大便常规 英文



















以下是整理的《医学英语⼝语:妇产科检查中英⽂对照》,希望⼤家喜欢!发红 redness 发疹 eruption 溃疡 ulcer 糜烂 erosion;erodet ⽩斑 vitiligo leukoplakia 阴蒂肥⼤ clitorimegaly 处⼥膜 hymen 阴道窥器 vaginal speculum 阴道分泌物 vaginal secretion;vaginal discharge 阴道横隔 transverse vaginal septum;transverse vaginal septa 宫颈糜烂 erosion of cervix 宫颈肥⼤ hypertrophy of cervix 宫颈息⾁ cervical polyp 宫颈粘膜炎 endocervicitis 宫颈腺囊肿 Naboth cyst 宫颈裂伤 cervical laceration 接触性出⾎ contact bleeding 前位⼦宫 anterial uterus 后位⼦宫 posterial uterus ⼦宫附件 uterine adnexa ⼦宫底 fundus of uterus 包块 mass 检查项⽬ 常规检查 全⾎细胞分析 whole blood cell test 红细胞 red blood cell;erythrocyte ⽩细胞 white blood cell;leucocyte ⾎红蛋⽩ hemoglobin ⾎⼩板 thrombocyte;thromboplastid ⾎型 blood type;blood group ⼤便常规 routine stool test ⼤便潜⾎试验 stool occult blood test 专科检查 阴道分泌物涂⽚ vaginal secretion smear 妊娠试验 pregnancy test 基础体温 basal body temperature,BBT 性激素 sexual hormone;gonadal hormone 雌激素 estrogen,E??雌⼆醇? estradiol,E2 孕激素 progesterone,P 睾酮 testosterone,T 促激素释放激素 luteinizing hormone,LH 腺垂体促卵泡激素 follicle stimulating hormone,FSH 催乳素 prolactin,PRL 抗精⼦抗体 anti-sperm antibody ,ASAB 抗⼼磷脂抗体 anticardiolipins,ACL 抗⼦宫内膜抗体 EMAb 宫颈粘液检查 cervical mucus examination 宫颈粘膜碘试验 Schiller test 宫颈管刮⽚ endocervical scraping smear ⼦宫颈涂⽚细胞学检查 cervical smear and cytological examination 超声检查 ultrasonography B超 B-scan 经阴道超声检查 transvaginal ultrasonography ⼦宫发育不良 hypoplasia of uterus 宫内节育器 intrauterine device,IUD ⽉经期⼦宫内膜 menstrual phase of endometrium ⼦宫内膜 endometrium 卵泡 follicle 孕囊 fertilized egg 囊肿 cyst;hydatidoma;hydatoncus ⼦宫肌瘤超声所见 ultrasound view of uterine myoma ⼦宫腺肌症超声所见 ultrasonic feature of uterine adenomyoma ⼦宫输卵管造影术 hysterosalpingography 单⾓⼦宫 unicornuate uterus 双⾓⼦宫 uterus bicornis 残⾓⼦宫 rudimentary horn of uterus 输卵管积⽔ hydrosalpinx;hydrops tubae;tubal dropsy 诊断性刮宫 diagnostic curettage;exploratory curettage 宫颈锥切术 conization of cervix 输卵管通液术 fluid infusion of fallopian tubes 经阴道后穹窿穿刺术 colpocoeliotomia posterior 宫腔镜 hysteroscope 阴道镜 colposcope ; vaginoscope 腹腔镜 peritoneoscope;ventroscope;laparo;laparoscope;laproscope 常⽤中医治疗 补肾滋阴 replenishing vital essence to tonify the kidney 疏肝养肝 soothing and nourishing the liver 健脾和胃 strengthening the spleen and stomach 补益⽓⾎ invigorating qi and enriching the blood 活⾎化瘀 promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis 理⽓⾏滞 regulating the flow of qi 清热凉⾎ removing pathogenic heat from blood 温经散寒 expelling pathogentic cold from channel 利湿除痰 removing dampness by diuresis and eliminating phlegm 解毒杀⾍ detoxicating and destroy intestinal worms 中医特⾊治疗 四黄⽔蜜外敷 application with ⽑冬青保留灌肠 retention-enema with hairy holly root 莪棱保留灌肠 retention-enema with zedoary and burreed tuber 激光治疗 laser therapy 针灸治疗 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy 常⽤西医治疗 保守治疗 expectant treatment ⼿术治疗 surgical therapy 药物治疗 drug treatment 放射治疗 radiotherapy ⼼理治疗 psychotherapy 物理疗法 physical therapy 抗炎 anti-inflammatory therapy 利尿 diuretic therapy 杀菌 sterilization 妇科⼿术 前庭⼤腺囊肿造⼝术 fistulization of bantbolin gland cyst ⽆孔处⼥膜切开术 excision of imperfcrated hymen ⼦宫颈息⾁切除术 excision of cervical polyp 全⼦宫切除术 panhysterectomy ; complete hysterectomy 经腹全⼦宫切除术 abdominouterectomy ; laparohysterectomy 经腹输卵管卵巢切除术 abdominal salpingo-oophorectomy ; laparosalpingo-oophorectomy ⼦宫肌瘤剔除术 myomectomy 会阴切开术 episiotomy ; sectio perinealis ; perineotomy 剖宫产 cesarean section ; abdominal delivery ; caesarean section ; cesarean delivery ⼈⼯流产 artificial abortion ; induced abortion ; abactio ; abactus venter 药物流产 anti-early pregnancy with drug ;induce abortion with drug。



常用医嘱术语[Medical orders](1)医嘱术语[medical orders]•Admit/transfer to[收入(转入)]•Resident/attending[住院(主诊)医师]•condition[病情]▲critical (Imminence)[病危]▲unstable[不稳定]▲stable[稳定]▲general (fair) [一般]•emergent[急诊]•Diagnosis[诊断]•Diet[饮食]▲full (home) diet[普食]▲l iquid (semi-liquid) diet[流汁(半流汁)饮食]▲soft diet[软食]▲low salt and low fat diet[低盐低脂饮食]▲salt-free diet[无盐饮食]▲low purine diet[低嘌呤饮食]▲low (non)-residue diet[少(无)渣饮食]▲light diet [清淡饮食]▲high caloric diet[高热量饮食]▲high protein (protein-rich) diet[高蛋白饮食]▲diab etic diet[糖尿病饮食]▲nephritic diet[肾炎饮食]▲nasal feeding[鼻饲]▲fasting (NPO, nothing by mouth)[禁食]▲NPO for 5 hours[禁食5小时]▲meal standard[伙食标准]•activity[活动]▲absolute rest[绝对卧床休息]▲stay on the bed (yest in bed)[卧床休息]▲Ad lib[随意活动]▲In the ward [病房内活动]•vital signs[生命体征]•Q shift (q.6h)[每班(每6小时)一次]•immoblization[制动]•pressed by sand bag [沙袋压迫]•I/O (intake and output)[记出入量]•N/A (non-apply)[不需要]•parameter: EKG(Bp,SaO2) monitor [其他:心电图(血压,氧饱和度)监护]•allergies[过敏]•NKA (non-known allergies)[无已知的过敏反应]•patient identification [病人身份]•4th floor,room 5 ,bed 2(405-2)[4楼5号房2床]•Med. Rec#[病历号]•medical orders[医嘱]•on general routine[护理常规]•on grade I (II, III) nuring care[I (I、III)级护理]•morning (evening) care[晨间(夜间)护理]•bedsore care[褥疮护理]•mouth (oral) care[口腔护理]•CP T( chest physical treatment) [胸部物理治疗]•O2 inhalation (2-4L/min)[吸氧(2-4升/分)]•alcohol sponge bath[酒精擦浴]•cold (hot) compress[冷(热)敷]•wet (hydropathic) compress by MgSO4[用硫酸镁湿敷]•change position × qh[每小时更换一次体位]•gastric lavage with water[用清水洗胃]•bladder irri gation [膀胱冲洗]•under water seal drainage of thorax[胸腔水封瓶引流]•GI decompression [胃肠减压]•keep warm[保温]医.学全在.线,提供ww w.m ed126.co m•lower temperature by ice-cap[冰帽降温]•keep bowels open[保持大便通畅]•keep the airway open[保持气道通畅]•retention catheterization[留置导尿]•prevent from bedsore[预防褥疮]•on bedside isolation[床边隔离]•P.P sitz bath[高锰酸钾液坐浴]•raising the head (foot) of the bed[抬高床头(尾)]•pencillin (procaine, iodine) skin test[青霉素(普鲁卡因,碘)皮试] •intubate and ventilator support[气管插管及呼吸机支持] •cleaning (retention) enama[清洁(保留)灌肠]•soapsuds (saline) enama[肥皂水(盐水)灌肠]•intradermal injection[皮内注射]•subcutaneous (hypodermic) injection [皮下注射] •intramuscular injection( i.m)[肌肉注射]•intravenous injection(i.v)[静脉注射]•intravenous drip(ivgtt)[静脉滴入]•intr aarterial injection[动脉注射]•intraarticular injection[关节内注射]•intrapleural injection[胸腔内注射]•intrathecal injection[鞘内注射]•intraspinal injection[椎管内注射]•per os(P.O,by mouth[口服]•inhalation[吸入]•inunction[涂擦]•scarification[划痕法]•by rectum[直肠灌注]•quaque die (q d)[一天1次]•bis in die(bid)[一天2次]•ter in die (tid)[一天3次]•quater in die (qid)[一天4次]•quaque hora (qh)[每小时1次]•quaque quarta hora(q4h)[每4小时1次]•quaque nocte (qn)[每晚1次]•quaque mane (qm)[每晨1次]•ante cibum(ac)[饭前(给药)]•post cibum (pc)[饭后(给药)]•hora somni (hs)[临睡时]•pro re nata (prn)[必要时]•si opus sit (sos)[必要时只用1次]•ante meridiem (am)[上午]•post meridiem (pm)[下午]•statim (st)[即刻](2)辅助检查术语[diagnostic examination]•CBC (complete blood count) [全血细胞计数]•WBC (white blood ount)[白细胞数]•RBC (red blood count) [红细胞数]•Ret (reticulocyte)[网织红细胞数]•HCT (hematocrit)[红细胞比积]•MCV (mean corpuscular volume) [红细胞平均体积] •MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin)[红细胞平均血红蛋白] •EC (eosinophic count)[嗜酸粒细胞计数]•Plt (platelet count)[血小板计数]•UA (urine analyse)[小便常规]•SRt (stool routine)[大便常规]•stool OB [大便隐血]•stool ova count[大便虫卵计数]•uric acid [尿酸]•uric (serum) amylase [尿(血)淀粉酶]•urine K+ (Na+)[尿钾(钠)测定]•pregnance test[妊娠试验]•urine Bence-Jone protein [尿本-周氏蛋白]•urinary protein electrophoresis[尿蛋白电冰]•bacterial count of urine [尿菌落数]•osmotic pressure assay[尿渗透压测定]•urine (blood, stool) culture [尿(血、大便)培养]•bone marrow puncture [骨穿]•iron staining of bone marrow smear [骨髓铁染色]•serum iron assay [血清铁测定]•Vit B12 and folic acid assay [维生素B12和叶酸测定]•BT (bleeding time) [出血时间]•CT (coagulation time) [凝血时间]•PT (prothrombin time)[凝血酶原时间]•ACT (activated coagulation time)[活化的凝血时间]•KPTT(kaolin partial thromboplastin time)[部分凝血活酶时间]•Fb (fibrinogen)[纤维蛋白原]•FDP (fibrinogen degradation product)[纤维蛋白原降解产物]•ABG (arterial blood gas)[血气分析]•renal function and liver function[肝肾功能]•D-dimer fragments assay[D-二聚体测定]•Hcy (homocysteine)[同型半胱氨酸]•Cr and BuN (creatinine and blood urea nitrogen)[肌酐和尿素氮]•blood lipid (TG, TC ,HDL, LDL)[血脂(甘油三酯,胆固醇,高密度脂蛋白,低密度脂蛋白)]•myocardial enzyme (CK, CK-MB, GOT, LDH)[心肌酶谱(肌酸磷酸激酶及同功酶,谷草转氨酶,乳酶脱氢酶)]•Mb (myoglobin)[肌红蛋白]•CTn-I [肌钙蛋白-I]•thyroid function (T3,T4,TSH,FT3 FT4,TG,TM)[甲状腺功能]•VMA (urine vanillylmandelic acid)[尿香草基杏仁酸]•LH, FSH, ACTH, GH[黄体生成素,卵泡刺激素,促肾上腺皮质激素,生长激素]•determination of calcitonin[降钙素测定]•17-KS and 17-OHCS[尿17-酮和17-羟测定]•plasma cortisol assay [皮质醇]•aldosterone assay[醛固酮]•testosterone and estradiol[睾酮和雌二醇]•FBS or blood glucose [空腹血糖或血糖]•SaO2 monitor [血氧饱和度监测]•CO2CP (carbon dioxide combining power)[二氧化碳结合力]•Uric ketobody[尿酮体]•serum electrolytes (K+,Na+,Ca2+,Cl-,Mg2+)[血电解质]•AFP(alpha-fetoprotein) [癌胚抗原]•β2-M(β2-microglobulin)[ β2微球蛋白]•Ccr (endogenous creatinine clearance)[内生肌酐清除率]•capillary resistance test [毛细血管脆性试验]•platelet adhesion and aggregation test[血小板粘附和凝集试验]•3P test (plasma protamine paracoagulation test)[血浆鱼精蛋白副凝试验] •plasma viscosity [血浆粘度]•whole-blood viscosity [全血粘度]•CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)[脑脊液]•semen (sputum, vaginal discharge) examination[精液(痰,阴道分泌物)检查]•total protein[总蛋白]•OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test)[口服糖耐量试验] •ASO (antistreptolysin O test)[抗“O”试验]•ANA (antinuclear antibody)[抗核抗体]•anti-ENA antibody [抗可提取性核蛋白(ENA)抗体] •anti-ds DNA[抗双链DNA抗体]•C3 (complement 3) [补体3]•CRP (C-reactive protein) [C-反应蛋白]•IC (immune complex)[免疫复合物]•RF (rheumatoid factor)[类风湿因子]•Widal`s reaction [肥达氏反应]•MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration)[最低抑菌浓度] •MBC (minimal bactericidal concentration)[最小杀菌浓度] •acid-fast stain[抗酸染色]•EKG [心电图]•bedside [床边]•chest (cervical) X-ray examination [胸部(颈部)X线检查] •P-A + lateral projection [正位+侧位]•echo (TTE, transthoracic echo)[经胸超声心动图]•echo (TEE, transesophageal echo)[经食道超声心动图] •Doppler echocardiography[多普勒超声心动图] •fluoroscopy [透视]医学全在线•CT (computerized-tomography)[计算机断层摄影]•MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)[核磁共振成像]•DSA (digital subtractive angiography)[数字减影血管造影术] •contrast enhancement[对比增强]•dacryocystography[泪囊造影]•Caldwell`s position [柯氏位]•Wayer`s position[瓦氏位]•Angiography [血管造影术]•coronary angiography [冠脉造影术]•right ventricul ography [右心造影术]•PTCA[经皮经腔冠脉成形术]•RFCA[经导管射频消融术]•stent[支架]•pacemaker implanted operation[起搏器植入术]•Holter (dynamic ECG)[24小时动态心电图]•ABPM[24小时动态血压监测]•treadmill test [平板运动试验]•bicycle ergometer[踏车试验]•tilt test[倾斜试验]•phonocardiog raphy[心音图]•atropine test[阿托品试验]•TEAP (transesophageal atrial pacing)[食道调搏]•EP study[电生理检查]•VCG (vectocardiogram)[心向量图]•EMG (electromyogram)[肌电图]•EEG (electroencephalogram)[脑电图]•barium enema[钡灌肠]•cholangiography[胆管造影术]•intravenous (oral) cholecystography[静脉(口服)胆囊造影] •pancratocholangiography[胰胆管造影]•selective heptatic arteriography[选择性肝动脉造影]•bronchography[支气管造影]•lung aspiration biopsy[肺针吸活检]•cystourethrography[膀胱尿道造影]•IVU (intravenous urography)[静脉尿道造影]•retrogradepyelography[逆行肾盂造影]•uterosalpingography[子宫输卵管造影]•CT-guided aspiration biopsy[CT 导向下穿刺活检]•cerebral angiography [脑血管造影]•vertebral angiography[椎动脉造影]•cisternography[脑室造影]•arterio (veno) graphy[动(静)脉造影]•lung functional examination[肺功能检查]•gastroscopy[胃镜检查]•endoscopy[內窥镜检查]•sigmoidoscopy[乙状结肠镜查]•colonoscopy[结肠镜检查]•colonofiberscopy[纤维结肠镜检查]•bronchoscopy[支气管镜检查]•ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography)[经内镜逆行胰胆管造影] •catheterization[导尿术]医学全在线•thoracentesis[胸穿]•abdominocentesis(abdominal puncture)[腹穿]•pericardiocentesis[心包穿刺]•liver (renal) biopsy[肝(肾)活检]•bone marrow puncture[骨穿]•lumbar puncture[腰穿]•lymah node puncture [淋巴结穿刺]•joint cavity paracentesis [关节腔穿刺术]•examination of prostate[前列腺检查]•massage of prostate[前列腺按摩]•CVP measure [中心静脉压测定]•peripheral venous pressure measure [外周静脉压测定]•duodenal drainage[十二指肠引流]该文章转载自医学全在线:/yingyu/2008/20564_2.shtml。








2.2p H值粪便pH值反映了肠道内的酸碱平衡状况,正常情况下会呈弱酸性或中性。

异常的p H值可能与肠道感染、消化问题等有关。
















颜色对大便检查有什么意义?亦可参照XL S X文档可以读人真心讲解。








yjbys为大家推荐检验学常用英语词汇如下:1.血常规英文缩写英文全称中文全称WBC white blood cell count 白细胞计数GR% granulocyte 中性粒细胞百分比LY% lymphocyte 淋巴细胞百分比MID% 中值细胞百分比EOS% eosimophil 嗜酸性粒细胞百分比AL% allergy lymphocyte 变异淋巴细胞百分比ST% 中性杆状粒细胞百分比RBC red blood cell 红细胞计数HGB hemoglobin 血红蛋白HCT hematocrit 红细胞比积MCV mean corpusular volume 平均红细胞体积MCH mean corpusular hemoglobin 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量MCHC mean corpusular hemoglobin concerntration 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度RDW red blood cell volume distribution width 红细胞分布宽度变异PLT/BPC platelet count/blood platelet count 血小板计数MPV mean platelet volume 平均血小板体积PCT plateletocrit 血小板比积PDW platelet distribution width 血小板分布宽度2.大小便常规英文缩写英文全称中文全称PH acidity 酸碱度NIT nitrite 亚硝酸盐GLU glucose 尿糖SG specific gravity 比重PRO protein 尿蛋白BLD blood 隐血BIL bilirubin 尿胆红素URO urobilinogen 尿胆原WBC white blood cell 白细胞addish计数 addish count 艾迪氏计数/HP high power objective 每高倍视野/LP low power objective 每低倍视野OB occult blood test 大便隐血试验3.体液常规英文缩写英文全称中文全称CSF cerebrospinal 脑积夜Pandy pandy 庞氏试验4.生化检验英文缩写英文全称中文全称TB total bilirubin 总胆红素DB direct bilirubin 直接胆红素TP total protein 总蛋白ALB albumin 白蛋白GLOB globulin 球蛋白UREA urea 尿素CREA creatinine 肌肝UA uric acid 尿酸。





血常规的正常值是多少呢?1、红细胞计数(RBC)[正常参考值]男:4.0~5.5 ×10的12次方/L(400万-550万个/mm3)。

女:3.5~5.0 ×10的12次方/L(350万-500万个/mm3)。

新生儿:6.0~7.0 ×10的12次方/L(600万-700万个/mm3)。

2、血红蛋白测定(HB或HGB)[正常参考值] 男:120~160g/L(12-16g/dL)。



3、白细胞计数(WBC)[正常参考值]成人:4~10 ×10的9次方/L(4000-10000/mm3)。

新生儿:15~20 ×10的9次方/L(15000-20000/mm3)。

4、白细胞分类计数(DC)[正常参考值]白细胞分类(DC)英文缩写占白细胞总数的百分比嗜中性粒细胞N 0.3 ~0.7中性秆状核粒细胞 0.01 ~0.05 (1%-5%)中性分叶核粒细胞0.50 ~0.70 (50%-70%)嗜酸性粒细胞E 0.005~0.05 (0.5%-5%)嗜碱性粒细胞B 0.00 ~0.01 (0~1%)淋巴细胞L 0.20 ~0.40 (20%-40%)单核细胞M 0.03 ~0.08 (3%-8%)5、嗜酸性粒细胞直接计数(EOS)[正常参考值]50~300 ×10的9次方/L(50-300个/mm3)。






医学检验专业speciality of medical laboratory sciencesWBC white blood cell count BPC blood platelet count血小板 [pleitlit] GR% granulocyte[ɡrænjuləsait]中性粒细胞百分比LY% lymphocyte[lɪmfəsaɪt]淋巴细胞百分比AL% allergy(过敏)[ælədʒi:] HB hemoglobin 血红蛋白HCT hematocrit 红细胞比积MCV mean corpuscular volume红细胞平均体积MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin平均红细胞血红蛋白MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度MPV mean platelet volume 平均血小板体积PCT plateletocrit 血小板比积PDW platelet distribution width 血小板分布宽度大小便常规PH acidity 酸碱度PRO protein 尿蛋白NIT nitrite 亚硝酸盐GLU glucose 尿糖SG specific gravity 比重BLD blood 隐血BIL bilirubin 尿胆红素URO urobilinogen 尿胆原addish计数addish count 艾迪氏计数/HP high power objective 每高倍视野/LP low power objective 每低倍视野OB occult blood test 大便隐血试验CSF cerebrospinal 脑积夜Pandy 庞氏试验TB total bilirubin 总胆红素DB direct bilirubin 直接胆红素ALB albumin 白蛋白GLOB globulin 球蛋白UREA urea 尿素CREA creatinine 肌肝UA uric acid 尿酸GLU glucose 血糖ALT alanine amiotransferase 丙氨酸氨基转移酶AST aspartate aminotransferase 门冬氨酸氨基转移酶GGT γ-glutamyl transpeptadase 谷氨酰转肽酶CK creatine kinase 肌酸肌酶CK-MB creatine kinase-MB 肌酸肌酶同工酶LDH lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶α-HBD α-hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase α-羟丁酸脱氢酶AMY serum amylase 血淀粉酶TG triglyceride 肝油三脂CHOL cholesterol 胆固醇HDL-c high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 高密度脂蛋白LDL-c low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 低密度脂蛋白VLDL very low-density lipoprotein 极低密度脂蛋白Ca serum calcium 钙Mg serum magnesium 镁IP inorganic phosphate 无机磷ALP alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶TBA total biliary acid 总胆汁酸ASO antistreptolysin 抗链球菌溶血素Oa-AG a-acid glycoprotein a-酸性糖蛋白RF rheumatoid factor 类风湿因子MTP mili-total protein 微量蛋白IgG immunoglobin G 免疫球蛋白G C3 complement C3 补体C3 cTNT troponin T 肌钙蛋白TMYOG myoglobin 肌红蛋白Na sodium 钠K kalium 钾Cl chloride 氯Ga calcium 钙Mg magnesium 镁HBV hepatitis B virus 乙肝病毒HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen 乙肝表面抗原HBsAb antibody to hepatitis surface antigen 乙肝表面抗体HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen 乙肝核心抗原HBcAb antibody to hepatitis B core antigen 乙肝核心抗体HBeAg hepatitis B e-antigen 乙肝e抗原HBeAb antibody to hepatitis B e-antigen 乙肝e抗体ELISA enzymelinked immunosorbentassy 酶联免疫吸附试验英文缩写英文全称中文全称TP treponema pallidum 梅毒螺旋体HIV human immunodeficiency virus 人类免疫缺陷病毒AKP/ALP alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶ACP acid phosphatase 酸性磷酸酶AAP alanimine peptidase 丙氨酸氨基肽酶ALA aminolenulinic acid 氨基- γ- 酮戊酸ABU asymptomatic bacteriuria 无症状性菌尿AFB acid-fast bacillus 抗酸杆菌AIDS acquired immune deficidency syndrome 爱滋病ACB antibody-coated bactia 抗体包被的细菌ADH anti-diuretic hormone 抗利尿剂agg agglutination 凝集AGN acute glomerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎ACD acid-citrate dextrose 枸橼酸- 枸橼酸盐葡萄糖( 储血稳定剂) AFP alpha-fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白临床实验室ADP adenosine diphospate 二磷酸腺苷AMP aednosine monophospate 一磷酸腺苷ATP aednosine triphospate 三磷酸腺苷ACT actived clitting time 活化凝血时间AHG antiiheomphilie globulin 抗血友病球蛋白AMI acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗死α2-AP α2-antiplasmin α2- 抗纤溶酶APC actived protein C 活化蛋白CAPTT actived partial thrombolastin time 活化部分凝血酶时间α1-AT α1-antitrypsin α1- 抗胰蛋白酶AT acutalase time 蕲蛇酶时间AT-III antinyombin-III 抗凝血酶IIIATP-LT adenosine triphospate liberate test ATP 释放试验ATT aspirin tolerance test 阿司匹林耐量试验BBS barbitone buffer 巴比妥缓冲液ALL acute lymphatic leukemia 急性淋巴细胞白血病AML acute myelogenous leukimia 急性粒细胞白血病AG anion gap 阴离子间隙ANA antinucleus antibody 抗核抗体ASO antistreptolysin-O 抗链球菌溶血素OABC absolute basophil count 储碱性白细胞绝对值计数ABR agglutination test for brucellosis 布氏杆菌凝集试验A/G albumin-globulin ratio 白蛋白- 球蛋白比值B barometrie 大气压B bacillus 杆菌Bac bacteria 细菌BB buffer base 缓冲碱BG blood group 血型BCG buomocresol green 溴甲酚绿BJ(BJP) Bence Jones Protein 本- 周氏蛋白BTB bromothymol blue 溴麝香草酚兰BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BUN blood urea nitrogen 血液尿素氮BBS barbitone buffer 巴比妥缓冲液BSA bovine serum albumin 牛血清白蛋白BSS Bernard-soulier syndyome 巨大血小板综合症B-TGT Bigg's thromboplastin generation test Bigg's 凝血活酶生成试验BT bleeding time 出血时间BMR bone marrow 骨髓BSR blood sedimentation rate 血球沉降率BSS buffered salt or saline solution 缓冲液CAF ceuuolse-acetafolic 醋酸纤维薄膜C3 complement 3 补体C3 Ca carcinoma/cancer 癌CGN chronic glomerulone phritis 慢性肾小球肾炎CR creatinine clearance 肌酐清除试验CL chlorine,chloride 氯化物、氯元素符号CO/CHO cholesterol 胆固醇CHE cholinestetrase 胆碱脂酶CMML chronic 慢性粒- 单细胞白血病CR creatinine 肌酐CRE creatine 肌酸CU(CUR) urea clearance 尿素清除(廓清)率CK/CPK creatine kinase/phosphokinase 肌酸(磷酸)激酶CV coefficient of vaviation 变异系数CEA carcinoembyonic antigen 癌胚抗原CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia 慢性淋巴细胞性白血病CGL chronic garnulocytic leukemia 慢性粒细胞性白血病CML chronic myelogneous leukemia 慢性骨髓性白血病CO 2 CP carbon dioxide combiding power 二氧化碳结合力CR clot retraction 血块收缩CR complete remission 完全缓解CRT clot retraction time 血块收缩时间CSF cerebral spinal fluid 脑脊液CT coagulation time 凝血时间CBC complete blood count 全血细胞计数CHA cold hemaglutination test 红细胞冷凝集试验CMV cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒COHB carboxyhemoglobin 碳氧血红蛋白临床实验室DC differential count of leucocyte 白细胞分类计数DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation 弥漫性血管内凝血DNA deoxyrinbonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DD D-dimer D- 二聚体DB direct bilirubin 直接胆红素DFA duodenal fluid analysis 十二指肠液分析DW distilled water 蒸馏水E enzyme 酶EOS eosinophil 嗜酸性粒细胞EC eosinophil count 嗜酸性粒细胞计数ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay 酶联免疫吸附试验ELT euglobulin lysis time 优球蛋白溶解时间EIA enzyme immunoassay 酶免疫测定法EPEC enteropathogenic eseherichia coli 致病性大肠杆菌ERFT E-rosette forming test E 玫瑰花环形成试验(正常34-62% )ESR erythrocyte sedimentdetion rate 红细胞沉降率ET estriol test 雌三醇试验EP electrophoersis 电泳FG fobrinogen 纤维蛋白原FDP fobrinogen degradation product 纤维蛋白原降解产物FIT 乳胶凝集试验FPA fibronopeptide A 纤维蛋白肽AFPB fibronopeptide B 纤维蛋白肽BFFA free fatty acid 游离脂肪酸GC gonococcus 淋球菌GC granular cast 颗粒管型GGT gama glutamyltransferase γ- 谷胺酰基转移酶GLU glucose 葡萄糖GLC gas-liquid chromatography 气液相色谱法GN gram's negative 革兰氏阴性GA gastric analysis 胃液分析GDH Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 葡萄糖-6- 磷酸脱氢酶GOD glucose oxiddase 葡萄糖氧化酶GPB(GPC) gram's positive bacillus 革兰氏阳性杆菌γ-GTP γ-glutamyl-transpeptidase γ- 谷氨酸转肽酶GTT glucose tolerance test 葡萄糖耐量试验临床实验室HBDH hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 羟丁酸脱氢酶HB-F hemoglobin fetal form 胎儿型血红蛋白HB-S hemoglobin, from found in sickle cell 镰刀型红细胞中发现血红蛋白HDL high-density lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白HAIT hemoagglutinationinhibition test 血球凝集抑制试验HB(HGB) hemoglobin 血红蛋白HC hyaline cast 透明管型HCG human chorionic gonadotropin 人绒毛膜促性腺激素17-HOCS 17-hydroxycortico steroid 17- 羟类固醇HP high power 高倍(显微镜用语)HPF high power field 高倍视野(显微镜用语)HSLC high speed liquid chromatography 高速液相色谱法HPLC high gerformence liquid chromatography 高效液相色谱法HCT hematocrit 红细胞压积HC heavy chain 重链5-HT 5-hydroxy-tryptamince 5- 羟色胺HR hemorrheology 血液流变学Ham's Ham's 酸溶血试验HAV hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒HBV hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒HCV hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒HDV hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒HEV hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒HbsAg hepatitis B surface antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗原HbsAb hepatitis B surface antibody 乙型肝炎表面抗体HbeAb hepatitis B e antibody 乙型肝炎e 抗体HbeAg hepatitis B e antigen 乙型肝炎e 抗原HbcAg hepatitis B core antigen 乙型肝炎核心抗原HbcAb hepatitis B core antibody 乙型肝炎核心抗体HHB heinz bodies 变形珠蛋白小体试验HLA human leukocyte antigen 人类白细胞抗原HDL-C high density lipoprotein cholesterol 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇HICN 氰化高铁血红蛋白HA hemolytic anemia 溶血性贫血HA-Ag hepatitis A antigen 甲型肝炎抗原HPV Human papilloma virus 人郛头瘤状病毒HRP horseradish peroxidase 辣根过氧化物酶HSV herpes simple virus 单纯疱疹病毒HT =HCT HX hexokinase 己糖(磷酸)激酶HCL hairycell leukemia 毛细胞白血病Ig immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白IgA immunoglobulin A 免疫球蛋白AIgG immunoglobulin G 免疫球蛋白GIgM immunoglobulin M 免疫球蛋白MIgE immunoglobulin E 免疫球蛋白EIgD immunoglobulin D 免疫球蛋白DIP inorganic phosphorus 无机磷IU international unit 国际单位IRMA immnnoradiometric assay 放射免疫试验IDL intermediate-density lipoprotein 中间密度脂蛋白IB indirect bilirubin 间接胆红素IBP iron binding protein 铁结合蛋白IC immune complex 免疫复合物ICC immunological competent cell 免疫活性细胞IDA iron deficiency anemia 缺铁性贫血ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 原发性血小板减少性紫IE immune electrophoresis 免疫电泳IFA indirect fluorescent antibody 间接荧光抗体试验IM infectious mononucleosis 传染性单核细胞增多症KET Ketone-bodies 酮体17-KST 17-ketosteroid test 17- 酮类固醇试验KG kilogram 千克KU karmen unit 卡门氏单位KPTT kaolin activated partial thrombplastin time 白陶土活化部分凝血酶时间LDH lactate dehydrogenase 郛酸脱氢酶LDL low-density lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白LEC lupus erythematosus cell 红斑狼疮细胞LP low power 低倍(显微镜用语)LYM lymphocyte 淋巴细胞LAP leucine aminopeptidase 亮氨酸氨基肽酶LAT latex agglutination test 郛胶凝集试验LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇β-LP β-lipoprotein β- 脂蛋白LPE lipoprotein electrophoresis 脂蛋白电泳LPA latex particles agglutination 郛胶凝集反应LEU leukocyte 白细胞LYZ lysozyme 溶菌酶MDS mydldysplastic syndrome 骨髓异常增生综合症M mol 摩尔M(MON) monocyte 单核细胞Mb myoglobin 肌红蛋白MDH malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸脱氢酶临床实验室Mf microfilariae 微丝蚴β2-MG β2-microglobulin β2- 微球蛋白Mg magnesium 镁mM millimol 毫克分子MSU mid-stream urine spceimen 中段尿标本MOSM miuiosmol 毫渗量MCV mean corpuscular volume 平均红细胞体积MCH mean corpuscular hemoglubin 平均红细胞血红蛋白量MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglubin concentration 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度MPV mean platelet volume 平均血小板体积MAO micromine oxidase 单胺氧化酶NEG negative 阴性NIT nitrite test 亚硝酸盐NR normal range 正常范围N neuthophil leukocyte nuetro 嗜中性粒细胞ANAE α-naphthol acetate esterase α- 醋酸萘酚酯酶NRBC nucleared red blood cell 有核红细胞NS normal saline 生理盐NS normal serum 正常血清OB occult blood 隐血17-OHCS 17-hydroxycorticosteroid 17- 羟皮质类固醇OSM osmol 渗透压(量)OD optical density 光密度ODC ornithine decarboxylase 鸟氨酸脱氢酶P plasma 血浆P phosphorus 磷PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链式反应PR protein 蛋白质PAGE polyacry lamide gel electrothoresis 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳PG hydrogen jon exponent 酸碱度、氢离子浓度PCH paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria 阵发性冷血红蛋白尿PNH paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 阵发性夜间血红蛋白尿PKU phenyketonuria 苯丙酮尿症POS positive 阳性PPT precipitate 沉淀物PR henol red 酚红PST phenol sulfonphthalein test 酚红排泄试验PG picogram 微微克(10 -12 克),皮克PTH proxjmal renaltubular acidosis 甲状旁腺激素3P plasma protamine paracoaggulation test 血浆硫酸鱼精蛋白副凝固试验PADT platelet adhension test 血小板粘附试验PAF platelet activiting factor 血小板活化因子PAGT platelet aggregate test 血小板聚集试验PSB phosphate buffer 磷酸盐缓冲液PC protein C 蛋白CPCT prothrombin consume test 凝血酶原消耗试验PD phosphodiesterase 磷酸二酯酶PEG polyethylene glycol 聚乙二醇PF3 platelet factor 3 血小板第3 因子PF4 platelet factor 4 血小板第4 因子PPP platelet poor plasma 贫血小板血浆PRP platelet rich plasma 富血小板血浆PLT platelet 血小板PLC platelet count 血小板计数PRT plasma reclcification time 血浆复钙时间PT prothrombin time 血浆凝血酶原时间PTT partial thrombplastin time 部分凝血酶时间P CO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide 二氧化碳分压P O2 partial pressure of oxygen 氧分压临床实验室Paco2 arterial carbondioxide tension 动脉二氧化碳分压PBL peripheral blood lymphocyte 末稍血液淋巴细胞PCL plasma cell leukemia 浆细胞性白血病PCV pollycythemia vera 真性红细胞增多症PHA phxtohemagglutimin 植物血凝素PI isoelectric point 等电点PLFT platelet immunofluoresence test 血小板免疫荧光试验PPM parts per million 百万分之一POX peroxidase 过氧化物酶PAS periodic acid schiff's reaction 过碘酸- 雪夫氏反应法R reaction 反应RBC red blood cell 红细胞red blood cell count 红细胞计数REV/MIN revolutions per minute 转/ 分RIA radio immunoassay 放射免疫分析RT routine 常规RVVT russcll viper venon time 蝰蛇毒时间RNA ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸RET reticulockyte 网织红细胞RF rhermatoid factor 类风湿因子RPR rapid plasma reaction test 快速血浆反应时间S standard 标准S serum 血清SOL solution 溶液SPE serum protein electrophoresis 血清蛋白电泳SPEC specimen 标本SOD superoxide dismubase 超氧化物岐化酶SEG(SG )segeroxide dismutase 中性分叶核白细胞SI international system unit 国际单位制SOLAQ aqueous solution 水溶液SOLSAT solutionsaturata 饱和溶液SPF spectorphofluorometer 分光光度荧光计SG psecific gravity 比重SAT 血氧饱和度SI serum iron 血清铁SBC 标准碱量SPU selective proteinuria 选择性蛋白尿ST staff nedutdrophil 嗜中性杆状核粒细胞SH shigella 志贺氏菌属STA staphylococcus 葡萄球菌STR streptocdccus 链球菌属SU sulfa 磺胺类SFC spinal fluid count 脑脊液细胞计数SLE system lupus erythematosis 系统性红斑狼疮SD standard deviation 标准差T test 试验、测定T time 时间TB tubercle bacillus 结核杆菌TP tatal protein 总蛋白TVU tatal volumn urine 总尿量TCO2 二氧化碳总量TG triglyceride 甘油三酯TTT thymol turbidity test 麝香草酚浊度试验TA transfer agent 转移因子TB(TBIL) total bilirubin 总胆红素TIBC total iron binging capacity 总铁结合力TRT T-cell rosette formation T- 细胞花环形成试验TST triple sugar iron test 三糖铁试验U unit 单位U urine 尿液UCR urine creatine 尿肌酐UCRE urine creatine 尿肌酸UCL urea clearance 尿素清除率UR urine routine 尿常规URANAL urine analysis 尿分析URO urobilinogen 尿胆素原UUA urine urea acid 尿尿酸UUN urine urea nitrigen 尿尿素氮UD urine acid 尿酸V volume 体积VMA vanillyl mandelic acid 香草酸杏仁酸VWD von willebrand disease 血管性假血友病VLDL very low-density lipoprotein 极低密度脂蛋白WBC white blood cell 白细胞计数各字母分别表示:N :嗜中性粒细胞B :嗜碱性粒细胞E :嗜酸性粒细胞M :成熟细胞J :幼稚细胞st :杆状核细胞sg :分叶核细胞L :淋巴细胞mon :单核细胞WCC white cell cast 白细胞管型WFR weil-felix reaction 外- 裴氏反应WHO world heath organization 世界卫生组织WL wave length 波长WP weakly positive 弱阳性W/W weight in weight 重量与重量比临床实验室XLP x-lipoprotein X- 脂蛋白XM x-matching , cross matching 交叉配血XY 为正常男性染色体XX 为正常女性染色体文章来自临床实验室仪器信息网() - 详文链接:/html/linjian/shenghua/200908/17-6613.html寡糖oligosaccharide二糖disaccharide三糖trisaccharide四糖tetrasaccharide五糖pentosaccharide多糖polysaccharide菊糖inulin黏液mucilage树胶gum果胶pectin半纤维素hemicellulose纤维素cellulose甲壳质chitin肝素heparin硫酸软骨素chondroitin sulfate 玻璃酸hyaluronic acid直链淀粉amylose支链淀粉amylopectin糖原glycogen费林试验Fehling test苷glycoside。


粒细胞绝对值 GR#,GRAN#,W--LCC
红细胞 RBC
血红蛋白 HGB
红细胞压积 HCT
平均红细胞体积 MCV
平均红细胞血红蛋白量 MCH
平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度 MCHC
红细胞体积分布宽度 RDW
? 一般观察:主要包括发育、营养、体态、面容、表情、步态等观察。如肿瘤病人可能出现消瘦、贫血貌、精神状态差。脊柱及四肢疾病可能表现为步态改变、跛行。
? 皮肤、体表及浅表淋巴结检查:皮肤颜色、弹性、光泽、是否存在瘢痕及其他改变。颌下、颈部、锁骨上下、腋窝、腹股沟等处淋巴结是否有肿大。







然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?医学检验常识一三大常规检验1 血常规2 尿常规A 尿常规尿常规在临床上是不可忽视的一项初步检查,不少肾脏病变早期就可以出现蛋白尿或者尿沉渣中有形成分。

























大便常规:WBC 1-3/HP。

加用微生态制剂应至少与抗感染药间隔A.2~3小时B.0.5~2小时C.3~4小时D.24小时E.48小时正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析4.痛风缓解期在关节炎症控制1~2 周开始使用A.秋水仙碱B.别嘌醇C.丙磺舒D.阿司匹林E.水杨酸钠正确答案:B本题解析:秋水仙碱可能是通过减低白细胞活动和吞噬作用及减少乳酸形成从而减少尿酸结晶的沉积,减轻炎性反应,而起止痛作用。


5.下述"抗结核病药合理应用"中,不正确的是A.顿服、提高血药峰浓度B.至少同时使用3 种药物C.采用WHO 推荐的4 个月短程疗法D.最大限度的防止耐药菌株产生E.遵循“早期、联合、适量、规律和全程”的原则正确答案:C本题解析:WH0推荐推广短程疗法,初始2个月为强化期,应用异烟肼、利福平、链霉素和吡嗪酰胺等4种强力杀菌性药,后4个月巩固阶段用利福平和异烟肼。

2 各种检验英文缩写

2 各种检验英文缩写

生化全套1、AST U/L,2、ALT U/L,3、ALB g/L,4、TP g/L,5、ALP U/L,6、TB umol/L,7、DB umol/L,8、UA umol/L,9、UREA mmol/L,10、Cr umol/L,11、GGT U/L,12、HBDH U/L,13、CHOL mmol/L,14、TG mmol/L,15、GLU mmol/L,16、TBA umol/L,17、HDL-C mmol/L,18、LDL-C mmol/L,19、CHE U/L,20、CK U/L,21、APOA-1 g/L,22、APOB g/L,23、LDH U/L,24、AMY U/L,25、CK-MB U/L,26、CO2 mmol/L,27、ALT/AST,28、IBIL umol/L,29、A/G,30、GLB g/L,31、ESR mm/H,32、ASO两对半、HBsAg 阴性,HBsAb 阴性,HBeAg 阴性,HBeAb 阴性,HBcAg 阴性。

34、心衰检查BNP(B型钠尿肽)NT-proBNP: pg/ml。

心梗三项肌钙蛋白cTnT,肌红蛋白Myo,同工酶CK-MB,cTnT <0.5ng/ml, Myo <25ng/ml, CK-MB <2.5/ml。

H-FABP ng/ml, cTnT ng/ml, PCT ng/ml,血常规白细胞WBC ×10^9/L,淋巴细胞L YM# ×10^9/L,中间细胞MID# ×10^9/L,粒细胞GRA# ×10^9/L,淋巴细胞百分比L YM% %,中间细胞百分比MID% %,粒细胞百分比GRA% %,红细胞RBC ×10^12/L,血红蛋白HGB g/L,平均血红蛋白浓度MCHC g/L,平均血红蛋白含量MCH pg,细细胞平均体积MCV fL,红细胞分布宽度RDW-CV %,红细胞分布宽度RDW-SD fL,红细胞压积HCT %,血小板PLT ×10^9/L,血小板平均体积MPV fL,血小板分布宽度PDW %,血小板压积PCT%,大血小板比率P-LCR %,电解质K mmol/L,Na mmol/L,Cl mmol/L,iCa mmol/L,Tca mmol/L,PH心梗三项:cTnI: pg/ml,Myo: pg/ml,CK-MB: pg/ml。


不同组合模式的意义正常情况: HBsAg,HBsAb,HBeAg,HBeAb,HBcAb 五项乙肝的血清标志均为阴性。
异常: HBsAg,HBsAb,HBeAg,HBeAb,HBcAb 五项乙肝的血清标志常联合检测,称之为乙肝“两对半”试验,它们的组合模式如表。
减少:常见于接触放射线、应用肾上腺皮质激素、抗淋巴细胞球蛋白治疗、淋巴细胞减少症、免疫缺陷 病、丙种球蛋白缺乏症等。
②嗜酸性粒细胞英文缩写:E%增多:常见于过敏性疾病(支气管哮喘、荨麻疹、血管神经性水肿,食物过敏、神经性鼻炎及由曲霉菌 芽胞引起的肺炎等、寄生虫病(急性血吸虫病、钩虫病、绦虫病、旋毛虫病、肺吸虫病等)、某些皮肤病、某些恶性肿瘤(霍奇金病、淋巴系统恶性 疾病等)。
血清标志1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



医学检验专业speciality of medical laboratory sciencesWBC white blood cell count BPC blood platelet count血小板 [pleitlit] GR% granulocyte[ɡrænjuləsait]中性粒细胞百分比LY% lymphocyte[lɪmfəsaɪt]淋巴细胞百分比AL% allergy(过敏)[ælədʒi:] HB hemoglobin 血红蛋白HCT hematocrit 红细胞比积MCV mean corpuscular volume红细胞平均体积MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin平均红细胞血红蛋白MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度MPV mean platelet volume 平均血小板体积PCT plateletocrit 血小板比积PDW platelet distribution width 血小板分布宽度大小便常规PH acidity 酸碱度PRO protein 尿蛋白NIT nitrite 亚硝酸盐GLU glucose 尿糖SG specific gravity 比重BLD blood 隐血BIL bilirubin 尿胆红素URO urobilinogen 尿胆原addish计数addish count 艾迪氏计数/HP high power objective 每高倍视野/LP low power objective 每低倍视野OB occult blood test 大便隐血试验CSF cerebrospinal 脑积夜Pandy 庞氏试验TB total bilirubin 总胆红素DB direct bilirubin 直接胆红素ALB albumin 白蛋白GLOB globulin 球蛋白UREA urea 尿素CREA creatinine 肌肝UA uric acid 尿酸GLU glucose 血糖ALT alanine amiotransferase 丙氨酸氨基转移酶AST aspartate aminotransferase 门冬氨酸氨基转移酶GGT γ-glutamyl transpeptadase 谷氨酰转肽酶CK creatine kinase 肌酸肌酶CK-MB creatine kinase-MB 肌酸肌酶同工酶LDH lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶α-HBD α-hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase α-羟丁酸脱氢酶AMY serum amylase 血淀粉酶TG triglyceride 肝油三脂CHOL cholesterol 胆固醇HDL-c high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 高密度脂蛋白LDL-c low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 低密度脂蛋白VLDL very low-density lipoprotein 极低密度脂蛋白Ca serum calcium 钙Mg serum magnesium 镁IP inorganic phosphate 无机磷ALP alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶TBA total biliary acid 总胆汁酸ASO antistreptolysin 抗链球菌溶血素Oa-AG a-acid glycoprotein a-酸性糖蛋白RF rheumatoid factor 类风湿因子MTP mili-total protein 微量蛋白IgG immunoglobin G 免疫球蛋白G C3 complement C3 补体C3 cTNT troponin T 肌钙蛋白TMYOG myoglobin 肌红蛋白Na sodium 钠K kalium 钾Cl chloride 氯Ga calcium 钙Mg magnesium 镁HBV hepatitis B virus 乙肝病毒HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen 乙肝表面抗原HBsAb antibody to hepatitis surface antigen 乙肝表面抗体HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen 乙肝核心抗原HBcAb antibody to hepatitis B core antigen 乙肝核心抗体HBeAg hepatitis B e-antigen 乙肝e抗原HBeAb antibody to hepatitis B e-antigen 乙肝e抗体ELISA enzymelinked immunosorbentassy 酶联免疫吸附试验英文缩写英文全称中文全称TP treponema pallidum 梅毒螺旋体HIV human immunodeficiency virus 人类免疫缺陷病毒AKP/ALP alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶ACP acid phosphatase 酸性磷酸酶AAP alanimine peptidase 丙氨酸氨基肽酶ALA aminolenulinic acid 氨基- γ- 酮戊酸ABU asymptomatic bacteriuria 无症状性菌尿AFB acid-fast bacillus 抗酸杆菌AIDS acquired immune deficidency syndrome 爱滋病ACB antibody-coated bactia 抗体包被的细菌ADH anti-diuretic hormone 抗利尿剂agg agglutination 凝集AGN acute glomerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎ACD acid-citrate dextrose 枸橼酸- 枸橼酸盐葡萄糖( 储血稳定剂) AFP alpha-fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白临床实验室ADP adenosine diphospate 二磷酸腺苷AMP aednosine monophospate 一磷酸腺苷ATP aednosine triphospate 三磷酸腺苷ACT actived clitting time 活化凝血时间AHG antiiheomphilie globulin 抗血友病球蛋白AMI acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗死α2-AP α2-antiplasmin α2- 抗纤溶酶APC actived protein C 活化蛋白CAPTT actived partial thrombolastin time 活化部分凝血酶时间α1-AT α1-antitrypsin α1- 抗胰蛋白酶AT acutalase time 蕲蛇酶时间AT-III antinyombin-III 抗凝血酶IIIATP-LT adenosine triphospate liberate test ATP 释放试验ATT aspirin tolerance test 阿司匹林耐量试验BBS barbitone buffer 巴比妥缓冲液ALL acute lymphatic leukemia 急性淋巴细胞白血病AML acute myelogenous leukimia 急性粒细胞白血病AG anion gap 阴离子间隙ANA antinucleus antibody 抗核抗体ASO antistreptolysin-O 抗链球菌溶血素OABC absolute basophil count 储碱性白细胞绝对值计数ABR agglutination test for brucellosis 布氏杆菌凝集试验A/G albumin-globulin ratio 白蛋白- 球蛋白比值B barometrie 大气压B bacillus 杆菌Bac bacteria 细菌BB buffer base 缓冲碱BG blood group 血型BCG buomocresol green 溴甲酚绿BJ(BJP) Bence Jones Protein 本- 周氏蛋白BTB bromothymol blue 溴麝香草酚兰BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BUN blood urea nitrogen 血液尿素氮BBS barbitone buffer 巴比妥缓冲液BSA bovine serum albumin 牛血清白蛋白BSS Bernard-soulier syndyome 巨大血小板综合症B-TGT Bigg's thromboplastin generation test Bigg's 凝血活酶生成试验BT bleeding time 出血时间BMR bone marrow 骨髓BSR blood sedimentation rate 血球沉降率BSS buffered salt or saline solution 缓冲液CAF ceuuolse-acetafolic 醋酸纤维薄膜C3 complement 3 补体C3 Ca carcinoma/cancer 癌CGN chronic glomerulone phritis 慢性肾小球肾炎CR creatinine clearance 肌酐清除试验CL chlorine,chloride 氯化物、氯元素符号CO/CHO cholesterol 胆固醇CHE cholinestetrase 胆碱脂酶CMML chronic 慢性粒- 单细胞白血病CR creatinine 肌酐CRE creatine 肌酸CU(CUR) urea clearance 尿素清除(廓清)率CK/CPK creatine kinase/phosphokinase 肌酸(磷酸)激酶CV coefficient of vaviation 变异系数CEA carcinoembyonic antigen 癌胚抗原CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia 慢性淋巴细胞性白血病CGL chronic garnulocytic leukemia 慢性粒细胞性白血病CML chronic myelogneous leukemia 慢性骨髓性白血病CO 2 CP carbon dioxide combiding power 二氧化碳结合力CR clot retraction 血块收缩CR complete remission 完全缓解CRT clot retraction time 血块收缩时间CSF cerebral spinal fluid 脑脊液CT coagulation time 凝血时间CBC complete blood count 全血细胞计数CHA cold hemaglutination test 红细胞冷凝集试验CMV cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒COHB carboxyhemoglobin 碳氧血红蛋白临床实验室DC differential count of leucocyte 白细胞分类计数DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation 弥漫性血管内凝血DNA deoxyrinbonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DD D-dimer D- 二聚体DB direct bilirubin 直接胆红素DFA duodenal fluid analysis 十二指肠液分析DW distilled water 蒸馏水E enzyme 酶EOS eosinophil 嗜酸性粒细胞EC eosinophil count 嗜酸性粒细胞计数ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay 酶联免疫吸附试验ELT euglobulin lysis time 优球蛋白溶解时间EIA enzyme immunoassay 酶免疫测定法EPEC enteropathogenic eseherichia coli 致病性大肠杆菌ERFT E-rosette forming test E 玫瑰花环形成试验(正常34-62% )ESR erythrocyte sedimentdetion rate 红细胞沉降率ET estriol test 雌三醇试验EP electrophoersis 电泳FG fobrinogen 纤维蛋白原FDP fobrinogen degradation product 纤维蛋白原降解产物FIT 乳胶凝集试验FPA fibronopeptide A 纤维蛋白肽AFPB fibronopeptide B 纤维蛋白肽BFFA free fatty acid 游离脂肪酸GC gonococcus 淋球菌GC granular cast 颗粒管型GGT gama glutamyltransferase γ- 谷胺酰基转移酶GLU glucose 葡萄糖GLC gas-liquid chromatography 气液相色谱法GN gram's negative 革兰氏阴性GA gastric analysis 胃液分析GDH Glutamate dehydrogenase 谷氨酸脱氢酶G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 葡萄糖-6- 磷酸脱氢酶GOD glucose oxiddase 葡萄糖氧化酶GPB(GPC) gram's positive bacillus 革兰氏阳性杆菌γ-GTP γ-glutamyl-transpeptidase γ- 谷氨酸转肽酶GTT glucose tolerance test 葡萄糖耐量试验临床实验室HBDH hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 羟丁酸脱氢酶HB-F hemoglobin fetal form 胎儿型血红蛋白HB-S hemoglobin, from found in sickle cell 镰刀型红细胞中发现血红蛋白HDL high-density lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白HAIT hemoagglutinationinhibition test 血球凝集抑制试验HB(HGB) hemoglobin 血红蛋白HC hyaline cast 透明管型HCG human chorionic gonadotropin 人绒毛膜促性腺激素17-HOCS 17-hydroxycortico steroid 17- 羟类固醇HP high power 高倍(显微镜用语)HPF high power field 高倍视野(显微镜用语)HSLC high speed liquid chromatography 高速液相色谱法HPLC high gerformence liquid chromatography 高效液相色谱法HCT hematocrit 红细胞压积HC heavy chain 重链5-HT 5-hydroxy-tryptamince 5- 羟色胺HR hemorrheology 血液流变学Ham's Ham's 酸溶血试验HAV hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒HBV hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒HCV hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒HDV hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒HEV hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒HbsAg hepatitis B surface antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗原HbsAb hepatitis B surface antibody 乙型肝炎表面抗体HbeAb hepatitis B e antibody 乙型肝炎e 抗体HbeAg hepatitis B e antigen 乙型肝炎e 抗原HbcAg hepatitis B core antigen 乙型肝炎核心抗原HbcAb hepatitis B core antibody 乙型肝炎核心抗体HHB heinz bodies 变形珠蛋白小体试验HLA human leukocyte antigen 人类白细胞抗原HDL-C high density lipoprotein cholesterol 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇HICN 氰化高铁血红蛋白HA hemolytic anemia 溶血性贫血HA-Ag hepatitis A antigen 甲型肝炎抗原HPV Human papilloma virus 人郛头瘤状病毒HRP horseradish peroxidase 辣根过氧化物酶HSV herpes simple virus 单纯疱疹病毒HT =HCT HX hexokinase 己糖(磷酸)激酶HCL hairycell leukemia 毛细胞白血病Ig immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白IgA immunoglobulin A 免疫球蛋白AIgG immunoglobulin G 免疫球蛋白GIgM immunoglobulin M 免疫球蛋白MIgE immunoglobulin E 免疫球蛋白EIgD immunoglobulin D 免疫球蛋白DIP inorganic phosphorus 无机磷IU international unit 国际单位IRMA immnnoradiometric assay 放射免疫试验IDL intermediate-density lipoprotein 中间密度脂蛋白IB indirect bilirubin 间接胆红素IBP iron binding protein 铁结合蛋白IC immune complex 免疫复合物ICC immunological competent cell 免疫活性细胞IDA iron deficiency anemia 缺铁性贫血ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 原发性血小板减少性紫IE immune electrophoresis 免疫电泳IFA indirect fluorescent antibody 间接荧光抗体试验IM infectious mononucleosis 传染性单核细胞增多症KET Ketone-bodies 酮体17-KST 17-ketosteroid test 17- 酮类固醇试验KG kilogram 千克KU karmen unit 卡门氏单位KPTT kaolin activated partial thrombplastin time 白陶土活化部分凝血酶时间LDH lactate dehydrogenase 郛酸脱氢酶LDL low-density lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白LEC lupus erythematosus cell 红斑狼疮细胞LP low power 低倍(显微镜用语)LYM lymphocyte 淋巴细胞LAP leucine aminopeptidase 亮氨酸氨基肽酶LAT latex agglutination test 郛胶凝集试验LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇β-LP β-lipoprotein β- 脂蛋白LPE lipoprotein electrophoresis 脂蛋白电泳LPA latex particles agglutination 郛胶凝集反应LEU leukocyte 白细胞LYZ lysozyme 溶菌酶MDS mydldysplastic syndrome 骨髓异常增生综合症M mol 摩尔M(MON) monocyte 单核细胞Mb myoglobin 肌红蛋白MDH malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸脱氢酶临床实验室Mf microfilariae 微丝蚴β2-MG β2-microglobulin β2- 微球蛋白Mg magnesium 镁mM millimol 毫克分子MSU mid-stream urine spceimen 中段尿标本MOSM miuiosmol 毫渗量MCV mean corpuscular volume 平均红细胞体积MCH mean corpuscular hemoglubin 平均红细胞血红蛋白量MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglubin concentration 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度MPV mean platelet volume 平均血小板体积MAO micromine oxidase 单胺氧化酶NEG negative 阴性NIT nitrite test 亚硝酸盐NR normal range 正常范围N neuthophil leukocyte nuetro 嗜中性粒细胞ANAE α-naphthol acetate esterase α- 醋酸萘酚酯酶NRBC nucleared red blood cell 有核红细胞NS normal saline 生理盐NS normal serum 正常血清OB occult blood 隐血17-OHCS 17-hydroxycorticosteroid 17- 羟皮质类固醇OSM osmol 渗透压(量)OD optical density 光密度ODC ornithine decarboxylase 鸟氨酸脱氢酶P plasma 血浆P phosphorus 磷PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链式反应PR protein 蛋白质PAGE polyacry lamide gel electrothoresis 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳PG hydrogen jon exponent 酸碱度、氢离子浓度PCH paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria 阵发性冷血红蛋白尿PNH paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 阵发性夜间血红蛋白尿PKU phenyketonuria 苯丙酮尿症POS positive 阳性PPT precipitate 沉淀物PR henol red 酚红PST phenol sulfonphthalein test 酚红排泄试验PG picogram 微微克(10 -12 克),皮克PTH proxjmal renaltubular acidosis 甲状旁腺激素3P plasma protamine paracoaggulation test 血浆硫酸鱼精蛋白副凝固试验PADT platelet adhension test 血小板粘附试验PAF platelet activiting factor 血小板活化因子PAGT platelet aggregate test 血小板聚集试验PSB phosphate buffer 磷酸盐缓冲液PC protein C 蛋白CPCT prothrombin consume test 凝血酶原消耗试验PD phosphodiesterase 磷酸二酯酶PEG polyethylene glycol 聚乙二醇PF3 platelet factor 3 血小板第3 因子PF4 platelet factor 4 血小板第4 因子PPP platelet poor plasma 贫血小板血浆PRP platelet rich plasma 富血小板血浆PLT platelet 血小板PLC platelet count 血小板计数PRT plasma reclcification time 血浆复钙时间PT prothrombin time 血浆凝血酶原时间PTT partial thrombplastin time 部分凝血酶时间P CO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide 二氧化碳分压P O2 partial pressure of oxygen 氧分压临床实验室Paco2 arterial carbondioxide tension 动脉二氧化碳分压PBL peripheral blood lymphocyte 末稍血液淋巴细胞PCL plasma cell leukemia 浆细胞性白血病PCV pollycythemia vera 真性红细胞增多症PHA phxtohemagglutimin 植物血凝素PI isoelectric point 等电点PLFT platelet immunofluoresence test 血小板免疫荧光试验PPM parts per million 百万分之一POX peroxidase 过氧化物酶PAS periodic acid schiff's reaction 过碘酸- 雪夫氏反应法R reaction 反应RBC red blood cell 红细胞red blood cell count 红细胞计数REV/MIN revolutions per minute 转/ 分RIA radio immunoassay 放射免疫分析RT routine 常规RVVT russcll viper venon time 蝰蛇毒时间RNA ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸RET reticulockyte 网织红细胞RF rhermatoid factor 类风湿因子RPR rapid plasma reaction test 快速血浆反应时间S standard 标准S serum 血清SOL solution 溶液SPE serum protein electrophoresis 血清蛋白电泳SPEC specimen 标本SOD superoxide dismubase 超氧化物岐化酶SEG(SG )segeroxide dismutase 中性分叶核白细胞SI international system unit 国际单位制SOLAQ aqueous solution 水溶液SOLSAT solutionsaturata 饱和溶液SPF spectorphofluorometer 分光光度荧光计SG psecific gravity 比重SAT 血氧饱和度SI serum iron 血清铁SBC 标准碱量SPU selective proteinuria 选择性蛋白尿ST staff nedutdrophil 嗜中性杆状核粒细胞SH shigella 志贺氏菌属STA staphylococcus 葡萄球菌STR streptocdccus 链球菌属SU sulfa 磺胺类SFC spinal fluid count 脑脊液细胞计数SLE system lupus erythematosis 系统性红斑狼疮SD standard deviation 标准差T test 试验、测定T time 时间TB tubercle bacillus 结核杆菌TP tatal protein 总蛋白TVU tatal volumn urine 总尿量TCO2 二氧化碳总量TG triglyceride 甘油三酯TTT thymol turbidity test 麝香草酚浊度试验TA transfer agent 转移因子TB(TBIL) total bilirubin 总胆红素TIBC total iron binging capacity 总铁结合力TRT T-cell rosette formation T- 细胞花环形成试验TST triple sugar iron test 三糖铁试验U unit 单位U urine 尿液UCR urine creatine 尿肌酐UCRE urine creatine 尿肌酸UCL urea clearance 尿素清除率UR urine routine 尿常规URANAL urine analysis 尿分析URO urobilinogen 尿胆素原UUA urine urea acid 尿尿酸UUN urine urea nitrigen 尿尿素氮UD urine acid 尿酸V volume 体积VMA vanillyl mandelic acid 香草酸杏仁酸VWD von willebrand disease 血管性假血友病VLDL very low-density lipoprotein 极低密度脂蛋白WBC white blood cell 白细胞计数各字母分别表示:N :嗜中性粒细胞B :嗜碱性粒细胞E :嗜酸性粒细胞M :成熟细胞J :幼稚细胞st :杆状核细胞sg :分叶核细胞L :淋巴细胞mon :单核细胞WCC white cell cast 白细胞管型WFR weil-felix reaction 外- 裴氏反应WHO world heath organization 世界卫生组织WL wave length 波长WP weakly positive 弱阳性W/W weight in weight 重量与重量比临床实验室XLP x-lipoprotein X- 脂蛋白XM x-matching , cross matching 交叉配血XY 为正常男性染色体XX 为正常女性染色体文章来自临床实验室仪器信息网() - 详文链接:/html/linjian/shenghua/200908/17-6613.html寡糖oligosaccharide二糖disaccharide三糖trisaccharide四糖tetrasaccharide五糖pentosaccharide多糖polysaccharide菊糖inulin黏液mucilage树胶gum果胶pectin半纤维素hemicellulose纤维素cellulose甲壳质chitin肝素heparin硫酸软骨素chondroitin sulfate 玻璃酸hyaluronic acid直链淀粉amylose支链淀粉amylopectin糖原glycogen费林试验Fehling test苷glycoside。


The stool may be examined for hidden (occult) blood, fat, meat fibers, bile, white blood cells, and sugars called reducing substances. The pH of the stool also may be measured.
Screen for colorectal cancer by checking for hidden (occult) blood.
Detect the presence of parasites, such as pinworms or Giardia lamblia.
Detect and identify certain types of bacteria that can cause disease. This test is called a stool culture and can also be used to detect an infection caused by a fungus or virus.
Muscle fibre
Fat ball
Salt crystal
Diarrhea--loose, watery stools : Diarrhea Mucus stools, puriform,bloody stool: infectious
involving your liver, gall bladder or pancreas



妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology产科学obstetrics妊娠pregnancy幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。

青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy孕次gravidity未孕妇nulligraviTags:术语妇产科学妇产科学obstetrics and gynecology 产科学obstetrics 妊娠pregnancy幼女妊娠precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。

青春期妊娠teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy 孕次gravidity 未孕妇nulligravida孕妇gravida 初孕妇primigravida 经孕妇multigravida 假孕pseudocyesis前次月经past menstrual period,PMP 末次月经last menstrual period,LMP月经龄menstrual age 受精龄fertilization age 孕龄gestational age早孕反应morning sickness 妊娠剧吐hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠纹striae gravidarum妊娠溢液hydrorrhea gravidarum 黑加征Hegar sign 胎动感quickening四步触诊法four maneuvers of Leopold 脐带杂音umbilical soufflé子宫杂音uterine soufflé妊娠期trimester of pregnancy妊娠早期early trimester of pregnancy妊娠中期mid trimester of pregnancy妊娠晚期late trimester of pregnancy 过期妊娠postterm pregnancy,prolonged pregnancy单胎妊娠singleton pregnancy双胎妊娠twin pregnancy单羊膜囊双胎monoamnionic twin pregnancy双羊膜囊双胎diamnionic twin pregnancy单绒毛膜双胎monochorionic twin pregnancy双胎交锁locked twins,interlocking twins多胎妊娠multiple pregnancy三胎妊娠triplet pregnancy四胎妊娠quadruplet pregnancy五胎妊娠quintuplet pregnancy同期复孕superfecundation异期复孕superfetation产前antepartum产时intrapartum产后postpartum产前保健antenatal care,prenatal care预产期expected date of confinement,EDC胎方位fetal position产妇parturient,puerpera未产妇nullipara初产妇primipara高龄初产妇elderly primipara妊娠年龄大于或等于35岁者。



中医出科小结100字英文回答:Subjective Symptoms: No obvious subjective symptoms.Physical Examination:General: Fair general condition, good spirits, and good appetite.Head: Normocephalic, hair distribution is normal, no tenderness of the scalp.Eyes: Conjunctiva pale, sclera white, pupils round and equal, light reflex is normal, no nystagmus, visual acuity is normal.Ears: Auricles are normal, no tenderness, no swelling and discharge from the ear canal. Hearing is normal.Nose: Nasal septum in the middle, no swelling and tenderness of the nasal mucosa, no nasal discharge. Smellis normal.Mouth: Lips are pink, no swelling, no ulceration. Gums are pale, no swelling, no bleeding, teeth are neat and firm. Tongue coating is thin and white, tongue body is slightly red, and the tongue is flexible.Neck: No enlarged lymph nodes, no tenderness, no pulsation of the carotid artery. Thyroid is not enlarged,no tenderness.Chest: Symmetrical chest, no deformity. Lungpercussion is clear on both sides, and lung auscultation is normal.Heart: Regular heart rhythm, no murmur, no gallop rhythm.Abdomen: Flat abdomen, no swelling, no tenderness, no rebound tenderness. Liver and spleen are not palpable.Bowel sounds are normal.Limbs: No edema in the limbs, muscle strength is normal, and the range of joint motion is normal.Neurological Examination: No abnormalities in cranial nerves, muscle strength, sensation, coordination, and gait.Laboratory Examination:Blood routine: White blood cells, hemoglobin, platelets, etc. are normal.Urine routine: No abnormalities.Stool routine: No abnormalities.Imaging Examination:Chest X-ray: No abnormalities.TCM Diagnosis:Spleen and stomach deficiency syndrome.Treatment Plan:Acupuncture: Tonify Qi and invigorate the spleen, strengthen the stomach and nourish the blood.Moxibustion: Moxa on the acupoints of the spleen and stomach meridian.Herbal medicine: Astragalus, Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Poria, etc.Follow-up Plan:The patient will be followed up every 2 weeks to assess the treatment effect.中文回答:主诉,无明显自觉症状。



[lǐjíhòu zhòng]里急后重里急后重(tenesmus)为临床常见症状之一,表现为下腹部不适,很想解大便,然而又无法一泄为快。





















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fecal occult blood test (also called stool gaiac or heoccult test) is used to examine stool for traces of blood that can not be seen with the naked eye. This test can detect bleeding from almost anywhere in the digestive tract, and can come out positive for several conditions including colorectal cancer, esophagitis, gastritis, stomach cancer, ulcerative colitis and hemorrhoids. It can also be positive when asprin or other medications that irritate the digestive tract have been used.

Detect poor absorption of nutrients by the digestive tract (malabsorption syndrome). For this test, all stool is collected over a 72-hour period and then analyzed for the presence of fat and meat fibers. The presence of fat may indicate a malabsorption problem. This test is called a 72hour stool collection or quantitative fecal fat test.

least 72 hours before the test, the following dietary changes should be made: Avoid taking more than 250 mg/day of Vitamin C Avoid eating red meat (beef or lamb), including liver and processed meats Avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables, especially melons, radishes, turnips, and horseradish Any toilet bowel cleansers should be removed from the toilet, as they can affect the results of the test.
examination of the physical characteristics of the stool for color, consistency, weight (volume), shape, odor, and the presence of mucus. The stool may be examined for hidden (occult) blood, fat, meat fibers, bile, white blood cells, and sugars called reducing substances. The pH of the stool also may be measured.
black stools): Bleeding stomach or duodenal ulcer Gastritis Esophageal varices Mallory-Weiss tear (a tear in the esophagus from violent vomiting) Trauma or foreign body Bowel ischemia (a lack of proper blood flow to the intestines) Vascular malformation
maroon or bright red, bloody stools): Hemorrhoids Anal fissures Diverticular bleeding 憩室出血 Intestinal infection (such as bacterial enterocolitis) Vascular malformation Inflammatory bowel disease Tumor Colon polyps or colon cancer Trauma or foreign body Bowel ischemia (a lack of proper blood flow to the intestines)
Stool analysis
diagnose diseases of the digestive tract , liver, and pancreas. Certain enzymes (such as trypsin or elastase) may be evaluated in the stool to help determine how well the pancreas is functioning. determine the cause of symptoms affecting the digestive tract, including prolonged diarrhea(慢性腹泻), bloody diarrhea, an increased amount of gas, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating (胀气), abdominal pain and cramping(痉 挛), and fever.
Be worried. Iron supplements can cause black stool, but the other, more alarming cause is digested BLOOD. Blood can turn the stool black, called "MELENA".. conditions like heartburn胃灼热, ulcers, cancer, any GI disease, as these may be the source of the bleeding.
A fecal occult blood test is often used to dectect colorectal cancer in it's early stages, which has no other signs or symptoms. Fecal occult blood tests are usually recommended annually for people over 50 years old. People at high risk for colorectal cancer because of family history or polyps should begin testing at age 40.
for colorectal cancer by checking for hidden (occult) blood. Detect the presence of parasites, such as pinworms or Giardia lamblia. Detect and identify certain types of bacteria that can cause disease. This test is called a stool culture and can also be used to detect an infection caused by a fungus or virus.

if a child has prolonged diarrhea or other intestinal symptoms. Sometimes, the doctor will collect 2 or more samples of stool to successfully identify parasites.

You should not test if you: Have active bleeding from a hemorrhoid or anal fissure Have blood in your urine Have taken asprin or other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the past 7 days Are a woman having your menstral period or during the first three days after the end of your period