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When working in the factory, he was an advanced worker. =When_h_e__w_o_rk_e_d_i_n_t_h_e_f_ac_t_o_ry___, he was an advanced worker.
Though willing to attend the party, he refused the invitation.
5. 作伴随状语 置于句首或句末。如: They came into the classroom, singing and laughing.
=They sang and laughed; they came into the classroom.
注意: 连词+现在分词 1. -ing短语与when, while, though, until, if等连词连用时,相当于这些 连词引导的一个从句。如:
Having received his letter, I decided to write back.
=After__I_h_a_d__r_e_c_e_iv_e_d__h_is__le_t_te_r__, I decided to write back.
注意:当v-ing形式所表示的动作发生在谓语动 词动作之前时,应使用完成式:having done
Though working from morning till night, his father didn’t get enough food. =Though_h_i_s_f_a_th_e_r_w__o_r_k_e_d_f_ro_m__m__o_r_n_in_g____ t_il_l _n_ig_h_t_, he didn’t get enough food. 虽然他父亲从早到晚拼命地干活,但是他还 是挣不到足够的吃的。
Choose the correct sentence.
1. a. Hearing the news, tears ran down
her face.
b. Hearing the news, she cried out
2. a. Entering the classroom, I found
1.-ing短语在句子中可作状语,来修饰谓语动词 或整个句子,表示动作发生的 时间、原因、条件、结果、让步或伴随等情况。
2. -ing短语作状语一般表示一个次要的动作, 一般都可以变为相应的状语从句或并列句。
1. 作时间状语 -ing短语作时间状语要置于句首。如: Hearing the bad news, they couldn’t help crying. =When__th_e_y__h_e_a_rd__t_h_e_b_a_d__n_e_w_s_, they couldn’t help crying. 当听到这个不幸的消息时,他们情不自 禁地哭了起来。
2. 动词-ing形式在句中作状语时,其逻
He traveled on the plane like this, keeping the tortoise hidden in a blanket. = When he traveled on the plane like this, he kept the tortoise hidden in a blanket.
= Though he was willing to attend the party, …
用 “连词+现在分词”的结构 If you play all day, you will waste your valuable time. = If playing all day, you will waste your valuable
_H_a_v_i_n_g_f_in__is_h_e_d__(finish) his homework, he rushed out to play basketball.
2. 作原因状语 -ing短语作原因状语置于句首。如: Being so angry, he couldn’t go to sleep.
saw a beautiful garden.
4. a. Reading the evening newspaper, a
dog started barking.
b. I was reading the evening newspaper
=Because__h__e_w_a_s__s_o__a_n_g_ry___, he couldn’t go to sleep. 因为太生气了,他不能入睡。
Having been to the Great Wall many times, he didn’t go last week. =_B_e__c_a_u_s_e__(A__s_)__he had been to the Great Wall many times, he didn’t go last week. 因为他已经去 过长城许多次,上周他就没去。
nobody in it.
b. Entering the classroom, nobody was
found in it.
3. a. Looking out through the window, the
garden was beautiful.
b. Looking out through the window, we
3. 作条件状语 -ing作条件状语置于句首或句末。如: Working hard, you will succeed. =If___yo_u__w_o_r_k_h_a_rd__, you will succeed. 如果你勤奋一点,你就会成功。
4. 作让步状语 -ing短语作让步状语,可置于句首或 句末,常与even if, though 连用。如: