

电子信息工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 文献翻译

电子信息工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 文献翻译

Technology and Application of Fieldbus Control System ---------IntelligentEquipment & Measurement And Control System Based on DeviceNetPromoted by the new technological revolution that automation control technology is tending digitization and internet in the field of automation industry, Shanghai Aton Electric Co., Ltd. developed Intelligent Equipment & Measurement And Control System Based on DeviceNet as a high and new technology industrialization model project. It was a state hi-tech development project of 2000 and was approved by the State Committee of Technology. Shanghai Aton Electric Co., Ltd. constructed production line of intelligent controller of pump and valve, relying on Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation; constructed measurement and control system FCS R&D center of intelligent controller of pump and valve and built up mass production R&D basis, cooperating with Shanghai Jiaotong University and Shanghai University; constructed FCS remote diagnosis and service center of intelligent controller of pump and valve; constructed FCS training center of intelligent controller of pump and valve; founded mass production R&D basis along with the Rockwell Laboratory of Shanghai Jiaotong University and CIMS Center.1 Summary(1)Fieldbus control system is a system applied to field of production and microcomputerized measurement control equipment to realize both-way multinode serial communications. It is also called low-level control network for open, digital and multiplespot communications.Application: Flow Control System of Manufacturing; Process Control System; Traffic Control & Management; Building Automation. Features: Fieldbus control system is low-level low-bandwidth digital communication and control network in industrial system as well as open system connecting microcomputerized appearance. Intelligent instrument and controller are equal to microcomputer. They make up network with Fieldbus control system as the links to complete digital communication and other tasks.(2)Difference between FCS and DCS,FCS is updated control system after DCS integrated with digital control system and distributing control system. It solves the problem that in traditional DCS, devices made by different manufacturers cannot be connected. They can't realize exchange and operation to organize an network system with wider range of information sharing. It conquers the defect that special closed system for network should be used for communication in DCS to realize various functions of integrated automation. It turns the distributing structure combiningconcentration with deconcentration in DCS into new-type full distributing structure. It releases the control function to the field thoroughly and makes it possible to realize basic control function by means of fieldbus equipment itself. FCS breaks the traditional structure form of control system. The traditional analog control system adopts one-to-one equipment tie-wire and puts up connections respectively according to control loop. FCS adopts intelligent field equipment to place the control module, all input/output modules that used to be in the control chamber of DCS into field equipment. Since field equipment has ability to communicate, the field measuring and transferring instruments can transfer signals to actuating mechanism such as valve directly. Its control function can be fulfilled directly on the spot independent of the computer or control meter in the control chamber, which realizes thorough decentralized control.FCS adopts digital signals to replace analog signals so that multiple signals (including multiple operating parameter values, device status and failure information) can be transferred on a pair of cables. Meanwhile, it can give power supply to several devices. No switched block for analog/digital or digital/analog is needed besides fieldbus.(3)Characteristics of FCS●Open System;●Interoperability;● replace ability of devices made by different manufacturers.● Intelligentize and Autonomy;●Field equipment completing basic functions of automatic control.●Decentralized System Structure;●Field Adaptability;●Relatively Strong Interference Killing Feature and Safety●Intelligentized local equipment can save investment and quantity of hardware●Saving installation expenses and cables●Saving daily maintenance expenses●Enhancing accuracy and reliability of system●Enhancing initiativeness of system integration for users(4)Development Background and Trend of Fieldbus Control System,With the rapid development of computer and computer network, FCS has been rapidly developed as the interlinked communication network between the field intelligentdevices in the field of process automation, building and traffic etc. Because FCS meets the needs that industrial control system is developing in the way of decentralization, network and intellectualized, it has become the focus of global industrial automation and been universally concerned by the whole world. FCS has caused great revolutions on the aspects of system structure and function system for the current production of automation instrument, distributing control system and programmable controller. It is predicted that FCS will be the general trends in a very long time in the future fore sure.2 APPLICATION OF RELAYThe product reliability generally refers to the operating reliability. It is defined as: the ability of accomplishing the specified function under prescribed conditions and in prescribed time. It consists of intrinsic reliability and application reliability. The intrinsic reliability is determined by product designing and manufacturing technique, and the application reliability is concerned with the correct application of users and the services provided by the manufacturer before and after selling. When using relay, the user should pay attention to the following items.2.1 Coil applied voltageIt is best to choose the coil applicative voltage according to the rated voltage in design, or choose the voltage according to the temperature rising curve. Using any coil voltage that is less than the rated voltage will affect the operation of the relay. The coil operating voltage refers to the voltage that is applied between the coil terminals. The voltage value between the two terminals must be guaranteed, especially when using enlargement circuit to energize the coil. Whereas, it will also affect the relay characteristics if the applied voltage exceeds the highest rated voltage. Exorbitant voltage will bring exorbitant coil temperature rising, especially in high temperature ambient. Exorbitant temperature rising will damage the insulating material and affect the working safety of relay. For magnetic latching relay, energizing (or return) pulse width should not less than 3 times of the operating (or return) time, otherwise, the relay would be left on the middle-position state. When using solid-state components to energize the coil, the components dielectric strength must be above 80V, and the leakage of current must be as little as possible to ensure the relay to release.Energizing power source: Under 110% of the rated current, the adjusting ratio of the power source is less than 10% (or the output impedance is less than 5% of the coilimpedance), the wave voltage of the DC power source is less than 5%. The AC wave is sine wave; the waviness coefficient is between 0.95~1.25; wave distortion is within ±10%; the frequency change is within±1Hz or ±1% of the specified frequency (choosing the bigger value). The output power should not less than coil power consumption.2.2 Transient suppressionAt the moment when the coil power is stopped, peak-inverse voltage that is more than 30 times of the coil rated voltage is produced on the coil, which is harmful to the electronic circuit. Generally, the peak-inverse voltage is suppressed by transient suppression(cutting-peak)diode or resistance to limit the peak-inverse voltage within 50V. But the diode in parallel connection will delay3~5 times of the release time. If the request of the release time is high, a suitable resistance in series can be putted with and at one end of the diode.The power supply to relays in parallel connection and series connection,When several relays in parallel connection are supplied, the relay that the peak-inverse voltage is higher will release power to the relays that the peak-inverse voltage is lower. The release time of the relay will delay. So the relays in parallel connection should be controlled separately to eliminate mutual influence.The relays with different coil resistance and power can’t be used in series, otherwise, t he relay that the coil current is higher in the series circuit can’t operate reliably. Only the relays of the same specification can be used in series, but the peak-inverse voltage will be increased and the peak-inverse voltage should be suppressed. Resistance in series can be used to bear the part voltage that exceeds the rated voltage of the coil according to the ratio of the divided voltage.2.2.1 Contact loadThe load applied to the contacts should be accordant to the rated load and characteristics of the contacts. A load that is not applied according to the rated value range will cause problem. The relay that is only suitable for DC load can’t be used in AC occasions. The relay that can switch 10A load can’t always reliably operate in low level load (less than 10m A×6A) or in dry circuit occasions. The relay that can switch single-phase AC power source isn’t always suitable to switch two single-phase AC loads that aren’t synchronous; the relay that is only specif ied to switch the load of AC 50Hz(or 60Hz)can’t be used to switch AC load of 400Hz.2.2.2 Parallel and series connection of contactsThe contacts used in parallel connection can’t increase the load current, because the operating times of several sets of contacts are absolutely different; that is to say, there is still only a set of contacts switching the increased load. This would damage or weld the contacts and make the contacts can’t close or open. The parallel connection of the contacts can decrease t he misplay of “break”. But the parallel connection of the contacts would increase the misplay of “freezing”. Because the misplay of “break” is the main pattern of invalidation of contacts, the parallel connection can increase the reliability and can be used on the pivotal part of equipments. But the applied voltage should not exceed the highest operating voltage of the coil and should not less than 90% of the rated voltage, otherwise, the coil life and the applicative reliability would be damaged. The series connection of the contacts can increase the load voltage. The amount of the contact sets is equal to the times that the load voltage can be increased. The series connection of contacts can decrease the misplay of “freezing”, but it would increase the mis play of “break”. Anyway, when using redundant technology to increase the operating reliability of contacts, the characteristics and size and the failure mode of load must be considered.2.2.3 Switching speedThe switching speed should not exceed the reciprocal of 10 times of the sum of operating and release time (times/s), otherwise, the contacts can’t switch on steadily. Magnetic latching should be used under the pulse width specified in the technique criterion, or the coil may be damaged.3 RVT DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY INTEGRATE TESTAPPARATUSBasic functionMeasure asupervision:Three mutually electric voltage/electric current/ power factor with a great achievement/ power without a great achievement/electricity with a great achiverment/electricity/homophonic-wave electric voltage/ homophonic-wave electric/ current Day electric voltage/ electric current biggest and minimum value/fire for the failure Electric voltage over top, the limit/ lack mutually of time homophonic-wave analyzes is up to 13 times.The data is stored for 2 months.The data communicateRS232/485 communicating connect,The way in communicating can adopt the spot communicating or the long range communicating.,Possible to settle invoke orthe solid hour invokes, responding to the modification and long ranges control of the parameter.Without power compensationTaking physics measures as the power factor without a great achievement,the power factor with a great achievement and the dull place without power compensation;Y+ the combination method of the △,Y+ the △connects the line method,Y+ △ , Y, the △ connects the line method.Data managementAccording to WINDOW98 operation terrace, data in communication automatically reports born statement, curve and pillar form diagrams.Circulation of the protectionWhen the charged barbed wire net of mutually electric voltage over press, owe to press, and a super limit hour fast cut off in expiation of capacitor,When the charged barbed wire net lacks mutually or super limit in the preface of zero hour fast cut off in expiation of capacitor.screen manifestationChinese operation interface,Adopt 128*64 the back light liquid crystal display.The solid hour shows the charged barbed wire net relevant parameter.view manifestation to place the parameter.现场总线控制系统的技术和应用随着新的科学技术革命的出现,在自动化工业领域中,自动控制技术的发展趋向于数字化和网络互联化。











而在整个的出版过程中,编务管理是出版行业信息管理系统的重要部分, 它将编务人员及图书管理人员从繁重的事务性工作中解放出来, 并使管理工作更透明、更科学, 此次的系统如果有了良好的分析与设计,不但对编务管理,而且对整个出版行业的管理信息系统的建设都具有十分重要的意义。


附录1外文翻译(原文)Systems An alysis and Desig nWorking under control of a stored program, a computer processes data into information. Think about that definition for a minute. Any given computer application invoIves at least three components: hardware, software, and data. Merely writing a program isn't eno ugh; because the program is but one comp onent in a system.A system is a group of components that work together to accomplish an objective. For example, con sider a payroll system. Its objective is pay ing employees. What components are invoIved? Each day employees record their hours worked on time cards. At the end of each week, the time cards are collected and delivered to the computer cen ter, where they are read in to a payroll program. As it runs, the program accesses data files. Fin ally, the paychecks are prin ted and distributed. For the system to work, people, procedures,input and output media, files, hardware, and software must be carefully coordinated. Note that the program is but one component in a system.Computer-based systems are developed because people n eed in formati on. Those people, called users, gen erally know what is required, but may lack the expertise to obta in it. Tech ni cal professi on als, such as programmers, have the expertise, but may lack training in the user's field. To complicate matters, users and programmers often seem to speak differe nt Ian guages,lead ing to com muni cati on problems. A systems analyst is a professional who translates user needs into technical terms, thus serving as a bridge betwee n users and tech ni cal professi on als.Like an engin eer or an architect, a systems an alyst solves problems by comb ining solid tech ni cal skills with in sight, imag in ati on, and a touch of art. Gen erally, the an alyst follows a well-defi ned, methodical process that in cludes at least the followi ng steps;1. Problem defi niti on2. A nalysis3. Desig n4」m pleme ntatio n5.Ma intenanceAt the end of each step, results are docume nted and shared with both the user and the programmers. The idea is to catch and correct errors and misunderstandings as early as possible. Perhaps the best way to illustrate the process is through example.Picture a small clothi ng store that purchases mercha ndise at wholesale, displaysthis stock, and sells it to customers at retail. On the one hand, too much stock represe nts an unn ecessary expe nse. On thither hand, a poor selecti on discourages shoppers. Ideally, a bala nee can be achieved: eno ugh, but not too much.Complicating matters is the fact that inventory is constantly changing, with customer purchasesdeplet ing stock, and retur ns and reorders add ing to it. [1] The owner would like to track inventory levels and reorder and given item just before the store runs out. For a single item, the task is easy-just count the stock-on-hand. Unfortunately, the store has hundreds of different items, and keeping track of each one is impractical. Perhaps a computer might help.2-1 Problem Defini tio nThe first step in the systems analysis and design processis problem definition. The an alyst's objective is determ ining what the user (in this case, the store's owner) needs. Note that, as the process begins, the user possesses the critical information, and the analyst must listen and learn. Few users are technical experts. Most see the computer as a "magic box, "and are not concerned with how it works. At this stage, the an alyst has no bus in ess eve n thinking about programs, files, and computer hardware, but must com muni cate with the user on his or her own term.The idea is to en sure that both the user and the an alyst are thinking about the same thi ng-Thus, a clear, writte n stateme nt express ing the an alyst's un dersta nding of the problem is essential. The user should review and correct this written statement. The time to catch misunderstandings and oversights is now, before time, money and effort are wasted.Often, following a preliminary problem definition, the analyst performs a feasibility study. The study a brief capsule version of the entire systems analysis and desig n process, attempts to an swer three questi ons:1. Ca n the problem be solved?2. Can it be salved in the user's environment?3. Ca n it be solved at a reas on able cost?If the answer to any one of these questions is no, the system should not be developed. Given a good problem definition and a positive feasibility study, the an alyst can tur n to pla nning and develop ing a problem soluti on.2- 2 An alysisAs an alysis beg ins, the an alyst un dersta nds the problem. The next step is determ ining what must be done to solve it. The user knows what must be done 1 during analysis; this knowledge is extracted and formally documented. Most users think interms of the functions to be performed and the data elements to be manipulated. The objective is to identify and link these key functions and data eleme nts, yield ing a logical system desig n.Start with the system's basic functions. The key is keeping track of the stock- on-ha nd for each product in inven tory .Inven tory cha nges becausecustomers purchase, excha nge, and retur n products, so the system will have to process customer tran sacti ons. The store's owner wants to selectively look at the inven tory level for any product in short supply and, if appropriate, order replacement stock, so the systemGive n the system's basic functions, the an alyst's n ext task is gaining a sense of their logical relati on ship. A good way to start is by describ ing how data flow betwee n the functions. As the name implies, data flow diagrams are particularly useful for graphically describ ing these data flows. Four symbols are used (Fig. 1). Data sources and dest in ati ons are represe nted by squares; in put data en ter the system from a source, and output data flow to a destination. Once in the system, the data are manipulated or cha nge by processes,represe ntedby roun d-cor ner recta ngles. A process might be a program, a procedure, or any thi ng else that cha nges or moves data. Data can be held for later process ing in data stores, symbolized by ope n-en ded recta ngles. A data store might be a disk file, a tape file, a database, written notes, or even a person's memory. Fin ally, data flow betwee n sources, dest in ati ons, processes, end data stores over data flows, which are represe nted by arrows.Figure 2 shows a prelimi nary data flow diagram for the inven tory system. Start with CUSTOMER. Transactions flow from a customer f into the system, where they are han dled by Process tran sacti on. A data store, STOCK, holds data on each item in inventory. Process transaction changes the data to reflect the new transaction. Mean while, MANAGEMENT accesses the system through Com mun icate, evaluat ing the data in STOCK and, if necessary, requesting a reorder. Once, a reorder is authorized. Gen erate reorder sends n ecessary data to the SUPPLIERwho ships the items to the store. Note that, because the reorder represents a change in the inventory level of a particular product or products it is han dled as a tran sacti on.The data flow diagram describes the logical system. The next step is tracing the data flows. Start with the destination SUPPLIER. Reorders flow to suppliers; for example, the store might want 25 pairs of jeans. To fill the order, the supplier needs the product description and the reorder quantity. Where do these data elements come from? Since they are output by Gen erate reorder, they must either be In put to or gen erated by this process. Data flow into Gen erate reorder for STOCK; thus, product descripti ons and reorder qua ntities must be stored in STOCK.Other data eleme nts, such as the item purchaseda nd the purchase qua ntity are gen erated by CUSTOMER. Still others, for example selli ng price and reorder point, are gen erated by or n eeded by MANAGEMENT. The curre nt stock-on-ha nd for a give n item is an example of a data eleme nt gen erated by an algorithm in one of the procedures. Step by step, methodically, the an alyst ide ntifies the data eleme nts to be in put to .stored by, mani pulated by, gen erated by, or output by the system.To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one in a data dicti on ary. A simple data dicti onary can be set up on in dex cards, but computerized data dicti on aries have become in creas in gly popular. The data dict ion ary, a collect ion of data describing and defining the data, is useful throughout the systems analysis and desig n process, and is ofte n used to build a database duri ng the impleme ntati on stage.The idea of analysis is to define the system's major functions and data elements methodically. Remember that the objective is tran slati ng user n eeds into tech ni cal terms. Since the system starts with the user, the first step is defining the user's needs. Users think in terms of functions and data. They do not visualize programs, or files, or hardware .and during this initial, crucial analysis stage it is essential that the analyst think like a user, not like a programmer.Data flow diagrams and data dicti on aries are useful tools. They provide a format for record ing key in formati on about the proposed system. Also, they jog the an alyst's memory) for example, if the an alyst does n't have sufficie nt in formatio n to complete a data dictionary entry, he or she has probably missed something. Perhaps most importantly, the data flow diagram and the data dictionary document the analyst's un dersta nding of the system requireme nts. By review ing these docume nts, the user can correct misun dersta ndings or oversights. Fin ally, they represe nt an excelle nt start ing point the n ext step, desig n.2-3 Desig nAs we en ter the desig n stage, we know what the system must do, and thus can beg in thi nking about how to do it. The objective is to develop a strategy for sol ving the problem. At this stage, we are not interested in writing code or in defining precise data structures; in stead, we want to ide ntify, at a black box level, n ecessary programs, files, procedures, and other comp onen ts.The data flow diagram defi nes the system's n ecessary fun cti ons; how might they be implemented? One possibility is writing one program for each process. Another is combi ning two or more processes in a sin gle program; there are doze ns of alter native solutions. Let's focus on one option and document it.A system flowchart uses symbols to represent programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other comp onents of a physical system (Fig. 3). Our flowchart (.Fig. 4) shows that tran sacti on data en ter the system through a termi nal, are processed by a data collection program, and then are stored on an inventory file. Eventually, the inventory processed by a Report and reorder program. Through it, management man ipulates the data and authorizes reorders.Fig. 4 on a system flowchart, symbols represe nt programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other comp onents of a physical system.Fig 3Look at the system flowchart. It identifies several hardware components, in clud inga computer, a disk drive, a data entry term in al, a prin ter, and a display termi nal. Twoprograms are n eeded;Process tran sact ion and Report and reorder. I n addition to thehardware and the programs, we'll need data structures for the inventory for data flawsbetween the I/O devices and the software. Note that this system flowchart illustrates onepossible solution; a good analyst will develop several feasible alter natives before choosing one.The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components. Since the data linkthe components, the next task is defining the data structures. Consider, for example, the inventoryfile. It contains all the data elements from the data store STOCK. The data eleme nts are listed in the data dicti on ary. Using them, the file's data structure can be pla nn ed.How should the organized? That depends on how it will be accessed.For example, in some applications, data are processedat regular, predictable intervals. Typically, the data are collected over time and processed together, as a batch. If batch process ing is acceptable, a seque ntial is probably和吃ram L / ar^1MmnjBirWe 加Connrtunlcaialinka Tcnmiin*l pointPunctwd详帕FTiniedoutput M 科Ml 也tSpB Ofiirw:MW*緘 昨1»1瞪dMbest.It is not always possible to wait until a batch of transactions is collected, however. For example, consider an air defense early warning system. If an unidentified aircraft is spotted it must be identified immediately the idea of waiting until 5 _ 00 p.m. because "that's whe n the air defe nse program is run" is absurd. In stead, because of the n eed for quick resp on se, each tran sact ion must be processed as it occurs. Gen erally such tran sact ion process ing systems call for direct access file.Our inventory system has two programs. One processestransactions. A direct access inven tory a reas on able choice. The other allows man ageme nt to study inven tory data occasi on ally; batch process ing would certa inly do. Should the inventory organized sequentially or directly? Faced with such a choice a good analyst considers both options. One possible system might accept transactions and process them as they occur. As an alter native, sales slips might be collected throughout the day and processed as a batch after the store closes. In the first system, the two programs would deal with direct access files; in the second system, they would be linked to sequential files. A program to process direct access data is differe nt from a program to process seque ntial data. The data drive the system. The choice of a data structure determines the program ' s structure. Note that the program is defi ned and pla nned in the con text of the system.2- 4 Impleme ntati onOnce the system's major comp onents have bee n ide ntified .we can beg in to develop them. Our system in cludes two programs, several pieces of equipme nt, and a number of data structures. During implementation, each program is planned and written using the techniques described in Chapter 7. Files are created, and their contents checked. New hardware is purchased, in stalled, and tested. Additi on ally, operating procedures are written and evaluated. Once all the component parts are ready, the system is tested. Assuming the user is satisfied, the finished system is released.2- 5 MaintenanceMaintenance beg ins after the system is released. As people use it, they will suggest minor improveme nts and enhan ceme nts.Occasi on ally, bugs slip through debug and testi ng, and rem oving them is ano ther maintenance task. Fin ally, con diti ons cha nge, and a program must be updated; for example, if the gover nment passes a low cha nging the procedure for collect ing in come taxes, the payroll program must be modified. Maintenance continues for the life of a system, and its cost can easily match or exceed the original development cost. Good planning, solid documentation, and well-structured programs can help to mini mize maintenance cost.附录 2 外文翻译(译文)系统的分析与设计在存储程序的控制下,计算机把数据处理成信息。



电子商务信息安全中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:E-commerce Information Security ProblemsⅠ. IntroductionE-commerce (E-Business) is in open networks, including between enterprises (B2B), business and consumers (B2C) commercial transactions, compared with the traditional business model, e-commerce with efficient, convenient, covered wide range of characteristics and benefits. However, e-commerce open this Internet-based data exchange is great its security vulnerabilities, security is a core e-commerce development constraints and key issues.In this paper, the basic ideas and principles of systems engineering, analyzes the current security threats facing e-commerce, in this based on security technology from the perspective of development trend of e-commerce.Ⅱ. E-commerce modelModern e-commerce technology has focused on the establishment and operation of the network of stores. Network in the department stores and real stores no distinction between structure and function, differences in their function and structure to achieve these methods and the way business operate.Web store from the front view is a special kind of WEB server. WEB site of modern multimedia support and a good interactive feature as the basis for the establishment of this virtual store, so customers can, as in a real supermarket pushing a shopping cart to select goods, and finally in the checkout check out. These online stores also constitute the three pillars of software: catalog, shopping cart and customer checkout. Customers use an electronic currency and transaction must store customers and stores are safe and reliable.Behind the store in the network, enterprises must first have a product storage warehouse and administration; second network to sell products by mail or other delivery channels to customers hands; Third, enterprises should also be responsible for product after-sales service, This service may be through networks, may not. Internet transactions are usually a first Pay the bill and getting goods shopping. For customers, convenience is that the goods purchased will be directly delivered to their home, but hard to feel assured that the goods can not be confirmed until the handsreach into their own hands, what it is.Therefore, the credibility of the store network and service quality is actually the key to the success of e-commerce.Ⅲ.the key to development of electronic commerceE-commerce in the telecommunications network to develop. Therefore, the advanced computer network infrastructure and telecommunications policy easing the development of electronic commerce has become a prerequisite. Currently, telecom services, high prices, limited bandwidth, the service is not timely or not reliable and so the development of e-commerce has become a constraint. Speed up the construction of telecommunications infrastructure, to break the telecommunications market monopoly, introduce competition mechanism to ensure fair competition in the telecommunications business, to promote networking, ensure to provide users with low-cost, high-speed, reliable communications services is a good construction target network environment, but also all of the world common task.E-commerce the most prominent problem is to solve the on-line shopping, trading and clearing of security issues, including the establishment of e-commerce trust between all the main issues, namely the establishment of safety certification system (CA) issues; choose safety standards (such as SET , SSL, PKI, etc.) problems; using encryption and decryption method and encryption strength problems. Establishment of security authentication system which is the key.Online trading and traditional face to face or written transactions in different ways, it is transmitted through the network business information and trade activities. The security of online transactions means:Validity: the validity of the contract to ensure online transactions, to prevent system failure, computer viruses, hacker attacks.Confidentiality: the content of the transaction, both transactions account, the password is not recognized by others and stealing.Integrity: to prevent the formation of unilateral transaction information and modify.Therefore, the e-commerce security system should include: secure and reliable communications network to ensure reliable data transmission integrity, prevent viruses, hackers; electronic signatures and other authentication systems; complete data encryption system and so on.Ⅳ.e-commerce security issues facingAs e-commerce network is the computer-based, it inevitably faces a number of security issues.(1) Information leakPerformance in e-commerce for the leakage of business secrets, including two aspects: the parties are dealing transactions by third parties to steal the contents; transaction to the other party to provide documents used illegal use by third parties.(2) AlteredE-commerce information for business performance in the authenticity and integrity issues. Electronic transaction information in the network transmission process may be others to illegally modify, delete or re-changed, so that information about its authenticity and integrity.(3) IdentificationWithout identification, third-party transactions is likely to fake the identity of parties to a deal breaker, damage the reputation of being counterfeit or stolen by one party to the transaction fake results and so on, for identification, the transaction between the two sides can prevent suspicion situation.(4) Computer virusesComputer virus appeared 10 years, a variety of new virus and its variants rapidly increasing, the emergence of the Internet for the spread of the virus has provided the best medium. Many new viruses directly using the network as its transmission, as well as many viruses spread faster through dried networks, frequently causing billions of dollars in economic losses.(5) HackerWith the spread of a variety of application tools, hackers have been popular, and are not in the past; non-computer expert can not be a hacker. Have kicked Yahoo's mafia boy did not receive any special training, only a few attacks to the users to download software and learn how to use the Internet on a big dry.Ⅴ.e-commerce security and safety factorsEnterprise application security is the most worried about e-commerce, and how to protect the security of e-commerce activities, will remain the core of e-commerce research. As a secure e-commerce system, we must first have a safe, reliable communication network, to ensure that transaction information secure and rapidtransmission; second database server to ensure absolute security against hackers break into networks to steal information. E-commerce security technologies include encryption, authentication technology and e-commerce security protocols, firewall technology.(A), encryption technologyTo ensure the security of data and transactions to prevent fraud, to confirm the true identity of transaction parties, e-commerce to adopt encryption technology, encryption technology is through the use of code or password to protect data security. For encrypted data is called plaintext, specifically through the role of a encryption algorithm, the conversion into cipher text, we will express this change as the cipher text is called encryption, the cipher text by the decryption algorithm to form a clear role in the output of this a process known as decryption. Encryption algorithm known as the key parameters used. The longer the key, the key space is large, traverse the key space the more time spent, the less likely cracked.Encryption technology can be divided into two categories: symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption to the data encryption standard DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm is represented. Asymmetric encryption is usually RSA (Rivets Shamir Aleman) algorithm is represented.(B), authenticationCommonly used security authentication technologies: digital signatures, digital certificates, digital time stamp, CA security authentication technology.(C), hacker protection technologyCurrently, hackers have become the biggest e-commerce security threats, thus preventing hacking network security technology has become the main content, by governments and industry are highly valued. Hacking techniques include buffer overflow attacks, Trojans, port scans, IP fraud, network monitoring, password attacks, and denial of service Dos attacks. At present, people have made many effective anti-hacker technologies, including firewalls, intrusion detection, and network security evaluation techniques.Ⅵ.the future security of e-commerceIncreasingly severe security problems, are growing threat to national and global economic security, governments have been based on efforts in the following areas: (1) Strengthen the legislation, refer to the advanced countries have effective legislation, innovative, e-commerce and improve the protection of the laws againstcyber-crime security system.(2) Establishment of relevant institutions, to take practical measures to combat cyber crime. Development of the law, the implementing agencies should also be used for its relevant laws, which must establish an independent oversight body, such as the executing agency to implement the law.(3) Increase investment in network security technology; improve the level of network security technology. E-commerce security law is the prerequisite and basis for development and secure e-commerce security technology is a means of protection. There are many security issues are technical reasons, it should increase the technology resources, and continuously push forward the development of old technologies and developing new security technology.(4) To encourage enterprises to protect themselves against Internet crime against. To avoid attack, companies can not hold things to chance, must attach great importance to system vulnerabilities, in time to find security holes to install the operating system and server patches, and network security detection equipment should be used regularly scan the network monitoring, develop a set of complete security protection system to enable enterprises to form a system and combined with the comprehensive protection system.(5) To strengthen international cooperation to strengthen global efforts to combat cyber crime. As e-commerce knows no borders, no geographical, it is a completely open area, so the action against cyber crime e-commerce will also be global. This will require Governments to strengthen cooperation, can not have "the saying which goes, regardless of others, cream tile" misconception.(6) To strengthen the network of national safety education, pay attention to the cultivation of outstanding computer.Ⅶ. ConclusionE-commerce in China has developed rapidly in recent years, but the security has not yet established. This has an impact on the development of electronic commerce as a barrier.To this end, we must accelerate the construction of the e-commerce security systems. This will be a comprehensive, systematic project involving the whole society. Specifically, we want legal recognition of electronic communications records of the effectiveness of legal protection for electronic commerce; we should strengthen the research on electronic signatures, to protect e-commerce technology; we need to build e-commerce authentication system as soon as possible, to organize protection for electronic commerce. Moreover, for e-commerce features without borders, we shouldalso strengthen international cooperation, so that e-commerce truly plays its role. Only in this way, we can adapt to the timesPromoting China's economic development; also the only way we can in the economic globalization today, to participate in international competition, and thus gain a competitive advantage.Source: Michael Hecker, Tharam S. Dillon, and Elizabeth Chang IEEE Internet Computing prentice hall publishing, 2002电子商务中的信息安全问题一、引言电子商务(E-Business)是发生在开放网络上的包括企业之间(B2B)、企业和消费者之间(B2C)的商业交易,与传统商务模式相比,电子商务具有高效、便捷、覆盖范围广等特点和优点。










2国外研究现状Xiao Zhang(2020)提出随着会计行业的不断完善,企业发展速度越来越快,很多企业发生了改革,在改革的过程中,最重要的就是做好会计部门工作建设,一个企业会计信息化建设直接关乎到企业的发展,传统的会计信息系统已经满足不了企业基本需求,企业需要进一步加快推进会计信息化建设,从根本上推动企业的发展,充分把会计信息化的作用体现出来。

企业信息化问题及研究 外文翻译

企业信息化问题及研究 外文翻译

毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目The problem of small and medium-sized enterprise informatization processproblems and countermeasures姓名学号 40741703系别科学技术系专业信息管理与信息系统指导教师2011年01月07日Information extraction system: design and itscommercial useAfter more than 30 years of development of the Information Extraction?(IE) system, it comes to be the focus of the attention of the researchers of information retrieval, database system and natural language processing. The reason is very simple. Because the traditional information search engine can only give the result of relevant pieces of documents and information users must read them by themself to check if the documents match their requirements or not, but the IE system give the facts directly to the users. The pressure of the information explosion makes it impossible to read all the documents, news or Internet pages to locate their interested facts. But all the facts are important for the information usersto make any decision. IE system can help them to archive the goal, which is to know all the things that happened in the domain which they are interesting. The Information Extraction system filters the great amounts of documents that were written in nature human language or formatted in semi-structured to get the useful description ofthe facts which are interested by the information users. The shallow parsing technology in sentence semantic analysis is the most popular method in the IE system. Most of IE systems use such technology to catch the information points in the text. Then, after post processing, such as co-reference analysis or repeated-facts clearing, all the filtered information points were put into slots of a well-structured template. All the filled templates combine the database which will be outputted. The output data can be read by human being or transfer to an automatic analysis program to process. During the research of the IE system, we know it is veryimportant to have the enough technology backup. The ability of nature language processing, large-scale programming system development and some very serious knowledge base, such as syntactic and semantic dictionary and tree-bank corpus are the necessary parts of the backup. Today, a practically large-scale Information Extraction system with the ability of easy domain-transformation is the main targetof the research of IE. In this thesis, firstly, the development of a prototype of universal Information Extraction system is described. The main features of this system are: 1) using shallow parsing technology with sentence semantic template to extract the information in the text; 2) Easy modular-expansion or exchange;3) multi-thread programming mechanics are used to improve the processing speed; 4) Chinese language is its working language. Secondly, the research of how the IE system to improve the enterprise information utilizing are also discussed. Today, many large Chinese enterprises use MIS, MRP-II or ERP system to improve their business management. The knowledge management technology is a very important aid to help the development of the enterprise. IE system can become the main part of the knowledge management system. Last part of this thesis is about how to build a proper business model for a practical IE system. Because of the fast development of the Internet, the basic information management technology, such as search engine, has become the base of a business empire. Yahoo is the most famous one. Does the IE technology can? I put forward my opinion that the IE system is avery useful and important information management tool in business but it can not be served as a search engine for public information user on the Internet recently. It can only run behind the scene and be controlled by human experts to collect information from the Internet. The collected information must takea post-process before it can be provided to the end user.企业信息化背景下的信息提取系统信息提取系统从诞生到现在已经大约30多年了,最近10年得到特别重视,并且成为信息检索系统、数据库系统以及自然语言处理系统发展的热门领域。



毕业设计外文文献翻译专业交通运输姓名张有节同组成员赖思琪杨鹏指导老师刘习华Campus Network planning and Construction At present, China's rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, information resources construction, application software development, network management and security, the five key issues. The campus network is the infrastructure of importance of school, taking the school teaching, research, managing and outward communicate many roles of etc..The safe condition of the campus net affects the teaching activity of the school directly.Set up in the network of initial stage, the safe problem may still be not outstanding, but along with applied thorough, various data of the campus net would nasty play increment, the safe problem beginning of various each kind perplexes us.The Internet flies to develop soon, to the campus network the teachers and the students' life and studies have already produced the profound influence, the network have already not have no place in our life at. But at enjoy the convenience that high technology bring at the same time, we need to be awake of know, the safe problem of network also become the network application more and more increasingly and seriously huge bar, the situation that the campus network safety hazes already arrived and must unify the management and resolve thoroughly, only good resolve the safe problem of network, the application of the campus network then can be healthy, high speed of development. We should consider the comprehensive usage fire wall and encrypt several measures, such as technique and the anti-virus software...etc. completely, work in coordination, strengthening the management, looking for thebalance point of insure the network safety and the network efficiency from it, the safety of the comprehensive exaltation campus network, thus build up rise a set of real in keeping with safe system of the calculator network of the school.The time today's knowledge-based economy and information technology have the development and popularization of Internet in the world have decided the time the network will become the main tool for information. With the development of computer network technology, network has become an important platform for the exchange of information. Internet-based e-learning with time-sensitive, shared, interactive and many of the characteristics of the individual, so it has a traditional teaching model of unmatched advantages. It created a new teaching model, breaking the traditional teaching model at the time and space limitations, the use of advanced teaching methods and teaching methods, greatly improve the teaching efficiency and teaching effectiveness, teaching and learning activities to enable a new level. Do a good job in the design of the campus network, are among the schools, both internal and external communication between the key and convenient.21st century the size of the campus network and application level are reflected in schools and science teaching and learning environment an important component of the force, so we should make use of existing campus conditions, design a secure, unified campus network.Large Campus Network DesignBusinesses operating large campus networks are increasingly looking for infrastructure upgrades to:(1) Handle high bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast Improve backbone capacity for shared Ethernet or FDDI campus backbones(2) Support applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA(3) Offer high availability, performance, & manageability for your company's intranet.Use Layer 2, Layer 3, or ATM backbone solutions to expand your large campus network. In typical designs, the buildings or different parts of the campus connect together across a high performance, switched backbone. Network redundancy andhigh availability is provided at each layer. A high capacity, centralized server farm provides resources to the campus, and when combined with Cisco IOS, network management strategies support QoS, security, troubleshooting, and other common management features from end to end.Medium Campus Network Design A medium campus consists of one large building or several buildings. Networking for a medium campus is designed for high availability, performance, and manageability. This is also called a 'collapsed backbone' design for medium campus networks. Additional requirements of these designs typically include:(1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast(2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity(3)Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA Based on the Cisco A VVID architecture, these intelligent network platforms and products provide the basis for a complete network solution.Small campus networks DesignIn most cases, network redundancy is not the top priority, but cost effectiveness is. Additional requirements of these designs typically include:(1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast(2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity(3) Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA校园网的规划与构建目前,我国校园网事业飞速发展,至2003年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。



企业信息化建设外文翻译文献企业信息化建设外文翻译文献企业信息化建设外文翻译文献【】:with the rapid development of information technology, thedomestic,small and medium-sized enterprise informatization construction has entered a new stage ofdeve1opment, small and medium-sized enterprise informatization has become the small and medium enterprises out of its own advantage, improve competitive, advantage to enhance competition ability and development ability is an important choice. This paper analyzes the important role of informatization in small and medium-sized enterprises, summarizes the main problems in information system construction, and puts forwardthe countermeasures to solve the problem.A l ong w ith the information technique change rapid l y deve l opme n t, eco n omic g lo ba l iz a ti o n a nd th e knowle dg e e co n o m y r ap id de vel opmen t, mar ket c o m pe titi o n b e co m ing i nc r easi n gly fi e rc e, man y s m all a nd m e d i um en t e rp ri se s q u i cke n th e informatiza t io n co n s tr uc t ion, ente rp rise i nformat i zation leve l direc tl y affects the com p e t itiveness o f ente rp rises. Enter p rise info r mat i zation i s t o show the en t erpr i se i s in p r o d uct i on, ci r c u lation and service and o th er busi n ess ac ti vities, th e use o f mo d ern information techno1ogy, t hrough adva n ced com p uter n etwork t echno l ogy to i n teg r ate the ex i sting p ro du ctio n, management, design, man uf ac tu ri n g a nd other secto r s, ente rp r i ses r eal i ze the automa t io n o f the p roduct i on p rocess, management o f the network, intell i ge n ce of d ecision-making a nd bu siness ope r at i o n o f the elec tr onic, so as t o improve th e econo m ic ef f ic i ency of e n ter p rises and th e co m pet i t i veness ofente rp r i ses i n the p r ocess.1.1 contribute to the technical progress of the enterpriseInformation tech n o l ogy promotes the sma ll and medium-sized enterprise technology innovation. Be helpful for technical innovation in enterprises of interstitial diffusio n.1.2 contributes to improve the adaptability of enterprisesWith the h elp of info r mation t ech n ology and network, the en t erpr i se can time l y access to ma rk e t i n forma t ion, t o ex p and th e sco p e of the ma rk e t, be he lp ful for fac t o r o f p r oduct i on opt i mize con fi gu r at i on, ma k e th e ente rp rise adap t t o vary fr om m i n u te to min u te market e n vironme nt, enhance th e e n ter pri se ag ilit y.1.3 to help improve the management efficiency of enterprisesIn f orma t ion management autom a tion, i nte ll igent ca n redu c e the cos t of po li cy, imp r ove th e ef fi ciency o f d e ci sio n ma ki ng.2.1 misunderstandingsAlthough many medium and small enterprises have different levels to carry out the informatization construction,but most are not on what is enterprise informatization, how to carry out informatization to have a thorough understanding.Many managers think that informatization construction is the enterprise business process" original copy", use the computer instead of manual operation, the traditiona1 habits and standard on the system and using the process of evaluation, and accordingly put forward to modify an opinion.2.2 insufficient capital investmentEnterprise informatization is a n eed fo r lo n g-te r m deve l opme nt of investme nt p r ojec t, n o t on l y in the i ni t i a l stage w i1l cos t a lo t o f money t o buy ha rd ware and m a t chi n g software reso ur ce, in the la tt er par t of t he t ra i n i ng of person n el t ec hni cal f o ll ow-up sys t em up g r a d e a n d mai nt e n ance aspec t is t o i n ves t e n or m ous ca pi tal.2.3 composite talent shortageSmall and medium-sized enterprises have already know IT technology and understand the business processes and complex business management backbone little talent which to a large extent restricts the small and medium-sized enterprise informatization construction quality and speed.2.4 Management supporting backwardEnterprise information to promote information technology plays its role in management must with the advanced management means and methods to combine, melting into the modern management idea and method.2.5 Problems in the external environment1) Government support is not enough, the lack of scientific guidance. Governmentsupport for small and medium sized enterprise informatization construction is not enough, insufficient guidance, mainly reflected in the following two aspects: first, large enterprises is present at all levels of Government Informatization Transformation of special funds focus on the funding, and the informatization construction of small and medium sized enterprises lack of attention; the, government departments themselves in the process of information did not take the lead, such as lack of the information-based degree of the industrial and commercial bureau, tax bureau, making every month the company but also to the Inland Revenue Department ranked team for a long time to make statements and so on, which in a certain extent, affected the enthusiasm of the informatization construction of small and medium sized enterprises.2) The relevant laws and regulations are not perfect. At present our country in theinformation construction of enterprises is still not unified planning and standards, the corresponding laws and regulations are not perfect, the informatization construction of the regional industry basically in a state of fragmentation. For the network economic crimes, China is also lack of effective technical means and legal sanctions basis, so the first use of information technology companies to pay the price is relatively large. So many small and medium enterprises in the face of dazzling computer hardware and software market and numerous information systems development failures phenomenon, many confused, indecisive.3) Services Limited, the environment is poor. Compared with foreign countries, thedevelopment of China's software industry is lagging behind. On the market a lot of enterprise information solutions are provided by foreign large software companies, such as SAP, the United States, the United States, and so on.However, these programs are very expensive, small and medium enterprises can not afford to buy. Although there are a lot of Domestic Company for small and medium enterprises to provide the so-called tailored management software products, the price is not expensive, but the software can not meet the actual needs of small and medium enterprises, service has not kept up with. In addition, the small and medium enterprises in the construction of information technology has expertise in consulting company, the construction of information technology is not enough, leading to the project quality can not be guaranteed. Electronic payment, information security, social credit system and other aspects of the existing problems that the enterprise believes that now is not the best time to carry out information.3.1 Enterprise1) Correct understanding of informationThe rapid development in information technology today economic globalization pace accelerate, make enterprise information construction becomes the trend of the times to be a trend which cannot be halted. Information process, which is to integratethe various resources within the enterprise through the computer network technology, optimize the management process, and then improve the process of economic efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. Enterprise information is not equal to the simple computer, it is a complex process. Only business process reengineering, so that information technology into the enterprise's financial, sales, planning, production, procurement and other business processes, or else simply do not talk about what the enterprise information.2) Accelerate composite information talentsEnterprises should establish corresponding mechanism cultivate and maintain a technology to improve the team all staff and managers in the management of information technology knowledge and theory level. Talents are the most valuable resources for enterprises. In order to promote the development of information technology, small and medium enterprises must do a good job in both hands. On the one hand, enterprises must formulate human resource strategy, adopt various methods and means to recruit and introduce talents for enterprises, especially the advanced technology. On the other hand, enterprises should carry out more training activities within the enterprise, through technical exchanges and cooperation and other ways to cultivate a large number of professional knowledge, with practical ability of information technology personnel, improve the comprehensive ability of the enterprise to improve the normal operation of enterprise information.3) Take the key breakthrough of phased implementationEnterprise information is a step is not possible nor practical, should take steps to implement, key breakthrough system construction mode, can be divided into several different stages to implement it step by step. As small and medium-sized enterprises, by their own limitations, can input information construction funds will not too much.4) Plays by society and government supportOur country small and medium-sized enterprise information is still in its infancy, is inseparable from the government’s guidance and social S s m u o a r n t d.medium enterprise informationization is a revolution ,is a complex and arduous systemproject ,involving all aspects of the business small and medium-sized enterprise informatization level is directly related to the level of the whole national informatization level. Small and medium-sized enterprises want to survive and develop, infromatization construction to be imperative informatization construction of small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain the competitive advantage will become the inevitable choice.5) To make the overall planning of enterprise informationEnterprise information planning, also known as enterprise IT planning, it is the guidance of enterprise development strategy, diagnosis and analysis of enterprise management status, optimize the business process, and put forward the enterprise information system architecture, determine the logic relationship between each part of the information system. In the preparation of enterprise information construction, the research on the status quo and future development of enterprises should be made, including a series of complete planning including enterprise information network, technical route, the choice of software, implementation and consulting team, information realization steps and so on.3.2 government and social aspects1) To strengthen the policy support to the informatization construction of small andmedium sized enterprises.To give full play to the role of the national enterprise information work leading group and local business information work leading group, all levels of government information technology to reform the special funds also have a certain tilt, adhere to the policy of the government to promote, market guidance, business entities, industry breakthrough, regional expansion, and strengthen enterprise information engineering support, and provide more effective macro guidance, organization and policy support.2) To create a good legal environment. Governments at all levels should developinformation management regulations as soon as possible,Strengthen the management of information resources. In order to solve theproblem of security and electronic contract authentication of online transactions and settlement, online contract law should be introduced as soon as possible to enhance the security of online transactions. To strengthen the laws and regulations on the fight against Internet crimes and to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights. At the same time, we should further improve the information security monitoring system, establish an effective mechanism for information security and emergency handling mechanism, in the focus on the protection of basic network and important system security based on comprehensive information security protection.3) To strengthen the information guidance, play the role of the third party resourcesand platform.Small and medium enterprise information is still in the enlightenment, need to actively cooperate with the full range of positive guidance. Government to play the role of policy guidance to play the role of enterprise information, the media should play an active role in promoting and promoting the role of. At the same time, we should give full play to the role of the third party resources and platform. If the enterprise from the construction of network platform, run the server group, support a team to start, really need a high input. But in fact, they can outsource these operations, the business can only focus on the core business process. The use of third party platform to establish supply management system, often can achieve the goal of low cost, high efficiency, dynamic, very worthy of small and medium enterprises for reference.In recent years, the Chinese government has strengthened the guidance and promotion of the small and medium-sized enterprise information, and has achieved some results. But from the level of development of information technology and Chinese enterprises to participate in the global competition point of view, is still a long way to go. The government should continue to increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises, accelerate the construction of information infrastructure and public information resources, accelerate the construction of small and medium enterprise information service team, and actively carry out e-government, so as to mobilize and encourage theimplementation of information technology in small and medium enterprises.企业信息化建设外文翻译文献:随着信息技术的飞速发展,国内、中小企业信息化建设进入了新的发展阶段,中小企业信息化已成为中小企业自身优势,提高竞争优势,增强竞争力和发展能力是一个重要的选择。






关键词:烟草企业;信息化;MIS;ERP(空一行)正文……说明:①综述题目采用小二号黑体字居中排写,后空一行书写摘要及关键词;②摘要、关键词题头为五号黑体字,内容文字为五号楷体字,文中数字及英文采用Times New Roman字体,统一用单倍行距;③页眉设置:页眉内容统一为“苏云金芽胞杆菌课程考核文献综述”,采用宋体小五号斜体字居右排写;④正文书写及其它格式参照《华中农业大学毕业论文撰写规范》。

外文翻译范例烟草内山梨糖醇对硼吸收和转移的影响(空一行)□□原文来源:Bellaloui N,Brown P H.Manipulation of in vivo Sorbitol Production Alters Boron Uptake and Transport in Tobacco.Plant Physiol.1999,119(2):73-74(空一行)译文正文……说明:①译文题目采用小二号黑体字居中排写,后空一行书写“原文来源”,统一用单倍行距;②在题目与译文正文之间必须标明原文来源,原文来源编写参照《华中农业大学学士学位论文撰写规范(暂行)》中参考文献编写格式参照论文(设计)参考文献著录格式;③“原文来源”首行空两格书写,题头为五号黑体字,内容采用五号Times New Roman 字书写;④页眉设置:页眉内容统一为“苏云金芽胞杆菌课程考核外文翻译”,采用宋体小五号斜体字居右排写;⑤正文书写及其它格式参照《华中农业大学毕业论文撰写规范》;⑥外文翻译装订顺序为译文在前原文复印件在后,原文复印件应整洁。



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Corporate portal: a tool for knowledge managementsynchronizationAbstractAs the basis of value creation and success of organizations increasingly depends on the leverage of knowledge available internally, knowledge management systems(KMS)are emerging as vital tools for competitive advantage. Among these KMS, corporate portals present the potential of providing organizations with a rich and complex shared information workspace for the generation, exchange, and use of knowledge. But developing corporate portals and building the critical mass of users required to make them successful is not an easy task. In this paper, drawing upon theliterature review and an analysis of early adopters of corporate portals, we address the strength of this tool which consists mainly in synchronizing and supporting knowledge processes, put the emphasis on factors inhibiting its adoption by companies and finally propose some perspectives for a successful implementation.1.IntroductionThe widespread adoption of networks and information technology has vas tly increased our ability to store, transfer and generate knowledge, enabling a nd accelerating the emergence of an economic, organizational and technologic al landscape, that is knowledge-based(Schwartz, Eamonn,&Boyer,1999;Romano, Elia,&Passiante,2001).This perspective builds upon and extends the resource-ba sed view(RBV)of the firm initially promoted by Penrose(1959)and expanded b y others(Barney,1986;Chandler,1992;Prahalad&Hamel,1990;Teece,Pisano,&Shuen, 1997).The premise of the RBV is that organizations employ a mix of acquisit ion and configuration of resources to change how their business is accomplish ed. Knowledge is often the basis for the effective utilization of many importa nt resources. In this context, Information and Communication technologies ma y play an important role in effectuating the knowledge-based view of the fir m by enhancing the firm’s capability to manage the knowledge it possesses. This awareness is one of the main reasons for the exponential growth of kno wledge management systems(KMS).KMS are technologies that support knowle dge management in organizations, specifically, knowledge generation, codificati on, and transfer(Ruggles,1997).In fact, a 2000 survey conducted by KPMG sh ows that the use of KMS is common in organizations worldwide and has nu merous benefits(KPMG,2000).However, despite the potential benefits from KM S, the report also finds that companies were experiencing difficulties in effect ively using these technologies. To address this issue, this paper focuses on a particular type of KMS, which is corporate portal, that presents the potential of providing organizations with a rich and complex shared information works pace for the generation, exchange, and use of knowledge. Building upon a lar ge literature review, insights from eight case studies of early adopters and ourown experience in dealing with some aspects of the implementation phase of STMicroelectronics portal, we address the strengths of this tool which consist mainly in supporting knowledge development phases and focus on challenges and problems that organizations may face during its implementation.The paper is organized as follows: Section 1 presents a review on knowledge, knowledge management processes and systems. The following section focuses on a particular tool of KMS, that is the corporate portal; we present a comprehensive view of definitions and characteristics of this tool based on a comparative analysis of eight case studies in order to identify the potential role of corporate portal features in the various stages of the knowledge management processes. We then focus on the major barriers limiting its adoption and use by organizations. In the final section, building on the factors identified, we provide some perspectives for a successful implementation.2.Knowledge management processes and systemsBefore focusing on portals as KMS, its necessary to define knowledge and knowledge management processes.2.1.Knowledge definitionsMultiple definitions of knowledge have been proposed in the literature, and debates about this concept have been expressed from a variety of perspectives and positions. In fact, ever since the ancient Greek period ,the quest of philosophy has been to find what knowledge is. Early thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle were followed by Hobbes and Locke to name just a few of the more prominent western philosophers. It seems we have no choice but to return to the question that has kept philosophers occupied for thousands of years. However, we should not approach it from a philosophical perspective. As observed by Alavi and Leidner(2001),the knowledge-based theory of the firm was never built on a universal truth of what knowledge really is but on a pragmatic interest in being able to manage organisational knowledge. In recent years, we have witnessed a booming interest in knowledge also from other disciplines. Mainly two perspectives are dominant, an Information Technology view and a Strategic management view. While the IT viewmakes the distinction between data, information and knowledge, and considers the ambiguity existing between these three concepts, the strategic management perspective views knowledge as a state of mind, a capability or a process. In fact, data is mainly considered as raw numbers that once processed becomes information, and when put in specific context this information becomes knowledge(Vance,1997).Whereas, the perspective of knowledge as a state of mind posits that individuals expand their personal knowledge through the inputs received from their environment. Further, the view of knowledge as a capability to act suggests that it is not the specific actions of knowledge ‘‘per se’’, but the ability to interpret and use information and experience that influences decisions(Watson,1999). Finally knowledge as a process, focuses on applying expertise, i.e. simultaneously knowing and acting(Zack,1999).In this article, we emphasize the view of knowledge as a ‘‘capability to act effectively ’’.Knowledge is seen as a justified personal belief that increases an individual’s capacity to take effective action. Knowledge management in this view is best understood by considering knowledge management as the systemic and organizationally specified process of acquiring, organizing and communicating knowledge of employees so that other employees may make use of it to be more effective and productive in their work(Alavi&Leidner,1999).2.2.Knowledge processesWe can describe knowledge management life cycle as an iterative sequence of activities (Nissen, 2000).Building upon this notion, we outlined from knowledge management frameworks, key elements of several life cycle models.Several key points emerge from our review of the analyzed knowledge management frameworks:(1)There is no single or commonly accepted definition of what constitutes a knowledge management framework.(2)There are many concepts that are similar in the frameworks analyzed, but their ordering or structure varies.For example, while the majority of the frameworks refer to the first phase as knowledge creation, Davenport and Prusak use the term generate knowledge,whereas Van der Spek and Spijkervet title this analogous phase knowledge development. In general, the different frameworks proposed share considerable similarities. Most of the life cycles are articulated in four phases where the first one is a ‘‘create’’ phase. The second phase corresponds to the organization of knowledge. Phase three uses different term across the models, but they all address some mechanism for making knowledge formal. Finally, the fourth phase concerns the ability to share and use knowledge in the enterprise. Therefore, in this article, the knowledge development cycle is defined as the process of knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge distribution and knowledge application. A detailed definition of these processes will be presented when linking them with the different tools of the corporate portal that support them.3.Portals support for knowledge management processes3.1.Portal definitionsPortals enable e-business by providing a unified application access, information management and knowledge management both within enterprises, and between enterprises and their trading partners, channel partner and customers(Gartner Group,1998).From this definition, we can distinguish two types of corporate portals: extranet portals which provide depth content rather than breadth of content, offer special advantages for business-to-business, e-commerce because they can provide something closer to a solution; and enterprise intranet portals that support knowledge management and internal communications and they are emerging as home bases for employees. In this article, we will focus on the second type of portals. A portal can be viewed as away to access disseminated information within a company since information chunks can be stored in various systems using different formats. One of the major differences between a traditional web site and a portal resides in the fact that the portal is usually tailored according to the user s’ need. A portal is consequently, a single point of access to Internet resources, an integration platform focusing on unification oriented towards the business processes of the company. Therefore, portals synchronize knowledge and applications, creating a single view into the organization’s intellectual capital. Portals have seen anevolutionary approach, the first ones were search engines, that evolved by integrating a variety of services such as virtual communities, real time chat, i.e. the best example in this category is Yahoo; Today the term is used widely to describe many different types of products with different purposes. The terms Employees Portals, Enterprise Intranet Portals, Corporate Portals, Business-to- Employees Portals and Business-to-Employees Systems are sometimes used interchangeably as synonyms to refer to the category of portals, which aim at providing employees with in-time relevant information they need to perform their duties and make efficient business decisions.4.Perspectives for a successful implementationBased upon the earlier analysis, we can offer some perspectives in order to define, implement and execute effective corporate portals.mitment and support of the CEOMany authors suggest that leadership commitment is a key challenge for the success of any knowledge management initiative(Nonaka&Takeuchi,1995).If management spends a significant amount of resources on either purchasing or developing and implementing such technology, employees could interpret this as a sign of management’s support for this ideal, and act accordingly. However, as Martinsons(1991)acknowledges, if employees perceive that management is not very committed to implementing this new technology, then the initiative to promote a strong knowledge sharing culture is not likely to be successful.4.2.Motivation and commitment for adoption of these technologiesUnderstanding what motivates people to apply their expertise is key to avoiding the trap of building technology marvels that no one uses. Frequently, a critical mass of employees end up not using the applications because they are not convinced the applications will benefit them. Managers should not assume that they know what employees want. They must research the needs and latent dissatisfactions of their employees, much as they do those of their customers and then create a compelling offering that encourages employees to use the new online tools.4.3.Linking knowledge and business processesIt has become largely agreed that knowledge management activities should be integrated within day-to-day business processes to ensure continual process improvement and facilitate learning and the gradual development of ‘‘organizational memory’’. The portal should present an ideal environment to integrate the business process aspects with knowledge processes and actively supports the worker in using and adding to knowledge resources by establishing standards for information collection, processing, and presentation.rmation sharing cultureIt is the culture of the organization that supports or impedes knowledge creation and transference both internally and to its customers. Therefore, rather than just encouraging or mandating knowledge sharing, fostering the motivation to share knowledge must precede it.4.5.Learning from failuresCompanies must review their successes and failures, assess them systematically, and record the lessons in form that employees find accessible. Many companies like Microsoft, are following this process of identifying and transferring Internal Best practices. This process is referred as the “Santayana Review’’, citing the philosopher George Santayana, who coined the phrase, ‘‘those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’’(Garvin,1994).4.6.Immaterial incentivesIn line with Malhotra(2002),we consider that, design of incentives must consider that institutional controls as well as some monetary rewards and incentives are inadequate and do not necessarily ensure desired knowledge sharing behaviors. Instead they can be replaced by immaterial incentives and recognition. Companies should champion the new ethics and values that are at the heart of a knowledge-based enterprise. At the core of this new understanding lies a very simple ethic that Verna Allee calls the principle of fair e xchange: ‘‘Do people feel that they are being treated fairly for the intelligence, creativity innovation, experience and passion they bring to their work’’.5.ConclusionThis article, based on an analysis of eight case studies of early adopters of corporate portal, focused mainly on the benefits and challenges presented by this tool. Corporate portals seem to present the potential of providing organizations with a rich and complex shared information workspace for the generation, exchange, and use of knowledge. They synchronize knowledge and applications, creating a single view into the organization’s intellectual capital. But developing corporate portals and building the critical mass of users required to make them successful is not an easy task. Given the risk that corporate portals fail to deliver the expected benefits, an important task for knowledge management research is to contribute knowledge that will support researchers and practitioners in their efforts to successfully develop and implement corporate portals. This article contributes to this stream of research by studying potential barriers in portal’s implementation and suggesting some perspectives for a successful implementation.译文:企业门户网站:知识管理的同步工具摘要由于价值创造基础和组织成功越来越依赖内部可用的知识杠杆作用,知识管理系统(KMS)从而称为竞争优势的重要工具。



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企业全面信息化建设方案【中英文版】Task Title: Comprehensive Informationization Construction Scheme for EnterprisesTo enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises, comprehensive informationization construction has become an indispensable strategy.This paper proposes a comprehensive informationization construction scheme, integrating both English and Chinese, aiming to provide a practical roadmap for enterprises to achieve informationization.对于企业来说,全面信息化建设已经成为增强整体竞争力的必要手段。

本文将提出一个结合中英双语的全面信息化建设方案,旨在为enterprises 提供实现信息化的实际路线图。

The first step in the informationization process is to establish a clear strategic goal.Enterprises should define their core business processes and identify areas that require information technology support.This may include production, sales, finance, human resources, and other departments.企业信息化过程的第一个步骤是明确战略目标。














在2004年Selte and Widener出版的专业文章中提出,在管理控制中研究较少的内部控制有着很强的实用性。













信息技术管理的作用1. 支持业务需求:信息技术管理可以确保企业的信息技术能够满足业务需求,提供准确、可靠的服务。

2. 管理信息技术资产和资源:企业的信息技术资产和资源需要进行有效的规划、采购、部署和管理,以确保其正常运作和最大利用价值。

3. 保障信息安全:信息技术管理可以帮助企业建立完善的信息安全管理制度和控制措施,保护企业的敏感信息和业务数据。

4. 促进创新和变革:信息技术管理可以推动企业的创新和变革,通过引入新技术和工具,提高企业的竞争力和业务创造力。

企业信息技术管理的最佳实践和策略1. 设定明确的目标和策略:企业应该制定清晰的信息技术管理目标,并制定相应的策略和计划。

2. 建立有效的组织和流程:企业应该建立专门的信息技术管理团队,明确责任和权限,确保信息技术管理流程的顺畅运作。

3. 进行持续的评估和改进:企业应该进行定期的信息技术管理评估,识别问题和改进机会,并及时采取行动。

4. 加强合作与沟通:信息技术管理需要与其他部门和利益相关者进行紧密合作和沟通,共同推动信息技术管理的实施和改进。



















魏et al。


Karsak和Ozogul(2009)开发了一种新的决策框架,ERP软件选择基于质量功能展开(QFD)、模糊线性回归和0 - 1目标规划。



毕业设计(论文)译文及原稿译文题目:施工工艺与企业管理领域内的研究(CPEM)Research in the field of construction process and 原稿题目:enterprise managementVolume 4,No.2(Serial No.27),Journal ofCivil Engineering 原稿出处:and Architecture,ISSN 1934·7359,USA (Feb.2010)施工工艺与企业管理的研究(CPEM)Christy Pathrose Gome1.1CPEM的生命周期和研究方法在Prof.Dr.-lng.Gerhard Girmscheid的管理下,以生命cycle-oriented和社团的过程为研究和教学的中心,例如在建筑行业里的下面特定领域中:提供服务,管理和支持过程·为生命周期服务的业务和项目交付模式·支持流程风险模型,知识和创新管理·为信息化带动工业化过程模型提供服务的施工流程·区域内的概率决策模型–风险管理–建筑生产–维护及修理战略实施的研究集中在试图通过科学、概念的贡献cycle-oriented过程设计生活integarating计划、执行和加工利用的研究,促进性能和创新能力的建筑行业。








文献出处: T Vatuiu. The study of enterprise accounting information [J]. Annals of theUniversity of Petrosani, Economics, 2015, 5: 201-208.原文The study of enterprise accounting informatizationT VatuiuAbstractThe development of information technology is accompanied by the rise and popularization of computer and the emergence and development, the original computer is applied to the finance department handling accounting business, enterprise information since birth is the accounting information into the center, that is to say, the success of accounting informationization construction is directly related to the success of the enterprise informationization strategy. In the enterprise implementation of accounting information system is conducive to further standardize the operation of the enterprise funds, for the enterprise management decision makers to provide real and effective reference data, in a rapidly changing market competition to accurately grasp the market changes, better management combined with the actual enterprise decision-making, to achieve the optimal allocation of resources and benefits.Keywords: enterprise; Accounting informationization; ERP1 IntroductionWith the development of computer information technology and penetration in the social each domain, the information technology is more and more attention, so information technology is also naturally become the important driving force of economic development. At present, the world has become a global village, networking and globalization has become the main trend of world development, starting in the 1980 s, countries began to make the informatization development strategy adjustment and as an important support power, promote the development of national economy, also took to the formal information construction development road, national policies, the informationization construction as an important part for a period of time in the future of the country's development goals, and to promote and facilitate the process ofthe country's enterprise information construction, to lay a solid position in the market competition.Enterprise as the important pillar of national economy growth, closely related to the development and growth of the national economy informatization as the subsystem of the national informatization, is the surest way to achieve modernization of the enterprise, therefore, only to promote the enterprise information, to better promote the national economic information.2The concept and related theories of enterprise informatization2.1 The meaning of enterprise informationAccounting information is the wide application of information technology in the accounting work, the development of information resources, the use of information technology to promote enterprise to develop the economy and improve the economic benefit, and to provide comprehensive information services to various aspects of the process. The main content of the accounting information is to establish a system of accounting information and accounting information system is the main part of enterprise information system, the basic law of development is consistent with the enterprise information system. Accounting informationization is popular in recent years a noun, it is different from the accounting computerization, is to cater to the information society and the application of a new word, it has realized the accounting and the integration of information technology, is the enterprise management in the new period of main channel of information for policy makers, and effectively solve the accounting computerization existence island phenomenon is an important way, is conducive to standardize the procedures of accounting management and enhancing the market competitiveness of the enterprise. Accounting information is the key of enterprise informatization construction and most important, to the enterprise overall information-based construction and implementation plays an important role in success.2.2 ERP concepts and related theoriesERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) refers to an Enterprise Resource Planning system, it is GartnerGrouP companies in the United States in 1990.It will enterpriseplanning, management, marketing, finance, purchasing set at an organic whole, to the customer's needs and the activities of the enterprise goal to unify, to all the enterprise resources integration into a dynamic complete supply chain. The core of the ERP is the management of the enterprise is an organic whole, emphasized the ERP is an enterprise's lean management and lean production, realized the unity of advance planning and afterwards. Use of ERP software system to realize the coordination and control of each department, make the business process tends to rationalize, to better achieve department the input for the optimization of the reconstruction to lay the work, is the enterprise continuously self-assessment and important way to improve management.ERP has experienced four stages of development, its core is to realize the management thoughts of the entire supply chain comprehensive dynamic effective management and control. In particular, mainly includes three aspects of thought. One is reflect of the whole supply chain resources comprehensive management thoughts. Today is the era of win-win cooperation, enterprise competition is, in fact, to a certain extent has evolved into a competition between the supply chain and another supply chain problems, enterprises should not only know the optimal configuration of their resources, also need to coordinate the advantage of other resources, such as with suppliers, customers, and the relationship between the sales network and so on, thus to the all-round development of the enterprise into a dynamic system, and to effectively implement the management of the enterprise supply chain is a dynamic and control. Tt is to embody the lean production, concurrent engineering and virtual manufacturing management thinking. The core of the ERP system shown above all is lean production. Is all supply chain partners into the overall production process, to establish the enterprise and the interests of customers, suppliers and other partners sharing mechanism, form an integral part of the supply chain. Followed by agile manufacturing, when there is new on the market opportunities and business partners can't meet, can rapidly form a virtual factory, thus realize products in the limited time and resources optimization configuration, enterprise in market activity, high quality and diverse and flexible. Then, it is reflected in advance plan to control the overallmanagement of thoughts later. ERP enterprise production planning, logistics demand plan, sales plan, budget and human resources plan integrated into a whole system, and successfully realized the centralization and unification of various plans for formal management. In addition, the ERP system of the transaction to the relevant accounting synchronous records, ensure the cash flow and logistics of synchronization and consistent, can understand the ins and outs of money thus to control and management in a timely manner.3Enterprise informatization development present situationFrom the perspective of the development of accounting information system, the early of the accounting information system is mainly the financial and reporting software, solve and manage the daily accounting and report processing, the financial department are introduced corresponding accounts receivable and payroll data system. But the period of the establishment of the accounting information system often do not pay attention to economic benefits, in the process of actual operation on data processing is also a lack of control, as a result, the user for the accounting information system is still in the stage stay at a respectful distance from sais the further development of the computer in the world and popular, wins initial success in accounting information system in the financial sector, then gradually developed, and the accounting information system in other department managers also begin to pay close attention to the information system of investment benefit, at this point, an enlarged the scope of information system, in addition to the accounting information system, also including the personnel information system, marketing information system and logistics information system, after that, the accounting information system to the widespread popularity and spread of development stage, the stage by the managers convene the different functions of the overall planning, and set up a special information management center of internal control activities, to start the project management system, since then, the accounting information system on the right track.3.1 Accounting network systematization degree is lowAccounting information is the premise of accounting network, according to relevant data shows: enterprise all serious resource waste. This is mainly because thenetwork degree applied in enterprise accounting system is too low. Enterprise data submitted too many mistakes. This is mainly because the typing errors in the process of data transmission, computer fault, and other factors. Enterprise cannot very good coordination between different departments. Only in the financial sector, mainly because the accounting software applications cannot be good coordination with other departments.3.2 Insufficient understanding of ERP systemFirst, many enterprise ERP system is regarded as the common office software, rather than use it as an integral part of the management system to run, the myth has led to many enterprises will be the construction of the ERP investment focus in ERP software system, and neglect to personnel training and the adjustment of the system process. Second, insufficient understanding of ERP's return on investment. Many small and medium-sized enterprise knowledge of ERP system there is a big deviation, either the ERP system is considered to be the panacea to solve the problem of enterprise all, don't think it's not much value to the enterprise, can objectively evaluate the value of the ERP system makes the ERP investment return expectations appeared larger gap. Third, the lack of understanding of the function of ERP system, think that ERP system is the simple use of inventory, logistics and financial system, not the whole development of the enterprise management planning together, through the system dynamic adjustment to realize the unification of the whole enterprise management.3.3 The accounting business process is not standardEnterprise accounting information system from accounting subject classification, the accounting information collection, selection, summary, but the current implementation, accounting information system provides information far cannot satisfy the needs of corporate decision makers, so that the accounting activities became independent departments in operation, the data generated by the natural and the business sector has been out of line. Enterprise after the implementation of accounting information system, simply by using the computer instead of manual accounting, and failed to change from the whole enterprise accounting businessprocess, did not realize the fundamental process reengineering. And in practice, enterprise capital is seriously lagging behind the logistics information, thus causes the enterprise business process can't satisfy the need of real-time control in time, nature of accounting information and enterprise management state of point-to-point statistics, provide to the enterprise information management and the policy makers also loses the relative authenticity, the reliability of the information quality decline.4 ConclusionAccounting informationization is the enterprise informatization of the central nervous, many enterprises in the construction of informatization, often based on accounting information into a breakthrough, the accounting information is the core of enterprise informatization enterprise accounting information is an ongoing process, the goal is to set up the enterprise decision support system, decision-making for real-time, accurate and complete the production and transmission of information, realize the optimal allocation of resources, the rational flow of value; Help enterprises to quickly make the right decisions, in the harsh competition environment to survive and continue to grow stronger. Companies must also be on the outer and inner risk of the enterprise effective management and control, only through the implementation of the strategy analysis in the process of small and medium-sized enterprise accounting information system analysis, and can effectively deal with accounting information, accounting information system, internal control and external risk management, and to better promote the small and medium-sized enterprise accounting information system to realize healthy and sustainable development.译文企业会计信息化问题研究T Vatuiu摘要信息化的发展是伴随着计算机的兴起和普及而出现和发展的,最初计算机是应用于财务部门处理会计业务的,企业信息化从诞生开始就是以会计信息化为中心的,也就是说会计信息化建设的成功与否直接关系到企业信息化战略的成功。



外文原文:The Influences of Enterprise Informationization onEnterprise Competitive StrategiesAbstract Enterprise informationization is to attain the production process automation,network managemen,t intelligent decision support and business electronic commerce etc Enterprise lnformationization strategies are very important enterprise functional strategies which are throughout the entire competitive strategies process.The influences of enterprise informationization on enterprise competitive strategies can be showed in six aspects that the enterprise informationized competitive strategies are promoted to be an innovation mode of strategic thinking in enterprises,aimat establishing new enterprise competitive advantages and core competencies,make target with enterprise value chain,are based on strategic information system,take strategy revolution as the essenceand have a long ‘ term information technology integration process.Key words Enterprise,Informationization,Competitive Strategies1 IntroductionIn many industries not widely considered information businesses,information actually represents a large percentage of the cost structure.More fundamentally, information is the glue that holds together the structure of all businesses.The changing economics of information threaten to undermine established value chains in many sectors of the economy,requiring virtually every company to rethink its strategy——not incrementally,but fundamentally.That is the issue of Enterprise Informationization and Strategies.2 The Enterprise informationizationEnterprise Informationization refers to such a systematic process.People scientifically use modem information technology,take full use of the information resources,and constantly improve the efficiency and quality of production,operation,man ageme nt and decisi on—making in order to improve the en terprises 6cono mic efficie ncy and competitive power.To a modem manufacturing enterprise Enterprise informationization is to attain the product ion process automation n etwork man ageme nt in tellige nt decisi on support and bus in ess electro nic commerce etc. Therefore, the en terprise in formatio nizati On contains four aspectsThey can be n amed as the in formatio nizatio n of producti on admi nistrative level the informationization of management executive level, the informationization of strategic decisi on-mak ing level and the in formatio nizatio n of bus in ess collaborati on level.The in formati oni zati on of bus in ess collaborati on level is based on en terprise— level collaborati on with extemal con tacts, in cludi ng bus in ess tran sact ions in upstream and dow nstream en terprises and the excha nge of in formatio n betwee n the gover nment and enterprises . Obviously , it belongs to the external enterprise informationization . On the other hand, the above three aspects of enterprise informationization are based on enterprise-internal-leve;they are the formation of in ternal en terprise in formatio nizatio n.The first internal enterprise informationization is the informationization of product ion adm ini strative level. It in cludes the processesof desig n, research and developme nt in using modem in formatio n tech no logy in en terprises They are known as Computer Aided Design〔Computer Aided Manufacturing l Computer Aided Process Pla nnin g(CAD/CAM/CAPP) ;as production in formation such as Numerical Control Machine(NCM) , Flexible Manufacturing System(FMS); and as monitoring operations infonnation such as Computer Aided Test/Computer AidedInspection|Computer Aided Qualit), Control(CAT/CAI/CAQC).The second one is the informationization of managementexecutive level. It is always desig ned accordi ng to the en terprise' s man ageme nt process and n amedManagement Information System(MXS). In past recent years the informationization of man ageme nt executive level hasbee n developed to some high degree of com mon en terprise in tegrati on man ageme nt software, such as Manufacturing Resource Planning(MRPII) , Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP), Office Automation System(OAS), and Workflow Management System(WFS), etc.The third is the informationization of strategic decision—making level. It includes Decision—making Support System(DSS) Competitive Information System (CIS), Strategic Information Systems(SIS), Manager or Supervisor Information System(MIS), and the Expert System(ES) etc.DSS/CIS/SIS/MIS are hot top!cs in the community. The informationization of bus in ess collaborati on level in cludes Electro nic Data In terface(EDI) , Electro nic Commerce(EC)and Supply Chain Management(SCM) etc.Late of 1990s, the rapid development and application of network made the structure above-me nti oned of en terprise in formati on tech no logy relatively ambiguous Cross-functional systems began coverage and information management turned from closing into sharing. It is no doubted that the network has become a trend. The impleme ntati on of n etwork man ageme nt becomes a huge productivity and improves efficiency in enterprise. Meanwhile , the wide and in —depth application of in formati on tech no logy leads bus in ess man ageme nt thi nking towards the fiat directi on. Con versely, this cha nge in man ageme nt thi nking promotes in tegrated en terprise in formatio n strategy shift in the directi on toward multidime nsion al.3 The Relationship Between Enterprise Informationization and Enterprise Competitive strategies3.1 Enterprise informationization strategies are important enterprise functional strategiesSince 1980 it is just because that in formati on tech no logy became part of the core tech no logy in en terprises of developed coun tries in formati on resource man ageme nt extensively invoIved in strategic management levej strategic information has become the obiect of study by some academics The late 1 980s, informationstrategies2accessed to enterprise' s practice areas as functional strategies like financial strategies human resources strategies and marketing strategiesand equally became importa nt strategic functions of en terprisesThe information strategies are not only the duty and goal which the enterprise information function must achieve, but also the methods objectives, strategies and the skies to achieve these task s The information strategies in clude in formatio n tech no logy strategies in formatio n resources strategies e-commerce strategies and information organization strategies etc. In order to meet en terprise s n eeds and achieve the en terpris® strategic bus in ess objectivesthe goals and direct ion of the en terprise in formati on system developme nt must be set by the senior leadership of en terprises the expels of in formatio n tech no logy,a nd the represe ntatives of the in formatio n system users accord ing to the dema nds coming from the enterprise' s overall information system strategies That is the basis of building Enterprise Information System in a long period of time.3.2 Enterprise informationization strategies exist throughout the entire management process of the Enterprise Competitive StrategiesTo face the global competition, lower consumer loyalty,and the pressures of bus in ess in formatio nizatio n , Chi na' s en terprises have to take the pla n to use in formatio n tech no logy to promote in dustrializatio n so as to avoid tak ing aga in the old road which the developed countries enterprises had done It is said to walk on two legs to balanee one s walking. However,the strategic application of information tech no logy has a high degree of risk, its effects are highly un certa in. It n eeds to be man aged to a broad strategic in formatio n inv estmenta nd through the impleme ntati on of various reforms to release the pote ntial strategic value of in formatio n tech no logy In the Information Economy Age, the enterprise informationization strategies provide a new competitive strategy opti on in the market with the pote ntial to create competitive advantages Approved a new competitive strategy into reality , the new strategy will play a majorpower to help the enterprises to obtain competitive advantagesin the globalization and information age. The formulation and implementation of enterprise competitive strategies closely in tegrated with in formatio n tech no logy strategies can achieve competitive adva ntages and make brillia nt achieveme nts4 The Influences of Enterprise Inforrnationization on Enterprise Competitive StrategiesInformation resource is the core strengths of enterprise competitive advantages Re—allocation, development and utilization of Information resource can in crease corporate performa nee. The competitive adva ntage is the exter nal performanee of an enterprise' s information superiority. On the other hand, in formatio n superiority is the in ternal existe nee in the form of competitive adva ntage of an enterprise. The process of Enterprise Informationization urges enterprises to take full adva ntage of the strategic in formatio n tech no logy and strategic inno vati on of the new mode of thinking, so as to work out a new strategy and identify it to support the en terprise' s in formati on tech no logy developme nt goals, models, stage and strategies By building the enterprise's strategic information systems we can reshape the enterprise s competitive advantages and core competenciesThe strategic in flue nces of En terprise In formatio nizatio n on the En terprise Competitive Strategies lie in the following six areas4.1 The enterprise informationized competitive strategies are promoted to be an innovation mode of strategic thinking in enterprisesThe Enterprise Informationization is an important factor leading to the current cha nges in en terprises Its strategic in flue nces to en terprises CaB be expressed by the McKin sey 7S Frameworks(structure strategy, system, skills , style, staff and com mon values). It is an important external trigger of strategic changes Gradually, it is changed to be all internal factor of strategic changes in the management through bus in ess inv estme nt and man ageme nt of in formatio n tech no logyIn the internet economy time, enterprises need to seek new opportunities brought about by tech no logical adva nces and use in formati on tech no logy to achieve the4inno vati on goals of their competitive strategies.For the application of Enterprise Informationization , enterprises should use the in ductive method in stead of the deductive method Man agers put the questio n which should be' ‘ how can we use tech no logy,which was not done in the past so that we can do?” in stead of '' How can we use these new tech no logies to enhance the pote ntial renovation or improvement of our existing work?”。

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企业信息化建设外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Analysis on the informatization construction of small and medium-sized enterprisesWorsley Susan【Abstract】:with the rapid development of information technology, the domestic,small and medium-sized enterprise informatization construction has entered a new stage ofdeve1opment, small and medium-sized enterprise informatization has become the small and medium enterprises out of its own advantage, improve competitive,advantage to enhance competition ability and development ability is an important choice. This paper analyzes the important role of informatization in small and medium-sized enterprises, summarizes the main problems in information system construction, and puts forwardthe countermeasures to solve the problem.IntroductionA l ong w ith the information technique change rapid l y deve l opme n t, eco n omic g lo ba l iz a ti o n a nd th e knowle dg e e co n o m y r ap id de vel opmen t,mar ket c o m pe titi o n b e co m ing i nc r easi n gly fi e rc e, man y s m all a nd m e d i um en t e rp ri se s q u i cke n th e informatiza t io n co n s tr uc t ion, ente rp rise i nformat i zation leve l direc tl y affects the com p e t itiveness o f ente rp rises. Enter p rise info r mat i zation i s t o show the en t erpr i se i s in p r o d uct i on, ci r c u lation and service and o th er busi n ess ac ti vities,th e use o f mo d ern information techno1ogy, t hrough adva n ced com p uter n etwork t echno l ogy to i n teg r ate the ex i sting p ro du ctio n, management, design,man uf ac tu ri n g a nd other secto r s, ente rp r i ses r eal i ze the automa t io n o f the p roduct i on p rocess, management o f the network, intell i ge n ce of d ecision-making a nd bu siness ope r at i o n o f the elec tr onic, so as t o improve th e econo m ic ef f ic i ency of e n ter p rises and th e co m pet i t i veness ofente rp r i ses i n the p r ocess.1.Strengthening the informatization construction of small and medium-sizedenterprises the important role1.1contribute to the technical progress of the enterpriseInformation tech n o l ogy promotes the sma ll and medium-sized enterprise technology innovation. Be helpful for technical innovation in enterprises of interstitial diffusio n.1.2contributes to improve the adaptability of enterprisesWith the h elp of info r mation t ech n ology and network, the en t erpr i se can time l y access to ma rk e t i n forma t ion, t o ex p and th e sco p e of the ma rk e t, be he lp ful for fac t o r o f p r oduct i on opt i mize con fi gu r at i on, ma k e th e ente rp rise adap t t o vary fr om m i n u te to min u te market e n vironme nt, enhance th e e n ter pri se ag ilit y.1.3to help improve the management efficiency of enterprisesIn f orma t ion management autom a tion, i nte ll igent ca n redu c e the cos t of po li cy, imp r ove th e ef fi ciency o f d e ci sio n ma ki ng.2.the current small and medium-sized enterprise informatization to build theproblem of existence2.1misunderstandingsAlthough many medium and small enterprises have different levels to carry out the informatization construction,but most are not on what is enterprise informatization, how to carry out informatization to have a thorough understanding.Many managers think that informatization construction is the enterprise business process" original copy", use the computer instead of manual operation, the traditiona1 habits and standard on the system and using the process of evaluation, and accordingly put forward to modify an opinion.2.2insufficient capital investmentEnterprise informatization is a n eed fo r lo n g-te r m deve l opme nt of investme nt p r ojec t, n o t on l y in the i ni t i a l stage w i1l cos t a lo t o f money t o buy ha rd ware and m a t chi n g software reso ur ce, in the la tt er par t of t he t ra i n i ng of person n el t ec hni cal f o ll ow-up sys t em up g r a d e a n d mai nt e n ance aspec t is t o i n ves t e n or m ous ca pi tal.2.3composite talent shortageSmall and medium-sized enterprises have already know IT technology and understand the business processes and complex business management backbone little talent which to a large extent restricts the small and medium-sized enterprise informatization construction quality and speed.2.4Management supporting backwardEnterprise information to promote information technology plays its role in management must with the advanced management means and methods to combine, melting into the modern management idea and method.2.5Problems in the external environment1)Government support is not enough, the lack of scientific guidance. Governmentsupport for small and medium sized enterprise informatization construction is not enough, insufficient guidance, mainly reflected in the following two aspects: first, large enterprises is present at all levels of Government Informatization Transformation of special funds focus on the funding, and the informatization construction of small and medium sized enterprises lack of attention; the, government departments themselves in the process of information did not take the lead, such as lack of the information-based degree of the industrial and commercial bureau, tax bureau, making every month the company but also to the Inland Revenue Department ranked team for a long time to make statements and so on, which in a certain extent, affected the enthusiasm of the informatization construction of small and medium sized enterprises.2)The relevant laws and regulations are not perfect. At present our country in theinformation construction of enterprises is still not unified planning and standards, the corresponding laws and regulations are not perfect, the informatization construction of the regional industry basically in a state of fragmentation. For the network economic crimes, China is also lack of effective technical means and legal sanctions basis, so the first use of information technology companies to pay the price is relatively large. So many small and medium enterprises in the face of dazzling computer hardware and software market and numerous information systems development failures phenomenon, many confused, indecisive.3)Services Limited, the environment is poor. Compared with foreign countries, thedevelopment of China's software industry is lagging behind. On the market a lot of enterprise information solutions are provided by foreign large software companies, such as SAP, the United States, the United States, and so on.However, these programs are very expensive, small and medium enterprises can not afford to buy. Although there are a lot of Domestic Company for small and medium enterprises to provide the so-called tailored management software products, the price is not expensive, but the software can not meet the actual needs of small and medium enterprises, service has not kept up with. In addition, the small and medium enterprises in the construction of information technology has expertise in consulting company, the construction of information technology is not enough, leading to the project quality can not be guaranteed. Electronic payment, information security, social credit system and other aspects of the existing problems that the enterprise believes that now is not the best time to carry out information.3.Accelerating the information construction of small and medium-sizedenterprises measures3.1Enterprise1)Correct understanding of informationThe rapid development in information technology today economic globalization pace accelerate, make enterprise information construction becomes the trend of the times to be a trend which cannot be rmation process, which is to integratethe various resources within the enterprise through the computer network technology, optimize the management process, and then improve the process of economic efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. Enterprise information is not equal to the simple computer, it is a complex process. Only business process reengineering, so that information technology into the enterprise's financial, sales, planning, production, procurement and other business processes, or else simply do not talk about what the enterprise information.2)Accelerate composite information talentsEnterprises should establish corresponding mechanism cultivate and maintain a technology to improve the team all staff and managers in the management of information technology knowledge and theory level.Talents are the most valuable resources for enterprises. In order to promote the development of information technology, small and medium enterprises must do a good job in both hands. On the one hand, enterprises must formulate human resource strategy, adopt various methods and means to recruit and introduce talents for enterprises, especially the advanced technology. On the other hand, enterprises should carry out more training activities within the enterprise, through technical exchanges and cooperation and other ways to cultivate a large number of professional knowledge, with practical ability of information technology personnel, improve the comprehensive ability of the enterprise to improve the normal operation of enterprise information.3)Take the key breakthrough of phased implementationEnterprise information is a step is not possible nor practical, should take steps to implement, key breakthrough system construction mode, can be divided into several different stages to implement it step by step. As small and medium-sized enterprises, by their own limitations, can input information construction funds will not too much.4)Plays by society and government supportOur country small and medium-sized enterprise information is still in its infancy, is inseparable from the government’s guidance and social support.Small and medium enterprise informationization is a revolution ,is a complex and arduous systemproject ,involving all aspects of the business small and medium-sized enterprise informatization level is directly related to the level of the whole national informatization level. Small and medium-sized enterprises want to survive and develop, infromatization construction to be imperative informatization construction of small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain the competitive advantage will become the inevitable choice.5)To make the overall planning of enterprise informationEnterprise information planning, also known as enterprise IT planning, it is the guidance of enterprise development strategy, diagnosis and analysis of enterprise management status, optimize the business process, and put forward the enterprise information system architecture, determine the logic relationship between each part of the information system. In the preparation of enterprise information construction, the research on the status quo and future development of enterprises should be made, including a series of complete planning including enterprise information network, technical route, the choice of software, implementation and consulting team, information realization steps and so on.3.2government and social aspects1)To strengthen the policy support to the informatization construction of small andmedium sized enterprises.To give full play to the role of the national enterprise information work leading group and local business information work leading group, all levels of government information technology to reform the special funds also have a certain tilt, adhere to the policy of the government to promote, market guidance, business entities, industry breakthrough, regional expansion, and strengthen enterprise information engineering support, and provide more effective macro guidance, organization and policy support.2)To create a good legal environment. Governments at all levels should developinformation management regulations as soon as possible,Strengthen the management of information resources. In order to solve theproblem of security and electronic contract authentication of online transactions and settlement, online contract law should be introduced as soon as possible to enhance the security of online transactions. To strengthen the laws and regulations on the fight against Internet crimes and to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights. At the same time, we should further improve the information security monitoring system, establish an effective mechanism for information security and emergency handling mechanism, in the focus on the protection of basic network and important system security based on comprehensive information security protection.3)To strengthen the information guidance, play the role of the third party resourcesand platform.Small and medium enterprise information is still in the enlightenment, need to actively cooperate with the full range of positive guidance. Government to play the role of policy guidance to play the role of enterprise information, the media should play an active role in promoting and promoting the role of. At the same time, we should give full play to the role of the third party resources and platform. If the enterprise from the construction of network platform, run the server group, support a team to start, really need a high input. But in fact, they can outsource these operations, the business can only focus on the core business process. The use of third party platform to establish supply management system, often can achieve the goal of low cost, high efficiency, dynamic, very worthy of small and medium enterprises for reference.4.ConclusionIn recent years, the Chinese government has strengthened the guidance andpromotion of the small and medium-sized enterprise information, and hasachieved some results. But from the level of development of informationtechnology and Chinese enterprises to participate in the global competition point of view, is still a long way to go. The government should continue to increasesupport for small and medium-sized enterprises, accelerate the construction of information infrastructure and public information resources, accelerate theconstruction of small and medium enterprise information service team, andactively carry out e-government, so as to mobilize and encourage theimplementation of information technology in small and medium enterprises.译文:中小企业信息化建设分析沃斯利-苏珊【摘要】:随着信息技术的飞速发展,国内、中小企业信息化建设进入了新的发展阶段,中小企业信息化已成为中小企业自身优势,提高竞争优势,增强竞争力和发展能力是一个重要的选择。
