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1.拨开枝权,找出句子主干,明确句子结构,抓住中心 内容; 2.变长为短,区分主从句及修饰成分,理清句子各层次 的意思; 3.分析理解各层意思之间的逻辑关系。
The bending moments, shear and axial forces, and deflections of reinforced concrete frames at any stage of loading from zero to ultimaHale Waihona Puke Baidue load can be determined analytically using the conditions of static equilibrium and geometric compatibility, if the moment—curvature relationships of the sections are known.
分析:该句为并列复合句。句子主干为all the excavated material must be brought out…and…the engineer is deprived of...and 并列的后一个句子带有两个定语从句, which引导的从句修饰前面的preserving the line of his bore; as 引导的从句修饰前面的checking his position by reference to external objects。
理解:结构设计本身包含着两个不同的任务:(1) 设计结 构,即确定主要构件的尺寸和位置;(2)分析结构,用数学法 或图解法或二者兼用来进行,以便在构件选定后计算出各荷 载通过结构的情况。
理解:如果截面的弯矩——曲率关系已知,钢筋 混凝土框架从零到极限荷载间任一加载阶段的弯矩、 剪力、轴力和变位,均可以通过静力平衡与几何相 容两个条件应用解析方法来确定。
During the work of boring, all the excavated material must be brought out through the narrow confines of the bore itself, and in preserving the line of his bore, which he must do with the most minute accuracy, the engineer is deprived of any means of checking his position by reference to external objects, as he can do with any surface line.
理解:在过去的地质时期,无数的生物体埋藏在淤 泥和沙粒之下。在缺氧的环境下,由于长时期温度 和压力的影响而转化成为矿物燃料:煤、石油和天 然气。这些燃料现在为人类产生各种各样的结合能。
The structural design itself includes two different tasks, the design of the structure, in which the sizes and locations of the main members are settled, and the analysis of this structure by mathematical or graphical methods or both, to work out how the loads pass through the structure with the particular members chosen.
分析:这是一个主从复合句。句子主干为The bending…to ultimate can be determined…,if引导 条件从句,主句较长,主句的主语为the bending moments…from zero to ultimate load,在主句中 using…geometric compatibility为状语,修饰主句动 词can be determined。
理解:在掘进工作中,所有掘出的土石都必须通过洞身的 狭窄通道运出来。工程师必须以最高的精密度来保证洞的走 向。在这一方面,与地面线路施工不同.工程师是无法参照 外部物体来检验他的位置的。
Untold numbers of organisms in past geological periods were buried beneath silt and sand, and, in the absence of oxygen, were transformed by heat, pressure, and time into the deposits of fossil-fuels-coal, petroleum and natural gas-that now yield their bound energies to man.
分析:该句是一个主从复合句。主句的谓语是由 and连接的两个并列结构:were buried…sand和 were transformed…fossil—fuels; that now yield their bound energies to man是定语从句修饰the deposits of fossil—fuels。
分析:该句的主干为the structural design itself includes.. .Tasks.。the design of the structure和the analysis of this structure为tasks的两个同位语,前一个同位语后有一个定语 从句in which...settled, 后一个同位语由介词短语 by mathematical or graphical methods or both和不定式短语to work out how...来修饰。
科技英语是一种重要的英语文体,与其他文体的英语在语言 结构方面并无本质的区别。由于科技英语讲究以严谨的推理 和准确的叙述来表达多重密切相关的概念,这样就会增加一 些修饰性、限制性的成分,使得句子结构变得十分复杂。因 此,要正确地理解英语科技文章的长句,必须首先分析理解 原文的句法结构。一般可以按照下面三个步骤来进行分析。