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International remittance happens when a client(payer)asks his bank to send a sum of money to a beneficiary abroad by one of the transfer methods at his option. The beneficiary can be paid at the designated bank, which is either the Remitting bank’s overseas branch or its Correspondent.
(2) Remitting bank 汇出行
Remitting bank is the bank transferring funds at the request of a remitter to its Correspondent or its branch in another country and instructing the latter to pay a certain amount of money to a beneficiary.
International bank Remittance 国际银行汇兑
Some key points:
1. Methods, parties and procedures of remittance
2. Advantages and disadvantages of remittance
3. Practice of remittance 4. The function of remittance in
11.beneficiary:受益人 12. Remitting bank:汇出行 13. Paying bank:汇入行,解付行 14. Telegraphic transfer:电汇 15. Demand draft transfer:票汇 16. Mail transfer:信汇 17. Mail Remittance :信汇 18. Money order:邮政汇票,汇款单 19. Debit advice:借记通知单 20. Payment order:支付委托书 21. On one’s own initiative:主动的 22. Designated bank:指定银行 23. Home country:母国
24. Outward Remittance:汇出 25. Inward Remittance:汇入 26. Cash deposit:现金存款 27. In line with:根据,按照 28. Letter of indemnity:赔偿保证金书 29. Cash before shipment:付款后装运 30. Shipment at first settlement later:先装运后结算 31. Down payment:定金,首批付款 32. In due course:在适当的时候 33. Financial status :财务状况 34. Clearing account:清算帐户
4.1 General Description汇兑方式概述
In international trade, the settlement of claims and debts and the transfer of money are carried out by several methods of transmission.
international trade
New words and expressions
1. Remittance:汇款 2. Correspondent:代理行 3. Remitter:汇款人 4. Payee:收款人 5. Domicile:住所 6. Entertain:娱乐,招待,持有 7. Subsidiary:辅助的, 补充的 8. Solvency:偿付能力 9.duplicate:副本 10. Surrender:交出,放弃
(1) The remitter: 汇款人 The remitter is the person who requests his
bank to remit funds to beneficiary in a foreign country. The remitter is also the payer. 汇款人是要求银行把资金转移给国外受益人 的人,就是付款人。
汇款在国际贸易中被使用时买方根据合同定 义的时间和条件主动把款项划拨到卖方银行。
4.1.1 Parties concerned and methods 汇兑当事人及方式
Parties involved in international bank remittance include the following:
国际汇兑是指银行接受客户(付款人)委托向其国外 受益人转移资金的一种方式。受益人能在指定的银行 (汇出银行海外支行或代理行)收款。
That is to say, when remittance is adopted in international trade, the buyer on his own initiative remits money to the seller through a bank in accordance with the terms and time stipulated in the contract.
汇出行是应汇款人要求通过其国外分支行或代理行把 资金转移到国外并指示其支付一定金额给受益人的银 行。
(3)The payee收款人
The payee (beneficiary) is a person who is addressed to receive the remi来自百度文库tance