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A man married a very beautiful girl.After marriage,they were living happily together.The man really (1)______ her beauty and loved her very much.

But after a few months,the wife came to know that she was suffering(遭受)from a terrible illness.Because of that,(2)______ she will lose her beauty.

Knowing this,the wife started thinking to herself," What if I become (3)______ ,my husband would start hating me.I won't be able to stand his hatred(厌恶)."

One day,her husband had to go out of town for some work.When he was returning home after finishing his work,he met with an accident.He lost both his (4)______ in that accident.

However,their married life(5)______ to progress(进展)normally.Time passed and the wife completely lost her beauty because of her illness.She turned ugly but her blind husband couldn't see it.(6)______ it didn't influence their married life.

He (7)______ loving her like always.

One day the wife died.Now,the husband was sad and alone.He decided to leave that city.

He(8)______ all funeral rites(葬礼)for her wife.The next day,when he was about to leave,his (9)______ saw him and went to him and said," How will you be able to live (10)______ the support of your wife Your wife was (11)______ there for you to support you and help you for many years.It would be(12)______ for you to live alone."

The husband replied,"My friend,I am not blind.In fact,I was just pretending(假装)to be blind.Because when my poor wife came to know about her illness,I realized that she was completely troubled by it and (13)______ .If my wife had known that I could see her ugliness,it would have hurt her more than her

(14)______ .She was a very good wife and I just wanted to keep her happy.That's why for all these(15)______ ,I pretended to be blind."

1. A. disliked B. admired C. expected D. missed

2. A. especially B. luckily C. gradually D. quickly

3. A. beautiful B. lazy C. helpful D. ugly

4. A. eyes B. hands C. legs D. ears

5. A. stopped B. started C. continued D. failed

6. A. So B. Because C. Though D. But

7. A. ended up B. started with C. thought about D. kept on

8. A. canceled B. planned C. completed D. considered

9. A. friend B. father C. mother D. wife

10. A. by B. without C. with D. on

11. A. sometimes B. always C. never D. hardly

12. A. important B. possible C. easy D. difficult

13. A. surprised B. bored C. scared D. relaxed

14. A. beauty B. illness C. support D. sadness

15. A. years B. months C. weeks D. days


