
国典籍在西方的传播已经由译介为主发展到翻译和研 究并重,如:波顿沃森翻译了大量中国典籍,宇文所 安(Stephen Owen)编译了《中国文论:英译与评 论》(Readings in Chinese Literary Thought)等。 在继承和创新方面,新型研究方法的流行与继承传统 的努力形成鲜明的对照。
国的中国通”。他曾道出拒绝前往中国的原由:“中国对 我来说,最熟悉的莫过于唐代的长安,但我估计如今那里 已有了一些改变。”为了不破损头脑中的 “长安 ”形象, 他宁愿终生不踏足 “变迁” 后的“长安”。他所翻译的
《诗经》、《论语》、《道德经》、《一百七十首中国诗》 等书,以其忠实流畅的译笔,广受好评,深受读者喜爱, 成为西方颇具影响的翻译名著。《不列颠百科全书》在 《英国文学》辞条中介绍阿瑟·韦理时说:“他是20世纪最 杰出的东方学家,也是将东方语种译为英文的最杰出翻译 家。”
在哲学方面,包含老庄孔孟在内的先秦诸子 固然十分重要,后来一些具有宗教文献性质的著 作,如佛经和禅宗的代表性文献《坛经》等作品 也应占有一席之地。这样,就可以形成以儒释道 为核心的中国思想文化典籍的基本格局。
(二)尝试以汉族文献为主,兼顾其他民族文 献的多元文化格局
中国是一个多民族的国家,中华民族多元文化 的共生共存状态是一个不争的事实。由于历史原因, 以往的中国文化史往往讲成了汉族文化的历史,或 者只利于汉语的历史资料,或者围绕汉语和汉族文 化构建历史文化观念,导致一定程度上忽略了其他 民族及其语言的历史和文化特点,其中也包括其他 民族中一些极为重要的历史事实和文化现象。
三卷为一百二十回本的前八十回,后两卷为后四十回,后 两卷实际工作由约翰·闵福德(John Minford)完成。霍译 本备受海内外红学界和翻译界褒奖。在为英译本写的“导 论”结尾,他这样写道:“《红楼梦》是一个伟大艺术家 以其一生心血浇灌而成的作品,如果我能把这部中国小说 给予我的愉快和幸福多多少少地转达给读者,那我就算没 有白白生活于世。”

合 理 清 晰 , 适 合 课 堂 教 学 与 学 生 自学
全 书 主 要 由 _部 分 构 成 : 开 篇 的 绪 论 介 绍 -
了 中 国 文 化 典 籍 英 译 的 理 论 与 方 法 ; 正 文 部 分
收 稿 日 期 : 2 1 一 - : 修 改 稿 : 2 1 ~1 — 2 0 l 2 0 0 3 1 2 00
[ 章 编 号 】 1 0 — 8 12 1 ) 3 0 9 — o :0 3 6  ̄ is . 0 6 2 3 . 0 1 0 .. 9 9 . n 1 0 - 8 12 1 . 10 8 1 s
弓I 言
改 革 开 放 三 十 年 , 中 国 翻 译 事 业 百 花 园 中 姹 紫 嫣 红 开 遍 , 硕 果 累 累 。 与此 同 时, 随 着 社 会 主 义 现 代 化 建 设 新 时 期 对 翻 译 需 求 的不 断 攀 升 , 在政 治 、经 济 、文 化 和对 外 交流 等 领域 内, 高 层 次 、应 用型 的 高 级 翻 译 专 门人 才 仍 严 重短 缺 。翻译 硕 士 专 业 学位 ( MTI 的 设 置 正 是 为 解 )
宏观 上 把 握各 主 题 的基 本 内容 和 主要 精 神 。
经 典 英 译 : 这 是 每 一 讲 的 主 体 部 分 , 包 括 原
个 成 功 的尝 试 。
作 导 读 和 译 作 评 析 两 项 内 容 。 每 一 篇 典 籍 文 献 后
都 附 有 标 准 的 现 代 汉 语 注 疏 , 其 中有 文 字 注 释
( MT1 属 于 职 业 化 教 育 , 需 要 一 套 专 门 化 的 教 ) 材 来 配 合 教 学 使 用 。 为 此 ,  ̄ 2007年 底 起 , 业 内 的 专 家 学 者 开 始 着 手 编 写 包 括 口 译 技 能 、 笔 译 技 能 、 翻 译 理 论 、通 识 教 育 和 翻 译 工 具 书 五 个 类 别 的 专 门面 向翻译 硕 士专 业 学位 ( MTI )教 育 的

24部中国名著的英文翻译《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio《论语》 Analects of Confucius《山海经》the Classic of Mountains and Rivers《围城》 A Surrounded City《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror《史记》 Shi Ji/ Historical Records四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》)The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius)《阿Q正传》 The True Story of Ah Q《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals《论语> THE ANALCETS OF CONFUCIUS《诗经> the book of odes《世说新语》 essays and criticism (shi shuo hsin yu)《封神演义》 the legend of deification《金瓶梅》 The golden lotus《西厢记》 The west chamber英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列Chapter 13chapter 13 geography 地理位置1.Alaska and Hawaii are the two newest states in American.Alaska northwestern Canada,and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific.阿拉斯加和夏威夷是最近加入美国的两个新州。

An Anthology of Chinese Masterpieces in English Translation I
1. 神话传说(Myth)
2. 寓言(fable)画蛇添足·战国策
3. 诗经
(Book of Songs 或 Book of Odes )
4. 楚辞(Elegies of Chu, Songs of Chu, The Verse of Chu, Chu Ci)
离骚: Grief of Parting
5. 老子《道德经》(Lao Zi,The Way and Its Power)--- 道家(Taoism)
6. 庄子(Zhuang Tzu)
论语 [春秋] 孔子
The Analects / Lun Yu by Confucius
Arthur Waley 亚瑟·威利Analects of Confucius Thomas Cleary 托马斯·柯立瑞Essential Confucius

中国文化典籍英译Introduction:Chinese culture is rich and diverse, with a long history that dates back thousands of years. One of the most important aspects of Chinese culture is its literature, which includes a vast collection of classical texts known as "典籍" (diǎnjí). These texts cover a wide range of topics, including philosophy, history, poetry, and more. Translating these cultural treasures into English is crucial for promoting cross-cultural understanding and sharing Chinese wisdom with the world. In this text, we will explore the standard format and guidelines for translating Chinese cultural classics into English.1. Understanding the Cultural Context:Before starting the translation process, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the cultural context surrounding the text. This includes knowledge of Chinese history, philosophy, and literary traditions. Familiarize yourself with the time period in which the text was written, the author's background, and the societal influences that shaped the work. This understanding will help you accurately convey the intended meaning and nuances of the original text in English.2. Accuracy and Faithfulness to the Original:When translating Chinese cultural classics, it is crucial to prioritize accuracy and faithfulness to the original text. Pay close attention to the author's style, syntax, and word choices. Strive to retain the original meaning while adapting it to the target language. Avoid adding personal interpretations or biases that may distort the author's intentions. A faithful translation will preserve the essence of the original work and allow readers to experience the beauty and depth of Chinese culture.3. Language and Style:Translating Chinese cultural classics into English requires a mastery of both languages. The translator should possess a strong command of Chinese and Englishgrammar, vocabulary, and syntax. It is important to choose appropriate English equivalents for Chinese idioms, metaphors, and cultural references. Consider the target audience and aim for a style that is accessible and engaging. Maintain a balance between preserving the original text's literary qualities and ensuring readability for English-speaking readers.4. Footnotes and Annotations:Chinese cultural classics often contain references to historical events, figures, and cultural practices that may be unfamiliar to non-Chinese readers. To provide necessary context and enhance understanding, footnotes and annotations can be added to the translated text. Footnotes should be concise and provide explanations or additional information without interrupting the flow of the main text. Annotations can be used for more extensive explanations or discussions of specific cultural elements.5. Consistency and Coherence:Maintaining consistency and coherence throughout the translation is essential. Use consistent terminology for recurring concepts, names, and phrases. Pay attention to the logical flow of ideas and ensure that the translated text reads smoothly and coherently. Consider the overall structure of the text and how individual sections relate to each other.A well-structured translation will help readers navigate the complexities of the original work and fully appreciate its cultural significance.6. Editing and Proofreading:Once the translation is complete, thorough editing and proofreading are necessary to ensure accuracy and quality. Review the translated text for any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies. Verify that the translation accurately reflects the original text's meaning and intent. Consider seeking feedback from native speakers or experts in the field to further refine the translation. A well-edited and polished translation will enhance its credibility and readability.Conclusion:Translating Chinese cultural classics into English is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. It requires a deep understanding of both Chinese and English languages, as well as a profound knowledge of Chinese history and culture. By following the standard format and guidelines outlined above, translators can accurately convey the beauty and wisdom of Chinese literature to a global audience. Through these translations, we can bridge cultural gaps and foster a greater appreciation for the richness of Chinese culture.。

1.《三国演义》Three Kingdoms or Romance of The Three Kingdoms2.《水浒传》The Water Margin or the Outlaws of the Marsh3.《西游记》Story of a Journey to the West or The Pilgrimage to the West 4.《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions or A Red-Chamber Dream5.《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Scholar's Studio6.《大学》The Great Learning7.《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean8.《论语》The Analects of Confucius9.《孟子》The Words of Mencius10.《诗经》The Book of Songs11.《书经》The Book of History12.《易经》The Book of Changes13.《礼记》The Book of Rites14.《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals15.《山海经》Mountain and Sea Classics16.《战国策》Stratagems of the Warring States17.《史记》Records of the Grand Historian18.《世纪新说》New sayings of the World19.《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber8. Stories to Awaken Men《醒世恒言5. The Scholars《儒林外史》9. Stories to Enlighten Men《喻世明言》10. Stories to Warn Men《警世通言》11. Exposure of the Official World《官场现形记》12. Outline of Herb Medicine《本草纲目》14. History as a Mirror《资治通鉴》《世纪新说》New sayings of the World《西行漫记》Red Star over China《三国志》History of the Three Kingdoms《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdom / Three Kingdoms《世说新语》New sayings of the World《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《临川四梦》the Four Dreams of Linchuan《书经》The Book of History《二刻拍案惊奇》the Second Series of Striking the Table in Amazement at the Wondrous Storie 《倩女幽魂》Wandering Soul of a Beauty《儒林外史》The Scholars《史记》Records of the (Grand) Historian《喻世明言》Instruction Stories to Enlighten the World《喻世明言》Stories to Enlighten Men《国语》Guo Yu《大学》the Great Learning《孙子兵法》the Art of War by Master Sun《孟子》The Words of Mencius / the Book of Master Meng《官场现形记》Exposure of the Official World《封神榜》Canonization of the Gods《山海经》Mountain and Sea Classics /the Classic of Mountains and Rivers《左传》Zuo's Commentary《战国策》Intrigues of the Warring States / Stratagems of the Warring States《拍案惊奇》Striking the Table in Amazement at the Wondrous Stories《易经》The Book of Changes《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《本草纲目》 Outline of Herb Medicine/Compendium of Materia Medica《桃花扇》the Peach Blossom Fan《水浒》Outlaws of the Marsh《水浒传》The Water Margin / the Outlaws of the Marsh /Heroes of the Marshes《永乐大典》the Great Encyclopaedia of the Emperor《汉书》History of the Han Dynasty《牡丹亭》the Peony Pavilion《礼记》The Book of Rites《窦娥冤》the Injustice of Dou E《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions / A Red-Chamber Dream/A Dream of Red Mansions/A Drea of the Stone《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Scholar's Studio/Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio/Tales fr Tales of the Tale-Telling Studio《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber/The Western Chamber《西游记》Pilgrimage of the West /Story of a Journey to the West / The Pilgrimage to the West 《警世通言》Comprehensive Stories to Admonish the World/Stories to Warn Men《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Words of Mencius《诗经》The Book of Songs《书经》The Book of History《易经》The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《赵氏孤儿》Orphan of the Zhao Family《道德经》the Classic of the Way and Its Virtue《醒世恒言》Lasting Stories to Awaken the World《醒世恒言》Stories to Awaken Men 《金瓶梅》Jin Ping Mei《风》《雅》《颂》Songs, Odes, Hymns。

学号:42120446哈尔滨师范大学读书汇报论文题目《中国文化典籍英译》读书报告学生万晓安指导教师毛海燕年级 2012级专业英语笔译系别翻译硕士学院西语学院中国文化典籍英译中国文化典籍英译这本书主要包括绪论,正文和附录。
本书的正文部分有二十四讲,基本囊括所有的中国文化典籍,第一讲上古神话,首先对神话进行概说,中国神话记载最早且最早见于战国至出汉,著名的《盘古开天辟地》《盘古化生万物》《夸父追日》等,选《女娲补天》作为例文翻译,其中很多中国元素,翻译的生动,女娲直译为Nuwa,九州和四极须加以解释,英文用the four corners of the sky and the world with its nine regions . 第二讲为先秦寓言,中国的寓言开始于先秦,但是社会动荡,列国争雄,诸子百家,各抒己见,或借传说故事讥他人之迂腐,寓言大兴。

从1807年第一本《论语》英译版 The Work of Confucius开始到目前为止现存11个英译版本,而其中只有辜鸿铭版,黄治中版和吴国珍版三版是中国人主导的翻译版本,其他8个版本均为外国学者所译。


梦想做才子才女的伸手党们,下面的干货双手接好吧!四书The Four Books《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Confucian Analects《孟子》The Works of Mencius《论语》The Confucian Analects学而时习之,不亦说乎?It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have acquired.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to seek you because of your attainments.温故而知新,可以为师矣。
If a man will constantly go over what he has acquired and keep continually adding to it new acquirements, he may become a teacher of men.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。
Study without thinking is labor lost. Thinking without study is perilous.君子周而不比,小人比而不周。
A wise man is impartial, not neutral. A fool is neutral but not impartial.知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。

▪ 理雅各(James Legge, 1815-1897)
英国汉学三大星座之一, 第一位系统研究、翻译 中国古代经典的英国著 名汉学家。曾任香港英 华书院院长,伦敦布道 会传教士。
从1861年到1886年的25年间,在中国学者王韬的帮助下,理雅 各陆续翻译出版了中国的《论语》、《大学》、《中庸》、《孟子》、 《春秋》、《礼记》、《书经》、《孝经》、《易经》、《诗经》、 《道德经》、《庄子》等名著,取名《中国经典》共计28卷。在整 个翻译过程中,理雅各治学严谨,除了认真参考和吸取王韬的研究成 果外,他十分注重旁征博采,力求持之有据,绝不主观臆断。《中国 经典》陆续出版后,在西方引起了轰动,于1876年获法兰西学院儒 莲汉籍国际翻译奖(the First International Stanislas Julien Prize for Chinese Literature)。1873年,理雅各离开香港返回英国,任牛津大 学汉学讲座的第一任教授。理雅各采用语言与文化并重的教学策略和 注重翻译的教学模式。他在牛津大学前后共22年,培养了许多汉学 家。
《辞海》(1999年版上卷第831页):国家的重要 文献。
《孟子·告子下》:诸侯之地方百里;不百里,不足 以守宗庙之典籍。(赵岐注:谓先祖常籍法度之 文也。亦统称各种典册、书籍。)
“典籍”主要有两个义项:一是古代重要文献、 书籍;二是法典、制度。
“典籍”界定为“中国清代末年1911年以前 的重要文献和书籍。”
“重要文献和书籍”是指中国的社会科学、 自然科学等各个领域的典籍作品。不仅包括中国 古典文学作品,而且包括中国古典法律、医药、 经济、军事、天文、地理等诸多方面的作品。

一、关于模因论关于模因(meme)这一概念,是由英国行为生态学家理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)首次提出讨论,最初他只认为文化进化中也存在着一种复制因子,即为“模因”,它是“文化传播的单位,或者模仿的单位”。


近几年,不少外国友人都对中国文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,要向他们介绍咱们的古代文学典籍,先把下面这些说法记下来吧!中国文化词汇:古代典籍四书The Four Books《大学》The Great Learning《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Mencius中国文化词汇:古代典籍五经The Five Classics《诗经》The Book of Songs《书经》The Book of History《易经》The Book of Changes《礼记》The Book of Rites《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals中国文化词汇:古代典籍古代典籍Famous Ancient Books《史记》Historical Records《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers 《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica《资治通鉴》History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers《西厢记》The Romance of West Chamber《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes ; Water Margins《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions ; The story of the Stone 《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio中国文化词汇:古代典籍六艺Six classical arts礼rites乐music射archery御riding书writing数arithmetic古代文学常见体裁Genres of the ancient literature朦胧诗misty poetry三字经three-character scripture武侠小说tales of roving knights; martial arts novel; a kung fu novel言情小说romantic fiction; sentimental novel 八股文eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 五言绝句five-character quatrain七言律诗seven-character octave。

《中国典籍英译赏析》课程教学大纲课程代码:070142030课程英文名称:Appreciation of English Translation of Chinese Classics课程总学时:16 讲课:16 实验:0 上机:0适用专业:英语大纲编写(修订)时间:2017. 10一、大纲使用说明(一)课程的地位及教学目标《中国典籍英译赏析》是英语专业翻译方向高年级的选修课,本课程研究中国典籍英译的理论与技巧,通过赏析英译的中国典籍,旨在完善学生的翻译学科知识结构,有效提高口笔译实践能力、跨文化交际能力,学习中国传统文化,提高文学修养以及语言艺术修养。
知识要求:1. 具有扎实的英语语言基本功;2. 熟练掌握英语翻译基本理论及方法;3. 具备一定的自然科学基础知识及较扎实的相关人文和社会科学知识。
能力要求:1. 具有较强的学习能力、英语综合运用能力和英语文学鉴赏能力;2. 跨文化交际能力;3. 能运用相关的专业知识发现、分析、解决问题的能力;4. 掌握科学的思维方法和研究方法及使用现代化手段获取信息和初步科学研究的能力;5. 具有较强的社会适应能力;6. 具有创新意识和创业的基本品质及实践能力。
3. 具备一定的文学鉴赏能力。
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Mere support of your parents is not enough, You should do your utmost to be dutiful.A crow feeds its parents when they are old,A lamb kneels downWhen sucking milk from its mother,Because it has gratitude to show.Do people travelling far awayNot miss their parents?Yet parents at homeWorry more about their absent children. Cherish your parents' remaining yearsAnd make them happy,Ding Lan's carving of wood portraitsFor his parents after their deathIs not a good example.Killing a bull to offer at your parents' gravesIs not as good as serving them chicken and pork Before they are decrepit and old.兄弟相害,不如友生;外御其侮,莫如弟兄。
Brothers struggling with each otherAre not as useful as friends;To resist insults from outside,Brothers are better than best friends.Meat and wine bring you a lot of brothers,But is there anyone seen near youWhen you are in misfortune?Each time brothers meet,Each gets older than the last time;How many times are leftWhen they can call each other brother again?A father and his sons in harmonyCan keep a family from decline,Brothers in harmonyCan keep a family from division;Neighbors in harmonyCan avoid disputes and lawsuits,A husband and his wife in harmonyCan make their family flourish.Brothers are often estranged from each otherBecause of their wives' blandishments.楚有祠者,赐其舍人卮酒,舍人相谓曰:“数人饮之不足,一人饮之有余。
Adding Feet to a Snake While Drawing ItA native of Chu after worshiping his ancestors gave his retainers a pot of wine. One of the retainers said: “It’s in sufficient for all of us, but too much for one of us. I suggest, therefore, that we draw snakes on the ground, and the one who first finishes drawing the snake will win the pot of wine.”When one retainer had completed his drawing, he took the pot to drink. As he held it in his left hand, he continued to draw the snake with his right hand, saying: “I can add feet to it.” While he was adding feet to his snake, another man who had then drawn his snake snatched the pot from his hand, protesting: “No snake has feet. How can you add feet to it?” Then he drank the wine.The man who added feet to the snake lost his prize at last.逍遥游A Happy ExcursionIn the northern ocean there is a fish, called the k'un, I do not know how many thousand li in size. This k'un changes into a bird, called the p'eng. Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth. When it is moved, it flies, its wings obscuring the sky like clouds. When on a voyage, this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean, the Celestial Lake.And in the Records of Marvels we read that when the p'eng flies southwards, the water is smitten for a space of three thousand li around, while the bird itself mounts upon a great wind to a height of ninety thousand li, for a flight of six months' duration.There mounting aloft, the bird saw the moving white mists of spring, the dust-clouds, and the living things blowing their breaths among them. It wondered whether the blue of the sky was its real color, or only the result of distance without end, and saw that the things on earth appeared the same to it.If there is not sufficient depth, water will not float large ships. Upset a cupful into a hole in the yard, and a mustard-seed will be your boat. Try to float the cup, and it will be grounded, due to the disproportion between water and vessel.So with air. If there is not sufficient a depth, it cannot support large wings. And for this bird, a depth of ninety thousand li is necessary to bear it up. Then, gliding upon the wind, with nothing save the clear sky above, and no obstacles in the way, it starts upon its journey to the south.科学研究证实:植物受伤会叫痛在花园行走脚步要放轻,摘玫瑰要小心。
茎叶被切开,植物就会在整个切面释放出乙烯气体,以示痛苦(也许仅仅是惊慌) 。