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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:复合句(解析版) (共40题;共80分)

1. (2分)She asked ____________ I understood ____________ she meant.

A . whether; what

B . if; that

C . what; whether

D . that; whether

2. (2分)—Do you know this dictionary belongs to?

—Let me see. Oh, it's mine.

A . who

B . which

C . I where

D . whose

3. (2分)—Excuse me, could you tell me ?

—Certainly. Go along the street and you will find it on the right.

A . how can I get to the radio station

B . how I can get to the radio station

C . why I can get to the radio station

4. (2分)—Could you tell me ______?

—Look ! He is playing soccer on the playground.

A . where Scott is

B . what is Scott doing

C . how Scott did it

D . why Scott is doing it

5. (2分)—Your handbag looks nice. Could you please tell me ? —In Taobao.

A . where did you buy it

B . where you bought it

C . when you bought it

6. (2分)—David, could you tell me ?

—The Great Barrier Reef. It's a fantastic natural wonder.

A . how you went to Australia

B . what you like most about Australia

C . when you arrived in Australia

D . why so many Australians speak English

7. (2分)—I'd like to visit Kate tomorrow. Do you know________?

—Sorry, I don't know her address, either.

A . why she lives there

B . who she lives with

C . where she lives

D . how she lives

8. (2分)— Could you tell me ____________________?

— You will stay with an English family and take part in their daily life.

A . when I should pay for the course

B . what the best part of the course is

C . how long the shortest course lasts

D . where I can go sightseeing after class

9. (2分)— Could you please tell me ?

— For two weeks.

A . how soon he will be back

B . how long he will be away

C . how long will he be away

10. (2分)Pay no attention to those who laugh at you. What matters most is ________ you see yourself.

A . what

B . when

C . how

D . which

11. (2分)—Excuse me, madam. Could you please tell me _________ the bus arrives? —Sure. At 9:00.

A . where

B . when

C . why

D . how

12. (2分)—Could you tell me____?

—Sorry,I have no idea.

A . how old is your son

B . that he will come here soon

C . whether is it fine tomorrow

D . who is going to give a talk at the meeting

13. (2分)I wonder it is big enough or not.

A . how

B . if

C . whether

D . weather

14. (2分)Many people believe ______________ students can study, do their homework and take exams at online schools.

A . whether

B . if

C . how

D . that

15. (2分)—Peter,is there anything else you want to know about China?

—Yes,I am still wondering __________ .

A . how is Chinese paper cut made

B . how was the Great Wall built in ancient times

C . why the Chinese people like to play the dragon dance

D . why do the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival
