



第一章测试1【单选题】(2分)Oneofthemostimportant______alecturerneedsistheabilitytomakethelecturesinteresting ().A.componentsB.benefitsC.characteristicsD.factors2【单选题】(2分)Thestudent______consistedofmarchingthroughthecampusanddeliveringacomplainttoth ecollegeprincipal().A.rebellionB.claimC.allianceD.resignation3【单选题】(2分)Indifficultsituationsit'simportanttobe______ratherthanaggressive().A.attractiveB.conservativeC.submissiveD.assertive4【单选题】(2分)Myviewsareverydifferentfrommyparents'andouropinionsoften_____().A.clashB.slashC.combatD.crash5【单选题】(2分)Whendiscussingphilosophy,it'simportantthatyou_____yourterms().A.refineB.mineC.confineD.define6【单选题】(2分)Whenyouareinvolvedinafightofanykind,it'sveryhelpfultohave_____().A.enemiesB.membersC.groupsD.allies7【单选题】(2分)ThegovernorofCalifornia_____thethestairsinordertotalktothestudents().A.dissentedB.descendedC.declinedD.defended8【单选题】(2分) Thesedaysmoststudentsaimtostudysubjectsthatwillmakethem_____().A.affableB.agreeableC.employableD.satisfying9【单选题】(2分)TheprofessoraskedifIhadthe_____gradesforthecourse().A.demandedB.requiredC.requestD.supposed10【单选题】(2分)Duringthe1960s,EuropeanandAmericancollegecampuseswerenotoriousfortheir_____st udents().A.obedientB.rebelliousC.criticalD.cynical第二章测试1【单选题】(2分)It'svery_____forababytobeleftaloneforalongtime().A.distrustfulB.distressedC.distressfulD.stressful2【单选题】(2分)_____isthetimeinourliveswhenweareatourmostdependent().A.InfancyB.AdolescenceC.FancyD.Youth3【单选题】(2分)Thetoddler's_____ofhiselderbrothermadeeveryonelaugh().A.limitationB.imitationC.invitationD.invention4【单选题】(2分)Motherstendtobevery_____wheretheirchildrenareconcerned().A.flagrantB.dominantC.awareD.observant5【单选题】(2分) Wouldyouagreethatinmanyculturesboysaretaughtnottoshowtheir_____().A.senseB.sensationC.sensitivityD.sensibility6【单选题】(2分)Thehotelguestbecame_____annoyedwhenstafftoldhimsmokingwasnotpermittedinthelo bby().A.definitelyB.distinctivelyC.D.distinctly7【单选题】(2分)Whenthe_____occurred,manypeopleweresofrightenedthatforseveralhoursafterwardsth eycouldnotsayaword().A.expeditionB.explorationC.exclusionD.explosion8【单选题】(2分)Althoughhebeganlifeasawealthyyoungman,his_____spendingonyachtsandracehorsess oonreducedhisfortunetonothing().A.excessiveB.inadequateC.D.expressive9【单选题】(2分)Thepsychologistthoughtthechild's_____wascausedbythefactthathewasjealousofhisyou ngerbrother().A.misfortuneB.behaviourC.actionD.behaviourism10【单选题】(2分)Ifelthuge_____whenIrealizedIhadfoodonmychinfortheentiremealandnoonetoldme().A.embarrassmentB.harassmentC.disappointmentD.annoyance第三章测试1【单选题】(2分)I'malwaysamusedbyhowsadand____footballfansseemaftertheteamtheysupporthaslosta match().A.mournfulB.stressfulC.helpfulD.distrustful2【单选题】(2分)ThedoctortoldHarrythatshewasn'tsurprisedhewascomplainingof_____whenhewasrunni ng15kilometresaday().A.expeditionB.C.expansionD.extension3【单选题】(2分) Shewasterrifiedthatshewouldnotbeabletotakepartinthegameduetotheinjurytoherankle,b ut_____,itgotbetterintime().A.distinctlyB.deliberatelyC.thankfullyD.directly4【单选题】(2分)Itrippedoverabatthathad_____beenleftonthecricketpitchandsprainedmyankle().A.accidentallyB.C.incidentallyD.apparently5【单选题】(2分)Our15-year-oldsonissogoodatfootballthathishopeofbecominga_____footballplayerislike lytoberealized().A.rotationalB.educationalC.professionalD.amateur6【单选题】(2分)TheTVhadbrokendownsowelistenedtothefootball_____ontheradioinstead().A.expositionB.C.discourseD.comment7【单选题】(2分) Throwingaballintoanetfromadistanceofeightmetresrequiresagreatdealof_____().A.accurateB.precisionC.revisionD.decision8【单选题】(2分)_____arrivedverysuddenly,beforetheplayerswereabletoremovealltheequipmentfromthe field().A.DarknessB.C.StillnessD.Silence9【单选题】(2分)Footballchantsarean_____ofhowclubsshowsupportfortheirteam().A.illustrationB.demonstrationC.ministrationD.frustration10【单选题】(2分)Aftertwohoursofdelaycausedbyrain,thecrowdcheeredatthe_____ofthetennismatch().A.consumptionB.resumptionC.presumptionD.assumption第四章测试1【单选题】(2分)Criminalscanaccessyouraccountbyusinga(n)__identity().A.validB.fakeC.deceitfulD.false2【单选题】(2分) Inhisstatementhecontradictedhimselfseveraltimeswhichmadeabad_____onthepolicedet ectives().A.feelingB.influenceC.depressionD.impression3【单选题】(2分)Alotofpersonal____onourcomputerscanbeaccessedbyhackers().A.staffB.matterC.stiffD.stuff4【单选题】(2分)Incourt,theevidencewasshowntobe__false().A.whollyB.largelyC.partiallyD.entirely5【单选题】(2分)Thereportoncomputercrime_____severalmeasureswecantaketopreventit().A.mentorsB.mentionsC.mendsD.manages6【单选题】(2分)Itcanlooklikea(n)____email,butinfactit'sascam().A.oddB.regularC.circularD.casual7【单选题】(2分)Thebankgotalotofbad_____afteritlostpersonaldataontheweb().A.attentionB.publicityC.publicD.popularity8【单选题】(2分)Whenhesawhisoldfriend,he_____,“Iwascertainyou’dcome!”().A.barkedB.claimedC.exclaimedD.roared9【单选题】(2分) Aftertheheavyrainseveraldistrictsclosetotheriverwere_____().A.mergedB.emergedC.inversedD.submerged10【单选题】(2分) TwentyyearsinthewesthadturnedBobintoa(n)_____criminal().A.habitualB.frequentC.mutualD.habitat第五章测试1【单选题】(2分)Peoplewhoare_____withgolffinditveryhardtounderstandwhyitissopopular().A.acquaintedB.unfamiliarC.familiarD.popular2【单选题】(2分)Wewereworriedaboutourson's_____atweekendsandsenthimtosummercampinthehopet hathewouldgetinterestedinoutdooractivities().A.inabilityB.incompetenceC.inactivityD.sensitivity3【单选题】(2分)Wewantedtoentertainourguestbutknewitwouldbe_____totakehimtoanartgalleryorthethe atreashewasblind().A.meaningfulB.delightfulC.carelessD.pointless4【单选题】(2分)Mysisterdislikesgoingonholidaybecauseshehasa(n)_____fearofnewplaces().A.irresistibleB.irregularC.irrationalD.impulsive5【单选题】(2分)"Youwerevery_____torefusetocomeclimbingwithme,"myboyfriendcomplained().A.courageousB.riskyC.consciousD.unadventurous6【单选题】(2分)Idecidedtotakeupahobbythatwascompletely_____withmywork().A.connectedB.contactedC.confrontedD.collective7【单选题】(2分)Afterworkinghardalldayitwas_____thatallhewantedtodowastocollapseinfrontoftheTVfort herestoftheevening().A.doubtfulB.questionableC.unbelievableD.understandable8【单选题】(2分)Readingasahobbyhasmany_____benefits,forexample,thefactthatyouoftenmakenewfrie ndsthroughbookgroups().A.maximumB.indictC.incorrectD.indirect9【单选题】(2分)Nothingcanbeatthe_____ofaFIFAWorldCupfinal.().A.assessmentB.amendmentC.excitementD.employment10【单选题】(2分)Wewerealldisappointedbythe_____offormercaptainfromtheOlympicteam().A.survivalB.removalC.memorialD.arrival第六章测试1【单选题】(2分)TheSilkRoadisanancienttrade_____betweenEuropeandChina().A.routeB.wayC.avenueD.road2【单选题】(2分)Scientistsarestudyinga_____ofstarsthatmayhavehabitableplanets().A.schoolB.flockC.crowdD.cluster3【单选题】(2分)Itisnotalwayspossibletopredictwhatproblemsyouwill_____whenyoustartyourresearch().A.encourageB.endangerC.encounterD.establish4【单选题】(2分)Couldyouplease_____thedeadlineformyessay()?A.extentB.exertC.extendD.expand5【单选题】(2分)Depressioncan_____thebody’sdefenses().A.lowerB.dampenC.StrengthenD.lessen6【单选题】(2分) Anticipatingbadluckissaidtobeawayof_____fate().A.testingB.temptingC.tacklingD.taunting7【单选题】(2分)Weestimatethe_____ofobservinganeclipseat50percent.().A.presumptionB.accuracyC.capabilityD.probability8【单选题】(2分)Ihavealwayshadaninsatiable_____aboutastronomy().A.knowledgeB.patienceC.curiosityD.insight9【单选题】(2分)Thefirstmeetingofthestudents’committeewaspleasant,but_____meetingsbecamequitest ressful().A.antecedentB.subsequentC.consequentD.previous10【单选题】(2分)Themoontakesjustover27daysto_____aroundtheearth().A.removeB.rotateC.revolveD.reflect第七章测试1【单选题】(2分)Shelookedvery_____andshowednothingofthesufferingshehadendured().A.gloomyB.emotionalC.criticalD.tranquil2【单选题】(2分)Thegeneralsdecidedthattheplantoinvadefromthesouthwas_____astheycouldnotgeteno ughsoldiersthereintime().A.deadlyB.complicatedC.impracticalD.destructive3【单选题】(2分)Whenhereturnedfromthewar,hischaracterhadchangedandhebecamevery_____,shoutin gangrilyathisfamilyfornogoodreason().A.moodyB.unreliableC.startledD.curious4【单选题】(2分)Itwasagreedthatthesoldiershaddonewellandshowed_____courageduringthelongbattle()?A.vigorousB.curiousC.considerableD.tolerant5【单选题】(2分)Themayorlookednervousand_____whengivinghisspeech().A.flexibleB.agitatedC.unfortunateD.renowned6【单选题】(2分)Themenlookedvery_____whenthepilottoldthemthatitwasadangerousmissionandtheymi ghtnotsurvive().A.sympatheticB.soberC.keenD.enthusiastic7【单选题】(2分)Someofthemenweremore_____thanothersabouttheirchancesofsurvival().A.generousB.alertC.optimisticD.enthusiastic8【单选题】(2分)Karenhasbeenvery_____sinceshefoundoutthatshecan’tgotomedicalschool().A.remarkableB.absurdC.impracticalD.moody9【单选题】(2分)Theworkers_____theoldbuildinginordertomakeroomforanewlibrary().A.decoratedB.demolishedC.polishedD.constructed10【单选题】(2分)Thedovehasbeenaworldwide_____ofpeaceformanycenturies().A.symbolB.signpostC.signD.signal第八章测试1【单选题】(2分)Thegroupleader,whohadworkedwiththelocalpeopleforatleastfiveyears,wasverydedicate d_____herwork().A.whichB.forC.atD.to2【单选题】(2分)It'swell-knownthatworkingasavolunteercanlead______manyinterestingjobs().A.towardsB.forC.intoD.to3【单选题】(2分)I'mnotatallsureI'msuited_____thiskindofwork().A.atB.intoC.toD.4【单选题】(2分)WhenIhearthenameRedCross,Iassociateit_____helpingpeopleandhumanitarianwork().A.atB.withC.forD.in5【单选题】(2分)Theuniversitycanteenisabletocater_____about300students().A.atB.withC.toD.6【单选题】(2分)Thereisahugeshortage__sciencegraduatesintheUK().A.withB.atC.ofD.in7【单选题】(2分)Employerscanfinditdifficulttodiscriminate_____jobcandidateswhohavetherightskillsandt hosewhopretendtohavetherightskills().A.withB.inC.forD.between8【单选题】(2分)Thecompanydirectorsdecidedto_____agymonthefirstflooroftheofficeblocksothatemploy eescouldexerciseduringthelunchhour().A.equipB.Establish`C.installD.erect9【单选题】(2分)Hefeltsuch_____atthethoughtofthejobinterviewthathishandsbegantoshake().A.dreadB.excitementC.nervousD.awe10【单选题】(2分)Theare_____waysstudentscanaddtotheirskillsandexperiencewhileatuniversity().A.numerousB.abundantC.numerateD.numerical。



解忧书店JieYouBookshop期末考试1单选(2分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage.Gender differences are also reflected in the ways that men and women use language. In junior high school, Joy's status will depend on her circle of friends. If her friends are popular, then Joy may enjoy high status at schools. For this reason, Joy and many other girls are interested in gossip, talking about other people and their private lives. If Joy has some information to share about a popular girl at school, this proves that she has a friendship with this girl. In this way Joy can use gossip to gain more status in her school.Tommy, on the other hand, may be less interested in gossip. His status doesn't depend on who his friends are at school. Tommy gains status through his own ability to play sports well or earn high grades. Later in life, Joy may continue to be interested in talking about other people and their lives. Tommy will be less interested in personal talk and more concerned with discussions of sports and news. These give him a chance to gain status by showing others his knowledge.Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As adults, men and women sometimes face difficulties in their communication with each other. Studies of communication show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem, she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may be annoyed when he simply tells her how to solve the problem. Similarly, a husband maybe annoyed when his wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for directions to a park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would rather use a map and find his way by himself.Language is also part of the different ways that men and women think about friendship. Most men believe that friendship means doing things together such as camping or playing tennis. Women, on the other hand, usually identify their best friend as someone with whom they talk frequently. Moreover, they often use tag questions to get agreement from their friends. If men and women can understand their differences, they may be able to improve their relationships.Question 1 is based on the above passage.Why are girls interested in gossip?A.Gossip teaches them how to act.B.Gossip allows them to use commands.C.Gossip brings them high status.D.Gossip helps them know about their friends.正确答案:C你选对了2单选(2分)Question 2 is based on the same passage of question 1.What do some boys want to prove by discussing sports?A.They are knowledgeable.B.They are more masculine.C.They are interested in sports.D.They are not interested in personal talking.正确答案:A你选对了3单选(2分)Question 3 is based on the same passage of question 1.What will a woman expect her husband to do if she tells him about a problem?A.Tell her how to solve the problem.B.Listen and show sympathy to her.C.Talk about the problem with her.D.Solve the problem for her.正确答案:B你选对了4单选(2分)Question 4 is based on the same passage of question 1.Men usually show friendship by ________.A.doing things togetherB.agreeing with each otherC.talking together oftenD.camping or playing tennis together正确答案:A你选对了5单选(2分)Question 5 is based on the same passage of question 1.What message does the writer want to send out?A.Both men and women should speak directly.B.Talking to women is easier than talking to men.C.There are many differences between men and women.D.It's beneficial to understand gender differences in using language.正确答案:D你选对了6单选(2分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage.Red, white, pink, purple – what is your favorite color? We are all sensitive to color. There are some colors we like a lot and some we don't like at all. Some colors comfort us, others excite us, some make us happy, and others make us sad. People are affected by color more than they realize because color is tied to all aspects of our lives.Experts in colorgenics, the study of the language of color, believe that the colors we wear say a lot about us. Do you know why you select a shirt or dress of a certain color when you look through your clothes in the morning? Colorgenics experts say that we unconsciously choose to wear certain colors in order to communicate our desires, emotions, and needs.Colorgenics experts claim that our clothes send messages to others about our mood, personality, and desires. Pink expresses the peace and contentment of the wearer. People who often wear pink are supposed to be warm and understanding. The message is that you would like to share your peace and happiness with others. Red garments, on the other hand, indicate a high level of physical energy. People who wear red like to take life at a fast pace. Brown is the color of wealth, and it shows a need for independence and material security. Wearers of green have a love of natureand enjoy peaceful moments. They often like to be left alone with their thoughts.Although colorgenics may be a recent area of study, associating colors with emotions is not new. Colors have always been used to describe not only our feelings but also our physical health and attitudes. "Red with rage" describes anger; "in the pink" means to be in good health; "feeling blue" is a sad way to feel; and "green with envy" indicates a jealous attitude.In conclusion, the study of color can help us to understand ourselves and to improve our lives. It offers an alternative way to heal the body and spirit, and it can help us understand what others are trying to communicate.Question 6 is based on the above passage.Why are people affected by color more than they realize?A.Colors make people more sensitive.B.Colors bring people different feelings.C.Colors are everywhere in people's lives.D.Colors give people excitement.正确答案:C你选对了7单选(2分)Question 7 is based on the same passage of question 6.According to the passage, ________.A.people wear different colors to show their feelings.B.people communicate better when wearing their favorite colors.C.people like to wear different colors in the morning.D.people choose different colors without knowing they do it purposely.正确答案:D你选对了8单选(2分)Question 8 is based on the same passage of question 6.Who want to share peace and happiness?A.People who wear green clothes.B.People who wear pink clothes.C.People who need security and independence.D.People who like to be left alone with their thoughts.正确答案:B你选对了9单选(2分)Question 9 is based on the same passage of question 6.What is implied in the passage?A.People started to associate colors with emotions long time ago.B.How colors show emotions is a new research topic.C.People wearing different colors usually feel happy.D.The colors people choose affect their physical health.正确答案:A你选对了10单选(2分)Question 10 is based on the same passage of question 6.How might learning about color be useful in our lives?A.It helps us to express our ideas more clearly.B.It helps us to control our emotions and desires.C.It helps us to feel happier and more excited.D.It helps us to understand ourselves and others.正确答案:D你选对了11单选(2分)A suspected man may deny a charge, but his fingerprints can ________ him even when there is nothing else to even say who he is.A.justifyB.simplifyC.notifyD.identify正确答案:D你选对了12单选(2分)Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be ________ to us as we experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.A.beneficialB.influentialC.substantialD.potential正确答案:A你选对了13单选(2分)Due to the unpredictable changes of weather, we bought an extra supply of coal ________ of a severe winter.A.in anticipationB.in obligationC.in associationD.in cooperation正确答案:A你选对了14单选(2分)In no country ________ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.A.more thanB.other thanC.rather thanD.less than正确答案:B你选对了15单选(2分)US military forces are fully prepared to __________ the military mission once the order is given by the President.A.exploreB.explodeC.executeD.exclude正确答案:C你选对了16单选(2分)Professor Chen complained that he had been unable to __________ any Ph.D. students for more than five years and it seemed that no one wanted a doctorate in humanities.A.regulateB.recruitC.rejectD.release正确答案:B你选对了17单选(2分)The report stated that __________ a result of environmental tobacco smoke, thousands of nonsmokers die of lung cancer each year and thousands more suffer from a lot of illnesses.A.toB.withC.asD.for正确答案:C你选对了18单选(2分)The goal of the university is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable __________ his financial conditions.A.in terms ofB.regardless ofC.with respect toD.in accordance with正确答案:B你选对了19单选(2分)A major-party candidate has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election________ it has the support from the faithful party.A.in whichB.in whatC.in thatD.from which正确答案:C你选对了20单选(2分)The company is back to the right track. There is ________ that the new method has greatly raised labor productivity.A.not to denyB.not to be deniedC.not denyingD.no denying正确答案:D你选对了21填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveI like wild sunflower not because it has a(n) _____ North American flavor but because its image is closely connected with our continent's early history.正确答案:distinctive22填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveI was embarrassed as an American for having _____ such an awful concept upon the French, sayingthat the French hated the idea of the theme park, Euro Disney.正确答案:thrust23填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveIf you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down or _____ your body in the chair slightly so that you can be right in front of your interviewer.正确答案:adjust24填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveWe might ______ further from the story and say that these people probably lived very close to the well because of the importance of water to life.正确答案:speculate25填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveIf workers believe inflation is likely to _____, they will demand higher wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.正确答案:accelerate26填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveThe cost of repairing damaged public facilities is so high that some local governments are unwilling to _____ in the rebuilding projects.正确答案:invest27填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveTrying to convince the school that it's not her fault, the teacher _____ that she should not take blame for student's cheating and that she was totally innocent.正确答案:protested28填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveAs a nation with 5,000 years of glorious history, China should adopt the positive things from abroad and, meanwhile, _____ the valuable aspects of her own culture.正确答案:preserve29填空(2分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box.(1) speculate (2) adjust (3) invest (4) accelerate (5) imitate(6) thrust (7) protested (8) diagnosed (9) distinctive (10) preserveCustoms officers seized more than 3.7 tons of fake goods last week, including more than 42,000 watches designed to _____ luxury brands.正确答案:imitate30青春须早为,岂能长少年。



广西师范大学大学英语2慕课答案1、1.Scientists discovered they could measure wind speed by_______a wind meter to a kite and sending it up.A、associatingB、attachingC、assistingD、applying答案:attaching--------------------------------2、If the telephone suddenly rang in the mid-night,your initial_____may include fright and anger.A、replyB、reflectionC、reactionD、remark答案:reaction--------------------------------3、Their investment turned out to be a failure and the manager was accused of______his duties.A、accomplishingB、neglectingC、ignoring答案:neglecting--------------------------------4、He failed in the writing test because his composition is irrelevant_____the topic.A、forB、toC、ofD、about答案:to--------------------------------5、The couple’s_______concern is to earn enough money to send their children to school.A、criticalB、principalC、complexD、desirable答案:principal--------------------------------6、The proposals deserve support as they give_______to the needs of children.A、exceptionC、relianceD、purpose答案:priority--------------------------------7、In_________to the hot days,the nights are bitterly cold.A、comparisonB、contrastC、retrospectD、relevance答案:contrast--------------------------------8、.Many factors,or combinations of factors,can____to disease emergence.A、attributeB、distributeC、contributeD、tribute答案:contribute--------------------------------9、It might be_________to consider buying an insurance policy.A、worthB、worthyC、worthwhileD、superior答案:worthwhile--------------------------------10、In her résuméshe has clearly_________her talents a little.A、displayedB、exaggeratedC、emergedD、evolved答案:exaggerated--------------------------------1、How old is Courtney White?听力原文:W:How do you like the old black and white movies of the forties,and fifties compared with the modem ones?M:For their time,the movies of the forties and fifties were excellent.But try to compare them with today's technology,and you'll find there isn't anything to compare.It's so superior today.Q:How were the black and white movies of the forties andfifties?(17)A.They are better than the modem movies.B.There is more technology in them.C.The technology in them cannot be compared with that of modern ones.D.They are excellent to us now.答案:C解析:本题问“四、五十年代的黑白电影怎么样”。



中南大学MOOC大学英语二答案20221、- I haven't been to Guilin yet.- I haven t been there, ______. [单选题] *A. tooB. alsoC. either(正确答案)D. neither2、A healthy life is generally thought to be()with fresh air, clean water, and homegrown food. [单选题] *A. joinedB. boundC. lackingD. associated(正确答案)3、Our school is beautiful. How about _______? [单选题] *A. theirs(正确答案)B. theirC. theyD. them4、35.___________ good music the teacher is playing! [单选题] *A.What(正确答案)B.HowC.What aD.What the5、David ______ at home when I called at seven o’clock yesterday evening. ()[单选题] *A. didn’tB. doesn’tC. wasn’t(正确答案)D. isn’t6、Bliss, who worked in an information centre, began to work on the book in 1 [单选题] *A. 策划B. 上班C. 写作(正确答案)D. 销售7、While my mother _______ the supper, my father came back. [单选题] *A. cooksB. is cookingC. was cooking(正确答案)D. has cooked8、This kind of banana tastes very _______. [单选题] *A. nice(正确答案)B. wellC. nicelyD. better9、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练10、--Jimmy, you are supposed to?_______ your toys now.--Yes, mom. [单选题] *A. put upB. put onC. put away(正确答案)D. put down11、Comparatively speaking, of the three civil servants, the girl with long hair is _____. [单选题] *A. more helpfulB. extremely helpfulC. very helpfulD. the most helpful(正确答案)12、—How do you find()birthday party of the Blairs? —I should say it was __________ complete failure.[单选题] *A.a; aB. the ; a(正确答案)C.a; /D.the; /13、We should have breakfast every day to keep ______. [单选题] *A. healthB. healthy(正确答案)C. healthilyD. the healthy14、Everyone knows that the sun _______ in the east. [单选题] *A. fallsB. rises(正确答案)C. staysD. lives15、--Do you often go to the cinema _______ Sunday?--No, we _______. [单选题] *A. on; don’t(正确答案)B. on; aren’tC. in; doD. in; don’t16、Boys and girls, please _______ your favorite book here and show it to us next class. [单选题] *A. bring(正确答案)B. sellC. buyD. take17、73.()about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to follow him.[单选题] *A. So curious the detective wasB.So curious was the detective(正确答案)C.How curious was the detectiveD.How curious the detective was18、My daughter is neither slim nor fat and she’d like a _______ skirt. [单选题] *A. largeB. medium(正确答案)C. smallD. mini19、I usually read English _______ six o’clock _______ six thirty in the morning. [单选题] *A. from;?atB. from; to(正确答案)C. at; atD. at; to20、These plastics flowers look so_____that many people think they are real. [单选题] *A.beautifulB.artificialC.natural(正确答案)D.similar21、I _______ no idea of where the zoo is. [单选题] *A. thinkB. getC. have(正确答案)D. take22、I’ve _______ a job interview today. [单选题] *A. haveB. had(正确答案)C. hasD. have gone to23、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *A. happyB. wellC. kind(正确答案)D. glad24、Now people can _______ with their friends far away by e-mail, cellphone or letter. [单选题] *A. keep onB. keep in touch(正确答案)C. keep upD. keep off25、Researchers have spent five years collecting data()the study is based. [单选题] *A. on thatB. in whichC. in thatD. on which(正确答案)26、John is fond of playing _____ basketball and Jack is keen on playing _____ piano. [单选题] *A./…the(正确答案)B.the…/C./…/D.the…the27、The soldiers were_____of running away when the enemy attacked. [单选题] *A.chargedB.accused(正确答案)C.scoldedD.estimated28、I was astonished when I heard that Louise was getting married. [单选题] *A. 惊讶(正确答案)B. 气愤C. 高兴D. 想念29、( ) --------Please take my seat here.-------- __________________________. [单选题]*A. That is nice of you(正确答案)B. I think it is my seatC. No, you sit hereD. I don’t think it’s a good seat.30、38.These workers ___________ this bridge since one year ago. [单选题] * A.buildB.are buildingC.have built (正确答案)D.built。



1单选(2分)—Hi, I’m Peter. Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around?—Hello, Peter. I’m Bob. I just _________ on Monday.得分/总分A.have startedB.startC.started2.00/2.00D.had started正确答案:C你选对了2单选(2分)_________ we don’t stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone.得分/总分A.If2.00/2.00B.WhileC.AlthoughD.Until正确答案:A你选对了3单选(2分)_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.得分/总分A.Having traveledB.TravelC.TraveledD.Traveling2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了4单选(2分)Susan had quit her well-paid job and _________ as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.得分/总分had workedB.is workingC.was working2.00/2.00D.has worked正确答案:C你选对了5单选(2分)She and her family bicycle to work, _________ helps them keep fit.得分/总分A.whoB.which2.00/2.00C.asD.that正确答案:B你选对了6单选(2分)During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes.得分/总分A.sharedB.share0.00/2.00C.to shareD.having shared正确答案:C你错选为B7单选(2分)China’s high-speed railways _______ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past few years.得分/总分A.will growB.had grownhave grown2.00/2.00D.are growing正确答案:C你选对了8单选(2分)In any unsafe situation, simply _________ the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need.得分/总分A.pressingB.press2.00/2.00C.to pressD.pressed正确答案:B你选对了9单选(2分)A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who ____ in the mountains for two days.得分/总分A.had been trapped2.00/2.00B.were trappingC.are trappingD.have been trapped正确答案:A你选对了10单选(2分)Ordinary soap, _________ correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively.得分/总分A.to useB.usingC.used2.00/2.00D.正确答案:C你选对了11单选(2分)Without his support, we wouldn’t be _________ we are now.得分/总分A.howB.whenC.whyD.where2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了12单选(2分)In today’s information age, the loss of data ______cause serious problems for a company.得分/总分A.shouldB.needC.mustD.can0.00/2.00正确答案:A你错选为D13单选(2分)They might have found a better hotel if they _________ a few more kilometers.得分/总分A.had driven2.00/2.00B.were to driveC.droveD.would drive正确答案:A你选对了14单选(2分)—Good morning, Mr. Lee’s office.—Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment _______ next Wednesday afternoon.得分/总分A.for2.00/2.00B.atC.inD.on正确答案:A你选对了15单选(2分)This is ______ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best.得分/总分A.thatB.what2.00/2.00C.howD.which正确答案:B你选对了16单选(2分)I want to know _____.得分/总分A.what his name is2.00/2.00B.what’s his nameC.that his name isD.what is his name正确答案:A你选对了17单选(2分)_______ the math problem is difficult, I’ll try very hard to work it out.得分/总分A.WhenB.AfterC.Though2.00/2.00D.Before正确答案:C你选对了18单选(2分)I used to_____him as someone who would always help me,but I was wrong.得分/总分A.thinking ofB.think ofC.think aboutD.thought of0.00/2.00正确答案:B你错选为D19单选(2分)I prefer to live near my work ______ spend a lot of time travelling everyday.得分/总分A.instead ofB.howeverC.rather than2.00/2.00D.but正确答案:C你选对了20单选(2分)While _____there, I examined every part of the room.得分/总分A.sittedB.to sitC.sitD.sitting2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了21单选(2分)I am sorry,but I have a question to ____ you.得分/总分A.ask2.00/2.00B.influenceC.changeD.treat正确答案:A你选对了22单选(2分)Please give us the reason ____ the goods were delayed.得分/总分A.howB.whatC.why2.00/2.00D.which正确答案:C你选对了23单选(2分)Peter will ____ the job as Sales Manager when John retires.得分/总分A.take over2.00/2.00B.make upC.put awayD.work out正确答案:A你选对了24单选(2分)There is no doubt ____ he is a good employee.得分/总分A.B.whatC.whoD.that2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了25单选(2分)I feel it’s a great honor for me _____ to this party.得分/总分A.to be invited2.00/2.00B.to inviteC.inviteD.having invited正确答案:A你选对了26单选(2分)Don’t _____ me to help you if you are not working hard.得分/总分A.planB.guessC.speakD.expect0.00/2.00正确答案:B你错选为D27单选(2分)It was two years ago _____ his sister became a doctor.得分/总分A.who0.00/2.00B.whereC.D.what正确答案:C你错选为A28单选(2分)The general manager has promised to _____ the matter in person.得分/总分A.get upB.put onC.look into2.00/2.00D.see off正确答案:C你选对了29单选(2分)If you move,you must inform us _____ the change of the address.得分/总分A.of2.00/2.00B.withC.inD.for正确答案:A你选对了30单选(2分)_____ his lecture is short,it gives us a clear picture of the new program.得分/总分A.WhenB.IfC.Although2.00/2.00D.Because正确答案:C你选对了31单选(2分)Did you see the film on _____ television or at _____ cinema?得分/总分A./; the2.00/2.00B.a; /C.a; theD.the; /正确答案:A你选对了32单选(2分)Mary ____ be in London because I saw her in town only an hour ago.得分/总分A.mustn’tB.may notC.won’tD.can’t2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了33单选(2分)Ever since he ____ his job, Allen has been much happier than before.得分/总分A.changed2.00/2.00B.has changedC.changesD.had changed正确答案:A你选对了34单选(2分)That big room _____ for meeting.得分/总分A.usesB.useC.is usingD.is used2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了35单选(2分)You’d better keep ______ on the program, and not give up.得分/总分A.to workB.working2.00/2.00C.workD.works正确答案:B你选对了36单选(2分)The place ____ interested me most was the Children’s Palace.得分/总分A.in whichB.whatC.whereD.which2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了37单选(2分)They want to know _____?得分/总分A.whose umbrella this is2.00/2.00B.whose is this umbrellaC.whose umbrella is thisD.whose this is umbrella正确答案:A你选对了38单选(2分)—Excuse me, Sir. But smoking is not allowed here.— Sorry, I didn’t see the sign. I’ll _______ my cigarette at once.得分/总分A.put upB.put awayC.put out2.00/2.00D.put off正确答案:C你选对了39单选(2分)The British Airways ____ 850 flew from Houston to London at its usual time.得分/总分A.aircraftB.flightC.fly0.00/2.00D.plane正确答案:B你错选为C40单选(2分)They waited ____ it was dark before leaving; ____ they didn’t want anyone to see them leave.得分/总分A.so; becauseB.since; because0.00/2.00C.unless; forD.until; as正确答案:D你错选为B41单选(2分)—Do you know Peng Liyuan?—Of course, she is ________ First Lady of China, _______ famous singer.得分/总分A.a, aB.the, theC.the, a2.00/2.00D.a, the正确答案:C你选对了42单选(2分)—Where is your mother?—She ________ the shop. She’ll be back in an hour.得分/总分A.goes toB.has been toC.go toD.has gone to2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了43单选(2分)—Which module is the most difficult in this book?—I think _____ module.得分/总分A.the ninth2.00/2.00B.the nineteenC.nineteenD.ninth正确答案:A你选对了44单选(2分)—What is the date today?—It is _______.得分/总分A.MondayB.May 1st2.00/2.00C.Children’s DayD.May 1th正确答案:B你选对了45单选(2分)—Do you like your math’s teacher?—Sure, because he is the teacher ___ helps me a lot.得分/总分A.whichB.who2.00/2.00C.whoseD.whom正确答案:B你选对了46单选(2分)—May I swim here?—No, you _______. It is dangerous.得分/总分A.won’tB.don’t have toC.needn’tD.mustn’t2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了47单选(2分)—Please read every sentence carefully. ______you are, ________mistakes you’ll make.—Thank you for your advice.得分/总分A.The more careful; the fewer2.00/2.00B.The more carefully; the lessC.The more careful; the lessD.The more carefully; the fewer正确答案:A你选对了48单选(2分)—______ the earthquake in Yushu is! —Yes, we should try our best to help them.得分/总分A.How terriblyB.How terrible2.00/2.00C.what terriblyD.What terrible正确答案:B你选对了49单选(2分)—Excuse me. Could you tell me ________? —Sorry, I am new here.得分/总分A.where the hospital is2.00/2.00B.where was the hospitalC.where is the hospitalD.where the hospital was正确答案:A你选对了50单选(2分)—How long has John been here?—Two years, _______ he still has no friends.得分/总分A.soB.orC.but2.00/2.00D.and正确答案:C你选对了51单选(2分)He has ________ friends than I.得分/总分A.much moreB.too moreC.very moreD.many more0.00/2.00正确答案:A你错选为D52单选(2分)Which is the _________ country, Japan or Australia?得分/总分A.most developed2.00/2.00B.most developingC.more developedD.more developing正确答案:A你选对了53单选(2分)There were _______ shops in the city in 1982 than in 1990. 得分/总分A.littleB.fewer2.00/2.00C.lessD.few正确答案:B你选对了54单选(2分)If you are not free today, come another day __________.得分/总分A.tooB.yetC.soD.instead2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了55单选(2分)He can't tell us ________, I think.得分/总分A.important somethingB.something importantC.important anythingD.anything important2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了56单选(2分)The Huang River is the second __________ river in our country. 得分/总分A.longest2.00/2.00B.longerC.longD.the longest正确答案:A你选对了57单选(2分)The light in the office wasn't ________for him to read.得分/总分A.B.enough brightly0.00/2.00C.bright enoughD.enough bright正确答案:C你错选为B58单选(2分)There was an accident at the corner. ________, the girl wasn't _________hurt. 得分/总分A.luckily, badly2.00/2.00B.luck, hardlyC.Lucky, heavilyD.Lucky, strongly正确答案:A你选对了59单选(2分)You must keep your eyes _________ when you do eye exercises.得分/总分A.openB.closed2.00/2.00C.closeD.opened正确答案:B你选对了60单选(2分)Five days has passed, but I haven't finished half of the work. ________,得分/总分A.tooB.stillC.yetD.already正确答案:C你选对了61单选(2分)English is as ______as Chinese. You should learn it well.得分/总分A.much more importantB.the most importantC.important2.00/2.00D.more important正确答案:C你选对了62单选(2分)The car is running _________.It seems to be flying.得分/总分A.faster and faster2.00/2.00B.more and fasterC.fast and fastD.more and fast正确答案:A你选对了63单选(2分)I feel even_________ now.得分/总分A.badB.wellC.worse2.00/2.00D.worst正确答案:C你选对了64单选(2分)She was very happy. She ran _________of all the runners.得分/总分A.fastest2.00/2.00B.the quickestC.slowestD.quickly正确答案:A你选对了65单选(2分)Keep quiet, please. It's_________ noisy here.得分/总分A.many tooB.too muchC.too manyD.much too2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了66单选(2分)The air there is____, so many people from the city go there on weekends.得分/总分A.prettyB.softC.deliciousD.fresh2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了67单选(2分)Don’t just believe the advertisement .That kind of camera is _____it says. 得分/总分A.as good asB.not as good as2.00/2.00C.not as well asD.as well as正确答案:B你选对了68单选(2分)She told us a story. Her voice sounded ____得分/总分A.sadlyB.sweet2.00/2.00C.smellD.clearly正确答案:B你选对了69单选(2分)Paris is one of ___ cities in the world.得分/总分A.more beautifulB.the most beautifullyC.the most beautiful2.00/2.00D.more beautifully正确答案:C你选对了70单选(2分)So ____homework really makes the students feel tired.得分/总分A.fewB.manyC.much2.00/2.00D.little正确答案:C你选对了71单选(2分)They had _______ when they were on holiday.得分/总分A.a very good weather0.00/2.00B.very good weatherC.a very good weathersD.very good weathers正确答案:B你错选为A72单选(2分)They’ll tell you all you want to know and give you _____ .得分/总分A.a plenty of informationsB.plenty of informationC.plenty of informationsD.a plenty of information0.00/2.00正确答案:B你错选为D73单选(2分)The free sites(网站)can be _____ , or better than, their paid-for competitors(竞争者).得分/总分A.as goodB.good as0.00/2.00C.as good asD.good正确答案:C你错选为B74单选(2分)If you travel independently (独自地), book(预定) your tickets and hotel rooms, this can be ________ .得分/总分A.much more cheaperB.much cheaper2.00/2.00C.more cheaperD.a lot more cheaper正确答案:B你选对了75单选(2分)I’m feeling ill. I ______ have eaten so much chocolate (巧克力)得分/总分A.wouldn’tB.couldn’tC.shouldn’t2.00/2.00D.needn’t正确答案:C你选对了76单选(2分)He ____ in Beijing with his family 5 yeas ago.得分/总分A.was livingB.lived2.00/2.00C.livesD.live正确答案:B你选对了77单选(2分)One day, I _____ in England when I suddenly realized (意识到)I was on the wrong side of the road.得分/总分A.was driving2.00/2.00B.droveC.driveD.drives正确答案:A你选对了78单选(2分)--Could I borrow your dictionary?---___________, but you have to return it tomorrow.得分/总分A.I’m sorryB.I hope soC.No problem2.00/2.00D.I‘m not sure正确答案:C你选对了79单选(2分)----____ have you lived here? ----Since last year.得分/总分A.How soonB.How long2.00/2.00C.How farD.How often正确答案:B你选对了80单选(2分)--Hello, may I speak to Millie? ---Sorry, she isn’t in. She _______ Nanjing.得分/总分A.has goneB.have gone toC.has gone to2.00/2.00D.正确答案:C你选对了81填空(2分)Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)Passage 1Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. Wide spread use of written language would not have been possible without some cheap and practical material to write on. The invention of paper meant that more people could be educated because more books could be printed and distributed. Together with the printing press, paper provided an extremely important way to communicate knowledge.How much paper do you use every year? Probably you cannot answer that question quickly. In 1990 the world’s use of paper was about one kilogram for each person a year. Now some countries use as much as 50 kilograms of paper for each person a year. Countries like the United States, England and Sweden use more paper than other countries.Paper, like many other things that we use today, was first made in China. In Egypt and the West, paper was not very commonly used before the year 1400. The Egyptians wrote on a kind of material made of a water plant. Europeans used parchment for many hundreds of year. Parchment was very strong; it was made from the skin of certain young animals. We have learnt of the most important facts of European history from records that were kept on parchment. (208words)根据短文完成1-5题,在空格处填写正确选项的字母。



1.Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.A.meetB.meetingC.have metD.to meet错误,正确答案是"C"2.—Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call? —Sorry, I’m a stranger here.—().A.Thanks a lotB.That’s a pityC.Thanks anywayD.I’m sorry to hear that错误,正确答案是"C"3.— (), but I seem to have misplaced your scarf.—Oh, that’s all right.A.I am fine.B.I am sorry.C.It’s nice of you.D.I am OK.错误,正确答案是"B"4.The expert made an impersonal comment () the incident.A.withB.toC.inD.on错误,正确答案是"D"5.Despite () attempts to diet, her weight soared.A.numerousB.numerableC.muchD.continuous错误,正确答案是"A"6.Could you tell me () we are going to meet?A.thatB.whetherC.whoD.what错误,正确答案是"C"7.Though he had often made his little sister (), today he was made () by his little sister.A.cry; to cryB.crying; cryingC.cry; cryD.to cry; cry错误,正确答案是"A"8.The child is spoiled by the () love from the grandparents.A.sufficientB.moderateC.adequateD.excessive错误,正确答案是"D"9.By the time you arrive in London, we () in Europe for two weeks.A.shall stayB.will have stayedC.have stayedD.have been staying错误,正确答案是"B"10.How do you pay?()A.By credit cardB.moneyC.creditD.card错误,正确答案是"A"11.The commission is made up of five people, () two women.A.includingB.involvingC.includedD.involved错误,正确答案是"A"12.People often try to make too many changes (), then find it too difficult.A.at leastB.at onceC.at mostD.at all错误,正确答案是"B"13.Under no () should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions.A.instanceB.circumstanceC.situationD.environment错误,正确答案是"B"14.Could you tell us () gate we have to go to?A.thatB.whetherC.whereD.which错误,正确答案是"D"15.Little () about his own health though he was very ill.A.he caredB.does he careC.did he careD.he cares错误,正确答案是"C"16.The aim is neither to judge nor to force forgiveness, but rather to () understanding.A.fosterB.harvestC.brightenD.activate错误,正确答案是"A"17.— Can I help you? What would you like?— I don’t know.— Would you like something to eat? How about some cakes?—(). I think I’d like some bread.A.Yes, pleaseB.That’s itC.No, thanksD.It doesn’t matter错误,正确答案是"C"18.I am tired. Would you like to fetch a chair () me?A.inB.forC.atD.of错误,正确答案是"B"19.Patients with the condition are () a higher risk of a number of complications.A.inB.onC.atD.with错误,正确答案是"C"20.(), I have never seen a more capable man than John.A.As long as I have traveledB.As I travel so muchC.Now that I have traveledD.Much as I have traveled错误,正确答案是"D"21.— Thanks for your help.— ().A.My pleasure.B.Quite right.C.Never mind.D.Don’t thank me.错误,正确答案是"A"22.—Would you please come over?—().A.Sure.B.Right.C.Yes, please do.D.Well.错误,正确答案是"A"23.Food is to men () oil is to machine.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.in which错误,正确答案是"A"24.— ().—Yes, where is ladies’ room please?A.I can help you.B.Let me help you.C.May I help you?D.What can I do for you?错误,正确答案是"C"25.No sooner () asleep than she heard a knock at the door.A.she had fallenB.She had fellC.had she fallenD.had she fell错误,正确答案是"C"26.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see () the next year.A.carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.to carry out错误,正确答案是"C"27.A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and () which they need.A.exclusionB.reflectionC.propertyD.permanence错误,正确答案是"D"28.—Excuse me, Sir, is the swimming pool open all day?—(). Only from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.A.T hat’s rightB.Yes, of courseC.Sorry, I am not sureD.Sorry, I’m afraid not错误,正确答案是"D"29.She is continually () her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.A.abusingB.teasingingD.tempting错误,正确答案是"A"30.—I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories.— ().A.Why not!B.I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time.C.I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.D.I cannot share your view. It must be a false story.错误,正确答案是"C"31.This is not the correct way to () the audience.A.talkB.addressC.sayD.chat错误,正确答案是"B"32.— May I help you?— (). I want to visit the Summer Palace and the Tsinghua University.A.YesB.Of courseC.NoD.Never mind错误,正确答案是"A"33.The room was designed () a study.A.beingB.beenC.to beD.to have been错误,正确答案是"C"34.He got up () early () he caught the first bus.A.so; as toB.so; thatC.as; asD.such; that错误,正确答案是"B"35.—How often do you eat out? —(), but usually once a week.A.Have no ideaB.It dependsC.As usualD.Generally speaking错误,正确答案是"B"36.— Pass the dictionary, will you?— ().A.By all means.B.Pleasure.C.None.D.Thanks.错误,正确答案是"A"37.() I respect him, I can’t agree to his proposal.A.AsB.ProvidedC.BecauseD.Much as错误,正确答案是"D"38.() from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.A.SeeingB.SeenC.Being seenD.Saw错误,正确答案是"B"39.While I was working for that company, I had to () consumer affairs.A.deal onB.deal inC.deal withD.deal for错误,正确答案是"C"40.My watch () at nine o’clock, but now it ().A.went; stoppedB.went; is stoppingC.was going; stoppedD.was going; has stopped错误,正确答案是"D"41.()I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man.A.whyB.howC.whoD.while错误,正确答案是"D"42.I don't enjoy () activities.A.feasibleB.physicalC.sensitiveD.critical错误,正确答案是"C"43.—I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?—(). I’m not using it anyhow.A.Sure, go aheadB.I don’t knowC.Yes, indeedD.I don’t care错误,正确答案是"A"44.— Thank you so much for your lovely gift.— ().A.Never mind.B.Please don’t say so.C.I’m glad you like it.D.No, it’s not so good.错误,正确答案是"C"45.—Are you satisfied with what she has done?—(). It couldn’t be any better.A.Not a littleB.Not at allC.I’m sorryD.Thank you错误,正确答案是"A"46.After () on the trousers, he found they were 2 inches too long.A.puttingB.putC.to putD.being put错误,正确答案是"A"47.If you have a () diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need.A.balancedB.bankruptC.biasedD.boring错误,正确答案是"A"48.—It’s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.A.Just so-so.B.No, thanks.C.My pleasure.D.It’s OK.错误,正确答案是"C"49.The new system will be () with existing equipment.A.capableB.controllablepatibleD.considerable错误,正确答案是"C"50.So difficult () it to live in a foreign country that I decided t leave.A.I have feltB.I did feelC.have I feltD.Did I feel错误,正确答案是"D"1.If you have a () diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need.A.balancedB.bankruptC.biasedD.boring错误,正确答案是"A"2.— Thanks for your help.— ().A.My pleasure.B.Quite right.C.Never mind.D.Don’t thank me.错误,正确答案是"A"3.How do you pay?()A.By credit cardB.moneyC.creditD.card错误,正确答案是"A"4.This is not the correct way to () the audience.A.talkB.addressC.sayD.chat错误,正确答案是"B"5.() at the meeting are some experienced teachers.A.PresentedB.Having been presentC.Being presentedD.Present错误,正确答案是"D"6.I first met Simon three years ago. She () at a university at that time.A.has workedB.was workingC.has been workingD.had worked错误,正确答案是"B"7.— Thank you for your invitation.A.It doesn’t matter.B.It’s a pleasure.C.I’ll appreciate it.D.It’s a small thing.错误,正确答案是"B"8.The winners will be selected at () from the correct answers received.A.formalB.casualC.idleD.random错误,正确答案是"D"9.After () on the trousers, he found they were 2 inches too long.A.puttingB.putC.to putD.being put错误,正确答案是"A"10.() there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.A.AsB.ThoughC.WhereD.When错误,正确答案是"C"11.— Pass the dictionary, will you?— ().A.By all means.B.Pleasure.C.None.D.Thanks.错误,正确答案是"A"12.() I respect him, I can’t agree to his proposal.A.AsB.ProvidedC.BecauseD.Much as错误,正确答案是"D"13.— Thank you for calling.A.Don’t mention it.B.Nice talking to you.C.That’s fine.D.Call back again.错误,正确答案是"B"14.— ().—Yes, where is ladies’ room please?A.I can help you.B.Let me help you.C.May I help you?D.What can I do for you?错误,正确答案是"C"15.Despite () attempts to diet, her weight soared.A.numerousB.numerableC.muchD.continuous错误,正确答案是"A"16.Oxygen is often stored as a liquid, although it is used () as a gas.A.primarilyB.seldomC.rarelyD.sometimes错误,正确答案是"A"17.—I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories.— ().A.Why not!B.I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time.C.I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.D.I cannot share your view. It must be a false story.错误,正确答案是"C"18.Could you tell me () we are going to meet?A.thatB.whetherC.whoD.what错误,正确答案是"C"19.I don't enjoy () activities.A.feasibleB.physicalC.sensitiveD.critical错误,正确答案是"C"20.—Don‘t think in Chinese when you're speaking English.— ().A.You are quite right. I just think in Chinese.B.I’m sorry, but I think in English.C.You can say that again.D.It’s nonsense.错误,正确答案是"C"21.You can make progress () you are modest.A.only ifB.if onlyC.because ofD.on that错误,正确答案是"A"22.Food is to men () oil is to machine.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.in which错误,正确答案是"A"23.Please enter your () when you pay.A.stateB.PINC.welfareD.address错误,正确答案是"B"24.() from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.A.SeeingB.SeenC.Being seenD.Saw错误,正确答案是"B"25.—I’m very sorry for the mistake I’ve made.—It’s OK. ().A.That can happen to the rest of us.B.What’s the matter with you?C.Why are you so careless?D.You should be responsible for it.错误,正确答案是"A"26.Under no () should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions.A.instanceB.circumstanceC.situationD.environment错误,正确答案是"B"27.The expert made an impersonal comment () the incident.A.withB.toC.inD.on错误,正确答案是"D"28.Obsessive () can be very irritating.A.perfectionismB.awarenessC.personD.critic错误,正确答案是"A"29.And that is really the problem, irrespective () what this site turns out to be.A.toB.ofC.inD.with错误,正确答案是"B"30.—Could you stay a little longer? — ().A.No, I’m afraid I can’t.B.Yes, thank you.C.No, thank you.D.You are welcome.错误,正确答案是"A"31.You'll never guess the answer. Do you ()?A.give upB.get offC.give awayD.get down错误,正确答案是"A"32.—How often do you eat out? —(), but usually once a week.A.Have no ideaB.It dependsC.As usualD.Generally speaking错误,正确答案是"B"33.Could you tell me () shall we meet again?A.whenB.thatC.howD.what错误,正确答案是"A"34.He grew () in a small village in North China.A.outB.downC.upD.on错误,正确答案是"C"35.A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and () which they need.A.exclusionB.reflectionC.propertyD.permanence错误,正确答案是"D"36.— Thank you so much for your lovely gift.— ().A.Never mind.B.Please don’t say so.C.I’m glad you like it.D.No, it’s not so good.错误,正确答案是"C"37.The room was designed () a study.A.beingB.beenC.to beD.to have been错误,正确答案是"C"38.— Is this raincoat yours?A.is hangingB.hangsC.has hungD.hung错误,正确答案是"A"39.Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She () for twenty years by next summer.A.will teachB.has been teachingC.would have taughtD.will have been teaching错误,正确答案是"D"40.People often try to make too many changes (), then find it too difficult.A.at leastB.at onceC.at mostD.at all错误,正确答案是"B"41.When () remains undecided.A.to start the programB.to be starting the programC.starting the programD.have started the program错误,正确答案是"A"42.()I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man.A.whyB.howC.whoD.while错误,正确答案是"D"43.Could you tell us () gate we have to go to?A.thatB.whetherC.whereD.which错误,正确答案是"D"44.The commission is made up of five people, () two women.A.includingB.involvingC.includedD.involved错误,正确答案是"A"45.This national fund pays for () benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.A.fareB.fairC.welfareD.satire错误,正确答案是"C"46.My watch () at nine o’clock, but now it ().A.went; stoppedB.went; is stoppingC.was going; stoppedD.was going; has stopped错误,正确答案是"D"47.— I wonder if I could use your bike? — ().A.No.B.None.C.Thanks.D.I’m sorry, but I’m using it right now.错误,正确答案是"D"48.—Would you please come over?—().A.Sure.B.Right.C.Yes, please do.D.Well.错误,正确答案是"A"49.— I must apologize for having delayed the job.— ().A.Pleased to meet you.B.No, that’s not your fault.C.I don’t know.D.Thanks a lot.错误,正确答案是"B"50.The child is spoiled by the () love from the grandparents.A.sufficientB.moderateC.adequateD.excessive错误,正确答案是"D"1.— May I help you?— ().A.Yes, you canB.SorryC.Yes, pleaseD.No, you can't错误,正确答案是"C"2.They would not allow him () across the enemy line.A.to risk goingB.risking to goC.for risk to goD.risk going错误,正确答案是"A"3.She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is () English.A.typicallyB.physicallyC.economicallyD.permanently错误,正确答案是"A"4.Let’s see () we can find out some information about that city.A.thatB.whetherC.whenD.what错误,正确答案是"B"5.Obsessive () can be very irritating.A.perfectionismB.awarenessC.personD.critic错误,正确答案是"A"6.— I must apologize for having delayed the job.— ().A.Pleased to meet you.B.No, that’s not your fault.C.I don’t know.D.Thanks a lot.错误,正确答案是"B"7.Most offices require secretaries ().A.have specified trainingB.having specified trainingC.to have specified trainingD.to have been specified training错误,正确答案是"C"8.The child is spoiled by the () love from the grandparents.A.sufficientB.moderateC.adequateD.excessive错误,正确答案是"D"9.By the time you arrive in London, we () in Europe for two weeks.A.shall stayB.will have stayedC.have stayedD.have been staying错误,正确答案是"B"10.All the windows () have been repaired.A.breakingB.being brokenC.brokenD.broke错误,正确答案是"C"11.Could you tell me () shall we meet again?A.whenB.thatC.howD.what错误,正确答案是"A"12.—I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories.— ().A.Why not!B.I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time.C.I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.D.I cannot share your view. It must be a false story.错误,正确答案是"C"13.You'll never guess the answer. Do you ()?A.give upB.get offC.give awayD.get down错误,正确答案是"A"14.() from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.A.SeeingB.SeenC.Being seenD.Saw错误,正确答案是"B"15.This is not the correct way to () the audience.A.talkB.addressC.sayD.chat错误,正确答案是"B"16.The expert made an impersonal comment () the incident.A.withB.toC.inD.on错误,正确答案是"D"17.The book is well ().A.worth readingB.worthy to readC.worth to readD.worthy reading错误,正确答案是"A"18.—How often do you eat out? —(), but usually once a week.A.Have no ideaB.It dependsC.As usualD.Generally speaking错误,正确答案是"B"19.After () on the trousers, he found they were 2 inches too long.A.puttingB.putC.to putD.being put错误,正确答案是"A"20.With a lot of difficult problems (), the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A.settledB.settlingC.to settleD.being settled错误,正确答案是"D"21.It is unwise of you () the proposal.A.turning downB.turn downC.having turned downD.to turn down错误,正确答案是"D"22.— Thank you so much for your lovely gift.— ().A.Never mind.B.Please don’t say so.C.I’m glad you like it.D.No, it’s not so good.错误,正确答案是"C"23.Oxygen is often stored as a liquid, although it is used () as a gas.A.primarilyB.seldomC.rarelyD.sometimes错误,正确答案是"A"24.The room was designed () a study.A.beingB.beenC.to beD.to have been错误,正确答案是"C"25.People often try to make too many changes (), then find it too difficult.A.at leastB.at onceC.at mostD.at all错误,正确答案是"B"26.The new system will be () with existing equipment.A.capableB.controllablepatibleD.considerable错误,正确答案是"C"27.— I wonder if I could use your bike? — ().A.No.B.None.C.Thanks.D.I’m sorry, but I’m using it right now.错误,正确答案是"D"28.— Pass the dictionary, will you?— ().A.By all means.B.Pleasure.C.None.D.Thanks.错误,正确答案是"A"29.Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.A.meetB.meetingC.have metD.to meet错误,正确答案是"C"30.It is his first visit to Europe as the ().A.presideB.residentC.presidencyD.president错误,正确答案是"D"31.It can () the go-between for your personal and career schedules.A.stand upB.participate inC.serve asD.put to错误,正确答案是"C"32.The commission is made up of five people, () two women.A.includingB.involvingC.includedD.involved错误,正确答案是"A"33.— ().—Yes, where is ladies’ room please?A.I can help you.B.Let me help you.C.May I help you?D.What can I do for you?错误,正确答案是"C"34.Under no () should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions.A.instanceB.circumstanceC.situationD.environment错误,正确答案是"B"35.The winners will be selected at () from the correct answers received.A.formalB.casualC.idleD.random错误,正确答案是"D"36.— Can I help you? What would you like?—I don’t know.— Would you like something to eat? How about some cakes?—(). I think I’d like some bread.A.Yes, pleaseB.That’s itC.No, thanksD.It doesn’t matter错误,正确答案是"C"37.Not only () to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends.A.He was forcingB.was he forcingC.he was forcedD.was he forced错误,正确答案是"D"38.— (), but I seem to have misplaced your scarf.— Oh, that’s all right.A.I am fine.B.I am sorry.C.It’s nice of you.D.I am OK.错误,正确答案是"B"39.— I am afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.— ().A.Don’t worry about it.B.What’s wrong with you?C.What’s happened?D.You have done well.错误,正确答案是"A"40.— Thank you for your invitation.A.It doesn’t matter.B.It’s a pleasure.C.I’ll appreciate it.D.It’s a small thing.错误,正确答案是"B"41.Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She () for twenty years by next summer.A.will teachB.has been teachingC.would have taughtD.will have been teaching错误,正确答案是"D"42.Though he had often made his little sister (), today he was made () by his little sister.A.cry; to cryB.crying; cryingC.cry; cryD.to cry; cry错误,正确答案是"A"43.— Can I help you? — ().A.That's rightB.No, thanksC.Here you areD.Yes, I can错误,正确答案是"B"44.—Are you satisfied with what she has done?—(). It couldn’t be any better.A.Not a littleB.Not at allC.I’m sorryD.Thank you错误,正确答案是"A"45.—It’s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.A.Just so-so.B.No, thanks.C.My pleasure.D.It’s OK.错误,正确答案是"C"46.—I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?—(). I’m not using it anyhow.A.Sure, go aheadB.I don’t knowC.Yes, indeedD.I don’t care错误,正确答案是"A"47.She is continually () her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.A.abusingB.teasingingD.tempting错误,正确答案是"A"48.If you have a () diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need.A.balancedB.bankruptC.biasedD.boring错误,正确答案是"A"49.—I think I shall read a book instead.— ().A.Great. Watching TV programme is much better.B.No way. Our TV set doesn’t work now.C.OK. Let’s turn on the TV set.D.Good idea. That‘s much better than watching a bad TV programme.错误,正确答案是"D"50.No sooner () asleep than she heard a knock at the door.A.she had fallenB.She had fellC.had she fallenD.had she fell错误,正确答案是"C"1.What is a () price when the seller sell something online?A.maximumC.reserveD.conserve错误,正确答案是"C"2.Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.A.meetB.meetingC.have metD.to meet错误,正确答案是"C"3.— (), but I seem to have misplaced your scarf.—Oh, that’s all right.A.I am fine.B.I am sorry.C.It’s nice of you.D.I am OK.错误,正确答案是"B"4.— I must apologize for having delayed the job.— ().A.Pleased to meet you.B.No, that’s not your fault.C.I don’t know.D.Thanks a lot.错误,正确答案是"B"5.Obsessive () can be very irritating.A.perfectionismB.awarenessC.personD.critic错误,正确答案是"A"6.I don't enjoy () activities.A.feasibleB.physicalC.sensitiveD.critical错误,正确答案是"C"7.He got up () early () he caught the first bus.A.so; as toB.so; thatC.as; as错误,正确答案是"B"8.—Are you satisfied with what she has done?—(). It couldn’t be an y better.A.Not a littleB.Not at allC.I’m sorryD.Thank you错误,正确答案是"A"9.With a lot of difficult problems (), the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A.settledB.settlingC.to settleD.being settled错误,正确答案是"D"10.Little () about his own health though he was very ill.A.he caredB.does he careC.did he careD.he cares错误,正确答案是"C"11.() from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.A.SeeingB.SeenC.Being seenD.Saw错误,正确答案是"B"12.Not only () to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends.A.He was forcingB.was he forcingC.he was forcedD.was he forced错误,正确答案是"D"13.— Can I help you? What would you like?—I don’t know.— Would you like something to eat? How about some cakes?—(). I think I’d like some bread.A.Yes, pleaseB.That’s itC.No, thanksD.It doesn’t matter错误,正确答案是"C"14.The commission is made up of five people, () two women.A.includingB.involvingC.includedD.involved错误,正确答案是"A"15.— I think the shop is closed at this time of day.— ().A.No, I think it's open.B.No, I think it's closed.C.Yes, I think it's open.D.Yes, I don't think so.错误,正确答案是"A"16.She behaved () she were the boss.A.asB.as ifC.even ifD.even though错误,正确答案是"B"17.Under no () should we be reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions.A.instanceB.circumstanceC.situationD.environment错误,正确答案是"B"18.The child is spoiled by the () love from the grandparents.A.sufficientB.moderateC.adequateD.excessive错误,正确答案是"D"19.I have heard () he will come tomorrow.A.whenB.howC.whatD.that错误,正确答案是"D"20.No sooner () asleep than she heard a knock at the door.A.she had fallenB.She had fellC.had she fallenD.had she fell错误,正确答案是"C"21.People often try to make too many changes (), then find it too difficult.A.at leastB.at onceC.at mostD.at all错误,正确答案是"B"22.After () on the trousers, he found they were 2 inches too long.A.puttingB.putC.to putD.being put错误,正确答案是"A"23.— I am very sorry. Can I get you another one?— ().A.That’s fine.B.I don’t forgive you.C.No, forget about it.D.It’s none of your business.错误,正确答案是"C"24.We were in the same college, () was male-only at that time.A.thatB.whichC.itD.although错误,正确答案是"B"25.Could you tell me () shall we meet again?A.whenB.thatC.howD.what错误,正确答案是"A"26.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see () the next year.A.carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.to carry out错误,正确答案是"C"27.— I am afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.— ().A.Don’t worry abou t it.B.What’s wrong with you?C.What’s happened?D.You have done well.错误,正确答案是"A"28.— May I help you?— (). I want to visit the Summer Palace and the Tsinghua University.A.YesB.Of courseC.NoD.Never mind错误,正确答案是"A"29.(), I have never seen a more capable man than John.A.As long as I have traveledB.As I travel so muchC.Now that I have traveledD.Much as I have traveled错误,正确答案是"D"30.How did you find me selling my dress?I saw your ().A.kiteB.flyC.bookD.flyer错误,正确答案是"D"31.Most offices require secretaries ().A.have specified trainingB.having specified trainingC.to have specified trainingD.to have been specified training错误,正确答案是"C"32.—Would you please come over?—().A.Sure.B.Right.C.Yes, please do.。



2022中南大学大学英语(二)慕课答案1、Alice is a ______ girl. She always smiles and says hello to others.()[单选题] *A. shyB. strictC. healthyD. friendly(正确答案)2、Which is _______ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu? [单选题] *A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest(正确答案)3、Mary, together with her children ,_____ some video show when I went into the sitting room. [单选题] *A. were watchingB. was watching(正确答案)C. is watchingD. are watching4、I paid twenty yuan _______ the book. [单选题] *A. offB. backC. for(正确答案)D. with5、Don’t talk _______. Your grandmother is sleeping now. [单选题] *A. happilyB. nearlyC. loudly(正确答案)D. hardly6、45.—Let's make a cake ________ our mother ________ Mother's Day.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.with; forB.for; on(正确答案)C.to; onD.for; in7、They may not be very exciting, but you can expect ______ a lot from them.()[单选题] *A. to learn(正确答案)B. learnC. learningD. learned8、______ visitors came to take photos of Hongyandong during the holiday. [单选题] *A. ThousandB. Thousand ofC. ThousandsD. Thousands of(正确答案)9、If you want to be successful one day, you have to seize every _______ to realize your dream. [单选题] *A. changeB. chance(正确答案)C. chairD. check10、If it _______ tomorrow, I won’t go there. [单选题] *A. rains(正确答案)B. is rainingC. will rainD. would rain11、—Mum, could you buy a schoolbag ______ me when you go shopping?—No problem.()[单选题] *A. ofB. toC. inD. for(正确答案)12、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up13、The firm attributed the accident to()fog, and no casualties have been reported until now. [单选题] *A. minimumB. scarceC. dense(正确答案)D. seldom14、He is going to _______ a party this evening. [单选题] *A. hold(正确答案)B. makeC. needD. hear15、His understanding made a deep impression_____the young girl. [单选题] *A.on(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with16、The market economy is quickly changing people’s idea on_____is accepted. [单选题] *A.what(正确答案)B.whichC.howD.that17、36.This kind of bread is terrible. I don't want to eat it ______. [单选题] *A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer18、______ in the library. ()[单选题] *A. Don’t smokingB. No smokeC. No smoking(正确答案)D. Doesn’t smoke19、--_______ are the birds doing?--They are singing in a tree. [单选题] *A. WhoB. What(正确答案)C. HowD. Where20、A small village cuts across the river. [单选题] *A. 切B. 穿过(正确答案)C. 划船D. 踢21、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] *A. if they expect to learnB. if they are expected to learn(正确答案)C. if they learn to expectD. if they are learned to expect22、I took?some _______of the Great Wall?in China last year. [单选题] *A. potatoesB. tomatoesC. photos(正确答案)D. paintings23、We must try hard to make up for the lost time. [单选题] *A. 弥补(正确答案)B. 利用C. 抓紧D. 浪费24、25.—I ______ Beijing for a holiday.—________. [单选题] *A.will go;GoodbyeB.will go;Have a good time(正确答案)C.will go to;Have a good timeD.am going to;Have a fun25、The book is very _______. I’ve read it twice. [单选题] *A. interestB. interestedC. interesting(正确答案)D. interests26、You needn’t _______ me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. [单选题] *A. worry about(正确答案)B. write downC. put awayD. wake up27、They lost their way in the forest, and _____ made matters worse was night began to fall. [单选题] *A. thatB. itC. what(正确答案)D. which28、The three guests come from different _______. [单选题] *A. countryB. countrysC. countryesD. countries(正确答案)29、This kind of banana tastes very _______. [单选题] *A. nice(正确答案)B. wellC. nicelyD. better30、You _____ smoke in the library, or you will be driven away. [单选题] *A. can'tB. mustn't(正确答案)C. will notD. may not。



慕课四川外国语大学新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2答案1、Chinese people spend _____ money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. [单选题] *A. more than twiceB. as twice muchC. twice as much(正确答案)D. twice more than2、She is _______, but she looks young. [单选题] *A. in her fifties(正确答案)B. at her fiftyC. in her fiftyD. at her fifties3、Mom, I need you ______ me a pencil box.()[单选题] *A. buyB. buyingC. to buy(正确答案)D. to buying4、It’s very hot. Please _______ your coat. [单选题] *A. look afterB. take off(正确答案)C. take onD. put on5、When you have trouble, you can _______ the police. They will help you. [单选题] *A. turn offB. turn to(正确答案)C. turn onD. turn over6、The family will have _______ good time in Shanghai Disneyland. [单选题] *A. theB. a(正确答案)C. anD. /7、14.Builders have pulled down many old houses, and they will build a lot of new ________. [单选题] *A.ones (正确答案)B.oneC.the onesD.the one8、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] *A. four-hour(正确答案)B. four hoursC. four-hoursD. four-hour's9、______ pocket money did you get when you were a child? ()[单选题] *A. WhatB. HowC. How manyD. How much(正确答案)10、_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. [单选题]*A. TravelB. Traveling(正确答案)C. Having traveledD. Traveled11、--Mom, I will not eat fast food this year. Believe me.--If you make a _______, you must keep it. [单选题] *A. jokeB. noiseC. mistakeD. promise(正确答案)12、Researchers have spent five years collecting data()the study is based. [单选题] *A. on thatB. in whichC. in thatD. on which(正确答案)13、The teacher has his students_____a composition every other week. [单选题] *A.to writeB.writtenC.writingD.write(正确答案)14、She serves as a secretary in a university. [单选题] *A. 为…服务B. 担任…职务(正确答案)C. 竞争…服务D. 申请…职务15、46.The pants look cool.You can ________. [单选题] *A.try it onB.try on itC.try them on(正确答案)D.try on them16、The paper gives a detailed()of how to create human embryos (胚胎)by cloning. [单选题] *A. intentionB. description(正确答案)C. affectionD. effort17、The bookshop is far away. You’d better _______. [单选题] *A. by the busB. by busC. take busD. take?the bus(正确答案)18、She often _______ at 21: [单选题] *A. go to bedB. gets upC. goes to bed(正确答案)D. gets to19、--_______ does Ben go to school?--By bus. [单选题] *A. How(正确答案)B. WhatC. WhereD. Why20、The reason I didn't attend the lecture was simply _____ I got a bad cold that day. [单选题] *A. becauseB. asC. that(正确答案)D. for21、(), it would be much more sensible to do it later instead of finishing it now. [单选题] *A. FinallyB. MildlyC. Actually(正确答案)D. Successfully22、My sister _______ listen to music when she was doing her homework.[单选题] *A. used to(正确答案)B. use toC. is used toD. uses to23、Miss Smith is a friend of _____. [单选题] *A. Jack’s sister’s(正确答案)B. Jack’s sisterC. Jack sister’sD. Jack sister24、78.According to a report on Daily Mail, it’s on Wednesday()people start feeling really unhappy. [单选题] *A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that(正确答案)25、The commander said that two _____ would be sent to the Iraqi front line the next day. [单选题] *A. women's doctorB. women doctorsC. women's doctorsD. women doctor(正确答案)26、We are very hungry now. Can you _______ us something to eat? [单选题] *A. carryB. takeC. borrowD. bring(正确答案)27、Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _______ her to do so. [单选题] *A. forbidB. allowC. follow(正确答案)D. ask28、____ of my parents has been to my school, so they know _____ of my classmates. [单选题] *A. Neither, none(正确答案)B. No one, noneC. None, no oneD. Neither, no one29、I?have to?_______ my younger brother on Sunday. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look upC. take careD. look out30、_______ is on September the tenth. [单选题] *A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’Day(正确答案)C. Women’s DayD. Mother’s Day。



1单选(1分)Please select a word to replace the underlined one.Doing homework is important,but it’s not always enough.得分/总分A.adoptiveB.admirableC.adaptableD.adequate1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了解析:A、表示收养的B、表示令人倾佩的C、表示适应的D、表示充足的2单选(1分)Please choose the right answer which reflects the right meaning of the underlined word. University should,adjust the curriculum into a broad and balanced one.得分/总分A.设备B.安排C.环境D.课程表1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了解析:A、是equipment B、是arrangement C、环境是circumstances3单选(1分)How to express“think”in another English word?得分/总分A.ponderousB.applicationC.applyD.ponder1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了解析:A、是笨重的B、是申请,应用,名字形式C、是应用,动词形式4单选(1分)Please choose the right answer which reflects the right meaning of the underlined words.It is not your aptitude,but your attitude that decides your altitude.得分/总分A.能力,态度,高度1.00/1.00B.能力,高度,态度C.态度,高度,能力D.高度,态度,能力正确答案:A你选对了解析:A、aptitude的含义为某人在某领域擅长的能力,attitude表示态度,altitude表示高度。



中国大学慕课武汉交通职业学院英语二答案True or false1、The play will soon over.正确答案:错误2、The guy in brown can not trust.正确答案:错误3、A strange flying object is seemingly in the backyard.正确答案:正确4、Broadly speaking, human beings maybe divided into three classes.正确答案:错误5、The cat maybe on the roof or in the bushes.正确答案:错误6、After I had had lunch at a village pub. I looked for my bag to get money for my bill.正确答案:错误7、I am always nervous on the first day of classes.正确答案:正确8、Stanley always ready for a fight.正确答案:错误9、Lighting the dark sky for a few seconds.正确答案:错误10、Pumas, large cat-like animals, are found in America. .正确答案:正确11、The searching went on for several weeks, but the murderer was not caught.正确答案:正确12、We'll say goodbye to him, because he’ll away for two months.正确答案:错误13、The team plans to stay here for five days. During this time, they will give five performances.正确答案:正确14、The beggar may ask you for money. But he will never asking you to feel sorry for him.正确答案:错误15、“Oh, that,”he said with a smile as if he was talking about an old friend.正确答案:正确Passage rewriting1、We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made inGermany. It was made in 1681. We keep our clavichord in the living room. Our family has it for a long time. My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago.Recently a visitor damaged it. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard. She broke two of the strings. My father was shocked. Now he does not allow us to touch it. A friend of my father's is repairing it now.正确答案:评分总的规则:主语选择正确,可得3分。



The homework is not _________ to finish by himself.得分/总分A.enough easy to the boy0.00/2.00B.easy enough for the boyC.enough easy for the boyD.easy enough to the boy正确答案:B你错选为A2单选(2分)The young man worked very hard and earned some money to ______ his travelling expense. 得分/总分A.getB.pay0.00/2.00C.coverD.buy正确答案:C你错选为B3单选(2分)The soup is too light. You’d better add some salt ______ it.得分/总分A.ofB.atC.withD.to2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了4单选(2分)She studies hard, and has got _______ for the final exam.得分/总分A.preparingB.prepareC.preparedD.prepares正确答案:C你错选为A5单选(2分)He got used to _______ earlier in summer.得分/总分A.gets upB.getting up2.00/2.00C.got upD.get up正确答案:B你选对了6单选(2分)invaluable得分/总分A.宝贵的2.00/2.00B.不值钱的C.不珍贵的D.不贵的正确答案:A你选对了7单选(2分)make it得分/总分A.成功做到某事2.00/2.00B.河岸C.撒谎D.声响正确答案:A你选对了8单选(2分)concert得分/总分A.中心B.音乐会2.00/2.00C.音乐D.美术正确答案:B你选对了9单选(2分)pick sb. up得分/总分A.送某人B.看某人C.想某人D.接某人2.00/2.00正确答案:D你选对了10单选(2分)expose得分/总分A.经验B.使……暴露于2.00/2.00C.经历D.经常正确答案:B你选对了11单选(2分)学完Lecture 1的教学视频后,根据内容补全空缺处单词。






1. 语法和词汇部分的参考答案在大英2课程的语法和词汇部分,学生将学习英语的基本语法规则和常见的词汇。

以下是一些常见的参考答案:- 选择适当的词性填空:这种题型要求学生根据上下文选择正确的词性填空,例如:The weather is ______ today. (sunny/sun) 正确答案是sunny。

- 填空:这种题型要求学生根据句子的语法规则和词汇知识填空,例如:I_______ my homework when my friend called. (was doing/did) 正确答案是was doing。

- 改错:这种题型要求学生找出句子中的语法错误并进行修正,例如:Shedon't like coffee. 正确答案是doesn't。

2. 阅读理解部分的参考答案在大英2课程的阅读理解部分,学生将阅读各种不同主题和风格的文章,并回答相关问题。

以下是一些可能的参考答案:- 选择题:这种题型要求学生根据文章内容选择正确的答案,例如:What isthe main idea of the passage? (A. The benefits of exercise. B. The history of basketball. C. The importance of healthy eating.) 正确答案是A。

- 判断题:这种题型要求学生判断给定的陈述是否与文章内容相符,例如:The author believes that junk food is good for health. (True/False) 正确答案是False。



中国大学慕课英语2答案1、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where2、She was seen _____ that theatre just now. [单选题] *A. enteredB. enterC. to enter(正确答案)D. to be entering3、What surprised me ______ was that he succeeded. [单选题] *A. most(正确答案)B. mostlyC. almostD. at most4、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhereC WhoD. Whose(正确答案)5、--What’s your _______, Jim Green?--Jim. [单选题] *A. full nameB. first name(正确答案)C. last nameD. family name6、He went to America last Friday. Alice came to the airport to _______ him _______. [单选题] *A. take; offB. see; off(正确答案)C. send; upD. put; away7、The students _____ outdoors when the visitors arrived. [单选题] *A. were playing(正确答案)B. have playedC. would playD. could play8、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *A. message(正确答案)B. letterC. sentenceD. notice9、77.You can watch TV when you finish________ your homework. [单选题] * A.to doB.doC.to doingD.doing(正确答案)10、The notice put _______ on the wall says “No Smoking”. [单选题] *A. up(正确答案)B. offC. awayD. out11、My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet?_______ at the airport. [单选题] *A. herB. youC. him(正确答案)D. them12、19.Students will have computers on their desks ________ . [单选题] *A.in the future(正确答案)B.on the futureC.at the momentD.in the past13、-----How can I apply for an online course?------Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. [单选题] *A. seeB. are seeingC. have seenD. will see(正确答案)14、I’m still unable to make myself_____in the discussion, which worries me a lot. [单选题]*A.understandB.understood(正确答案)C.understandingD.to be understood15、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] *A. to have(正确答案)B. havingC. haveD. had16、It’s raining outside. Take an _______ with you. [单选题] *A. cashB. life ringC. cameraD. umbrella(正确答案)17、The story has _______ a lot of students in our class. [单选题] *A. attracted(正确答案)B. attackedC. appearedD. argued18、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] *A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through19、The market economy is quickly changing people’s idea on_____is accepted. [单选题] *A.what(正确答案)B.whichC.howD.that20、39.__________ he was very tired, he didn’t stop working. [单选题] * A.Although (正确答案)B.WhenC.AfterD.Because21、He held his()when the results were read out. [单选题] *A. breath(正确答案)B. voiceC. soundD. thought22、The green shorts are _______ sale for $[单选题] *A. forB. on(正确答案)C. atD. with23、79.On a ________ day you can see the city from here. [单选题] *A.warmB.busyC.shortD.clear(正确答案)24、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am a stranger here. [单选题] *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. why25、One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but at least can help cover my living(). [单选题] *A. billsB. expenses(正确答案)C. pricesD. charges26、Will you please say it again? I _______ you. [单选题] *A. didn’t hear(正确答案)B. don’t heardC. didn’t heardD. don’t hear27、I usually do some ____ on Sundays. [单选题] *A. cleaningsB. cleaning(正确答案)C. cleansD. clean28、The book is _______. You’d better buy it. [单选题] *A. useful(正确答案)B. uselessC. useD. careful29、We were caught in a traffic jam. By the time we arrived at the airport the plane _____. [单选题] *A. will take offB. would take offC. has taken offD. had taken off(正确答案)30、--_______ are the birds doing?--They are singing in a tree. [单选题] *A. WhoB. What(正确答案)C. HowD. Where。


They continue to ______ the company of unfair competition.
The young man tried to look at the positive side of every situation and show courage to overcome ______.
I didn’t take my father’s or my mother’s side; I tried to remain ______ .
Which of the following adjectives is seldom used to describe a horror film?



2022中南大学慕课英语2答案1、—John, How is it going? —______.()[单选题] *A. It’s sunnyB. Thank youC. Well doneD. Not bad(正确答案)2、He kept walking up and down, which was a sure()that he was very worried. [单选题] *A. sign(正确答案)B. characterC. natureD. end3、Don’t _______ to close the door when you leave the classroom. [单选题] *A. missB. loseC. forget(正确答案)D. remember4、My camera is lost. I am ______ it everywhere.()[单选题] *A. looking atB. looking for(正确答案)C. looking overD. looking after5、76.—Could you tell me ________the bank?—Turn right and it's on your right. [单选题]* A.how get toB.how to getC.how getting toD.how to get to(正确答案)6、_______ a busy afternoon! [单选题] *A. HowB. What(正确答案)C. WhichD. Wish7、If you know the answer, _______ your hand, please. [单选题] *A. put up(正确答案)B. put downC. put onD. put in8、You needn’t _______ me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. [单选题] *A. worry about(正确答案)B. write downC. put awayD. wake up9、( ) My mother told me _____ in bed. [单选题] *A. not readB. not readingC. don’t readD. not to read(正确答案)10、—Judging from ____ number of bikes, there are not many people in the party.—I think so. People would rather stay at home in such _____ weather. [单选题] *A. the, aB. a, /C. the, /(正确答案)D. a, a11、Our campus is _____ big that we need a bike to make it. [单选题] *A. veryB. so(正确答案)C. suchD. much12、In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you___ take care of your luggage. [单选题] *A. canB. mayC. must(正确答案)D. will13、I have only two tickets for TF Boys’concert. ______ you ______ he can go with me.()[单选题] *A. Either; or(正确答案)B. Either; norC. Both; andD. Not only; but also14、—Excuse me, how long does it ______ to walk to the library? —About 15 minutes, I’m afraid.()[单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. spendC. costD. pay15、We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month. [单选题] *A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another(正确答案)16、I want something to eat. Please give me a _______. [单选题] *A. bookB. watchC. shirtD. cake(正确答案)17、15.The restaurant ________ many complaints because of the terrible service since last month. [单选题] *A.receivesB.is receivingC.has received(正确答案)D.will receive18、—______ Tom play the piano?—Yes, very well. ()[单选题] *A. Can(正确答案)B. MayC. MustD. Should19、I think you should buy this novel. It is really worth _____. [单选题] *A. reading(正确答案)B. being readC. readD. to read20、He usually ________ at 6:30 a.m. [单选题] *A. gets toB. gets up(正确答案)C. gets overD. gets in21、44.—Hi, Lucy. You ________ very beautiful in the new dress today.—Thank you very much. [单选题] *A.look(正确答案)B.watchC.look atD.see22、24.Kitty’s father ______ a policeman since 2 He loves helping people. [单选题] *A.isB.wasC.has been (正确答案)D.have been23、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a24、They may not be very exciting, but you can expect ______ a lot from them.()[单选题] *A. to learn(正确答案)B. learnC. learningD. learned25、17.—When ________ they leave here?—Tomorrow morning. [单选题] *A.doB.will(正确答案)C.doesD.are26、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard27、Miss Smith is a friend of _____. [单选题] *A. Jack’s sister’s(正确答案)B. Jack’s sisterC. Jack sister’sD. Jack sister28、He runs so fast that no one can _______ him. [单选题] *A. keep upB. keep awayC. keep up with(正确答案)D. keep on29、I think ______ time with my friends is fun for me.()[单选题] *A. spendB. spendC. spending(正确答案)D. spent30、Your homework must_______ tomorrow. [单选题] *A. hand inB. is handed inC. hands inD. be handed in(正确答案)。



Understanding even a few key gestures from different cultures can make you a better______.得分/总分A.communicator1.00/1.00B.commuterC.communicationD.communist正确答案:A你选对了2单选(1分)As a musician she remained very______to sound and voice.得分/总分A.scientificB.similarC.sensitive1.00/1.00D.sensible正确答案:C你选对了3单选(1分)People in Indonesia always want to be______and polite,and this means they don’t like to say no.得分/总分A.activeB.directC.clearD.agreeable1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了4单选(1分)In Brunei it is not______to shake hands with members of the opposite sex.得分/总分A.B.delightedC.offendedD.customary1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了5单选(1分)When you have to meet someone from a different culture,be prepared to know what gestures are______.得分/总分A.verbalB.appropriate1.00/1.00C.worthlessD.receptive正确答案:B你选对了6单选(1分)I didn’t take my father’s or my mother’s side;I tried to remain______.得分/总分A.professionalB.casualC.solitaryD.neutral1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了7单选(1分)Small talk has powerful and positive effect in social______.得分/总分A.interaction1.00/1.00B.analysisC.valueD.factor正确答案:A你选对了8单选(1分)Small talk______the examination can soothe the patient’s anxieties.得分/总分A.owing toB.prior to1.00/1.00C.due toD.opposite to正确答案:B你选对了9单选(1分)By taking a risk to start a conversation,we______our willingness to connect.得分/总分A.contactB.conductC.demonstrate1.00/1.00D.accumulate正确答案:C你选对了10单选(1分)We need to ensure a smooth______from the old system to the new one.得分/总分A.isolationB.transition1.00/1.00C.definitionD.tension正确答案:B你选对了1单选(1分)A______gives facts and information about real people and events.得分/总分A.musicalB.documentary1.00/1.00C.dramaD.comedy正确答案:B你选对了2单选(1分)Which of the following adjectives is seldom used to describe a horror film?得分/总分A.normal1.00/1.00B.scaryC.violentD.bloody正确答案:A你选对了3单选(1分)Some people are worried that viewing a lot of violence in movies can cause people to______the violent behavior.得分/总分A.imagineB.estimateC.imitate1.00/1.00D.direct正确答案:C你选对了4单选(1分)Shocked to know later that the crew member is alive,they work out a______plan.得分/总分A.B.fierceC.hostileD.rescue1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了5单选(1分)The film is a(n)______tale with creative plots based on this fascinating novel.得分/总分A.strandedB.uncertainC.fictional1.00/1.00D.courageous正确答案:C你选对了6单选(1分)Cooperation is important for the work,so try to keep the______between you and your partner to the minimum.得分/总分A.determinationB.allianceC.conflict1.00/1.00D.magnificence正确答案:C你选对了7单选(1分)In this heartbreaking movie,nothing was able to escape the______of the war in the end.得分/总分A.cowardB.humanityC.D.cruelty1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了8单选(1分)They continue to______the company of unfair competition.得分/总分A.robB.accuse1.00/1.00C.chargeD.challenge正确答案:B你选对了9单选(1分)Several thousand football fans came to the airport to catch a______of the football stars.得分/总分A.graceB.caretakerC.witnessD.glimpse1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了10单选(1分)In the novel,the popular rock musician______the hopes of black youth in the1960s.得分/总分A.determinedB.mortgagedC.embodied1.00/1.00D.entertained正确答案:C你选对了1单选(1分)The results are entirely______with our earlier research.得分/总分A.prevalentB.vitalC.enthusiasticD.consistent1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了2单选(1分)In order to give a pleasant surprise to her little daughter at home,Jennifer needs to buy a present. What hotel facility might she need?得分/总分A.Gift shop1.00/1.00B.SaunaC.Fitness centerD.Meeting room正确答案:A你选对了3单选(1分)Woman:Hi.This is Carol Braun calling.Is Collin Mack in?Man:No,he isn’t.He’s out of the country till next week.Woman:Oh.Well,______?得分/总分A.would you leave a messageB.can I take a messageC.can you call me backD.can you give him a message for me1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了4单选(1分)Guest:Good morning.______Here’s my key card.Clerk:Was your stay satisfactory?Guest:Yes.Very nice,thanks.得分/总分A.Thank you for staying with me.B.How do you want to pay?C.I’m checking out.1.00/1.00D.I have a reservation for tonight.正确答案:C你选对了5单选(1分)All the spectators were amazed by the______endurance of this marathon runner.得分/总分A.attentiveB.fabulous1.00/1.00C.remoteD.legal正确答案:B你选对了6单选(1分)You should plan ahead and______your time so you can complete the heavy readings.得分/总分A.fountainB.babysitC.accessD.budget1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了7单选(1分)Guest:Is there somewhere I can put my valuables?Receptionist:Yes,we have______available.They cost two dollars a day.得分/总分A.minibarsB.lockers1.00/1.00C.liftsD.suites正确答案:B你选对了8单选(1分)With the introduction of new things and ideas,an age of technological______started.得分/总分A.inspectionB.innovation1.00/1.00C.propertyD.recession正确答案:B你选对了9单选(1分)The young man tried to look at the positive side of every situation and show courage to overcome______.得分/总分A.publicityB.adversity1.00/1.00C.integrityD.celebrity正确答案:B你选对了10单选(1分)To change the style of management that has been______for a century requires retraining for every position.得分/总分A.elabotateB.expendableC.prevalent1.00/1.00D.ethical正确答案:C你选对了1单选(1分)The Ministry of Transportation introduces a series of new laws that include______fines for texting while driving.得分/总分A.rentalB.relevantC.harsh1.00/1.00D.hard正确答案:C你选对了2单选(1分)Many people use earphones while driving so they can talk on the phone and keep both hands on the______.得分/总分A.side-view mirrorB.engineC.steering wheel1.00/1.00D.horn正确答案:C你选对了3单选(1分)To______something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible.得分/总分A.emphasizeB.illuminate1.00/1.00C.ensureD.display正确答案:B你选对了4单选(1分)______zones mean that children can play in relative safety.得分/总分A.CyclistB.Pedestrian1.00/1.00C.TrafficD.Crossing正确答案:B你选对了5单选(1分)If you need a car that’s small and easy to park,______would be great for you.得分/总分A.an SUVB.a vanC.a compact car1.00/1.00D.a luxury car正确答案:C你选对了6单选(1分)Jack argued that the economic recovery had been______by the new policy.得分/总分A.replicatedB.facilitated1.00/1.00C.obsessedD.rejected正确答案:B你选对了7单选(1分)All the committee members agree that the present task is to______economic growth.得分/总分A.manufactureB.accelerate1.00/1.00C.associateD.prosper正确答案:B你选对了8单选(1分)The growth of automobile has allowed people to live in the suburb and work in the city by ______.得分/总分A.communityB.trnasittingC.mobilityD.commuting1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了9单选(1分)The convenience of the automobile______people from the need to live near rail lines or station.得分/总分A.consistedB.maintainedC.establishedD.freed1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了10单选(1分)______driving affects not only the drivers’lives but also those of their passengers.得分/总分A.SevereB.C.AutomaticD.Reckless1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了1单选(1分)Marie:Cheryl,your hair looks gorgeous.Cheryl:Thank you!I have a new______.得分/总分A.shampoo1.00/1.00B.toothpasteC.sunscreenD.body lotion正确答案:A你选对了2单选(1分)For someone who is bald,______might be a good option.得分/总分A.hair restoration1.00/1.00B.dietC.massageD.face-lift正确答案:A你选对了3单选(1分)There is some______at the bottom of the wine bottle得分/总分A.surgeryB.procedureC.privacyD.1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了4单选(1分)M:Can I possibly get an appointment today for a massage?F:Today…not likely.______得分/总分A.It’ll be a few minutes.B.Tips are not customary.C.I don’t mind waiting a bit.D.I think we’re fully booked.1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了5单选(1分)The passers-by______off their cloths and jumped into the water to save the drowning child.得分/总分A.peeled1.00/1.00B.erasedC.recoveredD.dominated正确答案:A你选对了6单选(1分)The company needs both positive and negative______on the products from the customers 得分/总分A.extentB.evaluatorC.profileD.feedback1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了7单选(1分)The Government hastily organized______measures against the armed attack.得分/总分A.illusoryB.originalC.emotionalD.defensive1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了8单选(1分)The basketball team need a big win to______their confidence.得分/总分A.reassureB.portrayC.boost1.00/1.00D.affirm正确答案:C你选对了9单选(1分)One way to ensure a great cosmetic surgery is to find out the______of your doctor beforehand.得分/总分A.esteemB.qualifications1.00/1.00C.trendD.privacy正确答案:B你选对了10单选(1分)______is the generally accepted term for a person whose weight is more than20%above expected for their age and height.得分/总分A.WrinkleRemovalC.Obesity1.00/1.00D.Superiority正确答案:C你选对了1单选(1分)1.—Joe,do you like sea food?—Not very much.Actually I’m______some of the shellfish.得分/总分A.agreeing withB.crazy aboutC.avoiding forD.allergic to1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了2单选(1分)A(An)______is someone who does not eat meat or fish.得分/总分A.dieticianB.meat addictC.vegetarian1.00/1.00D.appetizer正确答案:C你选对了3单选(1分)---Server:______---Customer:I’ll have apple juice,please.得分/总分A.Would you like something to drink?1.00/1.00B.How would you like your juice doneWhat would you recommend for drinks?D.What flavor do you have?正确答案:A你选对了4单选(1分)Milk,eggs,sugar and flour are basic______in making a cake.得分/总分A.componentsB.factorsC.ingredients1.00/1.00D.elements正确答案:C你选对了5单选(1分)With the population explosion,scientists will have to come______new methods of increasing the world’s food supply.得分/总分A.acrossB.throughC.up with1.00/1.00D.out of正确答案:C你选对了6单选(1分)Raj is thoroughly______;since his childhood,his parents always give him whatever he wants.得分/总分A.destroyedB.spoiled1.00/1.00C.uneducatedD.wasted正确答案:B你选对了7单选(1分)Natural disasters cause billions of dollars’worth of property damage______.得分/总分A.primarilyB.annually1.00/1.00C.relativelyD.dramatically正确答案:B你选对了8单选(1分)Eating too much fat can______heart disease and cause high blood pressure.得分/总分A.contribute to1.00/1.00B.derive fromC.attach toD.result from正确答案:A你选对了9单选(1分)This country has to import meat because it doesn’t produce enough for the______market.得分/总分A.nativeB.householdC.domestic1.00/1.00D.interior正确答案:C你选对了10单选(1分)The FDA______a24-hour deadline______food safety reporting,requiring food companies to report potentially dangerous products within24hours of discovery.得分/总分A.imposes…on1.00/1.00B.enforces…againstC.applies...withD.adapts…to正确答案:A你选对了1单选(1分)Mr.Davis,the______manager of the company,is in charge of employment.得分/总分A.personnel1.00/1.00B.personalC.individualD.private正确答案:A你选对了2单选(1分)A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial______.得分/总分A.markB.feature1.00/1.00C.traceD.appearance正确答案:B你选对了3单选(1分)The CEO finally agreed to cooperate with us but with great______.得分/总分A.concernB.favorC.reluctance1.00/1.00D.passion正确答案:C你选对了4单选(1分)—Young people shouldn’t always change their jobs.—______.Young people should seek for more challenges.得分/总分A.I can’t agree with you more.B.You have a point there.C.Certainly not.D.That’s not the way I see it.1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了5单选(1分)The relative effects of heredity and environment are most clearly observable in______twins.得分/总分A.identical1.00/1.00B.accurateC.doubleD.similar正确答案:A你选对了6单选(1分)I had to look twice to tell which was Martinez;the boys all looked______.得分/总分A.likewiseB.likelyC.likeD.alike1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了7单选(1分)Specialists will be invited to______our present system before we try to improve it.得分/总分A.commentB.conflictC.exhibitD.analyze1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了8单选(1分)Color theory tells us what emotions colors convey and how we can use colors______our advantage.得分/总分A.overB.byC.atD.to1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了9单选(1分)Social psychologists say people deceive themselves in an unconscious effort to boost self-esteem or feel better.The underlined word“boost”is closest in meaning to______.得分/总分A.remainB.improve1.00/1.00C.influenceD.perform正确答案:B你选对了10单选(1分)Some procrastinators always feel______with pressure,unrealistic about time,and uncertainabout goals.得分/总分A.overweighedB.overlookedC.overwhelmed1.00/1.00D.overcome正确答案:C你选对了1单选(1分)Most of us know we should cut down on fat.But knowing such things isn’t much help______ shopping and eating.得分/总分A.as long asB.on the flip sideC.with exception ofD.when it comes to1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了2单选(1分)—How do you like the New Year Concert?—Fabulous!You know,I’m really______classical music.得分/总分A.into1.00/1.00B.withC.forD.over正确答案:A你选对了3单选(1分)Located in London,Tate Modern holds the national collection of British art from1900to the present day and international modern and______art.得分/总分existingB.presentC.currentD.contemporary1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了4单选(1分)After reading a______of Lincoln,I was able to tell many stories about the president.得分/总分A.referenceB.poetryC.fictionD.biography1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了5单选(1分)When you talk about______things,people can understand you better if you give concrete examples.得分/总分A.dramaticB.abstract1.00/1.00C.shallowD.evident正确答案:B你选对了6单选(1分)I am selling various pieces from my collection to make______for newly purchased works.得分/总分A.areaB.regionroom1.00/1.00D.place正确答案:C你选对了7单选(1分)The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he does not have a(an)______passport.得分/总分A.operativeB.fakeC.competentD.valid1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了8单选(1分)Both approaches to the problem are______and one-sided,or,in a word,unscientific.得分/总分A.objectiveB.creativeC.effectiveD.subjective1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了9单选(1分)Artistic methods such as drawing or sculpture can be used to treat a wide range of mental disorders and psychological illnesses,which is known as art______.得分/总分A.operationB.analysisC.recoveryD.therapy正确答案:D你选对了10单选(1分)I think learning English can boil______three simple ingredients:persistence,proper ways and good teachers.得分/总分A.awayB.intoC.down to1.00/1.00D.over正确答案:C你选对了1单选(1分)—You know what?I just downloaded the latest version of the game.—Cool!I______to take a look.得分/总分A.hardly waitB.can’t wait1.00/1.00C.am waiting hardlyD.won’t wait正确答案:B你选对了2单选(1分)—Hey Joe,how long do you spend on your cell phone?—10to15hours a day,I guess.I keep checking on it’cause I don’t want to miss out on anything cool or interesting.—Wow,you’re really______to your phone.得分/总分A.concernedB.addicted1.00/1.00C.interestedD.正确答案:B你选对了3单选(1分)My enclosed______provides more information on my previous work experience and qualifications.得分/总分A.reviewB.identificationC.browserD.résumé1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了4单选(1分)How to dispose______the nuclear waste is a pressing problem for scientists and politicians alike.得分/总分A.of1.00/1.00B.atC.outD.with正确答案:A你选对了5单选(1分)Bill has a security clearance that allows him______to classified information得分/总分A.entranceB.attendanceC.access1.00/1.00D.passage正确答案:C你选对了6单选(1分)MOOCs offer a wide range of subjects to learners with______backgrounds,allowing them tolearn online and complete work at their own pace.得分/总分A.distinctB.decisiveC.definiteD.diverse1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了7单选(1分)When I saw on the news that there would be no school tomorrow because of the snowstorm,I ______jumped for joy,and hit my head on the ceiling fan.得分/总分A.literally1.00/1.00B.essentiallyC.accuratelyD.thoroughly正确答案:A你选对了8单选(1分)It’s now time for entrepreneurs to______,not just with new products,but new business models.得分/总分A.originateB.forecastC.innovate1.00/1.00D.refresh正确答案:C你选对了9单选(1分)This price is already at our______line,and we cannot concede any more.得分/总分A.dividingB.openingC.tagD.bottom1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了10单选(1分)The______development of leisure agriculture should be established on the basis of ecology, economics and society.得分/总分A.maintainableB.obtainableC.sustainable1.00/1.00D.containable正确答案:C你选对了1单选(1分)The approaching fire forced hundreds of people to______their homes and escape to safe areas.得分/总分A.abandon1.00/1.00B.abolishC.resistD.release正确答案:A你选对了2单选(1分)In some countries,women must wear very______clothing in public.得分/总分A.modest1.00/1.00B.moistureC.moderateD.mobile正确答案:A你选对了3单选(1分)The Trolley Problem tells a classic ethical______,leaving us thinking about the best course of action when moral principles clash.得分/总分A.dilemma1.00/1.00B.depositC.deliveryD.diagram正确答案:A你选对了4单选(1分)—Look,I just found this earring in the bathroom.—You’d better take it to the______.I would look there if I lost something.得分/总分A.Information DeskB.Check-out counterC.Lost and Found1.00/1.00D.Security正确答案:C你选对了5单选(1分)In the experiment we kept a watchful eye______the developments and recorded every detail.得分/总分A.atB.on1.00/1.00C.atD.in正确答案:B你选对了6单选(1分)The issues are considered______in that they have little or no effect on the overall outcome.得分/总分A.trivial1.00/1.00B.initialC.criticalD.potential正确答案:A你选对了7单选(1分)Parents have a legal______to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.得分/总分A.determinationB.interpretationC.regulationD.obligation1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了8单选(1分)Pizza is crispy and thin crust,with seemingly endless topping choices designed to______a variety of tastes.得分/总分A.obsess withB.cater to1.00/1.00C.account forD.spring up正确答案:B你选对了9单选(1分)Living in the heart of New York City is certainly a far______from living in the rural countryside.A.distanceB.endC.differenceD.cry1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了10单选(1分)We cannot have a______standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules,but we do not need to.得分/总分A.two-facedB.dualC.binaryD.double1.00/1.00正确答案:D你选对了1单选(1分)Bill’s inability to learn foreign languages was a(an)______to his career.得分/总分A.talentB.potentialC.obstacleD.impulse正确答案:C你没选择任何选项2单选(1分)The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed______to him,but one day he discovered their differences.得分/总分A.identicalB.C.verticalD.parallel正确答案:A你没选择任何选项3单选(1分)The local government leaders are making every effort to______the problem of poverty.得分/总分A.abolishB.tackleC.encounterD.revise正确答案:B你没选择任何选项4单选(1分)Every visitor to Georgia is______the kindness,charm and hospitality of the local people.得分/总分A.allowed forB.decorated withC.accustomed toD.overwhelmed by正确答案:D你没选择任何选项5单选(1分)The theory of natural selection,or______of the fittest,was first suggested by William Charles Wells in1813得分/总分A.existenceB.presenceC.survivalD.recovery正确答案:C你没选择任何选项6单选(1分)Today it is common to access the Internet from a variety of mobile______like smartphones and tablets得分/总分A.instrumentsB.devicesC.gadgetsD.appliances正确答案:B你没选择任何选项7单选(1分)Radar is used to extend the______of man’s senses for observing his environment,especially the sense of vision.得分/总分A.capabilityB.identityC.productivityD.validity正确答案:A你没选择任何选项8单选(1分)By presenting their art work,artists take______a responsibility of communication to a broader audience.得分/总分A.toB.inC.onD.up正确答案:C你没选择任何选项9单选(1分)Do you have any______suggestions on how to deal with the current difficulties?得分/总分A.abstractB.concreteC.faithfulD.irrational正确答案:B你没选择任何选项10单选(1分)Within a fraction of a second,web search engines perform the______impossible task of responding accurately to queries about anything.得分/总分A.inevitablyB.dramaticallyC.consequentlyD.seemingly正确答案:D你没选择任何选项。



中国大学mooc大学英语2答案1、- I haven't been to Guilin yet.- I haven t been there, ______. [单选题] *A. tooB. alsoC. either(正确答案)D. neither2、He held his()when the results were read out. [单选题] *A. breath(正确答案)B. voiceC. soundD. thought3、If we want to keep fit, we should try to _______ bad habits. [单选题] *A. keepB. haveC. getD. get rid of(正确答案)4、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up5、We haven't heard from him so far. [单选题] *A. 到目前为止(正确答案)B. 一直C. 这么远D. 这么久6、29.______ my free time, I like listening to music. [单选题] *A.AtB.OnC.In(正确答案)D.About7、--Jenny, what’s your favorite _______?? ? ? --like peaches best. [单选题] *A. fruit(正确答案)B. vegetablesC. drinkD. plants8、I tell my mother not ______ me.()[单选题] *A. worry aboutB. to worry about(正确答案)C. worry withD. to worry with9、I like the food very much.It is _______. [单选题] *A. terribleB. expensiveC. delicious(正确答案)D. friendly10、I have worked all day. I'm so tired that I need _____ . [单选题] *A. a night restB. rest of nightC. a night's rest(正确答案)D. a rest of night11、It’s one of _______ means of transportation. [单选题] *A. cheapB. convenientC. second-handD. the most convenient(正确答案)12、I can’t hear you _______. Please speak a little louder. [单选题] *A. clearly(正确答案)B. lovelyC. widelyD. carelessly13、It usually takes him about 15 minutes _______ his bike to school. [单选题] *A. ridesB. ridingC. rideD. to ride(正确答案)14、—______is my notebook?—Look! It’s in your schoolbag.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhichC. Where(正确答案)D. How15、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When16、_______ songs is my favorite. [单选题] *A. To Singing EnglishB. Singing English(正确答案)C. Singings EnglishD. Sing English17、As I know, his salary as a doctor is much higher_____. [单选题] *A. than that of a teacher(正确答案)B. than a teacherC. to that of a teacherD. to a teacher18、Neither she nor her friends ______ been to Haikou. [单选题] *A. have(正确答案)B. hasC. hadD. having19、At last the plane landed at the Beijing Airport safely. [单选题] *A. 平稳地B. 安全地(正确答案)C. 紧急地D. 缓缓地20、77.You can watch TV when you finish________ your homework. [单选题] * A.to doB.doC.to doingD.doing(正确答案)21、There _____ wrong with my radio. [单选题] *A. are somethingB. are anythingC. is anythingD. is something(正确答案)22、11.________ big furniture shop it is! [单选题] *A.HowB.WhatC.What a (正确答案)D.What an23、We had a(an)_____with him about this problem last night. [单选题] *A.explanationB.impressionC.exhibitionD.discussion(正确答案)24、10.﹣Could you please sweep the floor?I’m going to cook dinner.﹣__________.I’ll do it at once,Mom.[单选题] *A.I’m afraid notB.You’re kiddingC.It’s a shameD.My pleasure(正确答案)25、The yellow bag _______ me. [单选题] *A. belong toB. belongs to(正确答案)C. belongD. belongs26、Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life, but is that the only reason _____ they go to school? [单选题] *A. why(正确答案)B. whichC. becauseD. what27、The street was named _____ George Washington who led the American war for independence. [单选题] *A. fromB. withC. asD. after(正确答案)28、98.There is a post office ______ the fruit shop and the hospital. [单选题] * A.atB.withC.between(正确答案)D.among29、27.Will it ______ warm in the room? [单选题] *A.areB.be(正确答案)C.isD.going to be30、The family will have _______ good time in Shanghai Disneyland. [单选题] *A. theB. a(正确答案)C. anD. /。



中国大学mooc综合英语二答案武科大1、It’s raining outside. Take an _______ with you. [单选题] *A. cashB. life ringC. cameraD. umbrella(正确答案)2、These two films are very interesting. I like them _____. [单选题] *A. eitherB. neitherC. allD. both(正确答案)3、You must pay more attention to your pronunciation. [单选题] *A. 词汇B. 拼写C. 发音(正确答案)D. 语法4、72.I really don’t know how to thank you , but for your help, I ()my lost necklace.[单选题] *A.couldn’t have found(正确答案)B.mustn’t have foundC.couldn’t findD.wouldn’t find5、I always get ______ grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.()[单选题] *A. bestB. better(正确答案)C. goodD. well6、Our teacher was very happy because _______ failed the exam. [单选题] *A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody(正确答案)D. everybody7、We often go to the zoo _______ Saturday mornings. [单选题] *A. atB. inC. on(正确答案)D. of8、Neither she nor her friends ______ been to Haikou. [单选题] *A. have(正确答案)B. hasC. hadD. having9、I do not have my own room,_____. [单选题] *A. neither does Tom(正确答案)B. neither has TomC. so does TomD. so has Tom10、()of the twins was arrested because I saw them both at a party last night. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. Neither(正确答案)D. All11、We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month. [单选题] *A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another(正确答案)12、( ) What she is worried __ is ____ her daughter is always addicted to chatting online./; that [单选题] *A /; thatB of thatC about that(正确答案)D about what13、I live a very quiet and peaceful life. [单选题] *A. 宁静的(正确答案)B. 舒适的C. 和平的D. 浪漫的14、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice15、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] *A. do youB. don’t youC. will you(正确答案)D. won’t you16、The classmates can' t()Alice from her twin sister. [单选题] *A. speakB. tell(正确答案)C. talkD. say17、22.______ is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi now. [单选题] *A.It(正确答案)B.ThisC.ThatD.What18、We must try hard to make up for the lost time. [单选题] *A. 弥补(正确答案)B. 利用C. 抓紧D. 浪费19、76.AC Milan has confirmed that the England star David Beckham ()the team soon. [单选题] *A. has rejoinedB. was going to rejoinC. rejoinedD. is to rejoin(正确答案)20、Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident. [单选题] *A. 事故(正确答案)B. 竞赛C. 检阅D. 交易21、Many children have to _______ their parents. [单选题] *A. divide intoB. put onC. depend on(正确答案)D. take on22、The storybook is very ______. I’m very ______ in reading it. ()[单选题] *A. interesting; interested(正确答案)B. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting23、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] *A. hersB. his(正确答案)C. he’sD. her24、Mom is making dinner. It _______ so nice! [单选题] *A. smells(正确答案)B. tastesC. feelsD. sounds25、10.Mum, let me help you with your housework, so you ________ do it yourself. [单选题] * A.don’t need to(正确答案)B.need toC.don’t needD.need26、Chinese people spend _____ money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. [单选题] *A. more than twiceB. as twice muchC. twice as much(正确答案)D. twice more than27、I’m not sure whether we’ll go on ______ foot or by _____ bike? [单选题] *A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /(正确答案)D. the; /28、78.—Welcome to China. I hope you'll enjoy the ________.—Thank you. [单选题] * A.tour(正确答案)B.sizeC.nameD.colour29、The news is?_______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. exciting;?excited(正确答案)B. excited;?excitingC. exciting;?excitingD. excited;?excited30、I knocked on the door but _______ answered. [单选题] *A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody(正确答案)D. everybody。

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问:克格勃的法国情报员乔治· 帕克联系人要见他时就要采用密函沟通方式进行。









问:is the capital of Iran?

问:心理定价策略主要有( )
问:关于光谱线与光谱,下列说法正确的是( )。

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