生活大爆炸台词 第一季 01集

生活大爆炸第一季01[Leonard]: Agreed. What’s your point?[Sheldon]: There’s no point, I just think it’s a good idea for a t-shirt.[Leonard]: Excuse me.[Lady]: Hang on.[Leonard]: One across is “Aegean”. Eight down is “Nabokov”. 26across is “MCM”. 14down is…move your finger…”phylum” which makes 14 across port-au-prince”. See, “papa doc’s capital idea,” that’s “port-au-prince.” Haiti. [Lady]: Can I help you?[Leonard]: Yes. Is this the high-iq sperm bank?[Lady]: If you have to ask, maybe you shouldn’t be here.[Sheldon]: I think this is the place.[Lady]: Fill these out.[Leonard]: Thank you. We’ll be right back.[Lady]: Take your time. I’ll just finish my crossword puzzle. Oh wait.[Sheldon]: Leonard, I don’t think I can do this.[Leonard]: What, are you kidding? You are a semi–pro.[Sheldon]: No. we are committing genetic fraud. There’s no guarantee that our sperm is going to generate high-iq offspring. Think about that, I have a sister with the same basic dna mix who hostesses at Fuddruckers. [Leonard]: Sheldon, this was your idea. A little extra money to get fractional t-1 bandwidth in the apartment. [Sheldon]: I know, and I do yearn for faster downloads. But some poor woman who’s going to pin her hopes on my sperm...[Leonard]: I’m sure she’ll still love him.[Sheldon]: I wouldn’t.[Leonard]: Well, what do you want to do?[Sheldon]: I want to leave. What’s the protocol for leaving?[Leonard]: I don’t know…I’ve never reneged on a proffer of sperm before.[Sheldon]: Let’s try just walking out.[Sheldon]: Are you still mad about the sperm bank? You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?[Leonard]: Not really.[Sheldon]: If the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip.[Leonard]: I don’t care.Two millimeters…?That doesn’t seem right.[Sheldon]: No, it’s true, I did a series of experiments when I was 12, my father broke his clavicle.[Leonard]: Is that why they sent you to boarding school?[Sheldon]: No, that was a result of my work with lasers.[Leonard]: New neighbor?[Sheldon]: Evidently.[Leonard]: Significant improvement over the old neighbor.[Sheldon]: 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes, she is.[Leonard]: We don’t mean to interrupt. We live across the hall.[Penny]: Oh, that’s nice.[Leonard]: We don’t live together, I mean…we live together, but in separate, heterosexual bedrooms.[Penny]: Well. Guess I’m your new neighbor. Penny.[Leonard]: Well, welcome to the building.[Penny]: Thank you. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.[Leonard]: Should we have invited her for lunch?[Sheldon]: No, we’re gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.[Leonard]: We already watched the season two DVDs.[Sheldon]: Not with commentary.[Leonard]: I think we should be good neighbors. And invite her over, make her feel welcome.[Sheldon]: We never invited that person over.[Leonard]: And that was wrong of us. We need to widen our circle.[Sheldon]: I have a very wide circle. I have 212 friends on my space.[Leonard]: Yes, and you’ve never met one of them.[Sheldon]: That’s the beauty of it.[Leonard]: I’m gonna invite her over. We’ll have a nice meal and…chat.[Sheldon]: Chat? We don’t chat. At least not offline.[Leonard]: It’s not difficult. You just listen to what she says and then you say something appr opriate in response. [Sheldon]: To what end?[Leonard]: Anyway…we brought home Indian food. And I know that moving can be stressful, and I find that when I’m undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect. Also, curry is a natural laxative, and I don’t have to tell you that, you know, a clean colon is just…one less thing to worry about. [Sheldon]: I’m no expert, but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation, you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.[Penny]: You’re inviting me over to eat? Oh, that’s so nice. I’d love to. So, what do you guys do for fun around here? [Sheldon]: Today we tried masturbating for money.[Leonard]: Ok, make yourself at home.[Penny]: This looks like some serious stuff. Leonard, did you do this?[Sheldon]: Actually, that’s my work. Yeah, well, it’s just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory doodling around the edges. That part there, that’s just a joke.[Penny]: So you’re like one of those beautiful mind genius guys. This is really impressive.[Leonard]: I have a board. If you like boards, this is my board.[Penny]: Holy smokes.[Sheldon]: If by “holy smokes”, you mean a derivative restatement of the kind of stuff you can find scribbled on the wall of any men’s room at M.I.T, sure.[Leonard]: What?[Sheldon]: Come on. Who hasn’t seen this differential below “here I sit, broken-hearted”?[Leonard]: At least I didn’t have to invent 26 dimensions just to make the math come out.[Sheldon]: I didn’t invent them. They’re there.[Leonard]: In what universe?[Sheldon]: In all of them… that is the point.[Penny]: Do you guys mind if I start?[Sheldon]: Penny…that’s where I sit.[Penny]: So, sit next to me.[Sheldon]: No… I sit there.[Penny]: What’s the difference?[Sheldon]: Wha t’s the difference?[Leonard]: Here we go.[Sheldon]: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it’s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion. I can go on, but I think I’ve made my point.[Penny]: Do you want me to move?[Leonard]: Just sit somewhere else. Well, this is nice. We don’t have a lot of company over.[Sheldon]: That’s not true, Koothrappali and Wolowizt come over all the time.[Leonard]: Yes. I know, but…[Sheldon]: So don’t say we don’t have company.[Leonard]: Sorry.[Sheldon]: That is negative social implications.[Leonard]: I said I’m sorry![Penny]: So…klingon boggle?[Leonard]: Yeah. It’s like regular boggle, but… in klingon.That’s probably enough about us. So, tell us about you. [Penny]: Me? Ok. I’m a Sagittarius, w hich probably tells you way more than you need to know.[Sheldon]: Yes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion tha t the sun’s apparent position……somehow affects your personality.[Penny]: Participate in the what?[Leonard]: I think what Sheldon’s trying to say is that Sagittarius wouldn’t have been our first guess.[Penny]: Oh, yeah, a lot of people think I’m a water sign. Ok, let’s see, what else. Oh, I’m a vegetarian, expect for fish.And the occasional steak. I love steak.[Sheldon]: Well, that’s interesting. Leonard can’t process corn.[Leonard]: Well…do you have some sort of a job?[Penny]: Yeah, I’m a waitress at the cheesecake factory.[Leonard]: Oh~ I love cheesecake.[Sheldon]: You’re lactose-intolerant.[Leonard]: I don’t eat it…I just think it’s a good idea.[Penny]: Anyways, I’m also writing a screenplay. It’s about this sensitive girl who comes to L.A. from Lincoln, Nebraska, to be an actress and winds up a waitress at the cheesecake factory.[Leonard]: So, it’s based on your life.[Penny]: No, I’m from Omaha.[Leonard]: If that was a movie, I would go see it.[Penny]: I know, right? Ok, let’s see what else…guess that’s about it. That’s the story of Penny.[Leonard]: It sounds wonderful.[Penny]: It was. Until I fell in love with a jerk.[Sheldon]: What’s happening?[Penny]: God, you know, 4 years I lived with him. 4 years…that’s like as long as high school.[Sheldon]: It took you 4 years to get through high school?[Penny]: It just… I can’t believe I trusted him.[Leonard]: Should I say something? I feel like I should say something.[Sheldon]: You? No, you’ll only make it worse.[Penny]: You want to know the pathetic part? Even though I hate his lying, cheating guts…I still love him. Is that crazy? [Leonard]: No, it’s not crazy. It’s a…paradox. Paradoxes are part of nature. Think about light. If you look at Huygens, light is a wave, as confirmed by the double-slit experiments. But then along comes Albert Einstein, and discovers that light behaves like particles, too. Well, I didn’t make it worse.[Penny]: I’m so sorry. I’m such a mess. On top of everything else, I’m all gross from moving. And my stupid shower doesn’t even work.[Leonard]: Our shower works.[Penny]: Really? Would it be totally weird if I used it?[Leonard]: It’s right down the hall.[Penny]: Thanks. You guys are really sweet.[Sheldon]: Well, this is an interesting development.[Leonard]: How so?[Sheldon]: It has been some time since we’ve had a woman take her clothes off in our apartment.[Leonard]: That’s not true, remember at thanksgiving, my grandmother with Alzhei mer’s had that episode? [Sheldon]: Point taken. It has been some time since we’ve had a woman take her clothes off, after which we didn’t want to rip our eyes out.[Leonard]: The worst part was watching her carve that turkey.[Sheldon]: So what exactly are you going to accomplish here?[Leonard]: Excuse me?[Sheldon]: That woman is not going to have sex with you.[Leonard]: I’m not trying to have sex with her.[Sheldon]: Oh, good, then you won’t be disappointed.[Leonard]: What makes you think she wouldn’t have sex with me? I’m a male and she is a female.[Sheldon]: Yes, but not of the same species.[Leonard]: I’m not going to engage in hypotheticals here. I’m just trying to be a good neighbor.[Sheldon]: Oh, of course.[Leonard]: That’s not to say that if a carnal relationship were to develop, that I wouldn’t participate. However briefly. [Wolowitz]: Wait till you see this.[Koothrappali]: It’s fantastic, unbelievable.[Leonard]: See what?[Wolowitz]: It’s a Stephen hawking lecture from M.I.T in 1974.[Leonard]: This isn’t a good time.[Wolowitz]: It’s before he became a creepy computer voice.[Leonard]: That’s great. You guys have to go.[Koothrappali]: Why?[Leonard]: It’s just not a good time.[Sheldon]: Leonard has a lady over.[Wolowitz]: Yeah, right…your grandmother back in town?[Leonard]: No, and she is not a lady, she is just a new neighbor.[Wolowitz]: Hang on, there really is a lady here? And you want us out because you’re anticipating co itus? [Leonard]: I’m not anticipating coitus.[Wolowitz]: So she’s available for coitus?[Leonard]: Can we please just stop saying ”coitus”?[Penny]: Hey, is there a trick to getting it to switch from tub to shower…?[Wolowitz]: Howard Wolowitz, Caltech department of applied physics. You may be familiar with some of my work. It’s currently orbiting Jupiter’s largest moon taking high-resolution digital photographs.[Penny]: Penny, I work at the cheesecake factory.[Leonard]: I’ll show you the trick with the shower.[Wolowitz]: “Bonne douche”[Penny]: I’m sorry?[Wolowitz]: It’s French for “good shower.” It’s a sentiment, I can express in six languages.[Leonard]: Save it for your blog, Howard.[Leonard]: All right, there it goes. It sticks. I’m sorry.[Penny]: Hey, Leonard?[Sheldon]: The hair products are Sheldon’s.[Penny]: Can I ask you a favor?[Leonard]: A favor? Sure, you can ask me a favor. I would do you a favor for you.[Penny]: It’s ok if you say no.[Leonard]: I’ll probably say yes.[Penny]: It’s ju st not the kind of thing you ask a guy you just met.[Sheldon]: I really think we should examine the chain of causality here.[Leonard]: Must we?[Sheldon]: Event A: a beautiful woman stands naked in our shower. Event B: we drive halfway across town to retrieve a television set from the afore mentioned woman’s ex-boyfriend. Query…on what plane of existence is there even a semi-rational link between these events?[Leonard]: She asked me to do her a favor, Sheldon.[Sheldon]: Oh, yes, well, that may be the proximal cause of our journey. But we both know it only exists in contradistinction to the higher level distal cause.[Leonard]: Which is?[Sheldon]: You think with your penis.[Leonard]: That’s a biological impossibility. And you didn’t have to come.[Sheldon]: Oh, right, I could have stayed behind and watch Wolowitz try to hit on Penny in Russian, Arabic, and Farsi.Why can’t she get her own TV?[Leonard]: Come on, you know how it is with breakups.[Sheldon]: No I don’t…and neither do you.[Leonard]: I broke up with Joyce Kim.[Sheldon]: You did not break up with Joyce Kim, she defected to north Korea.[Leonard]: To mend her broken heart. This situation is much less complicated. There’s some kind of dispute between Penny and her ex-boyfriend as to who gets custody of the TV. She just wanted to avoid having a scene with him.[Sheldon]: So we get to have a scene with him?[Leonard]: No, there’s not going to be a scene. There’s two of us and one of him.[Sheldon]: Leonard, the two of us can’t even carry a TV.[Penny]: So, you guys work with Leonard and Sheldon at the university? I’m sorry, do you speak English? [Wolowitz]: He speaks English, he just can’t speak to women. He’s kind of nerd.[Leonard]: I’ll do the talking.We’re here to pick up Penny’s TV.[Man]: Get lost.[Sheldon]: Ok, thanks for your time.[Leonard]: We’re not going to give up just like that.[Sheldon]: Leonard, the TV’s in the building. We’ve been denied access to the building, ergo, we are done. [Leonard]: Excuse me. If I were to give up on the first little hitch, I never would have identified the fingerprints of string theory in the aftermath of the big bang.[Sheldon]: My apologies. What’s your plan? It’s just a privilege to watch your mind at work.[Leonard]: Come on, we have a combined iq of 360. We should be able to figure out how to get into a stupid building. [Sheldon]: What do you think their combined iq is?[Leonard]: Just grab the door! This is it. I’ll do the talking.[Sheldon]: Good thinking, I’ll just be the muscle.[Man]: How the hell did you get in the building?[Leonard]: We are scientists.[Sheldon]: Tell him about our iq.[Sheldon]: Leonard…[Leonard]: What?[Sheldon]: My mom bought me those pants.[Leonard]: I’m sorry.[Sheldon]: You’re going to have to call her.[Leonard]: Sheldon, I am so sorry I dragged you though this.[Sheldon]: It’s ok. It wasn’t my first pants and it won’t be my last.[Leonard]: And you were right about my motives. I was hoping to establish a relationship with Penny that might have someday led to sex.[Sheldon]: Well, you got me out of my pants.[Leonard]: Anyway, I’ve learned my lesson. She’s out of my league, I’m done with her. Got my work, one day, I’ll win the Nobel prize and I’ll die alone.[Sheldon]: Don’t think like that. You’re not going to die alo ne.[Leonard]: Thank you, Sheldon, you’re a good friend.[Sheldon]: And you’re certainly not going to win a Nobel prize.[Wolowitz]: This is one of my favorite places to kick back after a quest. They have a great house ale. Yeah, I’ve had him since level ten. His name is buttons. Anyway, if you had your own game character, we could hang out, maybe go on a quest.[Penny]: That sounds interesting.[Wolowitz]: You’ll think about it?[Penny]: I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking about it.[Koothrappali]: Smooth~[Leonard]: We’re home.[Penny]: Oh, my god, what happened?[Leonard]: Well, you ex-boyfriend sends his regards, and I think the rest is fairly self-explanatory.[Penny]: I’m so sorry, I really thought if you guys went instead of me he wouldn’t be such an ass.[Leonard]: No, it was a valid hypothesis.[Sheldon]: That was a valid…? What is happening to you?[Penny]: Really, thank you so much for going and trying, you’re just…you’re so terrific, really. Why don’t you put some clothes on, I’ll get my p urse, and dinner is on me, ok?[Sheldon]: You’re not done with her, are you?[Leonard]: Our babies will be smart and beautiful.[Sheldon]: Not to mention imaginary.[Leonard]: Is that food okay with you, Penny?[Sheldon]: We can’t have Thai food, we had In dian for lunch.[Penny]: So?[Sheldon]: They’re both curry-based cuisines.[Penny]: So?[Sheldon]: It would be gastronomically redundant. I can see we’re going to have to spell out everything for this girl [Penny]: Any ideas, Raj?[Wolowitz]: I know a wonderful little sushi bar that has karaoke.[Penny]: That sounds like fun.[Wolowitz]: Baby, baby don’t get hook up on me……[Sheldon]: I don’t know what your odds are in the world as a whole, but as far as the p opulation of this car goes, you're a veritable Mac daddy.------------- THE END -------------。

14 down is... move your finger...Phylum; which makes 14 across "Port-au-Prince"
see; "Papa Doc's capital idea"; that's "Port-au-Prince".
-Leonard: Leonard. Sheldon.
Leonard Sheldon..
-Penny: hi.
-Sheldon: hi.
-Penny: hi.
-Leonard: hi.
-Leonard: Well; uh... oh; uh; welcome to the building.
你看;“Papa Doc提示了;所以是太子港..
-Woman: Can I help you
-Leonard: Yes. Um... is this the high-IQ sperm bank
-Woman: If you have to ask; maybe you shouldn't be here.
-Sheldon: Are you still mad about the sperm bank
-Leonard: No.
-Sheldon: You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs

第一季8集: The Grasshopper Experiment----(小人物实验)-Sheldon:Damn you, ! 去死吧,隐蔽钱包网。
s-Leonard:Problem 有麻烦了-Sheldon:The online description was completely网站上的介绍完全是在误导人。
misleading.They said eight slots, plus removable ID. 他们说有8个夹层外加一个抽取式证件存放层。
To any rational person, that would mean room for nine这对任何正常人都意味着能放9张卡,cards,but they don't tell you, 但他们不告诉你,the removable ID takes up one slot. 证件存放层要放在1个夹层里。
It's a nightmare! 真是场恶梦!-Leonard:Okay, now, do you really need 好吧,但你真会用到那张the Honorary Justice League of America membership card 美国正义联盟荣誉会员卡吗-Sheldon:It's been in every wallet I've owned since我从5岁起就一直保持卡不离钱包了。
I was five.-Leonard:Why 为什么?-Sheldon:It says "Keep this on your person at all这上面说"任何时候都要随身携带"。
times."It's right here under Batman's signature. 就在这儿,蝙蝠侠签名的下面。
-Raj:...and this is Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. ...这里是Leonard和Sheldon的公寓。

第一季12集The Jerusalem Duality----(耶路撒冷对偶)-Sheldon:Here's the problem with teleportation. 我给你讲讲隐形传物的问题吧。
-Leonard:Lay it on me. 讲吧。
-Sheldon:Assuming a device could be invented 假设可以发明一种仪器,Which would identify the quantum state of matter of an individual in one location 在一个地方把一个个体的量子态识别确认后,And transmit that pattern to a distant location for reassembly, 把排列模式传送到另一地方重新组装, You would not have actually transported the individual. 你实际上并没真把该个体传送走,You would have destroyed him in one location and recreated him in another. 而是在一个地方将他摧毁再在另一个地方重新做出一个他。
-Leonard:How about that? 那又如何?-Sheldon:Personally, I would never use a transporter, 我本人永远不会使用传送机,Because the original Sheldon would have to be disintegrated in order to create a new Sheldon. 因为原来的Sheldon必须被分解,才能再做出一个新的Sheldon。
-Leonard:Would the new Sheldon be in any way an improvement onthe old Sheldon那新的Sheldon比旧的有什么改进吗? -Sheldon:No, he would be exactly the same. 没有,他们完全一模一样。

第一季13集The Bat Jar Conjecture----(Bat Jar 猜想)-Howard:Mody tells about the new Star Trek film. 这儿有关于新一部星舰迷航电影的消息。
There's going to be a scene depicting Spock's birth. 将会有一幕拍摄Spock出生的情景。
(“星舰迷航”主人公之一是Vulcan族)-Raj:I'd be more interested in a scene depicting Spock'sconception.我对Spock受精时的情景更感兴趣。
-Sheldon:Oh, please. 得了吧。
For Vulcans, mating—or if you will, Pon Fahr-- 对于瓦肯人来说,交配-- 或者你想说 PonFahr--It's an extremely private matter. 这都是极端隐私的。
-Leonard:Still, I'd like to know the details. 不过我还是想知道细节。
His mother was human. His father was Vulcan. 她妈妈是人类他爸爸是瓦肯人。
They couldn't just conceive. 他们两个不可能就简简单单的受孕了。
-Howard:Maybe they had to go to a clinic. 也许他们只好去诊所,Can you imagine Spock's dad in a little room with a copy of Pointy Ears and Shapely Rears. 你能想象Spock的爸爸一对尖尖的耳朵和匀称的臀部,在一个小房间里...-Raj:How comes on Star Trek everybody's private parts are the same 为什么"星舰迷航"里每个人的私处都大同小异呢No alien lady ever told Captain Kirk, Hey, get your thing out of my nose. 从没一个外星女士对Kirk舰长说过,嘿,把你那玩意儿从我鼻子里抽出来。
生活大爆炸 第一季 剧本台词 中英文对照1.04

早。 早。 今天早餐你做鸡蛋吃 这不是早餐,这是试验。 但看起来很像早餐。 我终于有时间验证我的理论,从蛋白质总分离水分子
第一季四集: The Luminous Fish Effect
-Sheldon: you know, I've been thinking about time travel again. -Leonard:Why, did you hit a roadblock with invisibility -Sheldon: Put it on the back burner. Anyway, it occurs to me if I ever did perfect a time machine, I would just go into the past and give it to myself, thus eliminating the need for me to invent it in the first place. -Leonard:Interesting. -Sheldon: Yeah, it really takes the pressure off. -Leonard:Sounds like a breakthrough. Should I call science magazine and tell them to hold the cover -Sheldon: It's time travel, Leonard; I will have already done that. -Leonard:Then I guess congratulations are in order. -Sheldon: No, congratulations will have been in order. You know, I am not going to enjoy this party. -Leonard:I know, I'm familiar with you. -Sheldon: The last department party, professor Finkleday cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minutes. -Leonard:Yes, I was there. -Sheldon: You know what's interesting about caves, Leonard -Leonard:What -Sheldon: Nothing. -Leonard: Well, then we'll avoid Finkleday, we'll meet the new department head, congratulate him, shake his hand and go. -Sheldon: How's this Pleased to meet you, Dr. Gablehauser. "How fortunate for you that the university's chosen to hire you," despite the fact "that you've done no original research in 25 years, "and instead have written a series of popular books " that reduce the great concepts of science to a series of anecdotes, "each one dumb down to accommodate the duration of an average bowel movement." Mahalo. -Leonard:Mahalo is a nice touch. -Sheldon: You know there only eight consonants in the Hawaiian language -Leonard:Interesting. You should lead with that. -Raj:Oh, god, look at this buffet. I love America. -Leonard:You don't have buffets in India -Raj:Of course, but it's all Indian food. You can't find a bagel in Mumbai to save your life. Smear me. -Sheldon: Well, here's an interesting turn of events. -Leonard:What Howard brought a date -Sheldon: A more plausible explanation is that his work in robotics has made an amazing leap forward. -Howard:Hey, what up, science bitches 怎样,科学怪人们 恭喜他,跟他握手,然后就走。 这样如何 见到你很高兴,Gablehauser 博士。 您真幸运,学校雇用了您, 尽管您 25 年来都没做出什么原创研究, 而是写了一系列畅销书, 将科学这一伟大的概念降格为奇闻轶事, "每则故事都简单到能在一次肠部运动的时间内看完" (就 是厕所读物) Mahalo (夏威夷语的谢谢)。 Mahalo 是不错的修饰。 你知道夏威夷语里只有 8 个辅音吗 有趣,你就这么做开场白吧。 瞧瞧这自助餐。 我爱美国。 印度没自助餐吗 有,但都是印度菜。 在孟买你可找不到能救命的面包圈。 给我涂点酱。 事态的发展真是有趣。 怎么了 Howard 带了女伴 可能是他在机器人方面的研究取得了重大进展。 我最近一直在想着时光旅行。 为什么,你又撞上看不见的路障了 暂时先不说那个。 我想到如果我发明了完美的时间机器, 我会回到过去把它送给自己, 省得要自己发明它。 有趣。 是啊,让我减压不少。 听起来像是个大突破。 要我打电话给科学杂志让他们留下头版的位置吗 这可是时间旅行,Leonard 过去的我已经做过了。 那就等着祝贺你啦。 不,过去的你已经祝贺过我了。 我肯定在派对上不会开心的。 我知道,我了解你。 上次系里的派对 Finkleday 教授抓着我谈了 45 分钟的窑洞 挖掘。 我也在场。 你知道窑洞有什么好玩的吗,Leonard 什么 什么也没有。 那我们躲开他,我们会见到新的系主任。

生活大爆炸英文剧本"The Big Bang Theory" A Celebration of Friendship and Nerdy Humor。
"The Big Bang Theory" is a beloved American sitcom that has captured the hearts of millions of viewers around the world. The show revolves around a group of friends who are all brilliant scientists and self-proclaimed nerds, and their adventures in love, friendship, and the pursuit of knowledge. With its witty humor, endearing characters, and heartwarming storylines, "The Big Bang Theory" has become a cultural phenomenon and a celebration of all things nerdy.The show's success can be attributed to its brilliant writing, talented cast, and its ability to strike a chord with audiences of all ages. The characters, including the socially awkward but lovable physicist Sheldon Cooper, the charming and slightly neurotic Leonard Hofstadter, the sweet and naive astrophysicist Rajesh Koothrappali, and the lovable and quirky engineer Howard Wolowitz, have become iconic figures in popular culture. Their unique quirks and idiosyncrasies, combined with their unwavering loyalty and support for each other, have endeared them to fans all over the world.One of the most endearing aspects of "The Big Bang Theory" is its celebration of friendship. The show emphasizes the importance of having a close-knit group of friends who support and care for each other, despite their differences and eccentricities. The camaraderie and bond between the characters serve as a reminder of the value of true friendship and the joy that comes from sharing life's ups and downs with those we love.In addition to its heartwarming portrayal of friendship, "The Big Bang Theory" also celebrates all things nerdy. The show is filled with references to comic books, science fiction, video games, and other elements of geek culture, and it has helped to bring these interests into the mainstream. The characters' unapologetic embrace of their nerdy hobbies and passions has inspired countless fans to embrace their own interests and be proud of who they are."The Big Bang Theory" is not just a television show; it is a celebration of friendship, humor, and the joy of being true to oneself. Its legacy will continue to live on in the hearts of fans who have been touched by its humor and heartwarming messages. As we bid farewell to this beloved sitcom, we can take comfort in the knowledge that its impact will be felt for years to come, and its lessons of friendship and self-acceptance will continue to inspire and uplift audiences around the world.。

⽣活⼤爆炸第⼀季⼝语笔记Big Bang Theory S01E011.What’s the protocol for leaving?该怎么(跟她)说(我们)要⾛呢?2.boarding school寄宿学校3.We live across the hall.我们住在你隔壁。
4.I think we should be good neighbors and invite her over,make her feel welcome.我觉得我们应该做个好邻居,请她做客,让她觉得亲切。
5.We need to widen our circle.我们得扩⼤下我们的朋友圈⼦。
6.I find that when I’m undergoing stress,the good food and company can have a comforting effect.我发现当我⾝⼼俱疲时,美⾷和伙伴能让我感觉很舒坦。
7.I’m no expert,but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation,you might want to skip the reference to bowel movement.这⽅⾯我不在⾏,不过我相信如果是邀请别⼈吃午餐,你最好不要说肠运动的事。
8.In the winter,that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm,and yet not so close as to cause perspiration.In the summer, it’s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there.It faces the television at an angle.That is neither direct,thus discouraging conversation,nor so far wide as to creat parallax distortion.I could go on,but I think I’ve made my piont.在冬天,这个位置离暖⽓⽐较近,所以⽐较暖和,但也不⾄于太近以⾄于引起出汗。

-Sheldon: Well, here's an interesting turn of events. turn of events:事态的变化 事态的发展真是有趣。 -Leonard:What? 怎么了?
Howard brought a date? date:约会的对象 Howard 带了女伴?
第一季四集: The Luminous Fish Effect
-Sheldon: you know, I've been thinking about time travel again. travel:旅行 我最近一直在想着时光旅行。 -Leonard:Why, did you hit a roadblock with invisibility? hit:碰撞 roadblock:障碍物 invisibility:看不见的东西 为什么,你又撞上看不见的路障了?
Mahalo. Mahalo (夏威夷语的谢谢)。 -Leonard:Mahalo is a nice touch. touch:修饰,润色 Mahalo 是不错的修饰。
-Sheldon: You know there only eight consonants in the Hawaiian language? consonants:辅音 你知道夏威夷语里只有 8 个辅音吗? -Leonard:Interesting. You should lead with that. 有趣,你就这么做开场白吧。 -Raj:Oh, god, look at this buffet. buffet:自助餐 瞧瞧这自助餐。

Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour,
-Sheldon: In what space, sir In what space
哪还有时间,先生 哪有时间
She's two feet above the ground.
Frankly, if he really loved her, he'd let her hit the pavement.
-Howard:And you don't have a problem with that How does he fly at night
你没发现问题吗 那他在夜里怎么飞行
-Sheldon: Oh, a combination of the moon's solar reflection
-Penny:Yeah. I probably won't.
Hey,Sheldon. Hi
嘿 Sheldon 。 嗨
Hey, Raj.
嘿 Raj。
Still not talking to me, huh
-Sheldon: Don't take it personally, it's his pathology. He can't talk to women.
生活大爆炸第一季 中英对照剧本

The Big Bang Theory Season01 Chi-Eng ScriptThe Big Bang Theory S01E01 第一季第一集100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,460如果一个光子打向有两个狭缝的平面So if a photon is directed through a plane200:00:02,580 --> 00:00:04,150如果有一个狭缝可以观测到with two slits in it and either slit is observed,300:00:04,150 --> 00:00:05,150那它没有同时通过两个狭缝it will not go through both slits.400:00:05,270 --> 00:00:06,450如果观测不到那它会通过If it's unobserved,it will.500:00:06,570 --> 00:00:09,010但如果它是在离开平面后However,if it's observed after it's left the plane600:00:09,100 --> 00:00:10,300在击中目标物之前被观测到But before it hits its target,700:00:10,310 --> 00:00:11,680那它不会同时通过两个狭缝it won't have gone through both slits.800:00:11,850 --> 00:00:13,860没错你想说什么Agreed. what's your point?生活大爆炸第一季中英双语对照剧本-------------------两栏省纸打印版------------------900:00:14,050 --> 00:00:17,240没什么我只是觉得这个主意放在T恤上不错There's no point,I just think it's a good idea for a t-shirt.1000:00:22,670 --> 00:00:24,340-您好 -稍等-excuse me. -hang on.1100:00:28,720 --> 00:00:30,340横1是"爱琴海"One across is "aegean."1200:00:30,460 --> 00:00:31,850竖8是"纳巴科夫"(1899-1977 俄裔美国小说家)Eight down is "nabokov."1300:00:31,980 --> 00:00:34,330横26"MCM"26 across is "mcm."1400:00:34,600 --> 00:00:36,900竖14是...你手挡住了...14 down is... move your finger...1500:00:37,780 --> 00:00:40,410是"门"(生物分类) 所以说横十四是"太子港"(海地首都)"phylum" which makes 14 across"port-au-prince"1600:00:42,050 --> 00:00:45,270你看 "Papa Doc"(海地总统绰号)提示了所以是"太子港"See,"papa doc's capitol idea," that's "port-au-prince."1700:00:46,770 --> 00:00:47,770在海地Haiti.1800:00:49,280 --> 00:00:50,870-需要帮忙吗 -是的-can I help you? -yes.1900:00:53,770 --> 00:00:57,020这里是高智商精子库吗Is this the high-iq sperm bank?2000:00:58,590 --> 00:01:01,280如果这还要问的话那你可能不该来这If you have to ask,maybe you shouldn't be here.2100:01:02,460 --> 00:01:04,030我看就是这儿了I think this is the place.2200:01:05,240 --> 00:01:06,960-把表格填了 -谢谢-fill these out. -thank you.2300:01:07,200 --> 00:01:09,020-马上就好 -不急-we'll be right back. -take your time.24 00:01:09,210 --> 00:01:11,370我正好把填字游戏做完I'll just finish my crossword puzzle.2500:01:12,670 --> 00:01:13,950等等Oh,wait.2600:01:25,120 --> 00:01:27,160莱纳德我觉得我做不到Leonard,I don't think I can do this.2700:01:27,380 --> 00:01:29,690开什么玩笑你都是"半职业选手"了What,are you kidding? you're a semi-pro.2800:01:30,870 --> 00:01:33,200不是的我们这是在犯基因欺诈罪No. we are committing genetic fraud.2900:01:33,380 --> 00:01:35,080我们的精子并不能保证There's no guarantee that our sperm3000:01:35,110 --> 00:01:36,790将来就能生出高智商的后代is going to generate high-iqOffspring.3100:01:36,800 --> 00:01:39,560你想想我姐姐和我的DNA结构相同Think about that. I have a sister with the same basic dna mix3200:01:39,680 --> 00:01:41,340可她只是快餐店的女服务生Who hostesses at fuddruckers.3300:01:42,580 --> 00:01:44,420谢尔顿当初是你要来的Sheldon,this was your idea.3400:01:44,670 --> 00:01:45,790这点补贴能让我们A little extra money to get3500:01:45,800 --> 00:01:48,180在寓所里拥有分式T-1带宽fractional t-1 bandwidth in the apartment.3600:01:48,240 --> 00:01:50,940我知道我的确渴望更快的下载速度I know,and I do yearn for faster downloads.3700:01:51,940 --> 00:01:53,070但那些可怜的女人们But there's some poor woman3800:01:53,110 --> 00:01:55,250会把希望寄托在我精子上的who's gonna pin her hopes on my sperm.3900:01:55,290 --> 00:01:57,900如果她最后发现那小不点连曲线下面积What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use4000:01:58,030 --> 00:02:01,470该用积分还是微分算都不知道她会怎么想An integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve? 4100:02:02,360 --> 00:02:04,960-我肯定她还是会爱他的 -我不会-i'm sure she'll still love him. -i wouldn't.4200:02:07,140 --> 00:02:08,630你现在想怎么样Well,what do you want to do?4300:02:08,750 --> 00:02:09,750我想走了I want to leave.4400:02:11,550 --> 00:02:12,890该怎么跟她说呢What's the protocol for leaving?4500:02:13,240 --> 00:02:16,480我不知道...我以前从来没在捐献精子时中途走人过I don't know... I've never reneged on a proffer of sperm before.4600:02:18,020 --> 00:02:19,470我们就直接走吧Let's try just walking out.4700:02:31,630 --> 00:02:33,850-再见 -再见很高兴见到你-bye. -bye. nice meeting you.4800:02:36,820 --> 00:02:38,550你还在为那个精子库的事生气吗Are you still mad about the sperm bank?4900:02:38,660 --> 00:02:39,180没有No.5000:02:40,940 --> 00:02:43,850你想不想听有关楼梯的有趣事情You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?5100:02:44,320 --> 00:02:45,370不太想Not really.5200:02:46,090 --> 00:02:48,950如果有一格阶梯的高度存在哪怕两毫米的微小差距If the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters,5300:02:49,090 --> 00:02:51,410-大多数人会被绊倒 -跟我无关-most people will trip. -i don't care.5400:02:53,300 --> 00:02:55,090两毫...那不太可能吧Two milli... that doesn't seem right.5500:02:55,210 --> 00:02:57,630不是真的我12岁时做过一系列试验No,it's true,I did a series of experiments when I was 125600:02:57,750 --> 00:02:59,280我爸爸还摔断了锁骨My father broke his clavicle.5700:03:00,680 --> 00:03:02,550 你就是因为这个被他们送去寄宿学校的? Is that why they sent you to boarding school?5800:03:02,680 --> 00:03:05,350不是是因为我那些关于激光的试验No. that was a result of my work with lasers.5900:03:11,360 --> 00:03:12,390这是新邻居?New neighbor?6000:03:12,610 --> 00:03:13,610很明显Evidently.6100:03:14,060 --> 00:03:16,680比起上一个的水准真是有显著提高Significant improvement over the old neighbor.6200:03:17,760 --> 00:03:19,870那个体重200磅有皮肤问题的异装癖者? 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition?6300:03:19,990 --> 00:03:20,990那是没错Yes,she is.6400:03:23,470 --> 00:03:25,370-你好 -你好-oh,hi. -hi.6500:03:30,260 --> 00:03:32,470我们不想打搅你我们就住你对面We don't mean to interrupt. we live across the hall.6600:03:32,710 --> 00:03:34,390你们真好啊Oh,that's nice.6700:03:35,450 --> 00:03:37,390我们不是住在一起我是说...We don't live together. I mean...6800:03:38,090 --> 00:03:39,190我们是住在一起We live together,6900:03:39,310 --> 00:03:42,290不过是在分开的异性恋的卧室里But in separate,heterosexual bedrooms.7000:03:43,720 --> 00:03:44,720好的Okay,well...7100:03:44,910 --> 00:03:46,780看来你们就是我的新邻居了我叫佩妮Guess I'm your new neighbor. penny.7200:03:47,190 --> 00:03:48,830-我是莱纳德他是谢尔顿 -你好-leonard. sheldon. -hi.7300:03:53,370 --> 00:03:54,410那么...Well...7400:03:55,280 --> 00:03:56,620欢迎成为我们的邻居Welcome to the building.7500:03:57,050 --> 00:03:59,220谢谢你我们可以什么时候喝喝咖啡Thank you. maybe we can have coffee sometime.7600:03:59,340 --> 00:04:01,150很好啊Great.7700:04:04,190 --> 00:04:06,430-那...再见 -再见-well... bye. -bye.7800:04:10,410 --> 00:04:12,140我们要不要请她来吃午饭?Should we have invited her for lunch?7900:04:12,600 --> 00:04:15,210不我们要开始看太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二季No.We're gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.8000:04:15,840 --> 00:04:17,820第二季的DVD我们已经看过了We already watched the season two dvds.8100:04:17,940 --> 00:04:19,120但评论音轨还没看Not with commentary.8200:04:21,800 --> 00:04:23,750我觉得我们应该做个好邻居I think we should be good neighbors8300:04:23,870 --> 00:04:25,760请她作客让她觉得亲切And invite her over,make her feel welcome.8400:04:26,270 --> 00:04:28,940我们从没请过那个叫路易还是叫路易斯的过来We never invited louie-slash-louise over.8500:04:30,150 --> 00:04:31,790那是我们的不对And that was wrong of us.8600:04:31,920 --> 00:04:33,360我们得扩大下我们的朋友圈子We need to widen our circle.8700:04:33,770 --> 00:04:35,900我的朋友圈子已经很大了I have a very wide circle.8800:04:36,800 --> 00:04:38,830我的空间上有212个好友I have 212 friends on myspace.8900:04:40,800 --> 00:04:42,960不错可他们你一个也没见过Yes,and you've never met one of them.9000:04:43,710 --> 00:04:45,060这正是其美妙之处That's the beauty of it.9100:04:47,470 --> 00:04:49,070 我要请她过来I'm gonna invite her over.9200:04:49,570 --> 00:04:52,140我们可以好好吃一顿然后...聊天We'll have a nice meal and... chat.9300:04:52,350 --> 00:04:55,100聊天? 我们平时不聊天至少下了网不聊Chat? we don't chat. at least not offline.9400:04:57,480 --> 00:04:58,810这没什么难的It's not difficult.9500:04:58,930 --> 00:05:00,450你只要听着她讲些什么You just listen to what she says9600:05:00,570 --> 00:05:03,390然后你适当地回应她一些And then you say something appropriate in response.9700:05:04,790 --> 00:05:05,790那最后要干什么?To what end?9800:05:07,770 --> 00:05:09,370你好...又来了Hi... again.9900:05:09,490 --> 00:05:11,370你好Hi.10000:05:12,650 --> 00:05:13,670那个...Anyway...10100:05:14,250 --> 00:05:15,770我们带了印度菜回来We brought home indian food.10200:05:16,790 --> 00:05:17,790然后...And...10300:05:18,310 --> 00:05:20,480我知道搬家可能会很累I know that moving can be stressful,10400:05:20,610 --> 00:05:22,780并且我发现当我身心俱疲时And I find that when I'm undergoing stress,10500:05:22,910 --> 00:05:26,060美食和伙伴能让我感觉很舒坦That good food and company can have a comforting effect.10600:05:27,280 --> 00:05:30,430还有咖喱本身有通便功效我想我不必再说Also,curry is a natural laxative,and I don't have to tell you10700:05:30,550 --> 00:05:33,180你知道如果大肠通畅...That,you know,a clean colon is just...108 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:35,290那又可以少一件操心事了One less thing to worry about.10900:05:37,080 --> 00:05:39,900这方面我不在行不过我相信如果是邀请别人吃午餐I'm no expert,but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation,11000:05:40,030 --> 00:05:42,480你最好不要说些肠运动的事You might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.11100:05:43,100 --> 00:05:44,850你们是在邀请我过去吃饭?You're inviting me over to eat?11200:05:45,930 --> 00:05:46,430是的Yes.11300:05:47,270 --> 00:05:49,230你们真好我很乐意Oh,that's so nice. I'd love to.11400:05:49,400 --> 00:05:50,400太好了Great.11500:05:50,550 --> 00:05:52,900你们平时都玩些什么So,what do you guys do for fun around here?11600:05:53,690 --> 00:05:56,320今天我们尝试过靠自慰来挣钱Today we tried masturbating for money.11700:06:25,370 --> 00:06:27,200好了就当在自己家一样Okay,make yourself at home.11800:06:27,480 --> 00:06:28,480谢谢Thank you.11900:06:28,810 --> 00:06:29,940不用谢You're very welcome.12000:06:34,280 --> 00:06:36,020这些东西看上去真深奥啊This looks like some serious stuff.12100:06:36,140 --> 00:06:39,210-莱纳德这是你写的? -不这是我的-leonard,did you do this? -actually,that's my work.12200:06:41,160 --> 00:06:43,650不错只是一些量子力学而已Yeah. well,it's just some quantum mechanics12300:06:43,770 --> 00:06:45,990边上还随便写了一点点弦理论With a little string theory doodling around the edges.12400:06:46,110 --> 00:06:47,610那部分是我开的玩笑That part there,that's just a joke. 12500:06:47,730 --> 00:06:50,600讽刺下波恩-奥本海默近似It's a spoof of the born-oppenheimer approximation.12600:06:52,020 --> 00:06:55,340这么说你就像是"美丽心灵"里那种天才一样So you're like one of those beautiful mind genius guys.12700:06:56,420 --> 00:06:57,130是吧Yeah.12800:06:59,100 --> 00:07:01,360-真让人赞叹 -我也有块板-this is really impressive. -i have a board.12900:07:01,480 --> 00:07:03,560如果你喜欢板这块是我的If you like boards,this is my board.13000:07:04,650 --> 00:07:05,910上帝啊Holy smokes.13100:07:06,030 --> 00:07:07,490如果你说"上帝啊"是想If by "holy smokes",you mean13200:07:07,620 --> 00:07:09,480再一次强调说你能在任何一个麻省理工的A derivative restatement of the kind of stuff13300:07:09,630 --> 00:07:12,660男生寝室墙上发现那些涂鸦那一点没错You can find scribbled on the wall of any men's room at mit,sure.13400:07:13,570 --> 00:07:14,880-什么? -得了吧-what? -come on.13500:07:15,000 --> 00:07:18,610谁没看到那微分上面写着"我打住了心碎了算不下去了"Who hasn't seen this differential below "here I sit,broken-hearted"?13600:07:19,000 --> 00:07:21,530至少我不会为了解决个数学问题At least I didn't have to invent 26 dimensions13700:07:21,650 --> 00:07:22,920去发明个什么26维出来Just to make the math come out.13800:07:23,050 --> 00:07:24,500我没有创造发明他们本来就有I didn't invent them. they're there.13900:07:24,620 --> 00:07:27,740-哪个宇宙有? -所有的都有...这就是我说的关键-in what universe? -in all of them... that is the point.14000:07:28,770 --> 00:07:30,180你们介意我先开吃吗Do you guys mind if I start? 14100:07:30,780 --> 00:07:31,780佩妮...Penny...14200:07:32,640 --> 00:07:33,910这是我的座位That's where l sit.14300:07:35,910 --> 00:07:37,080那你坐我旁边So,sit next to me.14400:07:38,900 --> 00:07:40,320不...我坐那里的No... I sit there.14500:07:41,970 --> 00:07:42,980有什么区别What's the difference?14600:07:43,120 --> 00:07:45,180-什么区别? -开始了-what's the difference? -here we go.14700:07:45,980 --> 00:07:48,290在冬天这个位子离暖气比较近所以比较暖和In the winter,that seat is close enough to the radiator14800:07:48,410 --> 00:07:51,260但也不至于太近以至于引起出汗To remain warm,and yet not so close as to cause perspiration14900:07:51,410 --> 00:07:53,770在夏天通过窗子吹进来的风直接在这里交叉In the summer,it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze15000:07:53,920 --> 00:07:55,840就是这边和那边的窗户Created by opening windows there and there.15100:07:56,000 --> 00:07:57,580看电视正好有个角度It faces the television at an angle15200:07:57,700 --> 00:08:00,140不会太正从而影响跟别人说话That is neither direct,thus discouraging conversation,15300:08:00,300 --> 00:08:02,710也不会太斜从而造成脖子酸疼Nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.15400:08:02,830 --> 00:08:06,040我还能继续不过我觉得你已经明白我的意思了I could go on,but I think I've made my point.15500:08:09,310 --> 00:08:10,600你想让我移开吗Do you want me to move?15600:08:10,730 --> 00:08:12,630你就随便坐一下吧-well... -just sit somewhere else. 15700:08:14,910 --> 00:08:15,910好的Fine.15800:08:34,130 --> 00:08:35,200谢尔顿坐下!Sheldon,sit!15900:08:40,830 --> 00:08:42,150这样很好啊Well,this is nice.16000:08:42,360 --> 00:08:43,950不太有人来我们这里作客的We don't have a lot of company over.16100:08:44,070 --> 00:08:46,790不是吧库萨帕里和沃尔维茨就经常过来That's not true. koothrappali and wolowitz come over all the time.16200:08:46,910 --> 00:08:48,300-是我知道但... -星期二晚上-yes i know,but... -tuesday night,16300:08:48,430 --> 00:08:50,260我们还玩"克林贡拼字游戏"玩到凌晨一点(克林贡是外星人)We played klingon boggle till 1:00 a.m.16400:08:50,280 --> 00:08:51,290是我记得Yeah,I remember.16500:08:51,420 --> 00:08:53,250-不要说我们没有伙伴 -对不起-don't say we don't have company. -sorry.16600:08:53,370 --> 00:08:56,280-这是社交上很消极的暗示 -我说对不起了-that has negative social implications. -i said I'm sorry!16700:08:58,710 --> 00:09:00,190"克林贡拼字游戏"?Klingon boggle?16800:09:00,320 --> 00:09:02,640是的就是普通的拼字游戏只不过... Yeah. it's like regular boggle,but...16900:09:02,790 --> 00:09:03,920是用克林贡语言In klingon.17000:09:07,340 --> 00:09:10,240关于我们已经说得够多了说说你吧That's probably enough about us. so,tell us about you.17100:09:11,140 --> 00:09:12,360我? 好吧Me? okay.17200:09:12,850 --> 00:09:14,190我是射手座的I'm a sagittarius,17300:09:14,320 --> 00:09:16,630就这一点你们很可能就了解得比我想说的多得多了Which probably tells you way more than you need to know.17400:09:16,770 --> 00:09:19,920没错我们可以了解到你有群众性文化妄想Yes. it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion17500:09:20,050 --> 00:09:21,330就是指你出生时That the sun's apparent position17600:09:21,450 --> 00:09:24,390相对于任意确定星座的太阳的视位置Relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth17700:09:24,510 --> 00:09:26,330可能会决定你的性格Somehow affects your personality.17800:09:29,080 --> 00:09:30,430有什么来着?Participate in the what?17900:09:30,930 --> 00:09:32,820我认为谢尔顿是想说I think what sheldon's trying to say18000:09:32,940 --> 00:09:35,840我们可能不会第一个猜你是"射手座"的Is that sagittarius wouldn't have been our first guess.18100:09:36,310 --> 00:09:38,490是很多人会以为我是水相星座的Yeah,a lot of people think I'm a water sign.18200:09:39,260 --> 00:09:41,070还有什么让我想想Okay,let's see,what else.18300:09:41,200 --> 00:09:43,230我是素食者但我吃鱼I'm a vegetarian. except for fish.18400:09:43,350 --> 00:09:45,400偶尔吃牛排牛排真赞!And the occasional steak. I love steak!18500:09:48,050 --> 00:09:49,130真有趣Well,that's interesting.18600:09:49,460 --> 00:09:51,480莱纳德吃玉米会不消化Leonard can't process corn.18700:09:55,560 --> 00:09:57,820你有什么工作吗Well... do you have some sort of a job?18800:09:58,870 --> 00:10:01,010有我是家乳酪蛋糕店的服务生Yeah. I'm a waitress at the cheesecake factory.18900:10:01,600 --> 00:10:02,870我很喜欢乳酪蛋糕I love cheesecake. 19000:10:02,990 --> 00:10:04,050你不是不能吃乳糖嘛You're lactose-intolerant.19100:10:04,170 --> 00:10:06,610我是不吃...我只是觉得那东西不错I don't eat it... I just think it's a good idea.19200:10:07,770 --> 00:10:10,050还有我正在写一个剧本Anyways,I'm also writing a screenplay.19300:10:10,170 --> 00:10:13,250讲一个多愁善感的女生从内布拉斯加州的林肯来到了洛杉矶It's about this sensitive girl who comes to l.a. from lincoln,nebraska,19400:10:13,370 --> 00:10:16,890她本想当名演员最终却在乳酪蛋糕店当了服务生To be an actress and winds up a waitress at the cheesecake factory.19500:10:18,520 --> 00:10:20,280看来这是根据你的经历写的So,it's based on your life.19600:10:20,470 --> 00:10:21,560不我是来自奥马哈No,I'm from omaha.19700:10:25,810 --> 00:10:27,870如果真拍成了电影我会去看的If that was movie,I would go see it.19800:10:27,990 --> 00:10:29,030我就说是不错吧?I know,right?19900:10:29,510 --> 00:10:31,330让我想想还有什么...Okay,let's see,what else...20000:10:32,690 --> 00:10:34,400大概就这些了Guess that's about it.20100:10:34,960 --> 00:10:36,410这就是佩妮的故事了That's the story of penny.20200:10:37,580 --> 00:10:39,100真不错It sounds wonderful.20300:10:40,470 --> 00:10:41,470是不错It was.20400:10:42,090 --> 00:10:44,560直到我爱上了那混蛋!Until I fell in love with a jerk!20500:10:48,350 --> 00:10:49,390怎么回事?What's happening?20600:10:52,390 --> 00:10:54,700上帝你知道吗我和他同居了4年God,you know,4 years I lived with him. 20700:10:54,820 --> 00:10:57,770整整4年...都跟高中生涯一样长了4 years... that's like as long as high school.20800:10:57,890 --> 00:10:59,900你花了4年才读完高中?It took you 4 years to get through high school?20900:11:02,590 --> 00:11:05,390真...不敢相信我竟然那么信任他It just... I can't believe I trusted him.21000:11:10,340 --> 00:11:12,950我该说些什么吗? 我感觉我该说些什么Should I say something? I feel like I should say something.21100:11:13,070 --> 00:11:14,770你? 算了你只会越帮越忙You? no,you'll only make it worse.21200:11:14,920 --> 00:11:17,040你们想知道最悲哀的是什么吗You want to know the most pathetic part?21300:11:17,210 --> 00:11:20,210即使我已经恨透了他的谎言他的不忠Even though I hate his lying,cheating guts...21400:11:20,930 --> 00:11:22,470我还是爱他I still love him.21500:11:23,490 --> 00:11:24,490我是不是疯了?Is that crazy?21600:11:24,740 --> 00:11:25,290是疯了Yes.21700:11:28,060 --> 00:11:30,470不不是的这只是...No,it's not crazy. it's a...21800:11:31,430 --> 00:11:32,920只是一种悖论It's a paradox.21900:11:33,170 --> 00:11:36,670自然界中到处都存在着悖论比如说光Paradoxes are part of nature. think about light.22000:11:36,790 --> 00:11:39,270按照惠更斯的理论光是一种波If you look at huygens,light is a wave,22100:11:39,390 --> 00:11:41,230双缝实验证明了这一观点As confirmed by the double-slit experiments,22200:11:41,350 --> 00:11:43,650不过后来有了爱因斯坦But then along comes albert einstein22300:11:43,770 --> 00:11:47,020他发现光原来也具有粒子性And discovers that light behaves like particles,too.22400:11:49,610 --> 00:11:51,270我至少没越帮倒忙Well,I didn't make it worse.22500:11:53,640 --> 00:11:55,690我真的很抱歉我真是一团糟I'm so sorry. I'm such a mess.22600:11:56,120 --> 00:11:58,250最糟的是我搬家都搬得恶心死了On top of everything else,I'm all gross from moving22700:11:58,370 --> 00:11:59,960没想到该死的淋浴器还不能用了And my stupid shower doesn't even work.22800:12:00,080 --> 00:12:01,140我们的可以用啊Our shower works.22900:12:02,990 --> 00:12:04,940真的? 如果我在这里洗你们会不会介意? Really? would it be totally weird if I used it?23000:12:05,060 --> 00:12:06,290-会 -不会-yes. -no.23100:12:06,410 --> 00:12:07,410-不会 -不会-no. -no.23200:12:09,260 --> 00:12:10,630就在那边It's right down the hall.23300:12:10,910 --> 00:12:11,910谢谢Thanks.23400:12:12,170 --> 00:12:13,610你们真是太好了You guys are really sweet.23500:12:20,320 --> 00:12:22,770这番进步有意思啊Well,this is an interesting development.23600:12:25,810 --> 00:12:26,810怎么?How so?23700:12:26,970 --> 00:12:29,120上次有个女人在我们这里轻解罗裳It has been some time since we've had a woman23800:12:29,240 --> 00:12:30,920距离现在已经很久了Take her clothes off in our apartment.23900:12:31,720 --> 00:12:33,540不见得啊记得感恩节That's not true. remember at thanksgiving,24000:12:33,680 --> 00:12:36,100我那老年痴呆的祖母上演的那段?My grandmother with alzheimer's had that episode?24100:12:38,210 --> 00:12:39,910明白了距离上次有女人Point taken. it has been some time24200:12:40,030 --> 00:12:41,870在我们这里轻解罗裳并且看了之后Since we've had a woman take her clothes off,24300:12:42,000 --> 00:12:44,320我们不想把眼睛给挖出来的已经很久了After which we didn't want to rip our eyes out.24400:12:45,710 --> 00:12:48,610其实最糟的是看她切那火鸡The worst part was watching her carve that turkey.24500:12:49,650 --> 00:12:52,510你现在究竟是要干些什么呢So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?24600:12:53,440 --> 00:12:54,510你说什么?Excuse me?24700:12:54,780 --> 00:12:56,820那女人不会跟你上床的That woman is not going to have sex with you.24800:12:57,040 --> 00:12:59,310我没有想要跟她上床I'm not trying to have sex with her.24900:12:59,450 --> 00:13:01,440那就好这样你就不会失望了Good. then you won't be disappointed.25000:13:02,740 --> 00:13:05,030你凭什么认为她不会和我上床了What makes you think she wouldn't have sex with me?25100:13:05,150 --> 00:13:07,070我是男的她是女的I'm a male and she's a female.25200:13:07,550 --> 00:13:09,710没错但不是同一物种Yes,but not of the same species.25300:13:10,710 --> 00:13:13,050我才不跟你讨论什么假设I'm not going to engage in hypotheticals here.25400:13:13,170 --> 00:13:14,920我只想当个好邻居I'm just trying to be a good neighbor.25500:13:15,320 --> 00:13:16,400是啊Of course.25600:13:17,070 --> 00:13:19,990那也不是说如果有机会可以发展肉体关系That's not to say that if a carnal relationship were to develop,257 00:13:20,110 --> 00:13:21,660我会袖手旁观That I wouldn't participate.25800:13:24,020 --> 00:13:25,140大致是这样However briefly.25900:13:26,710 --> 00:13:29,030当她发现你的卢克·天行者(星球大战人物)无泪洗发水Do you think this possibility will be helped or hindered26000:13:29,160 --> 00:13:32,580你说这种可能性是会变大了呢还是变小了When she discovers your luke skywalkerno-more-tears shampoo?26100:13:33,840 --> 00:13:35,570那是达斯·维德(另一星战人物)牌洗发水It's darth vader shampoo.26200:13:37,230 --> 00:13:39,140卢克·天行者是护发素Luke skywalker's the conditioner.26300:13:41,740 --> 00:13:44,460-先看这个 -太强了难以置信-wait till you see this. -it'sfantastic,unbelievable.26400:13:44,580 --> 00:13:45,580看什么?See what?26500:13:46,820 --> 00:13:50,9501974年史蒂芬霍金在麻省理工的演讲It's a stephen hawking lecture from mit in 1974.26600:13:51,070 --> 00:13:52,160现在不是时候This isn't a good time.26700:13:52,280 --> 00:13:55,330那时他还不是这样毛骨悚然的电脑音It's before he became a creepy computer voice.26800:13:58,710 --> 00:14:00,650-不错可你们现在必须得走 -为什么-that's great. you guys have to go. -why?26900:14:00,770 --> 00:14:01,970现在不是时候It's just not a good time.27000:14:02,090 --> 00:14:03,680莱纳德有女士来访Leonard has a lady over.27100:14:04,300 --> 00:14:06,780是的我明白了...你祖母又回城来了? Yeah,right... your grandmother back in town?27200:14:10,060 --> 00:14:12,590不是她不是什么女士她是新来的邻居No. And she's not a lady. she's just a new neighbor.27300:14:12,870 --> 00:14:15,280 等等这里真的有位女士?Hang on,there really is a lady here?27400:14:16,480 --> 00:14:19,500你赶我们走是为了想要和她交媾?And you want us out because you're anticipating coitus?27500:14:20,000 --> 00:14:21,640我没有想要和她交媾I'm not anticipating coitus.27600:14:21,770 --> 00:14:23,060那就是说别人现在可以和她交媾?So she's available for coitus?27700:14:23,190 --> 00:14:25,560我们可不可以不要说"交媾"这个词了Can we please just stop saying "coitus"?27800:14:25,680 --> 00:14:28,460更精确的说法应该是"体外射精" Technically,that would be"coitus interruptus. "27900:14:29,170 --> 00:14:32,230是不是应该有个旋关把水从浴缸那里弄到淋浴器上Hey,is there a trick to getting it to switch from tub to shower...?28000:14:32,830 --> 00:14:34,850不好意思大家好Hi. sorry. hello.28100:14:36,960 --> 00:14:38,940很高兴认识您女士Enchant? mademoiselle.28200:14:40,850 --> 00:14:43,920我是霍华德·沃尔维茨加州工学院应用物理系学生Howard wolowitz,caltech department of applied physics.28300:14:44,050 --> 00:14:46,180我的一些研究成果你可能已经很熟悉了You may be familiar with some of my work.28400:14:46,300 --> 00:14:48,810它正在围绕着木星的最大卫星轨道运行It's currently orbiting jupiter's largest moon28500:14:48,930 --> 00:14:51,360拍摄高分辨率的数码照片Taking high-resolution digital photographs.28600:14:52,450 --> 00:14:54,760我是佩妮我在乳酪蛋糕店工作Penny. I work at the cheesecake factory.28700:14:55,350 --> 00:14:57,180我带你去弄那旋关吧I'll show you the trick with the shower.28800:14:57,710 --> 00:14:58,710"Bonne douche"Bonne douche.28900:14:59,460 --> 00:15:00,860你说什么?I'm sorry? 29000:15:01,030 --> 00:15:02,840是法语里"洗个痛快澡"的意思It's french for "good shower. "29100:15:02,960 --> 00:15:05,640是一句祝词我能用六种语言来说It's a sentiment I can express in six languages.29200:15:06,520 --> 00:15:08,230还是留着博客上说吧霍华德Save it for your blog,howard.29300:15:09,860 --> 00:15:11,230洗个痛快澡29400:15:16,330 --> 00:15:18,640好了没问题了是卡住了不好意思All right,there it goes. it sticks. I'm sorry.29500:15:18,760 --> 00:15:20,310-好的谢谢 -不用谢-okay,thanks. -you're welcome.29600:15:20,430 --> 00:15:22,470你只要站在... 好吧我...You're just gonna to step right... okay,I'll...29700:15:23,460 --> 00:15:26,110-等等莱纳德 -洗头的那些东西都是谢尔顿的-hey,leonard? -the hair products are sheldon's.29800:15:28,360 --> 00:15:29,970我能让你帮个忙吗。

生活大爆炸第一季中英字幕第一集:不可控制的女孩英文标题:The Unresolved Woman情节概述:本集中,我们被引入了四位主要角色:莱纳德、谢尔顿、霍华德和拉贝。
对白:Scene 1: Sheldon and Leonard's ApartmentLeonard: (nervously) Sheldon, she's moving in!Sheldon: (excitedly) I know, Leonard! Isn't it fantastic? Maybe she'll change our lives forever!Leonard: (rolling his eyes) Sheldon, she's just a girl.Sheldon: (indignantly) Exactly, Leonard. She's. Just. A. Girl.(Scene change)Scene 2: Outside the Apartment BuildingLeonard and Sheldon bump into Penny as she's carrying some boxes. Penny: (smiling) Hi, I'm Penny.Leonard: (awkwardly) Hi Penny, I'm Leonard. This is Sheldon.Sheldon: (nodding) Hello.Penny: (looking at Sheldon's shirt) That's a cool Flash t-shirt! Sheldon: (proudly) Thank you. It's one of my favorites.(Scene change)Scene 3: Howard's bedroom with a robot controllerHoward: (speaking through the robot) Hey there, beautiful. You new in town?Penny: (confused) Uh, no. I just moved into the apartment building. Howard: (grinning) Lucky us! I'm Howard, by the way.Penny: (laughs) Nice to meet you, Howard.第二集:大脑磁悬浮实验英文标题:The Magnetic Brain Experiment情节概述:在这一集中,我们发现莱纳德是一名实验室实习生,他参与了一个脑部磁悬浮实验。

61>Significant improvement over the old neighbor.
62>200-pound transvestite with a skin condition?
63>Yes,she is.
64>-oh,hi. -hi.
110>You might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.
111>You're inviting me over to eat?
113>Oh,that's so nice. I'd love to.
115>So,what do you guys do for fun around here?
1>So if a photon is directed through a plane
2>with two slits in it and either slit is observed,
3>it will not go through both slits.
8>Agreed. what's your point?
9>There's no point,I just think it's a good idea for a t-shirt.
10>-excuse me. -hang on.

I have noticed that Leslie Winkle recently started shaving her legs.
我注意到Leslie Winkle最近在刮她的腿毛。
Now given that winter is coming,
one can only assume she's signaling sexual availability.
-Raj:He's got me!
我被打中, he's got raj. Use your sleep spell!
Sheldon Sheldon
Sheldon Sheldon
and analyze the data so that you don't crash into geek mountain.
-Howard:I didn’t agree, love is not a sprint; it's a marathon- -
-Howard:Because he looks better than you
-Leonard:Yeah. He was kind of dreamy.
-Sheldon: Well, at least now you can retrieve the black box from the twisted, smothering wreckage that was once your fantasy of dating her
生活大爆炸 第一季 剧本台词 中英文对照1.05

好吧那我要烧烤汉堡。 我也要这个。 大胖汉堡店的侍应从不高声训我。 嘿,Leonard,你们好。 你好。 你好,Leslie。 不知道你们会来这里吃饭。 确实不会。 这次是烦扰的例外。 Leslie,她是 Penny。 她住在我和 Sheldon 的对面。 她走在美的光彩中,像夜晚 (诗人拜伦的名句)。 Howard,我已经说了别这样. Leslie 和我在同个实验室做研究。 哇,女科学家。 没错,勾人靠胸,留人靠脑。 碰见你太好了。 物理系弦乐四重奏还缺一个大提琴。 Elliot Wong 怎么啦 他调到高能辐射课题组了。 发生一些小意外,其他团员怕坐他身边被辐射。
第一季 5 集:The Hamburger Postulate
-Sheldon: All right! I’m moving my infantry division. -Sheldon: Augmented by battalion of orcs from land of the rings. -Sheldon: We flank the Tennessee volunteers. -Sheldon: And the north, once again, wins the Battle of Gettysburg. -Howard: Not so fast! -Howard: Remember, the south still has two infantry divisions. -Howard: Plus superman and Godzilla. -Leonard: No, orcs are magic. Superman is vulnerable to magic. -Leonard: Not to mention you already lost Godzilla to the Illinois Cavalry and Hulk. -Rajesh: Why don't you just have Robert E. Lee charge the line with Shiva and Ganesh -Penny: You guys ready to order -Howard: Hang on, honey. -Howard: Shiva and Ganesh -Howard: The Hindu gods, against the entire Union army -Leonard: And orcs. -Penny: I'll be back. -Rajesh: Excuse me. -Rajesh: Ganesh is the remover of obstacles and Shiva is the destroyer. -Rajesh: When the smoke clears, Abraham Lincoln will be speaking Hindi and drinking mint juleps. -Penny: All right, my boss says you have to either order or leave and never come back. -Howard: What do you recommend for someone who worked up a man-sized appetite from a morning of weight training and cardio funk -Penny: A shower. -Howard: I'll take the Heart Smart platter. -Penny: All right, thank you, and Sheldon -Sheldon: We don't eat here. -Sheldon: I don't know what's good. -Penny: Well, it's all good. -Sheldon: Statistically unlikely. -Leonard: Just get a hamburger. -Leonard: You like hamburgers. -Sheldon: I like the hamburgers where we usually have hamburgers. -Sheldon: You can't make the assumption that I'll like the hamburgers here. -Leonard: I'm sorry. -Leonard: Give him a hamburger. -Penny: All right, which one -Penny: The Classic Burger, the Ranch House Burger, the Barbecue Burger, or the Kobe Burger -Sheldon: Can't we just go to Big Boy -Sheldon: They only have one burger... the Big Boy. -Penny: Well, the Barbecue Burger is like the Big Boy. -Sheldon: Excuse me, in a world that already includes a Big Boy, why would I settle for something like a Big Boy -Penny: Because you're not at Big Boy! 能不能去大胖汉堡店 大胖汉堡只有一种汉堡。 烧烤汉堡跟大胖汉堡挺像的。 对不起,既然世上已经有大胖汉堡,为什么我们要满足于像 大胖汉堡呢 因为你不在大胖汉堡店! 对于做了一早上的举重和有氧锻炼,大胃口的我有什么推荐 菜式 洗澡。 我要个奶酪拼盘。 好,谢谢你,Sheldon 呢 我们没在这里吃过。 不知道什么好吃。 都很好吃。 概率上不太可能。 就点一个汉堡。 你喜欢汉堡。 我喜欢我们常去的那家汉堡店的汉堡。 不能假定我也喜欢这里的汉堡。 对不起。 给他一个汉堡。 好吧,哪种 经典汉堡,农家汉堡,烧烤汉堡还是柯比汉堡 我老板说你们要么点餐,要么永远给他滚蛋。 为什么不让罗伯特· 李将军还有湿婆和格涅沙来统领这一战 线 可以点餐了吗 稍等,宝贝。 湿婆和格涅沙 印度教之神 对抗整个北部联军 还有半兽人。 我稍候再来。 不好意思。 Ganesh 擅长清除障碍,湿婆是毁灭之神。 当硝烟散尽,林肯将会说印第语,喝南方的薄荷饮料。 好吧,我要调动我的步兵师。 从指环王里的兽人营加过来的。 我们从侧翼包围了田纳西的志愿兵。 而在北方,我们又一次赢得了葛底斯堡战役。 没那么快! 别忘了,南方还有两个步兵师。 再加上超人和哥斯拉。 不,兽人会魔法,超人对魔法无能为力。 更别提哥斯拉早已被伊利诺伊骑兵和绿巨人消灭。

Series 4 Episode 03 – The Zazzy SubstitutionScene: The apartment.Sheldon: All right, I’m ready for my next question.Amy: In a world where rhinoceroses are domesticated pets, who wins the Second World War?Sheldon: Uganda.Amy: Defend.Sheldon: Kenya rises to power on the export of rhinoceroses. A Central African power block is formed, colonizing North Africa and Europe. When war breaks out, no one can afford the luxury of a rhino. Kenya withers, Uganda triumphs.Amy: Correct. My turn.Sheldon: In a world where a piano is a weapon, not a musical instrument, on what does Scott Joplin play The Maple Leaf Rag?Amy: Tuned bayonets.Sheldon: Defend.Amy: Isn’t it obvious?Sheldon: You’re right. My apologies.Leonard: What the hell are you guys playing?Sheldon: It’s a game we invented. It’s called Counterfactuals.Amy: We postulate an alternate world that differs from ours in one key aspect and then pose questions to each other.Sheldon: It’s fun for ages eight to eighty. Join us.Leonard: All right. I like a good brainteaser. Give it a whirl.Sheldon: You’re in luck, this is an easy one. In a world where mankind is ruled by a giant intelligent beaver, what food is no longer consumed?Leonard: Uh, a BLT where the B stands for beaver? I don’t know.Sheldon: Leona rd, be serious. We’re playing a game here.Leonard: I can figure this out, let’s see. Um, well, beavers eat tree bark. The only tree bark I know that humans consume is cinnamon. So, I’ll say cinnamon.Sheldon: Incorrect. Obviously, the answer is cheese Danish.Leonard: What?Amy: In a world ruled by a giant beaver, mankind builds many dams to please the beaver overlord. The low-lying city of Copenhagen is flooded. Thousands die. Devastated, the Danes never invent their namesake pastry. How does one miss that?Leonard: This is ridiculous. You’re just making stuff up.Amy: Is he always like this when he loses?Sheldon: Oh, yes. You should’ve been here for the great Jenga tantrum of 2008.Leonard: You bumped the table and you know it.Amy: Perhaps it would be k inder to play a game more suited to his abilities. We’ll close our eyes and count to ten while you hide.Leonard: I’m going to my room.Amy: Very good, Leonard. But next time, don’t tell us where you’re hiding.Credits sequence.Scene: The Cheesecake FactoryLeonard: Did you guys see the paper in The American Physics Journal on supersolids? It’s pretty interesting. This guy’s working from a hypothesis where…Raj: Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert.Leonard: What?Raj: Don’t ruin it for me, man. I printed out a P DF to read on the potty.Howard: On the potty? What are you, five?Raj: It’s a potty. What do you call it?Howard: Toilet.Raj: That’s a little vulgar for the dinner table, don’t you think?Howard: Oh, and potty is okay?Raj: Potty is innocent. Potty is adorable.Howard: What do you do in the potty, wee-wee?Raj: If I don’t have to boom-boom.Sheldon: Greetings. You all remember Amy Farrah Fowler.Leonard: Sure.Howard: Nice to see you.Amy: Hello.Sheldon: Sorry we’re late.Amy: I must take responsibility. I had to stop for feminine hygiene supplies.Howard: Ah, ah.Leonard: Okay.Sheldon: I believe she’s experiencing her menses.Amy: Actually, I’m not. In order to avoid surprises, I wear them all the time.Leonard: Ah, ah.Howard: Okay. Toilet’s sounding p retty good now, huh?Penny: Hey, look, it’s Shamy.Amy: Shamy?Sheldon: A juvenile amalgamation of our names. Sheldon and Amy, Shamy.Amy: Oh. I don’t like that. Don’t do that.Penny: All righty. What’s new?Amy: Well, just recently, I learned that you re fer to us as Shamy, and I don’t like that.Penny: I got it. But what I was going for was, you know, how’s your life?Amy: Like everybody else’s. Subject to entropy, decay and eventual death. Thank you for asking. Why is she not taking our order?Sheldon: I should’ve warned you, one has to navigate a labyrinth of social nonsense before one can be fed here.Amy: Really? I assumed an establishment called the Cheesecake Factory would function more efficiently. Sheldon: It’s how they lure you in. I believe it’s called bait and switch.Penny: Okay, I’m just gonna walk away, ’cause I don’t want to be here.Leonard: So, this is nice. First time we’ve all gotten together to eat.Amy: You’re right, he’s a festival of humdrum chitchat.Leonard: Okay, that’s all I got. Howard, you’re up.Howard: Um, tell us about your work, Amy.Amy: I doubt you’d understand. Sheldon tells me you only have a master’s degree.Howard: Raj, do you have any questions for Amy?Amy: I’m curious as to why we’re not eating alone.Sheldon: They c an’t function without me. I’m the social glue that holds this little group together. You’re welcome.Scene: The stairwell.Leonard: Listen, can I talk to you about your girlfriend?Sheldon: She’s not my girlfriend. She’s a girl and she’s my friend, but there’s no touching or unsanitary exchange of saliva.Leonard: Got it.Sheldon: Although, for the record, on one occasion, she licked her thumb to remove raspberry jelly from the corner of my mouth. It’s an action we both regret to this day.Leonard: Uh-huh. Anyway, I’m not sure she’s the best fit for our little, how should we call it, rebel alliance.Sheldon: Oh, I never identified with the rebel alliance. Despite their tendency to build Death Stars, I’ve always been more of an empire man.Leonard: Yeah, not my point.Sheldon: I know what your point is. You’re intimidated by Amy’s intellect. To that I say, buck up.Leonard: Okay, let me just get right to it. Amy is judgmental, sanctimonious and frankly just obnoxious.Sheldon: So?Leonard: So we already have you for all that.Sheldon: Are you suggesting I terminate my relationship with Amy?Leonard: No, no, of course not. Just have your relationship someplace else.Sheldon: May I point out that for eight long months, I suffered in silence as your female companion filled our apartment with her off-key country music caterwauling, the unappetizing spectacle of her grinding a pumice stone against her calloused feet in our living room, and night after night of uninformative TV documentaries about the Jersey Shore.Leonard: Suffered in silence?Sheldon: Yes. And I’d thank you to do the same.Leonard: Really? Silence?Scene: Penny’s apartment.Raj: Ah. Nothing makes beer taste better than cool clear Rocky Mountain spring water. Where are the Rocky Mountains, anyway?Howard: Philadelphia.Raj: Really? I thought they were out West someplace.Howard: Think about it, Raj. Where did the movie Rocky take place?Raj: Philadelphia. Okay, now I get it.Penny: So this is the plan? From now on, we’re just gonna hide out in here to avoid the Shamy?Raj: I’m very comfortable here. Penny, dear, why don’t you shoot another silver bullet my way?Penny: Get one yourself.Raj: Ooh, somebody’s been taking bitchy pills.Penny: God, he’s an ass when he drinks.Howard: Oh, he’s an ass when he doesn’t. You just don’t hear it.Leonard: I think we need to start entertaining the possibility that the Shamy could go on for years.Raj: Well, if that’s the case, Penny will have to get satellite TV and maybe once a week run a vacuum through this place.Penny: I thought you were going to talk to Sheldon.Leonard: I did.Penny: Well, what’d he say?Leonard: Well, he pointed out that he kinda, sorta had to put up with you.Penny: Kinda, sorta had to?Leonard: I didn’t agree with him.Penny: Well, you defended me, right?Leonard: I tried, but (Penny starts rubbing her foot with a pumice stone) he made a fairly well-reasoned argument. Howard: You’re not doing that right.Penny: What?Howard: Gimme.Penny: No.Howard: Trust me.Penny: No!Howard: I do this for my mom all the time. See? With the grain.Penny: Wow, that is better.Howard: And someday, when you have varicose veins, I’ll show you how to massage them.Scene: The University Cafeteria.Raj: Oh, God, never again.Leonard: I assume by never again, you m ean never again will you drink all of Penny’s beer, then run down to the gas station for a couple of 40s, a box of Slim Jims and the latest issue of Bombay Badonkadonks.Raj: I was homesick.Howard: The highlight of the evening was when you showed us your Bollywood break dancing skills. (Does a stereotyped impersonation of Bollywood dancing.)Raj: That’s very offensive.Howard: Yeah, we all thought so.Leonard: Oh, no.Howard: What?Leonard: John and Yoko.Howard: More like Yoko and Yoko.Sheldon: Greetings.Leonard: Hey.Sheldon: I brought Amy here to show her some of the work I’m doing.Amy: It’s very impressive, for theoretical work.Sheldon: Do I detect a hint of condescension?Amy: I’m sorry, was I being too subtle? I meant compared to the real-world applications of neurobiology, theoretical physics is, what’s the word I’m looking for? Hmm, cute.Leonard and Howard together: Oooh!Sheldon: Are you suggesting the work of a neurobiologist like Babinski could ever rise to the significance of a physicist like Clarke-Maxwell or Dirac?Amy: I’m stating it outright. Babinski eats Dirac for breakfast and defecates Clarke-Maxwell.Sheldon: You take that back.Amy: Absolutely not. My colleagues and I are mapping the neurological substrates that subserve global information processing, which is required for all cognitive reasoning, including scientific inquiry, making my research ipso facto prior in the ordo cognoscendi. That means it’s better than his research, and by extension, of course, yours.Leonard: I’m sorry, I’m-I’m still trying to work on the defecating Clark Maxwell, so…Sheldon: Excuse me, but a grand unified theory, insofar as it explains everything, will ipso facto explain neurobiology.Amy: Yes, but if I’m successful, I will be able to map and reproduce your thought processes in deriving a grand unified theory, and therefore, subsume your conclusions under my paradigm.Sheldon: That’s the rankest psychologism, and was conclusively revealed as hogwash by Gottlob Frege in the 1890s!Amy: We appear to have reached an impasse.Sheldon: I agree. I move our relationship terminate immediately.Amy: Seconded.Sheldon: There being no objections…All: No, uh-uh.Sheldon: The motion carries. Good day, Amy Farrah Fowler.Amy: Good day, Sheldon Cooper.Howard: Women, h uh? Can’t live with them, can’t successfully refute their hypotheses.Sheldon: Amen to that.Scene: The laundry room.Penny: Hey, Sheldon.Sheldon: Hello.Penny: I hear you broke up with Amy.Sheldon: A breakup would imply she was my girlfriend. She was a girl who was my friend who is now a girl who is not my friend.Penny: Wow. That’s like the worst country song ever. So, how are you doing?Sheldon: Regarding what?Penny: Amy.Sheldon: I don’t follow.Penny: Well, breakups, or whatever the hell this is, can be tough.Sheldon: Penny, I assure you, I’m fine. My relationship with Amy was purely intellectual. There were no emotional bonds, the severing of which would cause me any discomfort. The relationship simply outlived its utility, and I’m continuing on w ith my life as before.Penny: Okay. Good.Sheldon: Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to buy a pussycat.Scene: The cafeteria.Leonard: I gotta tell you guys, I’m a little worried about Sheldon.Howard: We’re all a little worried about Sheldon.Leonard: No, I mean since the Shamy hit a reef.Howard: Oh, I thought you were just making a generalization, you know, I’m worried about Sheldon someday setting off a low-yield nuclear device because the cafeteria ran out of lime Jell-O.Raj: What does hit a reef mean?Leonard: Uh, went splitsville.Raj: Pardon?Leonard: Turned to boom-boom.Raj: Ah.Leonard: I think Sheldon really misses Amy.Howard: You should lend him your copy of Bombay Badonkadonks.Leonard: He got a cat to keep him company.Raj: You’re kidding.Leonard: He takes it everywhere, to bed, to the bathroom.Raj: He takes the kitty to the potty?Howard: I thought we discussed the P-word.Raj: Don’t try to change me, dude. I am what I am.Sheldon: Oh, gentlemen.Howard: Hey. Aren’t you going to introduce us to your little friend?Sheldon: My apologies. Raj, Howard, I’d like you to meet Dr. Robert Oppenheimer.Howard: Hello.Raj: Hi.Sheldon: Now, if you’ll excuse me, the father of the atomic bomb wants a saucer of milk.Howard: Okay, I get it. We’re worrie d about Sheldon.Leonard: Yeah.Scene: The apartment. Leonard arrives.Leonard: Hey. (Turns to see Sheldon now has five cats) Oh, no.Sheldon: Robert Oppenheimer was lonely.Leonard: So you decided to get the whole Manhattan Project?Sheldon: Yes. This is Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, Edward Teller, Otto Frisch, and Zazzles.Leonard: Zazzles?Sheldon: I was going to name him Herman von Helmholtz, but he’s so zazzy.Leonard: Okay, we need to talk.Sheldon: About what?Leonard: Cats, Sheldon. You’re clearly upset about Amy being gone, and you’re trying to replace her with a bunch of cats.Sheldon: Clowder.Leonard: What?Sheldon: A group of cats is a clowder. Or a glaring.Leonard: Okay, yeah, fine.Sheldon: It’s the kind of thing you ought to know now that w e have one.Leonard: Terrific. My-my point is you need to face up to what you’re feeling with this breakup.Sheldon: It wasn’t a breakup. A breakup would imply that Amy was my girlfriend.Leonard: Okay, I got it, I got it, she’s not your girlfriend. Now li sten to me. I know about loneliness. I know about trying to replace someone with other stuff. When I broke up with Penny, I got back into my cello, I built a bunch of model rockets, I got those weightlifting gloves and that five-pound dumbbell.Sheldon: Yo u didn’t break up, she dumped you.Leonard: She didn’t dump me. It was mutual!Sheldon: I was there. She dumped you.Leonard: Okay, fine. Live with cats. Be like my Aunt Nancy. She had dozens of them. And do you know what happened after she died? They ate her.Sheldon: You don’t have to sell me on cats, Leonard. I’m already a fan. All right, fellas, who’s in the mood for Fancy Feast? Well, that’s not fancy at all.Scene: The apartment.Leonard: Hi, Mrs. Cooper. Thanks for coming.Mrs Cooper: Where is he?Le onard: He’s in his bedroom.Mrs Cooper: Now, when you said on the phone he broke up with a girl, you meant an actual girl, not something you kids whipped up in a lab?Leonard: No, she’s real.Mrs Cooper: Did they sin?Leonard: No, no, it’s not like that. It’s, uh, I don’t know what it’s like. But there is something I should prepare you for.Mrs Cooper: Oh, relax, Leonard, I have raised that boy. I’ve seen him at his best, I’ve seen him at his worst. There’s nothing he can do that’ll surprise me.Leonard: Hold on to that thought. (Knocks on Sheldon’s bedroom door)Sheldon: Come in. (They enter. The room is full of cats.)Leonard: Surprise.Sheldon: Mom, what an unexpected pleasure.Mrs Cooper: My, my, that’s a powerful smell.Sheldon: I’d like you to meet Oppenheimer, Frisch, Panofsky, Feynman, Weisskopf…Mrs Cooper: Yeah, I get it. You got a lot of cats and you gave ‘em cute Jewish names.Sheldon: What are you doing here?Mrs Cooper: Leonard called, and he said that you were pining for a young lady.Sheldon: Oh, that’s preposterous. I’m not pining over anyone.Mrs Cooper: Oh, lambchop, we can quibble what to call it, but I think we can both agree it’s creepy.Sheldon: I do not agree. Cats make wonderful companions. They don’t argue or question my intellectual authority, and this little guy here, I think you’ll find to be quite zazzy.Mrs Cooper: You should have called sooner.Scene: The kitchen.Mrs Cooper: Shelly! Dinner’s ready!Sheldon: Coming!Mrs Cooper: No cats!Sheldon: Aw.(Enters to find Amy) What is she doing here?Mrs Cooper: I called her.Amy: Your mother thinks you might be losing your mind over me. As a neurobiologist, I was curious.Sheldon: Well, rest assured, I am in full possession of my faculties.Leonard (pretending to sneeze): 25 cats!Mrs Co oper: Oh, God bless you, dear. Sheldon, sit down. Let’s talk.Sheldon: All right, but you’re not fooling me. Whenever you say we have to talk, it means you want me to listen.Mrs Cooper: Then stop talking.Sheldon: Yes, ma’am.Mrs Cooper: Now, the reason I called Amy over was to find out what type of person she is. And after chatting a bit, I have to say that while she is a perfectly unique young woman, you two are definitely not suited for each other.Sheldon: That’s a peculiar conclusion. By any standard,Amy is more similar to me than anyone I’ve ever met.Mrs Cooper: Oh, I’m sorry, Shelly, I can’t see it.Sheldon: Well, whether you see it or not is irrelevant. I can’t see subatomic particles, but nevertheless, they’re there.Amy: Excellent point.Sheldon: A physics point.Amy: Touche.Mrs Cooper: Well, putting aside the pig Latin, it’s a good thing that you two decided to end the relationship so I didn’t have to end it for you.Sheldon: Amy, after consideration, I believe we may have acted rashly. I propose we resume our relationship and attempt to resolve our differences.Amy: I’ll agree to that only if you’ll stipulate that 80% of our difficulties were caused by you.Sheldon: I’ll go as high as 40.Amy: Sixty-five.Sheldon: Done. You understand that moving forward, we deal with the fact that my mother does not approve of you?Amy: I do. I find being cast in the role of bad girl oddly titillating.Sheldon: Would you like to see my cats?Amy: I would. I love cats. They’re the epitome of indifference.Sheldon: Ah, then you may find Zazzles a little cloying.Leonard: I saw what you did there.Mrs Cooper: He thinks he’s such a smarty pants. He’s no different from any man. You tell ‘em not to do something, that’s all they want to do. If I hadn’t told my brother Stumpy not to clear out the wood chipper by hand, we’d still be calling him Edward. Now, don’t you move. I’ll bring over all the food.Leonard: No, no, no, I can do it.Mrs Cooper: Well, isn’t that sweet?Scene: Outside. Sheldon is sitting at a table with a sign reading “Cats $20”)Sheldon: Thank you, Amy. Here’s your cat. And here’s your $20.Amy: Next!Sheldon: Thank you, Amy. Here’s your cat. And here’s your $20.Amy: Next!。

Series 4 Episode 02 – The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification Scene: The apartment. Sheldon has a series of whiteboards across the room.Leonard: Whatcha doin’ there? Working on a new plan to catch the roadrunner?Sheldon: The humorous implication being that I am Wile E. Coyote?Leonard: Yes.Sheldon: And this is a schematic for a bird-trapping device that will ultimately backfire and cause me physical injury?Leonard: Yes.Sheldon: What I’m doing here is trying to determine when I’m going to die.Leonard: A lot of people are working on that research. So what is all this?Sheldon: My family history factoring in longevity, propensity for disease, et cetera.Leonard: Interesting. Cause of death for Uncle Carl was KBB. What’s KBB?Sheldon: Killed by badger.Leo nard: How’s that?Sheldon: It was Thanksgiving. Uncle Carl said, I think there’s a badger living in our chimney. Hand me that flashlight. Those were the last words he ever spoke to us.Leonard: I don’t think you need to worry about death by badgers being h ereditary.Sheldon: Not true. The fight or flight instinct is coded genetically. Instead of fleeing, he chose to fight barehanded against a brawny member of the weasel family. Who’s to say that I don’t share that flawed DNA?Leonard: You can always get a badger and find out.Sheldon: But seriously, even if I disregard the Uncle Carl factor, at best I have 60 years left.Leonard: That long, huh?Sheldon: 60 only takes me to here. I need to get to here.Leonard: What’s there?Sheldon: The earliest estimate of the singularity, when man will be able to transfer his consciousness into machines and achieve immortality.Leonard: So, you’re upset about missing out on becoming some sort of freakish self-aware robot?Sheldon: By this much.Leonard: Tough break. You want eggs?Sheldon: You don’t get it, Leonard. I’m going to miss so much, the unified field theory,cold fusion, the dogapus.Leonard: What’s a dogapus?Sheldon: A hybrid dog and octopus. Man’s underwater best friend.Leonard: Is somebody working on that?Sheldon: I was going to. I planned on giving it to myself on my 300th birthday.Leonard: Wait a minute. You hate dogs.Sheldon: A dogapus can play fetch with eight balls. No one can hate that.Credits sequence.Scene: The apartment.Howard: What do we owe you?Leonard: It came to $28.17. Let’s say six bucks apiece.Howard: Here you go.Leonard: Thank you.Penny: What?Leonard: Never mind. I got it.Penny: Oh, you wanted me to pay.Leonard: It’s no big deal.Penny: No, no, no, no. You’re right. We’re not goin g out anymore, I should pay for myself. (After Raj whispers to Howard, and Howard laughs) What?Howard: He said if he had woman parts, he’d eat for free the rest of his life.Penny: Yeah, but you wouldn’t be able to talk to yourself. I’m a little low on ca sh.Leonard: Hmm? How much you got?Penny: Nothing.Leonard: How can you walk around with no money?Penny: I’m cute. I get by.Leonard: It’s okay, you can owe me.Penny: Okay.Leonard: Sheldon, six bucks.Sheldon: No, thank you. I’m not eating pizza tonigh t.Penny: But it’s Thursday. Thursday’s pizza night.Sheldon: Not for me. Thursday is now Cruciferous Vegetable Night. Tonight’s selection, brussels sprouts.Howard: Really? You’re changing the Sheldonian calendar?Sheldon: It’s a small price to pay.Penny: For what?Leonard: No, no, don’t ask.Penny: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.Sheldon: In order to live long enough to fuse my consciousness with cybernetics, I need to change my diet.Penny: Wait. Cybernetics is robot stuff, right?Sheldon: Correct.Penny: So you want to turn yourself into some sort of robot?Sheldon: Essentially, yes.Penny: Okay, here’s my question. Didn’t you already do that?Sheldon: Flattering, but sadly, no. I’m also planning to begin an exercise regimen designed to strengthen my cardiovascular system. AKA jogging.Penny: Wait. Honey,have you ever run before?Sheldon: Certainly. I’ve run from bullies, dogs, angry chickens, and one particularly persistent P.E. teacher determined to bend me over and give me a scoliosis test.Howard (after Raj whispers to him): You’re right, Penny jogs. Maybe you guys can run together.Sheldon: That’s an excellent idea. Yeah, if we chat, it will create the illusion of time going faster.Penny: No, it won’t. Um, how does he know I jog?Howard: Oh, he watches you from his car with high-powered binoculars.Penny: Oh, my God, that is so creepy!Howard: I know! (Raj whispers to him) And he says he’s not gonna stop. (Raj whispers to him urgently) Then see a shrink and figure out how to talk to women.Scene: Leonard’s bedroomSheldon (off): (Knock, knock, knock) Ugh. (Knock, knock, knock) U-u-ugh. (Knock, knock, knock) Lenu-u-ugh.Leonard: What the hell? What’s the matter?Sheldon: I have pain radiating from my navel to my lower right abdomen. I’m nauseated an d feverish. I believe I may have cholera.Leonard: There’s no cholera in Pasadena. Just like last summer, when there was no malaria in Pasadena.Sheldon: Well, if it’s not cholera, then based on a quick Internet search, the other explanations in decreasing order of likelihood are Hirschsprung’s Disease, botulism, a 30-foot tapeworm or accidental ingestion of chrysanthemum blossoms.Leonard: When would you have accidentally eaten chrysanthemum blossoms?Sheldon: It’s part of an unlikely scenario that involve s sleepwalking and a 24-hour flower mart with a less-than-vigilant proprietor. Oh, Lord, my belly!Leonard: Have you had your appendix out?Sheldon: I haven’t. I’ve been meaning to, but who has the time?Leonard: Let’s get you to the hospital.Sheldon: So this is how it ends, with cruel irony. Just as I make the commitment to preserving my body, I am betrayed by my appendix, a vestigial organ. Do you know the original purpose of the appendix, Leonard?Leonard: No.Sheldon: I do. And yet I’m doomed while you live on.Leonard: Funny how things work out, isn’t it?Sheldon: Oh, Lord, I think it’s about to burst! (Loud sound of farting) On the other hand, it might have been the Brussels sprouts.Leonard: Good night.Sheldon: Good night. Appendicitis. What a nervous Nelly.Scene: The hallway.Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Penny.Penny: Coming, coming. Hey, nice knees.Sheldon: Thank you. They’re my mother’s.Penny: Oh. And the Flash shirt is what? Because y ou’re gonna run really fast?Sheldon: No, the Flash shirt is because it’s Friday, but it’s nice when things work out. Where’s your heart rate monitor?Penny: I don’t have one.Sheldon: What about your pedometer?Penny: Don’t have one.Sheldon: Do you have telematics in your shoes connected to an iPod?Penny: Uh, no.Sheldon: What do you do, you just go out there and gambol about like a bunny?Penny: No. I just run till I’m hungry, then I stop for a bear claw.Sheldon: Why are you doing that?Penny: It’s goo d to stretch your muscles before you run.Sheldon: All right.Penny: All right, let’s start with a toe touch. Okay, you do it.Sheldon: I am doing it.Penny: Oh. Wow. Good job. Okay, um, can you do this?Sheldon: We’ll never know.Penny: Okay, let’s just w arm up on the run.Sheldon: Okay.Penny: Okay, let’s go.Sheldon: Yeah, I’ve been reading up on biomechanics. I think you’ll be surprised at my… Wah! Oh!Penny (squealing): Oh, my God, are you okay?Sheldon: I think so.Penny: Oh, let me help you up.Sheldon: Thank you. (Loud sound of farting)Penny: Oh, Sheldon!Sheldon: If it makes you feel any better, Thursday is no longer Cruciferous Vegetable Night.Scene: The apartment.Leonard: Here’s my chicken curry. Howard, your shrimp biryani.Howard: Thank you, sir.Leonard: Palak paneer, that’s Penny.Penny: Thanks.Leonard: And for Rajesh Koothrappali, from whose homeland these tasty dishes originate, one large order of chicken McNuggets.Penny: Hey, what’s my share?Leonard: Uh, 12 bucks.Penny: Okay, can I get you after Friday when I get paid?Leonard: Sure.Penny: What am I up to now?Leonard: Well, okay, with the Indian food, the pizza, the Thai food, the tank of gas, the frozen yogurt and your rent, uh, a little over fourteen hundred dollars.Penny (after Raj whispers to Howard and they both laugh): What now?Howard: He’s just expressing his admiration that you don’t even have to put out to get free stuff.Penny: It’s not free, I’m gonna pay him back. (Raj whispers. Both laugh again) Shut up!Leonard: Sheldon, are you gonna join us?Sheldon: Coming! (From the bedroom area, a wheeled device consisting of a base, a tee-shirt on a coat hanger, and a computer monitor with Sheldon’s face, appears). Greetings, friends.Leonard: Greetings, whatever the hell you are.Sheldon-bot: I am a mobile virtual presence device. Recent events have demonstrated to me that my body is too fragile to endure the vicissitudes of the world. Until such time as I am able to transfer my consciousness, I shall remain in a secure location and interact with the world in this manner.Howard (after Raj whispers to him): Really? That’s your question? When did he put a ramp in?Sheldon-bot: You’re in my spot. This may seem a little odd at first, but over time you’ll grow accustomed to dealing with me in this configuration.Penny: Yeah, to be honest, I don’t see much difference.Sheldon-bot: Thank you. That’s what I was going for. Now, Leonard, tomorrow, when we go to work, you’ll need to allow some extra time to get me down the stairs. For your c onvenience, I disassemble into four pieces.Leonard: This is ridiculous. I’m coming to talk to you.Sheldon-bot: You don’t know where I am. My physical body is safely ensconced in a secure, undisclosed location.Leonard: You’re in your bedroom.Sheldon-bot: No, I’m not.Leonard: I can hear your voice coming from your bedroom.Sheldon-bot: No, you can’t. Wait. Come back. Halt. Authorized personnel only!Penny: So, either one of you weirdos want to buy my underwear? Only fourteen hundred bucks.Scene: Sheldon’s bedroom.Leonard: Sheldon, this is ridiculous.Sheldon: I’m behind you. Please look at me when you’re talking to me.Leonard: I am looking at you.Sheldon: No, you’re not. Pay no attention to that man in the bed.Leonard: You cannot exist as a virtual presence. Not here and certainly not at work. Oh, good God.Sheldon: At my age, do you know how I’m statistically most likely to die?Leonard: At the hands of your roommate?Sheldon: An accident.Leonard: That’s how I’m going to make it look.Sheldon: Until I can transfer my intellect to a more durable container, my body will remain safely ensconced in my bed.Leonard: Fine, but don’t expect my help.Sheldon: You have to help, it’s in the roommate agreement.Leonard: No, it’s not.Sheldon: Section 74.C. The various obligations and duties of the parties in the event one of them becomes a robot.Leonard: I’ll be damned.Scene: Leonard’s carSheldon-bot: This is delightful.Leonard: Uh-huh.Sheldon-bot: It’s much easier to enjoy the picturesque route we travel t o work when you remove the spectre of fiery vehicular death.Leonard: Refresh my memory. Why didn’t I just put you in the trunk?Sheldon-bot: Because I called shotgun. Remember?Leonard: Right.Sheldon-bot: You seem tense. Perhaps this will relax you.Leon ard: I don’t want to listen to music, Sheldon.Sheldon-bot: Very well. I don’t understand why you’re not enjoying this. Together, in this car, with my enhanced capabilities, we’re like Knight Rider.Leonard: Except in Knight Rider, the car isn’t a yammerin g sphincter.Sheldon-bot: You mock the sphincter, but the sphincter is a class of muscle without which human beings couldn’t survive. There are over 50 different sphincters in the human body. How many can you name?Leonard: I was wrong, this is exactly like Knight Rider.Sheldon-bot: Perhaps you’d be interested in a different game.Leonard: No.Sheldon-bot: This is a photograph of the 1911 Solvay Conference on the theory of radiation and quanta. Using Photoshop, I’ve introduced a few anachronisms. See if you can spot all 24. I’ll give you the first one. Madame Curie should not be wearing a digital watch. And go.Leonard: That’s it. Bye-bye. (Turns off screen.)Sheldon-bot (screen switching itself back on): Bazinga.Leonard: Whoa!Sheldon-bot: I have an override switch.Leonard: I almost died!Sheldon-bot : And I’m safe and sound in bed. Who’s crazy now?Leonard: I’m still going to go with you.Scene: A corridor at the university.Sheldon-bot : Hello, Professor Hoskins. Nice to see you, Mindy. Konichi-wa Dr. Nakamora. Sorry the Swedes disproved your theory. Leonard, my door.Leonard: What about it?Sheldon-bot : Be a lamb and open it for me.Leonard: Why? What’s the problem?Sheldon-bot : You think you have me stymied, don’t you?Leonard: No, I think a doorknob has you stymied.Howard: Oh, look, it’s Leonard and R2-D-Bag.Raj: That’s my joke. I told it last night. You can’t just use it.Sheldon-bot : Raj, be a lamb and open the door for me.Raj: Oh, sure.Sheldon-bot : He’s a lamb. You’re not.Raj: I’m a lamb.Scene: The Cheesecake FactorySheldon-bot : Isn’t this nice? The pleasures of fellowship and camaraderie without having to tolerate your germy breath on my skin.Howard: I say we just take him to Tatooine and sell him to some Jawas.Raj: That’s two, dude. W rite your own jokes.Penny: Oh, great. Hi, I’m Penny, I’ll be your waitress.Leonard: Why are you introducing yourself?Penny: I’d rather people not know I have any prior connection to you whatsoever.Sheldon-bot : Can you tell me the specials this evening?Penny: Sheldon, I’m not waiting on you.Sheldon-bot: Obviously. I don’t even have water yet.Penny: Because you’re not here.Sheldon-bot: That’s discrimination against the otherwise located. I’m going to have to go over your head. Manager, manager. Oh, Lord, look who it is.Howard: Is that Steve Wozniak?Leonard: I think it is.Sheldon-bot : The Great and Powerful Woz.Leonard: Penny, Steve Wozniak was one of the cofounders of Apple Computer. He and Steve Jobs started it…Penny: Yeah, I know who he is. I watch Dancing with the Stars.Sheldon-bot : I must speak to him.Leonard: Of course you must.Penny: You know, there’s an Olive Garden down the street. You guys should try it sometime.Sheldon-bot : Excuse me, Mr. Wozniak?Steve Wozniak: Oh, hey. Nice virtual presence device.Sheldon-bot : Thank you. I just want to say I’m a big fan. You’re my fifteenth favourite technological visionary.Steve Wozniak: Only fifteenth?Sheldon-bot : It’s still six spots above Steve Jobs. I care neither for turtlenecks nor sh owmanship.Steve Wozniak: Yeah, I never got that turtleneck thing.Sheldon-bot : One of my proudest possessions is a vintage 1977 Apple Two. Despite the file system limitations of Apple DOS 3.3, it was a pretty nifty little achievement.Steve Wozniak: Than ks, we were shooting for nifty. You know, if you had it here, I’d autograph it for you.Sheldon-bot: Don’t move for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how the buses are running.Steve Wozniak: Nerds.Scene: The hallway. Sheldon exits carrying the Apple 2.Shel don: I’m coming, Woz, I’m coming. (Trips on stairs.) Ow! Aw.Scene: The hallway. Sheldon-bot approaches Penny’s door and starts bashing into it.Sheldon-bot : (Bash) Penny. (Bash) Penny. (Bash) Penny.Penny: What up, Shel-Bot?Sheldon-bot: I can’t get out of bed. I hurt my ankle.Penny: What do you want me to do?Sheldon-bot: Sing me Soft Kitty.Penny: Really, you want me to sing Soft Kitty to a computer monitor?Sheldon-bot: Would you rather come over and sing it to me in person?Penny: Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur.Sheldon-bot: Closer to the microphone.Penny: Happy kitty, sleepy…Sheldon-bot: No. You have to start over.Penny: Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。

第一季12集The Jerusalem Duality----(耶路撒冷对偶)-Sheldon:Here's the problem with teleportation. 我给你讲讲隐形传物的问题吧。
-Leonard:Lay it on me. 讲吧。
-Sheldon:Assuming a device could be invented 假设可以发明一种仪器,Which would identify the quantum state of matter of an individual in one location 在一个地方把一个个体的量子态识别确认后,And transmit that pattern to a distant location for reassembly, 把排列模式传送到另一地方重新组装, You would not have actually transported the individual. 你实际上并没真把该个体传送走,You would have destroyed him in one location and recreated him in another. 而是在一个地方将他摧毁再在另一个地方重新做出一个他。
-Leonard:How about that? 那又如何?-Sheldon:Personally, I would never use a transporter, 我本人永远不会使用传送机,Because the original Sheldon would have to be disintegrated in order to create a new Sheldon. 因为原来的Sheldon必须被分解,才能再做出一个新的Sheldon。
-Leonard:Would the new Sheldon be in any way an improvement onthe old Sheldon那新的Sheldon比旧的有什么改进吗? -Sheldon:No, he would be exactly the same. 没有,他们完全一模一样。
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-Sheldon: It's time travel, Leonard; I will have already done that.
这可是时间旅行,Leonard 过去的我已经做过了。
-Leonard:Then I guess congratulations are in order.
-Howard:Howard Wolowitz.
我是Howard Wolowitz。
-boss:Howard, nice to meet you. And you are?
-Sheldon: An actual real scientist.
dumb:愚蠢的 accommodate:容纳 duration:持续期间 bowel movement:大便
"每则故事都简单到能在一次肠部运动的时间内看完" (就是厕所读物)
Mahalo (夏威夷语的谢谢)。
-Leonard:Mahalo is a nice touch.
turn of events:事态的变化
Howard brought a date?
-Sheldon: A more plausible explanation is that his work in robotics has made an amazing leap forward.
finally:终于 test:测验 hypothesis:假说 separation:分离 molecules:分子
through the egg proteins and its impact vis-a-vis taste.
proteins:蛋白质 impact:影响 vis-à-vis:相对的,对应的
-Leonard:Here comes our new boss. Be polite.
-boss:Hi, fellas.
Eric Gablehauser.
我是Eric Gablehauser。
introduce:介绍 special:特别的 lady friend:女友,情人
-Woman:Howard, I told you touching is extra.
touch:碰触 extra:额外的
-Howard:Right. Sorry.
hit:碰撞 roadblock:障碍物 invisibility:看不见的东西
-Sheldon: Put it on the back burner.
on the back burner:停止,拖延
Anyway, it occurs to me if I ever did perfect a time machine,
department:院系 cornered:逼致绝路 spelunking:洞穴探查
-Leonard:Yes, I was there.
-Sheldon: You know what's interesting about caves, Leonard?
-Leonard:I know, I'm familiar with you.
familiar with:熟悉
-Sheldon: The last department party, professor Finkleday cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minutes.
congratulations:祝贺 in order:合乎程序的
-Sheldon: No, congratulations will have been in order.
You know, I am not going to enjoy this party.
glorified:美其名的 high school:中学 science teacher:理科教员
whose last successful experiment was lighting his own farts.
experiment:试验 lighting:点燃 fart:屁
You can't find a bagel in Mumbai to save your life.
bagel:硬面包圈 Mumbai:孟买(印度)
Smear me.
-Sheldon: Well, here's an interesting turn of events.
-Sheldon: You know there only eight consonants in the Hawaiian language?
-Leonard:Interesting. You should lead with that.
avoid:避开 department head:系主任
congratulate him, shake his hand and go.
-Sheldon: How's this?
Pleased to meet you, Dr. Gablehauser.
-Leonard:Sounds like a breakthrough.
Should I call science magazine and tell them to hold the cover?
magazine:杂志 cover:封面,封皮
thus:这样 eliminating:消除,排除 invent:发明 in the first place :从一开始
-Sheldon: Yeah, it really takes the pressure off.
plausible:(声明)似乎是真的 explanation:解释 robotics:机器人技术 leap:飞跃
-Howard:Hey, what up, science bitches?
May I introduce my special lady friend Summer?
that reduce the great concepts of science to a series of anecdotes,
reduce:降低 concepts:概念 anecdotes:趣闻,轶事
"each one dumb down to accommodate the duration of an average bowel movement."
I would just go into the past and give it to myself,
thus eliminating the need for me to invent it in the first place.
-Sheldon: Nothing.
-Leonard:Well, then we'll avoid Finkleday, we'll meet the new department head,
-Raj:Oh, god, look at this buffet.
I love America.
-Leonard:You don't have buffets in India?
-Raj:Of course, but it's all Indian food.
-Leonard:'Cause it looks a lot like breakfast.