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第一章绪论 (1)

1.1无级变速器的介绍 (1)

1.2摩擦式无级变速器 (1)

1.3摩擦式无级变速器运动原理 (1)

1.4钢环分离锥式无级变速器的优点 (3)

1.5本次课题设计任务 (3)

第二章钢环分离锥式无级变速器设计方案 (4)

2.1钢环分离锥式无级变速器简图 (4)

2.2传动零件尺寸 (4)

2.3钢环分离锥式无级变速器受力分析 (5)

2.4强度验算 (7)

2.4.1恒功率传动情况时 (8)

2.4.2恒扭矩传动情况时 (10)

2.4.3钢环强度效验计算 (11)

第三章钢环分离锥式无级变速器的计算 (13)

3.1计算锥轮的尺寸和参数 (13)

3.2钢环的设计 (14)

3.3轴系零件设计 (14)

3.4调速操纵机构设计 (16)

3.4.1确定齿轮的参数 (16)

3.4.2确定齿条的参数 (17)

3.4.3计算螺杆 (16)

3.5设计箱体 (18)

第四章强度校核 (19)

4.1刚换强度验算 (19)

4.2校验轴的强度 (20)

设计总结 (22)

致谢 (23)

参考文献 (24)

附录:英文文献翻译及原文 (25)





The steel loop separation cone pulley variator is the mechanical friction type variator's one form. It takes the middle part by the steel loop, the affiliation changes the host, the driven cone pulley's working radius to realize the stepless change, rotates the handwheel, through the gear, the rack and the tension bar causes the transportable awl crop rotation end motion, changes the host, the driven cone pulley and the steel loop working radius, thus realizes the speed change. Moreover, its structure is simple, the manufacture is convenient. It mainly uses in the metal-cutting machine tool, the textile machinery and so on high speed machine. First, find related information transmission, to understand the driving principle and design requirements and the formula, select materials. Parameters given by the first known transmission main parts obtained from the cone round steel ring and the main relevant dimensions have been calculated according to the cooperation with selected data and the main bearings with the original model, and then determine the cone length and size of each round . Further design of the shaft, at least by the formula select the diameter of the shaft, combined with the relationship established with the cone wheel shaft length and the selection of the key and the shaft key and other related dimensions, Selected according to the design manual with the tolerances on dimensions, select the design speed operating mechanism, and then from the known size and with the relationship between parts, According to the design manual to determine the basic size of box and cover, then the strength of the shaft and the steel ring checked to determine whether the size to meet the requirements. Finally, the calculated data with CAD for drawing.

Key words: Steel loop, cone pulley, limitless speed change, gear, axi
