国际支付与结算Exercise three

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5. crossing
•A crossing is in effect an instruction to paying bank from the drawer or holder to pay the fund to a bank only. Hence, such checks will not be paid over the counter of the paying bank and must be presented for payment by a collecting bank.
11、远期汇票:time bill or usance bill 12、承兑汇票:acceptance bill 13、可确定的未来某一天:determinable future time 14、光票:clean bill 15、流通票据:negotiable instrument 16、贴现行:discounting house 17、商人银行:commercial bank 18、无条件的付款承诺:An unconditional promise to
another .( F ) 5. A trade bill is usually a documentary bill ( F ) 6. The interest in a bill of exchange can only be
transferred by endorsement( T )
汇票是一人开给另一人的无条件书面命令,由发出命 令的人签名,要求接受命令的人立即火灾可以确定的 将来时间把一定金额的货币支付给一个特定的人,或 他的指定人,或持票人。
3. check
•A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer(the drawer)to a bank(the drawee)signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer(the payee).
2. A check is valid for __ A __ months from the date of issue, unless a shorter period is written on the face of it.
A. six B. nine C. three D. one
2. A Promissory note is an unconditional order in writing .( F )
3. There is no acceptor in a Promissory note .( T ) 4. A bank draft is a check drawn by one bank on
•支票的划线实际上是出票人或持票人提示付款银行 只能经资金存入银行帐户的指示。因此,划线支票不 能在付款银行取现,必须由代收行向付款行提示付款。
三、decide whether the following statements are true or false
1. In a Promissory note , the drawer and the payer are the same person( T )
Exercise three
一、Translate the following terms into English 1、一般划线支票: General crossing check 2、特殊划线支票:Special crossing check 3、过期支票:check is out of date 4、未到期支票:Undated check 5、大小写金额:words and figures 6、空白背书:blank endorsement 7、特别背书:special endorsement 8、限制性背书:Restrictive endorsement: 9、跟单汇票:documentary bill 10、即期汇票:sight bill
12. An open check can be paid into a bank account ( T )
13. An open check can be cashed over the account (T)
14. A crossed check can be cashed over the account (F
流通票据是一种法定的财产,这种财产的全部或法定的权益可 以通过交付进行转让(凭转让方背书),其转让的结果是只要 受让人是正当取得或者支付对价而取得该财产,该票据的全部 所有权及其所代表的财产权益将转移给受让人。
2. bill of exchange
A bill of exchange is an unconditioanl order, addressed by one person (the drawer)to another(the drawee)signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed(the drawee, who when he signs becomes the acceptor) in writing to pay on demand,or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer(to payee.
A. pre-dated B. out of date C. post dated D. undated
5. The effect of a blank endorsement is to make the check payable to the ___ C ___.
A. order of a specified person B. specified person
15. The payment of a check cannot depend upon certain conditions being met(T )
16. In a check, the drawer and the payer are the same person(F )
17. If a check is presented undated, the payee can insert a date(F )
C. beraer
D. named person
6. Banks usually ask for endorsements when checks in favor of __ B ___payees are credited to a _____account.
A. joint- joint B. joint-sole
pay 19、负连带责任:implicative responsibility 20、出票后90天付款:At 90 days sight pay
二、Define the following terms
1. Negotiable Instruments
A negotiable Instrument is a chose in action,the full and legal title to which is transferable by delivery of the instrument(possibly with the transferor’s endorsement)with the result that complete ownership of the instrument and all the property it represents passes freely from equities to the transferee,providing the latter takes the instrument in good faith and value.
7. An endorser of a bill is liable on it to subsequent endorsers and holders of the bill( T )
8. The person who draws the bill is called the drawer( T )
•支票是由银行开出,由出票人签字,授权银行对某 人或其指定人或持票人即期支付一定货币金额的无条 件支付命令。
4. •documentary bill:
it is a bill with shipping documents attached thereto.
18. A draft is a conditional order in writing(F )
19. If a bill is payable “at 30 days after date”, the date of payment is decided according to the date of acceptance(F )
C. sole_ joint D. sole -sole
7. “Payee J. Smith endorsed James Smith pay to L.Green”, this is a__ A __ endorsement.
A. specific B. blank C. general D. restrictive
3. If a check dated 1th Feb. 2001 was presented on the 5th Nov. 2000, it would be__ C __.
A. pre-dated B. out of date C. post dated D. undated
4. If a check dated 1th Feb. 2001 was presented on the 5thOct. 2001, it would be_ B ___.
9. Bill of exchange drawn by and accepted by commercial firms are known as trade bills( F )
10. Trade bills are usually documentary bills(F )
11. Endorsements are needed when checks in favor of a sole payee are credited to a joint account ( F )
20. A bill payable “at 90 days after date” is a sight bill(F )
四、Choose the best answer to each of the following statements
1. The person paying the money is a __ D __ of a check. A. payee B. endorser C. drawer D. enቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱorsee