



AA/D abbr. Analog-to-Digital 模数转换16, 17AC abbr. alternating current 交流电5AC analysis 交流分析5 accumulator [ə'kjuːmjʊleɪtə] n.累加器17 accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsi] n.精度6 acquisition time 采集时间16 activate [ˈæktɪveɪt] vt. 激活3active [ˈæktɪv] adj.有源的4, 18 actuator [ˈæktjʊeɪtə] n.激励器4ADC abbr. analog-to-digital converter 模数转换器6, 18 addition [əˈdɪʃən] n. 加法3 address generator 地址产生器17 address latch 地址锁存器3 address pointer 地址指针2 addressing mode 寻址模式26 ADSL abbr. Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop 非对称数字用户线21AFG abbr. Arbitrary Function Generator 任意函数发生器28 algorithm ['ælgərɪðəm] n. 算法27 aliasing ['eɪlɪəsiŋ] n.混叠16ALU abbr. Arithmetic Logic Unit 算术逻辑单元3 amplifier [ˈæmplɪˌfaɪə] n. 放大器4 analog interfacing模拟接口(技术)6 angular [ˈæŋɡjələ] adj.角度的5 angular frequency 角频率5 annotation [ænə'teɪʃən] n.标注15 antenna [ænˈtenə] n.天线10anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器6, 16 array [ə'reɪ] n.数组26ASIC abbr. Application-Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路13, 14, 15, 16, 25专用集成电路assembler [əˈsemblə] n. 汇编器3 assembly language 汇编语言3 ASSP abbr. Application-Specific Standard Part 专用标准部件14, 25 asynchronous [ə'sɪŋkrənəs] adj.异步的13 attenuator [ə'tenjʊeɪtə] n. 衰减器29 audio [ˈɔːdiəʊ] adj.音频的6 automatic variable 自动变量26AWG abbr. Arbitrary Waveform Generator 任意波形发生器28axis [ˈæksɪs] n. 坐标轴5Bbackplane [ˈbækˌpleɪn] n. 背板;底板9 backward compatible 向下兼容21 bandwidth ['bændˌwɪdθ] n.带宽6第 1 页共15 页bar graph 柱图22base band 基带6base station 基站10, 21battery [ˈbætəri] n. 电池7, 12baud [bɔːd] n.波特21Bessel filter 贝塞耳滤波器19biased [ˈbaɪəst] adj.加偏压的7bill of materials 材料单25binary number 二进制数3BIOS [ˈbaɪɒs] abbr. Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统3bipolar [baɪˈpəʊlə] adj.双极性的2bit pattern 位模式3bit vector 位向量26block diagram 方框图6block diagram 框图19BNC abbr. bayonet Neill–Concelman BNC连接器9Bode plot 伯德图5bond [bɒnd] n.接头9boot sector 引导扇区3branch instruction 分支指令26缓存器;;缓存区3, 10 buffer [ˈbʌfə] n. 缓存器bunching ['bʌntʃiŋ] n.聚束19bus interface 总线接口16Ccable ['keɪbl] n.电缆12cache [kæʃ] n.高速缓存2CAD abbr. Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计13, 18calculation-intensive algorithm 运算密集型算法17CAM [kæm] abbr. Content Addressable Memory 内容寻址存储器2capacitance [kəˈpæsɪtəns] n. 电容(值)5capacitive [kəˈpæsɪtɪv] adj. 容性的9capacitor [kəˈpæsɪtə] n.电容器2, 5capacity [kə'pæsɪtɪ ] n.容量10capture ['kæptʃə] vt. 输入,记录13carrier wave 载波24carry bit 进位位3cascade [kæsˈkeɪd] n.级联5cathode ['kæθəʊd] n. 阴极29CB abbr. Citizen's Band 民用波段10CCD abbr. Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件18, 23CD abbr. Compact Disc 光盘12, 13cellular [ˈseljʊlə] n.使用蜂窝技术的6channel [ˈtʃænəl] n.信道6第 2 页共15 页characteristic frequency 特征频率5 charge pump 电荷泵8 Chebyshev Type 1 filter 契比雪夫I型滤波器18 chip [tʃɪp] n. 芯片1 chip rate 码片速率21 chrominance [ˈkrəʊmɪnəns] n.色度24 circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 电路1 circuit board 电路板1 circuitry [ˈsɜːkɪtri] n. 电路2, 4, 6 circular [ˈsɜːkjʊlə] adj. 圆形的5 circular buffer 循环缓冲区17 class [klɑːs] n.类26 clock cycle 时钟周期3 clock generator 时钟发生器8 clock rate 时钟速率9 CMOS abbr. complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体2, 9, 12, 23 coding theory 编码理论11 comparator [kəmˈpærətə] n.比较器2, 6 compatibility [kəmˌpætɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] n. 兼容性16 compiler [kəmˈpaɪlə] n.编译器3, 26 complex plane 复平面5 component [kəmˈpəʊnənt] n. 元器件;组件;部件1 concurrent [kən'kʌrənt] adj.并发的15 concurrent process 并发进程26 conductivity [kɒndʌkˈtɪvɪti] n.导电性7 conjugate [ˈkɒndʒʊɡeɪt] adj.共轭的5 converter [kənˈvɜːtə] n. 整流器7 converter resolution 转换器分辨率6 coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪnət] n. 坐标5 cordless phone 无绳电话10 counter [ˈkaʊntə] n. 计数器3 coupling [ˈkʌplɪŋ] n.耦合9 CPU abbr. central processing unit中央处理器1, 12程序))25, 27交叉编译器((程序cross-compiler 交叉编译器crosstalk [ˈkrɒsˌtɔːk] n.串扰9 crowbar [ˈkrəʊˌbɑː] n. 短路器7 CRT abbr. Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管29 cryptography [krɪp'tɒgrəfɪ] n. 密码学14 crystal [ˈkrɪstəl] n.晶体8, 18 CT abbr. Computed Tomography 计算机层析成像22 current source 电流源4 cutoff [ˈkʌtɒf] n.截止7 cutoff frequency 截止频率18第 3 页共15 页DD/A abbr. Digital-to-Analog 数模转换16, 17 DAC abbr. Digital-to-Analog Converter 数模转换器18 damping [ˈdæmpɪŋ] n.幅度衰减5 data acquisition 数据采集30 data compression 数据压缩18 data converter 数据转换器6 data processing 数据处理14 data rate 数据率19 data sheet 数据手册4, 6 dB abbr. decibel [ˈdesɪˌbel] 分贝5 DC abbr. direct current 直流电5 DCT abbr. Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换22 debug [diː'bʌg] vt.调试28 debugger [diː'bʌgə] n. 调试程序27 decimation [desɪ'meɪʃən] n.抽取6 declaration [deklə'reɪʃən] n.声明15 decoder [diːˈkəʊdə] n. 译码器3 delta modulation 增量调制(∆调制)11 denominator [dɪˈnɒmɪˌneɪtə] n.分母5 density [ˈdensəti] n. 密度2 design flow 设计流程13 design specification 设计规格28 desired signal 期望信号28 detector [dɪˈtektə] n.检波器8 deviation [ˌdiːviˈeɪʃən] n. 偏差8 device driver 设备驱动程序27 DG abbr. Data Generator 数据发生器28 dial tone 拨号音10 differentiation [ˌdɪfərenʃiˈeɪʃən] n. 微分4 digital [ˈdɪdʒɪtəl] adj.数字的1 digital cellular phone 数字蜂窝电话6 digital circuit 数字电路2 digital filtering 数字滤波6 digitization [ˌdɪdʒɪtɪ'zeʃən] n. 数字化16 diode [ˈdaɪəʊd] n. 二极管7 discrete [dɪ'skriːt] adj.离散的,分立的1, 13 discrete component 分立元件3 disk drive head 磁盘驱动器磁头18 dissipate [ˈdɪsɪˌpeɪt] vi.耗散7 distortion [dɪ'stɔːʃən] n.畸变28 division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 除法3 DMM abbr. digital multimeter 数字多用表28第 4 页共15 页Dolby Stereo 杜比立体声19 don't care 无关项15 downstream ['daʊn'striːm] n.下行比特流11 DRAM abbr. Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器2 drive [draɪv] n.驱动器2, 12 DSP abbr. Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理14, 18 DSP abbr. Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器16, 17 DSSS abbr. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 直序扩频21 duty cycle 占空比7, 8 DVD abbr. Digital Video Disk 数字视盘12 DVI abbr. Digital Video Interactive 交互式数字视频系统12 dynamic range 动态范围16 E合逻辑2, 9 ECL abbr. emitter coupled logic 射极耦射极耦合逻辑EDA abbr. Electronic Design Automation 电子设计自动化13, 15 edge detection 边缘检测22 EEPROM [ˈi:prɒm] abbr. Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 电可擦除可编程只读存储器2 electrical power 电能7 electricity [ˌilekˈtrɪsəti] n. 电1 electron beam 电子束29 electronics [ˌilekˈtrɒnɪks] n. 电子学, 电子电路1, 7 embedded system 嵌入式系统13 emulation [ˌemjʊ'leɪʃən] n. 仿真16 encoding [ɪn'kəʊdɪŋ] n.编码19 end office 端局10 end product 最终产品16 erasable [ɪˈreɪzəbl] adj.可擦除的2 ethernet[ˈiːθənet] n. 以太网9, 12 even field 偶数场24 execute [ˈeksɪˌkjuːt] vt. 执行3 execution time 执行时间27 exponent [ɪk'spəʊnənt] n.指数17 exponential [ˌekspəˈnenʃəl] adj. 指数的5 expression [ɪk'spreʃən] n. 表达式26 external compensation 外部补偿4 FFCC abbr. Federal Communications Commission 联邦通信委员会10 FDM abbr. Frequency-division multiplexing 频分复用11 feature size 特征尺寸19 feedback [ˈfiːdbæk] n.反馈4 feedback component 反馈元件4 ferroelectric [ˌferəʊɪˈlektrɪk] adj.铁电的2 FFT abbr. Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换6, 18第 5 页共15 页field [fiːld] n. 字段26 field operation 现场运行4 filter ['fɪltə] n.滤波器6 filtering [ˈfɪltərɪŋ] n.滤波9, 18 flash memory 闪存23 flip flop 触发器2 floating point processor 浮点处理器3 flux [flʌks] n.通量7 flyback [ˈflaɪbæk] n.回扫7 foundry ['faʊndri] n. 晶圆代工厂16 FPGA abbr. Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列13, 15, 16 frame grabber 帧采集器24 frequency conflict 频率冲突11 frequency masking 频率掩蔽20 frequency response 频率响应9 frequency reuse 频率复用10 frequency synthesizer 频率合成器8full range 满量程28 full scale 满幅度;满量程6full scale range 满量程范围16 functional accelerator 性能加速器16 fundamental frequency 基频29Ggain drift 增益漂移4 GBW abbr. Gain × Bandwidth 增益带宽积4 global data 全局数据26 GPP abbr. General Purpose Processor 通用处理器16 gray scale level 灰度级22 GSM abbr. Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统6 guided missile 导弹28 gyro ['dʒaɪrəʊ] n.陀螺仪28 handoff [hændɒf] n. 越区切换21 handset ['hænset] n. 手持设备10 Harvard architecture 哈佛结构17 HDL abbr. Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言13, 15 HDMI abbr. High-Definition Multimedia Interface 高清晰度多媒体接口12 headroom [ˈhedˌruːm] n.净空,活动空间7 heatsink [ˈhiːt ˈsɪŋk] n.散热片7, 12 high impedance 高阻15 high-powered [ˌhaɪ ˈpaʊəd] adj. 大功率的10 histogram ['hɪstəgræm] n.直方图22 histogram equalization 直方图均衡22 Huffman encoding 哈夫曼编码22第 6 页共15 页IIC abbr. integrated circuit 集成电路1, 4 IDE [aɪd] abbr. Integrated Drive Electronics 集成驱动器电路12 IEEE abbr. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师学会15 image contrast 图像对比度22 image sensor 图像传感器23 imaginary part 虚部5 impedance [ɪmˈpiːdəns] n. 阻抗5, 15, 30 inbound ['ɪnbaʊnd] adj.输入的10 inductance [ɪnˈdʌktəns] n. 电感(值)5 inductive [ɪnˈdʌktɪv] adj.感性的9 inductor [ɪnˈdʌktə] n. 电感器5, 7 infinity [ɪnˈfɪnəti] n.无穷大5in-phase 同相28 input offset voltage 输入偏置电压4 instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃən] n. 指令3 instruction decoder 地址译码器3 instrumentation [ˌɪnstrʊmen'teɪʃən] n.仪器28 insulate [ˈɪnsjuleɪt] vt.绝缘1 integrated development tool 集成开发工具27集成;;积分4, 7 integration [ˌɪntəˈɡreɪʃən] n. 集成integrator [ˈɪntɪgreɪtə] n. 积分器5 interconnect [ˌɪntəkəˈnekt] n. 互连9 interface [ˈɪntəˌfeɪs] n. 接口电路2, 4 interference [ɪntə'fɪərəns] n. 干扰10 interpolation [ɪntɜːpəʊ'leɪʃən] n.插值6 interrupt latency 中断等待时间27 interval [ˈɪntəvəl] n. 间歇2IP abbr. Intellectual Property 知识产权25 IP abbr. Internet Protocol 互联网协议21 IP packet IP分组21 ISO abbr. International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织26 ISP abbr. in-system programmable 在系统可编程14 ISR abbr. Interrupt Service Routine 中断服务程序27Jjack [dʒæk] n.音频插口12 jitter ['dʒɪtə] n.抖动28 jitters [ˈdʒɪtəz] n. 时钟抖动8 JPEG abbr. Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图象专家组23 JTAG abbr. Joint Test Action Group 联合测试行动组25Kkernel ['kɜːnəl] n.内核程序27 lagging [ˈlæɡɪŋ] adj.滞后的8第7 页共15 页laptop ['læptɒp] n.膝上型轻便电脑12 laser ['leɪzə] abbr. light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光19 latency ['leɪtənsɪ] n. 反应时间27 LLCD abbr. Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器23 lead [liːd] n.引线9 leading [ˈliːdɪŋ] adj.超前的8 leakage [ˈli:kɪdʒ] n.泄露2 learning curve 学习曲线15 licensing agreement 专利使用权转让协定17 linear ramp 线性斜坡5 linear regulator 线性稳压器7 linearity [ˌlɪnɪˈærɪtɪ] n. 线性28 lithographic [ˌlɪθəˈɡræfɪk] adj. 平版印刷的2 load [ləʊd] n. 负载7 load current 负载电流7 loading ['ləʊdɪŋ] n.负载30 log [lɒɡ] abbr. logarithm [ˈlɒɡərɪðəm] 对数4 logic [ˈlɒdʒɪk] n. 逻辑1 logic analyzer 逻辑分析仪28 logical channel 逻辑通道21 look-up table 查找表2, 19 loop filter 环路滤波器8 looping scheme 循环机制17 loss [lɒs] n. 损耗7 LP abbr. Long Playing 密纹唱片13 LSI abbr. large-scale integration 大规模集成1 luminance ['luːmɪnəns] n.亮度24 MMAC abbr. Multiplication and Accumulation 乘法累加运算18 machine instruction 机器指令3 magnetic [mæɡˈnetɪk] adj.有磁性的2, 7 magnitude spectrum 幅度谱22 mantissa [mæn'tɪsə ] n.尾数17 m-commerce 移动商务21 memory [ˈmeməri] n.存储器2 memory location 存储器位置3 metallization [ˌmetəlaɪ'zeɪʃən] n.金属化13 microcell [ˈmaɪkrəʊˌsel] n.微蜂窝10 microcontroller [maɪkrəkən'trəʊlə] n.微控器2 micron [ˈmaɪkrɒn] n. 微米;10-6米3 microphone ['maɪkrəfəʊn] n.扩音器18 microprocessor [maɪkrəʊ'prəʊsesə] n. 微处理器1, 3第8 页共15 页miniaturization [ˈmɪnɪətʃəˌraɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 缩微化1 MIPS [mɪps] abbr. Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万条指令数3, 18 MMX abbr. Multi-Media Extension多媒体增强指令集17 mnemonics [nɪ'mɒnɪks] n. 助记符30 modem ['məʊdem] n.调制解调器12 monotonicity [mɒnətəˈnɪsɪtɪ] n. 单调性28µP abbr. microprocessor 微处理器14 MPEG abbr. Motion Picture Experts Group 运动图象专家组20 MRI abbr. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 核磁共振成像22 MSC abbr. Mobile Switching Center 移动电话交换中心10 MSPS abbr. million samples per second 每秒百万样本数6 MTSO abbr. Mobile Telephone Switching Office 移动电话交换局10 multiframe n.复帧11 multiplexer ['mʌltɪˌpleksə] n.多路复用器28 multiplication [ˌmʌltəplɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 乘法3 multiplier [ˈmʌltɪˌplaɪə] n.乘法器3, 17 Nnetwork operator 网络运营商21 network router 网络路由器2 next state 次态13 noise shaping 噪声整形6 nominal [ˈnɒmɪnəl] adj.标称的8 NRE abbr. nonrecurring engineering 一次性工程14 NTSC abbr. National Television Systems Committee 国家电视系统委员会24 Nyquist theorem 奈奎斯特定理16 Oobject recognition 目标识别22 odd field 奇数场24 one's complement 二进制反码11 op amp abbr. operational amplifier 运算放大器4, 18 opcode [ˈɒpkəʊd] abbr. operation code 操作码3 open loop gain 开环增益4 operand ['ɒpərænd] n.操作数26 operating system 操作系统3 optical [ˈɒptɪkəl] adj.光学的2 order of magnitude 数量级10 OS abbr. Operating System 操作系统12 oscillation [ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃən] n. 振荡4 oscillator [ˈɒsɪˌleɪtə] n.振荡器8 oscilloscope [əˈsɪləˌskəʊp] n.示波器20, 28 OTP abbr. one-time programmable 一次性编程14 outbound ['aʊtbaʊnd] adj.输出的10 outlet ['aʊtlet] n.电源插座12第9 页共15 页overload [ˌəʊvəˈləʊd] n.过载10 overvoltage [ˈəʊvəˈvəʊltɪdʒ] n.过压7Ppackage ['pækɪdʒ] n.封装形式; 程序包4, 15 packet ['pækɪt] n.信息分组21 packet switching 分组交换10 pad [pæd] n.焊盘9 PAL [pæl] abbr. Phase Alternation by Line 逐行倒相24 parallel [ˈpærəlel] adj.并联的8 parallel architecture 并行结构17 parallel resonant 并联谐振8 parallelism ['pærəlelɪzəm] n. 并行度14 passband ['pæsbænd] n.通带5, 18 passive [ˈpæsɪv] adj.无源的4, 7, 18 payload [ˈpeɪˌləʊd] n.有效载荷11 PCB abbr. printed circuit board 印制电路板9, 18 PCM abbr. Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制11 PCS abbr. Personal Communication Service 个人通信业务11 perceptual coding 知觉编码20 performance specification 性能指标6 peripheral [pə'rɪfərəl] n.外设12 PGA abbr. Programmable Gain Amplifier 可编程增益放大器18 phase spectrum 相位谱22 phone service 电话业务4 piezoelectric [ɪˈlektrɪk] adj.压电的piezoelectric [paɪzəʊɪˈlektrɪk] adj.压电的8, 18 piezoelectric crystal 压电晶体18 pipelining [ˈpaɪpˌlaɪnɪŋ] n. 流水线技术3 pixel ['pɪksəl] n.像素22 PLA abbr. Programmable Logic Array 可编程逻辑阵列13 playback ['pleɪbæk] n.重放19 PLCC abbr. plastic leadless chip carrier 塑料无引线芯片承载封装9 PLD abbr. Programmable Logic Device 可编程逻辑器件13, 14, 15 PLL abbr. phase locked loop 锁相环8 pointer ['pɒɪntə] n.指针26 pole [pəʊl] n. 极点5 pole [pəʊl] n.极点18 POST [pəʊst] abbr. power-on self-test 开机自检12 power [ˈpaʊə] n. 功率1 power consumption 功耗1, 6 power dissipation 功耗16 power loss 功率损耗9 power supply voltage 电源电压4第10 页共15 页power supply 电源12 ppm abbr. parts per million 百万分之一8 predictive encoding 预测编码11 present state 现态13 price/performance ratio 性价比16 probe [prəʊb] n.探头30 processing gain 处理增益6 program call 程序调用26 program counter 程序计数器3, 26 programmable [ˈprəʊɡræməbl] adj.可编程的2 propagate [ˈprɒpəɡeɪt] vi.传播8 propagation delay 传输延迟8, 30 prototype ['prəʊtətaɪp] n. 样机14 PSTN abbr. Public Switched Telephone Network 公共交换电话网10 psychoacoustics [ˌsaɪkəʊə'kuːstɪks] n.心理声学20 PTT abbr. Post Telephone and Telegraph Administration 邮政电话电报管理局10 pulse [pʌls] n.脉冲3 pulse width 脉冲宽度30 QoS abbr. quality-of-service 服务质量21 quality factor 品质因数5 quantization error (noise) 量化误差(噪声)6 quantization level 量化电平16 quartz [kwɒts] n. 石英8 RRAM [ræm] abbr. random-access memory 随机存取存储器3, 12 random noise 随机噪声11 raster ['ræstə] n.光栅29 RC abbr. Reconfigurable Computing 可重配计算14 RC abbr. resistor capacitor 电阻电容5 RCA abbr. Radio Corporation of America 美国无线电公司12 real part 实部5 real time 实时16 rectifier [ˈrektɪfaɪə]n.整流器7 redundancy [rɪ'dʌndənsɪ] n.冗余20 Reed-Solomon coding 里德-索罗蒙编码(RS编码)19 reference voltage 参考电压6 refresh [rɪˈfreʃ] vt.刷新2 register [ˈredʒɪstə] n.寄存器2 regulator [ˈreɡjʊˌleɪtə] n.稳压器7 resistor [rɪˈzɪstə] n. 电阻器6 resolution [rezə'luːʃən] n.分辨率6, 23 resolution function 判决函数26 resonant [ˈrezənənt] adj. 谐振的8第11 页共15 页resonating frequency 谐振频率8 ribbon cable 带状电缆;扁平柔性电缆9 ringing [ˈrɪŋɪŋ] n. 振铃振荡5 ripple ['rɪpl] n.波纹18 RISC abbr. Reduced Instruction-Set Computer 精简指令集计算机25 roll off 滚降18 ROM [rɒm] abbr. read-only memory 只读存储器3 router [ˈruːtə] n. 路由器2 rpm abbr. revolutions per minute 每分钟转数19 RTL abbr. Register Transfer Level 寄存器传输级13 RTOS abbr. Real-Time Operating System 实时操作系统26, 27 run-length encoding 行程编码22Ssample and hold circuit 采样保持电路16 sampling interval 采样间隔16 sampling rate 采样率6 SATA abbr.. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 串行高级技术附件12 scanning velocity 扫描速度19 scheduler ['ʃedjuːələ] n. 调度程序27 schematic [skiːˈmætɪk] n.原理图7, 13 scientific notation 科学记数法17 SCR abbr. silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器7 SDR abbr. Software-defined Radio 软件无线电14 SECAM ['siːkæm] abbr. SEquential Couleur Avec Memoire 顺序与存储彩色电视系统24 selective [sɪˈlektɪv] adj. 选择性的5 semiconductor [ˌsemɪkənˈdʌktə] n. 半导体1, 7 sequence[ˈsiːkwəns] n. 序列3 sequential [sɪ'kwenʃəl] adj.时序的13 series [ˈsɪəriːz] n. 串联7, 8 series resonant 串联谐振8 shade [ʃeɪd] n.明暗度22 shielding [ˈʃiːldɪŋ] n.屏蔽9 shifter ['ʃɪftə] n. 移位器17 signal conditioning 信号调理4 signal conditioning circuit 信号调理电路18 signal integrity 信号完整性9 signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比16, 20 silicon [ˈsɪlɪkən] n.硅1 simplex ['sɪmpleks] n.单工,单向通信11 simulation [ˌsɪmjʊˈleɪʃən] n.模拟9, 13, 16 sinc correction 抽样函数校正19 sine wave 正弦波6 single-shot 单脉冲29第12 页共15 页skew[skjuː] n.相位偏移8 slew [sluː] n. 摆率8 slope [sləʊp] n. 斜率5 smallest resolvable difference 最小可分辨值17 smoothing ['smu:ðiŋ] n. 平滑(滤波)16 SMS abbr. Short Message Service 短信业务21 SNR abbr. signal to noise ratio 信噪比6 SoC abbr. System-on-Chip 片上系统14 socket [ˈsɒkɪt] n.插座9 soldering [ˈsɒldərɪŋ] n.焊接9 solid state 固态1 sound card 声卡20 source [sɔːs] n. 信号源2 source and load impedances 源阻抗和负载阻抗9 source code 源代码27 spec [spek] abbr. specification 性能指标; 规格8, 12 specification [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 性能指标; 规格4 spectral inversion 频谱反转16 spectral resolution 频率分辨率20 spectrum ['spektrəm] n.频谱6, 16 spread spectrum communication 扩频通信11 SPS abbr. Sample Per Second 每秒样本数18 SRAM abbr. Static Random Access Memory 静态随机存取存储器2 stability [stə'bɪlɪti] n. 稳定性4 stack [stæk] n.堆栈26 startup cost 启动成本27 state machine 状态机14 statement ['steɪtmənt] n.语句15 steady state 稳态8 step function 阶跃函数5 stimuli ['stɪmjʊlaɪ] n.激励源15 stimulus signal 激励信号28 stopband ['stɒpbænd] n.阻带18 strain gage 应力计18 string [strɪŋ] n. 字符串26 structure ['strʌktʃə] n. 结构体26 subassembly [ˌsʌbəˈsembli] n.部件9 subsystem ['sʌbsɪstəm] n.子系统28 subtraction [səbˈtrækʃən] n. 减法3 SUT abbr. System Under Test 被测系统30 switch [swɪtʃ] n. 开关1 switched-capacitor filter 开关电容滤波器5 switching [ˈswɪtʃɪŋ] n.交换,切换7第13 页共15 页synchronization [ˌsɪŋkrənaɪ'zeɪʃən] n.同步11, 21 synchronous ['sɪŋkrənəs] adj.同步的13 synthesis ['sɪnθɪsɪs] n. 综合13 synthesizer [ˈsɪnθəsaɪzə] n.合成器8 system call 系统调用27 TTCXO abbr. temperature compensated crystal oscillator 温度补偿晶体振荡器8 TDM abbr. Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用11 telepresence [ˈtelɪˌprezəns] n. 远程在位21 template ['templeɪt] n. 模板26 temporal masking 暂时掩蔽20 termination [ˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən] n.端接9 termination characteristics 端接特性9 test bench 测试台15 test register 测试寄存器3 thermocouple [θɜːməʊˈkʌpəl] n.热电偶18 third party developer 第三方开发商17 thread [θred] n.线程26 TIFF abbr. Tagged Image File Format 标签图像文件格式23 time base 时基30 time constant 时间常数5 time slot 时隙21 time to market 上市时间16 timing [ˈtaɪmɪŋ] n.时序9, 15 timing diagram 时序图30 top-down approach “自顶而下”设计法15 transducer [trænzˈdjuːsə] n. 传感器4, 29 transfer function 传递函数4, 5 transient ['trænzɪənt] n.暂态过程28 transient response 暂态响应5 transistor [trænˈsɪstə] n. 晶体管1 transmission bandwidth 传输带宽20 transmission power 发射功率11 trench capacitor 沟道式电容器2 trigger ['trɪgə] vt.触发13 truth table 真值表26 TTL abbr. transisitor-transisitor logic晶体管晶体管逻辑9 tuning ['tjuːnɪŋ] n.调谐8 type conversion 类型转换15 Uupstream ['ʌpstriːm] n.上行比特流11 USB abbr. Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线12 UUT abbr. Unit Under Test 被测单元28第14 页共15 页UV abbr. ultraviolet 紫外线2 Vvacuum tube 真空管4 VCO abbr. voltage controlled oscillator 压控振荡器8 vector [ˈvektə] n. 向量5 vertical resolution 垂直分辨率28 VGA abbr. Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列12 VHS abbr. Video Home System 家用录像系统21 video conference 视频会议21 viewfinder ['vjuːfaɪndə] n. 取景器23 virtual memory 虚拟内存3 VLSI abbr. very large-scale integration 超大规模集成1 vocoder ['vəʊˌkəʊdə ] n.声码器11 volt[vəʊlt] n. 伏特8 voltage [ˈvəʊltɪdʒ] n. 电压;伏特数7 voltage reference 参考电压18 voltage swing 电压摆幅8 volume [ˈvɒljuːm] n. 音量4 Von Neumann architecture 冯·诺依曼结构17 VSWR abbr. voltage standing wave ratio 电压驻波比9 Wwatt [wɒt] n.瓦特10 waveform [ˈweɪvˌfɔːm] n.信号波形7 waveform coding 波形编码20 webcam ['webkæm] n.网络摄像头12 wideband ['waɪd'bænd] adj.宽频带的21 wild card 通配符15 wireless infrastructure 无线基础设施16 XYZzero order hold 零阶保持器16第15 页共15 页。



大学生英语竞赛B类英语专业分类模拟词汇与人文知识(二)选择题Section A1. Shaka power and became the king of the Zulus upon the death of his father.A.presumedB.resumedC.consumedD.assumedD[考点] 动词词义辨析[解析] 老国王驾崩以后,沙卡立即接管政权做了祖鲁国王。


2. You may be a good singer, but it is unlikely that you will make it big. Looks are important, too.A.greatlyrgelyC.highlyD.fairlyC[考点] 常用副词用法[解析] 长相影响㇐个人的前途。

常用表达highly unlikely意为“可能性不大”。


because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients 3. Doctors are often caught in athe truth or not.A.dilemmaB.puzzleC.perplexityD.bewildermentA[考点] 名词词义辨析[解析] 要不要告诉病人实情,医生经常感到左右为难。

故正确答案为A项“dilemma左右为难的困 境”。

4. Jane read the article over and over again but still thought the events related were .A.indelibleB.incredibleC.infeasibleD.inaccessibleB[考点] 形容词词义辨析[解析] 文章读了几遍,仍然不敢相信。




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MicrowaveTechnology信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering通信与信息系统Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理Signal and Information Processing控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术Computer Applied Technology建筑学Architecture建筑历史与理论Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计) Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学Building Technology Science土木工程Civil Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering结构工程Structural Engineering市政工程Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering测绘科学与技术Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程Chemical Engineering化学工艺Chemical Technology生物化工Biochemical Engineering应用化学Applied Chemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration地球探测与信息技术Geodetection and Information Technology地质工程Geological Engineering矿业工程Mineral Engineering采矿工程Mining Engineering矿物加工工程Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering纺织科学与工程Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程The Light Industry Technology andEngineering制浆造纸工程Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程Sugar Engineering发酵工程Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制Traffic Information Engineering & Control交通运输规划与管理Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure轮机工程Marine Engine Engineering水声工程Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程Man-Machine and EnvironmentalEngineering兵器科学与技术Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering兵器发射理论与技术Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering军事化学与烟火技术Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护Radiation and Environmental Protection农业工程Agricultural Engineering农业机械化工程Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程Forestry Engineering森林工程Forest Engineering木材科学与技术Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学Environmental Science环境工程Environmental Engineering生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering食品科学Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of AquaticProducts农学Agriculture作物学Crop Science作物栽培学与耕作学Crop Cultivation and Farming System作物遗传育种学Crop Genetics and Breeding园艺学Horticulture果树学Pomology蔬菜学Olericulture茶学Tea Science农业资源利用学Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources土壤学Soil Science植物营养学Plant Nutrition植物保护学Plant Protection植物病理学Plant Pathology农业昆虫与害虫防治Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control农药学Pesticide Science畜牧学Animal Science动物遗传育种与繁殖Animal Genetics, Breeding and ReproductionScience动物营养与饲料科学Animal Nutrition and Feed Science草业科学Practaculture Science特种经济动物饲养学(含蚕、蜂等) The Rearing of Special-type EconomicAnimals (including Silkworm, Honeybees, etc.)兽医学Veterinary Medicine基础兽医学Basic Veterinary Medicine预防兽医学Preventive Veterinary Medicine临床兽医学Clinical Veterinary Medicine林学Forestry林木遗传育种学Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding森林培育学Silviculture森林保护学Forest Protection森林经理学Forest Management野生动植物保护与利用Wildlife Conservation and Utilization园林植物与观赏园艺Ornamental Plants and Horticulture水土保持与荒漠化防治Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating水产学Fisheries Science水产养殖学Aquaculture Science捕捞学Fishing Science渔业资源学Science of Fisheries Resources医学Medicine基础医学Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology免疫学Immunology病原生物学Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学Pathology and Pathophysiology法医学Forensic Medicine放射医学Radiation Medicine航空航天与航海医学Aerospace and Nautical medicine临床医学Clinical Medicine内科学(含心血管病学、血液病学、呼吸系病学、消化系病学、内分泌与代谢病学、肾脏病学、风湿病学、传染病学) Internal medicine (including Cardiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, Rheuma-tology, Infectious Diseases)儿科学Pediatrics老年医学Geriatrics神经病学Neurology精神病与精神卫生学Psychiatry and Mental Health皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology影像医学与核医学Imaging and Nuclear Medicine临床检验诊断学Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics护理学Nursing外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学) Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery)妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学Otolaryngology肿瘤学Oncology康复医学与理疗学Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy运动医学Sports Medicine麻醉学Anesthesiology急诊医学Emergency Medicine口腔医学Stomatology口腔基础医学Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine流行病与卫生统计学Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学Occupational and Environmental Health营养与食品卫生学Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health卫生毒理学Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学Military Preventive Medicine中医学Chinese Medicine中医基础理论Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献History and Literature of Chinese Medicine 方剂学Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine药学Pharmaceutical Science药物化学Medicinal Chemistry药剂学Pharmaceutics生药学Pharmacognosy药物分析学Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学Pharmacology中药学Science of Chinese Pharmacology军事学Military Science军事思想学及军事历史学Military Thought and Military History军事思想学Military Thought军事历史学Military History战略学Science of Strategy军事战略学Military Strategy战争动员学War Mobilization战役学Science of Operations联合战役学Joint Operation军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学) Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)战术学Science of Tactics合同战术学Combined-Arms Tactics兵种战术学Branch T actics军队指挥学Science of Command作战指挥学Combat Command军事运筹学Military Operation Research军事通信学Military Communication军事情报学Military Intelligence密码学Cryptography军事教育训练学(含军事体育学) Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)军制学Science of Military System军事组织编制学Military Organizational System军队管理学Military Management军队政治工作学Science of Military Political Work军事后勤学与军事装备学Science of Military Logistics and Military Equipment军事后勤学Military Logistics后方专业勤务Rear Special Service军事装备学Military Equipment管理学Management Science管理科学与工程Management Science and Engineering工商管理学Science of Business Administration会计学Accounting企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学) Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)旅游管理学Tourist Management技术经济及管理学Technology Economy and Management农林经济管理学Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management农业经济管理学Agricultural Economics & Management林业经济管理学Forestry Economics & Management公共管理学Science of Public Management行政管理学Administration Management社会医学与卫生事业管理学Social Medicine and Health Management教育经济与管理学Educational Economy and Management社会保障学Social Security土地资源管理学Land Resource Management图书馆、情报与档案学Science of Library, Information and Archival图书馆学Library Science情报学Information Science 档案学Archival Science。



英语所有知识点总结1. Parts of Speech:- Noun: Names a person, place, thing, or idea.- Pronoun: Takes the place of a noun.- Verb: Expresses action or a state of being.- Adjective: Modifies a noun or pronoun.- Adverb: Modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb.- Conjunction: Connects words, phrases, or clauses.- Preposition: Shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.- Interjection: Expresses strong emotion.2. Sentence Structure:- Subject: Performs the action or is described in the sentence.- Predicate: The action or state of being performed by the subject.- Object: Receives the action of the verb.- Clause: A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate.3. Tenses:- Present: Actions happening now or continuous actions.- Past: Actions that occurred in the past.- Future: Actions that will happen in the future.- Present Continuous: Actions happening right now.- Present Perfect: Actions that have been completed.- Past Continuous: Actions that were ongoing in the past.- Past Perfect: Actions that were completed before a certain point in the past.- Future Continuous: Actions that will be ongoing in the future.- Future Perfect: Actions that will be completed at some point in the future.4. Articles:- "A" and "an" are used for nonspecific things.- "The" is used for specific things.5. Subject-Verb Agreement:- Verbs must agree with their subjects in number and person.6. Modifiers:- Adjectives and adverbs modify nouns and verbs.7. Comparative and Superlative Forms:- Comparative form is used for comparing two things.- Superlative form is used for comparing three or more things.8. Passive Voice:- The subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb.9. Punctuation:- Period: Used to end a sentence.- Comma: Used to separate items in a list and to separate clauses.- Colon: Used to introduce a list or an explanation.- Semicolon: Used to join two independent clauses.- Question mark: Used to end a question.- Exclamation mark: Used to show strong emotion.- Quotation marks: Used to enclose direct speech and to indicate titles of shorter works. - Apostrophe: Used for contractions and to show possession.10. Spelling and Vocabulary:- Understanding the meaning and usage of words.11. Reading Comprehension:- Understanding and interpreting a written passage.12. Writing Skills:- Organizing ideas into logical and coherent paragraphs.- Expressing ideas clearly and effectively.13. Listening and Speaking:- Understanding spoken language and communicating effectively in conversations.14. Word Formation:- Understanding the construction and formation of words, including prefixes, suffixes, and root words.15. Idioms and Phrasal Verbs:- Understanding the meaning and usage of idiomatic expressions and verb phrases.16. Grammar Rules:- Understanding and following the rules of English grammar, including sentence structure, tense usage, and agreement.17. Literary Devices:- Recognizing and understanding literary devices such as metaphor, simile, personification, and symbolism.18. Contextual Understanding:- Understanding language in different contexts, including formal and informal language, and the nuances of meaning in different situations.This summary covers a wide range of knowledge points in English language and grammar, including parts of speech, sentence structure, tenses, articles, subject-verb agreement, modifiers, comparative and superlative forms, passive voice, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing skills, listening and speaking, word formation, idioms and phrasal verbs, grammar rules, literary devices, and contextual understanding. Each of these points is essential for a comprehensive understanding and proficient use of the English language.。



小学英语单词表一、学习用品(school things)pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil-case铅笔盒ruler尺子book 书bag 包comic book漫画书post card明信片newspaper报纸schoolbag书包eraser橡皮crayon蜡笔sharpener卷笔刀story-book故事书notebook笔记本Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book数学书magazine杂志dictionary词典二、身体部位(body)foot脚head头face脸hair头发nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵arm手臂hand手finger手指leg腿tail尾巴三、颜色(colors)red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑pink粉红purple紫orange橙brown棕四、动物(animals)cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭rabbit兔子horse马elephant大象ant蚂蚁fish鱼bird鸟eagle鹰beaver海狸snake蛇mouse鼠squirrel松鼠kangaroo袋鼠monkey猴子panda熊猫bear熊lion狮tiger老虎fox狐狸zebra斑马deer鹿giraffe长颈鹿goose鹅hen母鸡turkey火鸡lamb小羊sheep绵羊goat山羊cow奶牛donkey驴squid鱿鱼lobster龙虾shark鲨鱼seal海豹sperm whale抹香鲸killer whale虎五、人物(people)friend朋友boy男孩girl女孩mother母亲father父亲sister姐妹brother兄弟uncle叔叔man男人woman女人Mr先生Miss小姐lady女士mom妈妈dad爸爸parents父母grandma/grandmother(外)祖母grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父aunt阿姨cousin堂表兄弟姐妹son儿子baby婴儿kid小孩classmate同学queen女王visitor参观者neighbor邻居principal校长universitystudent大学生pen pal笔友tourist施行者people人物robot机器人六、职业(job)teacher教师student学生doctor医生nurse护士driver司机farmer农民singer歌唱家writer作家actor男演员actress女演员artist画家TV reporter电视台记者engineer工程师accountant会计policeman(男)警察salesperson销售员cleaner清洁工baseball player棒球运动员assistant售货员policeman警察七、食品、饮料(food&drink)rice米饭bread面包beef牛肉milk牛奶water水egg蛋fish鱼tofu豆腐cake蛋糕hot dog热狗hamburger汉堡包cookie曲奇French fries暑条biscuit饼干jam果酱noodles面条meat肉chicken鸡肉pork猪肉mutton羊肉vegetable蔬菜salad沙拉soup汤ice冰ice-cream冰淇淋Coca-Cola可口可乐juice果汁tea茶coffee咖啡breakfast早餐lunch午餐dinner/supper晚餐八、水果和蔬菜(fruit & vegetable)apple苹果banana香蕉pear梨orange橙watermelon西瓜grape葡萄eggplant茄子green beans青豆tomato西红柿potato土豆peach桃子strawberry草莓cucumber黄瓜onion洋葱carrot胡萝卜cabbage卷心菜九、衣服(clothes)jacket夹克衫shirt衬衫T-shirt T恤衫skirt短裙子dress连衣裙jeans牛仔裤pants裤子socks袜子shoes鞋子sweater毛衣coat上衣raincoat雨衣shorts短裤sneakers网球鞋slippers拖鞋sandals凉鞋boots靴子hat帽子cap鸭舌帽sunglasses太阳镜tie领带scarf围巾gloves手套十、交通工具(vehicles)bike自行车bus公共汽车train火车水boat小船ship轮船yacht快艇car小汽车taxi出租车jeep吉普车van小货车plane飞机subway地铁motor cycle摩托车十一、杂物(other things)window窗户door门desk课桌chair椅子bed床computer 计算机board写字板fan风扇light灯teacher’s desk讲台picture图画;照片wall墙壁floor地板curtain窗帘trash bin垃圾箱closet壁橱mirror镜子end table床头柜football足球present礼物walkman随身听lamp台灯phone电话sofa沙发shelf书架fridge冰箱table桌子TV电视air-conditioner空调key钥匙lock锁photo照片chart图表plate盘子knife刀fork叉spoon勺子chopsticks筷子pot锅gift礼物toy玩具doll洋娃娃ball球balloon气球kite风筝jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏box盒子umbrella伞zipper拉链violin小提琴yo-yo溜溜nest鸟窝hole洞tube管子toothbrush牙刷menu菜单e-card电子卡片e-mail电子邮件traffic light交通灯money钱medicine药十二、地点(locations)home家room房间bedroom卧室bathroom卫生间living room起居室classroom教室kitchen厨房school学校park公园library图书馆post office邮政局hospital医院cinema电影院bookstore书店farm农场zoo动物园garden花园study书房playground操场canteen餐厅teacher’s office教师办公室gym体育馆washroom盥洗室art room美术室computer room电脑房music room音乐教室TV room电视房flat 公寓company公司factory 工厂fruit stand 水果pet shop 宠物店nature park自然公园theme park主题公园science museum科学博物馆the Great Wall 长城supermarket超市bank 银行country乡村village村庄city城市十三、课程(classes)Chinese 汉语(语文)Mathematics(简写Math) 数学English 英语sports 体育science自然科学Moral Education 思想品德Social Studies社会十四、国家、城市(countries&cities)China/ PRC中国America/ USA 美国UK 英国England 英格兰Canada/ CAN加拿大Australia澳大利亚New York纽约London伦敦Sydney悉尼Moscow莫斯科Cario开罗十五、气象(weather)cold 冷的warm温暖的cool 凉爽的snowy下雪的sunny晴朗的hot 热的rainy下雨的windy刮风的cloudy多云的weather report天气预报十六、景物(nature)river河流lake湖泊stream小溪forest森林path小路road马路house房子bridge桥building建筑物rain雨cloud 云sun太阳mountain大山sky天空rainbow彩虹wind风air空气十七、植物(plants)flower 花grass草tree 树seed 种子sprout 芽plant 植物rose玫瑰leaf 树叶十八、星期(week)Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayweekend周末十九、月份(months)January February March AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecmber二十、季节(seasons)spring summer fall/autumn winter 二十一、方位(directions)south南north北east东west西left 左right右二十二、患病(illness)have a fever发高烧hurt 疼痛have a cold 伤风have a toothache 牙疼have a headache 头疼have a sore throat喉咙疼二十三、数词(number)one two three four five six seven eightnineteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwenty二十thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十hundred一百first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五月sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth 第十eleventh 第十一twelfth第十二二十四、形容词(adj.)big 大的small 小的long 长的tall高的short短的young 年轻的old老的strong强壮的thin瘦的active 积极的quiet安静的nice好看的kind 善良的strict 严格的smart 聪明的funny滑稽的tasty可口的sweet甜的salty 咸的sour酸的fresh 新鲜favourite最喜欢的clean干净的tired累的excited兴奋的angry生气的happy 高兴的bored无聊的sad 难过的taller更高的shorter更短的stronger更强壮的older更老的younger更年轻的bigger更大的heavier更重的longer 更长的thinner更瘦的smaller更小的good好的fine好的great棒的heavy重的new新的fat胖的right对的hungry饿的cute可爱的little小的lovely可爱的beautiful漂亮的colourful五颜六色的pretty漂亮的cheap便宜的expensive贵的juicy有汁的tender嫩的healthy健康的ill生病helpful有帮助的high高的easy简单的proud 骄傲的sick生病的better更好的higher更高的二十五、介词(prep.)in在……里面on 在……上面under在……下面near在……附近behind 在……后面next to 在……旁边over悬在……上面in front of在……前面二十六、代词(pron.)I 我we 我们you你,你们he 他she她it它they 他们my我的our我们的your你的,你们的his他的her她的二十七、动词(verb.)play 玩swim 游泳skate溜冰fly 飞jump跳walk走run跑climb爬fight 打架swing荡秋千eat 吃sleep睡觉like喜欢have有turn转buy买take拍(照),带live 居住teach 教go去study学习learn学习sing 唱歌dance跳舞row划read books读书do homework做作业watch TV 看电视cook the meals烧菜water the flowers浇花sweep the floor 拖地clean the bedroom打扫房间make the bed铺床叠被set the table摆餐桌wash the clothes洗衣服do the dishes洗盘子use a computer 用电脑do morning exercises 做早操eat breakfast 吃早餐eat dinner 吃晚饭go to school去上学have English class上英语课play sports体育运动get up起床climb mountains爬山go shopping去购物play the piano弹钢琴visit grandparents拜访祖父母go hiking去远足fly kites放风筝make a snowman堆雪人plant trees植树draw pictures画画cook dinner烧晚饭read a book读书answer the phone接电话listen to music听音乐clean the room打扫房间write a letter写信write an e-mail写电子邮件drink water喝水take pictures拍照片watch insects观察昆虫pick up leaves摘树叶do an experiment做实验catch butterflies捉蝴蝶count insects数昆虫collect insects收集昆虫collect leaves收集树叶write a report写报告play chess下棋have a picnic野餐get to到达ride a bike骑自行车play the violin拉小提琴make kites做风筝collect stamps集邮meet遇见welcome欢迎thank 谢谢love 爱work工作drink喝taste尝smell闻feed喂shear 剪milk挤牛奶look看guess猜help帮助pass传递show展示,给……看use用clean打扫open打开close关put放read读,看write写paint画画tell告诉kick踢bounce弹ride骑stop停wait等find找drive驾驶fold折叠send送,寄wash洗shine照耀become变成feel感觉think想fall掉下leave离开wake up醒过来put on穿上take off 脱下hang up挂起来wear穿go home回家go to bed去睡觉play computer games玩电脑游戏play chess下棋do housework做家务empty the trash倒垃圾put away the clothes放好衣服get off下车take a trip去郊游read a magazine 读杂志go to the cinema 去电影院二十八动词的第三人称单数形式read—reads live—lives watch—watches teach—teaches go—goes do—does have—has二十九、动词的—ing形式go—going do—doing walk—walkingjump—jumping climb—climbing play—playing teach—teaching catch—catchingwatch—watchingread—readingcook—cookingclean—cleaninganswer—answeringlisten—listeningcollect—collectingcount—countingrun—runningswim—swimminghave—havinglive—livingmake—makingtake—takinguse—usingdive—divingwrite—writingride—riding三十一、动词的过去式watch—watched wash—washed clean—cleaned play—played visit—visited learn—learned climb—climbed row—roweddance—danceddo—did go—went sing—sang eat—ate take—took have—had see—saw buy—boughtread—read三十二、形容词的比较级tall—taller short—shorter old—older young—younger small—smaller long—longer strong—stronger big—bigger thin—thinner heavy—heavier三十三、疑问词what(什么) which(哪一个) when(什么时候) where(在哪里)why(为什么)how(怎样,如何)how many(多少)how much(多少钱)what about……(……怎么样)三十四、单词的缩写I’m = I am it’s = it is he’s = he is she’s = she i sthat’s = that is who’s = who is what’s = what is they’re = they are isn’t = is not aren’t = are not can’t = cannot don’t = do not doesn’t = does not let’s = let us小学英语词汇归类表(三年级上册----六年级下册)小学英语词汇归类表(三年级上册----六年级下册)一、学习用品(school things)pen(钢笔) pencil(铅笔) pencil-case(铅笔盒) ruler(尺子) book(书) post card(明信片) comic book(漫画书) bag(包) newspaper(报纸)schoolbag (书包) eraser(橡皮) crayon(蜡笔) sharpener(卷笔刀) story-book(故事书) notebook(笔记本) Chinese book(语文书) English book(英语书) math book(数学书) magazine(杂志) dictionary(字典,词典)二、人体(body)foot(脚) nose(鼻子)head(头) face(脸) hair(头发) mouth(嘴) eye(眼睛) ear(耳朵) arm(手臂) hand(手) finger(手指) leg(腿) tail(尾巴)三、颜色(colours)colour(颜色) red(红) blue(蓝)yellow(黄)green(绿)white(白)black(黑) pink(粉红) purple(紫) orange(橙) brown(棕)四、动物(animals)cat(猫)dog(狗)pig(猪)duck(鸭)rabbit(兔)horse(马)elephant(大象)fish(鱼) kangaroo(袋鼠)ant(蚂蚁) bird(鸟) eagle(鹰) beaver(海狸) snake(蛇) mouse(老鼠) squirrel(松鼠) monkey(猴) panda(熊猫) bear(熊) lion(狮子) tiger(老虎) fox(狐狸) zebra(斑马) deer(鹿) giraffe(长颈鹿) goose(鹅) hen(母鸡) turkey(火鸡) lamb(小羊) sheep(绵羊) goat(山羊) cow(奶牛) donkey(驴) squid(鱿鱼) lobster(龙虾) shark(鲨鱼) seal(海豹) sperm whale(抹香鲸) killer whale(虎鲸)五、人物(people)friend(朋友)boy(男孩)girl(女孩)mother(母亲)father(父亲)sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟)uncle(叔叔,舅舅)mom(妈妈)grandpa/ grandfather(祖父,外祖父)man(男人) woman(女人) Mr(先生) Miss(小姐) lady(女士,小姐) dad(爸爸) parents(父母) grandma/ grandmother(祖母,外祖母) aunt(姑姑) cousin(堂表兄弟,堂表姐妹) son(儿子) baby(婴儿) kid(小孩) classmate(同学) queen(女王) visitor(参观者) neighbour(邻居) principal(校长) university student(大学生) pen pal(笔友) tourist(旅行者) people(人物)robot(机器人)六、职业(jobs)teacher(教师)student(学生)doctor(医生)nurse(护士)driver(司机)farmer(农民) singer(歌唱家)writer(作家)actor(男演员)actress(女演员)artist(画家)TV reporter(电视台记者)engineer(工程师)accountant(会计)policeman(警察)salesperson(销售员)cleaner(清洁工)baseball player(棒球运动员) assistant(售货员)七、食品、饮料(food & drink)rice(米饭)bread(面包)beef(牛肉)milk(牛奶)water(水)egg(蛋)fish(鱼) tofu(豆腐)chicken(鸡肉) honey(蜂蜜) lunch(中餐)cake(蛋糕) hot dog(热狗) hamburger(汉堡包) French fries(炸薯条) cookie(曲奇) biscuit(饼干) jam(果酱) noodles(面条) meat(肉) pork(猪肉) mutton(羊肉) vegetable(蔬菜) salad(沙拉) soup(汤) ice-cream(冰淇淋) ice(冰) Coke(可乐) juice(果汁) tea(茶) coffee(咖啡) breakfast(早餐) dinner(晚餐)八、水果、蔬菜(fruit & vegetables)apple(苹果)banana(香蕉)watermelon(西瓜) pear(梨)orange(橙) grape(葡萄)eggplant(茄子)green beans(青豆)tomato(西红柿)potato(土豆)peach(桃) strawberry(草莓) cucumber(黄瓜) onion(洋葱) carrot(胡萝卜) cabbage(卷心菜)九、衣服(clothes)jacket(夹克衫)shirt(衬衫)T-shirt(T恤衫)shirt(短裙子)dress(连衣裙)jeans(牛仔裤) pants(长裤)socks(袜子)shoes(鞋子)sweater(毛衣) coat(上衣) raincoat(雨衣) shorts(短裤) sneakers(网球鞋) slippers(拖鞋) sandals(凉鞋) boots(靴子) hat(有沿的帽子) cap(便帽) tie(领带) scarf(围巾) gloves(手套) sunglasses(太阳镜)十、交通工具(vehicles)bike(自行车)bus(公共汽车)train(火车)boat(小船)ship(轮船) yacht(快艇) car(小汽车) taxi(出租车) jeep(吉普车) van(小货车) plane(飞机) subway(地铁) motor cycle(摩托车)十一、杂物(other things)window(窗户)door(门)computer(计算机) desk(课桌)chair(椅子)bed(床) board(写字板)teacher’s desk(讲台)fan(风扇) light(灯)wall(墙壁)floor(地板) picture(图画,照片)curtain(窗帘) closet(壁橱) trash bin(垃圾箱) mirror(镜子)end table(床头柜)football(足球) present(礼物)walkman(随身听) lamp(台灯) phone(电话) sofa(沙发) shelf(书架) fridge(冰箱) table(桌子) air-conditioner(空调) TV(电视) key(钥匙) lock(锁) photo(照片) chart(图表) plate(盘子) knife(刀) fork(叉) spoon(勺子) chopsticks(筷子) pot(锅) gift (礼物) toy(玩具) doll(洋娃娃) jigsaw puzzle(拼图游戏) ball(球) kite(风筝) balloon(汽球) box(盒子) umbrella(伞) zipper(拉链) violin(小提琴) yo-yo(溜溜球) nest(鸟窝) toothbrush(牙刷) hole(洞) tube(管子) menu(菜单) e-card(电子贺卡) e-mail(电子邮件) money( 钱) medicine(药) 十二、地点(locations)home(家)room(房间)living room(起居室,客厅)bedroom(卧室) study(书房)kitchen(厨房)bathroom(卫生间) classroom(教室) school(学校)park(公园)library(图书馆)post office(邮局)hospital(医院)cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店)farm(农场) zoo(动物园) garden(花园) playground(操场) canteen(食堂) gym(体育馆) teacher’s office(教师办公室) washroom(卫生间) art room(绘画教室) music room(音乐教室) computer room(计算机教室) TV room(电视机房) flat(公寓) company(公司) factory(工厂) fruit stand(水果摊) pet shop(宠物商店) nature park(自然公园) theme park(主题公园) supermarket(超市) bank(银行) the Great Wall(长城) science museum(科学博物馆) country(国家) village(乡村) city(城市)十三、课程(classes)class(课程)Chinese(中文,汉语)English(英语)math(数学)P.E.(体育)music(音乐) science (科学) sports(体育活动) Moral Education(思想品德课) Social Studied(社会课)十四、国家、城市(countries & cities)China/ PRC(中国) American/ USA(美国) UK(联合王国) England(英国) Canada/ CAN(加拿大) Australia(澳大利亚) New Y ork(纽约) London(伦敦) Sydney(悉尼) Moscow(莫斯科) Cairo(开罗)十五、天气(weather)cold(寒冷的)warm(温暖的)cool(凉爽的)snowy(下雪的)sunny(晴朗的)hot(炎热的) rainy(下雨的) windy(有风的) cloudy(多云的)weather report(天气预报)十六、景物(nature)river(河流)lake(湖泊)stream(河、溪)forest(森林) path(路,小道) road(公路,大道)house(房子)bridge(桥)building(建筑物)rain(雨)cloud(云)sun(太阳)mountain(山) sky(天空) rainbow(彩虹) wind(风) air(空气)十七、植物(plants)flower(花)grass(草)seed(种子)sprout(苗,芽,嫩芽)tree(树) plant(植物,种植)soil(土壤)rose(玫瑰) leaf(叶子)十八、星期(week)Monday/ Mon. (星期一)Tuesday /Tue. (星期二)Wednesday /Wed. (星期三)Thursday /Thu. (星期四)Friday /Fri. (星期五)Saturday /Sat. (星期六)Sunday /Sun. (星期日) weekend(周末)十九、月份(months)Jan.(January 一月)Feb.(February 二月)Mar.(March 三月)Apr.(April 四月)May(五月) June(六月)July(七月)Aug.(August 八月)Sept.(September 九月) Oct.(October十月)Nov.(November 十一月)Dec.(December十二月)二十、季节(seasons)spring(春)summer(夏)fall(秋)winter(冬)二十一、方位(directions)left(左边)right(右边)east(东) west(西) south(南) north(北)二十二、患病(illness)hurt(疼痛)sore(疼的) have a cold(感冒) have a fever(发烧) have a toothache(牙疼)have a headache(头疼)have a sore throat(喉咙疼)二十三、数词(numbers)one(一)two(二)three(三)four(四)five(五) six(六)seven(七) eight(八)nine(九)ten(十)eleven(十一)twelve(十二)thirteen(十三) fifteen(十五)twenty(二十)fourteen(十四) sixteen(十六) seventeen(十七) eighteen(十八) nineteen(十九) thirty(三十) forty(四十) fifty(五十) sixty(六十) seventy(七十) eighty(八十) ninety(九十) hundred(百) first(第一) second(第二) third(第三) fourth(第四) fifth(第五) eighth(第八) ninth(第九) twelfth(第十二) twentieth(第二十)二十四、形容词(adj.)good(好的) big(大的)small(小的)long(长的)tall(高的)short(短的,矮的)young(年轻的) old(旧的,老的)strong(健壮的)thin(瘦的)active(积极活跃的) quiet(安静的)kind(和蔼亲切的)strict(严格的)smart(聪明的)funny(滑稽可笑的) tasty(好吃的)sweet(甜的)salty(咸的)sour(酸的)favourite(最喜爱的) fresh(新鲜的) clean(干净的)tired(疲劳的)excited(兴奋的)angry(生气的,愤怒的)happy(高兴的) sad(忧愁的,悲伤的) bored(无聊的,烦人的)taller(更高的)shorter(更矮的)stronger(更强壮的) older(年龄更大的)younger(更年轻的)bigger(更大的)heavier(更重的)longer(更长的) thinner(更瘦的)smaller(更小的)nice(好看的) fine(好的) great(很好的) heavy(重的) new(新的) fat(胖的) happy(快乐的) right(对的) hungry(饥饿的) cute(逗人喜爱的) little(小的) lovely(可爱的) beautiful(漂亮的) colourful(色彩鲜艳的) pretty(漂亮的) cheap(便宜的) expensive(昂贵的) juicy(多汁的) tender(嫩的) healthy(健康的) ill(有病的) helpful(有帮助的) high(高的) easy(简单的) proud(骄傲的) sick(有病的) better(更好的) higher(更高的)二十五、介词(prep.)in(在……里)on(在……上,在……时候)under(在……下面)near(在……旁边) behind(在……后面)next to(与……相邻)at(在……点钟)by(经……乘……) for(为……,给……)to(朝,向)over(在……上方) in front of(在……前面)二十六、代词(pron.)I(我)we(我们)you(你,你们)he(他)she(她)it(它)they(他/她/它们)my(我的)our(我们的)your(你的,你们的)his(他的)her(她的) this(这,这个) that(那,那个)二十七、动词(v.)work(工作) play(玩,踢) swim(游泳) skate(滑冰) fly(飞) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) climb(往上爬) fight(打架) swing(荡) eat(吃) sleep(睡觉) like(像,喜欢) have(有,吃) turn(转弯) buy(买) take(买,带) live(居住) teach(教)stop(停,停车站) wait(等) study(学习)learn(学习) sing(唱歌) dance(跳舞) row(划)do homework(做作业) watch TV(看电视) read books(读书)cook the meals(做饭) water the flowers(浇花) sweep the floor(扫地) clean the bedroom(打扫卧室) make the bed(铺床) set the table(摆饭桌) wash the clothes(洗衣服) do the dishes(洗碗碟) use a computer(使用计算机) eat breakfast(吃早饭) eat dinner(吃晚饭) do morning exercises(晨练,做广播操) go to school(上学) play sports(进行体育运动) get up(起床) have English class(上英语课) climb mountains(爬山) play the piano(弹钢琴) fly kites(放风筝) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(种树)draw pictures(画画) cook dinner(做饭) read a book(看书) answer the phone(接电话) listen to music(听音乐) clean the room(打扫房间) write a letter(写信) write an e-mail(写电子邮件) drink water(喝水)take pictures(照相) watch insects(观察昆虫) pick up leaves(采摘树叶) do an experiment(做实验) catch butterflies(捉蝴蝶) count insects(数昆虫) collect insects(收集昆虫) collect leaves(收集树叶) write a report(写报告) play chess(下棋) have a picnic(举行野餐) get to(到达)ride a bike(骑自行车) play the violin(拉小提琴) make kites(制作风筝) collect stamps(集邮) go shopping(买东西) go swimming(去游泳)go fishing(去钓鱼) go hiking(去远足) go skiing(去滑雪)go ice-skating(去滑冰) visit grandparents(看望祖父母/外祖父母)meet(见面) welcome(欢迎) thank(谢谢) love(爱) drink(喝) taste(尝) smell(闻) feed(喂养) shear(剪) milk(挤奶) look(看) guess(猜) help(帮助) pass(传递) show(展示) use(使用) clean(打扫) open(打开) close(关上) put(放) read(读) write(写) paint(绘画) tell(告诉) kick(踢) bounce(反弹) ride(骑) find(寻找) drive(驾驶) fold(折) send(寄) wash(洗) shine(照耀) become(变成) feel(感觉到) think(思考) fall(落下) leave(离开) wake up(醒来) put on(穿上) take off(脱掉) hang up(挂起) wear(穿)go home(回家) go to bed(上床睡觉) play computer games(玩电脑游戏) do housework(做家务) empty the trash(倒垃圾) put away the clothes(收拾衣服) get off(下车) take a trip(去旅行) read a magazine(阅读杂志) go to the cinema(去看电影)二十八、其他(others)day(天,日子) today(今天) date(日期) yes(是,是的) no(不,不是) not(不,不是的) o’clock(……点钟) time(时间) here(这儿,这里) there(那儿,那里) very(很,非常) but(但是)then(然后) and(和) too(也,太) next week(下周)last(上一个,仅余的,留在最后的) noon(中午) evening(夜晚,晚上)please(请) usually(通常,一般) often(经常) sometimes(有时候) hobby(兴趣,爱好) best(最,极) because(因为) straightly(成直线地) birthday(生日) traffic(交通) traffic light(交通灯) traffic rule(交通规则) matter(事情,麻烦) should(应该) come from(从……来,来自……)this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening(今天晚上)二十九、动词的第三人称单数形式read—reads live—liveswatch—watches teach—teaches go—goes do—does have—has三十、动词的-ing形式go—going do—doing walk—walking jump—jumping climb—climbing play—playing teach—teaching catch—catching watch—watching read—reading cook—cooking clean—cleaning answer—answering listen—listening collect—collecting count—counting run—running swim—swimminghave—having live—living make—making take—taking use—using dive—diving write—writing ride—riding三十一、动词的过去式watch—watched wash—washed clean—cleaned play—played visit—visited learn—learned climb—climbed row—roweddance—danceddo—did go—went sing—sang eat—ate take—took have—had see—saw buy—bought三十二、形容词的比较级tall—taller short—shorter old—older young—younger small—smaller long—longer strong—strongerbig—bigger thin—thinnerheavy—heavier三十三、疑问词what(什么) which(哪一个) when(什么时候) where(在哪里) why(为什么) how(怎样,如何) how many(多少) how much(多少钱) what about……(……怎么样)三十四、单词的缩写I’m = I am it’s = it is he’s = he is she’s = she isthat’s = that is who’s = who is what’s = what is they’re = they areisn’t = is not aren’t = are not can’t = cannot don’t = do not doesn’t = does not let’s = let us小学六年级英语试题一、按要求改写单词:1. she________(宾格)2. country_________(复数)3. close__________(现在分词)4. three________(序数词)5. China__________(形容词)6. I _______ (名词性物主代词)7. paper ______(复数) 8. swim ________(现在分词)9.photo________(复数)10.mouse_______(复数) 11.mango________(复数) 12.make________(现在分词)二、选择题:( ) (1). I get up _______ about seven fifty -five .A. inB. onC. atD. for( ) (2). Why are you looking at _______like that?A. IB. mineC. myD. me( ) (3). I want _______ a map of China .A. buyB. is buyingC. to buyD. am buying( ) (4). Is it a picture ______ your school ?A. ofB. toC. andD. with( ) (5). Do you like _______ ?A. swimB. swimmingC. are swimmingD. swim, too( ) (6). The man ______ a book in his hand is my uncle .A. andB. ofC. withD. for( ) (7). Who’s the lady ______ blue ?A. inB. onC. atD. with( ) (8). We usually stay _____ home ____ Saturday afternoon .A. at…inB. at…onC. in…atD. on…on( ) (9). A: It’s a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, ____ is yellow .A. IB. MyC. MineD. Me( ) (10). ______ any men in the room ?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. There aren’tD. There isn’t( ) (11). The bed ______ the right is yours .A. onB. inC. atD. of( ) (12). Look at _______ picture .A. oneB. the oneC. firstD. the first( ) (13). These books are my _______ .A. studentsB. students’sC. students’D. students of( ) (14). My parents often tell me ______ your family .A. aboutB. fromC. forD. by( ) (15). ______ any food in the fridge ?A. Are thereB. Is thereC. HaveD. Has三、按要求改写句子,注意每条横线只填一个单词:1. The children like the ball . (改为一般疑问句)______ the children ________ the ball ?2. Are these your pens ? (不改变原句意思,改写句子)Are these ______ _________ ?3. Please put the clothes here .(改为否定句)________ put the clothes here, ________ .4. They get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问)What _______ _________ they get up ?四、联词成句:1. the, read, in, don't, sun, please _________________________________2. sisters, brothers, you, any, or, got, have? _________________________________3. black, all, like, I, at, don’t _________________________________4. can, do, I, for, what, you? _________________________________5. drink, like, something, you, to, would? __________________________________五、用所给的动词的适当形式填空:1 . Look ! My sister _________ ( play ) with the toy cars .2 . I _______ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .3 . Do they like ________ (swim) ?4 . Tom’s mother _______ (have) a nice jacket .5 . Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me ?。


( )4. The teacher responds to the content of what students say and does not overcorrect.
( )5. The teacher regularly changes the student groupings and pairings to match students’ abilities.
For questions 1---6,match the classroom management techniques with their purpose listed A,B and C.
A It promotes learner autonomy. 促进学生自主学习 B It encourages student participation in class. 鼓励学生参与课堂 C It supports differentiation. 支持学生差异化
师? 3、一线英语教师可以做哪些准备?
学习: 增加自身的素养和语言输入,以便更好的
向学生输出。 改变 : 还没改变的、固有的、陈旧的、传统的、
尝试 研究: 阅读方式,
写作教学(process writing, product writing)
2010年,新加坡教育部颁布了新加坡学生的“21 世纪素养”框架。
核心价值观包括尊重、负责、正直、关爱、坚毅 不屈、和谐。




2.义务教育英语课程体现工具性和 人文性的统一,具有基 础性、实 践性和综合性 特征。

二课程理念1.英语课程以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的教育方 针,落实立德树人根本任务,以培养有理想、有本领、有担当的时代新人为出发 点和落脚点。

2.围绕核心素养确定课程目标,选择课程内容,创新教学方式,改进考试评价, 指导教材建设,开展教师培训。

3.英语课程内容的三大主题是 人与自我,人与社会,人与自然。

4.英语课程内容的组织以主题为引领、以语篇为依托,融入语言知识、文化知识、 语言技能和学习策略等学习要求,以单元的形式呈现。


6.加强“教-学-评”一体化设计需要坚持形成性评价与 终结性评价相结合,逐步建立主体多元、方式多样、素养导向的英语课程评价体系。



2.英语课程要培养的核心素养包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和 学习能力等方面。

3.语言能力是核心素养的基础要素, 文化意识体现核心素养的价值取向, 思维品 质反映核心素养的心智特征, 学习能力是核心素养的关键要素。

4.学生通过英语课程的学习,需要达到的目标有发展语言能力、培育文化意识、 提升思维品质、提高学习能力。

5.义务教育英语课程分为三个学段,各学段设有相应的级别, 一级建议针对的是 3-4年级,二级建议针对的是 5-6年级,三级建议针对的是 7-9年级。

牛津上海版中考英语专题复习-17 首字母填空-不定代词 - 学案

牛津上海版中考英语专题复习-17 首字母填空-不定代词 - 学案

精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义课程主题:首字母填空- 不定代词授课时间:学习目标:教学内容一、专题知识梳理2019-2019学年度初三二模杨浦首字母填空分析I didn’t think I had a passion(激情). I would sit in front of the TV all day,thinking about nothing but the next show.It was not long ago that I first learned how important having a passion is to life.On that day I went with my mum to drive my sister to the gym. I was bored. Then,as my mum stopped at a red light,s on the side of the road caught my eye. It was a man dressed in rags (衣衫褴褛). He was homeless. That didn’t interest me,for I had seen many like him b .But in some ways he was d . This man was not sitting down with a sad expression. He had a radio in his hand and was dancing h to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious(珍贵)thing he had.“ Mum,why does that man have a radio even thought he’s homeless?” I asked.“He bought it,” she replied.“But if he’s homeless,why doesn’t he use the money to buy food or clothes? He w it on something he doesn’t need.”“Well,Sarah,sometimes food and clothes aren’t the most important things. We need happiness,too.”That man must c enough music to buy a radio instead of food or clothes. I soon realized that happiness is the k to life.Without it,there’s nothing to look forward to. A passion gives a person the happiness they need to keep going.一、不定代词解密不定代词:即不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。

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