













Ⅱ正文第一篇概论 1一教学目的本章旨在使学生对医学细胞生物学从总体上有一个概括的认识,重点是明确细胞生物绪论学的研究对象和任务。





《细胞生物学》教学大纲The Curriculum Outline of Cell Biology一、课程编号:11044适用专业:五年制临床医学、麻醉医学、口腔医学、护理学、预防医学等专业课程类型:非主干课程总学时数:51学时(其中含实验教学15学时)学分数:2.5二、课程性质、目的和要求(Introduction and Learning Objectives)细胞是生命活动的基本单位,探讨一切生命现象(生长、发育、分化、繁殖、运动、遗传、变异、衰老和死亡等)的机制,最终都是从细胞中得到答案。







三、教学内容、要点和课时安排(Curriculum Content and Teaching Arrangement)第一章绪论(Chapter 1 Introduction)【目的要求】(Objective)(一)掌握细胞及细胞生物学的概念与研究内容;(二)了解细胞生物学发展简史;(三)掌握对细胞生物学发展有密切关系的的关键事件;(四)了解细胞生物学的一些分支学科;(五)掌握细胞学说、分子生物学等相关概念;(六)充分理解细胞生物学与现代医学的关系。





二、教学目标1. 理解细胞的基本结构和功能,掌握细胞的组成成分及其相互作用的原理;2. 掌握细胞分裂和细胞增殖的过程和机制;3. 理解细胞信号传导的基本原理和调控机制;4. 熟悉细胞器的结构和功能,了解细胞器在细胞活动中的作用;5. 了解细胞分化和发育的过程和机制;6. 掌握现代细胞生物学研究的基本方法和技术。

三、教学内容1. 细胞的基本结构和功能1.1 细胞膜的结构和功能1.2 细胞质基质的组成和功能1.3 细胞核的结构和功能1.4 细胞器的结构和功能2. 细胞分裂和细胞增殖2.1 细胞周期的概念和调控机制2.2 有丝分裂和无丝分裂的过程和机制 2.3 细胞增殖的调控机制3. 细胞信号传导3.1 细胞信号传导的基本概念和分类 3.2 细胞表面受体的结构和功能3.3 第二信使的作用和调控机制3.4 细胞信号传导通路的调控机制4. 细胞器的结构和功能4.1 线粒体的结构和功能4.2 内质网的结构和功能4.3 高尔基体的结构和功能4.4 溶酶体的结构和功能5. 细胞分化和发育5.1 细胞分化的概念和调控机制5.2 胚胎发育过程中的细胞分化5.3 组织器官发育过程中的细胞分化6. 现代细胞生物学研究方法与技术6.1 光学显微镜观察技术6.2 分子生物学实验技术6.3 组织细胞培养技术6.4 基因工程技术在细胞生物学研究中的应用四、教学方法1. 理论授课:通过讲解、示范、案例分析等方式,系统地介绍课程内容;2. 实验教学:组织学生参与实验操作,培养学生实验设计和数据分析能力;3. 讨论研究:组织学生进行小组讨论,解决实际问题,培养学生合作能力;4. 多媒体辅助教学:利用多媒体技术辅助教学,提高教学效果。



《细胞生物学》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:250469课程名称:细胞生物学英文名称:Cell Biology课程类别:专业基础课学时:90学分:4.0适用对象:生物科学专业本科生考核方式:考试,平时成绩占总成绩的30%先修课程:生物化学、微生物生物学、有机化学、普通物理学等二、课程简介细胞生物学是主要基础学科,是从细胞的显微、亚显微和分子三个水平对细胞的各种生命活动开展研究的学科。



Brief introduction to the course of Cell BiologyCell Biology is one of the most important fundamental disciplines in the field of life sciences, and is a discipline to examine life activities of the cell at the micro, sub-micro, super-micro and molecular levels. The diversified reactions during life activities of the cell is investigated concretely with a dynamic point of constituent, structural and functional views simultaneously in the course of Cell Biology. The Cell Biology discipline is studied integrated with the disciplines of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, with the aim to get further knowledge of basic life phenomena accurately, including growth, development, differentiation, reproduction, movement, heredity and variation, senescence and death of organism.三、课程性质与教学目的课程性质:细胞生物学是研究细胞生命活动规律的一门科学, 细胞是生命的结构和功能单位,也是遗传和变异的单位。


课程基本信息(Course Information)
(Course Code)
(Course Name)
(英文)Cell BiologyB (bilingual)
7)Cell signaling:FocusonGeneral Principles of Cell Signaling; G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs); Enzyme-Coupled Receptors.(A3,A5.4.1, B4, B6)
3.System ofCytoskeletonStructure
5)Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts:FocusonMitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation:Molecular mechanisms of electron transport and proton pumping;Chloroplasts and photosynthesis.Understanding ofthe origin s of chloroplasts and mitochondria.(A3,A5.4.1, B3, B6)
重点掌握减数分裂。(A3,A5.4.1,B5, B6)

苏州大学 张焕相细胞本科授课大纲

苏州大学 张焕相细胞本科授课大纲


通过细胞生物学(双语)课程的学习,要求学生达到如下目标:1 掌握细胞生物学中的基础知识和基本理论。

2 熟悉细胞生物学的基本研究手段和实验方法。

3 主动了解细胞生物学的最新研究进展和动态。

4 能将细胞生物学的基本理论融会到后续课程的学习中,从而领悟细胞生物学在整个生命科学中的重要地位。

二、课程内容Chapter 01 Introduction to Cells and Cell Biology 2学时教学内容:1. The discovery of cells2. Cell theory3. Why the cells the basic units of life?4. Basic properties of cells5. The size of cells6. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes7. Model organisims8. Cell replacement therapy9. How to learn cell biology?教学要点:1. 细胞学说的内容2. 如何理解细胞是生命体的基本单位3. 如何理解细胞的全能性4. 细胞的基本特性5. 真核细胞与原核细胞的比较6. 模式生物的意义和主要种类7. 细胞替代疗法的意义和策略2. 如何理解细胞是生命的基本单位3. 如何理解细胞的全能性4. 细胞的基本特性5. 真核细胞与原核细胞的特征比较6. 主要的模式生物及其意义7. 细胞替代疗法的意义和策略Chapter 02 Chemical Basis of Life 2学时教学内容:1. Atoms2. Chemical bonds3. Polar and nonpolar molecules4. The carbon atom5. Functional groups6. Organic molecules in cells biochemicals7. From atoms to the cells教学要点:1. 细胞的主要化学元素和化学键类型2. 细胞内分子的极性和亲水性特点Chapter 03 Membrane Structure 4学时教学内容:1. Typical plasma membranePlasma membrane,Endomembrane system,Biomembrane2. Plasma membrane structure3. Membrane lipidsPhospholipids,Three main types of membrane lipids4. Nature of the lipid bilayerMicelle,Lipid bilayer formation,Self-sealing property,Liposome,Fluidity of lipid bilayer,Lipid rafts5. Membrane proteinsIntegral proteins,Peripheral proteins,Lipid-anchored proteins6. Techniques for studying membrane proteinsFreeze-fracture replication,SDS-PAGE,2-D Gel Electrophoresis7. Membrane carbohydratesGlycolipids,Glycoproteins8. Characteristics of biomembraneMembrane fluidity and flexibility,Membrane asymmetry,Dynamic nature of membrane9. Red blood cell教学要点:1. 膜脂和膜蛋白的类型和特点2. 膜结构模型的要点3. 膜的主要特性及其意义4. 膜蛋白研究的主要技术Chapter 04 Membrane Transport and Membrane Potential 4学时教学内容:1. Movement of solutes across cell membrane2. Simple diffusionConcentration gradient and electrochemical gradient Diffusion of solutesDiffusion of waterDiffusion of ions3. Facilitated diffusion4. Active transportThree ways of driving active transportSodium-potassium pumpThree classes of ATP driven pumpsCotranport5. Membrane potentials and nerve impulsesResting potentialAction potentialPropagation of action potentialNeurotransmission教学要点:1. 被动运输与主动运输的比较和类型2. 简单扩散的影响因素3. 水通道的作用特点4. 离子通道的类型5. KcsA通道和Kv通道的结构和作用特点比较6. 易化扩散的特点和葡萄糖扩散的机制7. 钠钾泵的作用机制和意义8. 离子泵的类型和比较9. 协同运输的机制和类型,葡萄糖吸收的机制10. 静息电位和动作电位的产生原理11. 动作电位传播的机制,神经肌连接的作用机制Chapter 05 Intracellular Compartments 4学时教学内容:1. Compartmentalization of eukaryotic cellsCytoplasmic matrix(cytosol)Endomembrane systemDynamic nature of the endomembrane system2. Approaches to the study of endomembranesAutoradiographySubcellular fractionationGFPCell-free systemGenetic mutants3. Endoplasmic reticulun(ER)Structure and functions of RER and SER4. Golgi complexThe polarity of GCThe functions of GC5. LysosomesCharacteristics of lysosomesThe functions of lysosomes6. Cell nucleusNuclear envelope consists of two membranesThe nuclear laminaThe nuclear pore complex(NPC)教学要点:1. 如何理解内膜系统的动态性2. 研究内膜系统的主要方法3. 内质网的结构特点和功能4. 高尔基体的结构特点和功能5. 溶酶体的结构特点和功能6. 核膜的结构组成,核纤层和核孔复合体的特点Chapter 06 Protein Sorting 4学时教学内容:1. Road map of protein trafficProteins are imported into organelles by three mechanismsSorting signalSignal sequence2. Transport between the nucleus and cytosolNuclear localization signal(NLS)Nuclear transport receptorsImport of proteins from cytoplasm into nucleusNuclear export works like nuclear import, but in reverse3. Transport of proteins into mitochondria and chloroplastsThe protein translocators in the mitochondrial membranesTransport into matrix spaceTransport into the outer membraneTransport into the inner mitochondrial membrane and intermembrane spaceTwo signal sequences direct proteins to the thylakoid membrane in chloroplasts4. Transport of proteins into peroxisomes5. Transport of proteins from cytosol to ERCo-translational and post-translational importSignal hypothesis教学要点:1. 蛋白质运输的三种途径2. 蛋白质分选信号的类型和特点3. 核输入和核输出的意义和机制4. 蛋白质定位于线粒体不同部位的机制5. 蛋白质合成和运输的两种不同途径6. 新生肽如何输入内质网Chapter 07 Vesicular Transport 4学时教学内容:1. Coated vesiclesDifferent coats in vesicular transportClathrin-coated vesiclesCOP Ⅱ-coated vesiclesCOP Ⅰ-coated vesicles2. Rab proteins guide vesicle targeting3. SNAREs mediate membrane fusion4. EndocytosisPhagocytosisPinocytosis5. Exocytosis教学要点:1. 膜泡定向运输的决定因素2. 溶酶体酶是如何合成和运输的3. Rab蛋白在膜泡运输中的作用和机制4. SNARE在介导膜融合中的作用机制5. 微管在膜泡运输中的作用6. 如何理解高尔基体在蛋白质分选中的枢纽作用7. 胞吞作用的意义和类型,LDL摄入的机制Chapter 08 Cytoskeleton 6学时教学内容:1. MicrotubulesStructure and compositionMAPs(microtubule-associated proteins) Dynamics of MT assemblyMTOCsDrugs affecting MT assemblyMotor proteinsCilia and flagella2. MicrofilamentsStructure and compositionMF assembly and disassembly Cytochalasin and phalloidinActin-binding peoteinsMyosinsMuscle contractilityNonmuscle motility3. Intermediate filamentsStructure and compositionIF assembly and disassemblyFunctions of IF4. Nuclear matrix教学要点:1. 细胞骨架的类型和主要功能2. 微管的结构和组装特点3. MTOC的作用和中心体的结构特点4. 马达蛋白的类型和与微管的相互作用5. 纤毛和鞭毛的结构基础6. 微丝的结构和组装特点7. 不同的微丝结合蛋白和myosis与微丝的相互作用8. 肌肉收缩的微丝作用机制9. 微丝在细胞运动中的作用10. 中等纤维的结构和组装特点11. 中等纤维的不同类型和功能Chapter 09 DNA and Chromosome 4学时教学内容:1. Components of chromatinComponent of chromatin---DNAComponent of chromatin---histoneComponent of chromatin---nonhistone2. Nucleosome—structural unit of chromatinSummary of nucleosome structure3. Higher levels of chromatin structure4. Euchromatin and heterochromatin5. X-chromosome inactivationFeatures of X chromosome inactivationMechanism of X chromosome inactivation6. Structure of the mitotic chromosomeCentromere; Kinetochore; Telomere7. Giant chromosomes and Lampbrush chromosomes教学要点:1. 染色质和染色体的化学组成及关系2. 核小体的结构要点3. 染色体包装的主要模型4. 常染色质与异染色质的概念和意义5. X-染色体失活的意义、特征和机制6. 染色体的主要结构7. 巨染色体与灯刷染色体的概念和意义Chapter 10 Cell Cycle 6学时教学内容:1. Cell cycleCell cycle phasesCell cycle lengthCategories of cells in vivo based on proliferative states Synchronization of cellsMain biochemical events of cell cycle phases2. MitosisKey features during prophaseMetaphaseAnaphaseTelophaseCytokinesis3. Meiosis4. MPFDiscovery of MPFRole of MPFRegulation of MPF activity5. Diversity of cyclin-CDK complexes6. Checkpoints in cell-cycle controlG1 checkpoint (START/ Restriction point)G2 checkpoint (unreplicated-DNA checkpoint)M checkpoint(spindle-assembly checkpoint)chromosome-segregation checkpointDNA-damage checkpoint教学要点:1. 细胞根据增殖状态的分类2. 细胞周期同步化的主要方法3. 间期的意义和各时相的主要特点4. 结合纺锤体组装分析有丝分裂M期各阶段动态5. 减数分裂的特点、联会和联会复合体6. MPF的本质、功能和活性调节7. 主要的检验点控制机制Chapter 11 Cell Differentiation 4学时教学内容:1. Differentiation potency of cellsConcept and essence of cell differentiationHouse-keeping gene and Luxury geneMechanism of differential gene expressionCell totipotencyChange of totipotency during embryonic developmentSignificance of DollyTransdifferentiation2. Individual development and cell differentiationCell differentiation and cell determinationKey mechanisms of cell differentiation3. Stem cellCategories of stem cellsPatterns of stem-cell divisionEmbryonic stem cell (ES cell)Adult/tissue stem cellStem cells plasticityInduced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells4. Cancer cellBenign tumor and malignant tumorBasic properties of cancer cellsThe causes of cancerTumor-suppressor genes and oncogenesNew strategies for combating cancer教学要点:1. House-keeping gene和Luxury gene的概念及与细胞分化本质的关系2. 如何理解发育过程中的细胞全能性3. 细胞决定的机制及在分化中的意义4. 干细胞的基本特性和分类5. ES细胞的主要来源、形态和生化特征6. iPS细胞的概念和意义7. 癌细胞的主要形态和生理特征8. 原癌基因和抑癌基因的概念9. Rb和p53基因的意义和分子机制Chapter 12 Apoptosis 4学时教学内容:1. Cell aging/senescenceHayflick limitationLifespan of cells in vitro cultureCharacteristics of cell agingTheories of cell aging2. Cell apoptosis/Programmed cell deathSignificance of cell apoptosisCharacteristics of cell apoptosisTwo styles of the cell death3. Molecular mechanisms of apoptosisExtrinsic pathway of apoptosis-receptor-mediated pathwayIntrinsic pathway of apoptosis-mitochondria-mediated pathway Apoptosis is carried out by the caspase cascadeEvolutionarily conserved apoptotis pathway in C. elegans and vertebrates 教学要点:1. Hayflick界限和体外培养细胞的寿命2. 细胞衰老的特征和主要理论3. 细胞凋亡的意义和特征4. 受体介导和线粒体介导的细胞凋亡途径以及caspase级联的机制5. 线虫凋亡的基因调控机制Chapter 13 Cell Signal Transduction 6学时教学内容:1. Overview of cell signal transductionSignal transductionMain types of cell communicationReceptors2. G-protein-linked receptor and secondary messengerG-protein-linked receptorG-protein and its mechanismSecond messengercAMP signaling pathwayDouble messenger system3. Enzyme-linked receptorReceptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)RTK-Ras signaling pathwayRTK-PIP2 pathwayRTK-PI3K pathwayJAK-STAT signaling pathway4. Intracellular receptorThe mechanism of the intracellular receptorThe role of NO as a signal molecule5. Role of calcium as an intracellular messenger6. Signals that originate from contacts between the cell surface and the substratum7. Important features of cell signaling教学要点:1. G蛋白耦联受体的概念和特征2. G蛋白的概念、特点和作用机理3. cAMP信号通路、肾上腺素升高血糖的细胞机制4. PIP2信号通路5. RTK的特点和Ras-MAPK信号途径6. 细胞内受体的特点和NO信号的作用7. 钙信使的特点和作用8. 信号转导的主要特点三、各章课时分配表。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版《细胞生物学》课程教学大纲课程名称:细胞生物学课程类别:专业主干课适用专业:生物科学、生物技术、生物工程考核方式:考试总学时、学分:48学时3学分其中实验学时: 0 学时一、课程教学目的1、通过理论、实验和自学等教学与实践活动,使学生较全面掌握细胞的形态结构及细胞生命活动规律的基本知识和基本概念。






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苏州大学《细胞生物学(双语)》课程教学大纲课程类别:专业基础课程授课对象:生物科学、生物技术、生物信息等专业本科生开课学期:第3-5学期学分:3学分指定教材:Gerald Karp, 《Cell and Molecular Biology: concepts and experiments》, 2008, 5th edition.教学目的细胞生物学是生物科学领域发展迅速、引人注目的重要学科,有关细胞生物学研究是现代生命科学的重要支柱之一,因而它已成为当今生物科学类专业本科生必修的一门主干课程。

通过细胞生物学(双语)课程的学习,要求学生达到如下目标:1 掌握细胞生物学中的基础知识和基本理论。

2 熟悉细胞生物学的基本研究手段和实验方法。

3 主动了解细胞生物学的最新研究进展和动态。

4 能将细胞生物学的基本理论融会到后续课程的学习中,从而领悟细胞生物学在整个生命科学中的重要地位。

Chapter 01 Introduction to Cells and Cell Biology 2学时教学内容1. The discovery of cells2. Cell theory3. Why the cells the basic units of life?4. Basic properties of cells5. The size of cells6. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes7. Model organisims8. Cell replacement therapy9. How to learn cell biology?思考题1. 细胞学说的内容2. 如何理解细胞是生命体的基本单位3. 如何理解细胞的全能性4. 细胞的基本特性5. 真核细胞与原核细胞的比较6. 模式生物的意义和主要种类7. 细胞替代疗法的意义和策略Chapter 02 Chemical Basis of Life 2学时教学内容1. Atoms2. Chemical bonds3. Polar and nonpolar molecules4. The carbon atom5. Functional groups6. Organic molecules in cells biochemicals7. From atoms to the cells思考题1. 细胞的主要化学元素和化学键类型2. 细胞内分子的极性和亲水性特点Chapter 03 Membrane Structure 4学时教学内容1. Typical plasma membranePlasma membrane,Endomembrane system,Biomembrane2. Plasma membrane structure3. Membrane lipidsPhospholipids,Three main types of membrane lipids4. Nature of the lipid bilayerMicelle,Lipid bilayer formation,Self-sealing property,Liposome,Fluidity of lipid bilayer,Lipid rafts5. Membrane proteinsIntegral proteins,Peripheral proteins,Lipid-anchored proteins6. Techniques for studying membrane proteins Freeze-fracture replication,SDS-PAGE,2-D Gel Electrophoresis7. Membrane carbohydratesGlycolipids,Glycoproteins8. Characteristics of biomembrane Membrane fluidity and flexibility,Membrane asymmetry,Dynamic nature of membrane9. Red blood cell思考题1. 膜脂和膜蛋白的类型和特点2. 膜结构模型的要点3. 膜的主要特性及其意义4. 膜蛋白研究的主要技术Chapter 04 Membrane Transport and Membrane Potential 4学时教学内容1. Movement of solutes across cell membrane2. Simple diffusionConcentration gradient and electrochemical gradientDiffusion of solutesDiffusion of waterDiffusion of ions3. Facilitated diffusion4. Active transportThree ways of driving active transportSodium-potassium pumpThree classes of ATP driven pumpsCotranport5. Membrane potentials and nerve impulsesResting potentialAction potentialPropagation of action potentialNeurotransmission思考题1. 被动运输与主动运输的比较和类型2. 简单扩散的影响因素3. 水通道的作用特点4. 离子通道的类型5. KcsA通道和Kv通道的结构和作用特点比较6. 易化扩散的特点和葡萄糖扩散的机制7. 钠钾泵的作用机制和意义8. 离子泵的类型和比较9. 协同运输的机制和类型,葡萄糖吸收的机制10. 静息电位和动作电位的产生原理11. 动作电位传播的机制,神经肌连接的作用机制Chapter 05 Intracellular Compartments 4学时教学内容1. Compartmentalization of eukaryotic cellsCytoplasmic matrix(cytosol)Endomembrane systemDynamic nature of the endomembrane system2. Approaches to the study of endomembranesAutoradiographySubcellular fractionationGFPCell-free systemGenetic mutants3. Endoplasmic reticulun(ER)Structure and functions of RER and SER4. Golgi complexThe polarity of GCThe functions of GC5. LysosomesCharacteristics of lysosomesThe functions of lysosomes6. Cell nucleusNuclear envelope consists of two membranesThe nuclear laminaThe nuclear pore complex(NPC)思考题1. 如何理解内膜系统的动态性2. 研究内膜系统的主要方法3. 内质网的结构特点和功能4. 高尔基体的结构特点和功能5. 溶酶体的结构特点和功能6. 核膜的结构组成,核纤层和核孔复合体的特点Chapter 06 Protein Sorting 4学时教学内容1. Road map of protein trafficProteins are imported into organelles by three mechanismsSorting signalSignal sequence2. Transport between the nucleus and cytosolNuclear localization signal(NLS)Nuclear transport receptorsImport of proteins from cytoplasm into nucleusNuclear export works like nuclear import, but in reverse3. Transport of proteins into mitochondria and chloroplastsThe protein translocators in the mitochondrial membranesTransport into matrix spaceTransport into the outer membraneTransport into the inner mitochondrial membrane and intermembrane space Two signal sequences direct proteins to the thylakoid membrane in chloroplasts4. Transport of proteins into peroxisomes5. Transport of proteins from cytosol to ERCo-translational and post-translational importSignal hypothesis思考题1. 蛋白质运输的三种途径2. 蛋白质分选信号的类型和特点3. 核输入和核输出的意义和机制4. 蛋白质定位于线粒体不同部位的机制5. 蛋白质合成和运输的两种不同途径6. 新生肽如何输入内质网Chapter 07 Vesicular Transport 4学时教学内容1. Coated vesiclesDifferent coats in vesicular transportClathrin-coated vesiclesCOP Ⅱ-coated vesiclesCOP Ⅰ-coated vesicles2. Rab proteins guide vesicle targeting3. SNAREs mediate membrane fusion4. EndocytosisPhagocytosisPinocytosis5. Exocytosis思考题1. 膜泡定向运输的决定因素2. 溶酶体酶是如何合成和运输的3. Rab蛋白在膜泡运输中的作用和机制4. SNARE在介导膜融合中的作用机制5. 微管在膜泡运输中的作用6. 如何理解高尔基体在蛋白质分选中的枢纽作用··7. 胞吞作用的意义和类型,LDL摄入的机制Chapter 08 Cytoskeleton 6学时教学内容1. MicrotubulesStructure and compositionMAPs(microtubule-associated proteins)Dynamics of MT assemblyMTOCsDrugs affecting MT assemblyMotor proteinsCilia and flagella2. MicrofilamentsStructure and compositionMF assembly and disassemblyCytochalasin and phalloidinActin-binding peoteinsMyosinsMuscle contractilityNonmuscle motility3. Intermediate filamentsStructure and compositionIF assembly and disassemblyFunctions of IF4. Nuclear matrix思考题1. 细胞骨架的类型和主要功能2. 微管的结构和组装特点3. MTOC的作用和中心体的结构特点4. 马达蛋白的类型和与微管的相互作用5. 纤毛和鞭毛的结构基础6. 微丝的结构和组装特点7. 不同的微丝结合蛋白和myosis与微丝的相互作用8. 肌肉收缩的微丝作用机制9. 微丝在细胞运动中的作用10. 中等纤维的结构和组装特点11. 中等纤维的不同类型和功能Chapter 09 DNA and Chromosome 4学时教学内容1. Components of chromatinComponent of chromatin---DNAComponent of chromatin---histoneComponent of chromatin---nonhistone2. Nucleosome—structural unit of chromatinSummary of nucleosome structure3. Higher levels of chromatin structure4. Euchromatin and heterochromatin5. X-chromosome inactivationFeatures of X chromosome inactivationMechanism of X chromosome inactivation6. Structure of the mitotic chromosomeCentromere; Kinetochore; Telomere7. Giant chromosomes and Lampbrush chromosomes思考题1. 染色质和染色体的化学组成及关系2. 核小体的结构要点3. 染色体包装的主要模型4. 常染色质与异染色质的概念和意义5. X-染色体失活的意义、特征和机制6. 染色体的主要结构7. 巨染色体与灯刷染色体的概念和意义Chapter 10 Cell Cycle 6学时教学内容1. Cell cycleCell cycle phasesCell cycle lengthCategories of cells in vivo based on proliferative states Synchronization of cellsMain biochemical events of cell cycle phases2. MitosisKey features during prophaseMetaphaseAnaphaseTelophaseCytokinesis3. Meiosis4. MPFDiscovery of MPFRole of MPFRegulation of MPF activity5. Diversity of cyclin-CDK complexes6. Checkpoints in cell-cycle controlG1 checkpoint (START/ Restriction point)G2 checkpoint (unreplicated-DNA checkpoint)M checkpoint(spindle-assembly checkpoint) chromosome-segregation checkpointDNA-damage checkpoint思考题1. 细胞根据增殖状态的分类2. 细胞周期同步化的主要方法3. 间期的意义和各时相的主要特点4. 结合纺锤体组装分析有丝分裂M期各阶段动态5. 减数分裂的特点、联会和联会复合体6. MPF的本质、功能和活性调节7. 主要的检验点控制机制Chapter 11 Cell Differentiation 4学时教学内容1. Differentiation potency of cellsConcept and essence of cell differentiationHouse-keeping gene and Luxury geneMechanism of differential gene expressionCell totipotencyChange of totipotency during embryonic developmentSignificance of DollyTransdifferentiation2. Individual development and cell differentiationCell differentiation and cell determinationKey mechanisms of cell differentiation3. Stem cellCategories of stem cellsPatterns of stem-cell divisionEmbryonic stem cell (ES cell)Adult/tissue stem cellStem cells plasticityInduced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells4. Cancer cellBenign tumor and malignant tumorBasic properties of cancer cellsThe causes of cancerTumor-suppressor genes and oncogenesNew strategies for combating cancer思考题1. House-keeping gene和Luxury gene的概念及与细胞分化本质的关系2. 如何理解发育过程中的细胞全能性3. 细胞决定的机制及在分化中的意义4. 干细胞的基本特性和分类5. ES细胞的主要来源、形态和生化特征6. iPS细胞的概念和意义7. 癌细胞的主要形态和生理特征8. 原癌基因和抑癌基因的概念9. Rb和p53基因的意义和分子机制Chapter 12 Apoptosis 4学时教学内容1. Cell aging/senescenceHayflick limitationLifespan of cells in vitro cultureCharacteristics of cell agingTheories of cell aging2. Cell apoptosis/Programmed cell deathSignificance of cell apoptosisCharacteristics of cell apoptosisTwo styles of the cell death3. Molecular mechanisms of apoptosisExtrinsic pathway of apoptosis-receptor-mediated pathwayIntrinsic pathway of apoptosis-mitochondria-mediated pathwayApoptosis is carried out by the caspase cascadeEvolutionarily conserved apoptotis pathway in C. elegans and vertebrates思考题1. Hayflick界限和体外培养细胞的寿命2. 细胞衰老的特征和主要理论3. 细胞凋亡的意义和特征4. 受体介导和线粒体介导的细胞凋亡途径以及caspase级联的机制5. 线虫凋亡的基因调控机制Chapter 13 Cell Signal Transduction 6学时教学内容1. Overview of cell signal transductionSignal transductionMain types of cell communicationReceptors2. G-protein-linked receptor and secondary messengerG-protein-linked receptorG-protein and its mechanismSecond messengercAMP signaling pathwayDouble messenger system3. Enzyme-linked receptorReceptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)RTK-Ras signaling pathwayRTK-PIP2 pathwayRTK-PI3K pathwayJAK-STAT signaling pathway4. Intracellular receptorThe mechanism of the intracellular receptorThe role of NO as a signal molecule5. Role of calcium as an intracellular messenger6. Signals that originate from contacts between the cell surface and the substratum7. Important features of cell signaling思考题1. G蛋白耦联受体的概念和特征2. G蛋白的概念、特点和作用机理3. cAMP信号通路、肾上腺素升高血糖的细胞机制4. PIP2信号通路5. RTK的特点和Ras-MAPK信号途径6. 细胞内受体的特点和NO信号的作用7. 钙信使的特点和作用8. 信号转导的主要特点参考书目1.《Molecular Biology of the Cell》Gerald Karp. 2008 5th edition2. 《Molecular Cell Biology》Harvey Lodish. 2008 6th edition3. 《细胞生物学》翟中和等主编2007年第三版。
