
英美文化考试范围(加强版)题型一、选择题55分二、填空题15分三、简答题 20分(4问)四、问答题 10分(2选1)具体范围一、选择题第1、3、5、10章课后选择题补充:Unit 11. The ancestors of the Welsh are ___A__.A. the CeltsB. the RomansC. the AnglesD. the Normans2. Which of the following is not one of the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basis of modern English race?AA. the Viking DanesB. the AnglesC. the SaxonsD. the Jutes3. The historical Arthur is believed by most historians as a _A__ warrior.A. Celtic B Anglo C Saxon D Norman4. For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a(n) ___B___-speaking aristocracy.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. GermanD. GaelicUnit 21. One of the following took place during the Elizabethan age:BA. the making of the Magna CartaB. the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navyC. the rule of Alfred the GreatD. the defeat of King Harold by France2. In England, the monarch, D , declared that the Pope was no longer head of the Church of England.A. Bloody Mary C. King Henry VB. Queen Elizabeth I. D. King Henry VIII3. Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabethan age. Which of the four is the exception? AA. Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with Parliament.B. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith.C. This was the age of literature when Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed.D. This was the age of adventure on the sea.4. Victorianism was characterized by the following except DA. It was in an age of imperialismB. It saw the great progress in sciences with Charles Darwin as a prominent figure.C. It was the age when the great progress was made in the field of communications.D. It was an age when the Battle of Hastings was won by the Duke of Wellington.Unit521. Which of the following states is called “the Old Colony State”? BA. PennsylvaniaB. MassachusettsC. DelawareD. Georgia22. The term “Father of Waters” is used to refer to _____C_____.A. the Amazon River C. the Mississippi RiverB. the Nile River D. the Hudson River23. Which of the following was not first grown by Native Americans? BA. potato C. pumpkinB. cabbage D. corn24. The first colony at Jamestown in Virginia surv ived because the colonists discovered a way to earn money. Which of the following was discovered by the Virginians? BA. shipping cotton to EuropeB. growing tobacco in VirginiaC. making a profit by fishingD. growing cotton25. Three of the following were the motives of the English Puritans who went to New England as immigrants. Which was the exception? AA. They believed that the Church of England was not Catholic enough.B. They believed that the Church of England was too Catholic in religious practices.C. They were persecuted in England.D. They wanted to established a colony based on their own religious ideals.26. Thanksgiving Day is originally celebrated by people for __D___.A. healthB. safetyC. freedomD. harvest27. __C___ was the only Founding Father to sign the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the Treaty of Paris.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. John Adams28. The following words of wisdom were given by Benjamin Franklin except __B___A. A penny saved is a penny earned.B. All for one, one for all. ([法] Dumas pére大仲马)C. Time is money.D. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.29. George Washington served _B____ term(s) as US President.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four30. The author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin was ______C______.A. Thomas PaineB. Barbara SmithC. Harriet Beecher StoweD. Mark Twain判断会变为选择题型39. The first English colony was set in (Jamestown in Virginia).40. The (bald eagle) was chosen as the representative of the United States.41. Geographically the United States can be roughly divided into three parts— the western part, the southern part and New England. (X)42. The (Rocky Mountains) are the backbone of North America.45. Pilgrim Fathers settled at Plymouth in (1620).46. The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to (放宽高压政策)47. (Benjamin Franklin) was the first to celebrate the American Dream.50. The Bill of Rights ensured the (individual liberties)51. Mount Rushmore is famous for the faces of four American Presidents, who are G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, and T. Roosevelt. (此处有改动,原版为F.Roosevelt,是错误的)52. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought on July 1 and 2, 1863 and is considered the turning point in the (Civil War.)二、填空题Unit15. Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of ___ ____ Hastings ____ in 1066.6.The full name of the United Kingdom is _ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland___.6. The two largest islands of the British Isles are _ England ___ and __ Ireland.__. (此处有改动)7. All the kings of the Middle Ages in Britain spoke __ French ___ as their mother tongue, and after the Hundred Years’ War, the __ English ____ langua ge took its place.8. What are the main consequences of the Norman Conquest? The significance of Norman Conquest lies in the following aspects: the foundation of aristocracy, the final unification of England, the great administrative process, and a link to France.Unit 25. The Origin of Species was written by _____ Charles Darwin _________.6. All English official documents bear the initials OHMS which stands for ____ On Her Majesty’s Service ______.7 In Britain, the executive power is in the hands of __cabinet________.8. ____ Queen Victoria _____ takes the credit of the longest reign in British history.9. In the “Grab for Africa” (Britain) got the lion’s share, which confirmed its supremacy. Unit 51. The nickname for the USA national flag is “_____ Old Glory ________________”.2. The state of _____ Virginia _____ was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I.3. As US national motto, “E Pluribus Unum” means ___ out of many, one ____________ 5. As pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain mean s _Mark numbertwo_________.6. The largest state in terms of area is __Alaska ________ and the largest state in terms of population is _California_________.7. The meaning of Mississippi is “_great waters_______”.8. Some _Puritans__________, called the Pilgrims, crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.9. The writer O. Henry called ___Thanksgiving________ the one holiday that is purely American.10. The first shot in the American War of Independence was heard at the village of__Lexington_________ on April 19, 1775.11. In May, 1775, ___the second Continental Congress_________ met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.12. On June 14, 1776, the second Continental Congress officially appointed _George Washington____ as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.13. _Thomas Jefferson____ was instructed by the Committee of Five to write the Declaration of Independence.14. The Independence Day of the United States is on __July 4th___________.16. The famous “that this government of the people, by the people, for the people” was from _the Gettysburg Address_________17. The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights granted the American people the right to keep and bear __arms________.三、简答题Unit18. What are the main consequences of the Norman Conquest?The significance of Norman Conquest lies in the following aspects: the foundation of aristocracy, the final unification of England, the great administrative process, a link to France, a great influence of French on English.(此处有改动,原版共四点,现改为五点) Unit210. What were the main features of the Elizabethan age?The Elizabethan age is often remmembered by two things. The first is literature, especially the William Shakespeare’s play. The second is marine adventure and the Establishment of maritime hegemony(不好意思,这个没记全,是我自己结合着写的)11. Explain the atmosphere of Victorianism.Victorianism was an age of national development and national optimism. Tremendous social reform took place. The greatist one of all was made in the field of communications. Victorianism family life had the quality of stability and the victorians were extremely religious. It was also an age of imperialism.Unit 535. What is the significance of the Second Continental Congress?In May 1775, the second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government. It founded a Continental Army and Navy under the commond of George WashingtonOn June 11th, 1776, the second Continental Congress appointed a committee of five men to draft a Declaration of Independence,The young Thomas Jefferson was chosen by the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, which the congress adopted on July 4th, 1776.37. What social problems did the American Civil War solve?The war resolved two fundamental questions that had divided the United States since 1776.It put an end to slavery, which was completely abolished by the 13th Amendment to the constitution in 1865.It also decided, once and for all, that American was not a collection of semi-independent states, but a single indiv isible nation.四、问答题(2选1作答,不少于100字)1、美国枪支泛滥what do you think of the wide spread of gun in the US?2、君主立宪制。

英美文化复习Unit 11. National flower---roseFlag—the Union flag or the Union JackAnthem---God Save the Queen2。
hard—workingthoroughopen-heartedhospitablegenerous2. Component parts of the country-——Northern Ireland 、Scotland、England、WalesUnit 21. National flower :roseBird :The Bald EagleFlag :The Stars and Stripesanthem :The Stars and Stripes ForeverGreat seal : 美国国徽美国风光欣赏(20张)外围为两个同心圆,内有一只白头海雕(秃鹰)雄踞中央,双翼展开,其右爪握一束橄榄枝,左爪握13支利箭,尖嘴中叼着一条飘带,上用拉丁文写着“合众为一"Uncle Sam :“山姆大叔”是美国的绰号,被用来代指“美国”或“美国政府”,主要在美国、英国,尤其是在新闻界中使用较多。
I need you 用于征兵2。
Ethnic group:White: 65%Latin American descent:16。
5%Black: 12。
9%Asian: 4.6%Native American (American Indians and Inuit) :1。
2%.3. History:Westward movement: 1789—1859Independence War: 1775-1789Civil War: 1860-1865Great Depression: 1929-1933Civil rights movement: 1955–19684. 补充Civil WarTime: From April,1861 to April, 1865Two sides of the war: The Northern States & the Southern StatesCauses of the war: The South wanted to keep black slaves while the north was against slavery.The South wanted to set up a country of their own but the north said it was wrong.Results of the war: The North won and the two sides joined up again。

一、文化概况1. 英国文化英国是一个拥有悠久历史的国家,其文化底蕴深厚。
2. 美国文化美国是一个移民国家,因此其文化融合了来自世界各地的元素,呈现出多元化和包容性。
3. 英美文化交流英美两国之间的文化交流十分频繁,互相影响。
二、历史概况1. 英国历史英国历史可以追溯到古代,罗马、盎格鲁-撒克逊、诺曼底人等不同民族和文化在英国留下了深远的影响。
2. 美国历史美国历史相对年轻,但是却是一个充满传奇色彩的国家。
3. 英美历史关系英国曾是美国的殖民地,双方有着深厚的历史渊源。
三、政治概况1. 英国政治英国是一个君主立宪制国家,国家元首是君主,首相是政府首脑。
2. 美国政治美国是一个总统制国家,总统是国家元首和政府首脑。

一、语言1. 英语英语是英美两国的官方语言,它们有着共同的语法和词汇,但在语音和部分词汇上有一些差别。
2. 俚语英美两国都有着丰富的俚语和口头禅,比如英国人说的“bloke”(家伙),美国人说的“cool”(酷),这些词汇的使用方式和含义在不同地区也会有一些不同。
3. 礼貌用语在英美两国,称呼方式和礼貌用语也有一些不同。
二、食物1. 早餐英国人习惯吃牛奶、麦片、烤面包和熏肉等食物作为早餐,而美国人更喜欢在早餐时吃鸡蛋、培根、土豆和煎饼等。
2. 午餐英国人通常吃三明治、鱼和薯条、谢菲尔德派、烤土豆等作为午餐,而美国人更喜欢吃汉堡包、比萨、墨西哥卷饼和烤肉。
3. 晚餐在英国,晚餐通常由三道菜组成,包括开胃菜、主菜和甜点;而在美国,晚餐则更注重肉类和蔬菜的搭配,通常会有更多的甜点选择。
4. 茶文化英国人有着悠久的茶文化,他们通常会在下午喝茶,并且会搭配一些小点心;而美国人更喜欢喝咖啡,下午茶更多的是一种社交活动。
1. 圣诞节在英国和美国,圣诞节都是重要的节日,人们会装饰圣诞树、交换礼物、吃圣诞大餐等,但两国在庆祝方式上有些差别。
2. 独立日独立日是美国的国庆节,人们会进行烟花表演、游行、野餐和烧烤等庆祝活动。

About American1.What is the full name of America?The United States of America2 How many states are there in the United States?Fifty states3 What is the capital of the USAWashington D.C.4 Where is the Stature of Liberty?In New York5 Where does the American president live ?In the white houseAbout Britain1 What does UK stand for ?The United Kingdom2 What us the full name of the UK?The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.3What are the four parts of the UK?England,Scotland,Wales,and Northern Ireland.4In which continent is the UK situated?In Europe.5 By which channel is the UK separatedThe English ChannelAbout China1.How many ethnic groups are there in China?562.In which continent is China locatedIn Asia3. what are the four great inventions in ancient China?Paper-making,printing,gunpowder,and the compass4. What is the largest island in China?Taiwan Island5. When was the people’s Republic of China founded?On October 1st,19496. How many stars are there on the national flag of China?Five7 .Name three neighboring countries of China(The answer varies.It could be any three of them) japan,Vietnam,Russia,Cambodia,Laos,etc) three well -known scenic spots in Beijing(The answer varies.It could be any three of them) The Great Wall,the Summer Palace,the Imperial Palace,Tian’anmen Square,etc.9 .Why do the Chinese people usually eat at the Mid-Autumn FestivalThey celebrate the it to honor the great poet Qu Yuan10. what do Chinese people usually eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival.Moon cakes.11.What is the most important traditional festival in China? The spring Festival12. what do the Chinese do on New Year’s Eve?Family members get together and have a big dinner.13. what do people eat on the Lantern Festival?Rice dumplings14. What animal is called “The National Treasure of China”? The panda.。

英美文化复习重点第一章古代西方哲学的发展一、Greek RationalismThe word “philosophy” is Greek for “love of wisdom” and has come to mean a systematic search for answers to life’s great questions.P11 Socrates (470—399 B.C.)名言⑴“One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing”P3⑵“he who know what good is, will do good.”P42 Plato (428—347 B.C.)名言⑴ The earlier natural philosophers asked “what allows our changing world to be based on something that is unchanging?”(不是Plato说的)Plato now asked, “what is eternally true”, “eternally beautiful”and “eternally good”? 真善美 P4⑵ If Plato’s motto was “mind over matter”then Aristotle’s motto was “matter over mind.”如果柏拉图的座右铭是“精神高于物质”,那么亚里士多德的格言是“财富高于物质” P53 Aristotle (385—323 B.C.)二、The Middle Ages(ca 476 A.D.—ca 1400A.D.)三、The Renaissance(ca 1400--1700)1 Rene Descartes (1596--1650) 笛卡尔 P8⑴He did not believe that man knew nothing. This belief led him to ask another important question, “what is the relatio nship between the body (matter) and the mind (spirit)?” according to Descartes, the human body is a perfect machine, followingnatural laws. But man also has a mind which interacts or operates independently from the body. 人体是一个完美的机器,遵循自然规律。

英美文化教程复习资料一、知识点:英国部分1、英国组成,国旗,国歌:The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland is a union made up of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.The Union Jack is the national flag and God Save the King/Queen is used as the national anthem.2、英国语言经历点阶段:he history of the English language has generally been divided into Old English, spoken by theancient Germans lasting from 450 to 1150; Middle English from 1151 to 1500; and Modern English beginning from 1501.3、抵抗丹麦的皇帝:Alfred the Great, King of Wessex大宪章:The Great CharterThe Great Charter is a most important document in England history. It has been called “the corner stone” of English history. The Great Charter provides that the king should permit merchants to move about freely and should observe the privileges of the various towns, which were growing in number and size.4、宪章运动In 1837 the London Workingman’s Association worked out the famous document, The People’s CharterThe People’s Charter constituted six points:(人民宪章)(1)Votes for all males.(2)Annual election of Parliament (instead of general election every seven years).(3)Payment of Members of Parliament (so that poor men could afford to take part in political activities).(4)Secret voting (so that to avoid bribery and intimidation).(5)Abolition of property qualifications for Parliament Members (so that workers could seek to be elected).(6)Equal electoral districts (so that the large population of the workers could enjoy a corresponding share of thevotes).The People’s Charter was formally adopted at a meeting of workers held on August 8, 1838, on Newhall Hill.In 1840, the Chartist Movement witnessed the second upsruge.In 1848, the Chartist Movement expericenced the third and last upsruge.5、英国两院制上议院、下议院(议会)The parliament(议会) is bicameral (两院制), with an upper house, the non-elected House of Lords, and a lower house, the elected House of Commons.The House of Lords includes two different types of members: the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temproal.The House of Lords today is more a place of discussion and debate than one of substantial power. It main functions include debating the issues of the day and improving certain non-tax bills inadequately considered by the Commons before they are passed into low. In some rare cases, it may delay the passage of bills approved by the Commons, but only for up to a year.The House of Commons is a democratically elected chamber with elections to it, held at least every 5 years. The two Houses meet in separate chambers in the Palace of Westminster, in the City of Westminster in London. House of Commons is the lower house of the Parliament of the UK. The Commons is a democratically elected body, consisting of 646 members. The leader of the party with the majority of seats becomes the Prime Minister, head of the government. He or she then chooses an inner cabinet of key ministers and appoints junior ministers in various ministers.Power:1.Legislative(立法权):The House of Commons has the supreme authority of the legislation, their motion can directly get Royal Assent.2.finace power(财政权):only the house of commons has the right to propose the motion on tax or supply(只有下议院才有权力提出税收及供应的权力)3.Suprvise the government (监督政府):as the head of the government, if the prime minister wants to continue in office, he/she must be admitted by the House of Commons. It has the right to impeach(弹劾) the prime minister or the government. Functions: Members of Parliament are involved in considering can drafting new laws.MPs can use their position to ask government ministers questions about current issues.To supervise, or oversee finance.6、两大政党The Conservative Party: 1 relatively rich and privileged;2 maintenance of the existing institutions as itspolicy;3last word in deciding policy by its leader;4 conference for the leader’guidance but a device for making the party’s policyThe Labor Party: 1 relatively poor and underprivileged; 2 strong in the heavily-populated industrial areas and particularly associated with the working class; 3 nationwide organization, few resources and heavily depends on the trade unions; 4 conference for making the party policy(1)The Conservative Party supports free enterprise and privatization of state-owned enterprises. It is against too muchgovernment intervention, especially nationalization, which not only takes control away from the owners and builders of industry, but also leads to inefficiency. The Conservative Party favors reducing the influence of trade unions and minimizing expenditures on social welfare. It policies are characterized by pragmatism and a belief in individualism. (2)The Labor Party believes in an egalitarian(平等主义的) economy, transferring wealth from the rich to the poor by meansof taxing the most affluent members of society and providing support for the poor in society. They deem the government responsible for the provision of range of public services, such as social welfare, education and public transport. The Labor government that came to power in 1945 had a major effect on British society. It set up the National Health Service to provide high quality, free health care for all, “from cradle to grave”, providing a range of welfare payments, and most controversially, it “nationalized”a wide range of industries, making a mixed economy of both private-and state-owned enterprises. The Labor Party became known as a party of high taxation.7.The Open University (开放大学)a degree-granting institution that provides courses of study for adults of all ages through television, radio, produced books, audio/video cassettes, correspondence courses and local study programmes.8. 19世纪末英国经济绝对—相对衰退Absolute Decline and Relative Decline9英国教育:四大私立中学,大学四大私立中学:Eton Harrow Rugby Winchester大学:Ancient Universities founded before the 19th centuryLondon Universities founded in the 19th and early 20th centuriesRed Brick Universities founded in the 19th and early 20th centuriesPlate Glass Universities founded in the 1960sThe Open Universities founded in 1968 (重点)P137New Universities created in or after 1992古老的大学:The university of Oxford(历史更久);The university of Cambridge10 “British history has been a history of invasions”.British history has been a history of invasions. Before the 1st century AD Britain was made up of tribal kingdoms of Celtic people. They brought the central European culture to Britain. Then in 43AD, Roman Empire invaded Britain and controlled it f or slave society but also disseminated their Catholicism.However, in the 5th century, the Roman Empire rapidly waned in power and Britain was conquered by the Angles and the Saxons. In order to defend the Saxons, a great leader—King Arthur appeared. He created the "round table" to satisfy all the kni ghts' requirement of having equal precedence. Thus it gradually formed the monarchy in Britain as a more democratic system. Whether Arthur's a real person in the history or not, Anglo-Saxons did succeed in invading Britain and they were the forefathers of the English.In the 8th century, the Vikings from Denmark controlled the northern and eastern England. An Anglo-Saxon hero, king Alf red the Great fought against the Vikings with the truly English. And that's why there's a certain cultural difference between nort herners and southerners in England. Later, the Normans from northern France, under the leading of William of Normandy, kille d the king and William became the First of England. They imported a ruling class that French-speaking Norman aristocracy rule d Saxon and English-speaking population. In this condition, there weren't a lot of rebellions among the English people. That dir ectly formed an English unique character: a richly unconventional interior life hidden by an external conformity. Even today, w e can still find this personality from the British people through their lifestyles.In fact, such invasion is a peaceful history of joining together the various parts of the British Isles and the power graduall y transferred from the monarch to the parliament. So the constitutional monarchy has been established in Britain.11.English Language (s三个阶段):old English period—middle English period---modern English period二、英国选择、填空、简答题1、The British Isles are situated in the northwest of the Europe.2、The highland zone is an area of high hills and mountains in the north and east of Britain.3、The Pennine Chain is sometimes called the backbone of England.4、The Severn River is the longest river in Britain.5、Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland is the largest lake in the UK.6、The British Isles are cut off from the continent by the English Channel.7、On the north and the east, the Isles face the North Sea and on the west they face the Atlantic Ocean.8、The highland zone is cooler than the lowland zone, and receives more rainfall and less sunlight.9、The Highlands act as a divide and determine whether rivers flow west to the Irish Sea or east to the North Sea.10、The seven Conurbations in Britain contain one third of the population of the country.11、The English people are descendants of Anglo-Saxons.12、Middle English took shape about a century after the Norman Conquest.13、London dialect was once disseminated throughout the country NOT because London was a D center.A. commercialB. politicalC. printingD. linguistic14、Scotland has had a separate legal system.15、The English people are the descendants of Anglo-Saxons , while the Scots, Welsh and Irish are the descendants of the Celts.16、Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a two-party system.17、In Britain, the parliament general election is held every five years.18、The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and a belief in individual.19、The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it set up the National Health Service.20、Other countries have “citizens”. But in Britain people are legally described as subject.21、Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952.22、Which of the followings in not RIGHT to describe the Prime Minister? DA The head of CabinetB The head of civil serviceC The leader of the Party in powerD The head of the country23、The third largest political party in Britain is the Liberal Party.24、The British economy achieved global dominance by 1880s.25、Which of the following statements is NOT true about the UK economy? CA. Britain remains one of the Group of Seven largest industrial economies.B. Britain has experienced a relative economic decline in 1945.C. There has been a period of steady decreasing of living standards.D. Some smaller economies have overtaken the UK in terms of output per capital.26、Which of the following livestock has the biggest number in the UK? DA. Beef cattleB. Dairy cattleC. ChichenD. Sheep27、Which of the following used to be the last independent car company in the UK? CA. FordB. PeugeotC. RoverD.BMW28、In the aerospace industry, which two countries are ahead of Britain? The US and Russia29、Which of the following is NOT a company in the energy sector? BA. ShellB. ICIC. PTZD. British Gas30、”The Jewel in the Crown” of the British Empire India, which provided raw material and a big market for British goods, gained independence in 1947.31、Since 1945, the UK economy has experienced relative decline rather than absolute decline.32、In recent years, Britain is second only to the US as a destination for international direct investment.33、The UK economy can be divided into three main sectors: primary industries, secondary industries and tertiary industries.34、Englishman Frank Whittle developed the world’s first jet engine in 1937.35、What kind of secondary schools now receives the largest number of students? Comprehensive schools36、Which is incorrect to describe the independent schools? CA. They are public schools. C. They are fee-free schools.B. They emphasize the importance of character training. D. Many of them are boarding schools.37、Open University communicates with its students mainly by radio, television programs, local study programmes.38、The University of Buckingham is a privately funded university in Britain.39、If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the exam called General Certificate of Education-Advanced.40、Easter commemorates the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ41、On which day is Halloween celebrated? October 3142、Where are the international tennis championships held? Wimbledon43、Which one in the following is famous for its literary and dramatic criticism? DA. The EconomistB. The SpectatorC.TribuneD. Punch44、Which one of the following is NOT particularly British Christmas tradition? CA.Enjoying the Pantomime C.Eating chocolate eggs.B.The Queen broadcasting her Christmas message D.Shopping on the Boxing Day.45、Margaret Thatcher was the United Kingdom’s first woman Prime Minister.46、Margaret Thatcher’s nickname is the Iron Lady三、知识点:美国部分1、美国简介The United States shares land borders with Canada and Mexico and a water border with Russia.It national day is on 4th of July (Independence Day).Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.George Washington is the first president.Flag: Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, and the Star-Spangled Banner.The bald eagle was chosen on June 20, 1782 as the emblem.National anthem is the Star - Spangled Banner.The Great Lakes: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.2、二战与美国America in WWII: 1 From Isolation to Intervention(隔离-干预)2 Battle Against Germany (Normandy Landing诺曼底登陆1944)3 Battle Against Japan(The Pearl Harbor incident 珍珠港事件导火线---- T he Battle of Midway 中途岛战役1942<the turning point of the war>)America After WWII:1Truman and Cold War(The Truman Doctrine 杜鲁门主义)2The Eisenhower Doctrine (艾森豪威尔主义)3The Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis(猪湾事件和古巴导弹危机)3、美国政治:Three Branches of the American Government(三权分立)The federal government has three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial. Through a system of separation of powers and the system of "checks and balances," each of these branches has some authority to act on its own, some authority to regulate the other two branches, and has some of its own authority, in turn, regulated by the other branches. The policies of the federal government have a broad impact on both the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States. In addition, the powers of the federal government as a whole are limited by the Constitution.The legislative branch consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives, collectively known as the Congress. There are 100 senators; each state has two. Each state has a different number of representatives, with the number determined by the state's population. At present, there are 435 members of the House. The legislative branch, as a whole, is charged with passing the nation's laws and allocating funds for the running of the federal government and providing assistance to the 50 U.S. states.The executive branch The chief executive of the United States is the President, who, together with the vice president, is elected to a four-year term. A crucial function of the executive branch is to ensure that laws are carried out and enforced to facilitate such day-to-day responsibilities of the federal government as collecting taxes, safeguarding the homeland and representing the United States' political and economic interests around the world.The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court, which is the only court specifically created by the Constitution. Thejudicial branch consists of the United States Supreme Court and lower federal courts. Its primary function is to hear cases that challenge legislation or require interpretation of that legislation. The U.S. Supreme Court has nine Justices, who are chosen by the President, confirmed by the Senate, and have a lifetime appointment.4、美国宗教特征: Distinctive Characteristics1.freedom and toleration2.pluralism and diversity3.prospects5、美国教育:The Ivy League(常春藤联):Harvard UniversityYale University University of Pennsylvania Princeton University Columbia University Brown University Cornell University Dartmouth College四.美国题目1.The United States has altogether fifty states.2.Alaska is the largest state in land area and Rhode Island the smallest.3.Before their conversion to farmland, the Great Plains were noted for their extensive grasslands.4.The longest river in America is Missouri River.ke Superior has the largest surface area of any freshwater lake in the world.6.The climate of the United States, as a whole, can be classified as temperate.7.The Great Plains and Midwest, due to the contrasting air masses, sees frequent severe thunderstorms andtornado outbreaks during spring and summer.8.One natural disaster that frequents the country are hurricanes, which can hit anywhere along the Gulf Coastor the Atlantic Coast as well as Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.9.The American Northwest sees the highest concentration of active volcanoes in the United States, inWashington, Oregon and northern California along the Cascade Mountains.10.America has plenty of fertile soil. Farmlands in the United States make up about 12% of the arable lands inthe world, and they are among the richest and most productive ones.11.The United States shares land borders with Canada and Mexico, and a water border with Russia.12.The United States secured its independence from Great Britain in 1783.13.The United States ranks as the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, and China.14.The five Great Lakes are located in the north-central portion of the country, four of them forming part ofthe border with Canada.15.Of the 13 British colonies only Connecticut and Rlode Island.16.The First Continental Congress was attended by the representatives from all the colonies EXCEPT DA. DelawareB.PennsylvaniaC.MassachusettsD.Georgia17.The victory of Saratoga was the turning point of the War of Inpendence.18.When the Second War of Inpendence broke out in 1812, the US President was James Madison.19.The Mexican territories annexed by US and as a result of the Mexican War include the following statesEXCEPT AA.OregonB.TexasC. CaliforniaD.Arizona20.Which of the following is NOT the measure taken by Lincoln’s Administration in 1862 to change the situationand win the Civil War? DA.The passage of the Homestead Act.B.The issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation.C.The allowance of Negroes to join the Union Army.D.The ordering of the Union Army to take over Richmond.21.The US imperialism was marked by all the following EXCEPT CA.highly developed industryB.high concentration of capitalC.free business competitionD.overseas territorial expansion22.When the First World War began, President Wilson immediately called upon the American people to observestrict neutrality.23.The Post-WWII program of economic assistance to Western Europe was known as Marshall Plan.24.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated the philosophy of nonviolence.。

英美文化差异知识点总结1. 语言差异英国和美国的英语有一些差异,主要表现在发音、拼写和词汇上。
2. 民俗活动差异英国和美国的民俗活动也有很大的差异。
3. 政治体制差异英国的政治体制是君主立宪制,美国的政治体制是总统制。
4. 饮食习惯差异英美两国的饮食习惯也有所不同。
5. 社交礼仪差异英美两国的社交礼仪也有一些差异。
6. 宗教信仰差异英国和美国的宗教信仰也有很大的差异。
7. 教育制度差异英美两国的教育制度也有很大的差异。
8. 体育文化差异英国和美国的体育文化也有很大的差异。
9. 性别平等观念差异英美两国的性别平等观念也有不同。

从古代到现代,英国文学经历了多个 阶段,每个阶段都有其独特的风格和 特点。
包括浪漫主义、维多利亚时代、现代 主义等,这些流派对世界文学产生了 深远的影响。
如莎士比亚、简·奥斯汀、狄更斯等 ,他们的作品被广泛阅读和传颂。
英国文学对美国文学产生了深远的影响,而美国文学也对世界文学 产生了重要的影响。
04 英美教育体系
英国教育体系源于中世纪教会学 校,经过数个世纪的演变和发展
英国教育体系分为四个阶段,分 别是幼儿教育、小学教育、中学 教育和高等教育,每个阶段都有
英美文化在国际关系中发挥了重要的作用。由于英美文化的普及性和影响力,许多国家对 英美文化持有特殊的态度和情感。这种文化上的联系和认同感在一定程度上影响了国际关 系的走向和发展。
英美文化对社会变革产生了积极的影响。例如,美国的民权运动和英国的平权运动等,都 是基于英美文化的价值观和理念而发起的社会变革运动。这些运动对推动社会进步和改变 社会观念产生了深远的影响。
05 英美社交礼仪
英国社交礼仪强调礼貌、规矩 和传统,通常遵循一定的规则
在英国,人们通常握手或鞠躬 表示欢迎,离开时也要握手或
英国人重视地位和身份,通常 使用对方的头衔和姓氏,以示

英美文化常识第一篇:英美文化常识英美文化知识素养答题题库2012-04-09 12:20:24| 分类:默认分类|字号订阅英美文化知识素养答题题库 1 单项选择题:美国由___________个州组成。
A.48B.49C.50D.51 答案C 单项选择题:人有绰号,城市有绰号,有趣的是,有的国家也有绰号,如美国的绰号是————,英国的绰号是————A Aunt Sam, Uncle JohnB New Continent, Great BritainC Washington, ElizabethD Uncle Sam, John Bull 答案D 单项选择题:在英美国家,人们通常将“体力劳动者”称为———workers,把“脑力劳动者”称为———workers,而把“服务、维修等行业的人们”称为————workers。
A blue, green, whiteB blue, white, grey.C black, blue, greenD white, blue, black 答案B 单项选择题:在美国土生土长的传统节日是_____________。
A.复活节B.感恩节C.圣诞节D.中秋节答案 B 5 单项选择题:有这样一则笑话:有一次一个外宾对翻译说:“I wonder if I cango somewhere?”翻译回答道“Yes, you can go anywhere in China.”外宾不禁愕然。
你知道这位翻译的问题出在哪里了吗?A 外宾的意思是他想马上离开。
B 外宾的意思是他要上厕所。
答案B 6 单项选择题:当你给一位英国朋友写信时,你若在写完信之后突然想起来还要补充点什么,此时你通常在补充的内容前加上————这两个字母。
A P,SB OTC C,DD B,C 答案A 单项选择题:中国人喜欢说“自己动手,丰衣足食”,英美人也有类似的喜好,他们称之为______。

【英美文化】各章节知识点Outline of chaptersAfter learning this chapter you should learn toChapter 1I. terms:culture, iceberg, culture shock, low context culture/ high context culture, collectivism/ individualism, relationship-oriented/ task-oriented, multicultural person, monocultural person, multilingual person, the characteristics of culture II. Questions:1. List some cultural differences between the west and east. at least 5.2. What is cultural stereotype and its influence on cultural learning?3. What kind of attitude shall we take towards cultural learning and cultural generalizations?Chapter 2I. Terms: value, individualism, collectivism, individual-oriented society, group-oriented societyII. Questions:1. The core value of the U.S.: individualism, privacy, equality, informality,directness and assertiveness.2. The core value of Britain: class system, British food, socializing, understatementand so on.3. Different value in American and British daily life.4. Cultural reasons of cheating.5. The child-parent relationship in different culture.6. The difference of American dream and Chinese dream.Chapter 3:I. Terms:Western-style conversation, Japanese-style conversation, low-context communication, high-context communication II. Questions:1.Can you use different ballgames to explain western-style conversation andJapanese-style conversation?2.What are the differences between low-context and high-context communication?3.How should students organize their expository writing in English?4.What are the unspoken rules for a language?5.Can you give a specific example of directness in verbal interaction betweenAmericans?Chapter 41.Illustrate the importance of nonverbal communication.2.Know at least 5 aspects of silent language.3.Explain the functions of nonverbal cues.4.Explain Americans’ perception of time and their time concept.5.Know cultural space and 4 different zones of distance in social space.6.Know two basic American patterns about space.Chapter 51. what are the five general ideas Americans hold towards politics in life?2. why are Americans proud of their political system?Chapter 61. The characteristics of the methods of the western education and the easterneducation.2. The ideals of American education.3. The advantages and disadvantages of the American education.4. Assumptions underlying the higher education system.5. Student-Student Relationships in American schools.6. Student-Professor Relationships.7. The American’s attitud e to plagiarism.8. The reasons why the Asian students excel in American universities.。

一、饮食文化 1. 英式早餐:英国人的早餐通常包括煎蛋、培根、烤面包和烤番茄等食物。
2. 快餐文化:美国是快餐
3. 下午茶:英国人
二、节日文化 1. 圣诞节:在英美文化中,圣诞节是最重要的节日之一。
2. 感恩节:感恩节是美国
三、体育文化 1. 足球:英国人对足球情有独钟,足球比赛是英国人生活中的重要组成部分。
2. 棒球:棒球是美国最受欢迎的运动之一,每年的世界棒球经典赛
四、艺术文化 1. 莎士比亚:莎士比亚是英国最伟大的剧作家之一,他的作品对世界文学产生了深远的影响。
2. 奥斯卡奖:奥斯卡奖是美国电影界最重要的奖项,每年颁发给优秀的电影和电影人。

Chapter one1.Anglo-saxon peotry 的特点1)Story is based on partly historical and partly legendary materials.2)It contains paganism and Christian elements,3)There is special technical structure. They are three alteration per line, twoin the first half line and one on.4)They are seafaring people and brave in their action. The old Saxon word “angul”means a hook, from which we can surmise that they lived by the sea and their lives were related to fishing. The name Saxon is from “seax”, that is, a short sword, and from that name we can judge that they were hardy fighters.2.BeowulfLike Homer’s poetry, Beowulf sings of the exciting adventure of a great legendary hero whose physical strength demonstrates his high spiritual qualities, his resolution to serve his country and kinsfolk, his time courage, excretes cireluet and his love of honor.Chapter two3. Middle English3 centuries after Norman conquest. Two languages were used side by side in England, Latin and French were the languages of the upper classes, spoken at courts and used in churches and schools, official edicts and documents and literary works were written in Latin. Old English was weakened and a huge number of French and Latin words absorbed. What’s more, inflectional forms of the words were dropped and formal grammar simplified.4.religious literature 定义教堂文学The church had a virtual monopoly of literature during much of the Middle Ages. The church nor only had this direct claim upon the majority of literate men but also was itself a larger producer of books in the physical sense as well as a maintainer of libraries.Chapter three5.Geoffrey chaucer 其伟大在何处1)Chaucer’s work gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time. The pilgrimscover a wide range of characters in the England of the time, from noblemen to peasants2)As a commoner he had a sympathy with and an understanding of the lower classesas is shown in his attitude towards the ploughman and the poor person.3)Chaucer wrote in the London dialect of his day, which he handled dexterously.He was at one moment serious and another light-hearted and full of fun and sometimes he could be very poetical. He proved that English language is a beautiful language and can be easily handled to express different moods. In so doing Chaucer greatly increased the prestige of the English language.4)Created a tradition of realism in English literature5)His work made great impact on many later writers, like Shakespeare and DickensChapter four6.15世纪重大历史事迹(时间地点原因人物)1)The hundred years’ warThe war continued and in 1415 at the Battle of Agincourt King Henry V defeated the French army and claimed himself the heir to French throne. In 1453 all English territory in France and the English king had only a small port, Calais, left to him.2)The war of the roses/ the thirty years’ warIn EnglandA series of civil wars fight between two great families, both of which claimed the right to the English throne. It last 30 years until King Henry Ⅶ defeated Richard Ⅲ. Henry Tudor married Elizabeth of the House of York, brought compromise between the two families, and established a highly consolidated rule.The House of Lancaster ----Red Rose as its emblem ; the House of York –White Rose Reason:Henry Ⅵ belonged to the House of Lancaster but members of the House of York believed that they were more entitled to the crown than Henry Ⅵ. Civil war broke out between the two families and almost all noble families were involved in it.3)The discovery of America and new sea routes1492, Christopher Columbus landed in America with the support of the Spanish sovereigns Ferdinand and Isabella.Reason: He believed he could reach India by sailing west,4)Reformation of the churchPerson: Henry Ⅷ Time:1534During his reign, Henry Ⅷ took decisive measures to break away from the Church of Rome. He passed through Parliament the Act of Supremacy which regarded him as the supreme head on earth, thus negating the claim of the Pope in Rome who regarded himself as the supreme power on earth. The church Henry Ⅷ founded is the Anglican Church.7.early english playsDrama was one of the most popular forms of entertainment. It was not until 9th and 10th centuries that the Catholic Church allowed some of dramatic performances to be used as part of religious services.By 14th century the liturgy had developed into mystery plays and miracle plays, there are no sharp distinctions between these two kind of plays, though the former are chiefly based on stories from the Bible, while the latter on the lives of Christian saints.The play was staged on a two decked cart, or pageant. The pageant consisted of anenclosed room which served both Hell and as retiring room, and a second storey open to the sky on which the action was performed. In the 14th and the 15th centuries mystery or miracle plays were performed in about 40 different places in England. Chapter five8.1,2,3, 考小题,概念,年代作品贡献9.Edmund Spenser 作品1)The Shephearde’s Calender _______his first important workA pastoral poem in 12 parts, one for each month of the year. The poet’s intention is to give different descriptions of the English countryside The Shephearde’s Calender at each particular time of the year. The main themes embodied in the poem are love, poetry, and religion.2)The Faerie Queene 《仙后》______his major achievementIt is an unfinished allegorical romance, Spencer’s original plan---there should be 12 books, each telling the adventures of one of the 12 knights dispatched by the Faerie Queene, Gloria, who represents Glory and Queen Elizabeth in particular,10.the flourishing of drama 其主要原因The flourishing of drama was explained by the follow reasons:1)cities and towns grew rapidly in the 16th century and since there was no othermeans of entertainment than watching bear-baiting, visiting lunatics imprisoned in Bedlam, and watching executions and hangings at Newgate, drama naturally became the only form of amusement to city dwellers and noblemen.2)The only means of entertainment was theatre.3)It was only place where people could socialize and know what was going on, itis a place where both the rich and the poor went.11.Christopher MarloweThe most prominent of the University Wits was no doubt Christopher Marlowe. All his plays were written in the five years from 1587 to 1592 and they are all tragedies.His first play Tamburlaine the Great (1587) is about the story of Timur the Tartar. The central figure Tamburlaine represents the Renaissance desire for infinite power and authority.The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus (1592), adapted from a popular old German legend, is a sort of companion to Tamburlaine in reflecting the Renaissance desire for infinite knowledge, though the tragic ending suggests that the writer conforms with the orthodox teachings of the church, the towering figure of Faustus is eloquent evidence that the author has a will power as fierce as Faustus’, a will to search the infinite knowledge of life and to express his atheism and patriotism.As a dramatist Marlowe has limitations. His plot construction is loose and his characters are merely embodiments of ideas. But Marlowe is the only dramatist ofthe time who is ever compared with Shakespeare. His works are remarkable for their imagination, burning passion, sensuous richness, variety of pace, and response to varying emotions. His verse is known for its stateliness and its poetic beauty.Thomas Malory____the death of king ArthurThe death of king Arthur tells the whole life of king Arthur, but the finest part in the book is about the death of king Arthur. It happens that one of the knights, Sir Launcelot, has an illicit love affair with Queen Guinevere. At the insistence of his nephew, Arthur goes to punish Launcelot. He besieges the castle in which Sir Launcelot stays. But king Arthur does only for the sake of Sir Gawain, and his attempt to capture Sir Launcelot fails. Word comes to ht king that his bastard son Mordred has seized the kingdom during his absence, and king Arthur leads his forces back to England. More=dred attacks them upon their landing, and both Mordred and Arthur die at the battle.12.William shakespearewas an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.莎翁的伟大之处?P93-91)Shakespeare represented the trend of history in giving voice to the desires andaspirations of the people.2)Shakespeare’s humanism: more important than his historical sense of his time,Shakespeare in his plays reflects the spirit of his age.3)Shakespeare’s characterization: Shakespeare was most successful in hischaracterization. In his plays he described a great number of characters. 4)Shakespeare’s originality: Shakespeare drew most of his materials from sourcesthat were known to his audience; some from Roman dramas, some from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and some from other writer’s play.5)Shakespeare as a great poet: Shakespeare was not only a great dramatist, butalso a great poet. Apart from his sonnets and long poems, his dramas are poetry.6)Shakespeare as master of the English language: Shakespeare was the master ofthe English language. It is estimated that he had a command of about 15,000 words.Many of his quotations and phrases have been absorbed into English language.其创作时期分为几个阶段?每个时期2-3个作品?1)From 1592 to 1593, during this period, he wrote his early history plays orhistories and a group of comedies. King Henry Ⅵ in three parts, Richard Ⅲ, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Love’s Labour Lost.2)The second period is a period of rapid growth and development, dating from 1595to 1600. Midsummer Nighr’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, the two parts of Henry Ⅳ, As You Like It, Julius Caesar.3)The third period is a period of gloom and depression, dating from 1602 to 1608.It is a period of tragedies, such as Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth.4)The fourth period is a period of restored serenity, from 1608 to 1612. It isa period of calm after storm, with such plays as The Winter’s Tale, and TheTempest.对于悲剧哈姆雷特的理解P149, p152-p153 注解1和20Hamlet is a representative of humanist thinker with disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived. What troubles him most is the injustice, conspiracy, and betrayal in the society. He is a man with a sense of justice, pessimistic and gloomy view about life, cynical attitude towards society. Wide range of knowledge, belief in the Christian doctrine about heaven and hell.Hamlet’s revenge is not only a personal matter. What troubles him most is the injustice, conspiracy, and betrayal in the society. His father is murdered by his uncle and his mother is married to his uncle right after his father’s death. The marriage of his mother is the first blow to him as he had regarded her as a virtuous woman. Then his former friends Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are dispatched by the king to spy on him. This is a second blow, for as a humanist he sets great store by friendship. Then his girl friend Ophelia is sent as a tool to find out whether or not he is really mad. This is something he can no longer endure. One incident after another seems to reveal to him that the time is “out of joint” and man is not so good as he had imagined. Hamlet would have been a tragedy of “blood and thunder” if Shakespeare had not imbued the play with this sort of philosophical thinking, this humanistic search for the value of man and the disappointment of such ideas.The greatest of the play lies in the fact that in it Shakespeare expressed his praise of the noble quality of Prince Hamlet as a representative of humanist thinkers and disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived.13.What’s sonnet? P98Shakespeare, besides his two long poems and plays, also wrote sonnets, 154 all together in number.A sonnet is a short song in the original meaning of the word. Later it became a poem of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter with various rhyming schemes. It was first written by the Italian poet Petrarch who wrote sonnets to a lady named Laura. Shakespeare wrote his sonnets in about 1589 and they were published in 1609. The writing of sonnets, either to one’s love, or to one’s patron, or to one’s friend, was a fashion in his time.Beginning with sonnet 18, Shakespeare is concerned about the effect of passing time on the young man. He says that though his friend may grow old and lose his beauty, he will be immortalized in the sonnets that Shakespeare wrote for him. In the thirdpart of the group, Shakespeare no longer treats his friend’s beauty as subject of decay, but as perfect model of beauty, and many other beauties on earth are its expressions.The metrical form of Shakespeare’s sonnets is different from that of Petrarach’s. Shakespeare’s sonnet consists of three quatrains with a rhyming scheme “abab caca efef” and ends with a couplet rhyming “gg”. In the three quatrains the theme is put forward and developed, and in the couplet the sonnet ends with a surprise conclusion or a shift of ideas.The speaker opens the poem with a question addressed to the beloved: "ShallI compare thee to a summer's day?" The next eleven lines are devoted to sucha comparison. In line 2, the speaker stipulates what mainly differentiates the young man from the summer's day: he is "more lovely and more temperate." Summer's days tend toward extremes: they are shaken by "rough winds"; in them, the sun ("the eye of heaven") often shines "too hot," or too dim. And summer is fleeting: its date is too short, and it leads to the withering of autumn, as "every fair from fair sometime declines." The final quatrain of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in that respect: his beauty will last forever ("Thy eternal summer shall not fade...") and never die. In the couplet, the speaker explains how the beloved's beauty will accomplish this feat, and not perish because it is preserved in the poem, which will last forever; it will live "as long as men can breathe or eyes can see."Shall I compare thee to a summer`s day?(this is a rhetorical question that does not expect an answer)Thou art more lovely and more temperate.(art: are, temperate: moderate)Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.And summer`s lease that hath all too short a date.(summer’s leaser: a lease is a written agreement, made according to law, by which the use of a building or piece of land is given by its owner to somebody for a certain time in the return for rent. Here summer is personified as a tenant holding a “lease ”for short term and time is holding that “lease”like some kind eternal landlord.)(hath all too short a date: has too brief a duration. Notice the second effect of the clipped syllables)Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines.(Sometime: sometimes the eye of heaven: the sun)And often is his gold complexion dimmed.(his: its)And every fair from fair sometime declines.(And every fair from fair sometime declines.: and the beauty of every beautiful thing will fade at some future time)But chance or nature’s changing course untrimmed.(untrimmed: stripped of beauty)But thy eternal summer shall not fade.Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st.(ow’st: own)Nor shall death brag thou wander`st in his shade.(Nor shall death brag thou wander`st in his shade: and the beauty of every beautiful thing will fade at some future time.)When in enternal lines to time thou grow’st(When in enternal lines to time thou grow’st: when you and the eternal time are one and the same.)So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this give life to thee.Shall I│compare│ thee to │a sum│mer’s day? ( a)Thou art │more love│ly and │more tem│perate -: ( b)Rough winds │do shake │the dar│ling buds │of May, (a)And sum│mer’s lease│ hath all │too short│ a date: (b)Sometimes │too hot│ the eye │of hea│ven shines, (c)And of│ten is │his gold │comple│xion dimmed; (d)And eve│ry fair │from fair │sometimes │declines, (c)By chance, │or na│ture’s chan│ging course, │ untrimm’d; (d)But thy │eter│nal sum│mer shall │not fade, (e)Nor lose│ posses│sion of │that fair│ thou ow’st; (f)Nor shall│ Death brag │thou wan│der’st in│ his shade, (e)When in │eter│nal lines │to time│ thou grow’st. (f)So long│ as men │can breathe │or eyes │can see, (g)So long │lives this, │ and this │gives life│ to thee. (g)。
英美文化常识 - 题目

英美知识常识1.圣诞节A.12月25日 B. 12月24日2.平安夜A.12月25日 B. 12月24日3.万圣节A.10月31日B. 11月1日4.万圣节盛行于:A. 南瓜灯、要红包B. 要糖果、面具5.感恩节是A.11月第四个星期四B. 12月第四个星期五6.感恩节家家户户都要吃A.牛排B. 火鸡7.英国的首都是A.伦敦B. 剑桥8.伦敦的标志性建筑物是A.白金汉宫B. 大本钟9.英国的国宝是:A.熊猫B. 知更鸟10.美国的首都是A.华盛顿B. 洛杉矶11.美国的标志性建筑物是A.自由女神像B. 埃菲尔铁塔12.美国的国宝是:A.秃鹰(白头海雕)B. 袋鼠13.美国最大的城市是A.纽约B. 洛杉矶14.澳大利亚的首都是:A.墨尔本B. 堪培拉15.澳大利亚的标志性建筑物是A.悉尼歌剧院B. 国会大厦16.澳大利亚的国宝是:A.袋鼠B. 小黄鸭17.加拿大的首都是A.渥太华B. 温哥华18.加拿大的标志性建筑物是A.多伦多铁塔B. 哥伦比亚大学19.加拿大的国宝是:A.河狸(海狸)B. 松鼠20.一个星期的第一天是A.星期一B. 星期日21.am 表示_____,pm 表示___A.早晨;晚上B. 上午;下午22.吃西餐礼:____手拿叉,____手拿刀A.左;右B. 右;左23.最不吉利的数字是A.4B. 1324.最吉祥的数字是A.6和8B. 3和725.英国的马路上靠_____行驶A.左B. 右26.美国的马路是靠_____行驶A.左B. 右27.英国女士最不喜欢别人问她的_____A.年龄B. 工作28.UFO 叫做A.宇宙飞船B. 不明飞行物29.美国的货币是A.RMBB. 美元和美分30.在西方的餐桌上,人们谈论的话题通常是A.今天的见闻B. 食物的味道31.在美国,用餐时餐巾如何放最为适宜放在A.腿上B. 胸前32.英国人拜年时最好的方式A.发红包B. 亲手把煤炭放进人家的炉子里33.在英语国家称呼不知其名的陌生人常用A.Miss 和Mr.B. Uncle 和Madam。

《英美文化》课程期末复习范围题型及范围1、多项选择题(20%)PPt后多项选择练习2、名词解释(15%,about 40 words)Norman Conquest; House of Lords; Chartist Movement; Lord Chancellor;Gold Rush; Mayflower; Louisiana Purchase; House of Representatives;3、简答题(15%,about 40 words)1. Who was Christopher Columbus?2. What is the climate in Britain like?3. What natural resources is Britain blessed with?4. What are the major causes of the decline of the British economy?5. What are American industries characterized by?6. What are the primary features of the political system of the USA?7. What are the three branches in the constitution of USA?8. Who do you think are among the outstanding leaders in the American Civil War? 4、阅读理解(20%)课外英语阅读理解练习5、论述题(30%,about 100-120 words)1.Why is it said that English people tend to be rather conservative? And what’s your comment about it?2. What are the large rivers and lakes you know in Britain? Point out their length or size.3. What do you know about Margaret Thatcher? And what do you learn from her story of success?4. Why has the United States long been known as a melting pot? What’s your comment about it?5. What geographic features of the United State of America impress you most? Please give your personal comment.6. How do you understand the differences between Chinese government and the American government?。

Chapter 11.the geographical composition of the U.K.: two/four parts2.the population: the majority / the earliest inhabitants3.the English language: the Germanic group of the Indo-European family / threeperiodsChapter 24.Westminster Abbey5.1066, Norman Conquest, feudalism6.Henry II—jury system7.Magna Carta8.the Hundred Years’ War9.House of Tudor: medieval to modern10.Religious Reformation: the Roman Catholic Church VS. Henry VIII11.two camps of the Civil War12.the Glorious Revolution, the Bill of Rights, constitutional monarchy13.the Industrial Revolution: reasons / effects14.the British Empire —colonization15.Three Majestic CirclesChapter 316.the British Constitution: three parts17.a division of powers among three branches18.Parliament —the law-making body; two housesThe House of Commons —center of parliamentary power19.the role of the Prime Minister20.The House of Lords —Supreme Court21.Scotland —a distinct legal system22.right/left wing party23.a general election —every 5 years24.The Commonwealth —decolonization; an unpolitical union of sovereign statesChapter 425.Margaret Thatcher and her controversial policies26.three sectors of economy —primary, secondary and tertiary27.the major trends in the British economy28.two pillar industries of the current British economyChapter 529.British compulsory education —5 to 1630.four stagessecondary education —comprehensive schoolfurther education —sixth form31.two systemsindependent system —public schools32.GCSE, A-levels33.Oxford University —oldestCambridge University —more Nobel Prize winners34.“Big Three” of the quality press35.Boxing Day / Easter / Trooping the Color / Bonfire NightChapter 636.the Renaissance —sonnet / dramaWilliam Shakespeare, Hamlet37.the Neo-Classical Period:Jonathan Swift —satire, Gulliver’s TravelsDaniel Defoe —progenitor of the novel in English, Robinson Crusoe38.the Romantic Periodthe Lake Poets / second generation39.the Victoria Period —novelRealism: Charles Dickens / Thomas HardyNew literary trends —Neo-Romanticism / Aestheticism40.the Modern Period:stream of consciousnessChapter 841.Stars and Stripes42.50 states (48+2) and Washington D.C.the smallest and the largest43.the Appalachian Range / Rocky mountains44.Great Lakes / Niagara Falls45.the Mississippi River46.New England47.New York (the largest city), Los Angeles (second largest), San Francisco (largestChinatown)48.population —while /blacks / asians / natives / mixed race49.a “melting pot” and a “salad bowl”50.dominant American culture / cultural diversityChapter 951.1607, James Town52.American War of Independencefirst shots / turning point / a decisive victory53.1755, Philadelphia, the Second Continental Congress54.July 4th, 1776, Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of IndependenceIndependence Day (the national day)55.American Civil WarAbraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation—abolishing slavery56.America’s policy at the first stage of WWI —neutralityAmerica’s policy at the first stage of WWII —“sit on the fence”The direct cause for America’s entrance into WWII —Pearl Harbor Attack57.Franklin D. Roosevelt —“New Deal” aimed at Great Depression58.“Truman Doctrine”—the Cold War (containment and intervention)59.the Vietnam War —Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson60.Richard M. Nixontwo diplomatic breakthroughs; the Watergate ScandalChapter 1061.the Constitution of the U. S.1787; checks and balances; the first ten amendments—Bill of Rights; 27 amendments62.federalism / the separation of powers63.Congress —the legislative branch —to pass lawsthe Senate amd the House of Representatives64.to introduce a bill —to hold hearings —to report to the Congress —to go tothe President for approval65.the President’s powers —limited66.the qualification of a candicate for President67.the Supreme Court —one Chief Justice+ eight Associate Justices68.a two-party system —a donkey and an elephant69.a general election, not a direct election / every 4 years538 electors (270 needed to win) / Electoral College System / “winner-take-all”(two exceptions)Chapter 1170.progress of the modern American economy: colonial—farming—industrial71.Wall Street —financial services industryDetroit —automobile industrySilicon Valley —high-tech industryChapter 1272.ideals of American Education73.three stages of American educational system12-year compulsory education —elementary and secondary74.Ivy League —8 top private universities with long historyHarvard University —the oldest75.The New York Times(the most influential); The Washington Post(the secondlargest & the first to expose the Watergate scandal)76.Thanksgiving ( the origin; celebration: significance)Chapter1377.the Romantic PeriodJames Fennimore Cooper —the author of the “Leather Stocking Tales”Ralph Waldo Emerson —the chief spokesman of TranscendentalismNathaniel Hawthorne —The Scarlet LetterEdgar Allan Poe —detective story / science fiction / horror fictionHerman Melville —Moby Dick/The Whaletwo founts of American poetry —Walt whitman (free verse) & Emily Dickinson 78.the Realistic PeriodMark Twain —colloquialism; the true father of American modern literature 79.the Naturalistic PeriodTheodore Dreiser —describing the sordid side of the everyday life of the lower societySister Carrie; An American Tragedy80.the Modern Periodthe Lost Generation & the Beat MovementTory Morrison —the first African-American Nobel Prize Winner。

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1. IRELAND’S SOCIAL CHANGES1. Women have more rights like had equal access to jobs in terms of hiring, as well as equal opportunities in subsequent promotions and pay awards.2. Any citizen of an EU country can work and live legally in Ireland.3. High house price give them a lot of pressure. So that most young people would have to live in far-flung suburbs.4. Ireland is now the most car-dependent society in the world.5. Ireland’s living standards have increased dramatically. But the new wealth has not been shared equally. The wealthy have become almost indecently rich, the poor have become more deprived.6. The exposure of corruption has shocked the ordinary Irish public and made them increasingly cynical about politicians in particular.7. The lack adequate public facilities and programs to tackle these emerging problems is striking in Ireland. Some problems even reached almost crisis point in some cities.8. Young people were better educated and more aware of their options in life, and better able to take them up.9. Young people no longer wish to inherit an enterprise which is a hard life at best, and world now yield only a meager income in comparison with other was of living.10. Many people went out and bought expensive cars and second houses.2. THE BRITISH MONARCHY1. The oldest institution of government is the Monarchy.2.The power of the monarchy was largely derived from the ancient doctrine(天赐神授的)of the “divine right of kings”.3. It was held that the sovereign derived his authority from God, not from his subjects.4. For a thousand years Britain has had a hereditary king or queen as the head of state.5. In medieval times the king should not exercise absolute power.6. Instead, the sovereign should be willing to receive advice from prominent men.7. The monarch’s unwillingness to do this led to many battles between the king and other powerful groups like the Church and powerful, land-owning feudal barons.8. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.9. Today, the official head of state is the queen and her powers are largely traditional and symbolic.10. It was a gang of feudal barons and the Church which opposed some of King John’s policies.3. CLASS IN THE UK1. I t makes a difference to an individual’s “life-chance” which group or class he or she is born into.2. Though it should be stressed that it is far from impossible for the working-class child to acquire middle-class status: it is simply statistically much more unlikely than for his middle-class school-friend.3. Manual (or “blue-collar”) workers would usually call themselves working-class, and office (or “white collar”) workers would usually call themselves middle-class.4. There is a hazy area around unskilled office-work and skilled well-paid manual work which leads to sub-divisions such as “lower middle-class” being used.5. T he term “upper middle-class” might be used to describe doctors and lawyers w ho have relatively high incomes and high-status professions---especially in families with long traditions of such employment.6. Such class-divisions are not simply economic: a working-class car worker may earn more money than a middle-class university teacher, but there are additional cultural differences.7. An obvious one in the UK iswhich newspaper people read.8. Strangers would probably be able to place each of them in the right class simply by listening to the way they speak: regional accents tend to be stronger amongst the working-class.9. Another factor marking off what might be termed an “upper middle-class” is education. The top levels of many aspects of British society----arts, media, industry and politics contain a very high proportion of “Oxbridge” graduates. When hiring they tend to hire fellow Oxbridge graduates.10. It has also retained a hereditary aristocracy.(保留了世袭贵族) Among the students at the private schools attended by the upper-middle-class above would be a thin scattering of aristocratic children, who will inherit titles. But their significance should not be over-stated. Their position has changed with the century.4. POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UK1.Three major national parties: The Conservative party(保守党)and the Labour party(劳工党)are the two biggest, and any general election is really about which of those two is going to govern. The third important party is the Liberal Democrats(自由民主党), who usually receive up to about 20% of the votes: not enough to form a government, but enough to have a big impact on which of the other two parties does so.2.The Labour party is the newest of these three, created by the growing trade union movement at the end of the nineteenth century. … …P543.The Conservative party is the party that spent most time in power. Basically the Conservatives are seen as the party of the individual, protecting the individual’s right to acquire wealth and to spend it how they choose, and so favoring economic policies which businessmen prefer, such as low taxes. … ...P544.The Liberal Democrats occupying the ideological ground between the two main parties. At such, at election time they may receive votes both from those who usually vote Labour and from those who usually vote Conservative. Many people see them as comparatively flexible and pragmatic in their balance of the individual and the social.5. There are small parties supporting the independence of each of the three smaller countries in the Union, though at the moment they all receive a small share of the vote at election time.5. Immigration to Australia1. Since the earliest days of European settlement, migration has accounted for up to 50 percent of Australia’s population increase.2. During the middle of the 19th century migrants were predominantly British and those who benefited from assisted migration were almost all from Britain. However, the population also included migrants from Italy, Greece, the Lebanon, Afghanistan and the Pacific Islands. Gold rushes attracted many people from other countries especially from Germany and China.3. By the 1870s, the Chinese constituted the third largest group in Australia, after the British (including the Irish) and Germans.4. The White Australia Policy 1901 was manifested in the Immigration Restriction Act. It remained a guiding principle of Australian immigration until its gradual abolition between 1966 and 1973. The framers of the policy made it clear that Chinese and other’non-whites’had to be stopped from permanently settling here.5. Today, there is a much higher proportion of settlers arriving from Asia although Anglo Australia migrants still predominate.6. Irish economyIreland is a small, open, trade-dependent economy. The Irish economy has been transformed frombeing agrarian and having a traditional manufacturing base to one increasingly based on the hi-tech and internationally traded services.From its founding in 1922 until the 1970s: P191The EU: Economic policies.1. The Celtic Tiger: mimicking the boom in Asia, the media called Ireland’s sudden wealth “the Celtic Tiger” economy. Because Ireland has became wealthy with all the swiftness and ferocity of that beast.2. Benefit of Common Market (EU): improve the infrastructure and for education and training. The most important benefit for Ireland is in granting it access to Europe. With this access, Ireland’s dependence on its traditional trading partner, Great Britain, has been severely modified.3.In the early years, EU subsidies also proved a bonanza for small farmers.4. Many multinational companies find Ireland an attractive foreign base.7. The troubles in northern Ireland1. Groups of Protestants began to organize counter-demonstrations and rioting broke out. Protestant mobs attacked Catholic areas. The police were overwhelmed by the fighting, and the Northern Irish Prime Minister asked London for solders to help restore order.2. The longer British solder stayed, the more they were seen as the symbol of British rule in Northern Ireland. The IRA at this time split. In the early 1970s the IRA carried out a campaign of bombing and shorting, usually targeting the security forces, but often bombing citycentres. The British security forces were strengthened.3. The Protestants formed their own illegal “Paramility” groups and took revenge on Catholic s, often murdering individuals at random. Catholic in mainly Protestant, and Protestants in mainly Catholic areas were threatened. The result is that Northern Irish cities are “ghettoized”(使成为少数民族聚居地)into exclusively Protestant and exclusively Catholic areas.4. Internment: in 1971 the Northern Irish government took the desperate step of imprisoning terrorist suspects from both sides without trial. This suspension of civil rights caused anger on both sides.5. In the following year 1972, 468 people were killed in Northern Ireland , the worst year of the troubles. This was a key event in strengthening Catholic opposition to the British presence. This day has now been mythol ogised as “Bloody Sunday”, an important symbol of British oppression.6. In 1973, an agreement was reached between the main political parties in Northern Ireland, and importantly, the British and Irish governments. The IRA’s bombing campaign extended to the mainland of Great Britain, but even so the troubles settled down to a peculiar level of semi- acceptability. People had got used to it. Both sides continued the conflicts, but the Britain forces kept the scale down to a lower level than in the early 1970s, and though the late 1970sand the 1980s the death rate averaged around 90 per year. It didn’t get worse, but neither could anyone see an end to it.8. Australian Aborigines1. The peoples of the Dreaming belonged to over 500 different groups or nations with different languages and cultures but they were bound together by their belief in the Dreaming.2. The sacred(神的)creation stories provide a memorable map of the landscape. The intricate and specific detail of the stories of the Dreaming transform the desert into a familiar and life sustaining landscape: the Peoples of the Dreamtime know how to find water, even in the desert areas, because the special stories within the Dreaming provide a detailed knowledge of their land.3. The peoples of the Dreaming developed an intricate understanding of the land their intellectual skills became important to the colonists and developers who took over the country after 1788.4. The pastoralists exploited the Peoples’ understanding of the land in the development of the great cattleand sheep stations that created massive wealth for the new white “owners”.The British took over the country in the late 18th century declaring it to be “terra nullius”. These one million or so people who lived on the land were instead grouped together under the one name: “the Aborigines”, the generic term meaning “the original natives of the land.”9. Newspapers in the UKThe United Kingdom has one of the world’s oldest established newspaper industries. In the late 18th and early 19th century as the British economy began to industrialise, as the democratic franchise was extended to larger segments of the population, and as literacy levels rose through the introduction of mass education, more and more newspapers began to appear.The Observer which is still published every Sunday, making it the world’s oldest national newspaper.(观察家报)The Times is the United Kingdom’s oldest daily newspaper.(泰晤士报)The quality press(or the broadsheets)严肃报纸because they are printed on large-size paper. It carry more serious and in-depth articles of particular political and social importance. They also carry reviews and feature articles about high culture and will generally be read by a well-educated, middle class audience.The Guardian(卫报):the left-wing newspaper.The Telegraph(电讯报): tend to support tough sentences for criminals, be unsympathetic to single mothers and favour free enterprise over social programs.The tabloids(通俗小报)smaller format newspapers with colour photos and catchy headlines. They are often called “the gutter press”(低级趣味报纸)because they deal in scandals and gossip. The stories are shot, easy to read and often rely more on opinion than fact.The News of the World (世界新闻报)Function: 1.increasingly newspapers took on the role of informing the electorate about politics. This watchdog function, keeping an eye on the government, is one of the reasons why a free press is considered so important to the functioning of parliamentary democracy.2. Many analysts feel that the power of the press has usurped the power of parliament. Contemporary politicians prefer to speak directly to the media rather than to parliament and of course they have their favorite, friendly reporters who will give them favorable coverage.3. Business people, even more than politicians, were quick to realize “the power of the press” to inform potential customers about their products and services and so the advertising business was born.4. British newspaper culture is unusual in the extent to which class and educational differences are reflected in the newspapers people read. People often choose to read a newspaper which accords with their own feelings.5. Contempt of court laws restrain newspapers from printing information about people being tried for various crimes because this can prejudice the judicial system.10. FESTIVALS IN UKCHRISTMAS(December 25th): Schools close for the holiday period, as do shops and offices, so peoples can spend time at home with their families. Meaning:it commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ—celebrations of the Winter Solstice have taken place since ancient times. Three Christmas traditions: 1. Christmas Pantomime(圣诞童话剧) a comical musical play. 2. Hear the Queen give her Christmas message to her realm over the television and radio. She usually talks about the year that has passed and expresses her hopes for the future.3. Boxing Day is which falls on the day after Christmas. Traditionally, it was on Boxing Day that people gave Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants.Today, it is means shopping. But for many people, Boxing Day is a day for visiting, eating and relaxing. EASTER: Easter commemorates the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. For most people the main symbol of Easter is the Easter egg, originally a Christian symbol of new life. Nowadays people give each other chocolate or candy Easter Eggs which are often very large, elaborate and expensive.“TROOPING THE COLOUR”: It happens on the second Saturday in June when the Queen’s Birthday is officially celebrated.ENGLAND——BONFIRE NIGHT (GUY FAWKES NIGHT) History: P154Nowadays, English people still celebrate this event in the traditional way. In early November, gangs of small children appear on British streets, often with a straw effigy called the “Guy”.NOTHERN IRELAND1. It comes from the 17th century battles between Catholics and Protestants is the Protestant celebration of their victory at the Battle of the Boyne (12 July) in1690. History: P154The Twelfth is the high point of what is known as the Marching Season, when Protestant “Orangemen” take to the streets wearing their traditional uniforms of bowler hats(圆顶高帽), black suits and orange sashes, marching through the streets singing, banging drums and playing in marching bands. The Orangemen often clash——verbally, legally or sometimes violently—with the Catholics as they attempt to parade through Catholic neighborhoods, symbolically asserting their continued dominance over the Irish.2. Northern Ireland Catholics celebrate the birthday of the patron saint of Ireland, St Patrick, on March 17 each year. Patrick was a Catholic bishop who lived in the 5th century and is thought to have brought Christianity to Ireland.According to popular legend, St Patrick drove snakes(the Christian symbol of evil) out of Ireland. In another legend it is said that he used the three leafed clover(三叶草), or shamrock, to explain the Christian trinity to the pagan Irish. The shamrock is a popular symbol to wear on St Patrick’s Day, and it is also considered very lucky to wear something green.SCOTLAND——Hogmanay and HalloweenHogmanay: In Scotland New Y ear’s Eve called Hogmanay——is the major winter celebration, and overshadows Christmas which is a very quiet affair. The widely practiced custom is “first footing”. There is a superstitious belief that the first person to cross the threshold of a household in the New Year can bring luck and prosperity: the appearance of a young, preferably dark haired and handsome man, is considered particularly lucky. First footers often bring a bottle of spirits, alcohol, a lump of coal or a peat as a gift and are given a “dram of whisky” as their reward.Halloween is a Scottish festival that comes from the great feast of the pagan Celts which marked the arrival of the winter half of the year. Halloween is notable for showing the darker, supernatural side of Celtic custom—communion with the dead, mischief, fortune-telling and masquerades are common practices. Children make “turnip lanterns.” Turnips are hollowed out and holes are cut to make eyes, nose and mouth. Then candles are placed inside the turnip and it is set in the windows to scare away witches and other evil spirits.WALES——EisteddfodThe Welsh language began to die, but Welsh speakers fought hard to preserve it. One way they accomplished this was to celebrate their culture and their language each August with a really large Eisteddfod which would remind people throughout the UK of Wales’ special cultural heritage.At the Eisteddfod, tents and pavilions are erected around a big open space: in the different tents competitions are held to find the best choirs, translators, essayists and poets.。