KC-01蓝牙模块规格书一.模块功能描述KC-01模块是一个高集成度,低成本,低功耗的蓝牙立体声带通话功能+U盘+TF卡+FM+Line in全功能单芯片模块,符合V4.2+BR+EDR+BLE规范。
1.可播放MP3/WAV;2.蓝牙立体声传输,蓝牙通话;3.支持76-108MHZ FM收音;4.TF/SD卡控制,支持USB功能,可以实现读卡器功能;5.立体声Line-in输入;6.IR遥控;7.两个可控LED、支持外部功放mute功能;8.内部集成电源管理(根据SDK的支持而调整);9、支持U盘控制;10、带高速UART调试及升级接口。
三.模块产品规格蓝牙版本V4.2+BR+EDR+BLE调制方式PSK 3Mbps,π/4-DQPSK和8DPSK支 持HFP/HSP,OPP,A2DP/AVRCP,PBAP profiles灵敏度(0.1% BER) -85dBm发射功率满足class2 and class3的发射功率要求,可以提供+2dbm的发射功率供电电压DC 3.2V~4.2V耗电电流正常工作电流25mA,播放暂停时12mA信 噪 比>90dB工作温度-20 ~ +50℃尺 寸23mmx13mm x2.05mm四.模块详细尺寸五.模块PIN脚说明PIN脚序号 名称 功能说明1,,24 GND GND2 USBDM USB Negative Data;ISP_DI:3 USBDP USB Positive Data;ISP_DO:PA3 AMUX1L:Simulator Channel 1 Left;Touch10:Touch Input Channel 10;ADC0:ADC Input Channel 0;UART2TXA:Uart2 Data Out(A);ISP_CLK:Wakeup8:Port Interrupt /Wakeup 8; 4PWM0H/ADC0/PA5 UART0TXA:Uart0 Data Out(A);Touch12:Touch Input Channel 12;ADC2:ADC Input Channel 2;IIC_SCL_D:IIC SCL(D);Wakeup9:Port Interrupt /Wakeup 9;5 MIC MIC6 DACR DAC Right Channel7 DACL DAC Left Channel8 VCOMO DAC Reference out9 DACVDD DAC Power10 AGND DAC Ground11 FMIP FMIP12 VDDIO POWER 3.3V13 PB12/SD0CLKGPIO AMUX2R:Simulator Channel2 Right; NFCRX:NFC Data InTouch7:Touch Input Channel 7; ADC11:ADC Input Channel 11;SPI1DOA:SPI1 Data Out(A);SD0CLKB:SD0 Clk(B);14 PB11/SD0CMDGPIO AMUX2L :Simulator Channel2 Left; NFCTX:NFC Data OutTouch6:Touch Input Channel 6; ADC10:ADC Input Channel 10;SPI1CLKA:SPI1 Clk(A);SD0CMDB:SD0 Command(B); Wakeup13:Port Interrupt /Wakeup 13;PB7 GPIO UART0RXB:Uart0 Data In(B); ADC6:ADC Input Channel 6; TMR3:Timer3 Clock Input;15PB10/SD0/DAT/ADC9/PWM3H GPIO UART2RXC:Uart2 Data In(C); Touch5:Touch Input Channel 5; ADC9:ADC Input Channel 9; SPI1_DI A:SPI1 Data In(A);SD0DAT 0B :SD0 Data 0(B); CAP0:Timer0 Capture;16 LDOIN Charge Power 5v 17 VBAT LDO Power18 PR1/ADC12 RTCIO1; ADC12:ADC Input Channel 19PR2/OSC32KORTCIO2; ADC13:ADC Input Channel 13;OSC32KI;20 PR0/OSC32KO/ RTCIO0;OSC32KO21SPI1DOB/SD1CLKA/PC5GPIO ;SD1CLKA :SD1 Clk(A); SPI1DOB :SPI1 Data Out(B); UART2RXD :Uart2 Data In(D) IIC_SDA_B :IIC SDA(B); 22 SPI1CLKB/SD1CMDA/PC4GPIO ;SD1CMDA :SD1 Command(A); SPI1CLKB :SPI1 Clk(B);UART2TXD :Uart2 Data Out(D); IIC_SCL_B :IIC SCL(B); PC2/SD1DAT1A :SD1 Data1(A); UART0TXC :Uart0 Data Out(C); CAP1:Timer1 Capture; 23PWM5L/SPI1DIB/SD1DATA/PC3SD1DAT0A :SD1 Data0(A); SPI 1DI B:SPI 1 Data In(B ); UART0RXC :Uart0 Data In(C)六.应用原理参考七.使用注意事项A.关于无线蓝牙的使用环境,无线信号包括蓝牙应用都受周围环境的影响很大,如树木、金属等障碍物会对无线信号有一定的吸收,从而在实际应用中,数据传输的距离受一定的影响。
深圳市晨兵电子有限公司 咨询请联系:彭巨松 电话:135902152837 QQ:1825598678 CSR57F68蓝牙模块使用说明书一.产品概述:接按键,就可以快捷地实现音乐的无线传输,享受无线音乐的乐趣。
三.性能参数:四、模块尺寸图:五、模块脚位定义图六、引脚功能说明Pin Symb I/O Description1 PIO1 Bi-DirectionalTXEN2 PIO2 Bi-Directional Speakeroutput positive (left side)3 VOL+ Bi-Directional Speaker output negative (right side)4 VOL- Bi-Directional Speaker output positive (right side)5 UP Bi-Directional Ground6 DOWN Bi-directional Programmable input/output line7 POWER Bi-directional Programmable input/output line8 +1.8V POWER +1.8VSupply9 GND Bi-directional Programmable input/output line10 BAT Batteryterminal+ve 3.3-4.2V11 LED1 CMOS Input Synchronous Data Input12 LED2 pen drain output Synchronous Data Sync13 MIC pen drain output Synchronous Data Clock14 SPBN Analogue output Speaker output L negative15 SPBP Analogue output Speaker output L positive16 SPAN Analogue output Speaker output R Nositive17 SPAP Analogue output Speaker output R Positive18 GND GND Ground19 MOSI CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Serial peripheral interface data input20 CLK CMOS input with weakinternal pull-downSerial peripheral interface clock21 CS# CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Chip select for serial peripheral interface, active low22 MISO CMOS input with weakinternal pull-down Serial peripheral interface data Output23 RTS CMOSoutput,tri-state,withweek pull-upUART request to send active low 24 VDD-CHG Charger input Lithium iion/polymer battery七.工作模式:1模块通电(3.0v--------4.5v)2长按POWER键开机,这时LED1会闪动一次,接着灭掉,然后LED2在不停的闪动,如果连接上蓝牙设备,闪动频率大概5秒一次,表示模块在工作了,没有连接上大概2秒闪动一次。
亿佰特 E73-2G4M04S1A nRF52810 2.4GHz BLE4.2 5.0 低功耗蓝牙
E73-2G4M04S1A产品规格书nRF52810 2.4GHz BLE4.2/5.0 低功耗蓝牙模块第一章概述1.1 简介E73-2G4M04S1A是基于挪威Nordic生产的nRF52810为核心自主研发的小体积的贴片式蓝牙无线模块,采用32MHz高精度低温漂有源晶振,保证其工业特性和稳定性能。
nRF52810自带高性能ARM CORTEX-M4内核与蓝牙4.2和蓝牙5.0的射频收发器与协议栈,并拥有 UART、I2C、SPI、ADC、DMA、PWM 等丰富的外设资源。
模块引出了几乎所有的 IO 口,具体请查看引脚定义,方便用户进行多方位的开发。
1.2 特点功能⚫支持BLE 4.2、BLE 5.0;⚫最大发射功率2.5mW,软件多级可调;⚫内置32.768kHz时钟晶体振荡器;⚫支持全球免许可ISM 2.4GHz频段;⚫内置高性能低功耗Cortex-M4核处理器;⚫丰富的资源,192KB FLASH,24KB RAM;⚫支持2.0~3.6V供电,大于3.3V供电均可保证最佳性能;⚫工业级标准设计,支持-40~+85℃下长时间使用;⚫双天线可选(PCB/IPEX),用户可根据自身需求选择使用。
⚫理想条件下,通信距离可达100m;1.3 应用场景⚫智能家居以及工业传感器等;⚫安防系统、定位系统;⚫无线遥控,无人机;⚫无线游戏遥控器;⚫医疗保健产品;⚫无线语音,无线耳机;⚫汽车行业应用。
第二章规格参数2.1 极限参数主要参数性能备注最小值最大值电源电压(V)0 3.6 超过3.6V 永久烧毁模块阻塞功率(dBm)- 10 近距离使用烧毁概率较小工作温度(℃)-40 +85 工业级2.2 工作参数主要参数性能备注最小值典型值最大值工作电压(V) 1.8 3.3 3.6 ≥3.3V 可保证输出功率通信电平(V) 3.0 使用5V TTL 有风险烧毁工作温度(℃)-40 - +85 工业级设计工作频段(GHz)2379 2430 2496 支持ISM 频段功耗发射电流(mA)18 瞬时功耗接收电流(mA)13休眠电流(μA) 2 软件关断最大发射功率(dBm) 3.8 4 4.3接收灵敏度(dBm)-94 -95 -96 空中速率为1Mbps主要参数描述备注参考距离100m 晴朗空旷,天线增益5dBi,高度2.5米,空中速率1Mbps 晶振频率24MHz/32.768KHz支持协议BLE 4.2/5.0封装方式贴片式接口方式 1.27mmIC全称nRF52810-QFAABB/QFN48FLASH 192KBRAM 24KB内核ARM CORTEX-M4外形尺寸17.5*28.7mm天线接口PCB/IPEX 默认PCB板载天线,等效阻抗约50Ω第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义引脚序号引脚名称引脚方向引脚用途0 GND 输入地线,连接到电源参考地1 GND 输入地线,连接到电源参考地2 GND 输入地线,连接到电源参考地3 DEC2 1.3 V数字电源去耦调节器(详见芯片手册)4 DEC3 电源去耦(详见芯片手册)5 P0.25 输入/输出单片机GPIO6 P0.26 输入/输出单片机GPIO7 P0.27 输入/输出单片机GPIO8 P0.28 输入/输出单片机GPIO9 P0.29 输入/输出单片机GPIO10 P0.30 输入/输出单片机GPIO11 P0.31 输入/输出单片机GPIO12 DEC4 1.3 V数字电源去耦调节器(详见芯片手册)Input from DC/DC regulator Output from 1.3 V LDO13 DCC DC/DC 直流调节器输出(详见芯片手册)14 DEC1 0.9 V数字电源去耦调节器(详见芯片手册)15 GND 输入单片机GPIO16 VCC 输入电源,1.8 ~ 3.6V DC(注意:高于3.6V电压,将导致模块永久损毁)17 P0.02 输入/输出单片机GPIO18 P0.03 输入/输出单片机GPIO19 P0.04 输入/输出单片机GPIO20 P0.05 输入/输出单片机GPIO21 P0.06 输入/输出单片机GPIO22 P0.07 输入/输出单片机GPIO23 P0.08 输入/输出单片机GPIO24 P0.09 输入/输出单片机GPIO25 P0.10 输入/输出单片机GPIO26 P0.11 输入/输出单片机GPIO27 P0.12 输入/输出单片机GPIO28 P0.13 输入/输出单片机GPIO29 P0.14 输入/输出单片机GPIO30 P0.15 输入/输出单片机GPIO31 P0.16 输入/输出单片机GPIO32 P0.17 输入/输出单片机GPIO33 P0.18 输入/输出单片机GPIO34 P0.19 输入/输出单片机GPIO35 P0.20 输入/输出单片机GPIO36 P0.21 输入/输出/RST 单片机GPIO37 SWDCLK 输入串行线调试时钟输入调试和编程38 SWDIO 输入串行线调试和编程调试39 P0.22 输入/输出单片机GPIO40 P0.23 输入/输出单片机GPIO41 P0.24 输入/输出单片机GPIO42 GND 输入地线,连接到电源参考地43 GND 输入地线,连接到电源参考地第四章基本操作4.1硬件设计⚫推荐使用直流稳压电源对该模块进行供电,电源纹波系数尽量小,模块需可靠接地;⚫请注意电源正负极的正确连接,如反接可能会导致模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查供电电源,确保在推荐供电电压之间,如超过最大值会造成模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查电源稳定性,电压不能大幅频繁波动;⚫在针对模块设计供电电路时,往往推荐保留30%以上余量,有整机利于长期稳定地工作;⚫模块应尽量远离电源、变压器、高频走线等电磁干扰较大的部分;⚫高频数字走线、高频模拟走线、电源走线必须避开模块下方,若实在需要经过模块下方,假设模块焊接在Top Layer,在模块接触部分的Top Layer铺地铜(全部铺铜并良好接地),必须靠近模块数字部分并走线在Bottom Layer;⚫假设模块焊接或放置在Top Layer,在Bottom Layer或者其他层随意走线也是错误的,会在不同程度影响模块的杂散以及接收灵敏度;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的器件也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的走线(高频数字、高频模拟、电源走线)也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫通信线若使用5V电平,必须串联1k-5.1k电阻(不推荐,仍有损坏风险);⚫尽量远离部分物理层亦为2.4GHz的TTL协议,例如:USB3.0;⚫天线安装结构对模块性能有较大影响,务必保证天线外露,最好垂直向上。
深圳市芯中芯科技有限公司蓝牙模块F-6988 V3.1产品规格书说明书
F-6988 V3.1 产品规格书Specification产品名称Product name : 蓝牙模块Bluetooth module产品型号Product model:F-6988 V3.1文件编号Document No:XZX-SPEC-BT-RD-023文件版本Document Version:V2.5生效日期Availability date:2018-7-11文件含芯中芯(C-CHIP)机密文件,未经许可,不可外传File include (C-CHIP) confidential documents, without permission, can not be disclosedF-6988 V3.1目录(Content)一、产品概述Product overview: (4)二、应用领域A pplication area: (4)三、基本特性Features: (5)四、性能参数performance parameter: (5)五、方框图Module block diagram (6)六、模块尺寸图The size of the module graph: (7)七、模块的封装物料高度尺寸Module packaging material height dimensions: (8)八、引脚功能说明Pin definition: (9)九、电路连接注意Design notes: (11)十、注意事项Note: (11)十一、推荐回流温度Recommended reflow temperature: (12)F-6988 V3.1 一、产品概述Product overview:F-6988 蓝牙模块为本公司自主开发的智能型无线音频数据传输产品,是低成本的高性价比的立体声无线传输方案,模块采用了 BEKEN 的BK3266 芯片 QFN32 封装设计。
F-6988 蓝牙模块采用免驱动方式,客户只需要把模块接入应用产品,就可以快捷地实现音乐的无线传输,享受无线音乐的乐趣,而且支持简单的数据传输功能。
Contents1.Overview....................................... .. (3)2.Applications (3)3.Features (3)4.Block Diagram (4)5.Module Picture (4)6.Packing (5)7.Module Dimension (6)8.Pin Description (8)9.Technical Specifications (8)9.1General Specification (8)9.2Electrical Characteristics (9)10. Function Test (11)1.OverviewThe BCM20730 is a Bluetooth Human Interface Device (HID) Module baseon Broadcom BCM20730 Bluetooth controller. It is integrated with PCBantenna, serial EEPROM, Crystal, and also components for the built-inswitching regulators to reduce the external BOM cost.The BCM20730 Module has been designed to provide low power, low cost,and robust communications for applications operating in the globallyavailable 2.4GHz unlicensed ISM band. It is fully compliant withBluetooth Radio Specification 3.0.2.Applications• Wireless pointing devices: Mouse, trackballs, gestural controls• Wireless keyboards• 3D glasses• Remote controls• Game controllers• Point-of-sale(POS) input device• Remote sensors• Home automation• Personal health and fitness monitoring3.Features• Bluetooth V3.0 specification compatible, including enhanced powercontrol (Unicast Connectionless Data)• Bluetooth HID profile V1.0 compliant• Bluetooth Device ID profile version 1.3 compliant• Bluetooth AVRCP-CT profile version 1.3 compliant•Programmable output power control meets Class 2 and Class 3 requirements • Ultra low power design• Support AFH(Adaptive Frequency Hopping)• Enhanced power control• Shutter control for 3D glasses• Infrared modulator• Triggered Broadcom Fast Connect• Slim printed with 30mm*14mm*0.8mm• ROHS compliant• BQB certification6. PackingFinished product packing use the blister-tray4. Block Diagram5. Module Picture7.Module DimensionDimension: 30mm*14mm*0.8mm8.Pin Description9. Technical Specifications9.1 General Specification9.2 Electrical Characteristics10. Function Test10.1 客户要求平台测试:10.2 客户的Key matrix layout测试10.3 蓝牙设备搜索名称是否正确(客户要求):PASS□ FAIL□10.4 指示灯的状态是否正确(客户要求):PASS□ FAIL□ 无指示□10.5 键盘NumLock,ScrollLock,CapsLock指示灯是否与主机同步:PASS□ FAIL□ 无指示□10.6 休眠时间是否正确(客户要求):PASS□ FAIL□10.7 低电压报警电压/关机电压(客户提供):PASS□ FAIL□10.8 操作距离测试(符合CLASS2要求无障碍物测试有效距离10米以上):PASS□ FAIL□。
CPR9851S蓝牙模块规格书HK NATER TECH LIMITEDCPR9851S Specification Customer:Description:CPR9851S V2.1Customer P/N:______________________________________ Date:Customer: Provider:HK NATER TECH LIMITEDAdd: Add: 2F,NO.27,2 Baomin Rd.,Baoan Dist.SZ City,China Tel: Tel:0086-755-61522172/135********Fax: Fax:0086-755-61522171Attn: Attn:LingoE-mail:E-mail:***************目录版本说明 (2)1.概述 (3)2.应用领域 (3)3.功能架构 (4)3.1功能架构图 (4)3.2功能描述 (4)4.性能参数 (5)5.引脚功能说明(管脚分配图如附录C) (5)6.工作模式 (6)7.注意事项 (7)附录A:模块尺寸 (9)附录B:模块图像 (10)附录C:管脚分配 (11)附录D:应用参考电路 (12)附录E:天线参考设计 (14)版本说明1.概述CPR9851S是我司基于RDA5851SX芯片设计,是一个高集成度,低成本,低功耗的蓝牙立体声带通话功能+TF 卡+FM +Line in 全功能单芯片模块,符合Bluetooth2.1+EDR 规范。
蓝牙音箱单芯片解决方案,集成Line in、FM、IR、TF/SD 卡播放及USB 声卡等蓝牙立体声耳机蓝牙无线音频传输读卡器、蓝牙拔号器、蓝牙伴侣、蓝牙音箱等产品3.功能架构3.1功能架构图3.2功能描述1)可播放MP3/WMA/WAV/SBC2)蓝牙立体声传输,蓝牙通话3)收音4)卡控制,支持USB(slave)功能,从而可以实现读卡器功能5)立体声Line-in 输入6)遥控7)支持ADC按键+ power on 按键8)支持UART串口通讯,可自定义AT通讯协议。
捷 帆 科 技CC2540/1 蓝牙模块 规 格 书捷 帆 科 技1. 产品描述:※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 蓝牙 V4.0 版本规范; 功率级别 II 级; 超低功耗,微安级工作电流 超低电压供电,可使用 3V 钮扣电池 内置 256K 字节可擦除存储器 多种引出接口:PIO/UART/SPI/USB 监视时钟功能 极小的表面贴片封装:21.0 mm x 13.0 mm x 2.0mm RoHS 无铅生产工艺2. 应用领域:※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 健身器材设备,如跑步机,健身器等 医疗器械设备,如脉博测量计,心率计等 家用休闲设备,如遥控器,玩具等 办公用品设备,如打印机,扫描仪等 商业设备,如收银机,二维码扫描器等 手机外设配件,如手机防丢器等 汽车设备,如汽车维修仪等 其它人机交互设备捷 帆 科 技3. 性能特点工作频段 蓝牙硬件版本 功率等级 主芯片 发射功率 接收灵敏度 天线 供电电压 尺寸 等级 2.402GHz - 2.480GHz V4.0 蓝牙 II 级 CC2540 0dBm (典型) -88dB (典型),-94(最大) 已板载天线,无需外置 2.0V-3.6V 21mm(长) * 13mm(宽) * 2.0 mm(高) 工业级 ISM 频段4. 内部原理框图捷 帆 科 技5. 电气特征5.1 极限参数 参数 储存温度 工作温度 工作电压(VDD) 输入输出接口电压 5.2 推荐操作条件 参数 储存温度 工作温度 供应电压(VDD) 输入输出接口电压 最小 -30℃ -30℃ 2.0V 0V 典型 +20℃ +20℃ 3.0V 3.0V 最大 +115℃ +75℃ 3.6V 3.6V 备注 最低 -40℃ -40℃ 2.0 V -0.3V 最高 +125℃ +85℃ +3.6V VDD+0.3V捷 帆 科 技6. 引脚布局及定义6.1 顶部引脚视图6.2 引脚定义引脚序号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17引脚名称VCC GND nRST P2.2/DC P2.1/DD P2.0 P1.7 P1.6 USB_D+/SCL USB_D-/SDA P1.5 P1.4 P1.3 P1.2 P1.1 P1.0 P0.7 电源地 复位输入引脚功能说明电源引脚,接 3.3V 或纽扣电池正极数字可编程输入/输出引脚或 C2 编程时钟引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚或 C2 编程数据引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 CC2540:USB 接口差分引脚 D+ Cc2541:I2C 接口时钟线 SCL USB 接口差分引脚 DCC2541:I2C 接口数据线 SDA 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚,状态 LED 指示灯 数字可编程输入/输出引脚捷 帆 科 技18 19 20 21 22 23 24 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚,串口发送引脚 TX 数字可编程输入/输出引脚,串口接收引脚 RX 数字可编程输入/输出引脚 数字可编程输入/输出引脚【注】:红色部分代表蓝牙串口透传时的功能,其他引脚在串口透传时未使用7. 机械尺寸捷 帆 科 技捷 帆 科 技8. 外围原理参考9、PCB-layout 注意事项蓝牙工作在2.4G 无线频段,应尽量避免各种因素对无线收发的影响,PCB 布线时请注意以下几点: 1、包围蓝牙模块的产品外壳避免使用金属,当使用部分金属外壳时,应尽 量让模块天线部分远离金属部分。
BK8000L V4.0规格书
蓝牙模块F-6188 V4.0使用说明书一、产品概述:F-6188蓝牙模块为本公司自主开发的智能型无线音频数据传输产品,是低成本的高性价比的立体声无线传输方案,模块采用了BEKEN的BK8000L芯片为模块提供了高品质的音质和兼容性,整体性能更优越。
※ 蓝牙音响※ 蓝牙立体声耳机※ 免提电话※ 蓝牙无线传输音频三、基本特性:Bluetooth Profiles※ Bluetooth v2.1+EDR specification support※ A2DPv1.2※A VRCPv1.0※HFPv1.5※GA VDP1.2※HSP1.2※IOP--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 五、模块尺寸图:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 六、模块脚位定义图--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 七、引脚功能说明:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F-6188模块应用过程中,请注意避免功放、升压线路等干扰源对模块的影响,避免模块供电回路同大功率电路单元形成串联回路,以此来提高整机SNR九、注意事项:A .关于无线蓝牙的使用环境,无线信号包括蓝牙应用都受周围环境的影响很大,如树木、金属等障碍物会对无线信号有一定的吸收,从而在实际应用中,数据传输的距离 受一定的影响。
扬润HY-254103 V6 蓝牙模块硬件规格书说明书
以及不承担各种专利或知识产权的授权使用;蓝牙商目录1.概述 (4)1.1.BLE应用领域 (4)1.2.功能特点 (4)1.3.主要功能特点 (5)2.硬件规格 (7)2.1模组参数 (7)2.2.模组脚位及尺寸 (7)名称:HY-254103V6 (7)2.3.引脚定义说明 (8)2.4.电气特性 (9)2.5.工作模式 (10)2.5.1.直驱模式 (10)2.5.2.桥接模式 (11)2.6.电路连接 (11)2.6.1.大模块通信接口选择 (11)2.6.2.三种通信方式连接示意图 (12)2.6.3.ADC参考电路及注意事项 (13)3.应用注意事项 (14)4.回流焊曲线建议 (15)5.联系我们 (16)1.1.BLE应用领域健身类:运动手环,计步器,运动计量(跑步,自行车,高尔夫)。
E104-BT40产品规格书双模蓝牙模块V4.2协议目录第一章概述 (2)1.1产品简介 (2)1.2特点功能 (2)1.3应用场景 (2)第二章规格参数 (2)2.1极限参数 (2)2.2工作参数 (3)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (4)第四章快速使用 (5)4.1快速使用指南 (5)4.2空中配置 (6)4.3数据传输 (8)4.2.1SPP数据透传 (8)4.2.2BLE数据透传 (9)4.4其他 (11)第五章功能说明 (11)5.1配置 (11)5.2MAC地址绑定 (11)5.3状态或事件打印 (11)5.4经典蓝牙配对 (11)5.5UUID说明 (12)5.6打包机制 (12)第六章AT指令 (12)第七章硬件设计 (24)第八章常见问题 (25)9.1传输距离不理想 (25)9.2模块易损坏 (25)9.3误码率太高 (25)第九章焊接作业指导 (26)9.1回流焊温度 (26)9.2回流焊曲线图 (26)第十章批量包装方式 (27)修订历史 (27)关于我们 (27)第一章概述1.1产品简介E104-BT40模块是一款基于蓝牙4.2+3.0版本的串口转双模蓝牙从机模块,即低功耗蓝牙BLE与经典蓝牙SPP Profile,可在BLE与经典蓝牙之间自由切换,工作在2.4GHz频段。
1.2特点功能●支持蓝牙Bluetooth Specification V4.2+3.0协议;●支持AT指令配置;●支持BLE;●支持SPP3.0;●GPIO输入/输出;●2路PWM输出●串口缓存249字节●有效通讯距离30米以上●支持全球免许可ISM2.4GHz频段;●支持1~2Mbps空中速率;●自带PCB板载天线,无需外接天线。
BC05 立体声蓝牙模块规格书
1,21,32,40,43, 48,56,58
串口输出端 串口输出端 数字 IO 口 数字 IO 口 数字 IO 口 数字 IO 口 数字 IO 口 数字 IO 口 数字 IO 口 低电平复位端 调试端口 调试端口 调试端口 调试端口 接红色 LED,显示电源相关信息 接蓝色 LED,显示蓝牙工作状态相关信息 开关机/接听电话等多功能按键输入端 内置 DC-DC 输出电压,供主芯片使用,尽量不要外接其他器件以防干扰 电池供电(3.3-4.2V) 充电端口(5V) 左声道音频输差分出端 左声道音频输差分出端 右声道音频输差分出端 右声道音频输差分出端 右声道 MIC 差分输入端 右声道 MIC 差分输入端 左声道 MIC 差分输入端 左声道 MIC 差分输入端 MIC 工作偏置电压 数字 IO 口 数字 IO 口 天线接口
Units dBm dBm dB dB dB dB dB
Min -20 Min 0 16 -
Typ -90 -10 6 -6 -38 -45 -16 Typ 3 24 0.5 940 -36 -45
Max -86 11 0 -30 -40 -9 Max 1000 -20 -40
Page 2 of 6
Product Specification
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SPI_CLK SPI_MISO SPI_CSB SPI_MOSI UART_RX UART_TX LED0 LED1 LED2 RESET PIO10 PIO11 PIO12 PIO13 I2C_SCL I2C_SDA GND USB_D+ USB_DGND V5.0 1V8_OUT VDD_PADS CMOS Input CMOS Output CMOS Input CMOS Input CMOS Input CMOS Output Open drain output Open drain output Open drain output CMOS input with weak internal pull-up Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional Bi-directional GND Bi-directional Bi-directional GND Power Power Power Serial Peripheral Interface Clock Serial Peripheral Interface Data Output Chip Select For Synchronous Serial Interface (Active Low) Serial Peripheral Interface Data Input UART Data Input (Active High) UART Data Output (Active High) LED Driver LED Driver LED Driver Reset if low. Input debounced so must be low for >5ms to cause a reset Programmable Input/Output Line Programmable Input/Output Line Programmable Input/Output Line Programmable Input/Output Line Programmable Input/Output Line(Serial Clock) Programmable Input/Output Line(Serial Address/Data I/O) Ground USB Data Plus USB Data Minus Ground Battery charger input 1.8V switch-mode power regulator output 1.7V to 3.6V positive supply input for input/output ports: ■RST# ■UART ■PCM ■ SPI ■ PIO[15:0] 1.7V to 3.6V positive supply input for input/output ports: ■ Serial quad I/O flash port Take high to enable switch-mode regulator Battery positive terminal Ground Programmable Input/Output Line, SPI flash clock Programmable Input/Output Line, SPI RAM click Programmable Input/Output Line, SPI flash chip select Programmable Input/Output Line, SPI RMA chip select Programmable Input/Output Line, Serial quad I/O flash data bit 0 Programmable Input/Output Line, Serial quad I/O flash data bit 1 Programmable Input/Output Line, Serial quad I/O flash data bit 2 Programmable Input/Output Line, Serial quad I/O flash data bit 3 Ground Microphone bias A Microphone bias B Microphone input negative, right Microphone input positive, right Microphone input negative, left Microphone input positive, left Ground Speaker output negative, left Speaker output positive, left Speaker output negative, right Speaker output positive, right Ground Bluetooth 50Ω transmitter output /receiver input Ground
HC-A05 蓝牙模块规格书
HC-A05蓝牙音频模块规格书Bluetooth®V2.1+EDRType:Document Number:Version:Release Date:(2013-03-01最新版)Authors:※如有新版本,恕不另行通知。
Figure1:HC-A05蓝牙模块二、产品特点采用CSR原厂BC05系列芯片支持蓝牙规格V2.1+EDR支持CVC消除回音和噪声支持UART接口支持SPI编程接口符合RoHS标准LED指示蓝牙的运行状态安全认证、数据加密模块尺寸:20×13×2.2mm三、应用领域立体声蓝牙耳机无线立体声扬声器AV耳机汽车免提组件USB DONGLEF四、产品特性NO.项目特性1蓝牙协议版本Bluetooth specification V2.1+EDR Compatible V2.0,V1.2,V1.12晶体频率26MHZ3频率范围 2.4~2.48GHz4调制方式GFSK,1Mbps,0.5BT Gaussian5最大数据传输速率Asynchronous:723.2kbps/57.6kbps Synchronous:433.9kbps/433.9kbps6通讯距离10meters(33feet)Class II7接收灵敏度-80dBm@0.1%BER8安全特性Authnticaton and encryption9支持蓝牙协议HSP,HFP,A2DP,AVRCP,FTP,SPP,BPP,OPP,OBEX 10工作电压 1.8V or3.3V11工作电流20mA Typical at DH512待机电流≤1mA13操作温度0°C to+70°C14对外接口UART,PIO,SPI,Speaker,Microphone16模快尺寸20mmx13mmx2.2mm17音频编码位16bits18音频性能High acoustic fidelity sound五、框图Figure2:HC-A05蓝牙模块系统框图六、模块尺寸和管脚定义7.1模块尺寸模块尺寸:20x13x2.2mmUnit:mmFigure3:HC-A05蓝牙模块尺寸和脚位排列7.2管脚定义管脚脚位定义管脚类型功能描述1AIO0Bi-directional Programmable input/output line2GND2GND Ground3UART-RX CMOS input withweak internal pull-downUART Data Input(Active High)4UART-TX CMOS output,tristatewithweekinternal pull-upUART Data Output(Active High)5UART-RTS CMOS output,tristate,withweak internal pull-upUART Request To Send(Active Low)6UART-CTS CMOS input with weakinternal pull-downUART Clear To Send(Active Low)7PIO9Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output line8PIO11Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output line91V8POWER+1.8V Supply10RESET Input with weak internal pullupReset if low.Input debounced so mustbe low for>5ms to cause a reset.11PIO12Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output line12PIO13Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output line13PIO14Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output line14PIO5Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downProgrammable input/output line15PIO4Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downControl output for external PA(Iffitted)16SPI-MOSI Input with weak internalpulldownSPI data input17SPI-CLK Bidirectional with weakinternal pull-downSPI clock18SPI-CSB Bidirectional with weakinternal pull-downChip select for SPI,active low19SPI-MISO Bidirectional with weakinternal pull-downSPI data output20LED0Open drain output LED driver21LED1Open drain output LED driver22POWER POWER Connect to1.8V23VBAT Battery terminal+ve Lithium ion/polymer battery positive terminal.Battery charger output and input to switch-mode regulator24GND5GND Ground25VCHG Charger input Lithium ion/polymer battery charger input26MIC-BIAS Analogue Microphone bias27MIC-B-P Analogue Microphone input,positive,channel B 28MIC-B-N Analogue Microphone input,negative,channel B29MIC-A-P Analogue Microphone input,positive,channel A 30MIC-A-N Analogue Microphone input,negative,channel A 31AGND GND Ground32SPK-B-N Analogue Speaker output,negative,channel B 33SPK-B-P Analogue Speaker output,positive,channel B 34SPK-A-N Analogue Speaker output,negative,channel A 35SPK-A-P Analogue Speaker output,positive,channel A36PIO3Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downControl output for external PA(Iffitted)37GND GND Ground38ANT RF RF Interface 39GND3GND Ground40PIO0Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downControl output for external PA(Iffitted)41PIO2Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downControl output for external PA(Iffitted)42PIO1Bidirectional withprogrammable strengthinternal pull-up/downControl output for external PA(Iffitted)43AIO1Bi-directional Programmable input/output line七、电气特性7.1最大工作范围操作条件最小值理想值最大值存储温度-40°C25°C+150°C供应电压 2.7V 3.3V 3.6V7.2推荐工作范围工作条件最小理想值最大工作温度范围-40°C25°C+105°C 推荐工作温度范围-25°C25°C+85°C 供应电压 3.0V 3.3V 3.4V。
锐科光电 RK-BLE8266-A1 BLE Mesh 蓝牙模块规格书说明书
BLE Mesh蓝牙模块规格书V1.0版权声明本手册版权归属深圳锐科光电科技有限公司(锐科光电简称)所有,并保留一切权利。
版本信息联系方式深圳锐科光电科技有限公司陈先生QQ:675765257邮箱:网址:地址:深圳市宝安区西乡共和工业路107号华丰互联网创意园B做610室一、产品概述RK-BLE8266 是BLE Mesh蓝牙模块,具备BLE Mesh蓝牙组网功能,可由多个手机APP或者遥控器同时控制多个灯具。
支持排插和SMD 邮票孔贴片,极大地适合了各种机械结构的设计,简化PCB主板设计并使得生产方便。
二、应用领域1、Mesh 智能调光调色灯具本模块通过5 路PWM 信号可以对灯具进行调光、调色温、调颜色、开关控制。
3、遥控器设备可以实现BLE Mesh灯光系统单按键遥控器和18按键遥控器的遥控和配置功能,具备开关、调光、调色温、调颜色、调动态、小夜灯、分组控制等功能。
三、产品特性四、模块图示图1 BLE Mesh模块正面图2 BLE Mesh模块反面图3 BLE Mesh蓝牙模块尺寸图五、引脚说明六、功能特性1、BLE Mesh智能灯系统本公司研发的BLE Mesh智能灯控系统,具备多设备自主组网的工能,系统最多可接入100个设备。
蓝牙模块BTHM501 规格书
allen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z +LJK (QG 6WHUHR :LUHOHVV +HDGVHWV z +LJK (1' 0RQR +HDGVHWV z +DQGV )UHH &DU .LWVz %OXHWRRWK (QDEOHG $XWRPRWLYH 'DVKERDUGV z :LUHOHVV 6SHDNHUV z 92,3 KDQGVHWV$QDORJXH DQG 86% 0XOWLPHGLD 'RQJOHV%7HMǴHas been BQB !allen30564216@Contents1Key Features .........................................................................................................3 2Package Information .......................................................................................... 3 2.1 Pinout Dia gra m.......................................................................................32.2 Device Termina l Functions.........................................................................4 2.3 Block dia gra m.......................................................................6 3 Electrica l Cha ra cteristics (6)3.1Absolute Ma ximum Ra tings......................................................................6 3.2 Recommended Opera ting Conditions......................................................63.3 Microphone input ......................................................................................73.4 Speaker output.....................................................................................74Applica tion Schema tic .......................................................................................85PCB Layout (9)5.1PCB Details ..................................................................................................96SMT Reflow Profile.............................................................................................9 6.1 Relia bility solder tempera ture cha rt............................................9 6.2 Reflow tempera ture cha rt............................................................97 PCB Boa rd La nd Dimensions (10)8 Document History (10)allen30564216@8.2mm1.6mm1.6mm1.0mm1.0mm13.3mm20.2mmDevice Terminal Functions27GND GND Groundallen30564216@2.3 Block dia gra m1.Electrical Characteristics 3.1Absolute Maximum Ratings 3.2Recommended Operating ConditionsParameterSymbol Condition R atingPower Supply Voltage VDD_BAT,VRE_IN - -0.4V ü +4.9V Power Supply Voltage VDD_CHG - -0.4V ü +6.5V Power Supply Voltage +1V8-0.4V ü +1.85V Power Supply Voltage VDD,VDD_USB --0.4V ü+3.6V Storage TemperatureT stg--40ćü +105ćaallen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allen30564216@2.Application Schematicallen30564216@3.PCB Layout5.1 PCB Deta ils6.SMT Reflow Profile6.1 Reliability solder temperature chart:6.2 Reflow tempera ture cha rt:PCB NORevisionBoard ThicknessBoard MaterialDate EW%7HMV1.00.8mmFR4October 200allen30564216@.Document HistoryRevisionDateHistory07Original publication of this document 13.3mm20.2mm。
UART 数据格式
UART 数据通信格式为:1 个起始位,8 个数据位,1 个停止位,有效数据从最低 位开始传输;串口默认波特率为 38400bps。 注意:每个数据包最大 32 字节(byte),相邻两个数据包最小间隔时间 10ms。 数据包间隔时间不足可能导致数据包丢失。
在 AT 指令使能时,用户可以通过串口与蓝牙 SPP 模块进行通信,查询修改相 关设备参数。串口使用 TX, RX 两根信号线,缺省波特率为 38400bps。 (注:AT 命令必须用大写,均以回车、换行字符结尾:\r\n) 发送设置命令后,至少延时 200ms 后再发 AT 命令,否则可能导致参数保存错 误而出现乱码
OK (成功)
2. 其它或无应答(失败)
5. 查询/设置 —— 波特率
TYBT1 蓝牙模块中文规格书
Tuya Smart BLE 模块1.产品概述TYBT1是由杭州涂鸦科技有限公司开发的一款适用于输出LED 控制信号的嵌入式蓝牙模块。
TYBT1还包含低功耗的32位MCU ,BLE/2.4G Radio ,512Kbyte flash ,16Kbyte SRAM ,5-channel PWM ,1对I2C 和1对UART 串口。
用户可以基于PWM 信号对接方式,开发满足自己需求的带蓝牙的LED 产品。
TYBT1结构图如图1所示:图1TYBT1结构图1.1特点✧内置低功耗32位MCU ,可以兼作应用处理器●主频支持48MHz ✧工作电压:1.9V-3.6V✧外设:1xI2C ,5xPWMs ,1xUART ✧BLE RF 特性●兼容BLE 4.0●射频数据速率高达2Mbps ●TX 发射功率:+7dBm ●RX 接收灵敏度:-92dBm ●内嵌硬件AES 加密12M 晶体PCB 天线BLEBLE 4.0/Slave 2.4GHz radioMCU FREQ 48MHzSRAM 16K BytesFLASH512KI2C3.3V inputPWM●板载PCB天线●工作温度:-20℃to85℃1.2主要应用领域✧智能LED✧智能家居目录1.产品概述 (1)1.1特点 (1)1.2主要应用领域 (2)2.模块接口 (4)2.1尺寸封装 (4)2.2引脚定义 (4)3.电气参数 (5)3.1绝对电气参数 (5)3.2工作条件 (5)3.3工作模式下功耗 (5)4.射频特性 (6)4.1基本射频特性 (6)4.2RF输出功率 (6)4.3RF接收灵敏度 (6)5.天线信息 (7)5.1天线类型 (7)5.2降低天线干扰 (7)6.封装信息及生产指导 (8)6.1机械尺寸 (8)6.2生产指南 (8)图目录图1TYBT1结构图 (1)图2TYBT1示意图 (4)图3TYBT1尺寸图 (8)表目录表1TYBT1接口引脚排列说明 (4)表2绝对参数 (5)表3正常工作条件 (5)表4TX连续发送时功耗 (5)表5射频基本特性 (6)表6TX连续发送时功率 (6)表7RX灵敏度 (6)2.模块接口2.1尺寸封装TYBT1电气接口为双面金手指,引脚间距为2.0mm。
3. PIO2 ——连接状态指示输出引脚,用于指示模块的连接状态:
(a):连接状态:高电平 (b):未连接状态:低电平
技 科 帆 捷
有线AT指令模式: ................................................................................................................ 11 无线AT指令模块....................................................................................................................12 AT指令表................................................................................................................................12
3. 通过串口与PC连接...........................................................................................................10 十、PCB-layout注意事项..............................................................................................................10 十一、AT指令说明 ........................................................................................................................ 11
Contents1.Overview....................................... .. (3)2.Applications (3)3.Features (3)4.Block Diagram (4)5.Module Picture (4)6.Packing (5)7.Module Dimension (6)8.Pin Description (8)9.Technical Specifications (8)9.1General Specification (8)9.2Electrical Characteristics (9)10. Function Test (11)1.OverviewThe BCM20730 is a Bluetooth Human Interface Device (HID) Module baseon Broadcom BCM20730 Bluetooth controller. It is integrated with PCBantenna, serial EEPROM, Crystal, and also components for the built-inswitching regulators to reduce the external BOM cost.The BCM20730 Module has been designed to provide low power, low cost,and robust communications for applications operating in the globallyavailable 2.4GHz unlicensed ISM band. It is fully compliant withBluetooth Radio Specification 3.0.2.Applications• Wireless pointing devices: Mouse, trackballs, gestural controls• Wireless keyboards• 3D glasses• Remote controls• Game controllers• Point-of-sale(POS) input device• Remote sensors• Home automation• Personal health and fitness monitoring3.Features• Bluetooth V3.0 specification compatible, including enhanced powercontrol (Unicast Connectionless Data)• Bluetooth HID profile V1.0 compliant• Bluetooth Device ID profile version 1.3 compliant• Bluetooth AVRCP-CT profile version 1.3 compliant•Programmable output power control meets Class 2 and Class 3 requirements • Ultra low power design• Support AFH(Adaptive Frequency Hopping)• Enhanced power control• Shutter control for 3D glasses• Infrared modulator• Triggered Broadcom Fast Connect• Slim printed with 30mm*14mm*0.8mm• ROHS compliant• BQB certification6. PackingFinished product packing use the blister-tray4. Block Diagram5. Module Picture7.Module DimensionDimension: 30mm*14mm*0.8mm8.Pin Description9. Technical Specifications9.1 General Specification9.2 Electrical Characteristics10. Function Test10.1 客户要求平台测试:10.2 客户的Key matrix layout测试10.3 蓝牙设备搜索名称是否正确(客户要求):PASS□ FAIL□10.4 指示灯的状态是否正确(客户要求):PASS□ FAIL□ 无指示□10.5 键盘NumLock,ScrollLock,CapsLock指示灯是否与主机同步:PASS□ FAIL□ 无指示□10.6 休眠时间是否正确(客户要求):PASS□ FAIL□10.7 低电压报警电压/关机电压(客户提供):PASS□ FAIL□10.8 操作距离测试(符合CLASS2要求无障碍物测试有效距离10米以上):PASS□ FAIL□。
BT1213H 蓝牙模块规格书V1.0
BOOMTECH SEMICONDUCTORS CO.,LTDProduct SpecificationModel : BT1213HREV : V1.0DRAWN BY :CHECKED BY :APPD BY:1. IntroductionBoomtech Semiconductors Co., Ltd the pioneer of the Bluetooth 4.0 modulesBT1213H which is a high performance, cost effective, low power and compact solution. The Bluetooth module provides a complete 2.4GHz Bluetooth systembased on CSR 8635 chip which is a single-chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth 2.4GHz systems including basic rate, EDR to 3Mbps and Bluetooth low energy2. Key Features• Fully Qualified Single-chip Bluetooth® v4.0 System•-91dBm (typical) π/4 DQPSK receiver sensitivityand -81dBm (typical) 8DPSK receiver sensitivity• A2DP v1.2, multipoint A2DP support enables connection to 2 A2DPsource devices for music playback• CSR's latest CVC technology for narrowband andwideband voice connections including wind noise reduction• AVRCP v1.4• Wideband speech supported by HFP v1.6 and mSBC codec•Audio interfaces: I²S and PCM• Stereo codec with 1 microphone input• 5-band fully configurable EQ• SBC, MP3 and AAC decoder support• Wired audio supportSupported sample rates of 8, 11.025, 16, 22.05, 32,44.1, 48 and 96kHz (DAC only)■Bluetooth low energy• Dual-mode Bluetooth low energy radio• Support for Bluetooth basic rate / EDR and low energy connections• 3 Bluetooth low energy connections at the same time as basic rate A2DP• Slim module with 24.5mm x 14.1mm x 2.0mm• RoHS Compliant3. Applications• Stereo speakers• Speakerphones• Handsfree car kits• 1-mic stereo headset or headphones6. Module Package Information6.1 Pinout Diagram and package dimensions 6.2 Module Pin descriptionsPIN NO.Pin Name1GND 2UART_TX 3UART_RX 4UART_RTS 5UART_CTS 6PIO 7PIO 8PIO 9PIO 10SPI_EN 11PCM1_IN UART data output for debug only / PIO15 Ground Description UART data input for debug only / PIO14 UART request to send, active low / PIO16 UART clear to send,active low / PIO17 PCM1 synchronous data input/SPI_MOSIfor debug only for debug only SPI/PCM select input for debug only for debug only12PCM1_CLK 13PCM1_OUT 14PCM1_SYNC15RESET16LED2(BLUE) 17LED1(RED) 18MFB/POWER 19CHARGE20VBAT211V822GND23USB_N24USB_P25PIO726PIO/027PIO628PIO1829PIO2130LED331LINE/MIC_AN32LINE/MIC_AP 33MIC_BIAS34LINE_BN35LINE_BP36SPK_RN37SPK_RP38SPK_LN39SPK_LP40GND LINE/MIC_AP input positiveLINE_BN input negativeLINE_BP input positiveMicrophone biasProgrammable input / output line 7PCM1 synchronous data sync/SPI_CSPCM1 synchronous data clock/SPI_CLKPCM1 synchronous data output/SPI_MISOLED driver(Open drain output)LED driver(Open drain output)Programmable input / output line 21LINE/MIC_AN input negativeProgrammable input / output line 18LED driver(Open drain output)Internal 1.8VPower on/off input key indicationReset if low. Input debounced so must be low for >5ms to cause a resetInternal charger input for charging(5V)Battery Power supply input for 3.0~4.2VUSB data minusUSB data plus with selectable internal1.5kΩ pull-up resistorProgrammable input / output line 6GroundProgrammable input / output line 0Speaker output negative,rightGroundSpeaker output positive,rightSpeaker output negative,leftSpeaker output positive,left7. Example Application Schematic。
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HC-04RBluetooth data module specificationsBluetooth®V2.0With EDRTYPE:VER:Document Number:Release Date:(2013-01-01New)Autbosr:※Does if there are any new version,without prior notice.Features:Fully Qualified Bluetooth System Bluetooth V2.0+EDR Specification Compliant1.8V core,1.8to3.6V I/O Low Power ConsumptionExcellent Compatibility with Cellular Phones,PDAs,Digital Cameras,PMP......Minimum External ComponentsIntegrated1.8V RegulatorVarious interfaces:USB,UART,PIO and PCMBuilt-In Self-Test Reduces Production Test TimesRoHS CompliantWi-Fi coexistence supportedContentsBlock DiagranWIFI Application Block DiagranSpecificationPIN DescriptionPower Supply DiagramApplication circuitryUART InterfacePCM InterfacePackage DimensionsBLOCK DIAGRAMWIFI Application Block Diagran2-wireco-existenceTraditional3-wireco-existenceEnhanced3-wire(Packet Traffic Arbitration)co-existenceSpecificationGeneral SpecificationPeak current during cold boot50.7mA Peak Tx current Master42.8mAPeak Rx current Master35.1mAPeak Tx current Slave43.5mAPeak Rx current Slave39.4mAREG_IN,VDD_PIO,VDD_PADSHost Inter face(Regulator In)VDD_REG:2.2~3.6V(UART,PCM and PIO Inter face) VDD_RART:1.7~3.6V(Core and RF block)VDD_1.8V:1.7~1.9VUARTBaud Rate9600~3MClock Source26MHZ crystalCarrier Frequency2400MHZ to2483.5MHZ(USA,Europe) Rx.Sensitivity(BER<0.1%)-78dbmOutput Power-2dBmModulation Method GFSK,1Mbps,0.5BT GaussianMaximum Data Rate2M bpsMaximum number of active slaves7Built in Firmqare Up to HCIInter faces USB,PCM,UART,PIOs Operating temperature-30~+70CStorage temperature-40~+85CPower Supply DiagramTerminal 3.0V Power Supply 1.8V Power Supply1.8V NC 1.7to1.9VVcc 2.2to3.6V NC Application circuitryPower ConsumptionOperation Mode ConnectionType UART Rate(kbps)Average UnitPage scan-115.20.37ma Inquiry and page scan-115.20.68ma ACL No traffic Master115.2 6.46ma ACL With file transfer Master115.211.73ma ACL No traffic Slave115.213.90ma ACL With file transfer Slave115.217.19ma ACL No traffic Master921.6 6.49ma ACL With file transfer Master921.632.91ma ACL No traffic Slave921.613.87ma ACL With file transfer Slave921.630.59ma ACL40ms sniff Master38.4 1.59ma ACL1.28s sniff Master38.40.20ma SCO HV1Master38.434.00ma SCO HV3Master38.417.33ma SCO HV330ms sniff Slave38.417.00ma ACL40ms sniff Slave38.4 1.60ma ACL1.28s sniff Slave38.40.24ma Parked1.28s beacon Slave38.40.18ma SCO HV1Slave38.434.02ma SCO HV3Slave38.420.94ma SCO HV330ms sniff Slave38.416.80ma Stanidby Host connection-38.49ua Reset(RESETB low)--20uaPIN DescriptionPin Symbol Description1PIO6I/O Programmable input/output line 2PIO7I/O Programmable input/output line 3PIO8I/O Programmable input/output line 4PIO0I/O Programmable input/output line 5PIO1I/O Programmable input/output line 6PIO5I/O Programmable input/output line 7PIO4I/O Programmable input/output line8RESET Reset,iflow.Input debounced so must below for>Sms tocause a reset9PCM-SYNC I/O Synchronous data sync10PCM-OUT Synchronous data output11PCM-IN ISynchronous datainput12PCM-CLK I/O Synchronous data clock13VCC D.C Input Voltage for Internal Regulator(2.2~3.6V)141V8D.C Input Voltage for the operation of Core and RFblock(1.7~1.9V)15USB-DN USB data minus16USB-DP Usb data plus with selectable interal1.5K pull-up resistor 17UART-TX UART date output active high18UART-CTS UART clear to send active low19UART-RTS UART request to send active low20UART-RX UART date input active high21AIO0I/O Programmable input/output line22PIO3I/O Programmable input/output line23PIO2I/O Programmable input/output line24GND Ground25ANT I/O Antenna Port26GND GroundUART InterfaceFour signals are used to implement the UART functionUART_RX and UART_TX transfer data and UART_CTS and UART_RTS can be used to implement RS232hardware flow control where both are active low indicators.The interface consists of four-line connection as described in below:Signal name Driving source DescriptionUART_TX HC-04R module Data from HC-04R moduleUART_RX Host Data from HostUART_RTS HC-04R module Request t o send output of HC-04R moduleUART_CTS Host Clear to send input of HZ-208moduleUART SettingsBluetooth Module can handle UART baudrate from9.6kbps up to3Mbps.User can change data format the following selection using PSKEY.However,host shall communicate with default setting UART connection initiated at first time.Baud Rate=(PSKEY_UART_BAUD_RATE)/(0.004096)Property Possible ValuesBCSP-Specific Hardware Enable or DisableBaudrate Min9600Baud,Max3MFlow Control RTS/CTS or NoneData bit length8bitParity None,Odd or EvenNumber of Stop Bits1or2Property Possible ValuesBCSP-Specific Hardware EnableBaudrate115.2kbpsFlow Control NoneData bit length8bitParity EvenNumber of Stop Bits1Default Data FormatPCM InterfaceBluetooth module offers a bi-directional digital audio interface that routes directly into the basebandlayer and does not pass through the HCI protocol layer.It allows the data to be sent to and recevied from a SCO connectionThis interface consists of four signals:a clock(PCM_CLK),a data input(PCM_IN),a data output(PCM_OUT),and a frame-synchronization signal(PCM_SYNC)Bluetooth module interfaces directly to PCM audio devices including the following:-Qualcomm MSM3000series and MSM5000series CDMA baseband devices-OKI MSM7705four channel A-law and u-low CODEC-Motorola MC1454818-bit A-law and u-law CODEC-Motorola MC14548313-bit linear CODECPCM settingsBluetooth module can operate as the PCM interface master generating an output clock of 256kHz.When configured as PCM interface slave it can operate with input clock up to2048kHz.User can change data format the following selection using PSKEY.Property Possible ValuesMode Slave,MasterClock rateMaster mode:128,256,512kHzSlave mode:up to2048kHzClock formats Long Frame Sync,Short Frame SyncSample formats13or16-bit linear,8-bit u-law or A-lawDefault Data FormatProperty Possible ValuesMode MasterClock rate256kHzClock formats Long Frame SyncSample formats13-bit linearUART Bypass Mode-For devices that do not tri-state the UART bus,the UART bypass mode on bluetoothmodule can be used.-The default state of the module after reset is de-asserted is for the host UART bus to be connected to its UART.-In order to apply the UART bypass mode,a BCCMD command will be issued to themodule upon this,it will switch the bypass to PIO(4,5,6,7).Once the bypass mode has been invoked,it will enter the deep sleep state indefinitely.-In order to re-establish communication with the module,it must be reset so that thedefault configuration takes affect.-It is important for the host to ensure a clean bluetooth disconnection of any active links before the bypass mode is invoked.Therefore it is not possible to have active Bluetooth links while operating the bypass mode.Package DimensionsUnit:mm。