



模拟联合国重要词汇(部分含中英对照)代表,delegate ;代表团,delegation ;委员会,committee ;演讲,public speaking ;辩论,debate ;协商,negotiation ;合作,collaboration ;正式辩论,formal debate ;非正式辩论,informal debate ;简单多数,simple majority三分之二多数,Two-thirds majority主席团,Members of the Dais ;主席,Chair ;会议指导,Director ;主席助理,Rapporteur ;发言人名单,Speakers' list流程规则,Rules of procedure点名,Roll call确定议题,Setting the agenda让渡YieldYield time to another delegate / comments / questions / the Chair动议,Motion ;Motion to set speaking time(更改发言时间) /suspend the meeting(暂时中断正式辩论) /close debate (结束辩论)问题,Point ;Point of order(组织性问题)/inquiry(咨询性问题)/Personal privilege(个人特权)有主持核心磋商,Moderated Caucus自由磋商,Unmoderated Caucus立场文件,Position paper ;工作文件,working paper决议草案,Resolution ;修正案,Amendment ;友好修正案,friendly amendment ;非友好修正案,unfriendly amendment游说,lobby ; 国家牌Placard;起草国,Sponsors; 复议国,Signature到场,Present ; 缺席,Absent弃权,Abstain;赞成,Yes ; 反对,No序言性条款开头动词的一些积极词汇Affirming Alarmed by ApprovingAware of Bearing in mind BelievingConfident Contemplating ConvincedDeclaring Deeply concerned Deeply conscious Deeply convinced Deeply regretting DesiringReferring Seeking Taking into account Emphasizing Expecting Fulfilling Expressing its satisfaction Fully alarmedFully aware Fully believing Further recalling Guided by Having adopted Having considered Having considered further Having devoted attention Taking into consideration Taking noteViewing with appreciation Having examined Having heard Having received Having studied Keeping in mind Noting with deep concernNoting with regret Noting with satisfactionNoting further Noting with approval Observing Realizing Recalling Recognizing Welcoming行动性条款开头动词的一些积极词汇Accepts Emphasizes ReaffirmsAffirms Encourages Recommends Approves Endorses RegretsAuthorizes Expresses its appreciation RemindsCalls Express its hope RequestsCalls upon Further invites Solemnly affirms Condemns Further reminds Supports Congratulates Further requests Takes note of Considers Further resolves Transmits Declares accordingly Further recommends TrustsDeplores Has resolved Urges Designates Draws the attention Notes Proclaims。



主席用语:1. Open the meeting:“If there are no objections, we will bring the Committee into formal session. If all Delegates will please take their seats, the Rapporteur will begin Roll Call.”2. Roll Call:a) Before roll call:During roll call, “Present” and “Present and voting” are allowed.b) Roll callAlgeriaArgentinaAustria………. c) After roll call“For those Delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attend ance has not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arriva l and voting status. Please be certain your State’s attendance has been recorded. You will not be re cognized while the Committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your att endance.”3. Open the Speakers List:(automatically, no placards)“Are there any motions or points on the floor at this time?” (Many delegate raises their placards …) The speakers list automatically opens. All those who would like to be placed on the Speaker’s List, please raise your placards.some countries by the principle of fair)(For those who are not called by the chair:)“If any additional members of the Committee wish to be placed upon the Speaker’s List, please send a note forward to the dais with an explanation in this regard.”4. Set the Speakers’ Time:(2 in favor and 2 in opposition, each has 15secs,Simplemajority, need a second, debatable)“The chair now needs a motion to set the speakers’ time. Are there any motions or pointson the floor at this time? …...Thank you Delegate, this motion is in order. Are there any additional points or motions on the floor at this time? [No placards] Seeing none, a motion to set the speaker ’s time as X has been introduced. This motion needs a second, do I have a second? Second) This motion is debatable, the Chair will entertain 2 speakers in favor of this motion and 2 speakers in o pposition. Will those Delegates wishing to speak in favor of this motion please raise your placards ? Saudi Arabia and France, you will speak in favor of the motion. [Both Chair and Rapp record tw o speakers selected to speak in favor] Will those Delegates wishing to speak in opposition to this motion please raise your placards? Ethiopia and India, you will speak in opposition to this motion.” [Chair and Rapp record speakers selected]”In favor: (交叉着叫)“The Chair recognizes the Honorable Delegate from Saudi Arabia. You have fifteen seconds to s peak in favor of this motion.” [Saudi Arabia speaks]In opposition:“Thank you, Delegate. The Chair now recognizes the Honorable Delegate from Ethiopia. You ha ve fifteen seconds to speak in opposition to this motion.” [Cuba speaks]In favor:“The Chair recognizes the Honorable Delegate from France. You have fifteen seconds to speak in favor of this motion.” [France speaks]In opposition:“Thank you, Delegate. The Chair now recognizes the Honorable Delegate from India. You have f ifteen seconds to speak in opposition to this motion.” [India, speaks]“The motion is decided by a simple majority vote and, as a procedural matter, I remind all Deleg ates that abstention is out of order. All those in favor of this motion, please raise your placards... A ll those opposed...”“The motion to set the speakers’ time as 30s passes by a vote of X in favor and Y opposed.”5. Suspension of the meeting: (need a second, no debate, simple majo rity)The motion to suspend the meeting passes by a vote of X in favor and Y opposed. The Committee will reconvene in ten minutes. Since this motion to suspend the meeting for 20 minutes passes, t he other two motions automatically fail.”6. Close of the speaker’s list: (need a second, no debate, simple major ity)Towards the end of the first day, some delegates may raise such a motion to close the speakers’ list.“Thank you, Delegate. That motion is in order. A motion has been raised to close the speaker’s li st. This requires a simple majority vote with no debate. Prior to voting, allow the dais to remind th e committee about the result of the close of the speaker’s list. If this motion passes, no delegate’s c an be added to the speaker’s list, when the names in the list exhaust, we will go to the voting proce dure immediately. Is there any question about this motion? Seeing none, all those Delegate in favo r of closing the speakers’ list, please raise your placards. [Chair and Rapp record vote] All those o pposed… [an overwhelming majority of the Committee votes in opposition] This motion clearly p asses.”7、 Closure of debate: (need a second, two in opposition, each has 15 secs, 2/3 majority)If the speakers list exhausted, automatically end the formal session and enter the voting procedure. Otherwise, the chair waits for a motion to close the debate. For example:“Are there any additional points or motions on the floor at this time? [no placards] Seeing none, there is a motion on the floor for closure of debate. This motion requires two speakers in oppositio n and is decided by a 2/3 majority vote. Before I ask for speakers on this motion, I remind you all t hat this motion will formally end debate on this topic and the Committee will move immediately i nto voting procedure. Only X draft resolutions have been formally introduced .。



模联主席用语指导1、会议开场Hello, every delegate. I’m the chair of this conference; first of all, let’s introduce our dais here, the first chair XXX, the second chair XXX, and the secretary/director XXX.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席,首先介绍主席团成员:第一主席XXX,第二主席XXX,会议指导、会议秘书XXX。

2、点名OK,let’s start roll call. The delegate be called please raise your card or your hand, and say “present”(chair/secretary repeat: the delegate of XX is present or abstain)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌或手,答“到”。

(代表答到以后,主席/秘书重复:某国代表到、缺席)OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX. 现在我们有XX代表出席会议,那么,我们的简单多数将是XX,三分之二多数将是XX。

3、设定议题Because we have two topic today,so let’s start set topic.因为本会议有两个议题,所以我们将进行议题先后设置。

The first topic is XXXXX, The delegate who confirms the topic one, please raise your card or hands.第一个议题是:XXXXX,同意先讨论议题一的请举手或国家牌。



首先开头时说:If there are no objections, we will bring the committee into formal session. If all delegates will please take their seats, the rapporteur will begin roll call.然后书记员就是进行点名,之后主席说:For those delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attendance has not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arrival and voting status. Please be certain your State’s attendance has been recorded. You will not be recognized while the committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your attendance at this session.之后主席说:Are there any motions on the floor at this time? Seeing none, the first order of business before the committee is to set the agenda order. The topics on the committee agenda are I, II and III. If there are no objections from the committee, the chair will open the speakers list to begin deliberations upon setting the agenda. All those who would like to be placed on the speakers list, please raise your placards until your State has been recognized.就是开speaker's list,主席点,书记员把国家名记下,写到speaker's list中。



SHUPL MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE 2012上海政法学院校内模拟联合国大会·2012会场用语培训上海政法学院模拟联合国协会Introduction of the Dais主席团介绍The Chair: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is…, the chair of today’s conference. I would like to introduce the memb ers of the committee. To my left, is the Director…… To my right,is the Rapporteur……主席:尊敬的各位代表,我是今天的会议主席XX。




Roll Call 点名The Chair: The Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetic order, delegates, please raise your placards and answer ‘present’when your country’s name are called.主席:主席助理将按字母顺序进行点名。


Rapporteur: Afghanistan.Delegate of Afghanistan: Present.Rapporteur: Afghanistan is Present.主席助理:阿富汗。



Rapporteur: With_____countries present, this conference is in quorum, the two-thirds majority is_______, the simple majority is _______, 20% of the number is _______. Delegates,who are late for the Roll Call, please send a page to the Dais to show your presence.主席助理:本次会议共有_____个国家出席,符合大会规定。



模联主席用语指导1、会议开场Hello, every delegate. I’m the chair of this conference; first of all, let’s introduce our dais here, the first chair XXX, the second chair XXX, and the secretary/director XXX.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席,首先介绍主席团成员:第一主席XXX,第二主席XXX,会议指导、会议秘书XXX。

2、点名OK,let’s start roll call. The delegate be called please raise your card or your hand, and say “present”(chair/secretary repeat: the delegate of XX is present or abstain)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌或手,答“到”。

(代表答到以后,主席/秘书重复:某国代表到、缺席)OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX. 现在我们有XX代表出席会议,那么,我们的简单多数将是XX,三分之二多数将是XX。

3、设定议题Because we have two topic today,so let’s start set topic.因为本会议有两个议题,所以我们将进行议题先后设置。

The first topic is XXXXX, The delegate who confirms the topic one, please raise your card or hands.第一个议题是:XXXXX,同意先讨论议题一的请举手或国家牌。



问题和动议——Points and Motions
动议更改发言时间——Motions to set speaking time
E.g. Delegate:I have a motion for setting the speaking time for 90 seconds,since the time is a little bit longer than needed…etc.
MUN既可以是2-3个小时的短会,也可以是3-5天的长会。但不论会期长短,代表们的目的都是一致的——通过广泛协商合作,以争取其所代表国家的国家利益能在特定议题(Topic Area)的决议(Resolution)中得到充分的体现。
b. 不友好修正案(未经所有起草国同意):在决议草案投票前,按照决议草案处理流程处理,若通过则成为某份决议草案一部分。
9. 结束会议(Close the debate)
非正式辩论——Informal Debate
有主持核心磋商——Moderated Caucus
自有磋商——Unmoderated Caucus
立场文件——Position Paper



Deprive the right to rote 取消表决权Deputy 副代表Distribution 分发Document officer 文件分发人员Drafting committee 起草委员会Draw lots 抽签Elect by an absolute (a simple) majority 以绝对(简单)多数选出Emergency meeting 紧急会议Enjoy privileges 享受特权Entry into force 开始生效Executive secretary 执行秘书Exercise the right of vote 行使表决权Expert 专家Explain one’s rote 对所投的票加以说明Extend the term of office 延长任期Extraordinary session 特别会议Fill a vacancy 补缺Final report 最后报告First ballot 第一次投票表决First priority 最优先项目Fix the timetable of the settings 安排各次会议的时间表Foot-note 脚注Gallery 旁听席General committee 总务委员会General debate 一般性辩论Geographical distribution 按地域分配Give a ruling 作出裁定Give a warning 警告Give up one’s turn to speak in favour of 把自己的发言机会让给Give up the office to chairman 放弃主席的职务Go back upon a vote 重新表决Governing body 执行机构Hand over the Chair to the Vice-chairman 让副主席担任主席Have priority 有优先权Have the initiative 有倡议权Head of delegation 代表团团长Heading 标题Honorary president 名誉主席(会长)Host country 东道国I am authorized by my government 我受本国政府授权I ask for the floor 我请求发言I give the floor to 我请…(发言)I speak in my capacity of 我以…身份发言Immunities 豁免Implement the provisions of a Convention 实施公约的规定Impose a vote 行使否决权In a private capacity 以私人身份In an official capacity 以官方身份In an unofficial capacity 以非官方身份In the hands of chairman 听从主席决定Include in the agenda 列入议程Information desk 问讯处(台)Infringement 违反行为Initiate a discussion 进行讨论Instructions 指示、命令International instrument 国际文件(特指国际公约等)Interrupt a vote 中断表决Intervene in a debate 参加辩论Invite speakers to be brief 请发言人简明扼要些Invoke the chairman’s authority 请使用主席的权利Leave it to the decision of the majority 由多数决定Item on the agenda 议程项目Leave the matter to the chairman’s decision 把事情交由主席决定Legal adviser 法律顾问List of delegates 代表名单List of speakers 发言人名单Lobby 大厅、休息厅Ma intain one’s candidature 保持候选资格Maintain order 维持秩序Make a personal statement 以个人名义发表声明Memorandum 备忘录Merge together several amendments 把几个修正案合并起来Microphone 麦克风Minutes 会议记录Move that a separate vote be taken 提议分开表决Move the closure of debate 动议结束辩论Negative vote 反对票Note 照会Note a statement 将一个声明载入记录Note a violation of the rules 指出对规则的破坏Object in principle 在原则上反对Observer 观察员Occupy the chair 担任主席Office 职务Official languages 正式语言Official meeting 正式会议Open a debate on procedure 开始程序问题的辩论Oppose a proposal 反对一个建议Original text 原文Overrule 驳回Participants 参加者Party to a convention 公约缔约国Pass a vote of censure 通过指责决议Permanent delegate 常人代表,常驻代表Place a statement on record 将一个声明载入纪录Place at the end of the agenda 列在议程末尾Platform 主席台Plenary assemblyPlenipotentiary 全权代表Postpone a vote 延期表决Postpone the discussion 推迟讨论Postpone to the next session(sitting) 延到下一届(次)会Preamble 序言Preparatory committee 筹备委员会Preparatory meeting 预备会议President (submit) an amendment in writing 提出书面修正案Press gallery 新闻记者席Press releases 新闻稿Press-officer 新闻官Private meeting 秘密会议Proceed to the discussion of the articles 开始讨论条款Proceed to a second reading 进行二读Proceed to a vote 进行表决Programme of meetings 会议日程表Programme of work 工作日程Progress report 工作进展情况报告Protocol 议定书Provisional agenda 临时议程Public gallery 公众旁听席Public meeting 公开会议Put a question to the vote 把问题付诸表决Put a written question 提出书面问题Put one’s name on the list of speakers 登记发言Questionnaire 调查表,问题单Raise a point of order 提出程序问题Raise an objection of principle 提出原则性的反对意见Repporteur 报告员Ratify a Convention 批准公约Recall the terms of the rules 忆及规则的条款Recommendation 建议Record in the minutes 列入会议记录Refer to existing traditions 参照现存惯例Refer to the text 参照原文Refuse an appointment 不接受责任、职务Refuse an office 不接受职务Refuse to take the initiative 拒绝带头Regional conference 规则(条例,规章)Remit to the appropriate committee 送交主管的委员会Renewal of term of office 连任Renounce the office of chairman 辞去主席的职务Report 报告Representation 代表权Representative 代表Request a legal opinion 征询法律意见Request the speaker to keep the point under discussion 请发言人不要离开主题Reservations 保留Reserve one’s right to answer at a later stage 保留以后再答复的权利Resolution 决议Resolution committee 决议委员会Restrict the time accorded to speakers 限制发言时间Resume a debate 继续辩论Resume a sitting 继续开会Resume the chairmanship 继续担任主席Right of vote 表决权Rostrum 讲台Round table meeting 圆桌会议Rules 规则,法规Rules of procedure 议事规则Seat 座位Secret ballot 无记名投票Secretariat 秘书处Secretary General 秘书长Serve in (a Board) 在(理事会)中担任理事Set up a committee 设立一个委员会Signatory to a convention 公约签字国Sit on a committee 参加委员会为委员Speak from one’s place 在坐席上发言Stand adjourned 休会Stand for election 担任候选人Standing body 常设机构Statement 声明,发言Status 地位Statutes 章程Steering committee 指导委员会Sub-committee 小组委员会Sub-heading 小标题,副标题Submit a draft resolution 提出决议草案Submit to the rules governing… 服从有关……的规则Subsidiary body 附属机构Substantive motion 实质行动议Substitute resolution 替代的决议Summary record 简要记录(纪要)Support a candidature 支持(某人)的候选资格Support a nomination 支持某个提名Suspend the rules 放弃对规则的适用Suspend the sitting 停止会议Take a decision upon a motion 对动议作出决定Take a stand for (against) a proposal 赞成(反对)Take into consideration 考虑到Take part in a poll 参加选举Take the floor 发言Take up the discussion 开始讨论Technical adviser 技术顾问Term of office 任期The list of speakers in closed 发言登记已截止The majority is obtained 获得多数The majority of members present and voting 出席并投票的成员多数The meeting is called to order 宣布会议开始The motion is adopted 动议获得通过The motion is rejected 动议被否决The requisite majority 必要的多数The result is final 结果是最后的To address the meeting 发言To be in office 在职To be in session 开会Treasurer 司库Treaty 条约Tri-partite 三方面Typewriting service pool 打字组Unanimous vote 一致同意Unofficial meeting 非正式会议Valid ballot papers 有效票Verbatim record 逐字记录Verbatim reporters 速记人员Veto 否决Vice-Chairman 副主席Vice-Chairmanship 副主席Vice-Presidency 副会长Vice-President 副会长Harbin Institute of Technology International Communication Association V ote by roll call 唱名表决V ote by show of hands 举手表决V ote indicator 表决指示牌V ote of thanks 大会申谢V ote on the motion as a whole 表决整个动议V ote without debate 不经辩论的表决V otes cast 已投的票数Waive the rules 放弃对规则的适用We have a quorum 我们已足法定人数Withdraw a proposal 撤回提案Withdraw one’s candidature 撤销候选人资格Working languages 工作人员Working paper 工作文件哈尔滨工业大学国际交流协会。



主席Chair会议指导Director主席助理Rappotuer代表/代表团Delegate/ Delegation国家集团Bloc点名Role Call确定议题Setting the Agenda产生发言名单Open the Speakers‟ List让渡时间让渡给他国代表Yield Time Yield Time to Another Delegate 让渡给问题Yield Time to Questions让渡给主席Yield Time to Chair让渡给评论Yield Time to Comments 动议动议更改发言时间Motion Motion to Change the Speaking Time 动议有主持核心磋商Motion for a Moderated Caucus动议自由磋商Motion for an Un-moderated Caucus动议延置决议草案Motion to Postpone DR动议更改投票顺序Motion for Reordering the Resolutions动议暂停会议Motion to Suspend the Meeting动议终止辩论Motion to Close the Debate 问题咨询性问题Point Point of Inquiry程序性问题Point of Order个人特权问题Point of Personal Privilege文件立场文件MUNDocuments Position Paper工作文件Working Paper决议草案Draft Resolution修正案Amendment起草国Sponsor附议国Signatory结束辩论Close the Debate投票表决Vote意向条Page国家牌Placard☼会议详细流程 Conference Detailed Flow ChartR OLL C ALL 点名1.点名,该阶段要求确定共多少国家参会,参会国家的简单多数和三分之二多数是多少。



主席团用语一. 主席团介绍1.主席:各位代表,我是今天的会议主席××。




2 .会议指导:大家好,我是今天会议的会议指导××。



3 .主席助理:大家好,我是今天的主席助理××。

二. 点名1.主席:下面进行点名。

被点到国家名的代表请举牌并答“到”2 .主席助理:阿富汗。

阿富汗代表: 到。





三. 确定议题1.主席:由于我们今天有两个议题,议题A_,议题B_下面我们将先确定议题。




2 .主席:各位代表发言结束,现在进行投票。







四.确定发言名单1 .主席:下面将产生发言名单。











































主席: 下面本分组会议开始。



主席助理:阿尔及利亚阿尔及利亚代表 :到。




主席助理: 阿根廷代表到。






收到意向条声明离场/出席:主席: 主席团现收到来自[X]国代表的意向条声明离场/出席,当前本会场共有[A]位代表出席,简单多数为[B],2/3多数为[C],20%数为[D]。

开启主发言名单:主席: 现在主席团建议一个动议开启主发言名单,请问台下有无任何动议或问题?举国家牌主席: 英国英国代表:英国代表动议开启主发言名单。






主席: 现在进入正式辩论阶段,[X]国代表,你有[T]分钟时间陈述贵国观点。

代表 [X]: 尊敬的主席、秘书长和各国代表……让渡:主席: [X]国代表,你还有[T]秒的时间可以让渡。

【若让渡给另一位代表】代表 [X]: 让渡给[Y]国代表主席:感谢[X]国代表,[Y]国代表,你有[T]秒的时间陈述贵国观点。



AAbstain 弃权During a vote on a substantive matter, a delegate may abstain rather than vote yes or no. This means that the delegate neither supports nor opposes the resolution on the go.在一个关于实体性问题的投票中,代表除了可以选择“是”或者“否”,还可以选择“弃权”。


Agenda 议程Agenda is the order of topics to be discussed in a conference, usually being set after the roll call.点名完毕后,委员会所设定的议题讨论顺序。

Amendment 修正案Amendment is a form of document to amend a draft resolution. The two types of amendments are friendly amendment and unfriendly amendment.修正案是用来对正在讨论的决议草案提出修改意见的文件。


BBackground Guide 背景指导A background guide is a research report of topics on the conference written by the dais and distributed to the delegates before the conference.背景指导是一份关于会议即将讨论议题的调研报告,一般由会议主席团撰写,并在会前分发给各国代表。

Binding 约束力Binding is the legal force to impose UN resolutions on the Member States. Resolutions of Security Council and the Internaitonal Court of Justice are binding. Decisions made by the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council are non-binding.约束力是指联合国决议对成员国具有法律效力。



模拟联合国用语范例集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]立场文件格式P P立场文件格式:代表:(学校:)国家:部门:(,ECOSOC等)议题:正文:第一段对议题的概述。




模拟联合国用语范例1.主席团介绍The Chair: Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is …, the Chair of today’sconference.(welcome). I would like to introduce the secretariat’s member of the …commission. To my left, is the Director……To my right is theRapporteur…主席:各位代表,我是今天的会议主席××。




The Director: I’m…, the Director of today’s conference. All the files, including working papers, draft resolutions, amendments will directly come to me and any other questions are welcome.会议指导:大家好,我是今天会议的会议指导××。





1、会议开场Hello, every delegate. I’m the chair of this conference. First of all, let’s introduce our dais here.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席。


2、点名OK, let’s start roll call. The delegate called please raise your placard and say “present” (chair or rappotuer repeat: XXX is present or absent.)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌,答“到”。

OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX. 现在我们有XX位代表出席会议,那么,简单多数是XX,三分之二多数是XX。

3、设定发言名单OK, we will set our speaker’s list, the delegate who wants to speak, please raise your placard.现在我们将设定发言名单,想要发言的代表请举起国家牌。

4、正式发言The delegate of XXX, you have 2 minutes to address your body.X国代表,你有两分名来陈述贵国立场。


Are there any motions or points on the floor?请问专政有无动议或问题?Are there any seconds?请问有无附议?OK, let’s start vote现在进行投票。

This motion clearly passes or failed.这个动议通过或失败了。



Badge 胸卡Deprive the right to vote 取消表决权Close the debate 结束辩论Director 会议指导Deputy 副代表Head delegate 代表团团长,领队Head of delegation 代表团团长Faculty advisor 代表团指导Delegation bloc 代表团Distribution 分发Document officer 文件分发人员Drafting committee 起草委员会Draw lots 抽签Elect by an absolute (a simple)majority 以绝对(简单)多数选出Enjoy privileges 享受特权Entry into force 开始生效Executive secretary 执行秘书Exercise the right of vote 行使表决权Explain one's rote 对所投的票加以说明Extend the term of office 延长任期Extraodinary session 特别会议Fill a vacancy 补缺Final report 最后报告First ballot 第一次投票表决First priority 最优先项目Fix the timetable of the settings 安排各次会议的时间表Foot—note 脚注Gallery 旁听席General committee 总务委员会General debate 一般性辩论Geographical distribution 按地域分配Give a ruling 作出裁定Give up one’s turn to speak in favour of 把自己的发言机会让给Give up the office to chair man 放弃主席的职务Go back upon a vote 重新表决Governing body 执行机构Hand over the chair to the vice-chairman 让副主席担任主席Have priority 有优先权Have the initiative 有倡议权Heading 标题Honorary president 名誉主席(会长)Host country 东道国I am authorized by my government 我受本国政府授权I ask for the floor 我请求发言I give the floor to 我请…(发言)I speak in my capacity of 我以…身份发言Immunities 豁免Implement the provisions of a convention 实施公约的规定Impose a vote 行使否决权In a private capacity 以私人身份In an official capacity 以官方身份In an unofficial capacity 以非官方身份In the hands of chairman 听从主席决定Include in the agenda 列入议程Information desk 问讯处(台)Infringement 违反行为Initiate a discussion 进行讨论International instrument 国际文件(特指国际公约等) Interrupt a vote 中断表决Intervene in a debate 参加辩论Invite speakers to be brief 请发言人简明扼要些Invoke the chairman’s authority 请使用主席的权利Leave it to the decision of the majority 由多数决定Item on the agenda 议程项目Leave the matter to the chairman’s decision 把事情交由主席决定Legal adviser 法律顾问Lobby 大厅,休息厅Maintain one’s candidature 保持候选资格Maintain order 维持秩序Make a personal statement 以个人名义发表声明Memorandum 备忘录Merge together several amendments 把几个修正案合并起来Minutes 会议记录Motion to change the speaking time 动议更改发言时间Motion for a moderated caucus 动议有主持核心商榷Motion for an un-moderated caucus 动议自由商榷Motion to close debate 动议结束辩论Move the closure of debate 动议结束辩论Move that a seperate vote be taken 提议分开表决Negative vote 反对票Note 照会Note a statement 将一个声明载入记录Note a violation of the rules 指出对规则的破坏Object in principle 在原则上反对Occupy the chair 担任主席Open a debate on procedure 开始程序问题的辩论Open the speakers' list 产生发言名单Oppose a proposal 反对一个建议Original text 原文Overrule 驳回Party to a convention 公约缔约国Pass a vote of censure 通过指责决议。



1、会议开场Hello, every delegate. I’m the chair of this conference. First of all, let’s introduce our dais here.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席。


2、点名OK, let’s start roll call. The delegate called please raise your placard and say “present” (chair or rappotuer repeat: XXX is present or absent.)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌,答“到”。

OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX. 现在我们有XX位代表出席会议,那么,简单多数是XX,三分之二多数是XX。

3、设定发言名单OK, we will set our speaker’s list, the delegate who wants to speak, please raise your placard.现在我们将设定发言名单,想要发言的代表请举起国家牌。

4、正式发言The delegate of XXX, you have 2 minutes to address your body.X国代表,你有两分名来陈述贵国立场。


Are there any motions or points on the floor?请问专政有无动议或问题?Are there any seconds?请问有无附议?OK, let’s start vote现在进行投票。

This motion clearly passes or failed.这个动议通过或失败了。

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模拟联合国主席团标准用语Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】首先开头时说:If there are no objections, we will bring the committee into formal session. If all delegates will please take their seats, the rapporteur will begin roll call.然后就是进行点名,之后主席说:For those delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attendance has not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arrival and voting status. Please be certain your State’s attendance has been recorded. You will not be recognized while the committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your attendance at this session.之后主席说:Are there any motions on the floor at this time Seeing none, the first order of business before the committee is to set the agenda order. The topics on the committee agenda are I, II and III. If there are no objections from the committee, the chair will open the speakers list to begin deliberations upon setting the agenda. All those who would like to be placed on the speakers list, please raise your placards until your State has been recognized.就是开speaker's list,主席点,把国家名记下,写到speaker's list中。

然后主席可以说一句这样的话:If any additional members of the committee wish to be placed upon the speakers list, please send a note forward to the dais with an explanation in this regard.之后就正式进入会议环节,主席开始问有没有MOTION了Are their any motions on the floor at this time [比如说Norway raises placard] Norway, to what point do you rise然后比如挪威说要把发言时间定到两分钟,主席就说。

Thank you delegate, this motion is in order. Are there any additional points or motions on the floor at this time [no placards] Seeing none, a motion to set a limit of two minutes on the speakers time has been introduced. Is there any objection to this motion [placards are raised in objection] Seeing objection to this motion, the chair will entertain 2 speakers in favor of this motion and 2 speakers in opposition. Will those delegates wishing to speak in favor of this motion pleases raise your placards 比如Norway and Mexico, you will speak in favor of the those delegates wishing to speak in opposition to this motion please raise your placards 比如Cuba and Costa Rica, you will speak in opposition to this motion.”然后就这样进行。


会议开场Hello, every delegate. I’m the chair of this conference. First of all, let’s introduce our dais here.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席。


点名OK, let’s start roll call. The delegate called please raise your placard and say “present” (chair or rappotuer repeat: XXX is present or absent.)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌,答“到”。

OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX.现在我们有XX位代表出席会议,那么,简单多数是XX,三分之二多数是XX。

设定发言名单OK, we will set our speaker’s list, the delegate who wants to speak, please raise your placard. 现在我们将设定发言名单,想要发言的代表请举起国家牌。

正式发言The delegate of XXX, you have 2 minutes to address your body.X国代表,你有两分名来陈述贵国立场。


Are there any motions or points on the floor请问专政有无动议或问题Are there any seconds请问有无附议OK, let’s start vote现在进行投票。

This motion clearly passes or failed.这个动议通过或失败了。

(有组织核心磋商)the delegate of XX, you want to be the first or the last(针对动议国代表)X国代表,你希望第一个发言还是最后一个发言The entire delegate who wish to speak, please raise your placard.其他有发言意愿的代表请高举国家牌。

(自由磋商)Now delegates you have 5 minutes.代表们,你们有5分钟的自由讨论时间。

Time’s up! Delegates, please go back to your seats.时间到,请各位代表回席。

附录一:主席团规范工作用语中英文对照一、主席团的自我介绍:1.The Chair:Good morning /afternoon,honorable delegates,and name is…,the Chair of today’s will take this opportunity to welcome each of you to today’s conference and I would like to introduce the secretariat members of…To my left is the Director… To my right is the Rapporteur…主席:早上好/下午好,各位尊敬的代表。



我左边的是会议指导……右边的是主席助理……2.The Director:Good morning/afternoon,my name is…,the Director of today’s thefiles,including working papers,draft resolutions,amendments will directly come to me and I will provide all the answers at today’s conference.会议指导:早上好/下午好。



3.The Rapporteur: Good morning/afternoon,my name is…, the Rapporteur of today’s conference主席助理:早上好/下午好。

我是今天会议的主席助理……二、(roll call)点名Now the rapporteur will do the roll call ,All delegates please your placard and say‘present’when your nation’s name is called.下面进行点名,被点到国家名的代表请举牌并答“到”。

(settingthe agenda)设定议题1.Since we have two topic today .topic A…and topic B…now we are going to set the agenda. 由于我们今天有两个议题,议题A是……议题B是……,下面我们将确定议题。
