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发表时间:2011-09-19T16:57:47.860Z 来源:《新校园》理论版2011年第7期供稿作者:陈伟

[导读] 另外,中学生在写作中存在着较大的心理障碍。





2.单元小结。单元小结的目的,旨在训练学生的写作能力,从训练学生书写完整、正确的句子开始(包括书写格式、标点符号),到训练谴词造句,布局谋篇,组织语言材料,行文成篇。一个阶段有一个阶段的主要训练目标,根据新课程标准,初一和初二以掌握书写格式为主,尽量用自己的话写出5 句以上的单元重点内容。初三以单元重点内容是布局谋篇,较完整地陈述主要内容为训练目标。

如初一(下)Unit28 In the Unit28, I study the simple presenttense. There are many pictures in the lesson. How manypictures can you see? I can see 17 pictures in the Unit. Howdo you usually come to school? I usually come by bus/bike/onfoot. How long does it take by plane? It takes about 11 hours.Sun yang’s mother is ill. She stays in bed all day. Sunyang gives his mother medicine at the right time. He is oftenlate for class, but he is a good boy.


(1)Proverbs: Do Rome as Romans do. East or west, homeis best. Rome was not built in a day. Home is where theheart is.(摘自《英语阅读训练》)

(2)Useful structure: It is time for s.b to do s.th, I wouldlike to do s.th, It is + adj + to do s.th, I takes s.b s.tm todo s.th.(摘自《初中英语第三册》)

(3)Good sentences: Thank you for teaching us so well,Best wishes for Teachers’day, It’s really nice of you, I hopeeverything goes well.(摘自《初中英语第三册》)

(4)Good examples: Hello, everyone. I have something tellyou. It is Sunday tomorrow. We are going to visit the MonkeyIsland. There we can see the animals and we will climb thehill. We will go there by bus. Let’s meet at half past sevenat school gate. We will have lunch at the Monkey Island. Soplease bring some food with you. That’s all. Thank you.(摘自《初中英语》复习指导80 页)



1.改写。以课文为基础,引导学生复述和改写课文。如初三Lesson26,要求学生根据爱迪生一生的经历来组成一段文字说给同学听。 Thomas Edison is a great American inventor. When hewas a pupil he had so many strange questions. Most of thequestions had nothing to do with his lessons. The teacherdidn’t want to teach him any more. His mother taught himhow to read and write. He became interested in science. Atthe age of 12, he started writing his newspapers. When hewas 16, he learnt how to send messages by telegraph. Thenhe opened up his own lab with his money that he madefrom some of his earlier inventions. During his life, he had1.093 inventions. He never gave up! I think we should studyhard, no matter how hard the exercises are, we never giveup!

2.命题作文。命题作文对学生来说有难度,但是恰当的指导可以降低难度。如初三英语试卷上有这样一道作文题:根据汉语提示写50~70 个字的短文。5 月1 号,李杰和他的弟弟去公园玩,出大门时遇见一位老太太,她找不到回家的公共汽车。李杰和弟弟一道帮助她,并送她上了车。要求:(1)认真分析所给材料,审清材料含义;(2)找材料中的要点,写出关键词组;(3)找到要点后用正确的英语表达,并把它们译成英语;(4)写上恰当的连接词,使文章流畅。On May Day Li Jie and his little brother went to play inthe park. There they had a good time. When they walked outof the park, they found an old woman at the gate. She wasvery worried because she couldn’t find out which bus sheshould take to go back home. Li Jie and his brother helpedthe woman find the bus. When the old woman got on the bus,they said“goodbye”to each other.

