在这? Daddy ,Why are you here? 父亲:陈师傅说你想放弃Master Chen said you want to give up! 老爹年轻时也有梦想,不过放弃了I once have a dream when I was young, but I give it up 我没做到的,希望你能坚持下去Idid not do it ,I hope you can hold the line 丫头:嗯Get it! 父亲:诺,益达 YiDa 照顾好自己!Take care of yourself!
尽管广告运用 多种媒体进行 传播,但它本 质上是一个过 程,而非媒介。
用最简单的话 来说,广告是 某种商品的销 售者或制造者 通过一种或多 种媒体与消费 者进行沟通的 方式。
Let us look at an AD case and listen to an interesting conversation!
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• 厨神:Honey, be loath to part with or leave ? Don't learn to cook with me舍不得呀? 那就别跟我学做菜了。 • 丫头:Who said ! 谁说的!(吃东西ing…….) • Wow, so sour, my teeth cannot stand ,where is my yida!哇塞, 这么酸。牙齿受不了啊!我的益达呢 • 厨神:(给益达ing…) • 丫头:thinking about how to teach me to cook!好好想想怎么教我 做菜吧!
爱情和梦想都是生命中最美好的部分, 每个人都曾经有过对爱情的憧憬与幻想, 对梦想的追求与守护。益达引起了我们 内心深处对于这两个美好事物的共鸣。
此 处 应 该 有 掌 声 x10
Thank you for your listening and sleeping!
重 要 的 事 情 我 只 说 十 遍
广告传递了明确的产品概念:益 达的作用就是关爱牙齿,如何关 爱呢,吃完喝完嚼益达即可。轻 松简单,让牙齿远离亚健康。这 样的概念无疑是新颖独特的。
Analysis of YiDa advertising
Two, brand image theory 品牌形象论
Yida Classic ad “care teeth but care more about you "transfer to consumers " love and care " .Other brands just entered into the eyes of consumers, but Yida is entered into the hearts of consumers. This is undoubtedly a huge difference.
益达产品定位的差异点在于凸显益达的“无糖”,无糖口香糖对于护牙的 作用 更加显著,而且也适用于于糖尿病人。这样的产品定位无疑是容易也乐 于被 消费者接受和尝试的
Analysis of YiDa advertising
Four, resonan来自百度文库e theory
Love and dream are the most beautiful part of one's life, everyone have illusions of love’s hopes and the pursuit of dreams. Yida caused our hearts for the two best things resonate
制作人兼广告男女猪脚在此献丑 Gusteau(厨神):Bai Xueyang Honey(丫头):Shen Jinli Boss(老板):Wu Ruotong
What Is ?
Advertising is a process , not a medium in its own right ,although it uses different media forms to communicate . In Its simplest form , is the way in which the vendor or manufacturer of a product communicates with consumers via medium, or many different media.