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fish have all yielded potent lead compounds.

2.Based on what we learnt fromtextbook, please give your understanding for lead compound?

Lead compound is the starting point from which a clinically useful compound can be developed. (It does not matter whether the lead compound is toxic or has undesirable side effects. It may not intend to be used as a clinical agent, however, it will have some property considered potentially therapeutically useful.)。leadcompounds, what are the limitations of high-throughputs creening (HTS)?

High-throughput screening suffers from inadequate diversity, has low hit rates, and often leads to compounds with poor bioavailabiltiy or toxicity profiles.

4.What is driven force forpharmaceutical companies to develop me-too compounds?

In the pharmaceutical industry, motivations for developing me-too compounds are often driven by competitive and economic factors. 5.How to understanding the concept of “complete disintegration”of tablet?

Any residue of the tablet, except fragments of insolublecoating, remaining on the screen of the test apparatus in the soft mass have nopalpably firm core.

6.What is called dissolution?

Dissolutionis the process by which a chemical or drug becomes dissolved in a solvent.

7.Please translatethe following sentences to Chinese.

formation of fragments,granules, or aggregates from solid dosage forms, no information is obtainedfrom these tests on the rate of dissolution of the active drug.

8.How to improve the dissolution of drug withpoor aqueous solubility?

1)reduce drug particle size

2)ionization of the drug

3)amorphous forms of the drug

4)increase agitation rate in container

9.How surfactants affect drug dissolution?

Surfactants may affect drug dissolution in an unpredictable fashion. Low concentrations of surfactants lower the surface tension and increase the rate of drug dissolution, whereas higher concentrations of surfactants tend to form micelles with the drug and thus decrease the dissolution rate.

10.What kind of solid drug products exempted from disintegration tests?

Tablets which are intended to be chewed, and drug productsintended to sustained release or prolonged or repeat action.

11.What factors may affect in vitro dissolution testing?

1)the size and shape of the dissolution vessel may affect the rate and extent of dissolution;

2)the amount of agitation and the nature of the stirrer;

3)The nature of the dissolution medium;

4)The temperature of the dissolution medium.

12.How to check the homogeneity of a substance?

It should travel as a singlespot in several TLC and/or PC system 13.How to check a known compound?

Measuringproperties and comparing these data with those in the literature, includingphysical properties, and spectrum characteristics.

14.Achemical reaction question:

Ato B is a reverse reaction; B becomes C in boiling water; C turns to D ifexposes in air for a long time; and D has the smell of bad eggs. Please give the structures of A, B, C, and D.

A: hen,B: egg,C: cooked egg,D: H2S

15.Why commercial absolute alcohol should be avoided for UV measurement?

Commercial absolute alcoholcontains residual benzene which absorbs in the short UV wavelengths. It will disturbthe UV result.

16.Please write down alkanes 1-10?


17.Please write down the following functional groups.羰基化合物,酚,内酯,酮,卤代烃,酯,酸酐,烯烃,腈类

carbonylgroup,phenol,lactone,ketone, halide,ester,anhydride,alkene,nitrile

ually,the report on the dissolution test will state that a certain percentage of thelabeled amount of drug product must dissolve within a specified period of time.In practice, the absolute amount of drug in the drug product may vary fromtablet to tablet. Therefore, a number of tablets from each lot are usuallytested to get a representative dissolution rate for the product.通常,关于溶出试验的报告,会表明一定比例标示量的药物在一段特定时间内溶出的百分比。实际上,药物的绝对含量在药品中每个药片都是不一样的。因此,必需检测每批次药品中的许多药片来得到具有代表性的溶出速率。

2.IR spectroscopy can also usefully contribute to structural elucidation, when newcompounds are encountered in plants. Although there are many listedcorrelations between chemical structure and IR absorption peaks, the actual interpretationof a complex spectrum can be difficult and the operation requires muchexperience.


3.Nucleicacids are polyanionic molecules of high molecular weight. These polymers arecomposed of sequence of subunits or nucleotides so that the whole is usuallytermed a polynucleotide. One type is a derivative of the parent compoundpurine. Principle examples are guanine and adenine. The second class of basesfound in all nucleic acid is derived from the parent compound pyrimidine.


4.Although disintegration tests allow for precise measurement of the formation of fragments, granules, or aggregates from solid dosage forms, no information is obtained from these tests on the rate of dissolution of the active drug.


4.Please write down 10 Amino acids:

Glycine(Gly, G) 甘氨酸Alanine(Ala, A) 丙氨酸

Valine(Val, V) 缬氨酸Leucine(Leu, L) 亮氨酸

Isoleucine(Ile, I)异亮氨酸Phenylalanine(Phe, F) 苯丙氨酸Tyrosine(Tyr, Y) 酪氨酸Tryptophan(Try, Trp, W) 色氨酸Serine(Ser, S) 丝氨酸Threonine(Thr,T)苏氨酸

Cysteine(CysH, Cys, C) 半胱氨酸Methionine(Met,M)甲硫氨酸Asparticacid (Asp, D) 天门冬氨酸


Asparagine(Asn, N) 天门冬酰胺


Arginine(Arg, R) 精氨酸

Lysine(Lys, K) 赖氨酸

Histidine(His, H) 组氨酸

Proline(Pro, P) 脯氨酸physiology生理学, receptor受体, enzyme酶, agonist激动剂, insulin


菌, inhibitor抑制剂,histamine组胺Reductase还原酶, hypotensive

低血压的, pathology病理学, monopolistic垄断的, formulation处方, 专


磺胺类药物 sulfonamide

Disintegration崩解, granule颗粒, gastrointestinal胃肠的, diffusion

扩散, buccal口腔的,sublingual舌下的,


原料药drug substance,成品药(药物制剂)drug product thermodynamically

热力学的, amorphous无定型的,viscosity粘度,magnesium stearate硬

脂酸镁, NaHCO3sodium bicarbonate碳酸氢钠, KCl potassium chloride氯

化钾, calcium phosphate磷酸钙,润滑剂Lubricant分配系数partition



Mg3(PO4)2magnesium phosphate 磷酸镁提取extraction,分离isolation,



infrared,authentic可信的, stereochemisty立体化学, terpenoid萜类,

glucoside葡萄糖苷,TLC: thin layer chromatography薄层色谱Carotenoid

胡萝卜素,bathochromic shifts红移,reduction还原,acetylene乙炔,

chloroform氯仿,benzene苯, toluene甲苯, xylene二甲苯,pyridine


乙酸乙酯ethyl acetate,醚ether,石油醚petroleum ether,乙腈

acetonitrile potassium bromide溴化钾, hydrophobic亲脂性集团,

hydrophilic亲水性集团, lipid-soluble脂溶性的, cinnamic acids苯乙

烯酸, 脂肪族氨基酸aliphatic amino acids,无水的anhydrous,叶绿素

Chlorophylls Alkaloid生物碱, chelate络合(螯合)

吸收absorb-absorption 相加作用additive effect

烷基化试剂alkylating reagent 抗菌活性antimicrobial activity

抗生素antibiotics 亲和力affinity 生物转化biotransformation

临床药理学Clinical pharmacology药物依赖性drug dependence


药物代谢drug matabolism首过效应first_pass effect

一级动力学First order kinetics肌肉注射intramuacular injection

配体ligands胺amine半数致死量median lethal dose


选择性selectivity副作用side effect治疗作用therapeutic action

治疗指数therapeutic index时效曲线time-effect curve

毒性反应toxic effect

NMR: nuclear magnetic resonancespectroscopy 核磁共振

UV:ultraviolet spectroscopy 紫外光谱

IR:infrared spectroscopy 红外光谱

HTS:high-throughput screening 高通量筛选

API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient 药用活性成分

QA: Quality Assurance质量保证

QC: Quality Control 质量控制



Adenosine腺苷, Guanosine鸟苷, Cytidine胞啶苷, Thymidine胸腺嘧啶

核苷, Uridine尿苷.

Please write down thefollowing functional groups.

羰基化合物carbonyl group,酚phenol,内酯lactone,酮ketone,卤代





1 H 氢 Hydrogen

2 He 氦 Helium

3 Li 锂 Lithum

4 Be 铍 Beryllium 5

B 硼 Boron 6

C 碳 Carbon 7 N 氮 Nitrogen 8 O 氧 Oxygen 9 F 氟

Fluorine 10 Ne 氖 Neon 11 Na 钠 Sodium 12 Mg 镁 Magnesium 13 Al 铝

Aluminium 14 Si 硅 Silicon 15 P 磷 Phosphorus 16 S 硫 Sulfur 17 Cl

氯 Chlorlne 18 Ar 氩 Argon 19 K 钾 Potassium 20 Ca 钙 Calcium


benzene, toluene, xylene,pyridine,胡萝卜素,红移,还原,乙炔,氯


alkali,wavelength,isopropanol,acetone,ethyl acetate,ether,

petroleum ether,acetonitrile 碱,波长,异丙醇,丙酮,乙酸乙酯,


authentic, stereochemisty, terpenoid, glucoside,TLC可信的,立体

化学,萜类,葡萄糖苷,TLC: thin layer chromatography薄层色谱

extraction, isolation, purification, identification, hydrolysis,

crystallography, phytochemistry, ultroviolet,infrared,提取,分




magnesium phosphate Mg3(PO4)2磷酸镁

thermodynamically, amorphous,viscosity,magnesiumstearate, NaHCO3,

KCl, calcium phosphate,热力学的,无定型的,粘度,硬脂酸镁,碳酸氢


sodium bicarbonate,,potassium chloride,Lubricant,partition

coefficient, kinetics, solute, cation, anion碳酸氢钠、氯化钾、润


Disintegration, granule, gastrointestinal,

diffusion,buccalsublingual ,瓦解、颗粒、胃肠道、扩散、颊舌下,

excipientsaturated, exempt, fragment, drug substance,drug product


API:ActivePharmaceutical Ingredient 药用活性成分

QA: Quality Assurance质量保证

QC: Quality Control 质量控制

Reductase,hypotensive,pathology, monopolistic,formulation还原酶、


patent,analogue, bioavailability, sterile, sulfonamide专利、模拟、


physiology拮抗剂, receptor胃溃疡,

enzyme调节器,agonist真菌, insulin抑制剂, tyrosine组胺

antagonist生理学,ulcer受体, modulator酶, fungus激动剂, inhibitor

胰岛素, histamine酪氨酸

NMR:nuclearmagneticesonancespectroscopy 核磁共振

UV:ultraviolet spectroscopy 紫外光谱

IR: infraredspectroscopy 红外光谱

HTS: high-throughputscreening 高通量筛选








potassium bromide, hydrophobic, hydrophilic,

lipid-soluble,cinnamic acids, 脂溶性钾溴化、疏水性、亲水性,肉桂

aliphatic amino acids, anhydrous, Chlorophylls脂肪族氨基酸,无水,


tethe base pair, and the five nucleosides.


Adenine, Guanine,Cytosine, Thymine, Uracil;腺苷;鸟苷;胞啶苷;胸


Medicinal/pharmaceutical chemistry, underway, target, toxic, flora,

fauna, synthetic, synthesis,synthesize, reveal,

physiology&pharmacology, physiological, cellular,receptor, enzyme,


antagonist, crucial, inhibitor, histamine, ulcer,

stomach,gastric acid, fungi, host, fungus, toxin, sulfonamide.

retrospective, systemic, arbitrarily, antibiotics,streptomycin,

insulin, mimetics, tyrosine, phosphatase, neuropeptide,modulator,

bioavailability, modification, transformation,

formulation,analogue, monopolistic, patent, retain, reside,

retroactive, serendipitous,vasodilate, dysfunction, rational,

pathology, hypotensive, elucidation, peptic,imprudent, hastily,

merit, brilliant, rationale, sterile, combinatorial

chemistry.nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, NMR,ultraviolet

spectroscopy, UV, infrared spectroscopy, IR, mass spectrometry, MS









Pharmaceutics, Bioavailability, Drug product, drug substance,

API=active pharmaceuticalingredient, excipient, suspension,

suppository, integration, dissolution,permeation, pharmacopoeia,

sustain, prolong, tablet, troches, palpably, coat,buccal,

sublingual, fragment, granule, aggregate, QC=Quality

Control,QA=Quality Assurance, aqueous, intact, gastrointestinal

tract, systemic,saturated, stagnant layer, bulk, partition

coefficient, kinetics, agitation, in vivo, in vitro, solute,

geometric,manipulation, anhydrous, hydrous, polymorph, crystalline,

rigid,thermodynamically, amorphous, formulation, suspending agents,

viscosity,lubricant, stearate, repel, surfactant, surface tension,

micelles, adjacent,precipitate, fine, recipient, disperse,

tetracycline, insoluable, agitation,gastric, intestinal, buffer,

simulated, correlate 制药学、生物利用度、药物产品、药物物质、API

pharmaceuticalingredient 活跃,赋形剂、悬浮、栓剂、集成、溶解、渗


聚合、QC =质量控制,QA =质量保证,水,完好无损,胃肠道,系统性,饱和,




