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Where is your father?

these days

at that time/ at that moment/just then

at nine o clo’ck last night

when I came in
this time yesterday 行

the whole morning
tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow

next Friday/ week/ month/ year
tonight/this evening/ weekend

in ten days/ months/ years

the coming Sunday

from now on

a moment ago/ two days ago/ a month ago
yesterday/ the day before yesterday

last night/ week/ month

later in the afternoon

when I was young

the next morning
in the future
S+V 过去式 如: I was tired out when I woke up on the beach. 如: I lived in Suzhou ten years ago. 如: I often took the school bus to school last year. 【一般过去时态】 1. 表示过去的某种状态。 2. 表示过去曾经发生或反复发生过的事情。 3. 仅表示过去,和现在没有联系。
一 never; seldom; sometimes; often; usually; always

at weekends/at the weekend/ on weekdays

in the morning/afternoon/evening

every day/week/month/year

the other day

just now
in 2016
so far/till now/ up to now/ since then/ ever since


once/twice/many times

S+have/has V 过去分词 如: I have livedin this area since I was born. 如: He has already lost his ticket to the film. 如: She has been to Xi’an twice so far. 【现在完成时态】 1. 表示过去某时开始一直延续到现在的动作和状态。 2. 表示过去的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 3. 谈论一个到现在为止已经发生过很多次的动作。 S+V 现在进行时 如: Look! They are playing happily together. 如: I’m preparing for the mid-term exams these days. 【现在进行时】 1. 表示说话的同时正在进行的动作或持续的状态。 2. 表示现阶段一直在进行的动作。
S+V 过去进行时 如: I was working on my lessons at that time. 如: They were doing homework the whole morning. 【过去进行时】 1. 表示过去的某个时候正在进行的动作或持续的状态。 2. 表示过去某个阶段一直在进行的动作。
S+V 原型 如: They are out of work at present. 如: I get up early on weekdays. S+V 三单式 如: She works as a teacher in a middle school. 如: He once told me that the sun risesin the east. 【一般现在时态】 1. 说明目前存在的情况或状态。 2. 表示经常发生或习惯性的动作。 3. 表示主语的能力、职业、特征、爱好等。 4. 说明不受时间限制的客观事实或普遍真理。 S+V 一般将来时态 如: I’m going to takea boat trip tomorrow. 如: She will see her friends off tomorrow. 【一般将来时态】 1. 表示将来的某个时候将要发生的事。 2. 表示打算或计划将来某个时候要做的事。 3. 表示根据某种迹象猜测将来可能会发生的事。
during the last century

in the past few years

for over ten years

since I was born
over the years

at present/ at the moment/ right now/ now

Look! Listen! Be quiet! Do n’t talk!