



2015年电⼦科技⼤学成都考研真题613分⼦⽣物学电⼦科技⼤学2015年攻读硕⼠学位研究⽣⼊学考试试题考试科⽬:613 分⼦⽣物学注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均⽆效。






5、某dsDNA分⼦中,5′-ATCGCTCGA -3′为模板链,若转录为mRNA,其碱基排列顺序应为。







12、从Bacillus amyloliquefaciens菌株H中分离出来的第⼀种限制性内切酶应命名为。


三、选择题(30分,每题1分)1、EST (Expressed sequence tags) 序列本质上是( )A、基因组DNAB、cDNA序列C、mRNA序列D、多肽序列2、真核⽣物染⾊体组装的结构层次(从低级到⾼级)是( )A、染⾊质纤维→核⼩体→组蛋⽩⼋聚体→染⾊体环B、核⼩体→组蛋⽩⼋聚体→染⾊体环→染⾊质纤维C、组蛋⽩⼋聚体→核⼩体→染⾊质纤维→染⾊体环D、核⼩体→组蛋⽩⼋聚体→染⾊质纤维→染⾊体环3、病毒不具备的⽣命特征是( )A、细胞结构B、⽣长和繁殖C、对环境的适应性D、新陈代谢4、重复序列在基因组中占据⽐例最⾼的⽣物是( )A、⼤肠杆菌B、果蝇C、拟南芥D、⼈5、放疗可⽤来治疗许多癌症如⽩⾎病,⾼剂量的射线摧毁快速分裂细胞的原理是它可导致( )A、DNA交联B、DNA去甲基化C、DNA双链断裂D、DNA分⼦上嘌呤脱落6、端粒酶是⼀种( )A、依赖于DNA的DNA聚合酶B、依赖于DNA的RNA聚合酶C、依赖于RNA的DNA聚合酶D、依赖于RNA的RNA聚合酶7、下列可⽤于制备重组DNA的要素是( )A、质粒B、两个不同来源的DNAC、限制性核酸内切酶D、上述都是8、以下双链DNA结构中,最不易被限制性内切酶降解的是( )A、CTATACTGCAGCB、CTCAATTGAAC、GCACCGGTCCTD、A TGGTTAACTGG9、真核⽣物体内最容易发⽣的⾃发点突变是( )A、C→UB、C→TC、A→GD、T→G10、Griffith和Avery所做的肺炎球菌实验是为了( )A、证明DNA的复制是半保留复制B、筛选抗肺炎球菌的药物C、证明DNA是⽣命的遗传物质D、分离引起肺炎的细菌11、SD (Shine-Dalgarno) 序列是指( )A、在mRNA分⼦的起始密码上游8-13个核苷酸处的序列B、在DNA分⼦上转录起始位点前8-13个核苷酸处的序列C、16s rRNA 3'端富含嘧啶的序列D、启动基因转录的特征序列12、催化真核细胞rDNA转录的RNA聚合酶是( )A、RNA聚合酶IB、RNA聚合酶IIC、RNA聚合酶IIID、RNA聚合酶I和III13、真核细胞核mRNA在加帽反应中引⼊到5′端的连接⽅式是( )A、5′→ 3′B、3′→ 5′C、5′→ 5′D、3′→ 3′14、分离获得⼀段dsDNA分⼦,长为1000bp,经检测其中G的含量为200个,则每条ssDNA 分⼦中碱基组成正确的是( )A、G+C=400B、A+T=300C、G+C=800D、A+T=80015、以下不会出现在⼀个cDNA克隆中的序列是( )A、外显⼦B、5′⾮翻译区C、多聚腺苷酸尾巴D、TATA框16、以下关于启动⼦的描述,正确的是( )A、mRNA开始被翻译的那段DNA序列B、RNA聚合酶最初与DNA结合的那段DNA序列C、可能转录不同基因的那段DNA序列D、开始⽣成的mRNA序列17、⽬前,国际上普遍采⽤模式⽣物,如酵母、线⾍、果蝇、⽖蟾及⼩⿏等,来揭⽰许多⽣命现象的机理,可以⽤这些模式⽣物作研究的最重要的原因是( )A、易于培养,花费少B、⽣活周期相对短C、代表不同进化时期D、⽣命活动的基本机理相对保守18、下列事件中,不属于表观遗传调控的是( )A、DNA甲基化B、组蛋⽩⼄酰化C、mRNA 加尾D、RNA⼲扰19、下列各项中,不属于真核⽣物基因表达转录前⽔平调节的过程是( )A、RNA编辑B、染⾊质丢失C、染⾊体DNA的修饰和异染⾊质化D、基因重排20、有⼈发现了⼀种新的限制性内切酶,其识别的碱基序列是GCGCNNNNNGCGC,如果⽤这种酶消化⼀段长约500Kb的DNA序列,得到的消化产物的平均⼤⼩约是( )A、4kbB、1kbC、64kbD、16kb21、下列对基因概念描述正确的是( )A、基因是⼀段染⾊体B、顺反⼦是将基因描述为⼀个功能单位C、⼀个基因⼀个酶⾮常准确地表达出了基因的特性D、⼀个基因就是⼀个突变⼦22、⼀个线性dsDNA分⼦经6次连续复制后,原始DNA占总DNA的⽐例是( )A、1/64B、1/32C、1/12D、1/623、在细胞分化过程中,具有相同DNA的细胞( )A、含有不同的基因B、可能转录不同的基因C、以相同的速率分化D、必须发育也相似24、下列不是PCR反应所需的是( )A、Mg2+离⼦B、引物C、脱氧核苷酸D、连接酶25、⽆义密码⼦的功能是( )A、编码n种氨基酸中的每⼀种B、使mRNA附着于任⼀核糖体上C、编码每⼀种正常的氨基酸D、规定mRNA中被编码信息的终⽌26、某研究⼈员想培育出⼀种个体硕⼤的超级⽼⿏,他最有可能成功的⽅式( )A、延缓细胞衰⽼B、破坏p53基因功能C、过量表达⽣长因⼦D、促进细胞分化27、指导合成蛋⽩质的结构基因⼤多数是( )A、单拷贝序列B、中度重复序列C、⾼度重复序列D、回⽂序列28、以下不能实现基因敲除(Gene Knockout) 的技术是( )A、Cre/Loxp 位点特异性重组B、T-DNA插⼊失活C、TALEN靶向核酸酶技术D、RNAi⼲扰29、下列对密码⼦特性描述正确的是( )A、密码⼦的简并性是指每个氨基酸有1-3个编码密码⼦B、密码⼦间没有间隙C、所有⽣物中的密码都是相同的D、上述各项30、以下各种可变剪接⽅式中不可能发⽣的是( )A、外显⼦跳过B、内含⼦保留C、可变的5′剪接位点D、改变外显⼦连接的顺序四、简答题(60分)1、简述真核⽣物RNA的转录后加⼯过程。



电子科技大学2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:431 金融学综合注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。


(每题 1 分,共 10 分)1、通常而言,未对信用贷款申请者进行信用记录审核的银行更加可能吸引到低质量的高风险客户,这反映了信贷过程中的“逆向选择(Adverse Selection)”问题。


()3、平均而言,创业板较之主板具有较高市盈率(Price-to-Earning Ratio, 简称PE Ratio)的原因在于,创业板市场的投资者更加非理性,从而导致高的市盈率。





第二天,该期货价格下跌5美分,那么你保证金账户的资金余额将为$2,000 + $250 =$2,250。





()二、单项选择(每题 3 分,共 45分)第 1 页共7 页第 2 页 共 7 页1、 每份美国国债的面值高达$100,000,现有一位投资者拟将手头的$1,000投资于美国国债。





1. 人体内铁的主要吸收部位在A. 十二指肠及空肠上段B. 回肠C. 结肠D. 直肠2. 人血浆中主要运输内源性甘油三酯的脂蛋白是A. CMB. VLDLC. LDLD. HDL3. 分光光度法测定蛋白质含量依据的原理是A. 蛋白质分子大小不同B. 蛋白质是两性电解质C. 蛋白质紫外吸收性质D. 蛋白质溶液的亲水胶体性质4. 胆碱能M受体活化产生的效应是A. 心脏活动兴奋B. 支气管平滑肌收缩C. 胃肠平滑肌舒张D. 膀胱逼尿肌舒张5. 30岁男性患者,检查发现其血钠升高,血钾下降,全身血容量增加,血压升高,此时最可能的原因是A. 糖皮质激素增加B. 交感-肾上腺髓质活动加强C. 激肽系统活动加强D. 醛固酮增多6. 肺炎球菌肺炎,炎症消散后,肺部常见的是A. 肺部遗留纤维化B. 肺泡受损产生局部肺气肿或肺大泡C. 肺组织完全恢复正常D. 造成胸膜粘连增厚7. 对于放射治疗及化疗最敏感的肺癌类型是A. 鳞状上皮细胞癌B. 未分化细胞癌C. 腺癌D. 细支气管肺泡癌8. 以下不宜应用β阻滞剂的疾病是A. 二尖瓣脱垂B. 肥厚型心肌病C. 急性心肌梗死D. 变异型心绞痛9. 消化性溃疡病最常见的并发症是A. 幽门梗阻B. 出血C. 癌变D. 穿孔10. 结节性多动脉炎与系统性红斑狼疮,下列哪一项最具有鉴别诊断价值的是A. 关节痛B. 肾脏损害C. 白细胞计数增加,嗜酸性粒细胞增加,血小板增加D. ANA阳性11. 肝性脑病患者血氨增高,导致中枢神经系统功能紊乱最主要的机制是A. 干扰大脑的蛋白质代谢B. 干扰大脑的脂肪代谢C. 干扰大脑的水盐代谢D. 干扰大脑的能量代谢12. 一哮喘患者,表现为焦虑、烦躁、呼吸频率加快,能正确回答问题,但只能说单字,双肺可闻及满布哮鸣音,其可能诊断为A. 哮喘急性发作(轻度)B. 哮喘急性发作(中度)C. 哮喘急性发作(重度)D. 哮喘急性发作(危重)13. 老年人,出现呼吸节律不规则,伴有昏迷及双侧病理征,常见于A. 脑干出血B. 蛛网膜下隙出血C. 头外伤D. 脑炎14. 以下哪个发生消化道出血时不应输血小板A. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜B. 过敏性紫癜C. 血小板无力症D. 再生障碍性贫血15. 小剂量地塞米松抑制试验用于鉴别A. Cushing病与Cushing综合征B. Cushing病与异位ACTH综合征C. 单纯性肥胖与Cushing综合征D. 肾上腺皮质肿瘤与Cushing综合征16. 发生原位溶血时,红细胞破坏的部位最主要是在A. 肝脏B. 脾脏C. 血管内D. 骨髓17. 慢性肺源性心脏病肺动脉高压形成的最重要因素是A. 缺氧B. 呼吸性酸中毒C. 肺血管痉挛D. 高碳酸血症18. 巨细胞病毒性肺炎的病理类型通常是A. 大叶性肺炎B. 小叶性肺炎C. 间质性肺炎D. 伴肉芽肿形成的肺炎19. 胃溃疡发生上腹痛的特点,下列哪项最符合A. 劳累、天气骤变诱发B. 性质多样,可胀痛也可灼痛C. 呈进食-疼痛-缓解的过程D. 与刺激性饮食有关20. 艾滋病主要传播途径A. 性接触传染B. 注射C. 母婴传播D. 血液及血制品21. 患者平卧位时,如果叩诊移动性浊音阳性,游离腹水量至少已达A. 500mlB. 1500mlC. 2000mlD. 1000ml22. 预防丙型病毒性肝炎的最主要措施是A. 易感人群注射丙种球蛋白B. 加强血制品管理C. 阻断母婴传播D. 加强粪便、水源管理23. 慢性肾功能衰竭患者发生慢性肾脏病-矿物质骨异常(即肾性骨营养不良或肾性骨病)的最主要原因是A. 尿钙排泄增多B. 长期代谢性酸中毒C. 肾小球滤过率下降导致高磷血症D. 维生素D缺乏24. 患者男性,50岁,头晕,夜尿增多,入院后非同日两次坐位测量血压上肢血压为155/90 mmHg,下肢为170/100 mmHg,父母均患高血压病。



电子科技大学2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:852 近代物理基础注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。


(A)正比于n(B)正比于n2(C)正比于n3(D)正比于1/n22. 粒子自旋的本质是()(A)内秉自由度(B)绕自身对称轴的高速旋转(C)反映出粒子性(D)具有能量的特点3.一把直尺相对于Σ系静止,直尺与x轴交角为θ,今有一观察者以速度v沿x轴运动,他看到直尺与x 轴交角为()(A)θ(B)tg‒1[(1‒v2/c2)‒1/2 tgθ](C)2θ(D)tg‒1[(1‒v2/c2)1/2 tgθ]4. 在伽利略变换下()(A)牛顿定律是协变的,麦克斯韦方程不是协变的。




5. 关于光子描述正确的说法是()(A) 静止质量为零,运动时质量也为零。




6. 氢原子(库仑引力势场中的电子)的径向波函数具有()的形式。

共3页第3页(A)合流超几何函数(B)球贝塞尔函数(C)连带勒让德函数(D)厄密函数7. 下面哪种说法是不正确的?()(A)一切粒子都具有波粒二象性(B)微观粒子的波动性是大量粒子相互作用表现出的集体效应(C)宏观物体的波动性极不明显(D)微观粒子的状态可用波函数描述8. 均匀无穷长直圆柱形螺线管每单位长度线圈匝数为n,电流强度为I,则管内和管外磁感应强度B分别为()(A)n μ0 I和0(B)n μ0 I和n μ0 I /2(C)2 n μ0 I和n μ0 I(D)n μ0 I/2和09. 在绝缘介质与导体的分界面上,在静电情况下,导体外的电场线()于导体表面;在恒定电流的情况下,导体内电场线总是()于导体表面。


































电子科技大学【2015 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题】241专业课真题

电子科技大学【2015 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题】241专业课真题

A. le sien B. la sienne
C. le vôtre
D. la vôtre
18. Je ne veux pas sortir
je suis fatigué.
A. bien que
B.parce que
C. à condition que
19. Un Français
cinq fait aujourd’hui partie de ce qu’on appelle le troisième âge.
共 10 页
D. Nous travaillerons vite avant que ce soit fini.
Section B: 在以下内容中,句子的顺序打乱了。把这些句子重新排序以恢复短文。 (每题 1 分,共 3 分)
8.L’art de réussir une fête 1. Envoyer un plan d’accès détaillé à chaque participant. 2. Donner du rythme à la soirée avec de la musique dès l’apéritif. 3. Organiser un jeu au moment du dessert. 4. Dresser une jolie table avec une belle nappe et des bougies. A. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 B. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 C. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 D. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3
D.par lequel
vin, s’il vous plaît.
A. le




一、单选题(每题2分,共100分)1、心理现象不包括()A.脑电活动B.感觉和注意C.情绪和思维D.性格和气质2、大脑的哪个部分与情绪过程关系密切?()A.布洛卡区B.杏仁核C.脑干D.小脑3、视觉悬崖实验表明六个月大的婴儿已经具备()A.知觉恒常性B.感觉后像C.知觉整体性D.深度知觉4、大脑两半球的机能是不对称的,其中右半球的优势功能是()A.数学运算B.言语理解C.空间知觉D.抽象思维5、感觉记忆的特点不包括()A.鲜明的形象B.意识的参与C.保持时间短D.记忆容量大6、由出乎意料的紧迫情况所引起的高度紧张的情绪状态叫( )A.激情B.心态C.心境D.应激7、威尔尼克中枢受到损伤会造成()A.言语理解困难 B.言语表达困难 C.失读症 D.失写症8、沙赫特认为,情绪是多种因素共同作用的结果,其中起决定作用的因素是()A.情景归因B.环境刺激C.机体生理变化D.中枢神经活动共8页第1页9、创造性思维的特征不包括()A.独特性B.生动性C.变通性D.流畅性10、下列心理学家中,属于机能主义学派的是()A.荣格B.斯金纳C.罗杰斯D.詹姆士11、气质类型为粘液质的人其高级神经活动过程的特征是()A.强、不平衡、不灵活B.强、平衡、灵活C.强、不平衡、灵活D.强、平衡、不灵活12、关于记忆的序列位置效应的叙述不正确的是()A.前端记忆材料不受后摄抑制的影响B.前端记忆材料可能进入了长时记忆系统C.中端材料记忆同时受前摄和倒摄抑制影响D.后端记忆材料可能进入了短时记忆系统13、解决问题有算法式和启发式两种策略,启发式策略是指()A.逐一尝试所有可能的方法,最终达到最优化的问题解决的策略B.一种迂回的、以退为进的问题解决策略C.运用已有经验,在问题空间中只做少量尝试就解决问题的策略D.一种广泛征求他人意见,类似头脑风暴的问题解决策略14、心理定势往往是一种()A.无意识动机B.有意识动机C.生理性动机D.外部动机15、下列情况不属于条件反射的是()A.谈虎色变B.吃柠檬流口水C.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳D.望梅止渴16、下列关于错觉的叙述不正确的是()共8页第2页A.错觉是对客观事物的歪曲知觉B.只要具备产生错觉的条件,错觉就一定会发生C.采用心理调节可以克服错觉现象D.错觉所产生的歪曲带有固定的倾向17、表象的作用不包括()A.积累感性知识B.从感知向思维过渡的桥梁C.为想象提供素材D.创造出新形象18、关于言语的陈述不正确的是()A.言语是人们运用语言交流思想,进行交际的过程B.言语是一种心理现象C.言语能力和流体智力正相关D.言语活动离不开语言19、感受性与感觉阈限之间的关系是()A.常数关系B.对数关系C.正比关系D.反比关系20、以下能够测定12种人格特质的问卷是()A.艾森克人格问卷B.Y-G人格测试C.主题统觉测验D.卡特尔人格因素问卷21、以下关于儿童“第一反抗期”的说法,错误的一项是()A.儿童的第一反抗期与儿童的自我意识发展紧密联系,是儿童心理发展过程中的自然过程。



2015年电子科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解Part I Grammar & Vocabulary (1x30=30 points)There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Please choose the correct answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. To check that your mobile phone is _____ with the products we sell, click on the link below that matches the manufacturer of your mobile phone.A. confidentialB. compatibleC. conscientiousD. conspicuous【答案】B【解析】句意:要检查你的移动手机是否与我们卖的产品匹配,点击以下链接与生产厂家联系。


confidential 机密的。


conspicuous2. 26% votes said they had a moment of silence or prayer to _____ the anniversary of Sept.11.A. commemorateB. manipulateC. withholdD. consensus【答案】A【解析】句意:百分之二十六的人投票说他们为纪念9.11事件一周年默哀或祈祷一会儿。



电子科技大学2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:832 微电子器件注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。









7、双极型晶体管的t b既是基区渡越时间,又是()电阻与()电容的乘积。


双极型晶体管的直流偏置点电流I E越大,跨导越();工作温度越高,跨导越()。

(第三、四个空填“大”或“小”)9、一般来说,双极型晶体管的几个反向电流之间的大小关系为:I ES()I CS;I CBO()I CEO;BV CBO()BV CEO;BV EBO()BV CBO(填“>”、“<”或“=”)10、当双极型晶体管集电极反偏,发射极开路时,发射极电流()零,发射结上的偏压()零。



当|V BS|增加时,其阈值电压将()。




2015年电子科技大学研究生入学考试《英语翻译基础》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词语翻译1.英译汉_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________2.VR_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:((Virtual Reality)虚拟现实)3.conditions-based withdrawal_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(有条件撤军)4.UESTC_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:((University of Electronic Science and Technology in China)中国电子科大学)5.ATM_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:((Automatic Teller Machine)自动取款机)6.dynamic equivalence_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(动态对等)7.magic realism literature_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(魔幻现实主义文学)8.foreign capital flow_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(外资流动)9.carbon emission reduction goal_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(碳减排目标)10.International Monetary Foundation_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(国际货币基金会)11.Wuthering Heights_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(《呼啸山庄》)12.most-favored nation treatment______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(最惠国待遇)13.Society Security Number_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(美国社会安全号)14.GDP_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:((Gross Domestic Product)国内生产总值)15.GRE_________________________________________________________________________________ _________正确答案:((Graduate Record Examination)美国研究生入学考试)16.WAN_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:((Wide Area Network)广域网)17.汉译英_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________18.工商管理硕士_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(MBA(Master of Business Administration))19.雅思_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(IELTS(International English Language Testing System))20.文化移情_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(cultural empathy)21.全国翻译资格考试_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(CATTI(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters))22.短消息服务业务_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(SMS(Short Message Service))23.(美)中期选举_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(Midterm Election)24.中美洲自由贸易协定_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(Central American Free Trade Agreement)25.货币操纵国_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(currency manipulator)26.转基因食品_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(genetically modified food (GMF))27.自主创新能力_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(capacity of independent innovation)28.与时俱进_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(advance with the times; keep pace with the times; keep abreast of the times)29.贸易逆差_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(trade deficit)30.绿色国民经济_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(green national economy)31.风险投资_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(venture capital)32.早恋_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(puppy love)二、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:8.00)33.英译汉_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________34.Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some specific goal they set for them selves. However, more often than not, once you arrive "there" you will still feel dissatisfied, and move your "there" vision to yet another point in the future. By always chasing after another "there," you are never really appreciating what you already have right "here". It is important for human beings to keep sober-minded about the age-old drive to look beyond the place where you now stand. On one hand, your life is enhanced by your dreams and aspirations. On the other hand, these drives can pull you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now. By learning the lessons of gratitude and abundance, you can bring yourself closer to fulfilling the challenge of living in the present._________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:( 许多人都相信,一旦他们达到了自己所设定的某个特定目标,他们就会开心、快乐。



考试科目:840 物理光学


A. 线性运算
B. 非线性运算
C. 单色光
D. 复色光
2. 部分偏振光可以表示为。

A. 两正交线偏振光的叠加
B. 线偏振光和圆偏振光的叠加
C. 线偏振光和自然光的叠加
D. 线偏振光和椭圆偏振光的叠加
3. 自然光正入射到界面,其反射光为。

4. 两振动方向正交、频率相同、振幅相等、相位差为p/2线偏振光叠加成电矢量为E的圆偏

A. E
B. 2
5. 采用分波面法和分振幅法获得相干光是为了保证。

A. 叠加光的相位固定
B. 叠加光的初相位固定
C. 叠加光的相位差固定
D. 叠加光的初相位差固定
6. 双光束干涉条纹的可见度与下列因素有关的是。

A. 叠加光的光强
B. 叠加光的光强之和
C. 叠加光的光强之比
D. 叠加光的光强之差




火车站见证兰考经济变迁本报讯(记者童浩麟) 12 月 2 日下午 3 点 15 分,兰考县南彰镇徐洼村村民李麦花在新疆摘棉 94 天后,乘坐动 352 次火车回到了兰考。

94 天挣了 6100 元,比去年少了 2000 元。

“今年全国涌到新疆摘棉的人有 70 多万人,比去年又多了 10 万。



”兰考县火车站总支书记何金峰说,“从火车站出发摘棉的约为 1.8 万人,比去年少了 8000 人。

”兰考县劳动和社会保障局统计数字显示,在 2008 年达到 18 万人次峰值以后,兰考劳务输出总数逐年回落。

今年前 10 个月,兰考就地转移劳力 6 万人,本地就业和外出务工人数比例达到了 74:26 。



”自 2008 年起,兰考县委、县政府每年春节都举办“返乡创业明星评比活动”,在评出的 52 名创业明星中,无一不是上世纪 90 年代从兰考走出去的务工人员。

第五届创业明星古顺风回报家乡的是投资 1.5 亿元的生态农业科技园。

“公司已促使 2500 亩土地实现流转。

”古顺风说,“1 亩地 2 万元的效益,完全可以让村民不出村就挣钱。

”在古顺风生态农业科技园打工的城关镇姜楼村村民有 470 人,人均月收入 1600 元。







2015电子科大考研试题814电力电子技术电子科技大学2015 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:814 电力电子技术注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。

一、单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共 28 分。


) 1、经过直接交交变频的软启动器而接在交流电机上的电流频率不会超过A. 50Hz B. 5Hz C. 15Hz D. 400Hz 2、电流型逆变器中间直流环节贮能元件是。

A.电容 B.电感 C.蓄电池 3、压敏电阻在晶闸管整流电路中主要是用来 A. 分流 B. 降压 C. 过电压保护。


D. 过电流保护4、逆导晶闸管是将大功率二极管与器件集成在一个管芯上而成。

A.大功率三极管B.逆阻型晶闸管C.双向晶闸管D.可关断晶闸管 5、单相全控桥反电动势负载电路中,当控制角α大于不导电角δ时,晶闸管的导通角θ 。

A.π-α B.π+α C.π-δ-α D.π+δ-α 6、在一般可逆电路中,最小逆变角βmin 选在下面那一种范围合理A.30o-35o B.10o-15o C.0o-10o D.0o 。


A . α、负载电流 Id 以及变压器漏抗XB B. α以及负载电流IdC . α和U2 D. α、U2 以及变压器漏抗 XB 8、若增大 SPWM 逆变器的输出电压基波频率,可采用的控制方法是。

A.增大三角波幅度 B.增大三角波频率 C.增大正弦调制波频率 D.增大正弦调制波幅度 9、采用多重化电压源型逆变器的目的,主要是为 A.减小输出幅值 C.减小输出谐波。

B.增大输出幅值 D.减小输出功率负载。

10、晶闸管可控整流电路中直流端的直流电动机应该属于 A. 电阻性 B. 电感性 C. 反电动势 D. 阻感反电力电子技术试题第 1 页共 5 页11、功率晶体管 GTR 从高电压小电流向低电压大电流跃变的现象称为 A.一次击穿 B.二次击穿 C.临界饱和 D.反向截止 12、三相半波可控整流电路的自然换相点是A.交流相电压的过零点B.本相相电压与相邻相电压正半周的交点处 C.比三相不控整流电路的自然换相点超前30° D.比三相不控整流电路的自然换相点滞后60° 13、晶闸管两端并联一个 RC 电路的作用是 A. 分流 B. 降压 C. 过电压保护。



2015-2012年电⼦科技⼤学硕⼠研究⽣英语分级考试PlacementTest带答案Placement Test for Graduate StudentsAugust, 20151.本分级测试主要检测学⽣英语⽔平、语⾔能⼒和批判性思维能⼒,为英语教学分班提供依据,望同学们认真答题,体现出⾃⼰真实⽔平。







PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (30 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 9 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine scored Answer Sheet.1. A. It was wet. B. It was torn.C. It was dirty with dust .D. It was blood-stained.2. A. Doctors can do nothing about his problem.B. It is too small a problem to get treated.C. Health care is very expensive.D. Doctors can fix his problem.3. A. Smoking is stupid.B. Smoking one cigarette is enough.C. Smoking in public places is offensive.D. Smoking is cool.4. A. Remember this place.B. Move ahead with the line.C. Answer the call.D. Come back quickly.5. A. He doesn?t drink tea very often.B. He is not interested in Peking opera.C. He knows nothing about Peking opera.D. He enjoys watching Peking opera.6. A. 885-450-4310B. 848-405-3140C. 858-405-3410D. 405-858-34107. A. She?ll help the man out of the trouble.B. The man has always been in trouble.C. No one else will help the man except herself.D. She doesn?t want their relations mentioned.8. A. John will not stay in jail for a long time.B. John is a family member with a bad reputation.C. John has been driven out of the family.D. John?s job differs from that of hi s family members.9. A. She dislikes the smell in the house.B. She smells something burn.C. She is afraid that the house is on fire.D. She feels something is wrong.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 conversations. At the end of each conversation, questions will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine scored Answer Sheet.Conversation OneQuestions 10 to 14 are based on the conversation you have just heard.10. What is the purpose of the conversation?A.The woman wants to make an appointment with the librarian.B.The woman is trying to reserve a book for her classmate.C.The woman is inquiring about the availability of study rooms.D.The woman wants to reserve a different room in the library.11. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.Why does the man say this:A.To inform the woman that no rooms are availableB.To encourage the woman to reserve a room nowC.To recommend the rooms on the third floorD.To let the woman know which rooms are better12. According to the man, why are so few study rooms available?A.There are more students now than in the previous year.B.Several rooms are being used as offices for library staff.C.There is a problem with students reserving more than one room. D.Some of the university buildings are still under construction.13. Why does the woman need a study room?A.She is preparing for a final examination.B.Her professor requires everyone to have a study room.C.She does not have space to study in her apartment.D.She needs a place to meet with other students.14. Why does the man say this:A.To tell the woman about the building that he works inB.To persuade the woman to accept a room in another buildingC.To describe an interesting aspect of the university layoutD.To direct the woman to someone else who can help herConversation TwoQuestions 15 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.15. What are the students mainly discussing?A.How music differs from noiseB.Sounds made by musical instrumentsC.The methods to produce antinoiseD.Why some sounds are unpleasant16. According to the conversation, what is noise?A.The complete absence of soundB.Patterns produced by sounds in natureC.Random sound with irregular wavesD.Sounds made by a computer voice17. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.Select the sentence that best expresses how the woman probably feels. A."I'm frustrated because I don't understand."B."I'm glad that you know so much about music."C."I don't agree with what you are saying."D."I wish that I knew how to play the drums.”18. How does the man help the woman understand the meaning of "antinoise"? A.By contrasting music and antinoise.B.By reading a definition from the textbook.C.By describing the sound of a drumbeat.D.By telling her about a computer program.19. What will the woman probably do?A.Drop out of the music theory class.B.Listen to recordings of various instruments.C.Read the textbook before the next lecture.D.Use a computer to search for information.Conversation ThreeQuestions 20 to 24 are based on the conversation you have just heard.20. Why is the class discussing the technical requirements of murals(壁画)?A.They are preparing for an examination.B.They plan to visit some famous murals.C.They are helping to design a new building.D.They will be creating their own mural.21. According to the discussion, what factors should be considered in planning a mural?A.The position of the observer.B.The character of the artist.C.The distance from the lobby to the elevator.D.The colors of the paint.22. What does the instructor mean when she says this:A.A building with a mural will attract a lot of visitors.B.A mural serves the same purpose as other forms of art.C.The term "mural" has several different meanings.D.A mural is an expression of the building's character.23. What is the purpose of having an air space between the outer wall and the plaster?A.It will protect the plaster from temperature changes.B.It will give the mural a greater sense of depth.C.It will reduce the time needed for drying the plaster.D.It will eliminate the need to wash the wall frequently.24. Why does the instructor say this?A.To explain how a wall can be made strongerB.To describe the process of framing a muralC.To explain how to create an insulating air spaceD.To describe a technique for texturing a plaster wallSection CDirections: In this section, you will hear a short lecture. After the recording, questions will be asked about what was said. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the squarebrackets on your machine scored Answer Sheet.Questions 25 to 30 are based on the lecture you have just heard.25. How does the professor develop the topic of political parties?A.By comparing the goals of different partiesB.By promoting the views of a specific partyC.By describing parties in a two-party systemD.By explaining how to organize a party26. Listen again to part of the lecture.Then answer the question.Why does the professor say this:A.To test the students' knowledge of partiesB.To find out which party the students supportC.To introduce a point that he will makeD.To show that all states have a two-party system27. Listen again to part of the lecture.Then answer the question.What does the professor imply about political parties?A.Parties make decisions based on the interests of several organizations.B.Parties can never accomplish everything that they would like to do.C.Parties carry on their work through the efforts of unpaid volunteers.D.Parties are necessary in the exercise of democracy in national states.28. Based on the information in the lecture, answer the question:Which of the following statements is NOT true about political parties?A. They are a group of people who come together mainly for amusement.B. They organize voters and compete for support on major issues.C. They are voluntary organizations of people who agree on public policies.D. They have research offices that develop positions on important issues.29. What does the professor mean when he says this:A.It is possible to enjoy politics but dislike government at the same time. B.A political party cares about major issues, but a government doesn't care. C.Politics is about competition, while government is about responsibility. D.Elections and government are like two sides of the same coin.30. Why does the professor say this:A.To show how major parties usually deal with the same issues.B.To suggest that both parties should give education more attention. C.To contrast the philosophy and methods of opposing parties.D.To point out which party is more concerned with education.PART II Grammar (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each)Directions:There are ten sentences in this section. Read each sentence carefully. If there is an error, select the underlined part that is incorrect. If there is no error, choose answer D. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.31. The presence of strong feeling, the cause of which ( A) is not fully understood, always has the effect (B) of making we (C) human beings uneasy. No error (D)32. I do not wish to make (A) a formal complaint, but I would have been better pleased if you gave (B) the award to the person who (C) best deserved it. No error (D)33. The tribesmen made offerings to placate (A) the they believed, were (C) angry with them. No error.(D)34. From ancient times (A), sculpture had been (B)considered the prerogative of men, and even now, in some parts of the world, women sculptors face(C) hostility and suspicion. No error(D) 35. According to Hume, it is not logic and reasoning that (A) determine (B) our actions, but(C)36. The general reported that (A), as a result of (B)be sent on peace-keeping missions this year. No error.(D)37. The ornate )statues that the magnate has chosen(B) to adorn his swimming pool are like a Greek temple(C). No error.(D)38. After you have written (A) a definition in your vocabulary notebook, add a few (B) ways to use the word or a sentence to illustrate it's (C) meaning. No error. (D)made no mention(B)in his speech of the mechanics on whom (C)his success had depended. No error.(D)40. The new law is too(A)stringent; it will be(B)(C)obeyed. No error.(D)PART III Critical Reading (50 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each)Directions:C hoose the best answer from the four choices given and mark the correspondingletter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring AnswerSheet.1While virtually all scientists accept the principles of evolutionary theory, there remains great uncertainty concerning the mechanism of rapid and drastic change between successive species. In the past, interspecies hybridization was dismissed as a possible solution, since hybrids are rarely as vigorous as purebred species. However, current research on hybridization suggests that although some hybrids are not as virile as either of the parent species, they are often strong enough to pass their traits on. Scientists have also found hybrid species, such as certain types of corn, that are stronger than their parent species, a phenomenon known as “hybrid vigor”. These findings suggest that hybridization plays a far more important role in evolution than previously suspected.41. It can be inferred that some scientists previously believed that ________.A. the details of evolutionary theory may never be fully understoodB. hybrid plants lack the ability to reproduce by themselvesC. plants that are robust possess an evolutionary advantageD. purebred plants play a relatively minor role in evolution42. The passage implies that most scientists will adopt a theory that ________.A. includes elements about which little is knownB. cannot be proven by experimental meansC. involves ideas which will likely be disproved laterD. has limited real-world applications2Though most people know the definition of the word “boycott”, few know its origin. Named for Captain Charles Boycott, the word as we know it owes less to him than to Irish nationalist Charles Parnell. Parnell organized Irish farmers and convinced them to fix their rent rates. When Boycott refused, Parnell unleashed the power of the people. A band of hostile peasants forced the Captain?s servants to leave. There were no laborers to gather the harvest and no stablemen to c are for the animals. Boycott was not allowed to enter stores or make purchases. Eventually, Boycott and his wife fled Ireland, and Parnell was hailed as the workingman?s hero.43. The passage is best summarized by which of the following?A. The origin of a word is explored, and an explanation for its popularity is given.B. A word is introduced, and a history of its usage is related.C. An event is described as the reason behind a shift in a word?s meaningD.A word is introduced, and the history of its coining is related.44. It can be most reasonably inferred from the passage that _______.A. Boycott?s land was not harvested that yearB. the townspeople referred to were sympathetic to the farmersC. Parnell was popular among all IrishmenD. the farmers threatened Boycott with physical harm3Passage 1:No major political election in the United States has ever been decided by one vote. In fact, a single vote contributes only about one millionth of the total result of the average statewide election. Considering how numerically insignificant a single vote is, is there any rational justification for an individual to vote? In order to answer this question, one must look past the mere numerical value of a vote. An individual?s vote is valuable as a measure of that individual?s belief in the system of government, which likewise indicates the degree to which a person feels included in the greater social order.Passage 2:When recently asked whom he voted for in the last presidential election, a friend of mine replied, “I didn?t bother.” With a rather bored shrug, and little embarrassment, my friend continued, “I t?s not like it matters. My vote wouldn?t have changed the outcome.” I couldn?t help thinking then that the argument was uncannily persuasive. If I had stayed in bed that morning, the result would likewise be exactly the same. But the argument does not hold up under scrutiny. If democracy means rule by the people, and not by any one individual, then why should the vote of just one person determine the outcome of an election? No person, no matter who he is, should be able to change the greater will of a collected group. The idea of doing so is simply undemocratic.45. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the hypothesis of the author of Passage1 concerning voting behavior?A. Historical documents reveal that may local elections have been decided by a single vote. B.A new study finds that many Americans feel that voting is a burdensome inconvenience. C.A poll of American citizens indicates that most citizens consider voting an important communal duty.D.V oting records show that most people who vote participate in both national and local elections.46. The author of Passage 1 would most likely conclude which of the following about the “friend”described in Passage 2?A. The friend likely feels that he is disconnected from the society in which he lives. B.Unless he changes the outcome of an election, the friend is unlikely to ever vote.C. The number of people today who act as the friend does indicates a fundamental flaw in society.D.People who don?t feel the need to vote are generally satisfied with life as it is.47. Both passages serve to discourage the ________.A.inclination of Americans to invent excuses for not votingB.tendency of voters to avoid making difficult decisionsC.valuation of a vote by its ability to decide an electionD.apathy that some voters feel about the lack of real choices48. The final sentence of Passage 2 serves to ________.A.explain the rationale behind a behavior patternB.denounce the actions of those who do not voteC.show the subtle irony of the friend?s argumentD.offer a solution to a pressing problem41 Laboratory research is at the heart of scientific life; scientists? real work consists of testing out ideas that come to them as they ponder the mysteries of the world around them. A natural biologist walks through a city park or across a suburban lawn and is half-consciously wondering: Why two leaves instead of three? Why pink flowers instead of white? Such rumination goes on without end in a scientist?s mind, a continuous accompaniment to the rhythm of daily life. Whatever a scientist is doing—reading, cooking, talking, playing—science thoughts are always there at the edge of the mind. They are the way the world is taken in; all that is seen is filtered through an ever present scientific musing.2 How a would-be scientist decides on a discipline, settles on a problem, and goes to work is often as much a mailer of chance as it is of temperament. One can easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist because of where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as because of a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system. No matter. Once the discipline is established, the problem chosen, and the scientist immersed in the work, he or she becomes as persuaded as need be of the centrality and urgency of the particular work being done. Such adaptive myopia is necessary in science because the grinding, repetitive minuteness of daily laboratory work is so time-consuming (for weeks, months, even years at a time) that, often, even to remember the original impetus for the work is a psychological trick of the highest order. To stimulate the memory back into existence with fair regularity, one must believe in the fundamental importance of what one is doing. Those who do are the most energetic, vital, exciting, and excited of scientists.3 Carol Steiner, a geneticist, comes up with a fine metaphor for how to make a working proposition of scientific mystery.“Imagine,” she says, “that you have a jigsaw puzzle with no picture printed on it. All you have are pieces you haven?t a clue how to make sense of. The pieces are your separate scientific observations. Here?s an example of how you might try to get a handle on the puzzle:4 “We have a microorganism with a secretory structure on one en d. We know this structure is always on the same place in the cell and that the position of this structure is inherited. The question we want to answer is, how can inherited information be translated into positional information? Why in that one place and no place else? Is the genetic code involved, and if so, how? The answer will tell us how the genes work in concert with the rest of the cell to put things where they belong.5 “In order to gather pieces of the jigsaw puzzle (that is, pieces of information), we poke at the cell. We change it a little … . A specific mutation that altered the membrane structure of the cell was found to turn off the synthesis of the secretory structure. This was a piece of the jigsaw puzzle. But just one piece. Because we hadn?t a clue as to how this had happened or could happen.” Steiner indicates that there will be many further questions that will suggest experiments whose results may allow us to print pictures on the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle: “Not put the puzzle together, mi nd you. But help us think about what the picture will ultimately look like.”6 The realized picture on Carol Steiner?s jigsaw puzzle is the map of gene expression laid out clearly with all roads,pathways, connecting signal points, and railway junctions marked so that any tourist can find his or her way in this beautiful country, which is confusing only when one is wandering about in ignorance—as we all are now—with a highly incomplete map.49. The primary purpose of the passage is to convey information about the ________.A. occupational hazards encountered by laboratory workers.B. problem-solving skills taught by chemists and neuroanatomistsC. professional collaboration necessary for geneticistsD. thought processes distinctive to research scientists50. In Line 1, the author characterizes “laboratory research” as something that is________.A. fundamentalB. ambitiousC. challengingD. time-consuming51. The author indicates that the process of “rumination” (paragraph 1) is________.A. subjectiveB. vexatiousC. incessantD. innovative52. In paragraph 2, “No matter” dismisses as irrelevant the means by which________.A. science students learn research skillsB. scientists choose research specialtiesC. laboratory reports explain methodologiesD. scientific knowledge is perceived by the public53. The “memory” referred to in paragraph 2 is that of the ________.A. initial fascination with a scientific goalB. steps required to establish scientific truthC. day-to-day repetitiveness of the workD. relevant training in the academic field54. The passage implies that the discovery of the “specific mutation”(paragraph 5) was most significant for________.A. demonstrating the random nature of scientific breakthroughsB. proving that multiple factors affect microorganismsC. providing a clue to the solution of a research questionD. justifying the expense of a major research project55. Which best describes the function of Steiner?s account of her research in the overall development of the passage?A. A digression from the author?s central argumentB. A refutation of criticisms raised earlier in the passageC. An observation that challenges previous assertionsD. An example that expands upon preceding generalization51 The downslope movement of rock, mud, or other material under the influence of gravity is known as mass wasting. While the angle of the slope is a major factor in the potential for mass wasting, the slope is not the sole determiner of mass wasting events. Water plays a significant role, especially where it is plentiful during the rainy season. Earthquakes may cause rockslides, mudflows, and other mass movements. Factors such as the presence or absence of vegetation andhuman activities can also influence the potential for mass wasting.2 One way to classify mass wasting processes is on the basis of the material involved, such as rock, debris, earth, or mud. The manner in which the material moves is also important and is generally described as a fall, a slide, or a flow. A fall occurs when weathering loosens boulders from cliffs or rock faces, causing the boulders to break away and fall. A slide takes place whenever material remains fairly coherent and moves along a well-defined surface. A flow involves the movement of debris containing a large amount of water.3 Many mass wasting processes are described as slides. Rockslides occur when a coherent mass of rock breaks loose and slides down a slope as a unit. If the material involved is mostly separate pieces, it is called a debris slide. Slides are among the fastest and most destructive mass movements. Usually rockslides occur in a geologic setting where the rock layers are inclined, or where there are joints and fractures in the rock that are parallel to the slope. When such a rock unit is undercut at the base of the slope, it loses support and the rock eventually collapses. Rain or snowmelt can trigger a rockslide by wetting the underlying surface to the point that friction can no longer hold the rock in place. The fastest type of slide is a rock avalanche, in which a mass of rock literally floats on air as it moves downslope. The high speed of a rock avalanche is the result of air becoming trapped and compressed beneath the falling mass of debris, allowing it to move down the slope as a buoyant sheet.4 Mudflows are relatively rapid mass wasting events that involve soil and a large amount of water. Because of their fluid properties, mudflows follow canyons and stream channels. Mudflows often take place in semiarid mountainous regions and on the slopes of some volcanoes. Although rainstorms in semiarid regions are infrequent, they are typically heavy when they occur. When a rainstorm or rapidly melting snow creates a sudden flood, large quantities of soil and loose rock are washed into nearby stream channels because there is usually little or no vegetation to anchor the surface material. The result is a flowing mass of well-mixed mud, soil, rock, and water. The consistency of the mudflow may be similar to that of wet concrete, or it may be a soupy mixture not much thicker than muddy water. The water content influences the rate of flow across the surface. When a mudflow is dense, it moves more slowly, but it can easily carry or push large boulders, trees, and even houses along with it.5 In dry mountainous areas such as southern California, mudflows are a serious hazard to development on and near canyon hillsides. The removal of native vegetation by brush fires has increased the probability of these destructive events.Past mudflows have contributed to the buildup of fan-shaped deposits at canyon mouths. Such fans are relatively easy to build on and often have scenic views, so many have become desirable sites for residential development. However, because mudflows occur infrequently, homeowners are often unaware of the potential danger of building on the site of a previous mudflow.6 Highly fluid, fast-flowing mudflows incorporate fine-grained sediment and are common after volcanic eruptions that produce large volumes of volcanic ash. Mudflows containing volcanic debris are called lahars, a word originating in Indonesia, a region that experiences many volcanic eruptions. Lahars occur when highly unstable layers of ash and debris become saturated with water and flow down steep volcanic slopes along stream channels. In the northwestern United States, the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 created several lahars that raced down the valley of the Toutle River, altering the landscape in a relatively short period.56. All of the following are given as factors in mass wasting EXCEPT ________.A.the angle of the slopeB.the presence of waterC.the absence of plantsD.the type of mineral57. The name of a mass wasting process is a reflection of ________.A.the area in which the movement occursB.the material that is moved and the way it movesC.the rate of movement relative to other processesD.the mass and volume of the material involved58. The word “trigger” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.A.preventB.imitateC.causeD.decrease59. Why does a rock avalanche move faster than other types of rockslides?A.The rock moves over a layer of compressed air.B.The rainfall is heavy where avalanches occur.C.The rock breaks apart as it moves downslope.D.The angle of the slope is almost vertical.60. The underlined word “that” in paragraph 4 refers to ________.A.resultB.consistencyC.mudflowD.mixture61. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence in paragraph 5? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.Fire has destroyed much of the original vegetation, so mudflows are now more likely.B.More damage to vegetation is caused by brush fires than by any other natural event.C.It is necessary to remove dead and damaged vegetation after a mudflow but not after a fire.D.Fires occur frequently in areas where the vegetation has been cleared for development. 62. What can be inferred from paragraph 5 about mudflows in some parts of southern California?A.Mudflows rarely occur more than once in the same location.B.Mudflows cause the worst damage in areas that are heavily forested.C.Mudflows occur more often than other natural disasters such as fires.D.Mudflows are so dangerous because people do not expect them to occur.63. Why does the author use the word “raced” in paragraph 6 while describing the lahars caused by the eruption of Mount St. Helens?A.To show that lahars are faster than rock avalanchesB.To state ironically that lahars do not actually move quicklyC.To emphasize the fast speed of laharsD.To explain why people could not outrun the mudflows64. Look at the four squares A B C and D, which indicate where the following sentence could beadded to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?。



考试科目:854 国际政治学




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1.关于图的度序列,下列命题错误的是( D ) (A) 同构的两个图的度序列相同;
(B) 非负整数序列12(,,,)n d d d 是图的度序列当且仅当1n
i i d =∑是偶数;
(C) 如果非负整数序列12(,,,)n d d d (2)n ≥是一棵树的度序列,那么序列
6 图1

(D). 如果非负整数序列12(,,,)n d d d 是简单图的度序列,那么在同构意义下只能确定一个图。

2.关于n 阶简单图的邻接矩阵()ij n n A a ⨯=,下列说法错误的是( C ) (A) 矩阵A 的行和等于该行对应顶点的度数; (B) 矩阵所有元素之和等于该图边数的2倍;
(C) 不同构的两个图,它们的邻接矩阵特征谱一定不同; (D) 非连通图的邻接矩阵一定可以表示为准对角矩阵形式。

3.关于欧拉图,下面说法正确的是( B ) (A) 欧拉图存在唯一的欧拉环游; (B) 非平凡欧拉图中一定有圈; (C) 欧拉图中一定没有割点; (D) 度数为偶数的图一定是欧拉图。

4.关于哈密尔顿图,下列命题错误的是( B )
(A)设G 是3n ≥的简单图,若其闭包是完全图,则G 是哈密尔顿图; (B) 若n 阶单图的闭包不是完全图,则它一定是非哈密尔顿图; (C)若G 是哈密尔顿图,则对于V 的每个非空顶点子集S ,均有
()G S S ω-≤;
(D) 若G 是3n ≥的非H 单图,则G 度弱于某个,m n C 图。

5.关于偶图,下列说法错误的是( B ) (A) 偶图中不存在奇圈;
(B) 非平凡偶图的最大匹配是唯一的;
(C) (0)
k k 正则偶图存在完美匹配;
(D) 偶图中,最大匹配包含的边数等于最小点覆盖包含的顶点数。

三、 (20分)在一个赋权完全图中找到一个具有最小权值的哈密尔顿圈,称这种圈为最优哈密尔顿圈。

e a y c
LTP P N M L的近似最优哈密尔顿圈;(2)、如何获取最优哈密尔顿圈权值的一个下界?以图5为例进行说明。

60 56
P e
(2)、假设C 是最优哈密尔顿圈,则对于赋权完全图中任意一点v ,C v -必然是G v -的一条哈密尔顿路,因此它也是G v -的一棵生成树。

由此,若T 是G v -的一棵最小生成树,同时,e f 是G 中与点v 相关联的两条边,使得它们的权值之和尽可能小,则()()()()W C W T W e W f ≥++,即获得最优圈的一个下界。

例如,在图5中,取顶点Ny ,求出G Ny -的一棵最小生成树为
而与Ny 点相关联的两条权值之和尽可能小的边是LNy 与LMc,其权值之
Pa Ny Mc
P e Pa


( 注:哥尼定理:在偶图中,最大匹配包含的边数等于最小点覆盖包含的顶点数)
证明:设布尔阵是n 行m 列矩阵,把它模型为一个偶图如下:每行每列分别用一个点表示,X 表示行点集合,Y 表示列点集合,两点连线。


而具有性质“任意两个1都不在同一条线上的1的最大数目” 对应偶图的最大匹配包含的边数。


五.(10分) 求证:设G 是n 阶的具有m 条边的简单连通平面图,则:
36m n ≤-。

证明:由于G 是n 阶的具有m 条边的简单连通平面图,所以每个面f 的次数deg()3f ≥。

由deg()2f f m ∈Φ
m φ≤。

由连通平面图的欧拉公式:2n m φ-+=,将23
m φ≤代入欧拉公式得到
36m n ≤-。

六.(20分) 一家公司计划建造一个动物园,他们打算饲养下面这些动物:狒狒(b)、狐狸(f)、山羊(g)、土狼(h)、非洲大羚羊(k)、狮子(l)、豪猪(p)、兔子(r)、鼩鼱(s)、羚羊(w)和斑马(z)。





下面求点色数:一方面,图中存在3K ,所以()3G χ≥,另一方面,我们用3种颜色实现了对图的正常顶点作色:

给出的一种最少分组方法为: 第一组:狒狒(b)、狐狸(f)、羚羊(w)和斑马(z); 第二组:土狼(h)、狮子(l)、豪猪(p);

七.(10分)求下图G 的色多项式P k (G).并求出点色数。

h l p s w 3 2 2
解:图G 的补图为:
H 1的伴随多项式为:21()H x x x =+ 对于2H :10r =,21r =,34r =,41r = 所以:2342()4H x x x x =++
所以:补图的伴随多项式为()()22343456()455G x x x x x x x x x x =+++=+++ 因此,()(1)(2)5(1)(2)(3)5(1)(2)(3)(4)k P G k k k k k k k k k k k k =--+---+----
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)k k k k k k +-----。

由于2,()0k k P G ==,但3,()0k k P G =≠,所以,()3G χ=。

H 1
H 2。
