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1.档案学概论:Introduction to Archival Science;

2.档案管理学:Management of Archives

3.机关档案管理:Agency Records Management/Management of Agency Records 4.专门档案管理:Management of Specialized Archives

5.外国档案事业史:History of Foreign Archives and Foreign Archives Professions 6.档案文献编纂学:Compilation of Archival Documents

7.中国档案事业史:History of Chinese Archives and Chinese Archives Professions 8.中国政治制度史:History of Political Systems in China

9.档案文献复制技术:Archives Materials Duplication Techniques

10.机械制图:Mechanical Drawing

11.企业档案管理:Business Archives Management

12.档案计算机管理:Computer Management of Archives

13.文书学:Document Administration

14.科技档案管理学:Scientific and Technical Archives Management

15.公文写作与处理:Document Writing and Processing

16.专业英语:Special English in Archives

17.秘书学:Secretary Science

18.档案现代化管理:Modernization of Archives Management

19.电子文件管理:Management of Electronic Records


21.档案价值 archival value

22.档案工作 archives work

23.档案管理 archives management

24.档案学 archival science

25.公共档案 public archives

26.私人档案 private archives

27.文书档案 administrative archives

28.科学技术档案 scientific and technical archives

29.专业档案 specialized archives

30.音像档案 audio-visual archives

31.文件 record; document

32.电子文件 electronic record

33.原件 original document

34.复制件 copy; duplicated document

35.文稿 draft; manuscript

36.文本 text; version

37.正文 official text

38.副本 copy; duplicate

39.手稿 manuscripts

40.文种 record type

41.档案行政管理部门 archival administrative department

42.档案室 record office

43.档案馆 archives

44.综合档案馆 comprehensive archives

45.专业档案馆 specialized archives

46.部门档案馆 departmental archives

47.企业档案馆 business archives

48.事业单位档案馆 institutional archives

49.档案资料目录中心 archival descriptive information centre 50.文件中心 records centre

51.收集 acquisition; collection

52.归档 filing

53.移交 transfer

54.接收 accession

55.征集 acquisition

56.寄存 deposit

57.捐赠 donation

58.交换 exchange

59.馆藏 holdings

60.散存档案 estray archives

61.散失档案 removed archives

62.鉴定 appraisal

63.保管期限 retention period

64.保管期限表 records retention schedule

65.销毁 destruction

66.销毁清册 destruction list

67.整理 archival arrangement

68.来源原则 principle of provenance

69.档案实体分类 physical archives classification

70.立档单位 fonds constituting unit

71.全宗 fonds

72.联合全宗 combined fonds

73.汇集全宗 collected fonds

74.全宗群 fonds complex

75.案卷 file

76.立卷 filing

77.卷内备考表 file note

78.档号 archival code

79.检索 retrieval

80.编目 cataloguing;description

81.档案信息分类 archival information classification

82.条目 entry

83.著录 description

84.标引 indexing

85.分类标引 classified indexing

86.主题标引 subject indexing

87.受控标引 controlled indexing
