
公司高层职位的英文缩写:CEO : Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官CFO : Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官COO : Chief Operated Officer 首席运营官CTO : Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官CIO : Chief Information Officer 首席信息官CRO : Chief Risk Officer 首席风险官CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,是美国人在20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时的产物,它的出现在某种意义上代表着将原来董事会手中的一些决策权过渡到经营层手中。
CFO(Chief Financial Officer)意指公司首席财政官或财务总监,是现代公司中最重要、最有价值的顶尖管理职位之一,是掌握着企业的神经系统(财务信息)和血液系统(现金资源)灵魂人物。
COO (chief Operation officer )首席营运官的职责主要是负责公司的日常营运,辅助CEO的工作。
一般来讲,COO负责公司职能管理组织体系的建设,并代表CEO 处理企业的日常职能事务。

公司各个部门英文缩写公司各个部门英文缩写【篇一:公司各个部门英文缩写】工程部ed (engineering department)技术部td (technical department)商贸部b d (business trade service department)客户服务部c d (customer service department)人力资源部hr (human resource )综合部sd (synthesis department)【篇二:公司各个部门英文缩写】工厂各部门英文缩写工程engineer department品保quality control department制造production department技术办公室technical office研发research development样品组sample room设备课equipment dept.组装课assembling dept.仓库warehouse营业部business office人力资源部human resources department总务部general affairs department财务部general accounting department销售部sales department促销部sales promotion department国际部international department出口部export department进口部import department公共关系public relations department广告部advertising department企划部planning department产品开发部product development department研发部research and development department(r d)秘书室secretarial pool采购部purchasing department工程部engineering department行政部admin. department人力资源部hr departmentmarketing department技术部technolog department客服部service department行政部administration财务部financial department董事长室the chairmans roomdirecotor, or president副deputy director, or vice president general deparment采购部purchase order department工程部engineering deparment研发部research deparment生产部productive department销售部sales deparment业务部branch deparment事业部department拓展部business expending department物供部supply departmentb&d business and development 业务拓展部marketingsales 销售部hr 人力资源部account 会计部pr people relationship 公共关系部ofc (office, 但不常见) / omb = office of management and budget 办公室finance 财务部mktg (marketing)r d (research development) 研发部mfg (manufacturing) 产品部administration dept. 管理部purchasing dept 采购部chairman/president office // gerneral manager office or gm office 总经理办公室monitor support department 监事会strategy research 战略研究部外销部:overseas department,international sales section,export section财务科:financial/fiscal department会议室:meeting room/hall/auditorium,或conferencehall/auditorium或直接auditorium, 视其大小而定了。
Unit 1 拓展:公司内工作实用英语词汇

公司内工作实用英语词汇一、公司组织结构:1. 最高层(Governing body or leadership):董事会:Board of Directors (有时候可简称为Board)监事会:Board of Supervisors, board of Visitors总经理:General Manager, Managing Director首席执行官:Chief Executive Officer, (可简称为CEO)行政管理部:Administrative Department2、首席执行官下辖(Under the CEO):会计部:Accounting Department(有时候会计部直接向董事会负责,不一定由CEO管辖)营销部:Sales & Marketing Department生产部:Production Department人力资源部:Human Resources Department,(可简称为HR Department)3、生产部下辖:采购科:Purchasing质量管理科:Quality Control (可简称为QC)研发科:Research & Development (可简称为R & D)4、其他:总务处:general affairs office服务处:service center物流管理部:logistics managing department总公司,总部:head office, headquarters(可简称为HQ)分公司,分部:branch office 或简称为branch例:TAF公司天津分公司:TAF Company, Tianjin Branch生产基地:production base,生产工厂,生产设施:manufacturing facilities销售市场:sales market或简称为market二、公司各层人员:董事长:Chairman of the board, Board Chairman, president副董事长:Vice President, Assistant President董事长助理:Assistant Chairman, Chairman Assistant董事:director执行董事,常务董事:Executive Director, Managing Director外部董事:Outsider Director总经理:General Manager, Managing Director首席执行官:Chief Executive Officer(可简称为CEO)首席财务官:Chief Financial Officer (可简称为CFO)首席运营官:Chief Operation Officer(可简称为COO)首席技术官:Chief Technology Officer(可简称为CTO)首席信息官:Chief Information Officer (可简称为CIO)首席知识官:Chief Knowledge Officer (可简称为CKO)首席采购官:Chief Procurement Officer (可简称为CPO)首席人才官:Chief Human Resource Officer(可简称为CHO)首席营销官:Chief Marketing Officer(可简称为CMO)首席品牌官:Chief Brand Officer (可简称为CBO)经理:manager人力资源部经理:manager of Human Resources雇员:employee候选人:candidate工程师:engineer会计:accountant出纳:cashier秘书:secretary职员:clerk推销员:salesman工人:worker技术员:technician设计师:designer电工:electrician管道工:plumber翻译员:(笔译)translator, (口译)interpreter联系人:contact person (有时候简称为contact)科长:section chief, section manager, section head部门经理:department manager门卫:janitor, gatekeeper应聘者:job applicant面试官:interviewer三、场所名称:办公室:office会议室:conference room, meeting room接待室,会客室:reception room样品展览室:sample show room财会室:accounting office设计室:design office仓库:warehouse车间:workshop生产车间:manufacturing shop装配车间,组装车间:assembly shop加工车间:processing workshop机加工车间:machining workshop包装车间:packing workshop卫生间:toilet,rest room男厕所:Men’s room (也可简称为Men’s或Gentlemen)女厕所:Women’s room(也可简称为Women’s或Ladies)盥洗室:washroom车库:garage自行车棚:bicycle shed门房:gate house, janitor’s room卫生室:medical room, clinic食堂,餐厅:dining hall浴室:shower room电控室:electrical control room礼堂:auditorium。
组织结构 Organizational Structure

情景欣赏1Dr. Pauley, could you tell me something about the separations of the company organization in the United States?甲:波利博士,能介绍一下美国公司组织机构划分情况吗?It is,first of all, the division, then the department, and finally the section. That is, a department manager heads each department within the division, and sub-separations within the department are usually called sections.乙:首先是部,然后是处,最后是科。
Then what is the section head called?甲:那么科里的头儿怎么称呼?Sometimes we just use section head,but we usually prefer section manager. Like many companies in other countries, the allocation of responsibility goes from the section manager to the department manager then to the division manager.乙:有时候我们称科长,但我们通常喜欢称经理。
So it,s the general manager at the top supervising everything?甲:那么,总经理是最高层,监管全局了?You can say that.乙:可以这样说。
组织学结构 英语

组织学结构英语Organizational structure refers to the way in which an organization arranges its employees and work in order to meet its goals and objectives. There are several common types of organizational structures, including functional, divisional, matrix, and flatarchy.Functional structure is the most common type of organizational structure, where employees are grouped by the function they perform, such as marketing, finance, or operations. This type of structure is often used in small to medium-sized organizations.Divisional structure is used by larger organizations that operate in multiple geographic regions or serve different markets. In this structure, the organization is divided into divisions based on product, region, or customer type, each with its own set of functions.Matrix structure is a hybrid of functional and divisional structures, where employees report to both a functional manager and a project or product manager. This structure is often used in complex organizations whereemployees need to work across different functions and projects.Flatarchy structure is a newer approach toorganizational structure, where there are no traditional hierarchies or layers of management. Instead, employees are empowered to make decisions and collaborate across teams in a more fluid manner.中文:组织结构是指组织如何安排其员工和工作以实现其目标和目的。

公司各个部门英文缩写【篇一:公司各个部门英文缩写】工程部 ed (engineering department)技术部 td (technical department)商贸部 b d (business trade service department)客户服务部 c d (customer service department)人力资源部 hr (human resource )综合部 sd (synthesis department)【篇二:公司各个部门英文缩写】工厂各部门英文缩写工程engineer department品保quality control department制造 production department技术办公室technical office研发 research development样品组 sample room设备课 equipment dept.组装课 assembling dept.仓库warehouse营业部 business office人力资源部 human resources department总务部 general affairs department财务部 general accounting department销售部 sales department促销部 sales promotion department国际部 international department出口部 export department进口部 import department公共关系 public relations department广告部 advertising department企划部 planning department产品开发部 product development department研发部 research and development department(r d)秘书室 secretarial pool采购部 purchasing department工程部 engineering department行政部 admin. department人力资源部 hr departmentmarketing department技术部 technolog department客服部 service department行政部 administration财务部 financial department董事长室 the chairmans roomdirecotor, or president副 deputy director, or vice presidentgeneral deparment采购部 purchase order department工程部 engineering deparment研发部 research deparment生产部 productive department销售部 sales deparment业务部 branch deparment事业部 department拓展部 business expending department物供部 supply departmentb&d business and development 业务拓展部marketingsales 销售部hr 人力资源部account 会计部pr people relationship 公共关系部ofc (office, 但不常见) / omb = office of management and budget 办公室finance 财务部mktg (marketing)r d (research development) 研发部mfg (manufacturing) 产品部administration dept. 管理部purchasing dept 采购部chairman/president office // gerneral manager office or gm office 总经理办公室monitor support department 监事会strategy research 战略研究部外销部:overseas department,international sales section,export section财务科:financial/fiscal department会议室:meeting room/hall/auditorium,或conferencehall/auditorium或直接auditorium, 视其大小而定了。

计划、 计划、控制型职能部门
这是一类不直接 不直接参与企业经营的部门。他们通过制定 不直接 计划,设定标准、程序、定额,建立规章制度等,参与控 制企业的各项活动。他们通过影响其他部门和其他人的工 作来影响企业的运转,如生产管理、检验、财务等部门。
“组织” 一词 组织” 组织
名词,任何团体机构 organization 名词,中国人对共 产党和国家机构的 俗称
名词,生命机体的一部分, “细胞—组织—器官”
动词,主持安排 organize
●目标原则 目标原则
案例:深圳华为公司的组织设计 案例:
●组织建立的方针 第三十九条 华为组织的建立和健全, 必须: 有利于强化责任,确保公司目标和战略的实现。 有利于简化流程,快速响应顾客的需求和市场的变化。 有利于提高协作的效率,降低管理成本。 有利于信息的交流,促进创新和优秀人才的脱颖而出。 有利于培养未来的领袖人才,使公司可持续成长。

公司各个部门英文缩写公司各个部门英文缩写【篇一:公司各个部门英文缩写】工程部ed (engineering department)技术部td (technical department)商贸部b d (business trade service department)客户服务部c d (customer service department)人力资源部hr (human resource )综合部sd (synthesis department)【篇二:公司各个部门英文缩写】工厂各部门英文缩写工程engineer department品保quality control department制造production department技术办公室technical office研发research development样品组sample room设备课equipment dept.组装课assembling dept.仓库warehouse营业部business office人力资源部human resources department总务部general affairs department财务部general accounting department销售部sales department促销部sales promotion department国际部international department出口部export department进口部import department公共关系public relations department广告部advertising department企划部planning department产品开发部product development department研发部research and development department(r d)秘书室secretarial pool采购部purchasing department工程部engineering department行政部admin. department人力资源部hr departmentmarketing department技术部technolog department客服部service department行政部administration财务部financial department董事长室the chairmans roomdirecotor, or president副deputy director, or vice president general deparment采购部purchase order department工程部engineering deparment研发部research deparment生产部productive department销售部sales deparment业务部branch deparment事业部department拓展部business expending department物供部supply departmentb&d business and development 业务拓展部marketingsales 销售部hr 人力资源部account 会计部pr people relationship 公共关系部ofc (office, 但不常见) / omb = office of management and budget 办公室finance 财务部mktg (marketing)r d (research development) 研发部mfg (manufacturing) 产品部administration dept. 管理部purchasing dept 采购部chairman/president office // gerneral manager office or gm office 总经理办公室monitor support department 监事会strategy research 战略研究部外销部:overseas department,international sales section,export section财务科:financial/fiscal department会议室:meeting room/hall/auditorium,或conferencehall/auditorium或直接auditorium, 视其大小而定了。

以下是一些使用Hierarchical的例句:- This software application has a hierarchical structure, with main menus subdivided into smaller options.这款软件应用有一个层级结构,主菜单会被细分为更小的选项。
- The company has a hierarchical management system, with clear lines of reporting and communication between managers and employees.该公司有一个层级管理系统,管理层和员工之间有明确的汇报和沟通渠道。

介绍公司组织架构的英语作文English:Our company's organizational structure is designed to facilitate efficient communication, decision-making, and workflow. At the top level, we have the executive team, consisting of the CEO, CFO, COO, and other C-suite executives, who are responsible for setting the company's overall strategy and direction. Below them, we have various departments such as marketing, sales, finance, human resources, and operations, each headed by a department manager or director who oversees the day-to-day activities within their respective areas. Within each department, there are teams or units focusing on specific tasks or projects, led by team leaders or project managers. This hierarchical structure enables clear lines of authority and accountability, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and goals are met. Additionally, we emphasize cross-functional collaboration, encouraging employees from different departments to work together on projects to leverage diverse expertise and perspectives. Regular communication channels, including meetings, email, and collaboration tools, are established to facilitate information sharing and decision-making across the organization.Overall, our organizational structure is designed to foster teamwork, innovation, and agility, enabling us to adapt quickly to changes inthe business environment and achieve our strategic objectives.Translated content:我们公司的组织架构旨在促进高效的沟通、决策和工作流程。

公司部门英文名称大全http:总公司Head Office分公司Branch Office营业部Business Office人事部Personnel Department人力资源部Human Resources Department总务部General Affairs Department财务部General Accounting Department销售部Sales Department促销部Sales Promotion Department国际部International Department出口部Export Department进口部Import Department公共关系Public Relations Department广告部Advertising Department企划部Planning Department产品开发部Product Development Department研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool采购部Purchasing Department工程部Engineering Department行政部Admin. Department人力资源部HR Department市场部Marketing Department技术部Technolog Department客服部Service Department行政部Administration财务部Financial Department总经理室Direcotor, or President副总经理室Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办General Deparment采购部Purchase & Order Department工程部Engineering Deparment研发部Research Deparment生产部Productive Department销售部Sales Deparment广东业务部GD Branch Deparment无线事业部Wireless Industry Department拓展部Business Expending Department物供部Supply DepartmentB&D business and development业务拓展部Marketing市场部Sales销售部HR人力资源部Account会计部PR people relationship公共关系部OFC (Office,但不常见) / OMB = Office of Management and Budget办公室Finance财务部MKTG (Marketing)市场部R&D (Research & Development)研发部MFG (Manufacturing)产品部Administration Dept.管理部PurchasingDept采购部Chairman/President Office // Gerneral Manager office or GM office总经理办公室Monitor & Support Department监事会Strategy Research战略研究部注:有时候同一个部门,在你们厂和我们公司它的叫法就是不一样;在美国和英国或新西兰它也不一样。
总公司 分公司 英语表达


公司部门英文名称大全总公司Head Office分公司Branch Office营业部Business Office人事部Personnel Department人力资源部Human Resources Department总务部General Affairs Department财务部General Accounting Department销售部Sales Department促销部Sales Promotion Department国际部International Department出口部Export Department进口部Import Department公共关系Public Relations Department广告部Advertising Department企划部Planning Department产品开发部Product Development Department研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool采购部Purchasing Department工程部Engineering Department行政部Admin. Department人力资源部HR Department市场部Marketing Department技术部Technolog Department客服部Service Department行政部Administration财务部Financial Department总经理室Direcotor, or President副总经理室Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办General Deparment采购部Purchase & Order Department工程部Engineering Deparment研发部Research Deparment生产部Productive Department销售部Sales Deparment广东业务部GD Branch Deparment无线事业部Wireless Industry Department拓展部Business Expending Department物供部Supply DepartmentB&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部Sales 销售部HR 人力资源部Account 会计部PR people relationship 公共关系部OFC (Office, 但不常见) / OMB = Office of Management and Budget 办公室Finance 财务部MKTG (Marketing) 市场部R&D (Research & Development) 研发部MFG (Manufacturing) 产品部Administration Dept. 管理部Purchasing Dept 采购部Chairman/President Office // Gerneral Manager office or GM office 总经理办公室Monitor & Support Department 监事会Strategy Research 战略研究部注:有时候同一个部门,在你们厂和我们公司它的叫法就是不一样;在美国和英国或新西兰它也不一样。

公司各个部门英文缩写公司各个部门英文缩写【篇一:公司各个部门英文缩写】工程部ed (engineering department)技术部td (technical department)商贸部b d (business trade service department)客户服务部c d (customer service department)人力资源部hr (human resource )综合部sd (synthesis department)【篇二:公司各个部门英文缩写】工厂各部门英文缩写工程engineer department品保quality control department制造production department技术办公室technical office研发research development样品组sample room设备课equipment dept.组装课assembling dept.仓库warehouse营业部business office人力资源部human resources department总务部general affairs department财务部general accounting department销售部sales department促销部sales promotion department国际部international department出口部export department进口部import department公共关系public relations department广告部advertising department企划部planning department产品开发部product development department研发部research and development department(r d)秘书室secretarial pool采购部purchasing department工程部engineering department行政部admin. department人力资源部hr departmentmarketing department技术部technolog department客服部service department行政部administration财务部financial department董事长室the chairmans roomdirecotor, or president副deputy director, or vice president general deparment采购部purchase order department工程部engineering deparment研发部research deparment生产部productive department销售部sales deparment业务部branch deparment事业部department拓展部business expending department物供部supply departmentb&d business and development 业务拓展部marketingsales 销售部hr 人力资源部account 会计部pr people relationship 公共关系部ofc (office, 但不常见) / omb = office of management and budget 办公室finance 财务部mktg (marketing)r d (research development) 研发部mfg (manufacturing) 产品部administration dept. 管理部purchasing dept 采购部chairman/president office // gerneral manager office or gm office 总经理办公室monitor support department 监事会strategy research 战略研究部外销部:overseas department,international sales section,export section财务科:financial/fiscal department会议室:meeting room/hall/auditorium,或conferencehall/auditorium或直接auditorium, 视其大小而定了。

公司高层职位的英文缩写:CEO : Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官CFO : Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官COO : Chief Operated Officer 首席运营官CTO : Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官CIO : Chief Information Officer 首席信息官CRO : Chief Risk Officer 首席风险官CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,是美国人在20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时的产物,它的出现在某种意义上代表着将原来董事会手中的一些决策权过渡到经营层手中。
CFO(Chief Financial Officer)意指公司首席财政官或财务总监,是现代公司中最重要、最有价值的顶尖管理职位之一,是掌握着企业的神经系统(财务信息)和血液系统(现金资源)灵魂人物。
COO (chief Operation officer )首席营运官的职责主要是负责公司的日常营运,辅助CEO的工作。
一般来讲,COO负责公司职能管理组织体系的建设,并代表CEO 处理企业的日常职能事务。

1. 组织结构在商业领域,organization通常指公司或组织的结构。
通常,企业结构可以分为以下三种:a. 层级式层级式结构是最为广泛采用的组织形式。
b. 平级式平级式结构是由大量独立的团队组成的。
c. 矩阵式矩阵式结构是层级结构和平级结构的结合体。
2. 职责和任务分配除了组织结构,organization还可以指职责和任务的分配。
3. 领导力和管理除了职责和任务分配,organization也可以用于描述企业或组织的领导力和管理风格。
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The organizational structure of the company
The content of the company's organization
The company in the form of organizational structure
The content of the company's organization
The company in the form of organizational structure
The organizational structure with linear system(直线制组织结构) The structure with linear system is the oldest, the most simple form of organization. This structure is suitable for small businesses. It requires managers to all the questions the department to make decisions, so he must be a generalist. If the size of the company expanded, it increases the management level, or increases the working unit of each level.
Straight line - staff structure(直线——参谋组织 结构) With the expansion of the company, line manager in straight line organization task becomes more complex. He felt that if just rely on personal knowledge and time has been unable to solve heavy management tasks, needs the help of experts, staffers is the expert. In this way, created a so-called linear - staff organization. In a straight line, system structure, the staff of the staff manager's role is to provide effective management for line manager need advice, services, and help in a particular aspect.
Supervisory body(监督机构)
The company's decision-making and management most concentrated in the hands of a few people, this is the need of improving the efficiency of company management. In order to prevent them from abusing their power, in violation of the law and the articles of association, damage the interests of the owners, owners and shareholders for their activities and the organization's business activities for inspection and supervision, the supervision institutions to carry out by the company.
Divisional system structure(事业部制组织结构) Divisional system organization structure, which is under the headquarters of the company, set up several independent operating business units - division. These divisions, or product, or by region. Each division is responsible for the cost and profit of a profit center. Divisional system organization structure is similar to the straight line, staff structure, so the organization structure retained the linear part of staff system structure characteristics. However, there are essential differences between the two kinds of structure, the department was given more responsibility and authority, it is a relatively independent unit, linear structure internal staff system, on the other hand, there is no such units. In fact, each group tend to be more similar to a straight line, staff structure unit.
2.The board of directors(董事会)
The board of directors is composed of directors who are responsible for the company's operation and management activities of collegial system. In the general meeting of shareholders is not in session, it is the highest decision-making body of the company. In addition to general meetings of other bodies owned or owned by the authority granted to the company to exercise all the powers or authority exercised by the Board. As a collegial system, the company's business activities must be decided by all the directors of board meeting and discussion, any director has the right to determine its transaction, unless authorized by the board of directors of him to do so.
Company organization includes the content of the three parts, they are decision-making body, executive body and supervisory body. Decision-making body(决策机构) 1.The general meeting of shareholders(股东大会) General meeting of shareholders is determined by the company of all the shareholders of the highest authority in the major issues. Shareholders express their will, interests and requirements of the main places and tools.
Executive body(执行机构)
Executive body means a company executive organization composed of senior staff from the company in charge of the company's management activities. It is the supreme command center of business activity, carrying out responsibility system of chief. Its main responsibility is to carry out the board of directors to make decisions.
Matrix organization structure(矩阵组织结构) Matrix organization structure is a new form of organizational structure. It is particularly suited to rapid technological progress, high technical requirements of the company, such as computer and space products manufacturing company. Common matrix organizational structure is to use a number of project team and make the organization become a new form of structure. Within the project team refers to a group of researchers, respectively from different departments in the organization, and they have different knowledge and skills, in order to accomplish a specific task and together. The project team led by the project manager. I