
© Copyright 2017New Japan Radio Co., Ltd.Microwave Division-Notice of Proprietary Information-Documents and contents are proprietary to New Japan Radio Co., Ltd. This publication and its contents may not be reproduced or distributed for any other purpose without the written permission of New Japan Radio Co., Ltd.24GHz Microwave Intelligent Motion Sensorfor Short Distance, Low Speed ApplicationsNJR4265R is intelligent motion sensor that is designed for the sensing of short distance low speed movement object of pedestrian etc. The steady sensing of moving object is realized by embedded software. It is suitable for the built-in use of the sensing function to various equipment as all functions are integrated in a small package and it can easily control from PC/MCU by UART interface. Further, stand-alone operation is also possible.Features:●M otion sensor using the 24GHz Microwave Doppler ●Antenna, RF circuit, IF amp, MCU and voltageregulator are integrated in a small package(14 x 20.4 x 8.8mm)●Communication with PC/MCU is available byUART interface and stand-alone operation is also possible●S ignal processing software for the steady sensing Enhancing the signal from movement object and decreasing random noisesDecreasing the mutual interference between sensorsI dentification of direction for movement object(approaching and leaving).●L ow voltage operation and low power consumption ●S leep mode for reducing power when unnecessary Applications:●Various equipment control by human sensing Energy saving managementEntrance and exit managementSafety and SecurityFunctional Brock diagram:Products Line-up:●Model Numbering System●Model Number List*Note: The Model of FCC certification (Model No. NJR4265RF3C1) must refer to Appendix of “FCC Statement of NJR4265RF3”.●Evaluation KitThe evaluation kit is available for NJR4265R series. The contents of the evaluation kit are as follows.Evaluation Kit P/N.: NJR4265J1KContents1.Sensor Module2.Evaluation Board (Functions are UART-to-USB convertor and analog threshold setting)3.GUI SoftwareB Cable1.Absolute Maximum RatingITEM MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS REMARKS Supply Voltage 0 ― 6.5 VOperating Temperature -40 ―+85 °CStorage Temperature -40 ―+85 °C2.Electrical CharacteristicsPower SupplyOperating Voltage 3.0 3.3/5.0 5.25 VOperating CurrentSensing mode ―60 ―mASleep mode ― 4 ―mASensor RFConformity Standard ●EU Certification: Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU●FCC Certification: Part 15.245●MIC Technical Conformity (Japan): ARIB STD-T73Operating FrequencyF1 type 24.05 ―24.25 GHz EU Certification F2 type 24.15 ―24.25 GHzF3 type 24.075 ―24.175 GHz FCC Certification J1 type 24.05 ―24.25 GHz Japan Certification Frequency Stability (Temp.) ―+/-0.2 ―MHz/°C T a=-20to +60 °C Output Power (E.I.R.P.) 8.2 ―13 dBm2nd Harmonics (E.I.R.P.) ――-30 dBmAntenna-3dB beam width (Horizontal)―70 ―deg.-3dB beam width (Vertical) ―54 ―deg.―――dB No Side lobe Side lobe suppression(Horizontal)Side lobe suppression―――dB No Side lobe (Vertical)Typical Radiation Pattern3.Environmental characteristicsITEM SPECIFICATIONOperation Temperature -20 to +60 °CStorage Temperature -40 to +80 °CHumidity 0 to 95 %@+30 °CVibration 49.03 m/s2(5 G), 30 to 50 Hz, 10 minutes, XYZ direction Shock 196.13 m/s2(20 G), Half sine, 11 ms, XYZ direction, 3 times4. Sensing PerformanceCommon measure condition Ta= +25 °C ITEMPERFORMANCE UNITS REMARKSSpeed Range of T arget0.25 to 1.0m/s Maximum Distance in Front 10 m Detectable Angle+/-35deg.*Note) This is not the specification to guarantee the performance of this product. As for the specification of theproduct, the electric characteristic standard is applied. Sensing performance shown here is an example of the result of being likely to obtain it when this product is used on the following conditions. Actual sensing performance would be greatly different in each environment used.Please do enough confirmation in the environment actually used.Definition of Sensing Performance* Speed Range of T arget: The range of the speed that the detection distance become 70% of the detection distance of 0.5 m/s* Maximum Distance in Front:Detectable distance that can be detected in front of sensor when a threshold value set to [999] or when VDD is added to a threshold setting terminal* Detectable Angle:Angle where detection distance becomes 70% of the frontMeasurement condition of detection performance* Temperature:T a = +25 °C* T arget of Measurement: An adult of 170cm/70kg approaching at the rate of 0.5m/s from the front of sensor* Installation of the Sensor:T he sensor is installed as the antennas horizontal horizontally in a height of 1 m from the ground.Weight 70kgTop ViewSide View5.Signal processing for the steady sensing of moving objectThis product is embedding software for the steady sensing of moving object. It is enhance the signal from movement object of pedestrian etc. and is reduce random noise and sudden signal which caused an incorrect detection by using the signal from IQ mixer, namely Environmental Noise Reduction.The following effects are expectable.●Reduction of false detection by random movement such as the shakes of plant by wind or thenoise of rain etc.●Reduction of the false detection by sudden movement such as the insect etc. which cross justbefore a sensor●Steady detection of movement objects such as pedestrian under the environment where theabove-mentioned noise exists.●Reduction of the mutual interference of sensors●Identification of direction of movement (approach and leaving)*Note) This signal processing function assumes the following noises are reduced, and pedestrian's movement is emphasized. However, it is likely to become a counter productivity for a signal outside assumption.6. Interface6.1. Pin AssignmentPin diagram (Bottom View)# NAMEI/O DESCRIPTION 1Option― Option PinOption pin is not assigned at NJR4265R. Keep it in electrically open state 2 TxD (UART) O UART TxD 3 RxD (UART)I UART RxD4Threshold SettingI Analog threshold voltage (V TH )Available to set by the voltage applied to this pin.Threshold of detection distance = V TH / V DD x 10 m *Note1 5 Detect(approaching) O Output for approaching detection *Note2H: Detect / L: No detect6 Detect (leaving) O Output for leaving detection *Note2H: Detect / L: No detect7 VDD I Power Supply Input (V DD ): 3.0 to 5.25 V 8 ― ― Internal connection *Note3DO NOT connect any signal lines including GND. 9 ― ― 10 ― ― 11 GND―GND Pin*Note1) Detection distance assumes the case that an adult of 170cm/70kg approaches at the rate of 0.5m/sfrom the front.*Note2) Pin 5 or 6 is changed to H level respectively when the movements of approaching or leaving isdetected. (Output current < 5mA)*Note3) Pin 8, 9 and10 are used for internal connection. Those must be electrically open independently. Thesepins must use the via holes of an independent pad when the sensor install on a PCB. Do not connect also between these terminals too.6.2.Asynchronous Serial Data Bus (UART) InterfaceNJR4265R is able to control of sensor mode, set of threshold level, acquisition of detection result and Communication ParametersBaud Rates 9600 bpsData Bits 8 bitsStop Bits 1 bitsParity odd ―Handshake non ―Byte Order LSB ―7. Operational modeMODEDESCRIPTIONPower ON / Reset CPU Reset.Initialization Mode Initialize and wait until sensor is stabilized.Notice command is sent out after the completion of initialization.Detection ModeDetection command is sent when following changes arise in the state of the sensor detection.1. detect approaching object2. detect leaving object3. state change from detection to no-detectionSleep ModeShutdown of all analog circuit for reducing the current.When returning to detection mode, about one second needs for stabilization of the sensor .*Note) When the watch dog timer overflows, it is reset from any mode●The default detection mode at the Power-on or CPU reset is analog threshold mode. It is possible to change to the command threshold mode by sending parameter setting commands. (@SP, @SM and @SC)● The @SA command is effective when changing from the command threshold to an analog threshold mode.●When mode is changed to sleep mode or is resumed from sleep mode, the threshold mode is preserved. Moreover, the change of the threshold mode in sleep mode is also possible.State Transition Diagram State Transition Tablemunication command8.1.OutlineCOMMAND TYPE DIRECTION DESCRIPTION EFFECTIVE MODE Detection Sensor to Host Sending from sensor when movementis detectedDetection modeMode Change Host to Sensor Change the sensor mode Detection modeSleep mode Parameter Setting Host to Sensor Setting and change of thresholdparametersQuery Sensor to HostHost to Sensor Reading of state of sensor (mode , parameters)Reset Host to Sensor Reset of sensorStart Notification Sensor to Host Sending from sensor when initializationis completed InitializationmodeError Response Sensor to Host Sending from sensor when error occurs All modemunication Command ListBoth Sensor-to-Host (S-to-H) and Host-to-sensor (H-to-S) use the following formats.@ XXX xx <CR><LF>@: Command headerXXX: Command characters, alphabet 1-3 characters. (Capital letter and small letter are Distinguished.)xx: Command/configuration parameters (numerical value or alphabet onecharacter or “?”.)<CR><LF>: Delimiter (CR+LF)Query CommandsAcquire the present detection Q1 H-to-S @Q1?<CR><LF>Response of present detection S-to-H @C<CR><LF> Approaching@L<CR><LF> Leaving@N<CR><LF> No detection Acquire the present mode Q2 H-to-S @Q2?<CR><LF>Response of present mode S-to-H @T<CR><LF> Detection mode@U<CR><LF> Sleep modeCONTENTS/EFFECTS XXX DIRECTION FORMAT REMARKS Acquire the present threshold mode Q6 H-to-S @Q6?<CR><LF>Response of present threshold mode S-to-H @SA<CR><LF> Analog threshold@SC<CR><LF> Command threshold Acquire the Approaching threshold SP H-to-S @SP?<CR><LF>Response of Approaching threshold S-to-H @SPxxx<CR><LF> *Note1Acquire the Leaving threshold SM H-to-S @SM?<CR><LF>Response of Leaving threshold S-to-H @SMxxx<CR><LF> *Note1Acquire the Analog threshold SV H-to-S @SV?<CR><LF>Response Analog threshold S-to-H @SVxxxx<CR><LF>Value of ADC Acquire the software version V H-to-S @V?<CR><LF>Response of software version S-to-H @Vx.xx<CR><LF> x.xx: Version Reset Command, Start Notification CommandError Response CommandsNotification of UART framing error EF S-to-H @EF<CR><LF>Notification of UART parity error EP S-to-H @EP<CR><LF>Notification of Communication error ER S-to-H @EP<CR><LF>Notification of Self-test ES S-to-H @ER<CR><LF>Notification of watch dog timer error EW S-to-H @EW<CR><LF>*Note1) Capable threshold setting range is Integer 1-999.The relation between the threshold value and the detection distance (*Note2) can be shown by the following expressions:Da =SP/100, [Da] is approaching detection distance (units: m)Dl = SM/100, [Dl] is leaving detection distance (units: m)*Note2) Detection distance assumes the case that an adult of 170cm/70kg approaches at the rate of 0.5m/s from the front.9.Drawing 9.1.Outline10.PackageStandard PackagePacking Quantity: 500 pieces per shipping box11.Reference Circuit11.1.Example of connecting with MCU11.2.Example of using it by stand-alone12.Recommendation Mounting Conditions12.1.Footprint dimensions*Note) In actual design, please optimize in accordance with the situation of your board design and soldering condition.12.2.Soldering conditions●Soldering way: Solder iron *Note●Solder iron temperature: 350 °C or less●Mounting time: 3 second or less per pin*Note) The soldering iron to be used must be grounded via a resistance of about 1 MΩ.Appendix)FCC Statement of NJR4265RF3Rev. 2.0July 11, 2017 Responsible party:New Japan Radio Co.,Ltd.1-1, Fukuoka 2-chome Fujimino city Saitama JapanTel: +81-49-278-1271, Fax: +81-49-278-1234This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is a subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.CautionDC power supply for each module should be conformed to the electricalspecifications as described in this section. A host in which a module isintegrated should provide stable DC power through suitable regulatorcircuit to the module.NOTE:Changes or modifications to the device not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment(s).This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and canradiateradio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The equipment complies with radio frequency exposure limits set forth by the FCC for an uncontrolled environment.The device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with anyother antenna or transmitter.。

5.0 ms Timeout
Timeout Reset
380 ns
© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2004
November, 2004 − Rev. 1
Publication Order Number: NCP1207A/D
Universal Network
NCP1207ADR2 SOIC−8 2500/Tape & Reel
SOIC−8 (Pb−Free)
2500/Tape & Reel 50 Units/Tube
†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.
Sets the peak current setpoint By connecting an Optocoupler to this pin, the peak current setpoint is

©2008 Amp’ed RF Inc
1722 Ringwood Ave, Suite 250, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
BT-120/121 Datasheet Page 5 of 6
Amp’ed RF, Inc.
Amp’ed RF, Inc.
(phone) 408 213-9530 (fax) 408 213-9533
Product Specification
Bluetooth Radio
Fully embedded Bluetooth v2.0 Serial Profile Class 2 radio Complete RF ready module Wireless data communications Integrated chip antenna 128-bit encryption security Range up to 30m LOS FCC & Bluetooth qualified
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BT-120/121 Datasheet Page 2 of 6
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Serial Interface AT Commands
启英泰伦双麦离在线语音识别模组硬件规格书 CI-B03ST01S-BK说明书

双麦离在线语音识别模组硬件规格书型号:CI-B03ST01S-BK版本:V1.0文件历史跟踪DOCUMENT HISTORY PAGE版本号Rev.NO.发起者Originator描述Description日期Date V1.0启英泰伦新建文档2020/05/10声明本手册由成都启英泰伦科技有限公司版权所有,未经许可,任何单位和个人都不得以电子的、机械的、磁性的、光学的、化学的、手工的等形式复制、传播、转录和保存该出版物,或翻译成其他语言版本。
目录1概述 (5)2模组主芯片描述 (7)3模组实物图 (10)4硬件接口定义 (12)5电路设计参考 (15)5.1电源 (15)5.2ADC接口 (15)5.3升级接口 (15)5.4PWM (15)5.5ESD设计 (15)5.6GPIO (16)5.7UART (16)5.8I2S音频接口 (16)5.9调试接口 (16)5.10DAC输出 (16)6电气参数 (17)7使用注意事项 (18)Chipintelli Technology Co.,Ltd.CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.This document is not to be reproduced,modified,adapted,published, translated in any material form in whole or in part nor disclosed to any third party without the prior writtenpermission of Chipintelli Technology Co.,Ltd.1概述启英泰伦双麦离在线语音识别模组CI-B03ST01S-BK是针对离在线应用开发的一款通用、便携、低功耗高性能语音识别模组,该模组具有以下功能和特点:⏹模组搭载高性能CI1103语音识别芯片,通过该芯片内置的基于深度神经网络(DNN)的硬件处理器,内置100条命令词离线语音识别功能,不依赖网络,时延小,且可保护用户隐私。
HC-8645 蓝牙音频模块规格书

HC-8645Bluetooth module specificationsBluetooth®4.0Bluetooth®3.0Type:Document Number:Version:Release Date:(2013-03-01new)Authors:※Does if there are any new version,without prior notice.1、DescriptionHC-8645is a our next generation Stereo ROM solution with aptX®CODEC technology that sets a new standard for wired or wireless stereo audio quality,which customers can use to more easily,quickly and cost effectively bring to market a range of highly differentiated home entertainment and wearable audio products.Figure1:HC-8645Bluetooth module2、Features■80MHz RISC MCU and80MIPS Kalimba DSP■Stereo codec with2microphone inputs■5-band fully configurable EQ■CSR's latest CVC technology for narrowband and wideband voice connections including wind noise reduction■Wideband speech supported by HFP v1.6profile and mSBC codec■Voice recognition support for answering a call,enables true hands-free use■Multipoint HFP connection to2phones for voice■Multipoint A2DP connection enables a headset(A2DP)connection to2A2DP sourcedevices for music playback■Secure simple pairing,CSR's proximity pairing and CSR's proximity connection■Audio interfaces:I²S and PCM■Serial interfaces:UART,USB v2.0(full-speed),I²C and SPI■aptX,SBC,MP3and AAC decoder support■Wired audio support(USB and analogue)■Support for smartphone/tablet applications■Integrated dual switch-mode regulators,linear regulators and battery charger■3LED outputs■Green(RoHS compliant and no antimony or halogenated flame retardants)3、Applications■Stereo headsets■Wired stereo headsets and headphones■Portable stereo speakers5、System Block DiagramFigure2:HC-8645System Block Diagram◇Bluetooth®4.0、Bluetooth®3.0◇CSR8645Stereo ROM Solution with aptX®◇SUPPORT Piconet,up to7Slaves◇SUPPORT I nterfaces:UART and USB v2.0(full-speed)。
8752A-U硬件规格书 v 1.0

8752A-U低功耗蓝牙Mesh模组硬件规格书V1.0修改记录修改记录修改日期修改内容修改人审核人版本2018.8.20首次发行Allen V1.0目录前言 (4)版权声明 (4)1.引言 (5)2.模组结构图 (5)3.模组外观图 (6)4.模组主要特性 (7)5.引脚分配(正面图) (9)6.模组引脚描述 (10)7.硬件设计部分: (12)电源设计 (12)复位电路 (12)Uart通信接口 (13)I2C接口 (15)模数转换接口 (15)PWM接口 (16)天线接口 (16)订购信息 (19)推荐回流曲线 (20)附录:模组尺寸图 (21)前言非常感谢您选择并使用我公司的模组,此模组主要用于蓝牙数据通讯和Mesh组网的智能控制,是一款超紧凑、高性能、低功耗的带有Mesh组网功能的蓝牙通信组件。
2.模组结构图图18752A-U模组结构图3.模组外观图图28752A-U模组外观图4.模组主要特性5.引脚分配(正面图)图38752A-U模组管脚图6.模组引脚描述I/O参数定义:IO双向端口DI数字输入DO数字输出PI电源输入PO电源输出AI模拟输入AO模拟输出7.硬件设计部分:电源设计8752A-U模组只需一路1.8~3.3V的电源连接相应的模块引脚即可工作,供电引脚如下:引脚名引脚编号I/O描述特性备注VBAT8PI模块供电Vmin=1.8vVtyp=3.0vVmax=3.3v 电源必须能够提供不小于50mA的电流GND2,5GNDGND模块VBAT的电压输入范围是1.8V到3.3V,推荐电压为3.0V。
Motorola T800 通信设备模块和配件技术说明书

Technical Note TN-546T800 Equipment Modules and AccessoriesISSUE DATE: 15 OCT 03PAGE 1 OF 3EXCITERSChannel Spacing(kHz)Frequency Stability(ppm)ModelFrequency Band (MHz)Type252012.52.5-30 to +60°C1-20 to +60°C-10•• -15 • • T82766 – 88-16* • • -10• • -13 • • -15 • •136 – 156 -16* • •-20• • -23 • • -25 • •T 837148 – 174 -26* • •-10• • -15 • • 220 – 244-16*+ • • -20• •243 – 270 -25 • • -30• •T 867265 – 285-35• •-20• •330 – 380 -25 • • -40• •T 877350 – 400 -45 • • -10• • -13 • • -15 • •400 – 440 -16* • 1.5ppm-20• • -23 • • -25 • •440 – 480 -26* • 1.5ppm-30• • -35 • •T 857 480 – 520-36*•1.5ppm*Modified to meet FCC Emission Mask requirement+Limited frequency range of 216-220MHz to meet FCC Part 80 requirementsTRANSMITTERSC hannel Spacing (kHz)F requency Stability (ppm)M odel F requency Band(MHz)T ype 252012.52.5 –30 to +60°C1 –20 to +60°C P ower (W)-10•• 25 -15 • • 25T 82666 – 88 -16* ••25-10• • 25 -13 •• 25 -15 • • 25136 – 156 -16* • •25-20• • 25 -23 •• 25 -25 • • 25T 836 148 – 174-26* • •25-10• • 25 -13 •• 25 -15 •• 25400 – 440 -16* • 1.5ppm25-20• • 25 -23 •• 25 -25 •• 25440 – 480 -26* • 1.5ppm25-30• • 25 -35 • • 25T 856480 – 520-36* • 25-10• • 5800 – 870 -15 • • 5-20• •5860 – 910 -25 • • 5 -30• • 5 T 881890 – 960-35••5* Modified to meet FCC Emission Mask requirement A range of continues rated 25watt RF module are available in the 400-520MHz frequencyranges, in a Slimline format only.P OWER SUPPLIESM odelD escription I nput O utputT 807-10-0000S witch Mode PSU 120V / 240V 13.8V / 15AT 808-10-0000S witch Mode PSU 120V / 240V 13.8V / 25AT 809-00-0000S witch Mode PSU120 – 240V13.5V / 200WR ECEIVERSC hannelSpacing (kHz)F requency Stability(ppm)M odel F requency Band(MHz)T ype 252012.52.5 -30 to +60°C1 -20 to +60°C-10• •T 825 66 – 88-15 ••-10• • -13 ••136 – 156-15 • • -20• • -23 •• -25 • •T 835148 – 174 -26* • •-10•• -15 • •220 – 244 -16*+ • •-20• •T 865 243 – 270 -25 • •290 – 330 -10• • -20• •T 875330 – 380 -25 • •-10• • -13 • •400 – 440-15 • •-20• • -23 • •440 – 480-25 • • -30••T 855480 – 530 -35• •-10• •800 – 870 -15• • -20• •860 – 910 -25• • -30••T 885890 – 960-35••* Note:If -30° required than stability =1.5ppmThis chart is not intended to suggest that all or any options and Type Approvalsare necessarily available in any one product. Please check with Tait Electronics Ltd for more information regarding availability of specific models, types and options.POWER AMPLIFIERSM odel Frequency Band(MHz)TypePower (W)T82866 – 88-1050136 – 156-1050T838148 – 174-2050136 – 156-10100T839148 – 174-20100216 – 244-10100243 – 270-20100T869265 – 285-30100330 – 380-2050T878350 – 400-4050400 – 440-1050440 – 480-2050T858480 – 520-3050400 – 440-10100440 – 480-20100T859480 – 520-30100T800 SERIES II – CURRENT OPTIONSO ptions for: T8xx-xx-D escription FrontPanel 0X00Exciter / PA ; cyclic keying Series 202002nd D-range kit factory fittedSeries 202502ndD-range kit factory fitted with RSSIboard (T855 & T875’s only)Series 20300Series II Product in Full Series 1compatible Ex/PA – front drive; no cyclic keying; audio linked; Guides includedSeries 1/20400Front Panel Drive Input for Ex and PA’s Series 20005Cyclic Keying DisabledSeries 20600Transmitter full Quasi Synchronous Series 20602External reference plug fitted but not connected Series 21000Paging EquipmentSeries 27000No Front Panel Assembly Fitted Series 28000Black Front Panel Assembly FittedSeries 2T800 Series IIProgramming KitsT800-01-0002T800 programming cable onlyT800-01-0003T800 programming cable & module interfaceT800-01-0004T800 module interfaceT800-01-0005T800 Std. programming kit with CDT800-01-0006T800 programming kit & module interface General AncillariesT800-80-0000Local microphoneT800-80-0001Local microphone for T803-00-0000General Ancillary KitsT800-03-0000Auxiliary D-range kitT800-04-0000 RSSI assembly for T800 seriesT800-06-0000External Reference Input KitT800-06-0001External Reference Input Kit; with rack coax connector leadsT800-06-0002External Reference Input Kit; (Partial Fitted)T800-06-0003External Reference Input Kit; Dedicated Paging Exciter AssemblyT800-10-0000Channel Select PCB / InternalT818-01-0000 Tx / Rx Local Metering & Monitor unitT800-01-0010Desktop Calibration Test UnitT800-09-0000 Coaxial Relay with mounting BracketT800-09-0001Coaxial Relay with Rack mounting AssemblyT800-09-0002Coaxial Relay for Slimline ConfigurationsT800-16-0000Channel Change and Speaker Panel, 10 channels (BCD Switching)TA087-02-0000Channel Change and Speaker Panel, 100 channels (Enhanced)TA320-10-0000200W Power Combiner, 66 - 125MHzTA320-11-0000200W Power Combiner, 125 - 250MHzTA320-13-0000200 W Power Combiner, 300 - 550MHzTA703-01-0000Standard Changeover for two antennasTA703-01-0001Changeover 72-88MHzTA703-01-0002Changeover 132-174MHzTA703-01-0003Changeover 320-390MHzTA703-01-0004Changeover 400-512MHzTA703-01-0005Changeover 806-960MHzTA703-10-0010Power Monitor Kit 30-88MHzTA703-10-0011Power Monitor Kit 118-512MHzTA703-10-0012Power Monitor Kit 806-960MHzTA703-11-0010Changeover Installation Kit, T800-50-0000TA703-11-0011Changeover Installation Kit, T800-50-0001T803-02-0000Tone Remote and AlarmSeries 2 Front Panel Conversion Kits for Series 1 ModulesT800-70-0000ReceiverT800-71-0000TransmitterT800-72-0000Exciter (rear O/P)T800-73-0000Exciter (front O/P)T800-74-0000PA 50W (rear I/P)T800-75-0000PA 50W (front I/P)T800-76-0000PA 100W (rear I/P)T800-77-0000PA 100W (front I/P)Series 1 Front Panel Conversion Kits for Series 2 ModulesNumbering convention = T800-70-00XYX = T820 (Frequency Band)Y = T825 (Type)ExampleConverting a T825 Series II to a Series I front panel uses aT800-70-0025 Front Panel Conversion KitPower SupplyT807-10-00XX PSU Switch Mode 15Amps (5U Rack Mount)T808-10-00XX PSU Switch Mode 25Amps (5U Rack Mount)T809-00-0000PSU Switch Mode 14.5Amps 240v (5U Rack Mount)T800-23-0011Slimline PSU 13.5V 200W(XX = Power Cord Options)(00 = No Power Cord Supplied)(11 = Aus/NZ Power Cord)(12 = USA/Canada Power Cord)(13 = Open End Power Cord)RacksT800-22-0X00Std. Base Station / Repeater, assembledT800-22-0X06Repeater with link endT800-22-0X10Std. Base Station / Repeater 100W AC (Channel / Panel Option)T800-22-0X11Receiver x4 only with alarmsT800-22-0X12Receiver x4 onlyT800-22-0X14Dual 25W single Supply option with twospeakersT800-22-0X15Dual 25W dual Supply option with two wayswitchable speakerT800-22-0116Dual 50W external DC with two wayswitchable speakerT800-22-0018Dual 25/50W single PSU with two wayswitchable speakerT800-22-0X20Monitor rack max. 50WT800-22-0121Monitor rack 25W with external DCT800-22-0122Monitor Rack 50W with external DCT800-22-0X23Alarm Rack max. 50W (Outputs 0volts onAlarms)T800-22-0X24Alarm Rack max. 50W (Outputs Low onAlarms)T800-24-0X00QS Rack Tx only max. 100W, (alarm option)T800-24-0X01QS Rack Tx Dual 50W, no alarmsT800-24-0X02QS Rack Tx Dual 25/50W, Link RepeaterT800-24-0X03QS Rack Tx Single 100WT800-24-0090QS Rack Tx 50W including Mon. RX and PSU(alarm option)T800-24-0600QS Rack Monitor PSU, Dual receivers andPSU’s with AlarmsT800-24-0601QS Rack Monitor PSU, Dual receivers andPSU’s with No AlarmsT800-25-0001Portable Repeater max. 25W, External DC,PSU and battery backup used as a switchabletalk through repeaterT800-27-0X00Tone Remote / Alarm Dual 25WT800-27-0X01Tone Remote / Alarm max. 100WT800-28-0X00High Stability Oscillator Rack with SingleExternal ReferenceT800-28-0X01High Stability Oscillator Rack with DualExternal ReferenceT800-29-0X00Fylde Trunking Rack Dual 25WT800-29-0X01Fylde Trunking Rack Single 100W(X = Optional Power Inputs Available)Slimline AssembliesT800-23-0000Slimline assembly kit (Hand Wired)T800-23-0001Slimline assembly kit with PSU (Hand Wired)T800-23-100X Slimline assembly kit for Single 25watt PagingTransmitterT800-56-0002Slimline BSM Assembly and PSU (Black)T800-56-0004Slimline BSM Assembly DC only (Black)T800-56-0042Slimline BSM Assembly and PSU withChannel Change (Black)T800-56-0044Slimline BSM Assembly DC only with ChannelChange (Black)T800-56-9002Slimline BSM Assembly and PSU (ContinuosRated 25W)(Black)T800-56-9004Slimline BSM Assembly DC only (ContinuosRated 25W)(Black)T800-56-9012Slimline BSM Assembly and PSU with ToneRemote(Continuos Rated 25W)(Black)T800-56-9014Slimline BSM Assembly DC only with ToneRemote(Continuos Rated 25W)(Black)Rack AncillariesT800-08-0000Ancillary box with front panel assembly, T800ConfigurationT800-08-0001Ancillary box with front panel assembly, T300ConfigurationT800-11-0000DC rear rail assemblyT800-13-0000Extender rail kit with 2 D-range socketsT800-14-0000Extender rail with 11 Way D-Range forexternal referenceT800-17-0010Panel Circuit Breaker Kit 10 AmpT800-17-0020Panel Circuit Breaker Kit 20 AmpT800-17-0030Panel Circuit Breaker Kit 30 AmpT800-18-0001Converter Unit DC24/12v, 8Amps, 25w RacksOnlyT800-18-0004Converter Unit DC24/12v 14Amps, 50wRacks OnlyT800-18-0005Converter Unit DC48/12v 14Amps, 50wRacks OnlyT800-18-0008Converter Unit DC72/13.8v 15Amps, NotRack MountingT800-19-0000Rack Fan Kit Single - Rail mounted(horizontal)T800-19-0002Rack Fan Kit Dual - Rail mounted(horizontal)T800-19-0010Rack Fan Kit Single - Guide Mounting(horizontal)Front Panel KitsT800-15-0000Speaker / Programming portT800-15-0001Speaker OnlyT800-15-0002Speaker Programming Panel with 6 waymonitoring switchT800-15-0003Speaker Programming Panel with 2 waymonitoring switchT800-40-0000Fitting Kit only for Blank PanelT800-40-0001Blank Panel with Fitting KitRack PCB’sT800-50-0000Std. Rack Backplane PCBT800-50-0001Back Plane PCB with Channel PanelOptionsT800-50-0002Back Plane RX only with Channel Panel andAlarm optionsT800-50-0003Back Plane TX only with Channel Panel,Alarm and MonitorT800-50-0004Back Plane RX Single with Channel PanelT800-50-0005Back Plane TX Single with Channel PanelT800-52-0000Back Plane Quasi TX / Alarm / ChannelPanelT800-52-0002Back Plane TX only with External ReferenceT800-54-0000Back Plane Tone Remote for T803 ModuleT800-55-0000Back Plane Paging with External Referencefor HSO ModuleT800-55-0001Back Plane Dual RX/TX External ReferenceT800-57-0000Back Plane Fylde Trunking (TSC02EInterface)T800-60-0000Personality PCB for Monitor & ChannelSelectT800-60-0001Alarm Outputs (low) with Channel SelectionOptionT800-60-0002Alarm Outputs (Zero volts) with ChannelSelection OptionT800-60-0003Wide Band / Narrow Band SwitchingGuide KitsT800-41-0001Single Guide KitT800-41-0002Double Guide KitT800-41-0003Triple Guide KitT800-41-0004Quad Guide KitT800-42-0000Guide Only DuplexerT800-42-0001Guide Duplexer Kit - Duplexer/Panel + CoaxLeadsT800-42-0002Guide Duplexer - Blanking Front Panel, NoCoax LeadsT800-43-0000T1500/T300 Module Guide Kit with 2 D-rangesT800-43-0001T1500/T300 Module Guide Kit with 1 D-rangeT800-44-0000Power Supply (T807/8) Guide KitT800-45-0000PA (50W) Guide KitT800-45-0001PA (100W) Guide KitCabinets*T992-06-0000 Cabinet 6U with Solid Front Door (Rittal)T992-06-0001Cabinet 6U with Glass Front Door (Rittal)T992-09-0000Cabinet 6U with Solid Front Door (Skope)T902-12U Cabinet 12U with Glass Front Door (Rittal)T902-14S Cabinet 14U with Solid Front Door (Skope)T902-25S Cabinet 25U with Solid Front Door (Skope)T902-38S Cabinet 38U with Solid Front Door (Skope)T902-42S Cabinet 42U with Solid Front Door (Skope)T902-45S Cabinet 45U with Solid Front Door (Skope)T991-01Cabinet Desktop 3U (Betacom)T991-02Cabinet Desktop 6U (Betacom)T991-03 1 unit blank front panelT991-06 Cabinet 6U, with door & lock(* All sizes of cabinets can be supplied on request)W ooden Crates*T902-6C Crate Wooden 6u (Rittal)T902-6CS Crate Wooden 6u (Skope)T902-9C Crate Wooden 9u (Skope)T902-14C Crate Wooden 14u (Skope)T902-25C Crate Wooden 25u (Skope)T902-27C Crate Wooden 27u (Skope)T902-38C Crate Wooden 38u (Skope)T902-42C Crate Wooden 42u (Scope)T902-45C Crate Wooden 45u (Skope)(* All sizes of crates can be supplied on request)PagingT800-30-0000DFSK Paging, Standard (Speech and Data)T800-30-0002DFSK Paging, External Reference,Standard (Speech and Data)T800-32-0000Low Speed Paging Modulator Kit Assembly(Data Only)T800-32-0010Low Speed Paging Modulator with ExternalReference (Data Only)T800-37-0000Modem / Delay Unit (Fit’s Inside Ex/Txmodules)T801-20-000010 MHz High Stability OscillatorT800 Series IGeneral Ancillary KitsT800-02CTCSS de/encoder kitT800-03Auxiliary D-range kitT800-04RSSI assembly for T700/T800 seriesT800-05Guide assemblyT800-06Remote TCXO input kitT800-07Multichannel memory kitT800-10Memory moduleT800-30DFSK standard paging modulator kitT800-35DFSK simulcast paging modulator kitT800-50FFSK Trunking Receiver kitT800-51Trunking Transmitter Interface kitT800-55High Sensitivity PreampT800-80-0000Local microphoneTA087-02-0300Channel Change and Speaker Panel, 100channels (Enhanced)Rack AncillariesT800-15T800 speaker assembly, 60mmT800-16T800 speaker assembly. 120mmT800-19Horizontal rack mounting fanT992-04Rack frame, metal onlyT002-40T300 guide, single socketT002-50T300 guide, double socketT002-60Duplexer mounting kit (incl. panel)T004-05Rack assembly kitT800-09-0000 Coaxial Relay with mounting BracketT800-09-0001Coaxial Relay with Rack mounting AssemblyT800-09-0002Coaxial Relay for Slimline ConfigurationsRacksT800-20Standard wired rackT800-21Wired rack / PCBS limlinesT800-23-0000Slimline repeater mounting kitT800-23-0001Slimline repeater mounting kit with power supply Conversion KitsT800-81T835 WB to NB conversion kitT800-82T836//7 WB to NB conversion kitPower SupplyT807-10-0300PSU Switch Mode 15Amps (5U Rack Mount)T808-10-0300PSU Switch Mode 25Amps (5U Rack Mount)T800-23-0011Slimline PSU 13.5V 200WQuasi-SyncT801-00 Frequency Reference module with No Internal StandardT801-02Frequency Reference with 5ppb/yr Internal StandardT801-05Frequency Reference No Heat Sink AssemblyT801-10OCXO Reference Module 1UT801-11OCXO Reference Module 1U (No OCXO Fitted)T805-00-0001System ControllerT805-01AIM / ARMT805-02LEM CardT805-03TSGM CardT805-04Rack FrameT805-06Remote site signal processor Cabinets*T992-06-0000 Cabinet 6U with Solid Front Door (Rittal)T992-06-0001Cabinet 6U with Glass Front Door (Rittal) T992-09-0000Cabinet 6U with Solid Front Door (Skope) T902-12U Cabinet 12U with Glass Front Door (Rittal) T902-14S Cabinet 14U with Solid Front Door (Skope) T902-25S Cabinet 25U with Solid Front Door (Skope) T902-38S Cabinet 38U with Solid Front Door (Skope) T902-42S Cabinet 42U with Solid Front Door (Skope) T902-45S Cabinet 45U with Solid Front Door (Skope) T991-01Cabinet Desktop 3U (Betacom)T991-02Cabinet Desktop 6U (Betacom)T991-03 1 unit blank front panelT991-06 Cabinet 6U, with door & lock(* All sizes of cabinets can be supplied on request)W ooden Crates*T902-6C Crate Wooden 6u (Rittal)T902-6CS Crate Wooden 6u (Skope)T902-9C Crate Wooden 9u (Skope)T902-14C Crate Wooden 14u (Skope)T902-25C Crate Wooden 25u (Skope)T902-27C Crate Wooden 27u (Skope)T902-38C Crate Wooden 38u (Skope)T902-42C Crate Wooden 42u (Scope)T902-45C Crate Wooden 45u (Skope)(* All sizes of crates can be supplied on request)。
聆思科技 听声 双麦离线语音交互芯片产品规格书说明书

双麦离线语音交互芯片 产品规格书 型号:C4203-L02C文档密级:对外公开 Version 1.2 2021.1.18L I S T E N A I _f o r _L I S T E NAI_for _LISTENAI_for_LISTE N A I _f o r _L I S T E N A I _f o r _LI S T E N A I _f o r _声明 本手册由聆思科技版权所有,未经许可,任何单位和个人都不得以电子的、机械的、磁性的、光学的、化学的、手工的等形式复制、传播、转录和保存该出版物,或翻译成其它语言版本。
L I S T E N A I _f o r _L IS T E NAI_for _LISTENAI_for_LISTE N A I _f o r _L I S T E N A I _f o r _L I S T E N A I _f o r _变更记录L I S T E N A I _f o r _L IS T E NAI_for _LISTENAI_for_LISTE N A I _f o r _r _目录 声明 ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 变更记录 ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 1产品简介 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 方案介绍 ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 方案特性 ......................................................................................................................................... 5 2产品能力介绍 ......................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 功能介绍 ......................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 AI 技术特点 ..................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1双麦降噪 ....................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 噪声抑制 ...................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.3 语音唤醒 ...................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.4 离线识别 .. (8)2.2.5 播报打断 (8)2.3 效果介绍 (9)3使用场景 (10)4 模组介绍 (11)4.1 模组配置 (11)4.2 系统框图 (12)4.3 芯片框图 (12)4.4 封装 ................................................................................................................................................ 13 L I S T E N A I _f o r _L IS T E NAI_for _L ISTENA I_for_L ISTE N A I _f o r _L I S T E N A I _f o r _L I S T E N A I _f o r _4.5 芯片引脚说明 .............................................................................................................................. 14 4.6 电气特性 ....................................................................................................................................... 15 5 开发流程 ............................................................................................................................................... 16 6 可靠性测试 .......................................................................................................................................... 18 6.1 外观 ................................................................................................................................................ 18 6.2 盐雾测试 ....................................................................................................................................... 18 6.3 高温高湿存储测试 ..................................................................................................................... 18 6.4 温度冲击测试 .............................................................................................................................. 18 6.5 低温存储测试 .............................................................................................................................. 19 6.6 85/85实验 ..................................................................................................................................... 19 6.7 有毒有害物质检测 ..................................................................................................................... 19 6.8 连接测试 ....................................................................................................................................... 19 6.9 振动测试 (19)6.10 高温运行测试 (19)6.11 低温运行测试 (20)6.12 开关机测试 (20)L I S T E N A I _f o r _L IS T E NAI_for _LISTENAI_for_L ISTE N A I _f o r _L I S T E N A I _f o r _L I S T E N A I _f o r _1产品简介 1.1 方案介绍 随着人工智能行业的迅猛发展,人工智能技术开始应用在各种用户场景,智能硬件产品开始逐步普及,走向千家万户。
成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司E72-2G4M23S1A ZigBee 6LoWPAN无线模块产品规格书

E72-2G4M23S1A产品规格书CC2630+PA+LNA ZigBee 6LoWPAN 无线模块第一章概述1.1 简介E72-2G4M23S1A是基于美国德州仪器(TI)生产的CC2630为核心自主研发的最大发射功率为100mW的小体积贴片型ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线模块,采用24MHz工业级高精度低温漂有源晶振。
CC2630芯片内部集成有 128KB 系统内可编程闪存和 8KB 缓存静态RAM(SRAM)与ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线通信协议,由于其内部具有独特的超低功耗传感器控制器,因此非常适合连接外部传感器。
1.2 特点功能⚫内置PA+LNA,理想条件下,通信距离可达1.5km;⚫最大发射功率100mW,软件多级可调;⚫内置ZigBee、6LoWPAN协议栈;⚫内置TI原装射频范围扩展器CC2592;⚫内置32.768kHz时钟晶体振荡器;⚫支持全球免许可ISM 2.4GHz频段;⚫内置高性能低功耗Cortex-M3与 Cortex-M0双核处理器;⚫丰富的资源,128KB FLASH,28KB RAM;⚫支持2.0~3.6V供电,大于3.3V供电均可保证最佳性能;⚫工业级标准设计,支持-40~+85℃下长时间使用;⚫双天线可选(PCB/IPX),用户可根据自身需求选择使用。
1.3 应用场景⚫智能家居以及工业传感器等;⚫安防系统、定位系统;⚫无线遥控,无人机;⚫无线游戏遥控器;⚫医疗保健产品;⚫无线语音,无线耳机;⚫汽车行业应用。
第二章规格参数2.1 极限参数主要参数性能备注最小值最大值电源电压(V)0 3.8 超过3.8V 永久烧毁模块阻塞功率(dBm)- 10 近距离使用烧毁概率较小工作温度(℃)-40 +85 工业级2.2 工作参数主要参数性能备注最小值典型值最大值工作电压(V) 1.8 3.3 3.8 ≥3.3V 可保证输出功率通信电平(V) 3.0 使用5V TTL 有风险烧毁工作温度(℃)-40 - +85 工业级设计工作频段(GHz) 2.402 - 2.480 支持ISM 频段功耗发射电流(mA)182.5 瞬时功耗接收电流(mA)11.1休眠电流(μA) 1.4 软件关断最大发射功率(dBm)22.6 23.0 23.2接收灵敏度(dBm)-100.5 -102.0 -103.5 空中速率为250kbps空中速率(bps)250k - 1M 用户编程控制主要参数描述备注参考距离1500m 晴朗空旷,天线增益5dBi,高度2.5米,空中速率250kbps 晶振频率24MHz/32.768KHz支持协议ZigBee封装方式贴片式接口方式 1.27mmIC全称CC2630F128RGZRFLASH 128KBRAM 28KB内核Cortex-M3+Cortex-M0外形尺寸17.5*33.5 mm天线接口PCB/IPEX 等效阻抗约50Ω第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义引脚序号引脚名称引脚方向引脚用途1、2、3 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地4 DIO_0 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)5 DIO_1 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)6 DIO_2 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)7 DIO_3 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)8 DIO_4 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)9 DIO_5 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)10 DIO_6 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)11 DIO_7 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)12 DIO_8 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)13 DIO_9 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)14 DIO_10 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)15 DIO_11 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)16 DIO_12 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)17 DIO_13 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)18 DIO_14 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)19 DIO_15 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)20 JTAG_TMS 输入/输出JTAG_TMSC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)21 JTAG_TCK 输入/输出JTAG_TCKC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)22 DIO_16 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDO(详见CC26xx 手册)23 DIO_17 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDI(详见CC26xx 手册)24 DIO_18 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)25 DIO_19 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)26 DIO_20 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)27 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地28 DIO_21 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)29 VCC 电源,1.8~3.8V30 DIO_22 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)31 DIO_23 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)32 nRESET 输入复位,低电平(详见CC26xx 手册)33 DIO_24 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)34 DIO_25 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)35 DIO_26 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)36 DIO_27 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)37 DIO_28 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)38 DIO_29 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)39 DIO_30 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)40、41、42 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地第四章基本操作4.1硬件设计⚫推荐使用直流稳压电源对该模块进行供电,电源纹波系数尽量小,模块需可靠接地;⚫请注意电源正负极的正确连接,如反接可能会导致模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查供电电源,确保在推荐供电电压之间,如超过最大值会造成模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查电源稳定性,电压不能大幅频繁波动;⚫在针对模块设计供电电路时,往往推荐保留30%以上余量,有整机利于长期稳定地工作;⚫模块应尽量远离电源、变压器、高频走线等电磁干扰较大的部分;⚫高频数字走线、高频模拟走线、电源走线必须避开模块下方,若实在需要经过模块下方,假设模块焊接在Top Layer,在模块接触部分的Top Layer铺地铜(全部铺铜并良好接地),必须靠近模块数字部分并走线在Bottom Layer;⚫假设模块焊接或放置在Top Layer,在Bottom Layer或者其他层随意走线也是错误的,会在不同程度影响模块的杂散以及接收灵敏度;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的器件也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的走线(高频数字、高频模拟、电源走线)也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫通信线若使用5V电平,必须串联1k-5.1k电阻(不推荐,仍有损坏风险);⚫尽量远离部分物理层亦为2.4GHz的TTL协议,例如:USB3.0;⚫天线安装结构对模块性能有较大影响,务必保证天线外露,最好垂直向上。

BTA140 series TriacsNXP Semiconductors Product specificationTriacs BTA140 seriesTHERMAL RESISTANCESSYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT R th j-mb Thermal resistance full cycle -- 1.0K/W junction to mounting base half cycle -- 1.4K/W R th j-aThermal resistance in free air -60-K/Wjunction to ambientSTATIC CHARACTERISTICST j = 25 ˚C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT I GTGate trigger currentV D = 12 V; I T = 0.1 AT2+ G+-635mA T2+ G--1035mA T2- G--1135mA T2- G+-2370mA I LLatching currentV D = 12 V; I GT = 0.1 AT2+ G+-840mA T2+ G--3060mA T2- G--1840mA T2- G+-1560mA I H Holding current V D = 12 V; I GT = 0.1 AT2+-760mA T2--1260mA V T On-state voltage I T = 30 A- 1.3 1.55V V GT Gate trigger voltage V D = 12 V; I T = 0.1 A-0.7 1.5V V D = 400 V; I T = 0.1 A; T j = 125 ˚C 0.250.4-V I DOff-state leakage currentV D = V DRM(max); T j = 125 ˚C-0.10.5mADYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICST j = 25 ˚C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT dV D /dt Critical rate of rise of V DM = 67% V DRM(max); T j = 125 ˚C;100300-V/µs off-state voltageexponential waveform; gate open circuit dV com /dt Critical rate of change of V DM = 400 V; T j = 95 ˚C; I T(RMS) = 25 A;-10-V/µs commutating voltage dI com /dt = 9 A/ms; gate open circuit t gtGate controlled turn-on I TM = 30 A; V D = V DRM(max); I G = 0.1 A;-2-µstimedI G /dt = 5 A/µsLegal informationDATA SHEET STATUSNotes1.Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.2.The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was publishedand may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL . DOCUMENT STATUS (1)PRODUCT STATUS (2)DEFINITIONObjective data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development.Preliminary data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification. Product data sheet ProductionThis document contains the product specification.DEFINITIONSProduct specification ⎯ The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between NXP Semiconductors and its customer, unless NXPSemiconductors and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the NXP Semiconductors product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet.DISCLAIMERSLimited warranty and liability ⎯ Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give anyrepresentations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.In no event shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation - lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or reworkcharges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors’aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited inaccordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP Semiconductors.Right to make changes ⎯ NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to informationpublished in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use ⎯ NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severeproperty or environmental damage. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment orapplications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Applications ⎯ Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXPSemiconductors products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NXPSemiconductors product is suitable and fit for thecustomer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.Legal informationNXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third partycustomer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect.Limiting values ⎯ Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or theCharacteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device.Terms and conditions of commercial sale ⎯ NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at /profile/terms, unless otherwiseagreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer.No offer to sell or license ⎯ Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.Export control ⎯ This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export controlregulations. Export might require a prior authorization from national authorities.Quick reference data ⎯ The Quick reference data is an extract of the product data given in the Limiting values and Characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not complete, exhaustive or legally binding.Non-automotive qualified products ⎯ Unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific NXPSemiconductors product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications.In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotivespecifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without NXP Semiconductors’ warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NXPSemiconductors’ specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NXP Semiconductors for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors’ standard warranty and NXP Semiconductors’ product specifications.Contact informationFor additional information please visit: For sales offices addresses send e-mail to: salesaddresses@Customer notificationThis data sheet was changed to reflect the new company name NXP Semiconductors, including new legal definitions and disclaimers. No changes were made to the content, except for the legal definitions and disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2011All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights.Printed in The Netherlands分销商库存信息:NXPBTA140-600,127BTA140-800,127。
BT153B-1200T-A 自动洗车机器人电源模块说明书

BT153B-1200T-AAutomotive Grade SCRRev.01 - 25 July 2019Product data sheet1. General description2. Features and benefits• High junction operating temperature capability (T j(max) = 150 °C)• AEC-Q101 compliant• Planar passivated for voltage ruggedness and reliability • High voltage capacity• Very high current surge capability • Surface mountable package3. Applications• Automotive battery charger, On Board Charger & Off Board Charger • DC motor control • Power converter• Solid State Relay (SSR)• Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)4. Quick reference dataPlanar passivated Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) in a TO-263 surface mountable plastic package intended for use in applications requiring very high inrush current capability and high bidirectional blocking voltage capability. This product is qualified toAEC-Q101 standard for use in automotive applications.RoHS5. Pinning information6. Ordering information7. Marking8. Limiting valuesTable 5. Limiting values-5005010015001224364860T mb (°C)I T(RMS)(A)clfh4-001119°C10-210-111045495357616569surge duration (s)I T(RMS)(A)clfh4-002Fig. 1. RMS on-state current as a function of mounting base temperature; maximum values f = 50 Hz; T mb = 119 °C Fig. 2. RMS on-state current as a function of surgeduration; maximum values9. Thermal characteristics10. Characteristics-500501001500123T j (°C)clfh4-009I LI L (25°C)-500501001500123T j (°C)clfh4-010I HI H (25°C)00.51 1.521632486480V T (V)I T(A)clfh4-010(1)(3)(2)-500501001500. j (°C)clfh4-012V GTV GT (25°C)Fig. 9. Normalized latching current as a function of junction temperatureV o = 1.039 V; R s = 0.0089 Ω(1) T j = 150 °C; typical values (2) T j = 150 °C; maximum values (3) T j = 25 °C; maximum valuesFig. 11. On-state current as a function of on-state voltageFig. 12. Normalized gate trigger voltage as a function of junction temperatureFig. 10. Normalized holding current as a function of junction temperature11. Package outline12. Legal informationData sheet status[1lease consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.[2]The term 'short data sheet' is explained in section "Definitions".[3]The product status of device(s) described in this document may havechanged since this document was published and may differ in case ofmultiple devices. The latest product status information is available onthe Internet at URL .DefinitionsDraft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. WeEn Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local WeEn Semiconductors sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail.Product specification — The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between WeEn Semiconductors and its customer, unless WeEn Semiconductors and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the WeEn Semiconductors productis deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet.DisclaimersLimited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believedto be accurate and reliable. However, WeEn Semiconductors does notgive any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. WeEn Semiconductors takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of WeEn Semiconductors.In no event shall WeEn Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation -lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, WeEn Semiconductors’ aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of WeEn Semiconductors.Right to make changes — WeEn Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use — WeEn Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-criticalor safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failureor malfunction of an WeEn Semiconductors product can reasonablybe expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. WeEn Semiconductors and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of WeEn Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Quick reference data — The Quick reference data is an extract of the product data given in the Limiting values and Characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not complete, exhaustive or legally binding. Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. WeEn Semiconductors makesno representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using WeEn Semiconductors products, and WeEn Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the WeEn Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.WeEn Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or defaultin the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using WeEn Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applicationsand the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). WeEn does not accept any liability in this respect.Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above thosegiven in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device.No offer to sell or license — Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities.Non-automotive qualified products — Unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific WeEn Semiconductors product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. WeEn Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications.In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without WeEn Semiconductors’ warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond WeEn Semiconductors’ specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies WeEn Semiconductors forany liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond WeEn Semiconductors’ standard warranty and WeEn Semiconductors’ product specifications.]PTranslations — A non-English (translated) version of a document is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions.TrademarksNotice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.WeEn Semiconductors BT153B-1200T-AAutomotive Grade SCRBT153B-1200T-A Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.© WeEn Semiconductors Co.,Ltd.2019All rights reserved25 July 201911 / 1113. Contents1. General description (1)2. Features and benefits (1)3. Applications (1)4. Quick reference data (1)5. Pinning information (2)6. Ordering information (2)7. Marking (2)8. Limiting values (3)9. Thermal characteristics (5)10. Characteristics (6)11. Package outline (8)12. Legal information (9)13. Contents (11)© WeEn Semiconductors Co., Ltd. 2019. All rights reservedFor more information, please visit: Forsalesofficeaddresses,pleasesendanemailto:**************************** Date of release: 25 July 2019。

发NCP1207电流模式PWMController for Free Running 准谐振 NCP1207集成了电流型PWM 控制和退磁检测电路,在大范围的负载和输入电压变化情况下,确保谷电压开关(准谐振方式)和borderline/critical 传导模式。
器件内的8uS 计时器,限制了开关频率不高于100KHz (低于CISPR −22 EMI 中的150KHz 限制)。
器件的“动态自给(DSS )”功能简化电路设计,可以取消变压器的辅助绕组供电,这个特点特别适用于电源输出电压大范围变化的场合,如电池充电器。
由于采用了HV 设计,器件直接连接到高压直流母线。
退磁检测电路通过一个辅助绕组检测变压器磁芯是否复位,同时这个引脚还具备快速过压保护(OVP )功能,一旦退磁检测引脚检测到的电压达到OVP 门限,器件进入闭锁状态。
连续监测反馈信号和过流故障保护(OCP )功能,使最终设计出来的产品更可靠。
器件特性 z borderline/critical 准谐振模式 z 电流型自动跳过周期模式 z 可取消辅助绕组供电 z (折返型)自动电流限(OCP ) z 过压锁死(OVP ) z 外部锁存触发。
例如外加过热保护电路 z 500mA 源/沉输出驱动能力 z 内部1mS 软启动 z 内部最小8uS 导通时间 z 可调节进入突发模式功率水平 z 集成过热保护 z 光耦合器直接连接 z SPICE 仿真模型用于瞬态分析 z 可选无铅封装典型应用 z笔记本电脑等AC/DC 适配器z 离线电池充电器 z 消费类电子设备(DVD 、机顶盒、电视机等)图一典型应用引脚说明引脚号引脚名称功能描述退磁检测与OVP 检测反激电源中一个辅助绕组上的电压确定变压器是否1 Demag复位,过压保护门限7.2V。
Panduit G5系列PDU及配件说明书

Best-in-Class Outlet Density Optimal Form Factors Superior Reliability TM TM TMPDU Pocket GuideWelcome to the Panduit G5 Series of PDU’s and AccessoriesQuality & Reliability 3-Year standardand 5-Year extended warranty.High Temperature Built with premium components to withstand 140°F (60°C) at full load.High Density Power Unique outlets design for high outlet density.Hot-Swappable & UpgradableHot-Swappable Controller with large OLED display.Hardened Security Enhanced security with certificate-based advanced asymmetric encryption, validated and hardened with multiple security scanning tools.1GB On Board Ethernet Connection Reduces deployment time and labor as PDU auto negotiates to 1GB network switches.Real-Time Monitor Real-time Monitoring of Power, Environmental & Cabinet Security.Plug & Play Accessories Variety Environmental & Cabinet Access Control Accessories.Multi-Device WebGUI Enhanced User-Experience with a self adjusting WebGUI that senses the device you are on.Multi-ColourA variety of coloured PDU chassis, power cords, and cable ties.2Product Families3Monitored Input (MI Series)Input power monitoring.Monitored Switched (MS Series)Input power monitoring and outlet switching.Monitored Per Outlet (MPO Series)Input and Outlet level power monitoring.Monitored & Switched Per Outlet (MSPO Series)Input and Outlet level power monitoring and outlet switching.Note: All intelligent PDU’s include environmental monitoring with rackaccess control.Basic PDU’sReliable power distribution (non-network).AccessoriesOffering a variety of Environmental Sensors; Security Devices and Power Cords.For more information and support/pduG5 iPDU4Low Profile Designsaves rack spaceIncrease airflowMetering+/- 1% billing-gradeaccuracyHigh DensityBest-in-Class outletdensity to match theincreased density ofrack IT equipmentHot-SwappableNetwork Modulewith Power ShareDaisy-Chain CapabilitiesUp to 4 PDU’sand 32 sensorsTemperature140°F (60°C) withFull Load Rating1-Phase5extreme temperaturesLocking IEC Outletswith Power Cords1GB Ethernetwith Redundant Network AccessColour Coded Outletsand Circuit Breakers™Security SmartZone ™ Security HandleUSB PortMonitored Input(MI Series)6Input Current ApparentPower Outlet1-Phase7Length Width Depth (mm)at Outlet PanduitMonitored Switched(MS Series)8Input Current ApparentPower Outlet1-Phase9Length Width Depth (mm)at Outlet PanduitMonitored Per Outlet(MPO Series)10Monitored and Switched Per Outlet(MSPO Series)Input Current ApparentPower Outlet11Length WidthDepth (mm)at Outlet PanduitInput CurrentApparentPower Outlet Basic Series121-Phase13(12)C1344.0443.5269.8P12B34MOutlet Type Length (mm)Width (mm)Depth (mm)at Outlet position Panduit Part No.AccessoriesSecurity & Environmental Accessories that connect directly to the G5 iPDU.Note: A maximum of 8 sensors can be managed by the Panduit SmartZone ™ G5 PDU controller. See User Manual for Complete Details.DescriptionDimensions L x W x H (in.)Length (ft.)Panduit Part No.Temperature Sensor1.73 x 0.83 x 0.436.56EA001Temperature + Humidity Sensor 1.73 x 0.83 x 0.436.56EB0013 Temperature + Humidity Sensor1.73 x 0.83 x 0.436.56EC001Water - Rope 2.36 x 2.36 x 0.87 6.56ED001Water - Spot2.36 x 2.36 x 0.8716.40EE0013 Sensor Hub3.35 x 1.26 x 1.06n/aEF001Water - Rope extensionn/a6.56EG001Door Switch (magnetic 2 piece) 1.73 x 0.83 x 0.43 (1.14 x 0.67 x 0.28for magnet) 3.28ACA01Dry Contact Input 1.73 x 0.83 x 0.439.84ACC01USB Light Strip15 x 1 x 0.55.0ACD01EA001EE001EB001EF001EC001EG001ED001ACA01ACC01ACD0114SmartZone™ Security Handle & Accessories that attach to the handle.DescriptionDimensionsL x W x H (in.)Length(ft.)PanduitPart No.SmartZone™ Security Handle with HumiditySensor and Card Readern/a n/a ACF05SmartZone™ Security Handle with HumiditySensor and Card Reader + Keypadn/a n/a ACF06 SmartZone™Handle T + Door Sensor n/a7.64ACF10 SmartZone™Handle 3T + Door Sensor n/a9.84ACF11 SmartZone™Handle to iPDU Harness n/a9.12ACF20ACF05ACF06ACF10ACF11ACF2015Accessories Dual Locking Power Cords(UL, CE, VDE, TUV Approved)Colour Description Ratings Gauge/Cross Section Area161-Phase C14C13 C14C13C14C13Length (meters)Part Number (10 pk)0.6LPCA01-X1.2LPCA02-X1.8LPCA03-X2.4LPCA04-X0.6LPCA06-X1.2LPCA07-X1.8LPCA08-X2.4LPCA09-X0.6LPCA11-X1.2LPCA12-X1.8LPCA13-X2.4LPCA14-X17Dual Locking Power Cords(UL, CE, VDE, TUV Approved)Colour DescriptionRatingsGauge/Cross Section AreaAccessories181-PhaseIEC C20IEC C19IEC C20IEC C19IEC C20IEC C19Length (meters)Part Number (10 pk)0.6LPCB01-X 1.2LPCB02-X 1.8LPCB03-X 2.4LPCB04-X 0.6LPCB06-X 1.2LPCB07-X 1.8LPCB08-X 2.4LPCB09-X 0.6LPCB11-X 1.2LPCB12-X 1.8LPCB13-X 2.4LPCB14-X19Complete Warranty & Compliance information can be found at *********************************。

Key Features:
12W Output Power UL Approved (File E245422) 4:1 Input Voltage Range 1,500 VDC Isolation Compact 1 x 2 Inch Case Single & Dual Outputs Optional Remote ON/OFF Industry Standard Pin-Out
Caution: Exceeding Absolute Maximum Ratings may damage the module. These are not continuous operating ratings.
Model Selection Guide
500 400
600 450
Parameter Operating Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Cooling Humidity RFI Min. Typ. Max. -40 +25 +71 -40 +90 -40 +125 Free Air Convection (See Curves on Page 2) RH, Non-condensing 95 Six-Side Shielded Metal Case Ambient Case
Model Number B1201RU B1202RU B1203RU B1204RU B1205RU B1206RU B1207RU B1211RU B1212RU B1213RU B1214RU B1215RU B1216RU B1217RU Notes: Input Voltage (VDC) Nominal 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Range 9.0 - 36.0 9.0 - 36.0 9.0 - 36.0 9.0 - 36.0 9.0 - 36.0 9.0 - 36.0 9.0 - 36.0 18.0 - 75.0 18.0 - 75.0 18.0 - 75.0 18.0 - 75.0 18.0 - 75.0 18.0 - 75.0 18.0 - 75.0 Current (mA) FullNoLoad Load 423 10 508 10 595 10 595 10 508 10 595 10 595 10 212 5 254 5 298 5 298 5 254 5 298 5 298 5 Over Fuse Rating Voltage Ef ciency Slow-Blow Voltage Current Current Protection (%, Typ) (mA) (VDC) (mA, Max) (mA, Min) (VDC) 3.3 5.0 12.0 15.0 ±5.0 ±12.0 ±15.0 3.3 5.0 12.0 15.0 ±5.0 ±12.0 ±15.0 2,400 2,000 1,000 800 ±1000 ±500 ±400 2,400 2,000 1,000 800 ±1000 ±500 ±400 240.0 200.0 100.0 80.0 ±100.0 ±50.0 ±40.0 240.0 200.0 100.0 80.0 ±100.0 ±50.0 ±40.0 3.9 6.8 15.0 18.0 ±6.8 ±15.0 ±18.0 3.9 6.8 15.0 18.0 ±6.8 ±15.0 ±18.0 78 82 84 84 82 84 84 78 82 84 84 82 84 84 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 Output
CSR8645 使用手册说明书

CSR8645ManualContents1.CSR8645 (1)1.1P RODUCT D ESCRIPTION (1)1.2A PPLICATION AREAS (1)1.3B ASIC FEATURES (1)1.4P ROPERTY (1)1.5M ODULE S IZE (2)1.6IO D EFINITION (3)1.7P RECAUTIONS (4)1.CSR86451.1Product DescriptionThis module master uses CSR's BC8645 chip to provide high quality sound quality and compatibility for the module, and overall performance is superior. Bluetooth module using the drive-free way, customers only need to access the application module, you can quickly achieve the music wireless transmission, enjoy the fun of wireless music. Support high-quality audio APT-X digital transmission, and can connect two main devices Bluetooth. After the module is switched on automatically connected to the last pairing phone, the penultimate paired phone needs to be manually connected. If the 6 pairing devices are turned on at the same time, the last pairing phone is automatically connected。

Features BlueCore ® CSR8645™ BGA ■80MHz RISC MCU and 80MIPS Kalimba DSP■Internal ROM, serial flash memory and EEPROM interfaces ■Stereo codec with 2 microphone inputs ■Radio includes integrated balun■5-band fully configurable EQ ■CSR's latest CVC technology for narrowband and wideband voice connections including wind noisereduction ■Wideband speech supported by HFP v1.6 profile and mSBC codec■Voice recognition support for answering a call,enables true hands-free use ■Multipoint HFP connection to 2 phones for voice ■Multipoint A2DP connection enables a headset (A2DP) connection to 2 A2DP source devices for music playback ■Secure simple pairing, CSR's proximity pairingand CSR's proximity connection■Audio interfaces: I²S and PCM■Serial interfaces: UART, USB v2.0 (full-speed),I²C and SPI■aptX, SBC, MP3 and AAC decoder support ■Wired audio support (USB and analogue)■Support for smartphone/tablet applications ■Integrated dual switch-mode regulators, linear regulators and battery charger ■External crystal load capacitors not required for typical crystals■ 3 LED outputs■68‑ball VFBGA 5.5 x 5.5 x 1mm 0.5mm pitch■Green (RoHS compliant and no antimony orhalogenated flame retardants)CSR8645 Stereo ROM Solutionwith aptX ™ 2-mic CVC Audio Enhancement Fully Qualified Single-chip Bluetooth ® v4.0 System Pre-production Information CSR8645A03 Issue 2General Description BlueCore® CSR8645™ BGA is a product from CSR's Connectivity Centre. It is a single-chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth 2.4GHz systems.The integrated peripherals reduce the number ofexternal components required, including no requirement for external codec, battery charger,SMPS, LDOs, balun or external program memory,ensuring minimum production costs.The battery charger architecture enables the CSR8645 BGA to independently operate from the charger supply, ensuring dependable operation for all battery conditions.Applications■Stereo headsets■Wired stereo headsets and headphones ■Portable stereo speakersThe enhanced Kalimba DSP coprocessor with 80MIPS supports enhanced audio and DSP applications.The integrated audio codec supports 2 channels of ADC, 2 digital microphone inputs and stereo output, as well as a variety of audio standards.See CSR Glossary at .CSR8645 BGA Technical OverviewDevice DetailsBluetooth Radio■On-chip balun (50Ω impedance in TX and RX modes)■No trimming of external components required in production■Bluetooth v4.0 specification compliantBluetooth Transmitter■9dBm RF transmit power with level control from on-chip 6-bit DAC■Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 support without the need for an external power amplifier or TX/RXswitchBluetooth Receiver■Receiver sensitivity of -90dBm■Integrated channel filters■Digital demodulator for improved sensitivity and co-channel rejection■Real-time digitised RSSI available to application ■Fast AGC for enhanced dynamic range■Channel classification for AFHBluetooth Synthesiser■Fully integrated synthesiser requires no external VCO, varactor diode, resonator or loop filter■Compatible with crystals 16MHz to 32MHz Kalimba DSP■Enhanced Kalimba DSP coprocessor, 80MIPS, 24‑bit fixed point core■ 2 single-cycle MACs; 24 x 24-bit multiply and 56-bit accumulator■32-bit instruction word, dual 24-bit data memory■6K x 32-bit program RAM including 1K instruction cache for executing out of internal ROM■16K x 24-bit + 16K x 24-bit 2-bank data RAM Audio Interfaces■Audio codec with 2 high-quality dedicated ADCs ■Microphone bias generator and up to 2 analogue microphone inputs■ 2 digital microphone inputs (MEMS)■Enhanced side-tone gain control■Supported sample rates of 8, 11.025, 16, 22.05, 32,44.1, 48 and 96kHz (DAC only)Auxiliary Features■Crystal oscillator with built-in digital trimming Package Option■68‑ball VFBGA 5.5 x 5.5 x 1mm 0.5mm pitch Physical Interfaces■UART interface for debug■USB 2.0 (full-speed) interface for audio and chargerenumeration■1-bit SPI flash memory interface■SPI interface for debug and programming■I²C interface for EEPROM■Up to 22 general purpose PIOs with 3 extra open-drain PIOs available when LED not used■PCM and I²S interfaces■ 3 LED drivers (includes RGB) with PWM flasherindependent of MCUIntegrated Power Control and Regulation■Automatic power switching to charger when present■ 2 high-efficiency switch-mode regulators with 1.8Vand 1.35V outputs direct from battery supply■ 3.3V linear regulator for USB supply■Low-voltage linear regulator for internal digitalcircuits■Low-voltage linear regulator for internal analoguecircuits■Power-on-reset detects low supply voltage■Power management includes digital shutdown andwake-up commands for ultra-low power modesBattery Charger■Lithium ion / Lithium polymer battery charger■Instant-on function automatically selects the powersupply between battery and USB, which enablesoperation even if the battery is fully discharged■Fast charging support up to 200mA with no externalcomponents■Higher charge currents using external pass device■Supports USB charger detection■Support for thermistor protection of battery pack■Support to enable end product design to PSE law:■Design to JIS-C 8712/8714 (batteries)■Testing based on IEEE 1725Baseband and Software■Internal ROM■Memory protection unit supporting accelerated VM■56KB internal RAM, enables full-speed datatransfer, mixed voice/data and full piconet support■Logic for forward error correction, header errorcontrol, access code correlation, CRC,demodulation, encryption bit stream generation,whitening and transmit pulse shaping■Transcoders for A-law, µ-law and linear voice fromhost and A-law, µ-law and CVSD voice over airCSR8645 BGATechnical OverviewCSR8645 Stereo ROM Solution with aptX DetailsBluetooth Profiles■Bluetooth v4.0 specification support■HFP v1.6 wideband speech (HD voice ready)■HSP v1.2■A2DP v1.2■AVRCP v1.4■Support for smartphone applications (apps) Improved Audio QualityCSR’s latest 2-mic CVC audio enhancements for narrowband and wideband connections including:■2-mic far-end audio enhancements■Near-end audio enhancements (noise suppression and AEQ)■Wind noise reduction■Packet loss concealment■Bit error concealment■Automatic gain control and automatic volume control■Frequency expansion for improved speech intelligibility■mSBC codec support for wideband speechMusic Enhancements■Configurable 5-band EQ for music playback (rock, pop, classical, jazz, dance etc)■aptX, SBC, MP3, AAC and Faststream decoder■Stereo widening (S3D)■Volume BoostAdditional Functionality■Support for voice recognition■Support for multi-language programmable audio prompts■CSR's proximity pairing and CSR's proximity connection■Multipoint support for HFP connection to 2 handsets for voice■Multipoint support for A2DP connection to 2 A2DP sources for music playback■Talk-time extension Headset Configurator ToolConfigures the CSR8645 stereo ROM solution with aptXsoftware features:■Bluetooth v4.0 specification features■Reconnection policies, e.g. reconnect on power-on■Audio features, including default volumes■Button events: configuring button presses anddurations for certain events, e.g. double press onPIO for last number redial■LED indications for states, e.g. headset connected,and events, power on etc.■Indication tones for events and ringtones■HFP v1.6 supported features■Battery divider ratios and thresholds, e.g.thresholds for battery low indication, full battery etc.■Advanced Multipoint settingsCSR8645 Stereo ROM Solution with aptX DevelopmentKit■CSR8645 stereo ROM solution with aptXdemonstrator board■Music and voice dongle■Interface adapters and cables are available■Works in conjunction with the CSR8645 stereoROM solution with aptX Configurator tool and othersupporting utilities■For order code details contact CSRCSR8645 BGATechnical Overview1Ordering InformationNote:Until CSR8645A03 reaches Production status, engineering samples order number applies. This is ES‑CSR8645A03‑IBBC, with no minimum order quantity.CSR8645 BGA is a ROM-based device where the product code has the form CSR8645Axx. Axx is the specific ROM-variant, A03 is the ROM-variant for CSR8645 Stereo ROM Solution with aptX.At Production status minimum order quantity is 2kpcs taped and reeled.Your attention is drawn to Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited’s ("Seller"’s ) standard terms of supply which govern the supply of Prototype Products or Engineering Samples and which state in clause 5:5.1 "Prototype Products" or "Engineering Samples" means any products that have not passed all the stages of full production acceptance as determined solely by the Seller. The Seller will usually identify which of the Goods ordered are considered Prototype Products designating them "ES" on the Quotation and any Order for Prototype Products shall be subject to the special terms contained in this clause 5.5.2 The Seller has used reasonable efforts to design and build the Prototype Products in accordance with the relevant specification, but because the testing carried out by the Seller in respect of the Prototype Products is incomplete, the Seller does not give or enter into any warranties, conditions or other terms in relation to quality or fitness for purpose of the Prototype Products and/or that the Prototype Products are free from bugs, errors or omissions.Supply chain: CSR's manufacturing policy is to multisource volume products. For further details, contact your local sales account manager or representative.To contact a CSR representative, email sales@ or go to /contacts .CSR8645 BGA Technical Overview1.1ContactsGeneral information Information on this product Customer support for this product Details of compliance and standards Help with this document Sales@pliance@Comments@1.2CSR8645 Stereo ROM Solution with aptX Development Kit OrderingInformationDocument HistoryTrademarks, Patents and LicencesUnless otherwise stated, words and logos marked with ™or ® are trademarks registered or owned by CSR plc or its affiliates. Bluetooth ® and the Bluetooth ® logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth ® SIG, Inc. and licensed to CSR. Other products, services and names used in this document may have been trademarked by their respective owners.The publication of this information does not imply that any license is granted under any patent or other rights owned by CSR plc and/or its affiliates.CSR reserves the right to make technical changes to its products as part of its development programme.While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this document, CSR cannot accept responsibility for any errors.Refer to for compliance and conformance to standards information.CSR8645 BGA Technical Overview。
启英泰伦语音AI平台高性能语音识别模块数据手册 CI-D0XGS07J-BT说明书

高性能语音识别模块数据手册CI-D0XGS07J-BT版本号:V1.1模块介绍概述本模块是针对低成本离线语音应用方案开发的一款通用、便携、低功耗高性能的语音识别模块,型号包括为:CI-D02GS07J-BT 和CI-D03GS07J-BT,两个型号管脚完全兼容,区别为主芯片型号不同,CI-D02GS07J-BT主芯片为CI1302,CI-D03GS07J-BT主芯片为CI1303。
图1 模块框图表1 模块选型表模块选型本地命令词300条以内本地命令词500条带插口单麦离线语音蓝牙模块CI-D02GS07J-BTCI-D03GS07J-BT该模块具有以下特点:模块体积小巧,长宽为37mm×40mm ,工作电压为 5.0V-5.5V ,一颗蓝牙5.0芯片和一颗音频功放芯片,带一路麦克风、一路喇叭和一路5V 电源及UART 的接口,此UART 接口也为5V 电平。
模块插入麦克风和喇叭直接供电即可使用,也可以直接通过接插件将UART 连接到产品主控板,由产品主控板的5V 电源进行供电,UART 通信或GPIO 控制,无需焊接。
模块包含2*3.5mm 螺丝孔,方便固定及安装。
使用本模块进行离线语音识别不依赖网络,时延小,性能高,可实现97%以上的高识别率,10米超远距离识别,响应时间最快达到0.2S 。
模块可以应用于有能耗等级要求的产品和电池供电类产品中,运行功耗≤0.5W 。
DL750 ScopeCorder G 商品说明书

Leading-Edge Mounting Technology and ASICs Reduce the Size of 2-Channel Modules Modules701250701251701255701260701265701270701271s High-Speed 10 MS/s 12-Bit Isolation Module (701250) Broad bandwidth (3 MHz) and high accuracy (0.5%) inputs s High-Speed 1 MS/s 16-Bit Isolation Module (701251) High resolution inputs combined with high-sensitivity (1 mV/ div)s Temperature/High-Precision Voltage Module (701265) 100 Hz frequency range, high-accuracy (0.08%) voltage measurements, and an ultra high-sensitivity range value (100µV/div)s High-Speed 10 MS/s 12-Bit Non-Isolation Module (701255)Non-isolated model with the same performance as the model 701250s High-Voltage 100 kS/s 16-Bit Isolation Module (with RMS) (701260)850 V (DC+ACpeak) direct input, RMS mode Accuracy of 0.25%s Strain Modules (701270 & 701271)NDIS-type (701270) and DSUB-type (701271)Wide range of bridge voltages (2 V, 5 V, & 10 V) Accuracy of 0.5%4 new modules for a variety of applicationsN E WN E WN E W2DualCapture: A Powerful Tool for Durability Test Data AnalysisThe waveform shown above was captured at a sampling rate of 50 kS/s. The occurrence of noise can be confirmed in the graph, but the time resolution is too low to capture the waveform accurately.With DualCapture, the user sets triggers for capturing sudden phenomena. Up to 100 phenomena can be collected in a memory length of 10 kW at a maximum sampling rate of 10 MS/s.10 kWPhenomena canbe accuratelyassessed at 10MS/s Maximum 100 phenomenaRoll-mode viewUser-specified captured screen and thecorresponding time are displayed.This is the limit for 50 kS/s.phenomenonMaximum 100 MWA Wide Range of Trigger Functions for Accurately Capturing a Variety of WaveformsHaving a wide range of triggers is of course very useful for obtaining stable observations of variety of different waveforms. In Action-On TriggerAutomatically Save Measured Data When this trigger is activated, the DL750performs a specified action each time a waveform is captured and displayed on the screen. This feature is useful for saving data automatically and reliably (e.g., for data collection in automated, continuous tests).Manual TriggerA Trigger Can Be Activated with Press of a Button.With this feature, a trigger can be executed whenever you like,separate from the preset trigger conditions.riggers the n-th time that condition B goes true after condition riggers if condition B goes true after condition A has gone true and an interval at least equal to the delay setting has elapsed. Activates an edge trigger on another input during the interval riggers when any one of the individual channel conditions set riggers when a preset waveform frequency condition goes true.Triggers when a trigger source enters or leaves a level set by two points Triggers when a signal leaves an automatically-defined "wave window"Multi-Channel 2-Location Zoom FunctionGO/NO-GO Judgmentscreenshot to a specified destination, saving waveform data to a specified storage medium, sounding a buzzer, and6Display and Data Recording FunctionsReal-Time Hard Drive Recording (with the /C8 Option)Recorder-Like Real-Time Data Recording over Extended PeriodsWith the optional internalhard drive, you can record measurements to the harddrive in real time. Thismakes it easier to manage and analyze data usingPCs and other tools.Maximum data capacity:1 GWMaximum sampling rate:100 kS/s(using 1 channel only)Memory Backup FunctionProtects Your Data Even If the Power Supply Goes Out This function backs up about 10 hours of data saved to the acquisition memory immediately prior to power loss. Memory backup helps you avoid losing important data even if the power supply is unstable and gets cut off.(Backup time varies according to the usage environment. Four AA batteries are required for memory backup.)Snapshot FunctionEnables On-Screen Waveform Comparisons Using the snapshot function, you can keep the currently displayed waveform with the touch of a button. Snapshots are useful for comparing a reference waveform with an input waveform. In addition, snapshots can be saved to and loaded from the storage media.X-Y Display FunctionDisplay an Overlay of up to Four X-Y Displays This function lets you display multiple X-Y plots together,making relative phase comparisons easy. The X-Y display function is a powerful tool for applications such asevaluating DC motors based on a Lissajous waveform.All-Channel Setup MenuQuickly View the Setup of All ChannelsThis menu lets you review and modify all of the channel setups from a single screen display. Parameters such as voltage axis sensitivity, screen scale settings, and linear scaling can be configured for each channel.Wide Waveform DisplayIncrease the Viewing Area of DisplayWith the SVGA color TFT liquid crystal display, the number of display pixels has been greatly increased. For wide waveform display, set the resolution to 750 × 512 pixels.Volume control for recording andwaveform can be viewed on anUSBBasic 6.0 to control the DL750 through a USB interface.• Connecting USB Peripheral EquipmentUSB keyboards, USB mouse and USB printers can bedirectly connected to the DL750.Thumbnail displayUSB printer, or a network printer.operation using Internet Explorer.Data CaptureThis function downloads values of waveform parameters periodically, launches MS Excel and graphs the parameters on a spreadsheet values. This enables you to check the Measurement TrendUsing Internet Explorer,you can periodically or manually download screen images to a PC for remote waveform monitoring. Y ou can also download waveform data,start or stop ameasurement, or setup a split display all from a PC.Software for Waveform Measurement on a PC Software for Remotely Controlling the DL SeriesThe Wirepuller software program displays a screen image of the DL on your PC so that you can monitor waveform signals.In addition, you can use the PC’s mouse and keyboard to control the DL. The DL can be controlled via an Ethernet, USB, or GP-IB.This software program can be downloaded from the following URL (requires registration):/tm/Bu/DLsoft/wire/A trial version of this software program can be downloaded from the following URL:/tm/Bu/700919/Plug-In Module SpecificationsHigh-Speed 10 MS/s 12-Bit Isolation Module (701250)Input channels2Input couplings AC, DC, GNDMaximum sampling rate10 MS/sA/D conversion resolution12 bits (150 LSB/div)Input type Isolated unbalancedFrequency range(–3 dB)1DC, up to 3 MHzInput range(10:1)50 mV/div to 200 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5),(1:1) 5 mV/div to 20 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5) Effective measurement range20 div (display range: 10 div)DC offset±5 divMaximum input voltage (1 kHz or less)In combination with 700929 (10:1) 2600 V (DC + ACpeak)Direct input (1:1) 6, 10250 V (DC + ACpeak)Maximum allowable in-phase voltageIn combination with 700929 (10:1) 3400 Vrms (CA T I), 300 Vrms (CA T II) In combination with 7019in steps of 1, 2, or 5+701954 (1:1) 9400 Vrms (CA T I), 300 Vrms (CA T II) Main unit only (1:1) 1142 V (DC + ACpeak) (CA T I and CAT II, 30 Vrms) DC accuracy1±(0.5% of 10 div)Input impedance 1 MΩ± 1%, approx. 35 pFConnector type Isolation type BNC connectorInput filter OFF, 500 Hz, 5 kHz, 50 kHz, 500 kHz Temperature coefficientZero point±(0.05% of 10 div)/°C (typical value)Gain±(0.02% of 10 div)/°C (typical value)High-Speed 1 MS/s 16-Bit Isolation Module (701251)Input channels2Input couplings AC, DC, GNDMaximum sampling rate 1 MS/sA/D conversion resolution16 bits (2400 LSB/div)Input type Isolated unbalancedFrequency range (–3 dB)1DC, up to 300 kHz (20 V/div to 5 mV/div)Input range(10:1)10 mV/div to 200 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5)(1:1) 1 mV/div to 20 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5) Maximum input voltage (1 kHz or less)In combination with 700929 (10:1) 2600 V (DC + ACpeak)Direct input (1:1) 6, 10140 V (DC + ACpeak)Maximum allowable in-phase voltageIn combination with 700929 (10:1) 3400 Vrms (CA T I), 300 Vrms (CA T II) In combination with 701901+701954 (1:1) 9400 Vrms (CA T I), 300 Vrms (CA T II)Main unit only (1:1) 1142 V (DC + ACpeak) (CA T I and CAT II, 30 Vrms) DC accuracy15 mV/div to 20 V/div±(0.25% of 10 div)2 mV/div±(0.3% of 10 div)1 mV/div±(0.5% of 10 div)Input impedance 1 MΩ± 1%, approx. 35 pFConnector type Isolated type BNC connectorInput filter OFF, 400 Hz, 4 kHz, 40 kHzTemperature coefficientZero point 5 mV/div to 20 V/div: ±(0.02% of 10 div)/°C (typical value)2 mV/div: ±(0.05% of 10 div)/°C (typical value)1 mV/div: ±(0.10% of 10 div)/°C (typical value)Gain 1 mV/div to 20 V/div: ±(0.02% of 10 div)/°C (typical value) High-Speed 10 MS/s 12-Bit Non-Isolation Module (701255)Input channels2Input couplings AC, DC, GNDMaximum sampling rate10 MS/sA/D conversion resolution12 bits (150 LSB/div)Input type Non-isolated unbalancedFrequency range (–3 dB)1DC, up to 3 MHzInput range(10:1)50 mV/div to 200 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5)(1:1) 5 mV/div to 20 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5) Effective measurement range20 div (display range 10 div)DC offset±5 divMaximum input voltage (1 kHz or less)In combination with 701940 (10:1)600 V (DC + ACpeak)Direct input (1:1)250 V (DC + ACpeak)DC accuracy1±(0.5% of 10 div)Input impedance 1 MΩ± 1%, approx. 35 pFConnector type Metal type BNC connectorInput filter OFF, 500 Hz, 5 kHz, 50 kHz, 500 kHz Temperature coefficientZero point±(0.05% of 10 div)/°C (typical value)Gain±(0.02% of 10 div)/°C (typical value)Adaptive passive probe (10:1)701940High-Voltage 100 kS/s 16-Bit Isolation Module (with RMS) (701260)Input channels2Input couplings AC, DC, GND, AC-RMS, DC-RMSMaximum sampling rate100 kS/sA/D conversion resolution16 bits (2400 LSB/div)Input type Isolated unbalancedFrequency range (–3 dB)1Waveform measurement modeDC, up to 40 kHzRMS measurement mode DC, 40 Hz to 10 kHzInput range(10:1)200 mV/div to 2000 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5)(1:1)20 mV/div to 200 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5) Effective measurement range20 div (display range 10 div)DC offset±5 divMaximum input voltage (1 kHz or less)In combination with 700929 (10:1) 21000 V (DC + ACpeak)In combination with 701901+701954 (1:1) 6850 V (DC + ACpeak)Maximum allowable in-phase voltageIn combination with 700929 (10:1)H side: 1000 Vrms (CAT II) 4, L side: 400 Vrms (CAT II) 5In combination with 701901+701954 (1:1)H side: 700 Vrms (CA T II) 7, L side: 400 Vrms (CA T II) 8Direct input (when using a cable which doesn’t comply with the safety standard)H/L sides: 30 Vrms (42 V DC + ACpeak)11 DC accuracy (waveform measurement mode)1±(0.25% of 10 div)DC accuracy (RMS measurement mode)1±(1.0% of 10 div)AC accuracy (RMS measurement mode)1Sine wave input±(1.5% of 10 div)Crest factor of 2 or less±(2.0% of 10 div)Crest factor of 3 or less±(3.0% of 10 div)Input impedance 1 MΩ± 1%, approx. 35 pFConnector type Isolated type BNC connectorInput filter OFF, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHzT emperature coefficient (waveform measurement mode)Zero point±(0.02% of 10 div)/°C (typical value)Gain±(0.02% of 10 div)/°C (typical value) Response time (RMS mode)Rise (0 to 90% of 10 div)100 ms (typical)Fall (100 to 10% of 10 div)250 ms (typical)Crest factor (only at RMS measurement)3 or less*Please use 701901 (1:1 safety adaptor lead) or 700929 (10:1 safety probe), which complies with the safety standard, for high-voltage input.*It is very dangerous to use cables that do not comply with the safety standard.Temperature/High-Precision Voltage Module (701265)Input channels2Input couplings TC (thermocouple), DC, GNDInput type Isolated unbalancedApplicable sensors (input coupling: TC)K, E, J, T, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, iron-doped gold/chromel Data updating rate500 HzFrequency range (-3 dB)1DC, up to 100 HzVoltage accuracy1 (at voltage mode)±(0.08% of 10 div + 2 µV)T emperature measurement accuracy 1, 12Type Measured range AccuracyK–200°C to 1300°C±(0.1% of reading + 1.5°C)E–200°C to 800°C except –200 to 0°C:J–200°C to 1100°C±(0.2% of reading + 1.5°C) T–200°C to 400°CL–200°C to 900°CU–200°C to 400°CN0°C to 1300°CR, S0°C to 1700°C±(0.1% of reading + 3°C)except0 to 200°C: ±8°C200 to 800°C: ±5°C B0°C to 1800°C±(0.1% of reading + 2°C),except 400 to 700°C: ±8°CEffective range: 400 to 1800°C W0°C to 2300°C±(0.1% of reading + 3°C)Iron-doped gold/chromel0 to 300 K0 to 50 K: ±4 K50 to 300 K: ±2.5 KMaximum input voltage (1 kHz or less)42 V (DC + ACpeak) (CAT I and CA T II, 30 Vrms)Input range (for 10 div display)100 µV/div to 10 V/div (in steps of 1, 2, or 5) Input connector Binding postInput impedance Approx. 1 MΩInput filter OFF, 2 Hz, 8 Hz, 30 HzT emperature coefficient (for voltage)Zero point±((0.01% of 10 div)/°C + 0.05 µV)/°C (typical value)Gain±(0.02% of 10 div)/°C (typical value) Strain Module (NDIS) (701270)Input channels2Input types DC bridge input (automatic balancing), balanceddifferential input, DC amplifier (floating) Automatic balancing method Electronic auto-balanceAutomatic balancing range±10,000 µSTR (1 gauge method)Bridge voltages Select from 2 V, 5 V, or 10 VGauge resistances120 to 1000 Ω (bridge voltage of 2 V)350 to 1000 Ω (bridge voltage of 2/5/10 V) Gauge rate 1.90 to 2.20 (variable in steps of 0.01)A/D resolution16 bits (4800 LSB/div: Upper=ϩFS, Lower=–FS) Maximum sampling rate100 kS/sFrequency range (–3 dB)1DC, up to 20 kHzDC accuracy1±(0.5% of FS + 5 µSTR)Measurement range/measurable rangeMeasurement range (FS)Measurable range (–FS to +FS)500 µSTR–500 µSTR to 500 µSTR1000 µSTR–1000 µSTR to 1000 µSTR2000 µSTR–2000 µSTR to 2000 µSTR5000 µSTR–5000 µSTR to 5000 µSTR10,000 µSTR–10,000 µSTR to 10,000 µSTR20,000 µSTR–20,000 µSTR to 20,000 µSTRmV/V range support mV/V range = 0.5 ϫ (µSTR range/1000)Maximum allowable input voltage (1 kHz or less)10 V (DC + ACpeak)Maximum allowable in-phase voltage42 V (DC + ACpeak) (CAT I and CA T II, 30 Vrms)T emperature coefficientZero point±5 µSTR/°C (typical value)Gain±(0.02% of FS)/°C (typical value)Internal filter OFF, 1 kHz, 100 Hz, 10 HzInput connector NDIS standardAccessory (a set of connector shell for solder connection)2 NDIS connectors (A1002JC)Recommended bridge head (NDIS type) (sold separately)701955 (bridge resistance of 120 Ω) (w/ 5 m cable)701956 (bridge resistance of 350 Ω) (w/ 5 m cable)10Alligator clip (701954)Isolated probe (700929)Safety adaptor lead (701901)Isolated logic probe (700987)Earphone Mic (w/ PUSH switch) (701951)Microsoft, MS-DOS, and Windows are either trademarks or registered trademarks of。

XY-MBD08A双模(Dual Mode)蓝牙模块遵循Bluetooth3.0+EDR与BT5.0(BLE)规范支持蓝牙SPP,GATT/GAP等协议技术手册目录一.概述 (3)二.特点 (3)三.物理特征 (3)四.电气特性 (4)五.接口规范 (4)六.典型电路及PIN脚定义 (4)七.串口AT指令 (7)八.UUID说明 (12)九.模块参考PCB封装尺寸(单位:mm) (13)十.参考炉温曲线 (14)十一.静电放电警示 (15)十二.联系我们 (15)十三.修订记录 (16)一.概述XY-MBD08A是深圳市新一信息科技有限公司专为无线数据透传而打造的双模蓝牙透传模块,遵循BT2.1+EDR/3.0/5.0(BR/EDR/BLE)蓝牙规范,支持SPP和GATT/GAP 等蓝牙协议。
二.特点✧支持BLE数据串口透传(自定义UUID;仅支持iOS BLE连接,速率高达20KB/S)✧支持蓝牙SPP蓝牙协议(Android系统,速率高达45KB/S)✧硬件接口:UART、多功能GPIO等,接口丰富✧支持超低功耗,休眠(Sleep)电流仅为200μA✧蓝牙射频性能优越(发射功率Max6dBm,接收灵敏度-93dBm)✧兼容性好,可完美适配iOS/Android/Windows系统蓝牙✧与我司ET11模块封装兼容,如果要实现更复杂的蓝牙功能,可直接进行硬件替换✧典型应用:蓝牙打印机,1对1终端连接打印;或高速蓝牙上传终端三.物理特征工作频段 2.4GHz-2.48GHz免许可ISM频段蓝牙规范V2.1+EDR,V3.0,BT5.0(BLE)输出功率等级Class1.5,Class2RX灵敏度LE GFSK30.8%PER1Mbps-93dBm GFSK0.1%BER1Mbps-91dBm π/4-DQPSK0.01%BER2Mbps-88dBm8-DPSK0.01%BER3Mbps-86dBm 工作电压 3.3V尺寸22mm(L)x12mm(W)x2mm(H)四.电气特性绝对最大额定值参数Min Max储存温度-40℃+85℃工作温度-20℃+70℃电源电压:VDD 1.7V 3.6V其他终端电压VSS-0.3V VDD+0.3V五.接口规范电源典型供电:+3.3V;工作电流:I<20mA(均值)主机接口UART其它接口ADC/PWM六.典型电路及PIN脚定义应用图示1:3.3V串口数据透传※UART_TX、UART_RX为默认连接,其他I/O(包括UART_CTS/UART_RTS)为可选连接。