

特惠住院医疗保 险金
被保险人因意外伤害或疾病经医院诊断必须住院治疗,对其住院期间 发生的下列合理且必需的医疗费用,本公司在扣除约定的免赔额后, 按约定的比例给付特惠住院医疗保险金,但各项医疗费用累计给付不 得超过该被保险人的特惠住院医疗保险金保险金额。如果个别项目单 独设定了给付限制,该项目的给付亦应服从此限制。
手术费用 被保险人在住院期间进行手术治疗时,本公司承担与手术治疗相关的 医疗费用,如手术费、麻醉费、手术设备和器械使用费以及卫生材料 费用等。
急救车费用 如被保险人遭受意外伤害或突发急性病,本公司承担医院或专业的急 救机构用急救车将被保险人从事故发生地点转送到医院或在医院之 间进行转送的费用,包括急救车费以及在急救车上发生的用于抢救的 医疗费用。
中医治疗 本公司承担被保险人住院期间由专业医生提供的针灸、正骨、推拿、 脊柱指压等费用。
1.2.3 境内紧急救援
责任延续 如被保险人住院接受治疗,在保险期间结束时仍未出院,本公司按 以上规定承担本次住院自保险期间结束之日起 30 天内的住院医疗费 用。
保险期间内,被保险人在中国境内旅行期间(以下简称旅行期间)遭 受意外伤害或突发急性病,需要紧急救援时,本公司通过授权的救援 机构(以下简称救援机构)承担以下责任及其费用: 未经救援机构事先同意,被保险人及其家属或旅伴不得向第三方就本 项责任的费用支付作出任何承诺; 如救援机构同意并代替被保险人先行垫付了不属于本合同责任范围 内的任何费用,被保险人应在救援机构提出偿还要求之日起 30 日内 偿还代付款。
住院前后的门急诊费用 如被保险人住院接受治疗,本公司承担被保险人在住院前后一段时间 内发生的、与本次住院治疗有直接关系的门急诊费用。住院前门急诊 费用限 30 天以内(如因意外伤害事故住院,其住院前门急诊费用亦 应服从“意外事故门急诊费用”限制),住院后门急诊费用限 60 天以 内。


中国人民健康保险股份有限公司城乡居民大病团体医疗保险(A型)条款第一部分 基本条款第一条 保险合同构成城乡居民大病团体医疗保险(A型)合同(以下简称“本合同”)由保险单及所附条款、批注、附贴批单、投保单、大病保险协议,以及与本合同有关的投保文件、声明和其他书面文件共同构成。
第二条 投保范围城镇居民基本医疗保险、新型农村合作医疗或城乡居民基本医疗保险(以下简称“基本医保”)的参保(合)人作为被保险人,由当地政府指定的部门作为投保人向中国人民健康保险股份有限公司(以下简称“本公司”)投保本保险。
第三条 保险合同成立、生效和保险责任开始投保人提出投保申请、本公司同意承保,本合同成立。
第四条 保险期间本合同的保险期间为一年,可根据大病保险协议约定的合作期限办理续保。
第五条 保险责任在本合同保险期间内,被保险人在当地基本医保定点医疗机构诊疗或者经当地基本医保主管部门批准后转至其他有资质的医疗机构诊疗,本公司对其实际发生并支出的、符合当地基本医保规定的或本公司与当地基本医保主管部门协商后认可的合规医疗费用,可依下列约定承担保险责任:一、住院医疗保险责任对被保险人在本合同保险期间内实际发生并支出的合规住院医疗费用中经当地基本医保支付或补偿后的剩余部分,本公司扣除住院起付金额后,按本合同约定的住院给付比例给付保险金,但对每一被保险人给付的保险金以本合同约定的该被保险人的住院医疗保险金额为限,一次或累计给付的保险金达到该被保险人的住院医疗保险金额时,本合同对该被保险人的住院保险责任终止。

人保寿险终身重疾保障团体疾病保险条款目录条款是保险合同的重要内容,为充分保障投保人的权益,请投保人仔细阅读本条款1. 关于本合同 6.投保人需要关注的其他事项1.1 合同构成 6.1 如实告知1.2 投保范围 6.2 被保险人变动1.3 合同生效 6.3 年龄错误6.4 地址变更2. 本合同提供的保障 6.5 失踪处理2.1 基本保险金额 6.6 争议处理2.2 保险期间 6.7 管辖法院和适用法律2.3 保险责任2.4 责任免除 7.本合同中的重要术语7.1周岁3.如何交纳保险费 7.2 团体3.1 保险费的交纳 7.3 意外伤害7.4 重大疾病4. 投保人权利7.5 无合法有效驾驶证驾驶4.1 犹豫期7.6 艾滋病4.2 合同内容的变更 7.7 艾滋病病毒4.3 权益转让 7.8 现金价值4.4 宽限期 7.9 手续费4.5 合同效力的中止和复效 7.10 酗酒4.6 合同解除 7.11 潜水7.12 空中运动5.如何申请领取保险金7.13 攀岩5.1 受益人 7.14 探险5.2 保险事故通知 7.15 武术5.3 保险金申请 7.16 特技表演5.4 保险金的给付 7.17 利息5.5 保险金申请时效 7.18 不可抗力7.19 本公司认可的医院人保寿险终身重疾保障团体疾病保险条款在本条款中,“本公司”指中国人保寿险有限公司。
1 关于本合同1.1 合同构成 人保寿险终身重疾保障团体疾病保险合同(以下简称“本合同”)由保险条款、保险单或其他保险凭证、所附的投保单及相关文件、有关的声明、批注单及其他约定书构成。
1.2 投保范围 凡十六周岁(见7.1)以上(含十六周岁)六十五周岁以下(含六十五周岁),身体健康能够正常工作的团体(见7.2)在职人员,或其他本公司认可的成员,可作为被保险人参加本保险。

中国人民健康保险股份有限公司医诊无忧日常看护个人护理保险(A款)条款1 被保险人范围1.1 被保险人范围凡投保时年满18周岁至60周岁,身体健康,已参加投保所在地城镇职工基本医疗保险的个人均可作为被保险人参加本保险。
2 保险责任及责任免除2.1 保障档次本保险的保障分为三档(见附表)。
2.2 保险责任本合同的保险期间为5年。
2.3 责任免除因下列任一情况引起的保险事故,本公司不承担给付保险金的责任:1) 投保人、被保险人或受益人的故意行为;2) 犯罪、拒捕、自杀、自伤、斗殴、醉酒,以及吸食、服用或注射毒品、国家管制的精神药品或者麻醉药品;3) 战争、军事行动、内乱或武装叛乱及核爆炸、核辐射或核污染。
3 合同效力3.1 合同生效 本合同于本公司同意承保并签发保险单时成立。
3.2 犹豫期 自投保人签收保险单之日起有10天的犹豫期。
3.3 合同解除 保险期间内,如被保险人未发生本合同以及附加险合同责任范围内的保险事故,投保人可以书面申请解除本合同。

中国人民健康保险股份有限公司短期医疗保险基本条款1 短期医疗保险的保障1.1 医疗保险的保障范围 当被保险人因疾病或意外伤害导致医学上合理且必须的治疗时,医疗保险将对因此而引起的费用损失提供相应的保障。
1.2 医疗保险的等待期 从保险合同生效之日起,保险人将对一段时间内发生的保险事故不承担给付保险金的责任,这段时间称为等待期。
1.3 医疗保险的给付原则 根据医疗保险金的给付方式,医疗保险分为费用型医疗保险和定额型医疗保险。
2 合同效力2.1 合同生效 本合同于本公司同意承保并签发保险单时成立。
2.2 犹豫期 自投保人签收保险单之日起有10天的犹豫期。
2.3 保险期间 本合同的有效期间以保险单中载明的期间为准。
2.4 合同解除 保险期间内,如果被保险人未发生本合同责任范围内的保险事故,投保人可以书面申请解除本合同。

中国人民健康保险股份有限公司守护专家住院费用团体医疗保险责任条款(本责任条款与短期医疗保险基本条款共同构成保险合同的保险条款部分)保险责任及责任免除11.1 住院医疗费用限额由投保人与本公司共同约定被保险人的住院医疗费用限额,并在保险单中载明。
1.2 保险责任本合同保险期间为一年。
1.3 责任免除因下列任一情况引起的保险事故,本公司不承担给付保险金的责任:1)保险单中特别约定的除外事项;2)犯罪、拒捕、自杀、自伤、斗殴、醉酒,以及吸食、服用或注射毒品、国家管制的精神药品或者麻醉药品;3)无驾驶证驾驶,驾驶无有效行驶证的机动交通工具,饮酒、患有妨碍安全驾驶的疾病、过度疲劳仍继续驾驶;4)战争、军事行动、内乱或武装叛乱及核爆炸、核辐射或核污染。
2 其他事项2.1被保险人变动因人员变动需要增加被保险人时,投保人应书面通知本公司。



轻症疾病 保险金
被保险人因遭受意外伤害或自本合同生效(或最后复效)之日起 180 日后因意外 伤害以外的原因,初次被确诊患有本合同约定的轻症疾病(见 7.19)(一种或多种), 我们按基本保险金额的 20%给付轻症疾病保险金,本合同继续有效。 每种轻症疾病限给付一次,每次给付金额最高为人民币 10 万元,给付后该种轻症 疾病保险金保险责任终止。不同轻症疾病可以多次给付,但本合同的轻症疾病保 险金累计给付以三次为限,当累计给付的轻症疾病保险金达到三次时,轻症疾病 保险金保险责任终止,本合同继续有效。 如果被保险人因同一原因导致其被确诊患有本合同所约定的两种或者两种以上的 轻症疾病,我们仅按一种轻症疾病给付轻症疾病保险金。
您应当特别注意的事项 对某些情形造成的保险事故,我们不承担保险责任……………………………………………2.5 您有如实告知的义务………………………………………………………………………………3.1 您应当按时交纳保险费……………………………………………………………………………3.2 解除合同会给您造成一定的损失,请您慎重决策………………………………………………4.7 您有及时向我们通知保险事故的责任……………………………………………………………5.2 我们对一些重要术语进行了解释,并作了显著标识,请您注意………………………………7
4.1 犹豫期
您于签收本合同后 15 日内可要求撤销本合同。若您在此期间提出撤销本合同,需 要填写书面申请书,并提供您的保险合同及有效身份证件。自您书面申请撤销本 合同之日起,本合同即被撤销,我们自本合同生效日起即不承担保险责任。本合 同撤销后 30 日内,我们无息退还您已交保险费。
(二)因下列情形之一,导致被保险人发生重大疾病或轻症疾病、达到重大疾病 或轻症疾病状态以及进行手术,我们不承担给付重大疾病保险金、轻症疾病保险 金及轻症疾病豁免保险费的责任: (1)您对被保险人的故意杀害、故意伤害; (2)被保险人故意自伤、故意犯罪或者抗拒依法采取的刑事强制措施; (3)被保险人主动吸食或注射毒品; (4)被保险人酒后驾驶、无合法有效驾驶证驾驶,或驾驶无有效行驶证的机动车; (5)被保险人感染艾滋病病毒或患艾滋病(见7.13)(被保险人感染艾滋病病毒



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守护专家特需医疗(推广版)团体医疗保险 守护专家特需医疗(推荐版)团体医疗保险
产品名称 一、医疗类 守护专家境外旅行(推广版)个人医疗保险 守护专家境外旅行(推荐版)个人医疗保险 守护专家意外医疗个人医疗保险 守护专家境外旅行(推广版)团体医疗保险 守护专家境外旅行(推荐版)团体医疗保险 守护专家境内旅行团体医疗保险 守护专家住院定额团体医疗保险 守护专家住院费用团体医疗保险 守护专家社保补充团体医疗保险 守护专家门诊费用团体医疗保险 守护专家意外医疗(推广版)团体医疗保险 阳光关爱计划生育手术医疗保险 附加守护无忧意外伤害医疗保险 守护专家牙科医疗保险 守护专家意外住院定额医疗保险 附加幸福守护学生意外伤害医疗保险 附加幸福守护学生疾病住院医疗保险
产品类型:护理保险 销售方式:作主险销售 保险责任:重大疾病护理金(可选)在保险期间内发生重大疾病住院,首次住院出院后的第一天及以后每年该 天的对应日(最多5年)可领取xx保额(或者等值的护理服务)作为重大疾病护理金;重疾护理金(或者等值的 护理服务)每人最多可领取5次,如在领取期间身故,不再领取之后的重大疾病护理金(或者等值的护理服务), 意外全残护理金(可选)在保险期间内发生意外事故导致全残事故发生,首次住院出院后的第一天及以后每年 该天的对应日(最多5年)可领取xx保额(或者等值的护理服务)作为意外全残护理金;意外全残护理金(或者等 值的护理服务)每人最多可领取5次,如在领取期间身故,不再领取意外全残护理金(或者等值的护理服务)。 保险期限:一年 投保年龄:18-74周岁 交费期限及方式:趸交

投保年龄:31种大病的投保年龄通常 在18-60岁之间
投保条件:需要符合保险公司的健康 告知要求,如实告知健康状况
投保金额:根据个人需求和经济状况 选择合适的投保金额
投保渠道:可以选择线上或线下投保, 线上投保更加便捷
投保期限:可以选择短期或长期投保, 长期投保通常有优惠
投保费用:根据投保金额和投保期限 等因素确定,需要提前了解并做好预 算
理赔结束:理 赔完成后,保 险公司将理赔 结果通知被保 险人或受益人,
人保健康31种大病包括哪些疾 病?
人保健康31种大病的保障范围 是什么?
人保健康31种大病的投保条件 是什么?
人保健康31种大病的理赔流程 是怎样的?
什么是人保健康31种大病? 人保健康31种大病的保障范围有哪些? 人保健康31种大病的投保条件是什么? 人保健康31种大病的理赔流程是怎样的?
人保健康31种大 病保险责任包括 31种重大疾病, 如癌症、心脑血管 疾病等。
保险责任还包括因 意外伤害导致的身 故、残疾等。
保险责任还包括因 疾病或意外伤害导 致的医疗费用报销。
保险责任还包括因 疾病或意外伤害导 致的住院津贴。
保险责任:人保健康31种大病保险责任包括31种重大疾病,如恶性肿瘤、 急性心肌梗塞、脑中风后遗症等。
• 恶性肿瘤:包括各种癌症,如肺癌、乳腺癌、肝癌等 • 急性心肌梗死:心脏供血动脉阻塞,导致心肌缺血、缺氧、坏死 • 脑中风后遗症:脑血管疾病引起的脑组织损伤,导致肢体瘫痪、语言障碍等 • 重大器官移植术或造血干细胞移植术:包括心脏、肺、肝、肾、骨髓等器官的移植 • 冠状动脉搭桥术:心脏冠状动脉阻塞,通过手术植入支架或搭桥,恢复血流 • 终末期肾病:肾功能衰竭,需要通过透析或肾移植维持生命 • 多发性硬化:中枢神经系统脱髓鞘疾病,导致肢体瘫痪、视力下降等 • 帕金森病:中枢神经系统退行性疾病,导致运动障碍、震颤等 • 严重阿尔茨海默病:老年痴呆症,导致认知功能下降、生活不能自理 • 严重脑损伤:头部外伤或疾病导致的脑组织损伤,导致昏迷、植物人状态等 • 严重运动神经元病:中枢神经系统退行性疾病,导致肌肉萎缩、呼吸困难等 • 严重原发性肺动脉高压:肺动脉高压,导致呼吸困难、心功能衰竭等 • 严重心肌病:心脏肌肉疾病,导致心功能衰竭、心律失常等 • 严重慢性呼吸衰竭:慢性肺部疾病导致的呼吸困难、缺氧等 • 严重肝硬化:肝脏硬化,导致肝功能衰竭、门静脉高压等 • 严重肾功能衰竭:肾功能衰竭,需要通过透析或肾移植维持生命 • 严重再生障碍性贫血:骨髓造血功能衰竭,导致贫血、感染等 • 严重溃疡性结肠炎:肠道炎症性疾病,导致腹泻、便血等 • 严重克罗恩病:肠道炎症性疾病,导致腹痛、腹泻、营养不良等

中国人民健康保险股份有限公司短期疾病保险基本条款1 短期疾病保险的保障1.1 疾病保险的保障范围 当被保险人发生某种疾病时,疾病保险将为其提供相应的保障。
2 合同效力2.1 合同生效 本合同于本公司同意承保并签发保险单时成立。
2.2 犹豫期 自投保人签收保险单之日起有10天的犹豫期。
2.3 保险期间 本合同的有效期间以保险单中载明的期间为准。
2.4 合同解除 保险期间内,如果被保险人未发生本合同责任范围内的保险事故,投保人可以书面申请解除本合同。
3 保险费3.1 保险费 保险费将根据投保人与本公司约定的保障内容及被保险人的年龄、性别和风险状况进行确定,投保人应一次性向本公司缴清保险费。
4 保险金的申请及给付4.1 保险事故通知 投保人或被保险人应在知道保险事故发生之日起10天内通知本公司,否则,应承担由于通知延迟而导致本公司增加的调查、检验等费用;因未及时通知而导致保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度等无法确认的,对无法认定的全部或部分责任,本公司不承担保险金的给付责任,但因不可抗力导致的延迟除外。
4.2 受益人 疾病保险的身故保险金受益人由被保险人进行指定或变更;如果被保险人书面同意,投保人亦可指定或变更身故保险金受益人。
4.3 保险金的申请 申请保险金时,由申请人按照责任条款的要求提交必需的证明和资料。

残等级》( GB/T16180-2006 )(国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家标准化管理委员
会发布,《 中华人民共和国国家标准批准发布公告 2006 年第 10 号(总第 97 号)》),
付比例表》 (见附表一)中所列给付比例乘以该被保险人的伤残保险金额给付伤
保险费的 本合同的保险费由投保人和本公司约定并于本合同中载明。
Байду номын сангаас
合同内容 在本合同有效期内,经投保人与本公司协商一致,可以变更本合同的有关内容。
( 10)被保险人从事 潜 水(见 7.10)、 空中运动 (见 7.11)、 攀岩 (见 7.12)、 探 险 (见 7.13)、摔跤、 武术 (见 7.14)、特技表演 (见 7.15)、赛马、赛车 及其他高危险活动或高危险运动;
( 11) 战争 (见 7.16 )、军事冲突 (见 7.17)、暴乱 (见 7.18)或武装叛乱;
投保人在投保时,只能选择 I 类伤残保险金或 II 类伤残保险金中的一项,并在保
( 1) I 类伤残保险金 :被保险人遭受意外伤害,并且自意外伤害发生之日起
日内因该意外伤害导致身体伤残的,根据 《人身保险伤残评定标准(行业标准) 》
(见附件一,简称“行业标准” ),通过伤残鉴定确定该被保险人的伤残等级,本

1 关于本合同1.1 合同构成人保寿险30种重大疾病保险(A款)合同(以下简称“本合同”)由保险条款、保险单或其他保险凭证、所附的投保单及相关文件、有关的声明、批注单及其他约定书构成。
1.2 投保范围凡18周岁(见7.1)以上(含18周岁)60周岁以下(含60周岁),身体健康的个人,可作为被保险人参加本保险。
1.3 合同成立与生效投保人提出保险申请,本公司同意承保,本合同成立。
2 本合同提供的保障2.1 基本保险金额本合同每一被保险人的基本保险金额由投保人在投保时与本公司约定并在保险单或批注单上载明。
2.2 保险期间本合同的保险期间为5年。
2.3 保险责任在本合同有效期内,本公司承担如下保险责任:重大疾病保险金被保险人自本公司对其开始承担保险责任起150日后,因遭受意外伤害(见7.2)导致本合同约定的一种或多种重大疾病(见7.3),本公司按该被保险人的基本保险金额给付重大疾病保险金,本合同对该被保险人的保险责任终止。
2.4 责任免除因下列情形之一导致被保险人发生重大疾病、达到重大疾病状态或进行手术,本公司不承担给付重大疾病保险金的责任:(1)投保人对被保险人的故意杀害、故意伤害;(2)被保险人故意犯罪或者抗拒依法采取的刑事强制措施、自杀(但被保险人自杀时为无民事行为能力人的除外)、故意自伤;(3)被保险人主动吸食或注射毒品;(4)被保险人酒后驾驶、无合法有效驾驶证驾驶,或驾驶无有效行驶证的机动车;(5)被保险人感染艾滋病病毒或患艾滋病(见7.4)(被保险人感染艾滋病病毒但符合本合同“经输血导致的人类免疫缺陷病毒感染”定义的不在此限);(6)战争、军事冲突、暴乱或武装叛乱;(7)核爆炸、核辐射或核污染;(8)遗传性疾病(见7.5),先天性畸形、变形或染色体异常(见7.6)。
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PICC Health Insurance Co. Ltd.Care Expert - Group Short-term Critical Illness Insurance(Recommended Version)(These conditions and the general conditions of Short-term Illness Insurance constitute the insurance conditions of the insurance contract.) Code:2603011 Liabilities and Exclusions1.1 Sum Insured The Sum Insured is concluded as per agreement reached bythe Policyholder and the Insurer and is stated in the policy.Once concluded, the Sum Insured shall not be changedduring the Insurance Period of the Policy.1.2 Insurance Liability The Insurance Period of the Policy is one year. During theInsurance Period, the Insurer shall bear following liabilities:Critical Illness Benefit In the event that an accidental injury occurs to the Insured after the Insurer starts to bear insurance liability or a non-accidental incident occurs to the Insured 90 days thereafter (if the policy is renewed after the Insurer starts to bear renewed insurance liability), and causes critical illness (es) stated in the Policy to the Insured for the first time, the Insurer shall pay the Sum Insured as Critical Illness Benefit and the coverage of the Policy for the particular Insured Person shall terminate.In the event that a non-accidental incident occurs to the Insured within 90 days after the Insurer starts to bear insurance liability (renewed policy excluded), and causes critical illness (es) stated in the Policy to the Insured for the first time, the Insurer shall pay a sum as Critical Illness Benefit on the basis of the sum of premium paid for the particular Insured Person and the coverage of the Policy for him/her shall terminate.Death Benefit In the event that a non-accidental incident occurs to theInsured 90 days after the Insurer starts to bear insuranceliability (if the policy is renewed, after the Insurer starts tobear renewed insurance liability), and results in the death ofthe Insured, the Insurer shall pay the Sum Insured as DeathBenefit and the coverage of the Policy for the particularInsured Person shall terminate.In the event that a non-accidental incident occurs to theInsured within 90 days after the Insurer starts to bearinsurance liability (renewed policy excluded), and results inthe death of the Insured, the Insurer shall pay a sum asDeath Benefit on the basis of the sum of premium paid forthe particular Insured Person and the coverage of the Policyfor him/her shall terminate.1.3 Exclusions The Insurer shall bear no benefit liability in the event thatthe illness, the status of illness or the operated surgery iscaused to the Insured as the result of any following reasons:1)The Insured Person is killed or injured intentionally bythe Policyholder or the Beneficiary;2)Intentional self-inflicted injury, committing criminalcrimes intentionally, resistance to arrest;3)Substance abuse by ingesting, taking or injecting drugs;4)Driving under the influence of alcohol, driving without aValid Driving License, or driving an automotive vehiclethat is not validly licensed;5)Infected by HIV virus or suffering from AIDS;6)Wars, military conflicts, riots or armed insurrection;7)Nuclear explosion, nuclear radiation or nuclearpollution;8)Hereditary diseases, congenital malformation,deformation, and chromosomal abnormality.If any reason mentioned above caused the death or criticalillnesses covered by the Policy to the Insured, the Policyvalidity for this particular Insured Person shall terminateand the Insurer shall refund the unearned premium afterprocessing fee is deducted.2 Other Issues2.1 Change of theInsured If the Policyholder requests to add new Insured Persons, the Policyholder shall notify the Insurer in writing. The liabilities shall start at the time as agreed in the endorsement after consent of the underwriter and collection of premium. If the Policyholder needs to apply for canceling thecoverage of an Insured Person, a written notice shall be sent to the Insurer and the qualification of the Insured Person shall terminate on the day when the notice is received. If the termination date requested by the Policyholder is later than the arrival date of the notice, the Insured Person’s coverage shall terminate from 00:01a.m. of the termination date. The Insurer shall refund the unearned premium for the specific Insured Person after deducting processing fee.If a covered loss has already occurred to the Insured Person, the Policyholder shall not apply for the cancellation of the Policy.If the number of the Insured is fewer than 8 or lower than 75% of the number of the people eligible for the Policy, the Insurer has the right to cancel the Policy and refund the unearned premium after deducting processing fee.2.2 Benefit ApplicationDocumentation The Claimant shall provide following materials upon claim application and the Insurer has the right to keep the original or duplicated copies of the materials:Documents for Critical Illness Benefit 1)Proof of the identification of the Beneficiary;2)Certificate of diagnosis, prescriptions, medical record,and microscopy, blood test, imaging and other scientific examination reports essential for disease diagnosisissued by the hospital;3)Other proofs and materials relevant to the nature, cause,etc. of the Insured Incident.Documents for Death Benefit 1)Proof of the identification of the Beneficiary;2)Proof of the annulment of the household register of theInsured Person;3)Death certificate of the Insured Person issued by thepolice or hospital;4)Other proofs and materials relevant to the nature, cause,etc. of the Insured Incident.2.3 Special Notice The accessory policy of this Policy is Accessory Care Expert-Group Accidental Injury Insurance (RecommendedVersion) of PICC Health Insurance Co., Ltd.The validity of this Policy is bound by that of the accessory policy and shall terminate upon the termination of the latter.Definitions1 Processing Fee Refers to the average sum of the operation expense andcommission on each policy. The processing fee is 25% of thepremium.2 UnearnedPremium: Formula: Annual Premium * (1-25%) * (Number of days from current date to expiration date/365)3 Force Majeure Refers to objective circumstances that are unforeseeable,unavoidable and insurmountable.4 Attained Age Refers to the age calculated based on the date of birth recorded inlegal identification documents.5 AccidentalInjury Refers to the injury caused by accidental incident(s) that is external, eruptive, unintentional, and non-disease related.6 DrivingWithout AValid DrivingLicense Refers to one of following situations:1)Driving without a legally issued driving license;2)Driving at the time while the driving license is legallydetained;3)The vehicle driven does not match the vehicle type registeredin the license;4)Driving with an un-inspected driving license or expireddriving license;5)Other situation that the public traffic administrationdepartments deems as driving without a valid driving license.7 Infected by HIVVirus orSuffering fromAIDS HIV Virus refers to human immunodeficiency virus, abbreviated as HIV in English. AIDS refers to acquired immune deficiency syndrome caused by HIV virus, abbreviated as AIDS in English. If the Insured Person’s blood sample or other samples test positive for HIV or HIV antibody, and no clinical features and other symptoms appear, this indicates that the Insured Person is infected by HIV virus; if distinct clinical features or other symptoms appear at the same time, this indicates that the Insured Person is suffering from AIDS.8 HereditaryDiseases Hereditary Diseases refers to the diseases caused by the mutation or aberration of germ plasm (chromosomes and genes) in germ cells or fertilized ovum, usually featuring a vertical pass fromparents to offspring.9 CongenitalMalformation,Deformation,andChromosomalAbnormality Refers to the born malformation, deformation, and chromosomal abnormality of the Insured Person. The relevant stipulations in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD-10) released by the World Health Organization shall be referred to as the standard for Congenital Malformation, Deformation, and Chromosomal Abnormality.10 Hospital Refers to medical institutions which are legally established andfall into Grade A of Level 2 or higher grade of the MedicalInstitutions Ranking System of the Ministry of Health of P.R.China, but do not include sanatorium, nursing center,rehabilitation center, abstinence center or drug treatment center,mental and psychiatric treatment center and union hospital orunion ward without relevant medical personnel or medicalfacilities founded by hospitals falling into Level 2 or Level 3 ofthe Medical Institutions Ranking System.11 Critical IllnessMalignancy That the Insured Person suffers from illnesses meeting following critical illness definitions shall be supported by the diagnosis of specialists.Malignancy refers to the disease in which the malignant cells grow and proliferate uncontrolled progressively, soak and destroy the normal tissues around and can metastasize to other parts of the body through veins, lymphatic and coelom. Through pathological examination and clinical diagnosis, these cells meet the standards for malignancy stated in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) released by the World Health Organization.Following illnesses are not in the coverage scope of the Policy:1)Carcinoma in situ;2)Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia equivalent to Stage A inBinet Cancer Staging3)Hodgkin’s Disease equivalent to Stage I in Ann Arbor CancerStaging;4)Skin cancer (melanoma and skin cancer that hasAcute Miocardial InfarctionStroke Sequelametastasized);5)Prostate equivalent to Stage T1N0M0 or younger stages inTNM Cancer Staging;6)Malignancy acquired when being infected by HIV virus orsuffering from AIDS.Acute Miocardial Infarction means that the obstruction of coronary artery causes blood deficiency in relevant part of the heart which, in turn, results in the partial necrosis of cardiac muscle. The illness shall meet at least 3 of the following conditions:1)Typical clinical features, acute chest pain for instance;2)Latest cardiogram change indicating Acute MiocardialInfarction;3)The level of cardiac enzyme or troponin increasediagnostically, or change dynamically, which indicates Acute Miocardial Infarction;4)After the Insured begins to suffer from Acute MiocardialInfarction, checkups confirm that the performance of the left ventricle falls, the left ventricular ejectfraction decreases by 50%, for instance.Sequela of Stroke means that the paroxysmal cerebrovascular pathological changes cause cerebrovascular haemorrhage, embolism or infarction and results in the permanent dysfunction of the nervous system, which means that the Insured Person still suffers from at least one of following dysfunction features 180 days after the disease of stroke is diagnosed:1)The total loss of the function of one or more extremities;2)The total loss of the power of speech or mastication andswallowing function;3)The total loss of the capability of living on one’s own, notable to independently conduct 3 or more of the 6 Basic Daily Living Activities.Transplant Operation of Major Organs or Hematopoietic Stem Cell TransplantCoronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CoronaryEnd-stage Renal Disease (Uraemia Stage of Chronic Renal FailureSeverance of Multiple Transplant Operation of Major Organs refers to the allogeneic transplant operation of kidney, liver, heart or lungs due to the failure of relevant organs.Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant refers to the allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (including bone marrow stem cells, peripheral blood stem cells and umbilical cord blood stem cells) due to impairment or malignancy of the hematopoietic system.Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting refers to the coronary artery bypass grafting performed after thoracotomy for the treatment of serious coronary heart disease.Coronary stent implantation, cardiac balloon catheter expansion , laser and RF technology and other non –open-chest interventional surgeries, endoscopic surgery are not in the coverage scope of the Policy.End-stage Renal Disease means that both kidneys suffer from irreversible chronic renal failure and enter into the stage of uraemia, and the Insured Person has received at least 90 days of regular dialysis treatment or has received kidney implantation.Severance of Multiple Extremities refers to the complete severance of 2 or more extremities from the proximal end (the end connecting the trunk) to wrists or ankles as the result of diseases or accidents.ExtremitiesAcute orSub-acute Severe HepatitisBenign Brain TumorDecompensation Stage of Chronic Liver Failure The hepatitis virus causes diffuse necrosis of the liver tissue and acute liver failure, which shall be confirmed by serological or viral examinations , and the illness shall meet all following conditions:1)Severe jaundice or the jaundice rapidly turns severe;2)Hepatic encephalopathy;3)B-type ultrasonic or other imaging checkups show anfulminant liver atrophy;4)Progressive deterioration of hepatic function indicators.Benign Brain Tumor has caused the rise of intracranial pressure and such clinical features as papilledema, mental symptoms, epilepsy, kinaesthesia dysfunction and so on, and may endanger the life of the Insured Person. The benign brain tumor shall be confirmed by CT, MRI or PET and other imaging examinations and shall meet at least one of following conditions:1)The brain tumor has been completely or partially resected,which is performed after craniotomy;2)Radiation therapy has been performed to the brain tumor. Pituitary adenoma, cerebral cyst, cerebral vascular diseases are not in the coverage scope of the Policy.Decompensation Stage of Chronic Liver Failure refers to the liver failure caused by chronic liver diseases and shall meet all following conditions:1)Continuous jaundice;2)Ascites;3)Hepatic encephalopathy4)Congestive splenomegaly with hypersplenism or esophagealand gastric fundus varices.The liver failure caused by bibulosity or drug abuse is not in the coverage scope of the Policy.Encephalitis Sequela or Meningitis SequelaDeep ComaDeafness of Both Ears Encephalitis Sequela or Meningitis Sequela refers to the permanent dysfunction of the nervous system caused by encephalitis or meningitis. The permanent dysfunction of the nervous system means that the Insured Person still suffers from one or more of following dysfunction features 180 days after the disease of encephalitis or meningitis is diagnosed:1)The total loss of the function of one or more extremities;2)The total loss of the power of speech or mastication andswallowing function;3)The total loss of the capability of living on one’s own, notable to independently conduct 3 or more of the 6 Basic Daily Living Activities.Deep coma means that the Insured Person loses his/her consciousness due to diseases or accidental injuries and is not responsive to both external stimulation and internal need; the coma degree scores 5 or below 5 according to Glasgow coma scale; and the Insured Person has used the ventilator and other life support systems for more than 96 hours.Deep coma caused by bibulosity or drug abuse is not in the coverage scope of the Policy.Deafness of Both Ears means that the hearing of both ears is permanently and irreversibly lost due to diseases or accidental injuries, and the pure-tone average is larger than 90 db under the voice frequency of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz, which shall be confirmed by pure tone audiometry, acoustic immittance or auditory evoked potential and so on.The Insured Person shall at least attain the age of 3 when applying for the benefits and the certificate of diagnosis for hearing loss and proof of checkups shall be provided.Blindness of Both EyesParalysisHeart Valve SurgerySevere Alzheimer’s Disease Blindness of Both Eyes means that the eyesight of both eyes is permanently and irreversibly lost due to diseases or accidental injuries and the better one of both eyes shall meet at least one of following conditions:1)The eyeball is lost or extirpated;2)The rectified eyesight is lower than 0.02 (according tointernational standard visual acuity chart, the scores shall be converted if other visual acuity charts are used)3)The viewing radius is smaller than 5 degree.The Insured Person shall at least attain the age of 3 when applying for the benefits and the certificate of diagnosis for eyesight loss and proof of checkups shall be provided.Paralysis refers to the permanent total loss of the function of two or more extremities caused by diseases or accidents. The permanent total loss of the function of extremities refers to the ankylosis of two of the three major joints of the extremities, or the inability to control joint movements 180 days after the disease are diagnosed or 180 days after the accidental injuries occursHeart Valve Surgery means that the Insured Person has received the heart valve replacement or restoration performed after thoracotomy for the treatment of heart valve diseases.Severe Alzheimer’s Disease means that the progressive and irreversible transformation causes severe decline or loss of one’s intelligence. Clinical features may include obvious cognitive dysfunction, behavioral abnormality and decline of social acceptability and that the Insured Person’s daily life shall be under progressive and close guard. CT, MRI or PET and other imaging examinations shall confirm the severe Alzheimer’s disease, the Insured Person shall completely lose his/her capability of living on his/her own and be not able toSevere Cerebral InjurySevere Parkinson's DiseaseSevere Degree ⅢBurns independently conduct 3 or more of the 6 Basic Daily Living Activities.Neurosis and mental diseases are not in the coverage scope of the Policy.Severe Cerebral Injury means that an external mechanical force blows the head, causes injuries to major parts of the brain and results in permanent dysfunction of the nervous system. CT, MRI or PET and other imaging examinations shall confirm the severe cerebral injury. The permanent dysfunction of the nervous system means that the Insured Person still suffers from at least one of following dysfunction features 180 days after the severe cerebral injury occurs:1)The total loss of the function of one or more extremities;2)The total loss of the power of speech or mastication andswallowing function;3)The total loss of the capability of living on one’s own, notable to independently conduct 3 or more of the 6 Basic Daily Living Activities.Parkinson's Disease is a kind of neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system; its clinical features include parkinsonism, ataxia and so on. Severe Parkinson's disease shall meet all following conditions:1)The state of illness is beyond the control of medication;2)The total loss of the capability of living on one’s own, notable to independently conduct 3 or more of the 6 Basic Daily Living Activities.Secondary Parkinson's syndrome is not in the coverage scope of the Policy.Severe Degree ⅢBurns means that the degree of the burns isⅢand the area with degree Ⅲburns accounts for 20% or more of the total body surface area, which shall be calculated accordingSevere Primary Pulmonary HypertensionSevere Motor Neuron DiseaseLoss of SpeechSevere Aplastic Anaemia to Chinese Rule of Nines.The continuous pressure increase, which is caused by unidentified reasons, of the pulmonary artery, develops progressively into chronic disease, which has caused permanent and irreversible limitations on the capacity of conducting physical activities; the Insured Person enters into the Degree IV of the Status of Heart Function of US New York Heart Association and the average pressure of the pulmonary artery is over 30 mmHg when he/she is under resting state.Severe Motor Neuron Disease is a kind of progressive and degenerative disease of the motor neuron of the central nervous system, including progressive spinal muscular atrophy, progressive bulbar paralysis, primary lateral scleosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The Insured Person shall completely lose his/her capability of living on his/her own and be not able to independently conduct 3 or more of the 6 Basic Daily Living Activities.Loss of Speech means that the Insured Person completely loses his/her power of speech due to diseases or accidental injuries and cannot rehabilitate through current existing medical therapeutics. The loss of speech caused by mental factors is not in the coverage scope of the Policy.The Insured Person shall at least attain the age of 3 when applying for the benefits and the certificate of diagnosis for loss of speech and proof of checkups shall be provided.Severe Aplastic Anaemia refers to the anaemia, neutropenia and platelet decrease caused by chronic and progressive bone marrow failure, and shall meet all following conditions:1)The diagnosis of severe aplastic anaemia is supported bySurgery To AortaEnd-stage Chronic Respiratory FailureSystemic-Lupus -Erythematosusexaminations through bone marrow puncture or bone marrow biopsy;2)The peripheral blood shall meet all following threeconditions:a.The absolute value of neutrophilic granulocyte≤0.5×109/Lb.Reticulocyte<1%;c.The absolute value of platelet≤20×109/L.Surgery To Aorta refers to the resection, replacement, restoration of ill or impaired aorta performed after thoracotomy for the treatment of the illness of aorta. The aorta refers to the thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta, not including the branches of the thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta.Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty is not in the coverage scope of the Policy.The following 6 critical illnesses are not included in the scope of The Regulation on Illness Definitions for Critical Illness Insurance of the Insurance Association of China.End-stage Chronic Respiratory Failure refers to the respiratory failure caused by chronic diseases of the respiratory system. The diagnosis of end-stage chronic respiratory failure shall be supported by all following conditions:1)FEV (Forced Expiratory Volume) 1 is less than 1 liter;2)Resistance rise of respiratory tract, rise to at least 0.5 kPa/l/s;3)The residual volume accounts for 60% of TLC (Total LungCapacity);4)Intrathoracis air volume rise above 170 (percentage of thebase value);5)PaO2<60mmHg,PaCO2>50mmHg.Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is a kind of autoimmune disease that affects multiple systems caused by multiple factors, featuringNephritisSevere Multiple SclerosisSevere Muscular Dystrophy a great number of antibodies and immune complexes that can cause lesions to tissues.Systemic-Lupus-Erythematosus Nephritis is a kind of complication when systemic lupus erythematosus affects the kidney. This Policy is only liable for Type III to Type V of Systemic-Lupus-Erythematosus Nephritis defined by WHO, other type of lupus erythematosuses, such as discoid lupus erythematosus and lupus erythematosus which only affects blood and joints, are not in the coverage scope of the Policy.The Types of Systemic-Lupus-Erythematosus Nephritis Defined by World Health Organization:Type I (minimal change type) Negative proved by microscopy, urine normalType II (mesangial change type) Medium albuminuria, occational change of urinary sedimentType III (focal and segmental proliferative type) Albuminuria, change of urinary sedimentType IV (diffuse proliferative type) Acute nephritis with change of urinary sediment and/or nephrotic syndromeype V (membranous type) Nephrotic syndrome or heavy albuminuriaSevere Multiple Sclerosis is a kind of disease featuringmulti-focal demyelinative change of the white matter (demyelination) of the central nervous system, which may sometimes affects the gray matter. This Policy is only liable for following condition: the multiple sclerosis causes lesions to the nervous system and makes the Insured Person completely lose his/her capability of living on his/her own and not able to independently conduct 3 or more of the 6 Basic Daily Living Activities.Severe Muscular Dystrophy refers to the degenerative change of a group of muscle. Its clinical features include muscular weakness and muscular atrophy not related with the pathological change ofAcute Hemorrhagic Necrotizing PancreatitisCrohn's Disease the nervous system. This Policy is only liable for following condition: the muscular dystrophy makes the Insured Person completely lose his/her capability of living on his/her own and not able to independently conduct 3 or more of the 6 Basic Daily Living ActivitiesAcute Hemorrhagic Necrotizing Pancreatitis means that the Insured Person has received abdominal surgery due to acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis in order to clear the necrotic tissues, excise focuses or resect the pancreas. Acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis caused by drunk drinking or the treatment through celioscopy is not in the coverage scope of the Policy.Crohn's Disease refers to a kind of chronic granulomatous enteritis. The ill state of Crohn's disease the Insured Person suffers from must have caused the formation of fistulas complicated by ileus or have caused intestinal perforation which can bring acute peritonitis. The diagnosis of the Crohn's disease shall be supported by colonoscopy and tissue pathological analysis.12 Specialist The “Specialist” mentioned in the entry of Critical Illness shallmeet all following standards:1)holding a valid Certificate of Licensed Physician of P.R.China;2)holding a valid Certificate of Practicing Physician of P.R.China which is registered and renewed on time in relevantadministration departments;3)holding a valid certificate of attending physician’s title orhigher title of P.R. China;4)practicing in the relevant department of Level 2 or highergrade hospitals for at least 3 years.13 Total Loss ofExtremityFunction Total Loss of Extremity Function refers to the ankylosis of two of the three major joints of the extremities, or the inability to control joint movements. Extremities refer to the entire upper extremitiesincluding the shoulder joint, and the entire lower extremities including the hip joint.14 Total Loss ofPower of Speechor Masticationand SwallowingFunction Total Loss of Power of Speech refers to the inability to constitute any three of the four sounds that constitute speech (labial, dental, palatal and velar), or the vocal cords have been completely excised, or aphasia has developed as the result of the injury to the brain’s speech center.Total Loss of Mastication and Swallowing Function refers to organic impairment or dysfunction due to causes other than the teeth, causing the inability to chew or swallow, and inability to ingest or swallow anything but liquid food.15 6 Basic DailyLivingActivities The “6 Basic Daily Living Activities” mentioned in the entry of Critical Illness refers to:1)dressing: to be dressed and take off one’s clothes on one’sown;2)moving: to go from one room to another on one’s own;3)acting: to go to bed or get off bed on one’s own;4)going to W.C.: to relieve one's bowels on one’s own;5)eating: to take food that have been prepared from bowls orplates and put it into the mouth on one’s own;6)bathing: to have a shower or tub on one’s own.16 Permanent andIrreversible The “Permanent and Irreversible” in the entry of Critical Illness means that the patient cannot rehabilitate after 180 days of substantial medical treatment through current existing medical therapeutics from the day when the illness is diagnosed or the accidental injury occurs.。