stool test(粪便检查 英文)
西医肠胃科术语英文翻译以下是常见的西医肠胃科术语英文翻译:1. 胃食管反流病:Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)2. 胃炎:Gastritis3. 消化性溃疡:Peptic Ulcer4. 胃溃疡:Gastric Ulcer5. 十二指肠溃疡:Duodenal Ulcer6. 肠道炎性疾病:Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)7. 克罗恩病:Crohn's Disease8. 溃疡性结肠炎:Ulcerative Colitis9. 肠易激综合征:Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)10. 肠梗阻:Intestinal Obstruction11. 肠穿孔:Intestinal Perforation12. 肛门脓肿:Perianal Abscess13. 大便失禁:Fecal Incontinence14. 便秘:Constipation15. 腹泻:Diarrhea16. 急性肠胃炎:Acute Gastroenteritis17. 肠息肉:Intestinal Polyps18. 肠癌:Colorectal Cancer19. 胃镜检查:Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)20. 肠镜检查:Colonoscopy21. X线钡剂灌肠检查:Barium Enema X-ray Examination22. 大便潜血试验:Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)23. 腹部平片检查:Abdominal Plain Film Examination24. 腹部CT检查:Abdominal CT Scan25. 直肠指诊:Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)26. 内窥镜超声检查:Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS)27. 上消化道出血:Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding28. 下消化道出血:Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding29. 幽门螺杆菌检测:Helicobacter Pylori Detection30. 肝功能检查:Liver Function Tests (LFTs)31. 胃肠道营养支持:Gastrointestinal Nutrition Support32. 全肠外营养支持:Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)33. 内镜下息肉摘除术:Endoscopic Polypectomy34. 肛周脓肿切开引流术:Perianal Abscess Incision and Drainage35. 大肠癌根治术:Radical Resection of Colorectal Cancer36. 胃肠道转流手术:Gastrointestinal Bypass Surgery37. 人工肛门括约肌成形术:Artificial Sphincter Placement Surgery38. 肠道微生物移植:Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT)39. 小肠移植:Small Bowel Transplantation40. 造口术及造口护理:Stoma Surgery and Stoma Care41. 胃癌根治术:Radical Resection of Gastric Cancer42. 胰腺炎治疗:Pancreatitis Management43. 胆道疾病治疗:Biliary Tract Disease Management44. 功能性胃肠疾病的心理治疗:Psychological Therapies for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs)45. 小肠镜检与治疗:Capsule Endoscopy and Therapy for Small Bowel Conditions。
• 操作方法:取一清洁玻片,滴加2滴生理盐 水,用竹签挑取粪便中的异常部份,与盐 水均匀混合制成薄涂片,盖上盖片,其涂 抹厚度以透过标本看清字迹为宜。先用低 倍观察虫卵、原虫和其它异物,再用高倍 镜仔细观察各种异常成分。细胞计数时, 至少应检查10个以上的高倍视野。
• 粪便中可见到的真菌有普通酵母菌、人体酵母菌 及念珠菌。 • 普通酵母菌可由于环境污染而进入肠道,也可见 于服用酵母片后;人体酵母菌为一种寄生于人体 中的真菌,正常粪便中可以见到,以上2种酵母菌 一般无临床意义,也可在腹泻的粪便中发现。 • 念珠菌,正常粪便极少见,粪便中见到此菌应首 先排除是否是容器污染而来,病理情况下以白色 念珠菌为最多见,常见于长期使用广谱抗生素、 激素、免疫抑制剂和放、化疗之后粪便中以及各 种慢性消耗性疾病。
• ( 3 )吞噬细胞( macrophage):也称大吞 噬细胞,胞质里吞噬颗粒、细胞碎片、细菌等 的单核细胞。是诊断急性细菌性痢疾的依据, 也可见于急性出血性肠炎,偶见于溃疡性结肠 炎。 • (4)上皮细胞:粪便中的上皮细胞为肠粘 膜上皮细胞,在生理情况下,少量脱落的上皮 细胞大多被破坏,正常粪便中不易发现。上皮 细胞(柱状上皮)增多可见于结肠炎、伪膜性 肠炎。 • (5)肿瘤细胞: 结肠癌、直肠癌病人的粪便 中可以见到成堆的癌细胞。
• (2)淀粉颗粒(starch granule): 正常粪便中少见,如增多,提示糖类 消化功能障碍,多见于慢性胰腺炎, 胰腺功能不全。
• (3)其他:少量的结缔组织、肌纤维、植 物纤维及植物细胞等也可见于正常粪便中。
• 5.结晶 正常粪便中可见到磷酸钙、草酸 钙、胆固醇、碳酸钙等结晶,一般无临床 意义。病理性结晶有: • ①夏科-莱登结晶(Charcot-Leyden crystal):见于阿米巴痢疾、 • 钩虫病、过敏性肠炎粪便中, • 并常与嗜酸性粒细胞同时 • 存在。
1. esophagus [iːˈsɒfəɡəs](名词,食管)2. stomach [ˈstʌmək](名词,胃)- gastric [ˈɡæstrɪk](形容词,胃的,例如:gastric juice 胃液)3. intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn](名词,肠)- small intestine [smɔːl ɪnˈtestɪn](名词短语,小肠)- large intestine [lɑːdʒɪnˈtestɪn](名词短语,大肠)- intestinal [ɪnˈtestɪnl](形容词,肠的)4. liver [ˈlɪvə(r)](名词,肝脏)- hepatic [hɪˈpætɪk](形容词,肝的,例如:hepatic artery 肝动脉)5. gallbladder [ˈɡɔːlˌblædə(r)](名词,胆囊)6. pancreas [ˈpæŋkriəs](名词,胰腺)- pancreatic [ˌpæŋkriˈætɪk](形容词,胰腺的,例如:pancreatic juice 胰液)二、消化系统疾病相关词汇。
1. ulcer [ˈʌlsə(r)](名词,溃疡)- gastric ulcer [ˈɡæstrɪk ˈʌlsə(r)](名词短语,胃溃疡)- duodenal ulcer [ˌdjuːəˈdiːnl ˈʌlsə(r)](名词短语,十二指肠溃疡)2. gastritis [ɡæˈstraɪtɪs](名词,胃炎)3. enteritis [ˌentəˈraɪtɪs](名词,肠炎)4. hepatitis [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs](名词,肝炎)- hepatitis A [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs eɪ](名词短语,甲型肝炎)- hepatitis B [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs biː](名词短语,乙型肝炎)5. cirrhosis [sɪˈrəʊsɪs](名词,肝硬化)6. pancreatitis [ˌpæŋkriəˈtaɪtɪs](名词,胰腺炎)7. cholecystitis [ˌkɒlɪsɪˈstaɪtɪs](名词,胆囊炎)三、消化内科检查相关词汇。
•粪便(feces,stool)检查主要用于: 肠道感染性疾病 了解消化道有无炎症 肠道寄生虫感染 消化道出血鉴别与肿瘤筛检 了解胃肠道消化、吸收功能 黄疸的鉴别诊断
l 粪便标本采集和处理 标本容器 清洁、干燥、有盖,无吸水和渗漏。
标本采集 1.常规检查标本 选取新鲜标本异常成分粪便:含粘 液、脓、血等病变成分的标本。 粪便标本应避免混有尿液、消毒剂 及污水等杂物。
(2)隐孢子虫:隐孢子虫病的诊断主要 靠从粪便中查出该虫卵囊。 可用IFA、ELISA等方法作干重的1/3,大部分为正常菌群。 成人:大肠埃希菌、厌氧杆菌、肠球菌等, 约占80%。产气杆菌、变形杆菌、绿脓杆 菌等多为过路菌,不超过l0%。 婴儿:双歧杆菌、拟杆菌、葡萄球菌和肠 杆菌等。
正常粪便球菌(G+)和杆菌(G-)比例大致 为1∶10。 肠道菌群失调症(dysbacteriosis): 长期使用广谱抗生素 免疫抑制剂 慢性消耗性疾病
l 食物残渣 脂肪 用苏丹Ⅲ染色(Sudan Ⅲ stain)可 将粪便中的脂肪区分成3种。 1.中性脂肪:朱红色或橘红色。 2.游离脂肪酸 呈片状的为橘黄色、针 束状结晶不染色。 3.结合脂肪酸 呈黄色不规则块状或片 状,不被苏丹Ⅲ染色。
正常成人摄入的脂肪95%以上被吸收 脂肪泻(脂肪排泄量>6g/d):急、慢性 胰腺炎、胰头癌、吸收不良综合征、儿童 腹泻、阻塞性黄疸、蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫感染。 慢性胰腺炎。
3.鲜血便(bloody stool) 结肠癌、直肠息肉、肛裂、痔疮 4.稀糊状稀汁样便 伪膜性肠炎、艾滋病伴发肠道隐孢子虫 (cryptosporidium) 5.米泔样便 霍乱、副霍乱 6.干结便:习惯性便秘 7.乳凝块:婴儿消化不良、婴儿腹泻。
He has been unusually
He is having problem with irregularity.(或 constipation); 或 He has no bowel movement for the past few days.
一般是用 to make(或 have)a bowel movement 或 to take a shit。如果看病,医生常问:「Do you have regular bowel movement?」(大便正常吗?)(说得斯文些,就是「大肠在转动」)
此外,还有其他的说法: to defecate =to discharge excrement(或 feces)=to take feces (或 faeces)。 例如:
I have pus (或air)in urine.(尿有泡沫) (pus = cloudy; air = bubble)
I dribble a little urine after I have finished urinating.(小便后还会滴滴答答。)(即失禁毛病)
I am passing less urine than usual.(小便的量比平时少)
补充:He got pissed on head 他很生气。(想想别人在你头上撒尿是啥感觉?哈哈)
Pee or poo ? 拉屎还是尿尿?这个也是个习惯用语啊:)
(发帖时间:2002-11-7 22:09:12)
---暗流 J
He pissed me off. = He made me angry.
7.隐血试验化学法 素食三天,禁服VitC及铁剂等干扰试验的 药品
第二节 粪便理学检验
一、量 二、性状 三、颜色 四、气味 五、寄生虫 六、结石
粪便量的多少与人体的进食量、食物的种 类及消化器官的功能状态有直接的关系。
进食粗粮及含纤维素较多的食物:粪便量相对 较多;反之,则相对较少。
第四节 粪便显微镜检查
一、细胞 二、食物残渣 三、结晶 四、病原生物 五、粪便分析工作站
低倍镜浏览全片:注意观察有无寄生虫卵、原 虫及其包囊等
高倍镜:寻找、观察和鉴定病理性成分的形态 结构。要观察10个以上的高倍视野
1、白细胞 2、红细胞 3、巨噬细胞 4、肠黏液上皮细胞 5、肿瘤细胞
第五节 临床应用
1、肠道感染性疾病:肠炎、细菌性痢疾、阿米巴 痢疾、霍乱、假膜性肠炎、肠伤寒等;
2、肠道寄生虫病:蛔虫病、钩虫病、鞭虫病、蛲 虫病、姜片虫病、绦虫病、血吸虫病等;
3、消化吸收功能过筛试验 4、消化道肿瘤过筛试验 5、黄疸的鉴别诊断
脓便及 脓血便
肠道受刺激、炎症或 各种肠炎、细菌性痢疾、阿米巴痢
肛裂、痔疮、直肠息肉、直肠癌及 结肠癌等
炎症,寄生虫感染 恶性肿瘤
细菌性痢疾、阿米巴痢疾、溃疡性 结肠炎、局限性肠炎、肠结核、结 肠癌或直肠癌和急性血吸虫病
the examination of feces/stool
¾ 是水 ¼ 是固体
5. Clay color stool:
obstructive jaundice, presence of barium sulfate.
6. Narrow ribbon-like stool:
stricture rectum : rectum cancer.
Chemical examination
feces are composed of:
Waste residue of indigested material in food Intestinal secretions, including mucus Large numbers of bacteria(1/3)
clinical significance
to diagnose slight bleeding in GIT : GIT bleeding , intestinal TB , ulcerative colitis , colon & rectum cancer , colon polyps , gastric carcinoma , GIT tumor, damaged gastric mucosa
3. Reddish stool (red color):
Bleeding from lower gastro-intestinal tract : rectum cancer, rectum polyps, hemorrhoids 4. Black-tarry stool: Bleeding in the upper gastro-intestinal tract
Stool routine test
Physical examinacroscopic examination
粪便隐血试验(OBT)及临床意义一、概述粪(大)便隐血是指上消化道出血小于5 ml,粪便中无可见的血液,且红细胞被消化破坏,显微镜检查不能发现红细胞的微量出血。
检查粪便隐血采用粪便隐血试验(occult blood test,OBT)。
其中,免疫法粪便隐血试验是一种高灵敏度的测定方法,有胶乳凝集法、EIA 法、胶体金法和免疫层析法等。
4、也可选用中等敏感(0.3~1mg Hb/g粪便)的愈创木酯法,但必须选购质量优良的愈创木酯,配制成20g/L愈创木酯乙醇溶液,代替10g/L邻联甲苯胺冰醋酸溶液,操作同上。
BCS (Bristol Stool Chart)分类是一种用于描述人类粪便的分类方法,根据粪便的外观和质地将其分为七种类型。
1. 类型1:干结块状,难以排出,代表便秘。
2. 类型2:香蕉形状的硬便,代表轻度便秘。
3. 类型3:完整的香蕉形状的软便,看上去较干燥。
4. 类型4:像香肠一样的软便,顺滑的外观和质地。
5. 类型5:软球形,比较容易排出。
6. 类型6:糊状软便,看上去较粘稠。
7. 类型7:完全液体,呈水状,代表腹泻。
医学常用医学检查中英文翻译Medical Translation of Common Medical Examinations between Chinese and EnglishIntroduction:In the field of medicine, accurate and effective communication is crucial, especially when it comes to medical examinations. With the increasing globalization of healthcare, there is a growing demand for accurate translation of medical examination terms between Chinese and English. This article aims to provide a comprehensive translation guide for common medical examinations used in clinical practice.1. Blood Tests1.1 Complete Blood Count (CBC)- 中文翻译:全血细胞计数(CBC)- 血球计数包括:红细胞计数、血红蛋白浓度、红细胞压积、白细胞计数及不同类型的白细胞计数- 英文翻译:Red Blood Cell Count, Hemoglobin Concentration, Hematocrit, White Blood Cell Count, and Differential White Blood Cell Count1.2 Blood Sugar Test- 中文翻译:血糖测定- 用于检测血液中的葡萄糖水平- 英文翻译:Blood Glucose Test2. Imaging Examinations2.1 X-ray- 中文翻译:X射线- 一种无创、低辐射的医学影像技术,可用于检查骨骼、器官和组织的异常情况- 英文翻译:X-ray2.2 Computed Tomography (CT) Scan- 中文翻译:计算机体层摄影扫描(CT扫描)- 一种通过多个X射线图像来重建人体切片扫描,用于检查内部结构- 英文翻译:Computed Tomography Scan or CT Scan2.3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)- 中文翻译:磁共振成像- 通过利用磁场和无线电波来创建详细的内部器官和组织图像- 英文翻译:Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI3. Laboratory Tests3.1 Urine Analysis- 中文翻译:尿液分析- 通过检测尿液中的生化指标和微量物质,用于评估肾功能和其他疾病- 英文翻译:Urine Analysis3.2 Stool Culture- 中文翻译:粪便培养- 用于检测粪便中是否存在病原微生物,特别是细菌感染- 英文翻译:Stool Culture4. Functional Tests4.1 Electrocardiogram (ECG)- 中文翻译:心电图检查- 通过检测心脏的电活动来评估心脏功能和诊断心脏病- 英文翻译:Electrocardiogram or ECG4.2 Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)- 中文翻译:肺功能检查- 通过测量肺活量和气流速度来评估肺功能和检测呼吸问题- 英文翻译:Pulmonary Function Test or PFTConclusion:Accurate translation of medical examination terms is essential in facilitating effective communication between Chinese and English-speaking medical professionals. This article has provided a comprehensive guide to translating common medical examinations. By ensuring accurate and consistent translation, healthcare providers can enhance patient safety and improve the overall quality of medical care in an increasingly globalized healthcare system.。
Screen for colorectal cancer by checking for hidden (occult) blood.
Detect the presence of parasites, such as pinworms or Giardia lamblia.
Detect and identify certain types of bacteria that can cause disease. This test is called a stool culture and can also be used to detect an infection caused by a fungus or virus.
Muscle fibre
Fat ball
Salt crystal
Diarrhea--loose, watery stools : Diarrhea Mucus stools, puriform,bloody stool: infectious
involving your liver, gall bladder or pancreas
)·Th emanuallaborshavetouse(portable)johnsduringtheirworki nghours.(劳动者在工作时间内需要使用流动性厕所。
如果去看病,护士为了化验小便,就会给你一个杯子说:“Will (could)youurinateinthiscup?”医生或许也会问:“Doyouhavetroubleurinating?”=Doyouhavedifficultyvoiding?(小便有困难吗?)此外,还有的说法:topiss=totakeapiss=totakealeak=tovoid=toempty。
1. 呼气测试(Helicobacter pylori breath test):通过测量呼出气中的碳14或碳13等同位素来检测幽门螺旋杆菌。
2. 胃镜检查(Gastroscopy):通过胃镜检查,取胃黏膜组织进行组织学、细胞学或免疫组化检查来检测幽门螺旋杆菌。
3. 血清学检查(Serology):通过检查血液中的血清抗体,来判断是否感染了幽门螺旋杆菌。
4. 粪便检查(Stool antigen test):通过检测粪便中的幽门螺旋杆菌抗原来判断是否感染了幽门螺旋杆菌。
5. 快速尿素酶测试(Rapid urease test):通过取胃黏膜标本,使用尿素-酶底涂片或尿素碳13泡沫测试, 检测尿素酶活性,来检测幽门螺旋杆菌感染。
6. 分子生物学检查(Polymerase chain reaction test):通过取胃黏膜标本或口腔黏膜标本,检测幽门螺旋杆菌的DNA,对幽门螺旋杆菌的片段进行扩增并检测分析来判断是否感染了幽门螺旋杆菌。
粪便检查英语流程Stool examination is a crucial diagnostic tool in the field of medicine. It provides valuable information about an individual's gastrointestinal health and can help identify various medical conditions. The process of stool examination, also known as fecal analysis or stool test, involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of a patient's stool sample. This essay will guide you through the step-by-step procedure of stool examination in English.The first step in the stool examination process is the collection of the stool sample. Patients are typically instructed to collect a small amount of their stool in a clean container provided by the healthcare facility. It is important to ensure that the sample is not contaminated with urine or water. Patients may be asked to collect the sample first thing in the morning or at a specific time of day, as the composition of the stool can vary throughout the day.Once the sample is collected, it is transported to a laboratory for analysis. The laboratory staff will then perform a series of tests on the stool sample to assess its physical characteristics, chemicalcomposition, and the presence of any abnormal components.One of the most common tests performed on a stool sample is the macroscopic examination. This involves a visual inspection of the stool sample to assess its color, consistency, and the presence of any visible abnormalities, such as blood, mucus, or undigested food particles. The color of the stool can provide valuable information about the patient's digestive health. For example, a pale or clay-colored stool may indicate a problem with the liver or gallbladder, while a dark, tarry stool may be a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding.The consistency of the stool is also an important factor in the macroscopic examination. A hard, dry stool may indicate constipation, while a loose, watery stool may be a sign of diarrhea. The presence of blood, mucus, or undigested food particles can also provide clues about the underlying medical condition.After the macroscopic examination, the laboratory staff will perform a microscopic examination of the stool sample. This involves the use of a microscope to identify any microscopic organisms or abnormal cells that may be present in the stool. The microscopic examination can help detect the presence of parasites, such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium, as well as the presence of red blood cells, white blood cells, or other abnormal cells.In addition to the macroscopic and microscopic examinations, the laboratory may also perform chemical tests on the stool sample. These tests can measure the levels of various substances, such as fecal fat, fecal occult blood, or fecal calprotectin, which can provide information about the patient's digestive health.The interpretation of the stool examination results is typically done by a healthcare professional, such as a gastroenterologist or a primary care physician. They will review the results of the various tests and use this information to make a diagnosis or to guide further medical treatment.It is important to note that the interpretation of stool examination results can be complex and may require additional testing or follow-up. Patients should always consult with their healthcare provider to discuss the results of their stool examination and to determine the appropriate course of action.In conclusion, the stool examination process is a critical diagnostic tool in the field of medicine. It involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of a patient's stool sample to assess their gastrointestinal health and to identify any underlying medical conditions. By understanding the step-by-step procedure of stool examination, patients can better prepare for this important test andwork with their healthcare providers to ensure the best possible outcome.。
布里斯托大便分类法英文缩写The Bristol Stool Scale is a medical tool used to classify the form of human feces into seven categories. Each category is represented by a number and a description, ranging from Type 1 (separate hard lumps) to Type 7 (watery). This scale is commonly used by healthcare professionals to assess the overall health of the digestive system and to diagnose various gastrointestinal conditions.The Bristol Stool Scale was developed by Dr. Ken Heaton at the University of Bristol in the 1990s. It has since become a widely recognized and accepted method for categorizing stool consistency. The scale is particularly useful in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea.The seven types of stools classified by the Bristol Stool Scale are as follows:Type 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass) Type 2: Sausage-shaped, but lumpyType 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on the surfaceType 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and softType 5: Soft blobs with clear-cut edges (passed easily) Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stoolType 7: Watery, no solid pieces (entirely liquid)中文:布里斯托大便分类法是一种用于将人类粪便形态分类的医学工具,分为七个类别。
(五)脑脊液与其他无菌体液 (Five) Cerebrospinal fluid and other sterile body fluids
脑脊液应立即保温送检或床边接种; CSF should be transported immediately with insulation or cultured bedside; 胸腔积液、腹腔积液和心包积液等应采集较大 量标本送检,离心后再接种培养。 Pleural effusion, ascites and pericardial effusion with a large volume should be collected, centrifugated and then cultured.
(三)粪便 (Three) Stool
挑取脓、血或粘液部分于清洁容器中送检; Pick pus, blood or mucus from stoll into clean containers for examination; 排便困难者或婴儿采用直肠拭子采集,置于有保存液的试管内送检; Apply rectal swab for infants or difficult defecation, place it with preservation solution in the test tube for examination; 怀疑霍乱弧菌感染引起的腹泻,将标本置于碱性蛋白胨水或卡-布 (Cary-Blair)运送培养液送检; Suspected infections caused by Vibrio cholerae, the specimens were placed in alkaline peptone water or card cloth (Cary-Blair) transport medium for examination; 传染性腹泻应连续送检3次。 Continuous examination 3 times for infectious diarrhea.
一般去医院做检查时,如果要化验大便的话,医生肯定不会跟你说shit这个单词,而是feces,或者stool,那么这种化验就被称为stool test
(王菲在微博发了自己这张素颜照,微博原文:“脸妹洗吃么糊(眼屎)害有点儿肿~ p.s. 谁负折把黑眼圈儿搁我ps喽~” 小编表示:素颜什么的最有爱了!)
于是~说说“眼屎”这个词吧,英文中用gum来表示,可是gum这个词最常见的意思是“口香糖”,所以为避免混淆,可以补充说gum in the eyes
“鼻屎”在英文中是用booger来表示,British English中是bogeys。
学名nasal mucus
英国美食家、作家Stefan Gates在他的一本书Gastronaut (美食家)中曾写到有关eating nasal mucus的内容…
最后一个词:earwax,耳朵里的蜡,就是“耳屎”啦~我们平时用来挖耳屎的那个东东,就叫做earwax removal,一般医生都建议用棉签,cotton stick,对耳朵比较好~。
FOBt 名词解释一、什么是 FOBt?FOBt(Fecal Occult Blood test)是一种常见的肠道癌筛查方法,也被称为隐血试验或大便隐血检查。
二、FOBt的原理1.概述 FOBt试验的原理基于人体肠道肿瘤出血后,血液中的残余血红蛋白会通过肠道消化进入大便中,形成隐血。
2.灵敏性原理 FOBt试验通常使用两种不同工作原理的试剂盒:禁忌胺试剂和免疫法试剂。
3.原理解析 FOBt的原理可以分为三个阶段:采集样本、处理样本和检测样本。
三、FOBt的应用领域1.肠道癌筛查 FOBt是早期肠道癌筛查的重要方法之一。
2.疾病监测 FOBt还可以用于监测肠道疾病的疗效。
3.卫生保健 FOBt也可以用于一般卫生保健,旨在提供更早的肠道问题预警。
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Stool color
Normal value: Brown Clinical implication: 1. Yellow to yellow-green : severe diarrhea 2. Green : severe diarrhea Black: resulting from bleeding into the upper gastrointestinal tract (>100 ml blood) 3. Tan or Clay colored : blockage of the common bile duct. 4. Pale greasy acholic (no bile secretion) stool found in pancreatic insufficiency.
Chemical examination Water pH Occult blood Urobilinogen Porphyrins Nitrogen Normal values Up to 75 % 6.5-7.5 Negative 50-300 g/24hr Coporphyrins:400-1200g/24hr Uroporphyrins:10-40 mg/24hr <2.5 g/24hr
Clinical Implications
C. ”Pasty” stool is associated with a high fat content in the stool:
1. A significant increase of fat is usually detected on gross examination
2. With common bile duct obstruction, the fat gives the stool a putty- like appearance.
3. In cystic fibrosis, the increase of neutral fat gives a greasy, “butter stool” appearance.
Consistency Size and shape Gross blood,Mucous,Pus, Parasites
Normal values in stool analysis
Microscopic examination
Fat (Colorless, neutral fat (18%) and fatty acid crystals and soaps)
2. Bile pigments and salts 3. Intestinal secretions, including mucus
4. Leukocytes that migrate from the bloodstream 5. Epithelial cells that have been shade 6. Bacteria and Inorganic material(10-20%) chiefly calcium and phosphates. Undigested and unabsorbed food.
Stool pH
Normal value: Neutral to acid or alkaline Clinical implication 1. Increased pH ( alkaline) a. protein break down b. Villous adenoma c.Colitis d.Antibiotic use 2. Decreased pH ( acid) a. Carbohydrate malabsorption b. Fat malabsorption c. Disaccharidase deficiency
Random Collection
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Universal precaution Collect stool in a dry,clean container uncontaminated with urine or other body secretions, such as menstrual blood Collect the stool with a clean tongue blade or similar object. Deliver immediately after collection
Interfering factors
1. Patients receiving tetracyclines, anti-diarrheal drugs, barium, bismuth, oil, iron , or magnesium may not yield accurate results. 2. Bismuth found in toilet tissue interferes with the results. 3. Do not collect stool from the toilet bowl.A clean, dry bedpan is the best. 4. Lifestyle, personal habbits, environments may interfere with proper sample procurement.
Normal values in stool Analysis
Macroscopic examination
Amount Colour Odour
Normal value
100-200 g / day Brown Varies with pH of stool and depend on bacterial fermentation Plastic, not unusual to see fiber, vegetable skins. Formed None
Ova and parasites collection
1. Warm stools are best for detecting ova or parasites. Do not refrigerate specimen for ova or parasites. 2. If the stool should be collect in 10 % formalin or PVA fixative, storage temperature is not critical. 3. Because of the cyclic life cycle of parasites, three separate random stool specimens are recommended.
Normal values
Undigested food
Meat fibers, Starch, Trypsin Eggs and segments of parasites Yeasts Leukocytes
None to small amount
None None None None
Normal values in stool analysis
Chemical examination
Chloride Potassium Lipids ( fatty acid)
Normal values
2.5-3.9 mEq / 24 hr 15.7-20.7 mEq /24 hr 0-6 g / 24 hr
Clinical Implications
1.Fecal consistency may be altered in various disease states
present in greater amounts in normal children. Osmolarity used 200-250 mOsm with serum osmolarity to calculate osmotic gap Sodium 5.8-9.8 mEq / 24hr
Normal values in stool Analysis
Stool Odor
Normal value: Varies with pH of stool and diet. Indole and sketole are the substances that produce normal odor formed by intestinal bacteria putrefaction and fermentation. Clinical implication A foul odor is caused by degradation of undigested protein. A foul odor is produced by excessive carbohydrate ingestion. A sickly sweet odor is produced by volatile fatty acids and undigested lactose
Enteric pathogen collection
1. Some coliform bacilli produce antibiotic substances that destroy enteric pathogen. Refrigerate specimen immediately. 2.A diarrheal stool will usually give accurate results. 3.A freshly passed stool is the specimen of choice. 4. Stool specimen should be collected before antibiotic therapy, or as early in the course of the disease. 5. If blood or mucous is present, it should be included in the specimen