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Unit 5First aid


1.I was under ________ pressure to become ________ teacher.

A. a; a

B. the; the

C. a; /

D. /; a

答案与解析D句意:我迫不得已当了一名教师。under pressure是固定短语,意为“被迫;迫不得已”;第二空处表示“教师中的一个”,要用不定冠词a。故本题选D项。

2.The ancient church was almost ________ before the firefighters managed to control the fire.

A. burned down

B. burn out

C. burn off

D. burning up

答案与解析A burn down“焚毁”;burn out“烧尽;熄灭”;burn off“烧掉”;burn up“(火、炉等)烧起来;旺起来”。句意:在消防队员成功控制火势前,那座古老的教堂几乎全部被烧毁了。

3.Don't take anything away. Father likes everything to be ________.

A. in place

B. in the place

C. out of place

D. out of the place

答案与解析A in place“在适当的位置”;in the place“在这个地方”;out of place“不在恰当的位置;不合适”;out of the place“不在这个地方”。句意:不要移走任何东西,父亲喜欢一切在适当的位置(井井有条)。

4.All the wounded ________ the proper treatment in time after the mine accident.

A. was to get

B. were to get

C. had to get

D. have been got

答案与解析B句意:矿难后,所有的伤员都及时地得到了医治。the wounded作主语,有复数含义,所以谓语动词用复数,不用单数形式。

5.Most students have been present ________ the speech by Mr. Smith

but some naughty boys were absent ________ it.

A. at; at

B. at; from

C. from; at

D. from; from

答案与解析B be present at ... “参加……”;be absent from“缺席……”,均为固定搭配,因此B项正确。

6.The number of people out of job ________ over 4,000, but a number of them ________ to apply for different jobs.

A. are; are trying

B. are; is trying

C. is; are trying

D. is; is trying

答案与解析C the number of“……的数目”,作主语时谓语动词用单数;a number of+名词的复数形式作主语时,谓语动词用复数,因此C 项正确。

7.The dictionary is available in ________ form.

A. electric

B. electrical

C. electron

D. electronic

答案与解析D electric“可发电的东西或靠电力操作或由电力生产的东西”;electrical“与电力有关的物品或人员”;electron“电子”;electronic“电子的”。

8.It has been warm these days. We're having the ________ winter since the records began.

A. coldest

B. mildest

C. worst

D. hottest

答案与解析B coldest“最冷的”;mildest“最温暖的”;worst“最糟的”;hottest“最热的”。句意:这些天一直很暖和,我们过着有史以来最温暖的冬天。只有B项符合句意。

9.The only way to learn the script by heart is to say it to yourself ________.

A. from time to time

B. for the time being

C. at times

D. over and over again

答案与解析D句意:要记熟剧本的唯一办法就是自己反复念。from time to time“有时;偶尔”;for the time being“暂时”;at times“有时;间或”;over and over again“反复;一再”。

10.It is ________ that the meeting be closed.

A. good

B. useful

C. nice

D. essential

答案与解析D在“It is essential that ...”句型中,that从句中的谓语有时可用“should+动词原形”的形式,should可以省略,表示“有必要做某事”。本题其他三个选项没有这种用法。句意:有必要结束会议了。


11.— You should have thanked her before you left.

—I meant ________,but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.

A. to do

B. doing

C. to

D. doing it

答案与解析C动词不定式to后省略了thank her。mean后跟不定式时,意为“打算”。

12.He doesn't have money now, ________,he would lend it to her.

A. if some

B. if any

C. if not

D. if so

答案与解析B if any是if he had any money的省略。在条件句中表示“一些”常用any,不用some。

13.— Is there a primary school in your village now?

— No,but there ________.

A. used

B. did

C. used to

D. used to be

答案与解析D句意:——现在你村子里有一所小学吗?——没有,但过去有。there used to be是there used to be a primary school的省略形式。

14.— I'd like to have a piece of bread and two eggs.

— Anything ________?

A. following

B. follows

C. to follow

D. to be followed

答案与解析C解答此题的关键是分辨出此句是一个省略句。Anything to follow是Is there anything to follow的省略。Anything to follow 相当于Anything else。

15.— When are you due to arrive?

— ________.
