Clothing 英语

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Clothing 英语

Everyone wears clothes! Most people enjoy being well dressed. What Modern English terms did Sandra hear or use?


Do you like shopping for clothes?

Learn some shopping talk here!




There are some places in the West where clothing is not an issue. In fact, at these places, people don't wear anything. They are the nude beaches, and are popular places for people who want to feel closer to nature.


English Text

What: How to describe clothing, or how it fits

Who: Do you like to look well dressed?

Where: At clothing establishments

When: Shopping for new clothes

Why: So that you wear the right things for you

Amy accompanies Sandra to Kelly's apartment in Berkeley, says goodbye and returns to San Francisco. Kelly shows Sandra her room and helps her unpack. Since the start of classes is only a week away, they decide to go shopping for some new clothes. What is a typical American shopping scenario电影剧本?

Sandra: This is a neat shop. There are so many fashionable clothes here.

Kelly: It's one of my favorite clothing stores. Check this out (holds up a skirt)

Sandra: That's nice. How about this (points to a pant suit) Would this style look good on me?

Kelly: Sure would. Why don't you try it.

Sandra: I think I will (motions to a waiting saleslady) Can I try this on?

Saleslady: Yes. The dressing room is right over there (Sandra goes to the dressing room, puts on the outfit, and steps out)

Sandra: (to Kelly) How do I look? Does this make me look fat?

Kelly: No way. It really fits you well.

Sandra: I think I'll buy it. How about you? Did you try on the skirt?

Kelly: Yeah. It fits OK, but I noticed a lovely blouse on the way to the dressing room. Unfortunately, they don't

match. (to the saleslady) Do you have this in other colors? (holding up the skirt) I need one that will go with the blouse.

Saleslady: Yes, I believe we may have something for you . Let me check (goes to the skirt rack and returns with two skirts, the same style but different colors) I think either of these would go well with the blouse.

Kelly: This one is perfect. By the way, what material is this skirt made of? And is it machine washable? Saleslady: It's 80% cotton, 20% polyester, and yes, it is machine washable.

Kelly: OK, I'll take both of them (hands the skirt and blouse to the saleslady)


What: 如何描述服装,以及它合不合身

Who: 你愿意看起来衣冠楚楚的吗?

Where: 在服装店

When: 买新衣服

Why: 这样你就穿着得体了

Amy 陪Sandra 到Kelly在Berkeley 的公寓, 与她告别,然后回到San Francisco去了。Kelly 领Sandra 看了她的房间并帮她开箱取出行李。还有一周才开课呢,所以她们决定去买些新衣服。让我们来看看在美国购物的典型场景吧。

Sandra: 这间店不错嘛。衣服都挺流行的。

Kelly: 这是我最喜欢的服装店之一。看看这件(举起一条短裙)。

Sandra: 不错。这件怎么样?(指着一件女士套装)Would this style look good on me?

Kelly: 当然好看。为什么不试一下?

Sandra: 我也是这么想的。(向售货小姐示意)Can I try this on?

Saleslady: 可以。The dressing room 就在那儿。(Sandra走进试衣间,穿上那套衣服后走了出来)Sandra: ( 面向Kelly ) 看起来怎么样?Does this make me look fat?

Kelly: 不会的。非常合身。

Sandra: 我想买下它。你呢?你试了那件裙子了吗?

Kelly: 试了。很合身,但是我在去试衣间的路上发现了一件非常漂亮的衬衫。可惜的是they don't match.(面对着售货小姐)这个有其他颜色的吗?(举起那件短裙) 我需要一条和这件衬衫配套。Saleslady: 可能有。让我看一看(走到挂裙子的架子那儿拿了两件款式相同颜色各异的裙子)我想这两件都可以和这件衬衫搭配。

Kelly: 这条非常棒。顺便问一下,What material is this skirt made of? And is it machine washable? Saleslady: 有80%的棉,20%的聚酯纤维,可以用洗衣机洗。

Kelly: 好的,两件我都要了(把裙子和衬衫一同递给了售货小姐)。


1. 很多精通语法的朋友在这里可能要大声疾呼:这而应该用副词'well' 而不是'good!' "Good question",但这就是为什么有这本书的原因。'Look good' 是一种很口语的用法,它并不遵循什么语法。如口语中,你还可以说:"I'm doing good". 和"I can speak good English." 来表示"I am doing well" 和"I can speak English well."
