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1.–matter① v无进行

Will it matter if I'm a little late?

It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as you look neat and tidy

Do you think it matters that the cups and saucers don't match? Just give me $5 - it doesn't matter about the rest.

He had lost many of the people who mattered to him.

It mattered a lot/a great deal to her what other people thought of her.

I don't think it matters much what you study

All/The only thing that matters is that you're safe.

What does it matter那有什么关系呢?how old I am?

-②★(C-n)matter问题; 事情[of]

a matter of life and death生死攸关的问题

★[常 matters]事态,事物

take matters easy [seriously]把问题看得轻松 [严重]

to make matters worse把事情弄得更糟

★[the matter]困扰的事,麻烦的事[with]

What's the matter (with you)?.


It is /makes no matter whether he comes or not.


as a matter of fact

no matter what [which, who, where, when, why, how]

无论什么 [哪一个,什么人,什么地方,什么时候,为什么,怎么样] No matter what he says, don't go.

2. lifestyle n. 生活方式

enjoy a very comfortable lifestyle

3.suppose vt.认为,猜想,假设

①suppose+sb./sth.+to do /adj./prep.­phrase认为/猜想……


★do you suppose (that) ...?

Do you suppose this is the exact spot?

★who/what/why etc do you suppose...?

Who on earth do you suppose could have done this?

③be supposed to do sth.理应做某事





4. series n ①(复数不变) 一系列,一连串,连续[of]

A series of tremors often precedes an earthquake.


②连续广播节目;a weekly TV series on famous gardens

5①.complain vi.& vt.抱怨,埋怨;投诉,控告


③complain to sb.of/about sth.向某人抱怨/投诉某事


make a complaint to sb.of/about sth. 向某人抱怨某事

6. switch v.转换,转变

①switch on/off开/关(电灯、机器等)=turn on/off

②switch(from A)to B(从A)转换到B

③switch through(to)将电话接通到

④switch over(to sth.)切换(到);转换频道;交换


turn off [on] a switch关掉 [打开] 开关

7. remote 形容词

( 距离) 遥远的,远方的/ 远隔的/ 隐秘的/人迹罕至的,偏僻的

Jane felt remote from what was going on around her

far distant remote

far 通常只指“空间上的远距离”, 只有在“How far?”这句问

话中, 才可指远距离或近距离, 间或也用以指时间上的距离, 如:

It's far away from here.


distant指“ 远隔的”, 可表示时间、空间的远距离, 指时间时

距离可大可小, 但当指极大的距离(如太阳与地球的距离)时, 则

用distant,不用far; distant还可指疏远的血统关系, 如:

He is a distant ciusin of mine.他是我的远房堂兄。

remote “遥远的”, 含有“不易到达的”意思, 如:

a town remote from the sea远离海边的城镇。

8. urgent adj..

急迫的 ,强求的, 加急的, 催促的

be in urgent need of急需

urgency noun [U]

It now is a matter of urgency

urgently adv. Help is urgently needed


be urgent for sb. (to do) 急切地催促某人 (做)

be urgent with sb. for [to do] 坚持要求某人(做)

9.midnight n. 午夜, 半夜, 子夜, 夜半

at midnight

after/before midnight

at/on the stroke of midnight=at exactly midnight

注意;不要用'in the midnight'.可以用 at midnight 和 in the

middle of the night.

10.① bore及物动词使厌烦, 烦扰

bore sb with sth

bore sb to death/tears

②bore 2 n.

使人讨厌的人. 令人生厌的事

It's a bore having /to have to go out again.


③bored;get/be bored with

Are you bored with your present job?

be /get bored to tears/to death/out of your mind

④boring ;a boring lecture

The film was so boring I fell asleep.

11.stressn.压力, 紧迫, 困难

stress →侧重指承受外来的压力,也指由于某种原因而引起的心


pressure →在科学上,指单位面积上所受到的压力。用于引申时,

指某事物所产生的压力或影响力等。under stress处在焦虑中

People under lot of stress may

experience headaches

under pressure 在压力之下

Some people work better under pressure

重视/ 强调某事put/lay stress on sth

I've spilled some coffee on the carpet.--It doesn't matter. 'Red or white wine?'-- 'Oh, either. It doesn't matter.'
