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第2题:Bamboo pipes can .

A. make money

B. be trees

C. grow quickly

D. carry water


讲解:Bamboo pipes help poor farmers bring water to their thirsty fields without spending a lot of money.

第3题:A. land B. flowers C. animals D. people


讲解:野生动物。Wild animals选C




讲解:A句应去掉“是否” C句去掉“不” D句语义不明,“许多”既可说球员,又可说申请。

第5题:by means of music, the composer wishes that ________.

A. you would study with them

B. you would share his feelings and ideas

C. you would express your own feelings

D. you help discover ways of using music and new kinds of musical expression



讲解:推理判断题。从第2 段可知作曲家通过音乐表达自己的感受,当然希望你能与他产生共鸣,接受他的音乐,故答案选B。

第6题:It's clear that the Eatery __________.

A. can hold 150 people at most

B. only provides Chinese food

C. was set up in the year of 1980

D. doesn't offer many choices



第7题: Passage BDear Mummy, I have been in your body for three months. But today I fell quite scared. I know you are very sad, and I can remember two days ago, how happy you were when you saw my first picture on the screen. The happiness stopped when the doctor told you I was a girl.Your whole body became cold and Papa didn't say a word, either. That night my little world broke down when I heard Papa said that a second girl has no right to be born. I have the right to be born, Mummy. Is being a girl that terrible? What crimes have I done?You cried and shouted 《NO》! However, you then gave in with tears. I could feel your pain, Mummy. But, no, Mummy! Don't kill me!Mummy, I want to be born. I want to live with you. I want you to hug and love me. I want to be your pride. I want to play with my elder sister. Mummy, I want to celebrate my birthday.…Maybe I as k too much. Your cry lasted the whole night and it became louder with my kicking. Once my little movements had given you so much delight but now it causes more pain than happiness.Grandma had told you it's a man's world, and she once gave you a detailed description of how girls were ill treated in the real world. Mummy, it is this that you are so scared of? You doubted whether you were able to protect another girl against being hurt?I guess there is only one person who is really eager about my birth. That is my elder sister. She even spent hours thinking of a name for me. Anupriya, isn't that a beautiful name for a girl. I promise I will be as good as a boy, even better, if you give me a chance, if you let me live.In this waiting room, we have been sitting for quite a long time. My only crime is my sex, and my punishment will be death.

When you are reading the letter, you can feel a(n) _______

atmosphere.A.encouraging B. miserable C. angry D. delighted

