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be curious about „ 对……感兴趣
The children were curious about everything they saw at the exhibition hall. be curious why/how/what „ 对……有兴趣 It is curious that „ ……真奇怪 be curious to do sth. 极想做某事 I heard a curious noise last night.
n. 代表;典型;众议员
The tiger is a common representative of
the cat family. 老虎是一种普通的猫科动 物。 on behave of 代表某人 stand for 代表,象征

curiously ['kjʊrɪəslɪ]. 好奇地 Just curiously只好奇 curiously enough说来也奇怪;奇怪的是 curious [‘kjuəriəs] adj. 求知欲强的;好
represent [reprɪ‘zent] vt. 代表;表现;
描绘;回忆;再赠送 vi. 代表;提出异议 1 This mark represents a village. 这个符 号表示村庄。 2 His opinion represents that of the majority. 他的意见代表大多数人的意见。
He will very likely be/ come here again
next month. (adv.) She is very likely to call me tonight.
dash [dæʃ] 冲撞 vt. 使…破灭;猛撞;泼溅 vi. 猛 冲;撞击 n. 破折号;(Dash)人名;(英、印)达什; (蒙)达希 I made a dash for the front door but he
be likely to 倾向于,很有可能
be more likely to 很有可能;更可能
be less likely to 不太可能去做某事 be not likely to 不可能 likely [‘laɪklɪ] adj. 很可能的;合适的;
有希望的 adv. 很可能;或许 Our firm is likely to get a big profit this year. It is likely that „ 很可能…… If this is your first baby, it's far more likely that you'll get to the hospital too early. 如果这是你的第一胎, 你就非常有可能会太早到医院。
defend [dɪ‘fend] vt. 辩护;防护 vi. 保卫;防守
defend … against 防卫;保卫„„以免受 The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack. 哨
兵守卫大门以防突然袭击。 A family must defend its home against attack. 一个家 庭必须保护其不受袭击。 He defended his claim successfully. 他成功地为自己 的主张进行了辩护。
Experts say a “yes” vote is still the
likely outcome. 专家们表示投赞成票仍是 可能的结果。(adj.)
Wu qiuling is the most likely winner of
the race. Profit will most likely have risen by about $25 million. 利润将极有可能增长约 2500万美元。 (adv.)
in general 总之,通常;一般而言
And in general, what you give you tend to get back
from the world around you. 通常情况下,你给予 他人的,也往往可以从你的周边的人那里得 到。 And not only that, people just like to be around enthusiastic people in general. 不仅仅如此,总体 来说,人都比较倾向于与热情的人往来。 She said these firms, in general, adopt the labor standards where they operate, and in Africa, those standards are very low. 她说,这些公司,在一般 情况下,通过都会采用当地的劳工标准,而 在非洲,这样的标准都很低。

greet vt. 迎接;问候;致敬;作出反应
1 express greetings upon meeting someone 2 send greetings to 3 react to in a certain way Kissing in Italy is only used to greet very close friends or family. 在意大利亲吻只能用 来欢迎非常亲近的朋友或是家人。 I greet you in the name of the President. 我 代表总统前来迎接您。
刘介清 2013年11月1日
Unit 4
Body language
How many ways can we use to communicate with each other?
Talk/speak Write (type on a computer, send a message)
represent for 代表;象征
represent „ as 把…描绘成 represent oneself to be 自称是 be representative of ……的典型
representative [,repri'zentətiv]
adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的
Use body language
What is body language ?
Body Language is a set of __________, gestures 肢体动作 facial expressions _______________ . body movements and ____________ People use to make themselves 面部表情 understood.
curiosity [,kjuri‘ɔsiti] 好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩
n. 好奇,
The rumors excite her curiosity. 谣 言引起了她的好奇心。
out of one’s curiosity 出于好奇 satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的 好奇心
Hale Waihona Puke BaiduI’m very excited.
Do you know the meaning of the following facial expressions ?
Words and expression
defence /defense [dɪ‘fens] n. 防御;防

卫;答辩;防卫设备 Offensive is the best defence. 进攻是最 好的防御. in defence 防守中,处于防御状态 national defence 国防 air defence 防空;空防 defence against 防御;保卫 in defence of 保护,防护;为……辩护 defence construction 国防工程
approach vt. & vi. 接近;靠近;走近
n. 接近;方法;途径 She cautiously approached that house. I advised taking a new/different approach. Snow announced that winter is approaching. People are busy shopping at the approach of the Christmas Day. 在快到……的时候 Yesterday we held a meeting and made an approach to the 对……进行探讨 low-carbon life style.
on the contrary 相反,反之,正相反
Nothing wrong with this kind of migration, on the
contrary. 这种迁移并没有任何错误,实际情况 正相反。 On the contrary, they protect them and help if there are any difficulties. 相反的,如果他们遇到了什么 困难,警察还会保护并帮助他们。 nod [nɔd] n. 点头;打盹;摆动 vt. 点头;点 头表示 vi. 点头;打盹;摆动
eye contact
facial expression
What is the purpose of language?
Language is used to communicate or tell people thoughts,feelings and reactions.
Do you know the meaning of the following gestures ?
Come It’s ok. here. Bye-bye.
You are very good. / Well done!
Do you know the meaning of the following body movements ?
major [‘meɪdʒə] adj. 主要的;重要的;主修的; 较多的 n. [人类] 成年人;主修科目;陆军少 校 vi. 主修 n. (Major)人名;(西)马霍尔; (法)马若尔;(捷、德、塞、瑞典)马约尔; (英)梅杰 major in 主修 major factor 主要因素 major part 主要部分;重要部件 English major 英语专业 The car needs major repairs. 这辆车需要大修。 Daisy is majoring in French. 黛西主修法语。
got there before me. 我向前门冲去,但 他却已先我而到。 Although the hyphen does look quite a bit like a dash or minus sign, it is a punctuation mark. 尽管连字符看上去很像 破折号或减号,但他还是一个符点符号而非 数字符号。 dash forward 插上;向前冲 a dash of 少许;一点儿 dash in 急 写 dash off v. 匆忙完成 cut a dash 大出风头;摆阔
4 My proposal was greeted with burst of laughter. 我的提议被报以阵阵笑声。
greeting [‘ɡri:tiŋ] n. 问候,招呼,致

意,祝贺,贺词 greeting card 贺卡 greet sb. with sth. 用„„向某人打招呼, 欢迎某人 be greeted with 对„„作出反应 greet sb./sth. with/as sth. 对某人/ 或者 某物作出反应