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Am i c soluti on hydrolysis for i m prov i n g con ten t of
a straga losi de Ⅳi n extract of Rad i x A straga li
L IU Mei,ZHOU J ing,Z HANG Q ing 2wei,L IU Fang
(College of Phar m acy,T ianjin M edical U niversity,Tianjin 300070,China )
[Abstract] O bjecti ve:To op ti m ize a m ic s oluti on hydr olysis technique for i m p r oving the content of astragal oside Ⅳin extract of Radix A stragali .M ethod :O rthogonal design was adop ted t o investigate the main fact ors that influenced hydr olysis .Choosing the con 2tent of astragal oside Ⅳas ins pecting index which deter m ined by HP LC,t otal saponins was purified with the macr o 2reticular resine,and contents of saponins bef ore and after hydr olysis were deter m ined by col ori m etry at 544n m.Result :The rati o of a m ic s oluti on t o herb medicine was most notable in the f our ins pected fact ors .The op ti m al technique of hydr olysis was that the rati o was 1∶5,concentrati on of am ic s oluti on was 2%,and the ti m e of regurgitant extracti on at 90℃was t w o hours .The content of astragal oside Ⅳwas notably higher than bef ore by hydr olysis .D ifference wasn’t significant bet w een the content of saponins bef ore and after hydr olysis by col ori m e 2try .Conclusi on :Content of astragal oside Ⅳwas obvi ously higher than that bef ore hydr olysis,but the content of t otal saponins was not changed bef ore and after hydr olysis .The results showed that the other saponins can be transf or med int o astragal oside Ⅳby hydr olysis .This method was valuable,which p r ovided basis on its industrializati on .
[Key words] a m ic s oluti on hydr olysis;astragal oside Ⅳ;t otal saponins;E LS D;macr o 2reticular resine
[责任编辑 鲍 雷]
[收稿日期] 2006212218
[通讯作者] 3汪小根,Tel:(020)22846586,E 2mail:wangxiao 2gen404@
[摘要] 目的:筛选广藿香有效部位巴布剂的基质处方。方法:采用均匀设计方法,以初黏力、持黏力和透皮速
率为评价指标,各基质及其用量为因素和水平进行U 17(1711)的实验,得出最优配比组成。结果:巴布剂最佳配比为卡波姆U102聚丙烯酸钠(Noverite T M 7s )2甘油2山梨醇2高岭土2柠檬酸2三氯化铝(110∶510∶20∶210∶210∶0125∶012)。结论:该基质具有良好的黏附性能,适宜的释药速率以及与广藿香提取物良好的相容性。
[关键词] 均匀设计;巴布剂;基质处方;广藿香挥发油;总黄酮
[中图分类号]R 283 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]100125302(2008)0620638204
广藿香来源于唇形科植物广藿香Pogoste m on
cablin (B lanco )Benth .的干燥地上部分。文献报道[1,2],广藿香挥发油可完全抑制微球菌、葡萄球菌和棒杆苗等16种皮肤细菌,尤其是与体腋臭和脚气有关的负责菌,最低抑制浓度(M I C )<400μL ・L -1
M I C 50~400μL ・L -1